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2 PSC 1113 " Section 12 Professor Gary Copeland Second Midter Exa Read each question carefully. There is one correct answer to each. Answer each question by filling in the bubble for the best option on the answer sheet. Watch for "NOTS" in the question and ultiple ultiples. f 1. r#_0showed that the founders A. never worried about interest groups. t_- attepted to ake intereslgroups illegal. _-(C'_ w shed to cure the ischief of interest groups b'_t-k'-eep'the- egal -_ D. hoped to ake interest groups a foral part oftlse _b_ent. -_---- J E. doubted interest groups would be relevant in a representative deocracy 2. t P-e0nl_j*_l_iiitcres'_groups_ A_'f the'gro_,qp._s goal or cause._ D. '_ecause tile,,, are coerced in soe anner.-_' _1 _'0" _ill of the above - =" K t *.,. 3. What are soe of the reasons that 'A-_ricans-d6"i_6] participate in group lifet_o h_tent th-e_-di_l-e-_li_r our repub lc? J- uch busier lives._ '. ' I1. Interest group partlclpatn is becoing ore and oreliited by legislati6u. "... II1. Because there are so any groups, they have becoe both.politically_ and econoically ineffective. ---L_IV. Th_ere are ore and ore outlets fbr entertainent such as TV and--// l _ he,,lnt e'rne'_t.... " "'V. here.are ore woen,'n A. 1 only, B. I and I1 only C. 1and IV only D. 1, II1 and V only 7,

3 4. ft..echnological change's have ---._. liited the effectiveness of interest groups. worked against the foration of interest groups. (_acc'--'_lera!e-----d t---heforation of in[eresl group_----_s_ increased the aount of indirect lobbyilag. _' _. daaged the ability of group leaders to counicate with it ebers A. 1and I1 only I, 11,and V only, [_'C)II! and IV only J 111,IV, and V only X I and V only t... O 5. A. are os_tercst Minorities gu_s. 0 " le. B. People with less education C. U_niversitLaud high sdlool students ' _-@. People with higher incoes and e-duucat_on E. Manufacturing and service industry workers $ _. Hype=_l ur_ t "_-'-'- fik'gs--ts//oblesolving easier' because there are ore groups. )d _"g) usualb, encourasesradi_51_-5-ffd_dr-_tie-ehang_'_. j C. prevents elil-d'fflro h-gfi_g-gigflu_e in governent. D. reinforces the status quo. _. reduces the nuber of interest groups. ',, ' g 7. Wha_tlist best represents the_ors iha_k'ta-ffinterest aroup successful? The group's party affiliation.---qli-daount_--_fone'-'--'_ii-h-as,'l'he size of the _ group, the expertise of the group " B. The group's cohesiveness, the aount of oney it has, the aount of _os.h that. it prootes, uesthe size of the r_p_ e groups expe'-----nise,-_he a---ountof-oney it has. its s_ze.'-"-']he'_ esiveness of its ebcrs: _ " L= _- -.._/ ---" "_. '_e group's party affiliation, th_ narrow tbcus of its a eg._da, its expertise. the cohesiveness of its ebers _E. The group's expertise, the,aount of issues.it-prootes, part2,'affiliation, its size, the aount of oney it has

4 \ 8. The dec i-he n abor un on, ebership ") _. allowed fot-of6-u-fiit)aong Aerican workers. _.(..._..h_s,,_eak_fie-d-p-r_6s_ivt-dr I_l-,_oliiic-_l'i_itigti?es._ -"A_.-ha_-suliecl intiigiier wages due tol_k of union and anageent conflict. D. is a result ofhyperpluralis. E. is a result of the decline of the Aerican hegeony i e-issa group_q _--_','\_.arc-_l_o co_roise."x B. will coproise to expand tliev base. C. are easily appeased. D. will rarely get the attention they seek E. often expand to ore issues over tie 10. I he_ natn's largest... interest group is A: the Christian Coalition B. the National Rifle Association the AFL-CIO t_i can--_as so_ifit ion_-df R'_tire--d-Perso n-----g "ray -tile Teasters 13_io_fi 1I.'_roup intensit._)')refersto - A. agreeent aong grou pebers about group goals. _._l_h_o _'_s,_n-giy-g -tip-rnebt/_.-fc_i_ b-0_i-g.r--_ i_t_ts.._lte-aeo_phie_listtib-fifio_fgroup ebers. D. the educational and financial resources of group ebers. how controversial group goals are to the public. 12. I he,nuber of people a group copared to its potential SlZells A. intensity its ". B. salience D. efficacy' E. saple size I ', ".1,4

5 0 13. are the _ost nuerous and ost powerful interest groups. ] A. Labor groups - Bh-_i_e-ss-or ga_iz_ti_n s C. Environental groups.,.._,. D. Social Issue Interest Groups E. Civil rights groups 14. Whlch_wo _ have c on_rlbuted ost.to.the.deyelopent of a two party-7 A. low voter turnout and lack of inforation about candidates jr ingle-eber districts and a winner-take-_ll_ p"_portional syste with ultieber disi_ic_- :: ' D. union and big business copetition ; E. the original Federalist/Anti-Federalist split 15 fhesitating to vote for a third party, cand date because you fee like you are [" 'wastlna your vote'_le of whlcfi type oflsaer to thvd-party su_ ffglog. t5... B. structural- _ t..'. " C. financial D. legal E., inforational 16. What is a_predictor of party ebership today than-_? A. Age B. Union ebership.t " C. lnterest group ebership D. Uneployent status._ h-ffffh_ b'_'fgliip_ 17.c-C_d-tNfift_ " years ag_, conteporary parties are-b-bqh-'_-d_ A. hoogenous & oderate D. inconsistent & oderate E. oderate & disorganized.[_ ' t

6 18. What is the_._ajorcharactensuc of the Aerican panysyste,? A. The structure of the part), shows consolidated povcer at the top. B. Leaders are elected deocratically. C. [hc id6ological basis of the parties. _--( "1 he two-panv----. svste E. Free and fair elections 19._rth off assparties _n the United States_d i:t_ihgthe--w_iae_)of: A. Franklin Rooseveh. _B. Thoas Jeffcrson 7edoro,_(_ts an_ k_'_'_l(_0_[ _I _lj_6 C. Teddy Roosevelt. a_hgl-'_n [3 20_li{_nent ofpoliticalp_an!e_efers to A. one part)' winning the election over another party. _-_. _i_-7_c shift in par'_i_lb_vzat_i_b_c-o_-d_ pae_ s changin_heir na_es--" " -- D. new parties being added to the political party syste. E. parties deciding to change their platfor 21. The _ functio--fftraditionally filled by par_ies explains x---vh_._..._ _"-_11. -'_._partikg 'parties p-'k0"vi_lkd-lb-6-d._l_liing,jobs et new iigrants at the dock or housing and helped to people the thai integrate-ifif_.._ their new counities _... needed_-] -- - " k_lll, pacs proxqdcd poor people with favors excfiange f6r tlielr vote _. _IV _olitical turnout in 1896 was estiated at 90% 6f ih_se eligible to vot_e-'l I "--V.-'-wvh_-C_figress has never passed wel-fiiret(_fo?ry _A only k B. 1and 111only C. I. I1. and I11. only _-_)'i_, I _-l_ IV only 7 V only.

7 22. Frank ln oosevelt sne_._. w D_il'Coalon which of the following gro-_? of tl'ie Deocratic P I-southe-voters _ k_... Z 4_..'African Aer can voter--_ IV. suburban voters V. college educated voters A.! and Ill only D. I11and IV only E. Ill and y only 23. Which of the following groups have the Dreocrats lost fro the New Dea!] _. pliotestant_, -. _ Ulu--_-co!l_'-_h-_ic_ (_the wealthy D. urban dwellers E. woen 24. Th_he, adof a political "achine,'_a highly disciplined state or local party orgazat_on thaticontrols power in its areatis called whatg..._ d <, ". ea. -4 (2. a party bully D. aparty eber., " E. a party r_iner i 25._Voting for a eber of one-party for one office an-_d ano---'ihe"er pa_wi_-f6 '-_ d_ferent.office the sae elecnon is called [ A. confused voting B. winner take all syste C,..swing voting ' :ticket E. a wasted vote

8 //A.._--'3 26. Which of the followin_-group_s has achie_te_t'_ajor successes Ihrough it_ii_?) A. AARP 13. Chaber of Coerce,.Z LNRA _L). NAACPi3 -E. AFL-cIC 27. Which of the following stateents_ib-6_'th_f-g,_ni_ion of the,j A. Parties have no organization. B. Parties are centrally organized to provide a sooth transition fro one national capaign to the next. C. Parties are organized like a large corporation in that decisions flow fro national to lower levels. D. Local and state parties have virtually no po_yer in the party syste. _Separate and largely depende partv orgazauons exist at the nauonal, state_ "_ "and local leveis.j A_R_'_cpublican would be _si-lik_l_,which of the tbllnwing policics? A. Increased spending for welfare progras B. An increase in the federal iniu wage _...(_-Pcr;onal,affd-c-o_rporate tax cuts_ D.---A-h-Ualth--care plan-with-an expanded role tbr the federal governent E. A reduction in defense spending

9 _lll, I PSC 1113 Section 12 Professor Gan' Copeland '_ Final Exa Read each question carefully. There is one correct answer to each. Answer each question by filling in the bubble for the best option on the answer sheet. Watch for "NOTS" in the question and ultiple ultiples. 1. Which stateent about elitis and pluralis is true? A. Elitis holds that those at the top have ore power than those below;._ pluralis holds that power is equally shared B. Neither elitis nor pluralis holds that those at the top are accountable for their actions C. Both elitis and pluralis hold that it is relatively easy for people to ove up (_ power ladder. Elitis holds that there is a consensus aong the powerful on iportant issues; pluralis holds there is conflict. E. Elitis holds that the asses are downtrodden and abused; pluralis holds that the asses have great influence over their own fate 2. Staggered ters were eant to _. give politicians axiu opportunity to win election. -_(B.)akegovernentalit less likely thatchanges.teporary passions would result in assive C. axiize the ipact of public Opinion at any one tie. D. satisfy the deands of the Antifederalists. E. axiize the opportunity for voters to have an input into the election process _, 3. Which of the following parts of the Constitution gave substantial powers to the national governent in the federal syste? _, _I. The supreacy clause. II. The Tenth Aendent. III. The necessary and proper clause. IV. The full faith and credit clause ' _I A. I only B. 1and II only and 1II only D. I, II1, and IV only E. 11and IV only

10 4. Which stateent about the edia is correct? _:_ A. The FCC ensures copetition between edia corporations. B. The large variety of ass edia sources ensures copetition. TFAhaities or sall copanies today own ost edia. few giant corporations own the vast ajority of all edia sources. e federal governent owns ost of the iportant edia 5. The relationshipbetween the edia and political officials can be described I. sovereign --II. adversarial III. edia alaise '-"IV. sybiotic A. I only B. I and II only _,_ C. II and 11Ionly D. I and IV only and IV only 6. What are soe of the reasons that Aericans do not participate in group life to the extent they did earlier in our republic? -_- I. People have uch busier lives. II. Interest group participation is becoing ore and ore liited by legislation.,_ III. Because there are so any groups, they have becoe both,,_,, politically and econoically ineffective. "_ IV. There are ore and ore outlets for entertainent such as TV and the Inteet. V. There are ore woen in the workplace. A. 1 only B. I and II only C. I and IV only D. I, III and V only _I, IV, and V only

11 7. The decline in labor union ebership ",_ (_ allowed for ore unit), aong Aerican workers. C. has resulted weakenedinprogressive higher wages ordue liberal to lack political of union initiatives. and anageent conflict... D. is a result ofhyperpluralis. E. is a result of the decline of the Aerican hegeony. 8. Single-issue groups (_are reluctant to coproise. B. will coproise to expand their base. C. are easily appeased. D. will rarely get the attention they seek. E. often expand to ore issues over tie. ff_ 9. Which two factors have contributed ost to the developent of a two party syste? _,,_. low voter turnout and lack of inforation about candidates Q._ingle-eber districts and a winner-take-all syste tl proportional syste with ultieber districts D. union and big business copetition '-_- E. the original Federalist/Anti-Federalist split _r_ Which of the following groups has achieved ajor successes through litigation? A. AARP,_ B. Chaber NRA of Coerce (_AACP E. AFL-CIO 11. A Republican would be ost likely to support which of the following policies? A. Increased spending for welfare progras -_,.._ An increase in the federal iniu wage ---, k,._personal and corporate tax cuts \- ' _' D. A health care plan with an expanded role for the federal governent E. A reduction in defense spending

12 _ -. Which of the following civil liberties is included in the original (not the aended) Constitution? A./ Habeas corpus can only be suspended in ties of rebellion or invasion of the country. Freedo of speech Free exercise of religion Right to trial by jury e right of the ajority to deterine the nature of religious oaths for office and prayers at official functions. 13. Btirning the U.S flag is an exaple of." A. Speech plus conduct B. Clear and present danger C. Pure speech _ybolic speech E. Seditious speech 14. Courts have decided that public officials ust prove What coponent exists when._. suing the edia for libel2r "lip _. That the content ispatently offensive to the average person in the local Tunity. hat the edia displayed a "reckless disregard for the truth" That the protection of personal freedo for the public official should outweigh the protection of press freedo.. That the content is, lacks taken anyaserious a whole, literary, true artistic, or scientific value 15. The Bill of Rights A. provides restrictions on what the federal governent can do Bz. epowers the federal governent to control state governents (_escribes all the rights the citizens of the U.S. have "*_ D. priarily provides property protections for the Founding elite,,e;: grants states the right to tax

13 16. Selective incorporation refers to ff_ A. the authority of the Congress to regulate business practices B. the jurisdiction of the courts over business regulations "_the use of the supreacy clause in disputes between states,, ",_D. the application of parts of the Bill of R.ights to the states E. the courts' interpretation ofwhen there is too uch entangleent b_cween stale and religion,a_/. The Warren Court is known for what iportant changes A. the reliance on stare decisis establishent of judicial review C_the "switch in tie that saved nine" ending FDR's attept at court packing D. the ipeachent trail for President Nixon E. the expansion of civil rights and liberties 18. What best describes where the right to privacy is found in the Constitution? A. It is specifically granted in the Fourth Aendent B. It is specifically granted in the First Aendent C. It is specifically granted in the Fifth Aendent =o (_lt is specifically granted in the Six Aendent t is not specifically entioned in the U.S. Constitution but is iplied in several aendents. t 9. What Supree Court case established that woen have a right to terinate a pregnancy during the first six onths?,_ (_ Roe v. Wade t_ B. Gitlow v. New York C. Mapp V. Ohio D. Griswold v Connecticut,,W..Griswolds v. Christas Lights 20. Which of the following is not a type of discriinatory treatent of Hispanics?,,_. Racial profiling _, )K. De jure housing segregation,_. Unequal education funding Frequent traffic stops by police Votc suppression though intiidation

14 21. Which of the following was not a discriinatory practice against woen, at least _ until the woen's oveent?,_,_being denied the right to anage property they owned once they an'ied... Being denied access to credit Being prohibited fro suing for divorce _:. Being prohibited fro attending public schools _._. Being denied the right to enter into contractual agreeents 22. What principle established by Supree Court helped southern states subvert the \,. requireents of the 14thAendent? f A. Restrictive covenants jcivil rights acts Separate but equal D. Selective incorporation E. Reconstruction 23. Why was Brown v. Board o)ceducation a significant Supree Court case? _ It granted blacks the right to open seating on school buses "_ It decided that separate facilities are never equal (_It ruled that "separate but equal" facilities ust apply to all state - n facilities It ruled that separate facilities for different races satisfied the "equal" clause of the 14thAendent. _. It provided the constitutional justification for segregation 24. Rosa Parks' arrest for her refusal to ove to the rear seats of a city bus was an exaple of: ('A., B. Civil Stare disobedience decisis C. Clear and present danger D. Exercising the necessary and proper clause (_)States' rights,,_ 25. Governent can liit speech in all but which of the following cases: X' When it is seditious _I_.When it is pornographic 7. When it is libelous.-yi_' I_When it is sybolic '. When there is a clear and present danger b7

15 26. A key drawback to supply-side econoics is that it leads to: A. historically large deficits (_stagflation C. lower GDP levels,.,, J_ D. unfair treatent of the wealthiest taxpayers E. too uch spending on defense 27. The U. S. governent can pursue what policy to discourage the outsourcing of jobs overseas? A. Trade sanctions against new host countries B. Monetary policies that create a ore profitable environent for business C. Eliinate the ability to defer taxes on pro'fits eaed abroad (_A reciprocal treaty agreeent with offshore host countries E. Ignore the environental ipacts of businesses operating abroad 28. Which of the following is not a consequence of large deficits?,,.a(.less oney available for private investent ]L,CA weaker dollar leading to higher prices on iports '_.Foreign trade deficits increase _. Foreign investent falls off as the econoy weakens aking it harder to recover interest is the _Less paid on debt aking ore oney available for other governent progras 29. An econoy in which individuals and corporations own its capital goods and productive capacity is a: '-_. Capitalist syste (_Socialist syste C. Counist syste D. Marxist syste E. Monetarist syste 30. Fiscal policy is established by:. --, A. The federal budget _, _ (_jthe Federal Reserv_eBoard The Departent of Treasury _[,D. The National Bank I_.The Council of Econoic Advisors

16 31. Monetary policy is established by: g (_ The federal budget ' e:_t3.the Federal Reserve Board C. The Departent of Treasury D. The National Bank E. The Council of Econoic Advisors 32. Fiscal and onetary policies are tools use to anage: A. Social Security B. The health care syste C. Relations with developing nations (_)TThe War on Terror he econoy 33. Which of the following is not a_on developing the federal budget? why our political leaders have a difficult tie There are significant partisan differences in values._..the process itself is coplex Budgeting is based on estiates A_. There is a need to balance fiscal and other priorities (!_)Most federal spending is discretionary- 34. Realis in foreign policy refers to the belief that _. States can and should act in their self-interest [ War is not a natural outcoe of politics.;_. World peace can be achieved "" "_4 J_. Policies should be based on oral judgents _. Power should be incidental to the exercise of foreign policy 35. Which of the-following is not a foreign policy tool of the Congress? Congressional oversight of intelligence 4_. The War Powers Resolution -,-, --C--_Controlover the budget and appropriations q_. The power to declare war 'E?-.The ability to coand ilitary activities,_

17 36. Which of the following is a reason why the public opinion has little influence on foreign policy? (_Because the public has little interest or knowledge about foreign affairs thcy _'_ tend to defer to their leaders 1_ B. Because they think politics stops at the water's edge C. Because the suffer fro the Viet Na syndroe D. Because they understand that ost iportant foreign policies are created by abassadors stationed in foreign capitals E. Because they trust interest groups to act on their behalf 37. What best characterizes President Bush's foreign policy approach? A. Multilateralis 13.Reactive passivity C. Unilateralis and preeption (_ Adoption of the Viet Na syndroe _'-E. Strength through coalitions 38. Cold war containent was an attept to: A. Contain the doestic influence of counis in the U.S.._. Keep counis fro expanding around the world ("C. Deter the use of nuclear weapons by the U.S.S.R. by coitting to a nuclear response D. Liit Soviet trade with Third World nations E. Prevent the spread of nuclear weapons 39. Conflict between cobatants ol_very unequal strength where the weaker antagonist attacks a weak spot of the stronger antagonist is called: A. Nuclear warfare =,B. Asyetrical warfare "" C. Surrogate warfare Q_old warfare.. _b utually assured destruction q

18 40. The only country in the world to have used nuclear weapons during a tie of warfare B.-Pakistan Soviet Union C. The United States '% D. India _ E. Israel 41. As a result of redistricting in the early 90's (A. Republicans were able to win the House in 1992 B. Republicans lost the House in 1992 C. Republicans raised a record aount of capaign funding _. African Aericans won seats in Congress in states they hadn't since Reconstruction Q_here was little change in inority representation,_ 42. Iportant states that are considered up for grabs by in a presidential capaign are called: _ swing states _. hoe field advantage states,_ no-an's-land states D. war states E. blue states _ 43. Which type of loophole in capaign spending laws was used to ake a big ipact in the 2004 presidential election? (_Soft oney to national political parties B. Direct contributions to candidates C: PAC's D. 527 groups E. AARPs 44. Which act was rcspons blc for baling soft oney contributions? Brown-White A Schuer-McCain C. Tafl-Hartley D. McCain-Clinton McCain-Feingold

19 45. Which of the following factors is often ore iportant than oney in winning " congressional elections? _ the candidate's nae _ B. constituency size C. their voting record (_incubency E. how vigorously they capaign 46. The oveent of people fro governent service to the private sector and soeties back again is called:,_ (_he A. spinrevolving door C. cheating D. inside inforation E. the hiring process 47. The cases of Marbury v. Madison decided the status of: -'- B. slavery _3voting A.woen's rights suffrage "_ {D._individual rights E. judicial review 48. A petition to the Supree Court to hear a ease is of Certiorari. 33. Stare Decisis C. Appeals for Hearing D. Ceteris Paribus ",E. none of these choices 49. Judges who are 'convinced the courts are,the least deocratic institution, and are cautious in their decision-aking will exercise:,_ ll* ( A. judicial activis D,_. judicial liberalis k.,_)j udicial conservatis.q D. judicial restraint o_ E. at the Supree Court fitness center

20 ,,,,_. The legal briefs that interest groups often file to try to influence Supree Court decisions are called: Writs of Habeas Corpus. Writs Aicus of Curiae Certiorari D. Writs of Mandaus E. Unethical petitions._. 51. Paradoxically, ost Aericans like their congressional representatives, while any also A. B. dislike their senators vote against the reelection of congressional incubents. _,_,. ",_*' C. vote for candidates challenging congressional incubents. D. evaluate governent as a whole highly: _) have a low opinion of Congress 52. What is eant by reciprocity or logrolling in Congress? other ebers' legislation "_} (_ when a eber gets the votes needed to pass legislation by supporting B. the expectation that ebers would respect their fellow ebers "-_C. when one state recognizes the laws of another state D. when Speakers use their authority to force a quick vote.,n E. a bill that sets the budget of any departents of the United States governent at once. 53. Powers of Congress that are explicitly stated in the Constitution are called: "_ A. iplied powers. C. B. inforal enuerated nors. powers. (_ coon explicit powers law. 54. Nearly all legislation in Congress is referred to: A. a special coittee. '_"g B. C. an a party ad hoe coittee. coittee. t_) a standing coittee. E. an exploratory coittee.

21 55. The right of a president to refuse to ake soe internal docuents and private conversations public is A. franking privilege., C. executive privilege. orders. D. president's prerogative. E. executive oversight 56. Different parties controlling the presidency and the Congress is called,,_.. electoral disadvantage. _) aandate. divided governent. J_. governental split _. a lae duck president 57. The goals of a public sector bureaucracy are ([_ siple--to ake a profit B. coplex--although profit is part of it. _' C. defined by elected officials. D. agreed upon by ost people. E. deterined by their charter. 58. The legislation that established the erit syste was A. the Pendleton Act of 1883,_ C. B. the Hatch Ethics Act in Governent of 1939 Act of 1978 _) the Civil Service Refor Act of 1978 E. the Freedo of Inforation Act of Individuals who expose isanageent and abuse in the federal bureaucracy are called: B. insiders.. A. log rollers. _. whistleblowers. Washingtonians. E. oles

22 60. The Federal Counications Coission is B_ ana departent. independent agency. C. an independent regulatory coission. "_ D. a governent corporation. E. a cabinet departent 4_

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