United States History and Geography End of Course Assessment

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1 United States History and Geography End of Course Assessment Student Name: School Name: The possession or use of any communications device is strictly prohibited when taking this examination. If you have or use any communications device, no matter how briefly, your assessment will be invalidated and no score will be calculated for you. Print your name and the name of your school on the lines above. A separate answer sheet sheet for Part I has been provided for you. Follow the instructions from the proctor for completing the student information on your answer sheet. Then fill in the heading of each page of your essay booklet. This assessment has two parts. You are to answer all questions in all parts. Use black or dark blue ink to write your answers to Parts II (A) and (B). Part I contains multiple-choice questions. Record your answers to these questions as directed on the answer sheet. Part II is based on several documents: Part II (A) contains the documents. When you reach this part of the test, enter your name and the name of your school on the first page of this section. Each document is followed by one or more questions. Write your answer to each question in this examination booklet on the lines that follow that question. Part II (B) contains one essay question based on the documents. booklet. Write your answer to this question in the essay When you have completed the examination, you must sign the declaration printed at the end of the answer sheet, indicating that you have neither given nor received assistance in answering any of the assessment. Your answer sheet cannot be accepted if you fail to sign this declaration. DO NOT OPEN THIS ASSESSMENT BOOKLET UNTIL THE SIGNAL IS GIVEN

2 USHG Part I Multiple Choice 1. Which of the following strikes was ended by the intervention of federal troops because of threats to the delivery of the United States mail? A. Great Railroad Strike B. Pullman Strike C. Haymarket Riot D. Homestead Strike USHG What was the primary cause of the trends shown on the graph? a. Closing of the western frontier b. Industrialization in the North and the Midwest c. Passage of the Homestead Act d. Completion of the transcontinental railroad USHG Few restrictions were placed on immigration to the United States in the late 19th century primarily because immigrants a. Would work for low wages b. Provided a rich source of investment capital c. Would add to the diversity of the population d. Faced little opposition from citizens USHG During the late 1800s, which development led to the other three? a. formation of labor unions b. increased demand for natural resources c. federal regulation of business trusts d. growth of industry

3 USHG Which proposal was most consistent with the goals of the American Federation of Labor under the leadership of Samuel Gompers? a. Government ownership of the transportation and communication industries b. Collective bargaining to reach agreements on wages and hours c. Formation of a third political party to promote union policies d. Organization of unskilled workers into one national union UHSG Based on the information provided in the cartoon, President Theodore Roosevelt s goal was to a. Persuade businesses to accept nationalization b. Assist businesses in resisting interference by investors c. Establish worker safety regulations in factories d. Using federal power to control monopolies USHG Which act of Congress gave President Roosevelt the authority that he demonstrates in this cartoon? a. Meat Inspection Act b. Sherman Antitrust Act c. Underwood Tariff Act d. Pure Food and Drug Act

4 USHG Which activity is illustrated in this photograph? a. Picketing against United States involvement in World War I b. Making a statement of support for the League of Nations c. Protesting the nation s denial of women s suffrage d. Supporting punishment of Germany for causing World War I USHG The movement of African Americans from the rural south to the urban north was called what? a. The Long Walk North b. The Great Migration c. The Harlem Renaissance d. The Temperance Movement

5 USHG The main idea of the cartoon above is that President Franklin D. Roosevelt wanted to: a. Impeach justices who did not support him b. Control the decisions of the Supreme Court c. Create higher qualifications for justices d. Encourage the Supreme Court to act more efficiently USHG The Neutrality Acts of the 1930s were based on the assumption that the United States could stay out of war by a. ending the Depression. b. staying out of the League of Nations. c. banning arms sales to countries at war. d. refusing to loan money to belligerent nations.

6 USHG The instructions referred to in this public notice resulted in the a. Deportation of most Japanese aliens to Japan b. Protection of the homes and property of Japanese Americans c. Removal of Japanese American men to internment camps d. Drafting all of the young Japanese American men into the United States military USHG The objective of the Manhattan Project was to develop a. the atomic bomb. b. a system of coastal defenses. c. a system for dispersion of civilian urban population. d. relocation centers for Japanese Americans. Base your answers to questions on the excerpt below and your knowledge of social studies USHG In this excerpt, Secretary of State George Marshall is identifying the need to a. Provide economic assistance to struggling European nations b. Allow European workers to settle in the United States c. Install democratic governments in the nations of Western Europe d. Strengthen European military defenses USHG The situation in Europe described by Secretary of State George Marshall was the result of the: a. Failure of the United Nations to help people in need b. Devastation caused by fighting in World War II c. Construction of the Berlin Wall by the Soviet Union d. Takeover of Greece and Turkey by communists

7 Base your answer to question 16 on the poem below and on your knowledge of social studies. What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up Like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore---- And then run? Does it stink like rotten mean? Or crust and sugar over---- Like a syrupy sweet? Maybe it just sags Like a heavy load. Or does it explode? -- Langston Hughes, 1951 (adapted) Harlem USHG The dream deferred in this poem refers to the hopes African Americans had for a. Social and political equality b. An independent African American nation c. Access to affordable medical treatment d. Separate public accommodations USHG The Interstate Highway Act did each of the following EXCEPT a. increase annual average driving by 400 percent. b. provide a means to ease evacuation in case of nuclear attack. c. create a new interstate highway system of approximately 10,000 miles. d. further the decline of American cities USHG A major impact of the 24th Amendment banning poll taxes and of the and of the 1965 Voting Rights Act was the: a. Increase in the number of Jim Crow Laws b. Movement to create a new political party for Hispanics c. Decrease in voting among African American women d. Elimination of discriminatory voting practices against African Americans USHG When World War I first broke out in Europe, President Woodrow Wilson urged a. Congress to declare war b. Neutrality c. Great Britain s navy to blockade Germany. d. U--Boats to attack all ships in the Atlantic

8 USHG The Treaty of Versailles was designed primarily to punish Germany for its responsibility for World War I. In what way did the treaty hurt the German economy? a. It called for the formation of the League of Nations b. It allowed Germany to rebuild its military, which led to overspending c. It encouraged the United States to withdraw from world affairs into isolationism d. It forced Germany to pay a huge sum of money for war damages USHG The policy by which stronger nations extend their political, military, and economic control over weaker territories is known as: a. imperialism b. segregation c. survival of the fittest d. neutrality Base your answer to question 22 on the graph below and your knowledge of social studies. USHG Which conclusion is most clearly supported by the information in the table? a. President Herbert Hoover s economic policies expanded job opportunities. b. The United States unemployment rate reached its highest level in c. The United States unemployment rate was at its lowest level in d. World War II ended the high unemployment rates of the Great Depression.

9 USHG All of the following were underlying cause of the Great Depression EXCEPT a. Unequal distribution of wealth b. the availability of easy credit c. the outbreak of World War II in Europe d. Extended periods of drought that affected farmers USHG What was a major result of Prohibition in the United States during the 1920s? a. Restriction of immigration b. Growth of communism c. Destruction of family values d. Increase in organized crime USHG The flappers of the 1920s challenged the traditional attitudes about women by supporting a. gender equality b. an equal rights amendment c. greater freedom in manner of dress and behavior d. a federal birth control and abortion protection law Base your answer to question 26 on the image below and on your knowledge of social studies. USHG The protestors in the photograph are expressing their hatred for a. fascists b. communists c. immigrants

10 d. police officers USHG The Cuban missile crisis ended when a. the United States invaded Cuba and overthrew Batista. b. the Soviets agreed to withdraw their missiles in exchange for Kennedy's pledge not to invade Cuba and his agreement to withdraw U.S. missiles from Turkey. c. Khruschev agreed to end the blockade of Berlin. d. the United States threatened to impose a strict embargo on all Cuban exports. Base your answer to question 28 on the cartoon below and your knowledge of social studies. USHG The illustrator addresses the irony that existed when southern states required that African Americans to be allowed to cast a vote. a. pay a poll tax b. pay their landowner s debt c. pass a literacy test d. bring their grandfathers USHG The Supreme Court case of Brown v. Board of Education declared that separate public schools for black and white children are: a. permissible as long as the schools are equal in funding, facilities, and other measurable qualities b. permissible unless students or parents at those schools objected c. not permissible d. not permissible in elementary/high schools but were permissible in college

11 USHG One way the feminist movement of the late 1960s and early 1970s is similar to the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 1960s is that both a. used public demonstrations and protests to draw attention to their goals. b. opposed Supreme Court decisions expanding the rights of the accused c. refused support from churches and religious leaders d. focused on securing equal access to housing. USHG Contemporary conservative political ideology advocates for which of the following? a. Strong protection of private property rights b. Civil liberties over state surveillance powers c. Expansion of anti-discriminatory laws d. Increasing tax rates for wealthy individuals 32. Contemporary liberal political ideology advocates for which of the following? a. No regulation of markets b. Strong protection of individual civil liberties c. Increased military spending d. Elimination of corporate income tax USHG The passage of the USA Patriot Act of 2001 and the creation of the Department of Homeland Security reflect the determination of the United States government to: a. search for weapons of the mass destruction in South Asia b. increase the globalization of the economy c. bring about an end to the Cold War d. prevent future terrorist attack Base your answer to question 34 on the passage below and on your knowledge of social studies USHG Which statement most accurately expresses the main idea of this passage? a. Information technology will make it easier to buy and sell goods. b. Information technology will make capitalism obsolete c. Government must regulate the information technology industry d. The costs of information technology will outweigh its benefits.

12 Part II Document Based Question This question is based on the accompanying documents. The question is designed to test your ability to work with historical documents. Some of the documents have been edited for the purposes of the question. As you analyze the documents, take into account the source of each document and any point of view that may be presented in the document. Historical Context: The president of the United States has been granted power as the commander in chief by the Constitution. While the president has used his military powers to commit troops overseas, he has also used this power to respond to domestic crises. Three such domestic crises were the Civil War ( ) during the presidency of Abraham Lincoln, the Bonus March (1932) during the presidency of Herbert Hoover, and Little Rock, Arkansas (1957) during the presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower. Task: Using information from the documents and your knowledge of United States history, answer the questions that follow each document in Part A. Your answers to the questions will help you write the Part B essay, in which you will be asked to Choose two domestic crises mentioned in historical context that led presidents to use their military power as commander in chief and for each *Describe the historical circumstances that led to the crisis *Explain an action taken by the president to resolve the crisis *Discuss the extent to which the president s action resolved the crisis or had an impact on American society In developing your answers to Part II, be sure to keep these general definitions in mind: (a) describe means to illustrate something in words or tell about it (b) explain means to make plain or understandable; to give reasons for or causes of; to show the logical development or relationships of (c) discuss means to make observations about something using facts, reasoning, and argument;; to present in some detail

13 1. According to this document, what is President Abraham Lincoln s main objective in fighting the Civil War? 2. According to this document, what was President Abraham Lincoln hoping to acheive with the Emancipation Proclamation?

14 3a. According to this document, what role did Abraham Lincoln think African Americans could play in restoring the Union? 3b. Based on this document, state one contribution made by African Americans to the war effort.

15 4a. According to Time Magazine, what was likely to happen to the Patman bill when it passed the House of Representatives and went to the Senate? 4b. Based on this Time Magazine article, identify one part of the economy that had already benefited from government spending.

16 5. According to this document, what was General MacArthur ordered to do by President Herbert Hoover s Secretary of the Army in response to the march of the Bonus Army? 6. According to this New York Times article, what was one political impact of President Herbert Hoover s action against the Bonus Army?

17 7a. Based on these photographs, what happened to Elizabeth Eckford as she tried to attend Central High School on September 4, 1957? 7b. According to this document, what was one reason some white citizens of Little Rock, Arkansas did not want the Little Rock Nine to attend Central High School?

18 8a (1) Based on this document, what was one action taken by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in response to the crisis in Little Rock? (2) Based on this document, what was one reason President Dwight D. Eisenhower took action in the crisis in Little Rock?

19 8b. Based on this photograph, what was the job of the United States Army troops in Little Rock Arkansas?

20 9. According to James W. Vander Zanden, what are two impacts of President Dwight Eisenhower s decision to enforce desegregation? (1) (2)

21 Part B Essay Directions: Write a well-organized essay that includes an introduction, several paragraphs, and a conclusion. Use evidence from at least four documents in the body of the essay. Support your response with relevant facts, examples, and details. Include additional outside information. Historical Context: The president of the United States has been granted power as the commander in chief by the constitution. While the president has used his military powers to commit troops overseas, he has also used this power to respond to domestic crises. Three such domestic crises were the Civil War ( ) during the presidency of Abraham Lincoln, the Bonus March (1932) during the presidency of Herbert Hoover and Little Rock, Arkansas (1957) during the presidency of Dwight D. Eisenhower. Task: Using the information from the documents and your knowledge of United States history, write an essay in which you: Choose two domestic crises mentioned in the historical context that led presidents to use their military power as commander in chief and for each 1. Describe the historical circumstances that led to the crisis 2. Explain an action taken by the president to resolve the crisis 3. Discuss the extent to which the president s action resolved the crisis or had an impact on American society Guidelines: In your essay, be sure to Develop all aspects of the task Incorporated relevant outside information Support the theme with relevant facts, examples, and details Use a logical and clear plan of organization, including an introduction and conclusion that are beyond a restatement of the theme.

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