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2 Chapter 1: What Is Organiza3onal Behavior? 1-2

3 Learning Objectives A:er studying this chapter, you should be able to: Ø Demonstrate the importance of interpersonal skills in the workplace. Ø Describe the manager s func3ons, roles, and skills. Ø Define organiza(onal behavior (OB). Ø Show the value to OB of systema3c study. Ø Iden3fy the major behavioral science disciplines that contribute to OB. Ø Demonstrate why few absolutes apply to OB. Ø Iden3fy the challenges and opportuni3es managers have in applying OB concepts. Ø Compare the three levels of analysis in this book s OB model. 1-3

4 LO 1 Demonstrate the Importance of Interpersonal Skills in the Workplace Interpersonal skills are important because Ø Understanding OB helps determine manager effec3veness Ø Leadership and communica3on skills are cri3cal as a person progresses in his or her career Ø BeOer interpersonal skills result in lower turnover of quality employees and higher quality applica3ons for recruitment Ø Good places to work have beoer financial performance 1-4

5 LO 2 Describe the Manager s Functions, Roles, And Skills Ø Manager: Someone who gets things done through other people in organiza3ons. Ø Organiza*on: A consciously coordinated social unit composed of two or more people that func3ons on a rela3vely con3nuous basis to achieve a common goal or set of goals. Ø Planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Ø Mintzberg concluded that managers perform ten different, highly interrelated roles or sets of behaviors aoributable to their jobs. 1-5

6 LO 2 Describe the Manager s Functions, Roles, And Skills 1-6

7 LO 2 Describe the Manager s Functions, Roles, And Skills Ø Management Skills Ø Technical Skills the ability to apply specialized knowledge or exper3se. All jobs require some specialized exper3se, and many people develop their technical skills on the job. Ø Human Skills the ability to work with, understand, and mo3vate other people, both individually and in groups. Ø Conceptual Skills the mental ability to analyze and diagnose complex situa3ons. 1-7

8 LO 2 Effective Versus Successful Managerial Activities Ø Luthans and his associates found that all managers engage in four managerial ac3vi3es: Ø Tradi*onal management Ø Communica*on Ø Human resource management Ø Networking 1-8

9 LO 2 Effective Versus Successful Managerial Activities 1-9

10 LO 3 DeEine Organizational Behavior (OB) Ø Organiza*onal behavior (OB) is a field of study that inves3gates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behavior within organiza3ons for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving an organiza3on s effec3veness. 1-10

11 LO 4 Show the Value to OB of Systematic Study Ø Systema*c Study of Behavior. Ø Behavior generally is predictable if we know how the person perceived the situa3on and what is important to him or her. Ø Evidence- Based Management (EBM) Ø Complements systema3c study. Ø Argues for managers to make decisions based on evidence. Ø Intui*on Ø Systema3c study and EBM add to intui3on, or those gut feelings about why I do what I do and what makes others 3ck. Ø If we make all decisions with intui3on or gut ins3nct, we re likely working with incomplete informa3on. 1-11

12 LO 5 Identify the Major Behavioral Science Disciplines That Contribute to OB Ø Organiza3onal behavior is an applied behavioral science that is built upon contribu3ons from a number of behavioral disciplines: Ø Psychology Ø Social psychology Ø Sociology Ø Anthropology 1-12

13 LO 5 Identify the Major Behavioral Science Disciplines That Contribute to OB 1-13

14 LO 5 Identify the Major Behavioral Science Disciplines That Contribute to OB Ø Psychology Ø Psychology seeks to measure, explain, and some3mes change the behavior of humans and other animals. Ø Social Psychology Ø Social psychology blends the concepts of psychology and sociology. 1-14

15 LO 5 Identify the Major Behavioral Science Disciplines That Contribute to OB Ø Sociology Ø Sociology studies people in rela3on to their social environment or culture. Ø Anthropology Ø Anthropology is the study of socie3es to learn about human beings and their ac3vi3es. 1-15

16 LO 6 Demonstrate Why Few Absolutes Apply to OB Ø There are few, if any, simple and universal principles that explain organiza3onal behavior. Ø Con*ngency variables situa3onal factors are variables that moderate the rela3onship between the independent and dependent variables. 1-16

17 LO 7 Identify the Challenges and Opportunities of OB Concepts 1-17

18 LO 7 Identify the Challenges and Opportunities of OB Concepts Ø Responding to economic pressure Ø In tough economic 3mes, effec3ve management is an asset. Ø In good 3mes, understanding how to reward, sa3sfy, and retain employees is at a premium. Ø In bad 3mes, issues like stress, decision making, and coping come to the forefront. 1-18

19 LO 7 Identify the Challenges and Opportunities of OB Concepts Ø Responding to globaliza3on Ø Increased foreign assignments. Ø Working with people from different cultures. Ø Overseeing movement of jobs to countries with low- cost labor. Ø Adap3ng to differing cultural and regulatory norms. 1-19

20 LO 7 Identify the Challenges and Opportunities of OB Concepts Ø Managing workforce diversity Ø Workforce diversity organiza3ons are becoming more heterogeneous in terms of gender, age, race, ethnicity, sexual orienta3on, and inclusion of other diverse groups. 1-20

21 LO 7 Identify the Challenges and Opportunities of OB Concepts Ø Improving customer service Ø Service employees have substan3al interac3on with customers. Ø Employee aftudes and behavior are associated with customer sa3sfac3on. Ø Need a customer- responsive culture. 1-21

22 LO 7 Identify the Challenges and Opportunities of OB Concepts Ø Improving people skills Ø People skills are essen3al to managerial effec3veness. Ø OB provides the concepts and theories that allow managers to predict employee behavior in given situa3ons. 1-22

23 LO 7 Identify the Challenges and Opportunities of OB Concepts Ø Working in networked organiza3ons Ø Networked organiza3ons are becoming more pronounced. Ø A manager s job is fundamentally different in networked organiza3ons. Ø Challenges of mo3va3ng and leading online require different techniques. 1-23

24 LO 7 Identify the Challenges and Opportunities of OB Concepts Ø Enhancing employee well- being at work Ø The crea3on of the global workforce means work no longer sleeps. Ø Communica3on technology has provided a vehicle for working at any 3me or any place. Ø Employees are working longer hours per week. Ø The lifestyles of families have changed crea3ng conflict. Ø Balancing work and life demands now surpasses job security as an employee priority. 1-24

25 LO 7 Identify the Challenges and Opportunities of OB Concepts Ø Crea3ng a posi3ve work environment Ø Crea3ng a posi3ve work environment can be a compe33ve advantage. Ø Posi*ve organiza*onal scholarship is concerned with how organiza3ons develop human strength, foster vitality and resilience, and unlock poten3al. Ø This field of study focuses on employees strengths versus their limita3ons, as employees share situa3ons in which they performed at their personal best. 1-25

26 LO 7 Identify the Challenges and Opportunities of OB Concepts Ø Improving ethical behavior Ø Ethical dilemmas and ethical choices are situa3ons in which an individual is required to define right and wrong conduct. Ø Good ethical behavior is not so easily defined. Ø Organiza3ons distribute codes of ethics to guide employees through ethical dilemmas. Ø Managers need to create an ethically healthy climate. 1-26

27 LO 8 Three Levels of Analysis in This Book s OB Model 1-27

28 LO 8 Three Levels of Analysis in This Book s OB Model Ø Inputs Ø Defined as the variables like personality, group structure, and organizational culture that lead to processes. Ø Group structure, roles, and team responsibilities are typically assigned immediately before or after a group is formed. Ø Organizational structure and culture change over time. 1-28

29 LO 8 Three Levels of Analysis in This Book s OB Model Ø Processes Ø If inputs are like the nouns in organizational behavior, processes are like verbs. Ø Defined as actions that individuals, groups, and organizations engage in as a result of inputs, and that lead to certain outcomes. 1-29

30 LO 8 Three Levels of Analysis in This Book s OB Model The image cannot be displayed. Your computer may not have enough memory to open the image, or the image may have been corrupted. Restart your computer, and then open the file again. If the red x still appears, you may have to delete the image and then insert it again. Ø Outcomes Ø Defined as the key variables that you want to explain or predict, and that are affected by some other variables. 1-30

31 LO 8 Outcome Variables Ø Aftudes and stress Ø Employee ajtudes are the evalua3ons employees make, ranging from posi3ve to nega3ve, about objects, people, or events. Ø Stress is an unpleasant psychological process that occurs in response to environmental pressures. 1-31

32 LO 8 Outcome Variables Ø Task performance Ø The combina3on of effec3veness and efficiency at doing your core job tasks is a reflec3on of your level of task performance. 1-32

33 LO 8 Outcome Variables Ø Ci3zenship behavior Ø The discre3onary behavior that is not part of an employee s formal job requirements, and that contributes to the psychological and social environment of the workplace, is called ci*zenship behavior. 1-33

34 LO 8 Outcome Variables Ø Withdrawal behavior Ø Withdrawal behavior is the set of ac3ons that employees take to separate themselves from the organiza3on. 1-34

35 LO 8 Outcome Variables Ø Group cohesion Ø Group cohesion is the extent to which members of a group support and validate one another at work. Ø Group func3oning Ø Group func*oning refers to the quan3ty and quality of a group s work output. 1-35

36 LO 8 Outcome Variables Ø Produc3vity Ø An organiza3on is produc*ve if it achieves its goals by transforming inputs into outputs at the lowest cost. This requires both effec*veness and efficiency. Ø Survival Ø The final outcome is organiza*onal survival, which is simply evidence that the organiza3on is able to exist and grow over the long term. 1-36

37 LO 8 Outcome Variables 1-37

38 Implications for Managers Ø Resist the inclina3on to rely on generaliza3ons; some provide valid insights into human behavior, but many are erroneous. Ø Use metrics and situa3onal variables rather than hunches to explain cause- and- effect rela3onships. Ø Work on your interpersonal skills to increase your leadership poten3al. 1-38

39 Implications for Managers Ø Improve your technical skills and conceptual skills through training and staying current with organiza3onal behavior trends like big data. Ø Organiza3onal behavior can improve your employees work quality and produc3vity by showing you how to empower your employees, design and implement change programs, improve customer service, and help your employees balance work- life conflicts. 1-39

40 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. Printed in the United States of America. 1-40

16-1. Copyright 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.

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