Multicultural Experience Celebrating the 15 th Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane

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1 Multicultural Experience Celebrating the 15 th Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane Multicultural Experience Celebrating the 15 th Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane 布里斯本多元文化經驗 世界多元文化藝術協會 15 週年特輯 布里斯本多元文化經驗 世界多元文化藝術協會 15 週年特輯

2 Multicultural Experience Celebrating the 15 th Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane 布里斯本多元文化經驗世界多元文化藝術協會 15 週年特輯

3 Multicultural Experience Celebrating the 15th Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane 布里斯本多元文化經驗 世界多元文化藝術協會15週年特輯 Publisher: Melody Chen 發 行 人 陳秋燕 Chief Editor: Edward Lin 總 編 輯 林季平 Associate Editor: Ting-Chen Shang 助理編輯 商庭禎 Eddie Lei Administrative: Susan Yang Yvonne Lin Robert Huang 雷千灝 行 政 楊淑珠 林郁芳 Proofreading: David Hepper 黃柏翰 Photography: Gilbert Yang 校 稿 何大為 Leonie Sweetman 攝 影 楊進吉 Cover Design: Ya-Nan Huang 黎翁妮 Art Design: Bruce Shih Published by: World Arts & Multi-Culture Inc. Address: Unit 7, 62 Pinelands Road, Sunnybank Hills, QLD 4109, 封面設計 黃雅男 美術設計 施致宏 出版單位 世界多元文化藝術協會 Australia 地 址 Unit 7, 62 Pinelands Road, Sunnybank Hills, Telephone: QLD 4109, Australia Postal Address: PO BOX 928, Sunnybank, 電 話 QLD 4109, Australia 郵政地址 PO BOX 928, Sunnybank, QLD 4109, Australia Website: 網 址 Facebook Page: Printed by: Cai Hong Syuan Design & Integrated Marketing 臉書專頁 電子信箱 印 刷 彩虹軒設計整合行銷 Publication Date: August 2018 出版日期 2018年8月 ISBN: 國際書號 All right reserved. Unauthorised reproduction of this publication is prohibited. 版權所有 未經許可禁止翻印或轉載

4 Contents Editorial - Edward Lin 001 Official Recognitions 005 The Hon. Annastacia Palaszcuzuk MP, Premier of Queensland 昆士蘭州長 006 The Hon. Stirling Hinchliffe MP, Queensland Minister for Multicultural Affairs 007 昆士蘭州多元文化部長 Dr Tsai, Ing-Wen, President of Republic of China (Taiwan) 008 中華民國 ( 臺灣 ) 總統蔡英文博士 Dr Lai, Ching-Te, Prime Minister of Republic of China (Taiwan) 009 中華民國 ( 臺灣 ) 行政院長賴清德 Dr Wu, Hsin-Hsing, Minister of Overseas Community Affairs Council, R.O.C (Taiwan) 010 中華民國 ( 臺灣 ) 僑務委員會委員長吳新興博士 1 Australian Multiculturalism 澳大利亞多元文化主義 Australian Multicultural Experience - Graham Perrett MP Multiculturalism and Economic Development - Peter Russo MP Celebrating Multicultrualism in Queensland - Duncan Pegg MP Democracy and Diverse Societies in Australia and Taiwan - Bruce Hung Technical and Vocational Education Training as an Important Factor in National 027 Economic Development - Dr Michelle Lee 2 Multicultural Brisbane 多元文化的布里斯本 Multicultural Society of Brisbane - Lord Mayor Graham Quirk Authentic and Meaningful Engagement with Multicultural Communities Huss Mustafa OAM & Malini Raj 2.3 Australian Migration Policy and the Contribution of New Migrants - John Chen Social Diversity and Multicultural Education - Tracey Cook Engaging Cultural Diversity in Brisbane: The Taiwan Film Festival - Dr Mei-Fen Kuo 046

5 3 Sunnybank: The Heart of the Dragon 新利班 : 龍心之地 Multicultural Dreaming - Aunty Peggy Tidyman Multiculturalism, Education, and School Community - Lisa Starmer Multiculturalism and`southside Communities - Cr Kim Marx SunPAC: The Birth of a Performing Arts Centre - Cr Steven Huang Sunnybank: A Multicultural Kaleidoscope - Celine Goh Taiwanese Australian in Brisbane 臺澳人在布里斯本 - Wayne Ko 柯文耀 Historic Overviews 世紀交替, 拓疆闢土 Commerce 商業篇 Community Organisations 社團篇 Education 教育篇 Politics 政治篇 World Arts & Multi-Culture Inc. 世界多元文化藝術協會 From Music Business to Cultural Organisation - Melody Chen Experience in Australia Citizenship Ceremony - Lewis Lee OAM Cultural Heritage and Adapted Performing Arts: WAMCI ś Drumming, Lion, 102 and Dragon Dance Groups - Tina Lei 5.4 The Beauty of Art and Culture - Dana Yu Carrying Taiwanese Culture in Australia - Maggie Lu Building Up Brisbane International Arts Festival - Edward Lin 114

6 6 Images of History 歷史影像 - Melody Chen 陳秋燕 Performing Arts 表演藝術篇 Visual Arts 視覺藝術篇 Harmony Day Celebrations 慶祝和諧日 Australian Citizenship Ceremonies 澳大利亞公民宣誓典禮 Other Festive Celebrations 其他節慶活動 The Guinness World Record Largest Drumming Lesson 金氏世界紀錄 Culture Workshops and Official Visits 文化教學參訪與拜會活動 Unforgettable Moments 難忘時刻 Community Experiences 社區經驗 Korean Society of Queensland - Hyeri Robertson Australian of Chinese Heritage War Memorial Bursaries - Lewis Lee OAM Serving Fijian and Indian Communities in Australia - Surendra Prasad OAM Lions Club of Brisbane Chinese - Kelvin Yeh Experiences of Working with Diverse Community: DAMINI Women ś Association of 179 Qld Inc - Lila Pratap 7.6 Australian Indonesian Culture and Welfare Association Incorporated - Vera Pottinger 181 Conneting to WAMCI 185


8 Editorial 001 Editorial Documenting a Piece of Evidence for History of Brisbane Edward Lin 林季平 When I was elected as the seventh president of World Arts & Multi-Culture Inc (WAMCI) in June 2017, Graham Parrett (Federal MP) asked me what my presidential plan was. I did not give a straight answer. After two years working as the volunteer CEO of Brisbane International Arts Festival (BIAF) and WAMCI, I thought my job would be maintaining the good works of BIAF and improving WAMCI s other operations. I assumed that was the reason why I was elected. Graham reminded me that each new leader should bring in something innovative. This was a very inspirational advice; soon he became our Honorary Advisor. In September, we held a changeover ceremony at SunPAC and I announced my plan while Graham and other advisors were present. This publication was a part of the plan. This book is aiming at documenting a piece of history regarding the development and efforts of Government, multicultural organisations, immigrant communities, and WAMCI in reinforcing and enriching a multicultural society in Brisbane and beyond. The time period varied from authors but generally covers the last two decades, some traces back to late 1980s. As a volunteer and non-profit organisation, we work hard under very limited resources but received a great deal of support and friendship from the authors. This book is completed in less than a year, flaws are expected but hopefully it shares valued experience from the authors. The authors are from many different fields of expertise including politics, arts and culture, academics, commerce, diplomacy, media, community organisations, and education. Their stories, knowledge, experience and insights in the multicultural society of Australia are what we wish to share with the broader communities. Chapter 1 Australian Multiculturalism is composed by Graham Perrett MP, Duncan Pegg MP, Peter Russo MP, Director-General Bruce Hung and Dr Michelle Lee. This chapter discusses the multicultural policies and experience in the national level. It also extends to economics and vocational education aspects as employment is a critical indicator of people s well-being. Taiwan s story is also introduced from a diplomat s point of view of a country which has a similar population to Australia with a diverse cultural background. Multicultural Experience Celebrating the 15 th Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane

9 002 Editorial Chapter 2 Multicultural Brisbane is shared by the Lord Mayor Graham Quirk, Huss Mustafa OAM, Malini Raj, Tracey Cook, John Chen and Dr Mei-Fen Kuo. The focus of this chapter is on the experience of state and local governments, business leaders, educators and cultural event organisers. These are the first-hand records from the leading promoters of Brisbane s multicultural society. The spot light of Chapter 3 Sunnybank: The Heart of the Dragon is shining on Sunnybank and the surrounding suburbs as this is an extraordinary multicultural area in Queensland and the base of WAMCI. Aboriginal Elder Aunty Peggy Tidyman leads this chapter, and is followed by Executive Principal Lisa Starmer, Cr Kim Marx, Cr Steven Huang and Celine Goh, a local librarian researcher. They are people who work with the local community and breathe the same multicultural atmosphere with the residents. They are living in the very rich cultural environment and upholding the value of multiculturalism. Chapter 4 Taiwanese Australian in Brisbane is contributed by a senior media practitioner Wayne Ko. He reported the history of Taiwanese Australian in Brisbane in the aspects of immigration, commerce, community organisations, education, and politics. This is an important example of migrant communities in Queensland, as Brisbane is the city attracting the largest population from Taiwan to Australia. Chapter 5 World Arts & Multi-Culture Inc. is written by Melody Chen, Lewis Lee OAM, Tina Lei, Dana Yu, Maggie Lu and Edward Lin. It tells the story of a grass-rooted volunteer organisation and how it has grown from an arts promoter into a multiculturalism facilitator. The story started from music and arts, to citizenship ceremonies and the annual Brisbane International Arts Festival. Melody also compiled Chapter 6 Images of History presenting photos of WAMCI from the last 15 years, as a tribute to the 15th anniversary of WAMCI. This chapter introduces the events organised by WAMCI including performing arts, visual arts, Harmony Day celebrations, Moon Festival celebrations, citizenship ceremonies, the Guinness World Record Largest Drumming Lesson and other multicultural activities. Finally, we invited local multicultural community leaders to share their experience in Chapter 7 Community Experiences. The authors are Hyeri Robertson, Lewis Lee OAM, Surendra Prasad OAM, Kelvin Yeh, Lila Pratap, and Vera Pottinger. They are from local communities of Korean, Malay, Chinese, Indian, Fijian, and Indonesian migrants. Their contributions have broaden the scope of this book. I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the contributions from all the authors, editors, photographers, administration volunteers of WAMCI, and many other people assisted in the process of making this project a reality. It is my great honour working with you! 布里斯本多元文化經驗世界多元文化藝術協會 15 週年特輯

10 Editorial 歷史的一小步 為慶祝世界多元文化藝術協會十五週年 我在去年提出這個出版計畫 感謝各受邀作者及本會 理監事與顧問們的支持 終於成稿付梓 本書不僅紀錄協會十五年來的經驗累積 更希望為布里斯 本多元民族的文化資產以及多元文化社會發展留下一個歷史見證 政府單位 文化團體 移民社群 這三個界域是澳洲多元文化政策最主要的維護力量 我們邀請了本地各領域的意見領袖 就各相關 議題 提供其知識 經驗與心得 各作者專長背景包含政治 藝文 學術 商務 外交 媒體 社 團及教育 希望從作者們各自不同的角度 提供讀者寬廣的視野 欣賞多元文化社會的豐富價值 本書企劃執行前後不到一年 以協會有限資源 疏漏在所難免 但求拋磚引玉 未來各界賢達更進 一步 分享文化體驗 堅守多元民族社會的民主價值 第一章作者有 Graham Perrett 聯邦議員 Duncan Pegg 與 Peter Russo 州議員 臺北經濟 文化辦事處洪振榮處長及 RBIT 校長廖明秀博士 從國家整體角度探討澳洲多元文化政策與經驗 並 擴及經濟 技職教育與臺灣經驗 第 二 章 作 者 是 布 里 斯 本 市 長 Graham Quirk 聯 邦 銀 行 多 元 文 化 社 群 服 務 總 經 理 Huss Mustafa OAM 及策略組長 Malini Raj Sunnybank 中學校長 Tracey Cook 資深移民業務專家 陳文璋 歷史學者郭美芬博士 本章作者針對州府 市府 商務 基礎教育及文化活動的領域 提 供第一手經驗 第三章的聚光焦點是 Sunnybank 及周遭地區 這個區域有最豐富的多元文化元素 作者們都 是在第一線上實際參與多元文化事務的地方人士 其中包括原住民長老 Aunty Peggy Tidyman 中小學資深校長 Lisa Starmer 市議員 Kim Marx 及黃文毅 圖書館研究員 Celine Goh 他們長 期呼吸在多元文化的空氣中 維護多元文化主義是生活的一部份 第四章由資深媒體工作者柯文耀主筆 介紹臺灣移民在布里斯本的歷史 布里斯本是澳洲臺僑 人口最多的城市 作者分別從落地生根 創業投資 社團服務 教育發展與政治參與五個面向 報 導臺澳人在本地各種經驗與貢獻 第五章由本會歷任會長陳秋燕 雷菲菲 于蘭芝 盧宛玉 林季平及顧問李孟播合撰 內容涵 蓋創會歷程 引進臺灣民俗藝術 促進臺澳文化交流 承辦澳洲公民宣誓典禮 舉辦節慶活動 以 及近年來的布里斯本國際藝術節 第六章是由陳創會會長編輯的歷史影像 分享協會十五年來珍貴的圖像紀錄 包含了音樂 戲 曲 舞蹈 美術 節慶 社團交流 儀式典禮 公共服務等活動紀錄 呈現豐富多彩的歷史時刻 第 七 章 邀 請 了 本 地 民 族 社 群 代 表 分 享 他 們 的 多 元 文 化 經 驗 作 者 包 括 韓 國 社 團 代 表 Hyeri Robertson 馬來西亞華裔 Lewis Lee OAM 斐濟印裔 Surendra Prasad OAM 華人獅子會葉 沛霖 印度婦女代表 Lila Pratap 及印尼裔社團代表 Vera Pottinger 感謝所有作者 編輯 攝影 行政等協會義工 以及所有幕後支持者 您們的支持與友誼使本 書的出版更具意義 秋燕總提醒協會所執行的任務是在 寫歷史 我交卷了 主編 林季平 謹誌 5 July 2018 Multicultural Experience th Celebrating the 15 Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane 003

11 004 布里斯本多元文化經驗世界多元文化藝術協會 15 週年特輯

12 Official Recognitions Multicultural Experience Celebrating the 15 th Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane 布里斯本多元文化經驗世界多元文化藝術協會 15 週年特輯

13 006 Official Recognitions The Hon. Annastacia Palaszcuzuk MP, Premier of Queensland 昆士蘭州長 布里斯本多元文化經驗世界多元文化藝術協會 15 週年特輯

14 Official Recognitions The Hon. Stirling Hinchliffe MP, Queensland Minister for Multicultural Affairs 昆士蘭州多元文化部長 Multicultural Experience th Celebrating the 15 Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane 007

15 008 Official Recognitions Dr Tsai, Ing-Wen, President of the Republic of China (Taiwan) 中華民國 ( 臺灣 ) 總統蔡英文博士 布里斯本多元文化經驗世界多元文化藝術協會 15 週年特輯

16 Official Recognitions 009 Dr Lai, Ching-Te, Prime Minister of the Republic of China (Taiwan) 中華民國 ( 臺灣 ) 行政院長賴清德 Multicultural Experience Celebrating the 15 th Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane

17 010 Official Recognitions Dr Wu, Hsin-Hsing, Minister of Overseas Community Affairs Council, R.O.C. (Taiwan) 中華民國 ( 臺灣 ) 僑務委員會委員長吳新興博士 布里斯本多元文化經驗世界多元文化藝術協會 15 週年特輯

18 1Australian Multiculturalism 澳大利亞多元文化主義 Multicultural Experience Celebrating the 15 th Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane 布里斯本多元文化經驗世界多元文化藝術協會 15 週年特輯

19 012 Australian Multiculturalism 1Australian Multiculturalism 澳大利亞多元文化主義 Australia celebrates cultural diversity. The United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination is a reminder that we should always be vigilant about combating racial discrimination. In Queensland, the Government has a strong vision for our state as a place where people, regardless of their backgrounds, can feel welcome and part of our society. These policies are important as they promote and showcase our rich cultural diversity and reaffirm Queensland as a wonderfully welcoming and harmonious society. These values are shared with many democratic countries such as Taiwan, a nation absorbed diverse cultures from her complicated experience with various cultural origins in history. Multiculturalism deepened democracy; it will also be reflected in and influenced a broader aspects of the society such as economics, employment, trading and education. Freedom, democracy, human rights and justice have become the very core values and assets that citizens could feel most proud of. 布里斯本多元文化經驗世界多元文化藝術協會 15 週年特輯

20 Australian Multiculturalism Australian Multicultural Experience Australian Multicultural Experience Graham Perrett MP I extend my congratulations to the World Arts & Multi-Culture Inc. on their 15th anniversary celebration. I have had a unique opportunity to watch the work of WAMCI over the past ten years as the federal representative for the electorate of Moreton. As one of the most multicultural electorates in Australia, Moreton s diverse migrant community contributes to the vibrant cultural mix that Brisbane s Southside has become known for. It makes for a wonderful community and I am proud to bring up my family here. WAMCI plays an important role in promoting cultural diversity in the wider Brisbane community. I have attended many events hosted by WAMCI. In particular, earlier this year I had the great honour of attending the Brisbane International Arts Festival hosted by WAMCI. The festival was held in recognition of Harmony Day. Harmony Day is an important event in any multicultural community. It is a celebration of cultural diversity and coincides with the United Nations International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. It is a reminder that we should always be vigilant about combating racial discrimination. Racial discrimination is something that I have not personally experienced and I would like to think that it doesn t exist in our community. Sadly, the reality is that racial discrimination occurs amongst us every day. As the Deputy Chair of the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights, I spoke in Parliament on the tabling of the report for the Inquiry into the operation of Part IIA of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (RDA). I, along with other members of the Committee, attended hearings across the breadth and width of Australia hearing from many individuals, including community. The committee heard how racism causes detriment to the health of the individual concerned; it causes detriment to their employment prospects and educational advancement; it also causes exclusion and marginalisation. I was very pleased that the committee did not recommend a change to section 18C of the RDA. No law will prevent all racism but laws set the standard of acceptable behaviour in our community. Section 18C of the RDA has Multicultural Experience Celebrating the 15 th Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane

21 014 Australian Multiculturalism Australian Multicultural Experience been setting that standard for more than twenty years. It strikes an appropriate balance between freedom of speech and freedom from racial abuse. It is an important protection for all multicultural communities. Our laws are only part of the equation. It is also important that those of us who have a public voice should use that voice to promote inclusion and to call out those who promote division. The current climate of personality politics has produced political leaders that deliberately incite the most divisive elements of the community. They appeal to the base elements of the human condition without taking any responsibility for the fallout. This makes for fertile ground when legislative changes are put forward such as the recent proposal put forward by the Turnbull Government to strengthen the test for becoming an Australian citizen. The English language test proposed was equivalent to that required for a university entrant. There is no good reason to implement a university standard English language test for new citizens. The citizenship test is already written in English; so to pass, you must be able to read and understand the test. I held a forum in my electorate to seek the views of my constituents about the language test proposal. I was told that the proposed test would unfairly disadvantage migrant women, older migrants and migrants with a learning disability. I was able to tell the Parliament about these concerns when I spoke out against this Turnbull Government legislation. Fortunately, the legislation that proposed the test has now lapsed in the Senate. The Turnbull Government has said they will reintroduce the legislation to Parliament, but I hope that does not occur. Sadly, social media has provided a wider and more immediate audience for hate speech. When that speech emanates from a public figure it is spread more quickly and with an authority it does not deserve. Other keyboard cowards, who use their keyboard as a weapon and their screen as a shield, can hurl their abuse through social media from the safety of their own homes. Often they do so with complete anonymity while the victims of their abuse have nowhere to hide. Our current legal protections from racial abuse should not be weakened, but instead they should be constantly reviewed to ensure they continue to protect against new and enhanced threats from changes to modern communication tools. It is important that successful multicultural communities, like those we have on Brisbane s Southside, do not become complacent. We must always be vigilant about racial abuse and division. Calling out racism is not always easy to do - it can be uncomfortable, but it is the best way to change racist behaviour. 布里斯本多元文化經驗世界多元文化藝術協會 15 週年特輯

22 Australian Multiculturalism Australian Multicultural Experience 015 Organisations like WAMCI are crucial to a successful inclusive multicultural society. If there is one thing that demonstrates both our common interests and our cultural differences, it is the Arts. WAMCI brings together all sectors of the community to showcase cultural artistic treasures and to allow the wider community to experience the artistic endeavours of other cultures. WAMCI plays an important part in the continuing inclusive multicultural community that we enjoy on Brisbane s Southside. I am very grateful to WAMCI and I thank them for their tireless work and wish them much success for decades to come. About the Author Graham Perrett MP Member of the Australian House of Representatives Deputy Chair of Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights Honorary Advisor of WAMCI Graham was born and raised in St George in regional Queensland in 1966 and is the seventh of ten children. Graham was elected to parliament in 2007 and has been fighting for the Southside ever since. He lives in Moorooka with his wife Lea and his two young sons. The electorate of Moreton includes suburbs from Annerley, along the river to Oxley, as far south as Algester, as far east as Runcorn and back along the Motorway from Eight Mile Plains. Multicultural Experience Celebrating the 15 th Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane

23 016 Australian Multiculturalism Multiculturalism and Economic Development 1.2 Multiculturalism and Economic Development Peter Russo MP I am a son of an immigrant. My dad came to Australia from Sicily when he was 8 years of age with his mother, my grandmother. My grandfather made the journey seven years before that. My grandparents were economic refugees. When my grandfather first came to Australia, he cut cane in North Queensland, as well as being the cook for the cane cutting gang. Once he had saved up enough money, he bought a cane farm of his own and started a family business that existed until very recently. The contribution of Italian immigrants to the development of the North has been acknowledged widely, and I am proud of the contribution my father, and his parents, themselves made in that respect. The migrant experience is different for each new generation of migrants who chose to come to Australia. I ve been lucky enough to have experienced the culture of my grandfather and my father, and I believe that my core values are strongly related to what I learned through them, and their example. I ve also been lucky enough to experience Sicily myself. My visits have highlighted and brought home to me the diversity of my Italian heritage. It has been some years now since last visit, and, even though Sicily was never my actual home, I do get homesick for it. That yearning is placated, and increased, in equal parts by watching Italian cooking shows. When I look back on my dad and grandparents and their migrant experience, I see how much it has shaped me, and my approach to life, and in particular, my approach to how I discharge my role as an elected representative. In my time as the State Member for Toohey, I have found my knowledge and experience of the migrant story to be important in enhancing my understanding multiculturalism and its effects on both our society and our economy. Queensland is quite a diverse state, it comprises of many different cultures and religions. From the 1700 s onwards Australia has advanced through increased amounts of immigration. Although originally subject to immigration from the UK then Europe, recent migration has become increasingly more diverse. The electorate of Toohey is testament to that, with citizens from around 50 different countries living within the same constituency. I believe that to have a functioning multicultural society the citizens must live and engage with each other as much as possible. The purpose of that is so social and cultural understandings may be formed. Understanding the perspective of someone from another religion or culture will help to alleviate cultural misunderstanding. 布里斯本多元文化經驗世界多元文化藝術協會 15 週年特輯

24 Australian Multiculturalism Multiculturalism and Economic Development 017 I am proud that the electorate of Toohey is one the most ethnically and religiously diverse electorates in all of Queensland. It is this diversity that has played a pivotal role in developing our local image and our prosperity. The suburbs of Sunnybank, Salisbury and MacGregor are growth suburbs. This is no doubt due, in part, to the fact that its proximity to educational institutions attracts many overseas students. Eight Mile Plains, Coopers Plains and Robertson are popular choices for many young families as well, who choose to live here for similar reasons, as well as for the many great living conveniences the area has to offer. It seems to me that that when we upwards surges in our immigration program, we see a correlative surge of life in our communities, businesses, and relationships. This is exciting to me, and I am proud that my electorate of Toohey has a special vibe to it, unlike anywhere else in the State that I have experienced yet. There are many other electorates which have also experienced the benefits that multiculturalism, and they too manifest the positive effects that diversity has had in shaping our social culture while simultaneously assisting with the growth and development of local businesses. Particularly in Toohey, our local life has a special vibe to it, and it s unlike anywhere else in the state. You can see how much multiculturalism has shaped my electorate firsthand by visiting the local shopping centres at the heart of Sunnybank. Here, the only downside to our diversity is the challenge of deciding where to eat. Where once we had far fewer family-owned restaurants and businesses, our local retail district is now thriving with the energy and passion of South East Asian multiculturalism. Friendly competition of restaurants vying for the attention of would be customers by offering great choices brings vibrancy and brightness to the community. For each new culture that migrates to Australia, so too comes new ways of thinking: new business models and new thought processes around how the economy of a community can thrive. Difference in ideas brings choice and opportunities which in turn brings many positive aspects to our local economies. With markets increasingly changing and moving online, the firsthand experience that businesses can gain from intercultural communications can be invaluable. With the increase Multicultural Experience Celebrating the 15 th Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane

25 018 Australian Multiculturalism Multiculturalism and Economic Development of tourism and immigration partnered with changes in technology, business markets will also inevitably change. As local businesses increasingly look to move online, and to prosper in current market forces, they could look no further than the examples set by some of the multicultural companies which have successfully made the transition, with integrity, passion and commitment. In addition to the advantages referred to above of a multicultural Australia, it seems to me that these benefits can continue and increase by increasing our immigration intake. So too can it assist address other societal issues, such as increasingly ageing population. In conclusion, immigration has been pivotal in boosting the economic development of the Toohey area with the housing, retail and hospitality industries all benefiting. If there are any doubts on the benefits of migration than one must look no further than the electorate of Toohey. The synergy of cultures which is displayed in this area is inspirational for the rest of the country. I am therefore very happy to endorse multiculturalism and all of its benefits. The Palaszczuk Labor government has a strong commitment to small business and creating jobs in our community. The passing of the Multicultural Recognition Act in 2016 has seen Queensland acknowledge the importance of our multicultural community, through its three year multicultural action plan which outlines how departments will interact with members of our multicultural community further reinforces our commitment to our multicultural community. I am proud to be part of a government that values multiculturalism and supports the community through legislation and programs to help new arrivals to integrate into the diversity of our community. This is a policy area I m passionate about and one that I will continue to be an ambassador for in the Palaszczuk Government. About the Author Peter Russo MP Queensland Parliament Member for Toohey Chair, Legal Affairs and Community Safety Committee Honorary Advisor of WAMCI Peter was born in North Queensland and grew up and was educated in the small sugar growing town of Ingham. He was a public servant working in the Justice Department in North Queensland and Brisbane, before being admitted as a Solicitor. He was elected to Queensland State Parliament in He was re-elected again in 布里斯本多元文化經驗世界多元文化藝術協會 15 週年特輯

26 Australian Multiculturalism Celebrating Multicultrualism in Queensland Celebrating Multicultrualism in Queensland Duncan Pegg MP As the representative for the most multicultural electorate in Queensland, I am very proud to make a contribution to the 15th anniversary celebration of World Arts and Multi- Culture Inc. Queensland is a culturally and ethnically diverse state. It is home to more than 200 cultures, 220 languages and 100 religious beliefs. Our identity is characterised by this diversity. The Act to guide Queensland s multicultural policy is the Multicultural Recognition Act 2016 which was passed on 16 February 2016 by the Palaszczuk government. This Act promotes Queensland as an inclusive and harmonious society and provides an environment of opportunity for people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds. It ensures government services remain responsive to the needs of our multicultural communities and recognises our diverse cultural heritage. The Act acknowledges that by supporting these diverse and dynamic values we can deliver important benefits for all Queenslanders, including the community, government and business sectors. introduced the Multicultural Recognition Act It contains a charter a set of principles that speak of equity, fairness, welcome and belonging. The charter recognises the benefits that generations of migrants and refugees have brought to Queensland. It also recognises that our diversity is the strength of our future. I strongly believe that all Queenslanders will support the charter and will work towards bringing the charter to life in every street, neighbourhood, community and city across this wonderful state. The Queensland Multicultural Awards is an initiative which showcases the success of multiculturalism in Queensland. Every year it is wonderful to see the diverse range of cultures and religions coming together in harmony. The individuals, businesses, organisations and volunteers that are nominated for the awards do amazing work towards the goal of enhancing multiculturalism in Queensland. The Palaszczuk government has a strong vision for our state as a place where people, regardless of their backgrounds, can feel welcome and part of our society. That is why we Multicultural Experience Celebrating the 15 th Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane

27 020 Australian Multiculturalism Celebrating Multicultrualism in Queensland As part of its policy, Queensland also has a Celebrating Multicultural Queensland Grants Program which funds initiatives that celebrate and promote Queensland s multicultural identity, increase community awareness of benefits of multiculturalism, foster community cohesion, and support equal access to opportunities by people from diverse cultural backgrounds. The Celebrating Multicultural Queensland Grants Program funded 116 events and 15 projects across the state in including in our local community. This highly successful program helps bring thousands of people together to celebrate the wonderful diversity we have here in Queensland. I see this diversity every day in my local community. The electorate of Stretton has the highest proportion of people born overseas in the state. It has the highest proportion of people speaking a language other than English at home of any electorate in this state. It is a place where Lunar New Year, Eid-ul-Fitr and Diwali are celebrated in the community, along with Easter and Christmas. It truly is a fantastic place to live with so much cultural celebration. Over the years that I have lived in my local community, I have seen Stretton grow into a modern, diverse, multicultural area. I always say you can eat your way around the world if you live in my local area. It truly is a place where you can have a diversity of experiences. When discussing multiculturalism I think that the words of the late Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser in his speech to the Institute of Multicultural Affairs on 30 November 1981 are particularly appropriate. He said... multiculturalism is concernedwith far more thanthe passive toleration of diversity. It sees diversity as a quality to be actively embraced, a source of social wealth and dynamism. It encourages groups to be open and to interact, so that all Australians may learn and benefit from each other s heritages. Multiculturalism is about diversity, not divisionit is about interaction not isolation. I see the practical manifestation of these sentiments every day in my local area and will continue to work hard to ensure that we can continue to embrace diversity. These policies are important as they promote and showcase our rich cultural diversity and reaffirm Queensland as a wonderfully welcoming and harmonious society. I want to especially thank and acknowledge the work of Melody Chen, Edward Lin, Maggie Lu, Susan Yang and all members of World Arts and Multi-Culture Inc for the important contribution they make to provide a welcoming and harmonious state for all cultures and religions. 布里斯本多元文化經驗世界多元文化藝術協會 15 週年特輯

28 Australian Multiculturalism Celebrating Multicultrualism in Queensland 021 About the Author Duncan Pegg MP Queensland Parliament Member for Stretton Chair, Innovation, Tourism Development and Environment Committee Honorary Advisor of WAMCI Duncan is the State Member for Stretton. His electorate includes the suburbs of Calamvale, Stretton, Drewvale, Kuraby, Runcorn and Sunnybank Hills. Duncan is proud to represent the seat of Stretton and has spoken many times in the Legislative Assembly about the way the community in Stretton embrace diversity. Duncan has lived in the local area for 20 years. He holds a Bachelor of Laws and a Bachelor of Commerce from Griffith University and a Masters of Laws from QUT. He has studied Mandarin at the Institute of Modern Languages at the University of Queensland. He is a member of the Pinelands Lions Club, Kyabra Community Association and is an Honorary Advisor to World Arts and Multi- Culture Inc. Multicultural Experience Celebrating the 15 th Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane

29 022 Australian Multiculturalism Democracy and Diverse Societies in Australia and Taiwan 1.4 Democracy and Diverse Societies in Australia and Taiwan 澳大利亞和台灣的民主與多元社會 Bruce Hung 洪振榮 Since the end of martial law in 1987, Taiwan has transformed itself into a vibrant democracy. Taiwan s cultural uniqueness and diversity are the results of the rich blending of traditional and western cultures and customs. Taiwan is also known as a dynamic democratic country in Asia which embraces creativity and diversity. 自1987年7月15日解嚴後 臺灣已經逐漸 轉型為一個多元民主國家 臺灣多元文化的特 性源自於傳統習俗與西方文化之融合 創意與 多元之兼容並蓄 After the third peaceful transfer of political power in 2016, Dr Tsai Ingwen was sworn in on May 20th as the nation s first female president. That has cemented this island s standing as one of Asia s most progressive and tolerant countries. Not only did Tsai Ing-wen become Taiwan s first female president, and the most powerful woman in the Chinese-speaking societies, she is also the first woman to run an Asian country who is not the child of a political dynasty. There were women running South Korea, Thailand, Pakistan and Bangladesh, but all owed their positions at least in part to being sisters, widows or daughters of previous rulers. 布 里 斯 本 多元文化經驗 世界多元文化藝術協會15週年特輯 President Tsai is a single woman who worked her own way up, through academia and into government and politics. In the process she has symbolically shattered a glass ceiling for women in Taiwan and for women in Asia. The 2016 elections were also a milestone for aboriginal representation, with legislators from Taiwan s original inhabitants taking up eight seats in the parliament: With 7 percent of seats for a group that makes up 1.5 percent of the population, Taiwanese have chosen to over-represent their aboriginal community. This effort to give voice to women and minorities speaks to the pride that Taiwanese have in their diverse and pluralistic societies.

30 Australian Multiculturalism Democracy and Diverse Societies in Australia and Taiwan 2016年的大選 蔡總統成為首位華人社會 的女性國家元首 與其他亞洲國家女性國家領 導人不同 蔡總統並非出身於政治世家 2016 年的大選也選出8席的原住民立法委員 讓佔 人口總數1.5%的原住民在立法院擁有7%的代 表權 該次大選臺灣選民以選票支持女性及原 住民 向世人證明了臺灣是一個尊重多元種族 及文化的社會 以前的民主是選舉的輸贏 現 在的民主則是關於人民的幸福 以前 的民主是兩個價值觀的對決 現在的 民主則是不同價值觀的對話 In 2017, the Republic of China (Taiwan) celebrated its 106th anniversary energised by growing international recognition of its thriving democracy and vigorous multicultural society. Taiwan is a beacon of freedom in Asia that warmly welcomes people and integrates cultures from across the world. This famed hospitality was on full display in mid-august 2017 when over 7,700 student athletes from 141 countries gathered in Taipei for the 29th Summer Universiade. The largest sporting event ever staged in Taiwan was universally acclaimed as a resounding success. Democracy in Taiwan is not just about one election but an entire way of life, where officials learn to be humble and the government listens to the people. It is also a process. The government s duty is to move Taiwan s democracy forward to the next stage-before, democracy was about winning or losing the election; now, democracy is about the welfare of the people. President Tsai clearly stated, 2017年 來自141個不同國家 超過7,700 位的大學生運動員齊聚臺北 為的就是第二十 九屆的世界大學運動會 Before, democracy was a showdown between two opposing values. Now, democracy is a conversation between many diverse values. 臺灣的民主發展迄今 已經不僅是一場選 舉 還包括整個生活方式 政府官員變得謙卑 並能傾聽民意 民主也是一個過程 政府的責 任是將臺灣的民主更深化 蔡總統說 Multicultural Experience th Celebrating the 15 Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane 023

31 024 Australian Multiculturalism Democracy and Diverse Societies in Australia and Taiwan In mid-september 2017, Taiwan again grabbed headlines as host of the World Congress on Information Technology. Around 4,000 captains of industry, government officials and experts from over 80 countries travelled to Taipei to discuss the future of the ICT industry, highlighting the country s status as a leading hub of high-tech innovation. Meanwhile, Taiwan is also seeking the opportunity diversify international economics and trade across the world. We ve seen the US propose a "free and open Indo-Pacific" policy. Mainland China has its One Belt, One Road policy. Japan and India are jointly advocating a "free corridor", while Korea has a New Southern Policy. These initiatives show that all the countries in our region want to establish closer economic and trade ties. 此外 在國際經貿戰略上 美國提出了 自由開放的印度 太平洋 戰略 中國大陸 提出了 一帶一路 日本和印度共同倡議 自由走廊 韓國則提出 新南方政策 這些不同的主張 皆凸顯了區域內各國都想建 立更緊密的經貿關係 Taiwan also has its own strategy. The New Southbound Policy is our key regional strategy for Asia. In September 2016, Taiwan s Executive Yuan announced the promotion plan for the 布 里 斯 本 多元文化經驗 世界多元文化藝術協會15週年特輯 New Southbound Policy, which seeks to deepen Taiwan s agricultural, business, cultural, education, tourism and diversify trade across 18 countries, 10 members of ASEAN, six South Asian States, Australia and New Zealand. The New Southbound Policy seeks to elevate the scope and diversity of Taiwan s export economy and minimise over-reliance on any single market. The policy is seen by the government as one of the best ways for thecountry to overcome current economic challenges. In order to generate new momentum for growth, Taiwan s government is actively promoting its New Southbound Policy. All of these efforts will not only provide people in our region with more institutionalised protections in the course of their exchanges with each other, but also see them as an infusion of new strength and a force for cultural diversity with Southeast Asian nations. 臺灣也有自己的戰略 為了能夠採取多元管 道與面向的國際經貿策略 蔡總統提出 新南 向政策 這個政策已經獲得東南亞和南亞國 家的迴響 自2016年5月20日以來 在貿易 投資 觀光 以及文化等領域上 臺灣加強了

32 Australian Multiculturalism Democracy and Diverse Societies in Australia and Taiwan 跟各國的交流合作 不僅如此 為了提供雙方 人民在往來上制度性的保障 臺灣也大力推動 資深官員互訪 以及各領域的雙邊會談 並且 積極簽署各項備忘錄和合作協議 臺灣往南 走 就會找到新的機會 未來 新南向政 策 將邁入全面推動及全面整合的階段 臺 灣會在既有的合作基礎上 發展和新南向國家 的經貿文化夥伴關係 Taiwan shares the same values as Australia, where freedom, democracy, human rights and justice have become the very core values and assets both citizens could feel most proud of. It s also this kind of diversity, and its expression through our shared aspirations, will determine the shape of our country s future. In 2017, Hon. Malcom Turnbull, Prime Minister of Australia emphasized a statement, Australians look like every face, every race, every background because we define ourselves and our nation by our commitment to shared political values, democracy, freedom and the rule of law, he said. The statement also sets out what Australian values are, including equality of men and women, commitment to freedom and support of freedom of thought, speech, religion, enterprise and association. This kind of diversities is shown in the history of Australia politics in recent years. In 2015, Hon. Annastacia Palaszczuk became the first woman in Australia to become Premier of a state from Opposition. Her first cabinet in Queensland was majority female (8 of 14), a first in Australia. On 24 June 2010, Hon. Julia Gillard became Australia s 27th Prime Minister and the first woman to hold the office. It s this kind of diversity that enriches spirit in democracy and the national character of Australia. 臺灣與澳洲一樣 共享自由 民主 人權與 法治之價值 民主已深植臺灣民心 在此民主 基礎下 臺灣已經是一個多元並蓄 和諧互信 的社會 在2017年 澳洲首相Hon Malcom Turnbull先生強調 任何臉孔 種族 文化 背景都可以是澳洲人的 因為我們給澳洲自己 的定義是共享政治價值觀 民主 自由 法制 這句話同時也突顯出了澳洲人的價值觀 包括 男女平等 對自由的堅持 思 想 言論 宗教 集會結社自由的支持 這 種多元文化在澳洲近年的政治中 尤為顯注 2015年 Hon. Annastacia Palaszczuk女士在 澳洲成為了第一位女性州長 她也創下一個澳 洲史上第一個以女性為主所組成的內閣的紀錄 2010年六月二十四日 Hon. Julia Gillard女 士成為了澳洲第27任首相 同時也是第一位執 政的女性 澳洲民主中的精神和國格就是透過 這種多元性來得到充實的 Democracy is now a fundamental part of Taiwan s national identity. The scale and diversity of events staged in Taiwan in recent years are cause for great optimism about the country s future. In the coming year, our government s goal is to overcome our difficulties and take Taiwan to new heights. Taiwan will become better. We will become great because of our democracy. We will become great because of our freedom. We will become great because of our diversity. Multicultural Experience th Celebrating the 15 Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane 025

33 026 Australian Multiculturalism Democracy and Diverse Societies in Australia and Taiwan 民主現在是臺灣最為基本的國家特性 近年 來所舉辦的多元文化的活動規模 都是對於國 家的未來是非常樂觀的主因之一 在接下來的 幾年中 解決困難以及將臺灣帶到新高會是政 府的主要任務 因為自由 因為多元 臺灣將 會變得更好 About the Author Bruce Hung 洪振榮 Director-General, Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, Brisbane Bruce was born at Tainan City, Taiwan. He studied at Tamkang University in Taiwan, major in English Literatures, and then obtained the Master Degree in Translation & Interpretation at Monterey Institute of International Studies, United States of America. His career involves as a professional diplomat at Chicago, Grenada, Fiji and Guam. His previous position was the Deputy Director General, Department of Archives, Information Management and Telecommunications at Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China (Taiwan). 洪振榮處長出生台灣台南市 取得淡江大學英國語文學系學 士及美國蒙特瑞國際學院口筆譯碩士學位 曾任外交部駐芝 加哥辦事處秘書 駐格瑞那達大使館秘書 外交部機要室薦 任秘書 駐菲濟代表處秘書 駐關島辦事處組長 外交部非 政府組織國際事務會副參事及外交部資訊及電務處副處長等 職位 布 里 斯 本 多元文化經驗 世界多元文化藝術協會15週年特輯

34 Australian Multiculturalism Technical and Vocational Education Training in Economic Development Technical and Vocational Education Training as an Important Factor in National Economic Development Dr Michelle Lee The aim of education and training is to equip people with knowledge, skills, knowhow, attitude and/or competences required in particular occupations, or more broadly on the workforce (European Training Foundation, 1997). The Australian Government has embarked on a significant reform of the Vocational Education and Training (VET) system. The objectives of the reform are to improve the quality, job outcomes and status VET which are necessary for the system to adapt to future skills, careers and industries needs (VET Reform Taskforce, 2017). The Queensland Government defines VET as education and training that provides the practical skills and knowledge you need to join the workforce for the first time, re-join the workforce, gain an apprenticeship or traineeship, enter tertiary study and advance your professional development. The Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) views VET as enabling students to gain qualifications for all types of employment, and specific skills to help them in the workplace. The VET sector is crucial to the Australian economy; both for the development of the national workforce and as a major export industry. The Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF) is the national policy for regulated qualifications in Australian education and training. VET providers include public Technical and Further Education (TAFE) institutes, Private Registered Training Organisations (RTO), community organisations, industry skill centres, adult and community education providers and agricultural colleges, commercial and enterprise training providers, including some universities and schools. Public and Private VET providers offer a wide range of accredited and non-accredited VET courses across the full range of the AQF. The National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) attributed to Korbel, P & Misko, J (2016) issued a report on VET provider market structures. This report focussed on history, growth and change research, tracking the number of providers entering and exiting the market over the last 20 years using registration data from. The NCVER research found that private training providers comprise an increas ing proportion of new providers entering the market and there has also been a recent rise in the number of cancellations by the regulator. The reports from new Total VET Activity (TVA) data (NCVER 2015a) also illustrated that there is much diversity in the VET provider market. What stands out is that the market is characterised by a handful of larger providers with Multicultural Experience Celebrating the 15 th Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane

35 028 Australian Multiculturalism Technical and Vocational Education Training in Economic Development upwards of around 10,000 students and a substantial number of medium-sized providers with around 1,000 students. However, there are nearly 2,000 providers (around 40% of the total) with 100 or fewer students. An important function of the VET system is providing training for new entrants to the labour force, particularly young people and those who are disadvantaged, such as early school leavers (Teese 2004). In regards to VET in Australia, the Australian Government and state governments also have a wide range of subsidies and support programs that allow learners with special needs to participate in mainstream VET programs, including apprenticeships and traineeships. Employers can also receive incentives or subsidies for learners with special needs who undertake training. However, there are only indicative statistics on VET learners with special needs available given that the information about the severity of learner disadvantages is difficult to obtain. In the public VET system in 2006, 4% of students identified as Indigenous Australians, about 6% had a disability that limited their ability to undertake their VET program, approximately 13% came from a language background other than English and about 25% had a highest education level of Year 10 or lower. In fact, statistics showed that some students had multiple disabilities or belonged to more than one of these categories. RTO institutes offer training programs that are relevant to a very wide range of industries and occupations, including formal or off-the-job training for apprentices and trainees. In 2006, over 25% of the students in the public VET system were years of age and they accounted for 31% of the hours of training. With students aged years added in, young people still comprise fewer than half the students, although they do account for just over a half of the training activity. The Australian VET system also plays an important role in training or retraining people who are already in the workforce, particularly those in the 25 to 64 years age range. In 2006, over 35% of students in the public VET time or returning to the workforce after an absence. Many of these programs are administered by Australia s network of Job Centres, which provide a range of services to people who are unemployed or have special needs. In addition to skills training and skills upgrading, governments also fund programs in areas such as literacy, numeracy, and English language skills for those from non-english speaking backgrounds, and information technology. In some instances, these differences cause structural barriers in the training and labour markets. Moreover, they can compromise the transferability of licences between states and may even have contributed to skills shortages, particularly in licensed trade occupations. In October 2014, the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet published the industry innovation and competitive agenda, indicating a need for a more skilled labour force. This included improving education and training; and recognition that a business relevant, high-quality education and training boosts innovation, encourages investment and supports jobs growth. The Government aims to create a world s best practice VET system that provides the skills for jobs of the future. The VET system is well regarded but can be 布里斯本多元文化經驗世界多元文化藝術協會 15 週年特輯

36 Australian Multiculturalism Technical and Vocational Education Training in Economic Development 029 improved. It has several strengths including nationally recognised qualifications, industrydirected content, and training delivery through a mixture of public and private providers. However, concerns have been raised about its ability to deliver the skills demanded by the Australian economy. As part of the Competitiveness Agenda, the Government is introducing the next wave of reforms for the VET sector. The Government will implement new arrangements for the delivery of support to Australian apprentices and their employers from 1 July The new Australian Apprenticeship Support Network will simplify and improve user access to the Australian Apprenticeships system. The VET Network service hubs aim to improve apprenticeship retention, completion and satisfaction rates by providing quality end-to-end services including: entrylevel screening and testing to ensure assisted apprentices are equipped with foundation skills and are suitably matched to their training courses and occupations; job matching for apprentices and employers to ensure the right fit employer and training; individual case management and mentoring of at-risk apprentices and employers; and streamlined administration of training contracts. While personnel are required to adapt to innovation in processes and products they rarely make any contribution to the change process itself. It is in manufacturing that learning and innovation are most commonly associated as skill-biased technological change. It is not surprising that research on the economics of VET was accorded such a high priority than in other fields of education, the debate about VET has a strong economic focus, in considering both the productivity and earnings benefits that will flow from greater public or private investment in VET, and the role of financing mechanisms in facilitating access to VET. The bracketing of Policy and Economics underscore the central role that economics plays in VET decision-making. Of course, the debate about VET involves far more than economic considerations, but the economy provides a persistent, and insistent, backdrop to the field. Hence the additional changes to Migration regulations and policies in November 2017, which are strongly related to economic factors. In fact, Deloitte Access Economics estimates that in 2025, the average international learner will spend around $61,000 on higher education in Australia. In total, international higher education onshore learners are projected to spend around $25.6 billion. Furthermore, approximately two thirds of international students enrolled in ELICOS went onto further study in higher education (34%) and VET (23%; DET, 2015b). However, rapid international business growth has challenged the global economy and social movement, ultimately changing the modern world. Today s business can t fight tomorrow s competitive battles with yesterday s outdated weapons and tactics (Boisot, 1999). Australia is appreciating a long period of consecutive economic growth. Policy emphasis has been on developing an Australian labour force that is equipped to participate in an economy that is competitive in global terms. While many of these policies have been similar to those in other OECD countries, there have been some distinctive elements to the overall policy framework in Australia and the way it has Multicultural Experience Celebrating the 15 th Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane

37 030 Australian Multiculturalism Technical and Vocational Education Training in Economic Development been applied. The past decade has seen an intensification of interest in the role of VET in helping people find jobs and stimulating national economic development. In Australia and elsewhere, there have been numerous reports and policies developments aimed at strengthening the linkages between VET and the labour market. The above reports and records reflected a better understanding of the factors and important role that VET plays in the economic success of individuals, enterprises and nations. Therefore, quality and forwardlooking government policies will support VET providers with quality service needs, to support industrial demands, sustain national economic growth, lead in a swift change in the world and drive the new global economic era. About the Author References Deloitte. (2014). Building the Lucky Country #3: Positioning for Prosperity? Catching the Next Wave. Source: Ministry of Labour 2005, UNESCO- UNEVOC Australian Apprenticeships Management System IT overview, 18 August Consultations Summary COAG Industry and Skills Council Meeting, Skills Ministers, 2 June 2017 COAG Industry and Skills Council Meeting, Skills Ministers, 24 November 2017 Communiqué for the COAG Industry and Skills Council Meetings Skills Ministers- 20 November 2015 Competitiveness Agenda, 26 Aug 2015 VET Reform - Competitiveness Agenda Factsheet, 26 Aug 2015 New Standards Regulating for Quality, 11 Aug 2015 Training and Assessment Working Group report Improving the quality of assessment in vocational education and training, 17 November 2016 VET provider market structures: history, growth, and change, By Patrick Korbel, Josie Misko Research report18 July 2016 Making sense of total VET activity: an initial market analysis, Jun 15, 2016 Trends in VET: policy and participation, Georgina Atkinson John Stanwick National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER), 2016 An overview of vocational education and training in Australia and its links to the labour market, Brian Knight Peter Mlotkowski, NCVER, 2009 Growth and opportunity in Australian International Education, Deloitte Access Economics, Dec Dr Michelle Lee Also known as Dr Michelle Ryao CEO, Royal Brisbane Institute of Technology President, Global Sustainable Development Vision Innovative Association 布里斯本多元文化經驗世界多元文化藝術協會 15 週年特輯

38 2Multicultural Brisbane 多元文化的布里斯本 Multicultural Experience Celebrating the 15 th Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane 布里斯本多元文化經驗世界多元文化藝術協會 15 週年特輯

39 032 Multicultural Brisbane 2Multicultural Brisbane 多元文化的布里斯本 Brisbane is a vibrant cultural city attracting creative endeavours and innovation. The significant opportunities enhance the well-being of multicultural communities through higher quality engagement with clients and external stakeholders from culturally diverse backgrounds. This therefore supports the fabric of Australian Society. Government promotes multicultural policy, with the establishment of Harmony Day activities and Multicultural Department in every segment of Government. The policy also creates a harmonious educational environment allows students to thrive and positively impacts their well-being. Community organisations and festivals in Brisbane have certainly added intercultural diversity and reinforce the values of Australian multiculturalism. 布里斯本多元文化經驗世界多元文化藝術協會 15 週年特輯

40 Multicultural Brisbane Multicultural Society of Brisbane Multicultural Society of Brisbane Lord Mayor Graham Quirk Brisbane is a vibrant, cultural city one that attracts creative endeavours and people, and enables innovation. I am proud that Brisbane City Council, through our Brisbane Vision 2031, envisages a city of strong and diverse communities that care for, help and show friendship towards others; where all residents, students and visitors will be welcomed; and where cultural diversity is celebrated. To support our multicultural communities, Council offers a range of programs, grants and facilities. In turn, residents and visitors can take part in many different cultural festivals and New Year events, attend workshops and even learn new skills through English conversation group classes. Newly arrived Brisbane residents from refugee backgrounds are welcomed in our city by way of the Lord Mayor s Refugee Welcome Ceremony. This annual ceremony provides opportunities for participants to network, meet with community leaders, and access a range of programs and services provided by government and nongovernment agencies. In addition, Council provides services and initiatives for people from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse backgrounds. An initiative that I am proud of is the Women s Engagement Project, which was established by Council in partnership with the Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland and the Peace and Conflict Studies Institute Australia to implement a culturally appropriate engagement process with women from different cultural backgrounds. The objective of the project is to enhance the participation of women in the life of Brisbane by identifying and responding to the cultural, social, economic and learning needs of women from Arabic, Samoan, Spanish, Tamil, Sudanese, and Vietnamese backgrounds. Another community initiative is Council s sponsorship of Radio 4EB Community Ethnic Radio, which broadcasts in over 50 languages and has an audience of nearly 60,000 Brisbane residents daily. New radio broadcasters of all ages are welcome to apply and to learn new skills while also meeting new people in a supportive environment. To promote two-way communication with Brisbane s multicultural communities and identify opportunities to benefit Brisbane s economic development, the Lord Mayor s Multicultural Round Table was established. Community leaders meet on a quarterly basis to share information on initiatives and to increase interaction between community groups. Multicultural Experience Celebrating the 15 th Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane

41 034 Multicultural Brisbane Multicultural Society of Brisbane Several initiatives are served by the Lord Mayor s Multicultural Round Table, such as the Lord Mayor s Multicultural Business Scholarship Program and Mentoring Scheme, which provides entrepreneurs from culturally diverse backgrounds with additional business skills to establish and grow their businesses and, accordingly, contribute to Brisbane s economy. Council recognises that business people from culturally diverse backgrounds also have valuable links to global markets and can forge strong export and investment ties for the city. Scholarships in 2017 were provided through TAFE Queensland, QUT and SITE Institute. The courses provided by these institutions all differ, offering assistance to multicultural entrepreneurs at different stages on their business journey. Going forward to 2018, the scholarship program will be expanded to include additional institutions and courses, with the goal of working to assist as many members from multicultural communities as possible Scholarship and Mentoring Recipients Recipients of the Lord Mayors Multicultural Business Scholarship The mentoring scheme has been running since 2015, and mentors are members of the Lord Mayor s Multicultural Round Table who volunteer their time to support and advance multicultural business people in business. In addition, the Lord Mayor s Multicultural Business Awards celebrate the contribution that multicultural business people make to Brisbane s economy. The event recognises the richness that cultural diversity brings to the Brisbane economy and also the global linkages that are forged by empowering business entrepreneurs from culturally diverse backgrounds. The Lord Mayor s Multicultural Business Dinner is a platform for recognising outstanding business people from culturally diverse backgrounds who have chosen to call Brisbane home. In addition to announcing the successful Multicultural Business Awards winners, the event raises funds to secure business training courses through the Lord Mayor s Multicultural Business Scholarship Program and Mentoring Scheme. 布里斯本多元文化經驗世界多元文化藝術協會 15 週年特輯

42 Multicultural Brisbane Multicultural Society of Brisbane 035 With regard to the arts, it is wonderful to have welcomed the Sunnybank Performing Arts Centre (SunPAC) in October SunPAC showcases local, national and international performing artists to deliver a diverse and accessible program that reflects and engages with culturally diverse audiences and communities. Council remains dedicated to providing funding for major arts and cultural facilities as part of its commitment to fostering an innovative and creative community. Multicultural festivals are integral to giving a voice to communities from all corners of the globe, and to creating new lifestyle and leisure opportunities for residents and visitors to our city to enjoy. Council recognises that rich diverse experiences enhance our city s cultural life, providing funding towards more than 114 festivals and events throughout the city each year. The annual BrisAsia festival is a unique, stand-alone program of events showcasing Brisbane as a hybrid culture with an authentic Asia fusion through creative performance, music food and cultural experiences. I am delighted that one such group that promotes the arts in Brisbane s southern suburbs is the World Arts & Multi-Culture Inc. This organisation is a key encourager of artistic pursuits through events such as education, performance, art appreciation and painting. It is certainly exciting to know there is strong collaboration between Australian and International artists, and for the people of Brisbane to be able to share their love of the arts with both local communities and artists from around the world. In closing, I wish to reiterate that Council recognises the valuable contribution and benefits that diversity brings to the city and has a shared committed in ensuring Brisbane continues to be a city where cultural diversity is valued and celebrated. About the Author Lord Mayor Graham Quirk The Hon. The Lord Mayor of Brisbane Cr Quirk was elected by Council on 7 April 2011 following the resignation of Campbell Newman. From 2008 until 2011, Cr Quirk was Deputy Lord Mayor of Brisbane. Cr Quirk has served as a Councillor in the City of Brisbane since After three years he was appointed as Finance Chairman under Lord Mayor Sallyanne Atkinson and was later appointed Works Chairman. He then served as Opposition Spokesman on Development and Planning, Opposition Spokesman on Finance and Opposition Spokesman on Transport and Traffic. Multicultural Experience Celebrating the 15 th Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane

43 036 Multicultural Brisbane Authentic and Meaningful Engagement with Multicultural Communities 2.2 Authentic and Meaningful Engagement with Multicultural Communities Huss Mustafa OAM Malini Raj Diversity and inclusion is an integral part of CommBank s culture, values and the way we do business at CommBank - it is part of our DNA. It offers tangible benefits for our employees, customers, shareholders and the communities in which we serve. To reinforce this commitment our Executive Committee has committed to ensuring that our leadership matches the cultural diversity of the Australian population and for leaders to reflect this diversity by 2020 measured by our Cultural Diversity Index (CDI). Building an inclusive workplace has been substantially promoted by the creation of employee-led networks. In line with valuing the individuality, needs, different perspectives and ambitions of our people regardless of gender, age, cultural identity, sexual orientation or disability they cover all pillars of diversity. As part of our Financial Inclusion Action Plan, we committed to develop cultural diversity champions throughout our business and are doing this through Mosaic. Mosaic is the very active cultural diversity focused network. It is responsible for driving initiatives such as a Taste of Harmony introduced by General Manager Huss Mustafa OAM and the introduction of the Corporate Hijab, championed by Head of Strategy Multicultural Community Banking - Malini Raj. There are over 3,000 employees who have completed the Mosaic Champion cultural diversity awareness training. In addition, hundreds of employees and customers attended Lunar New Year, Diwali and Iftar dinners in Sydney and Melbourne and Brisbane. It was these initiatives, networks, our commitment to diversity and inclusion and Huss Mustafa OAM s work in establishing a strong presence and reputation amongst Multicultural Communities in Victoria that he was approached by Groups Executive to replicate this community engagement model nationally and create CommBank Multicultural Community Banking. 布里斯本多元文化經驗世界多元文化藝術協會 15 週年特輯

44 Multicultural Brisbane Authentic and Meaningful Engagement with Multicultural Communities 037 This recognised the significant opportunity to enhance the financial wellbeing of multicultural communities through higher quality engagement with clients and external stakeholders from culturally diverse backgrounds and support the fabric of Australian Society. Given that CommBank banks four out of every ten Australian banking customers who were born overseas, the Bank recognises the imperative to mirror Australia s diversity and to develop strategies that build inclusive behaviour It is also important that we take time to engage and understand with these multicultural Communities and respond to their unique needs. Our mission is to foster empathy and understanding among Multicultural Communities by deepening relationships and enhancing financial inclusion and for our customers to feel supported and a sense of belonging to CommBank. Multicultural Community Banking seeks drive and implement initiatives and programs to: Provide Financial Literacy and Inclusion Support Enhance the financial inclusion and literacy of new and emerging migrants, established multicultural communities, women and school children by delivering programs, entering into partnerships and potentially developing resources and programs to cater for identified needs. Provide Meaningful Employment Opportunities for Multicultural Communities - Assisting and supporting people from multicultural community (new and emerging and established) with job opportunities to enhance social cohesion and also to allow CBA to reflect and mirror our customer base in our staff (in terms of language and cultural capability). To provide tailored, relevant and accessible products, and tools for multicultural communities - Deepen our understanding of multicultural communities, their behaviours and preferences through consultation and insights to tailor tools, products resources, delivery channels and support programs to suit (personal and small businesses). To provide opportunities to increase understanding and appreciation of the value of multiculturalism for our staff by leading and leveraging the Mosaic cultural diversity employee network encourage involvement in grass roots community engagement, encouraging culturally diverse staff to share their stories and to mentor, sponsor and support cultural diverse talent. The team is led by General Manager Huss Mustafa OAM and supported by Head of Strategy Malini Raj acts as the CBA liaison point with Multicultural Community bodies, Multicultural Government Ministers, Embassies and Consulate Generals and seeks opportunities to join relevant advisory boards and forums. They seek to form relationships with community groups and through their interactions be able to understand their needs and concerns. Working with the community to provide solutions to improve financial inclusion. We have formed several key strategic partnerships at a government level in VIC, NSW, QLD and WA. The ultimate goal is to establish a strategic partnership in each state and then Multicultural Experience Celebrating the 15 th Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane

45 038 Multicultural Brisbane Authentic and Meaningful Engagement with Multicultural Communities expand programs such as internship programs, mentoring, financial literacy and inclusion, refugee support and domestic and family violence support and resources to multicultural communities nationally. We also aim to enter into partnerships which seek to foster social cohesion and financial inclusion ie. Islamic Museum of Australia in Victoria our financial literacy module run by our School Banking team seeks to address and support financial and social cohesion, the Mental Health Foundation of Australia partnership which through, championing the CBA Mental Health Foundation Multicultural Ambassador Program to create awareness of mental health issues amongst multicultural communities. Additionally we engage with communities at a grass roots level, with authentic and meaningful engagement and physical presence at festivals and cultural events - the unique factor which is core to the strategy. We have also recognised that Multicultural Community landscape is complex and there are many opportunities (sponsorships / partnerships / festivals, awards / conferences) that we are presented with. We have developed an External Cultural Diversity Advisory Council with credible people across all aspects of the Multicultural sphere (Community, Corporate, Arts, Sports, Youth, Health, Media, and Disability) to assist in prioritising key initiatives and key communities. They are well respected and will assist us in shaping our direction, provide guidance on which areas to invest resources and be proactive in determining current upcoming issues and ensure our division is focusing on key and current issues. We are committed to supporting Multiculturalism in Queensland through being major sponsors of the Queensland Multicultural Month. In 2017, we were involved in events associated with the Month including Queensland Multicultural Awards, Businesslunch in which our Chief Economist Craig James spoke and the Diversity at Dusk Festival. This year we will have presence at the Queensland Multicultural Awards as well as sponsoring Grow Week. The week will be focussed on the fact that the number of skilled migrants in Queensland on the rise, and there has never been a better time for the State s business sector to grow a more diverse workforce and support structured career paths for new Queenslanders and we want to demonstrate CommBank s commitment to that. This year Multicultural Community Banking held an inaugural Brisbane Iftar dinner for over 150 guests at Parliament House. It was a true demonstration of inclusivity - bringing together multicultural community stakeholders from different faiths, religions, backgrounds and cultures. It was attended and supported by Minister for Local Government, Minister for Racing and Minister for Multicultural Affairs, 布里斯本多元文化經驗世界多元文化藝術協會 15 週年特輯

46 Multicultural Brisbane Authentic and Meaningful Engagement with Multicultural Communities 039 Hon Stirling Hinchcliffe MP and Graham Quirk, Lord Mayor of Brisbane.We have also been invited to share best practice at numerous forums and case studies as part of the Queensland Multicultural Ambassador Program. CommBank is also proud of our relationship with the World Arts and Multi-Culture Inc. whose activities and objectives we have been advocating for and supporting for a number of years. Multicultural Community Baking have also aligned our structure and reporting lines to the Group Customer Advocacy function of CommBank. The Group Customer Advocacy team s mandate is to support and champion fairness for customers - giving a voice to those that have none. While advocating for the interests of all customers, the team is particularly focused on helping those who are disadvantaged, experiencing hardship, have language difficulties or face other challenging circumstances through strong engagement and consultation in metro and regional areas. CommBank is Australia s leading provider of integrated financial services, operating in over 1,000 locations worldwide and employing nearly 52,000 people. One thing to note, is that both the Multicultural Community Banking division, and Group Customer Advocacy are purely focused on creating better, genuine and authentic interactions with our customers. About the Author Huss Mustafa OAM General Manager, Multicultural Community Banking, Commonwealth Bank of Australia Malini Raj Head of Strategy, Multicultural Community Banking, Commonwealth Bank of Australia Multicultural Experience Celebrating the 15 th Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane

47 040 Multicultural Brisbane Australian Migration Policy and The Contribution of New Migrants 2.3 Australian Migration Policy and The Contribution of New Migrants 澳洲的移民政策與新移民對澳洲之貢獻 John Chen 陳文璋 As a migrant from Taipei since 1986, I ve changed my profession, from chemical manufacturing / engineering in Asia (15 years) to migration consultant in Australia (30 years). I ve passed through many political party rotations and experienced frequent change of Immigration Law / regulation, my migration service pattern and content has changed and modified accordingly. 筆者於1986年自台北以商業移民申請取得 澳洲永久居民至今三十二年 專業生崖也由在 亞洲的化工業轉成在澳洲的移民顧問專業 在 這三十年的移民留學服務工作中 經歷許多屆 澳洲政府更替 移民政策更是多次更改 我的 移民服務也跟著政策之改變而調整服務項目與 內容 As migration and overseas student businesses are both providing service to help people, I deeply feel the importance of having a real heart to help people in order to achieve high level of success, self-esteem and happiness. 由於移民與留學都是為客戶提供專業服務 深深覺得要做好這一項服務業必須具備幫助客 人的真心 作起事來才會快樂 客人也會感受 到我們的熱忱 布 里 斯 本 多元文化經驗 世界多元文化藝術協會15週年特輯 On the other hand, we live in Australia for the long term, need to service and join the community by involving social activities such as community associations. This will enrich oneself for a happy and colourful life. I ve acted as Vice President of World Art and Multi-Cultural Incorporation for over ten years. As I have committed most of my time and effort to my migration law profession, I only act as Vice President and I always provide my assistance to the President of the association. During the 18 times of Citizenship Ceremony consigned by the Citizenship Department, I have sung the Australian National Anthem 18 times. I don t know whether this is an Australian record. 另一方面 長期居住在澳洲這個社會 也應 該參加適當的社團 服務社區也為自己的生活 添加色彩 使僑居生活能夠豐富快樂 如今 已經擔任世界多元文化藝術協會副會長十多年 由於自己的職業也需要花很多時間打理 不 敢擔任會長 只做副會長 長期幫會長抬轎子 也自得其樂 在協會被公民部委辦的十八次 公民宣誓典禮 也唱了十八次澳洲國歌 不知 道是不是澳洲的紀錄保持者

48 Multicultural Brisbane Australian Migration Policy and The Contribution of New Migrants It has been over 50 years since Australia s abundant White Australia policy was adapted to a Multi Cultural policy. This change of policy makes tremendous change to Australian society including economic, education, politic, and lifestyle. 澳洲自從捨棄白澳政策 推行多元文化以來 歷經五十多年 對澳洲社會 政治 經濟 教育以及生活上 已經產生相當大的變化 At present, applicants from all countries, all races can apply for immigration to Australia, under the same migration regulation. The applicants now come from Asia, India, Middle East and Africa, in addition to the traditional resource of Europe and America. 目前澳洲之移民政策 不分種族 國家地區 一律使用同一規定 這麼多年來 起先由亞 洲人開始漸漸增加移民人數 接著 印度人 中東人以及非洲人也漸次增加 目前已經可以 看見各洋人種生活於澳洲這塊大土地上 Australia is the largest island in the world, with a very long coastline. The middle of Australia is desert. In general, Australian soil is not fertile, but rich in mineral deposit. 澳洲是長在一塊世界上最大的島上面 週邊 海岸線很長 陸地中間是大塊沙漠 談不上沃 土 卻蘊藏不少礦產 Since British colonial in 1770, until end of world war two, White Australia policy was adopted and only European migration was allowed, with exception of some Chinese came during gold rush period. As ship transportation was very slow at that time, population did not increase sufficiently for a better economic impact. 原先人口就不多 西元1770年英國開始植 民以來 人口增加不快 一直到二次世界大戰 之後 還是奉行白澳政策 歐洲的白人有不少 來澳洲 尋求新生活 當時大部份靠客輪由海 上大約要花一個月時間才能來到澳洲 所以移 民增加之速度 也不是很快 Since 1960, world economic, transportation and technology progress very fast that Australia feel the necessity to be a member of the world, not an isolated country. Geographically, Australia is part of Asia, or neighbour of Asia. It is better to keep a friendly relationship with Asia and all other countries. The change to Multi-Cultural policy made a new Australia in the world and migration population increased very fast. 自1960年代以後 全世界之經濟 科技 交通快速發展 澳洲自覺不能只依靠英國與歐 洲過活 澳洲身處亞洲之近鄰 需要現實一點 與亞洲發展親密友好關係 對澳洲之國家利 益有益處 所以捨棄白澳政策 實行多元文化 政策 自此 移民人數逐步增加以至於快速增 加 Australia Government promotes MultiCultural policy ever since, with the establishment of Harmony day activity and MultiCultural Department in every segment of Government. The Multi-Cultural is not only to harmony Asia or other ethnics with White, but also to harmony all the Whites from Europe such as British, France, Dutch, Italian, Greece, Spanish, Romanian and all other ethnics. Australia is in fact, a multicultural country. 這麼多年來 澳洲政府一直鼓勵推行多元文 化政策 設立和諧日活動 政府部門也設立多 元文化部 這多元文化思想不只是要融合亞洲 文化 實際上歐洲來的移民 也有許多不同文 化需要融合 而且人數也不少 例如義大利裔 希臘裔 德裔 法裔 人數都不少 我們也 是在這多元文化的大旗之下 興致勃勃的參與 鼓吹多元文化 Multicultural Experience th Celebrating the 15 Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane 041

49 042 Multicultural Brisbane Australian Migration Policy and The Contribution of New Migrants 移民政策則不分人種 國家 一致適用 但 是細規則還是會造成一些不同現象 例如對英 文之要求 標準提得太高或比重太高 就不利 非英語系國家的人來移民 但是亞裔以及其他 人種之移民在不分人種的政策下 還是不斷增 加 Australian, such a big country, only have twenty four million population, in fact can accommodate more than another hundred thousand population in order to provide a more favourable market for all kinds of economic activities and form a stronger country. Recent public opinion trends ask for slow down in the increase of new migrants and blame housing price and infrastructure issue on new migrants. The correct and positive solution to make Australia strong is to increase infrastructure that can also create employment opportunity. Federal funding encouraging community organisations to support migrants Migration regulation did not treat different applications separately, but detailed regulations do make a bit difference for individual applicant, such as English ability requirement. If the requirement is high, it ll only benefit applicants from English speaking countries. 澳洲之人口一向稀少 現今只有二千四百萬 人 比台灣人口差不多 在這麼大的土地上 實在可以再增加一倍至五倍人口 不但國力會 更強 經濟運作也會更有自主性與效益性 但 是最近 澳洲社會也有人口增加太快之說法 反對增加移民 這只怪各項硬體建設與社區建 設沒有前瞻性發展 導致部份人覺得太擁擠或 房價太高 正確的政策應該是加速基礎建設 不但可以解決問題 創造就業機會 也可以使 澳洲更加強大 Recent massive modification of migration regulations have raised the standard for most category of migration visas. For example, skills migration applicant only available to applicant with skills on migration skills occupation list and only those with high score can obtain application invitation. Assurance of Support for Contributory parent migration visa also requires very high income for Assurer. 布 里 斯 本 多元文化經驗 世界多元文化藝術協會15週年特輯

50 Multicultural Brisbane Australian Migration Policy and The Contribution of New Migrants 最近各項移民政策與規定都大量修改 條件 越改越高 澳洲是希望吸收高層人士來移民 例如技術移民與商業移民等技術類別的移民申 請案 只有評分表高一點的人士才能申請 最 近也對家庭類別簽證開刀 例如2018年四月份 開始對於父母依親移民之保證人之課稅收入要 求提高一倍 真的需要有錢人才能符合資格了 在供應與需求平衡之原則下 只要申請移民 之人數繼續增加或不要萎縮 各項移民規定之 要求門檻就會繼續提高 也就是說 歡迎有能 力的人才 不歡迎一般路人甲或路人乙移民來 澳洲 Migration law is for all applicants to apply, so each individual can lodge application by themselves. But most applicants are not familiar with the regulation and may lodge a incomplete or wrong documents which may cause refusal of the application. If an application is prepared and lodged by Registered Migration Agent, the quality of the application is high and easy for migration officers to assess, eventually achieving a higher approval rate. 本來 移民法是給所有申請人使用的 要申 請簽證與移民 人人可以自己申請 但是移民 法規定繁雜 一般申請人不是移民法專業人是 提出之申請案往往不周全 容易被移民局拒 簽 如果經過專業的註冊移民代理提出申請 則不但內容完整 移民官也容易審案 所以獲 簽率就很高 Australia expects to attract high quality applicants to migrate to Australia for long term contribution to Australian society. The regulations purpose is to increase the standard and more high quality new migrants come to fill the required population vacancy and benefit to build a stronger Australia. 澳洲希望高素質的新移民來為澳洲社會提供 長期的貢獻 所以不斷提高核准標準 吸引澳 洲想要的人士移民澳洲 另一方面 澳洲的人 口還是有增長的空間 以營造更好的經濟環境 所以澳洲就讓高素質人士來填補這人口增長 的空間 以保持國力的長期持續強盛 About the Author John Chen 陳文璋 Vice President, World Art and Multi-Cultural Incorporation 世界多元文化藝術協會副會長 Managing Director, Australia Asia Consultancy Pty Ltd Registered Migration Agent 澳亞移民留學顧問公司註冊移民顧問 昆士蘭法務部授權宣誓公證人 澳洲翻譯局註冊翻譯員 Commission for Declarations, NAATI Registered Translator: Multicultural Experience th Celebrating the 15 Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane 043

51 044 Multicultural Brisbane Social Diversity and Multicultural Education 2.4 Social Diversity and Multicultural Education Tracey Cook It is an honour and privilege to work in the Education sector, serving our communities. We live in a richly diverse and global country. As schools are often a reflection of society and a microcosm of their local community, they too replicate the rich tapestry and cultural capital of Australia. The link between diversity and education is profound. In our educational endeavours and contexts, we strive to create a culture of inclusion, whereby individuals are valued for their uniquely diverse cultures, knowledge, skills and abilities. Not only does diversity in an educational context encourage students and staff to learn from one another, it opens our eyes and deepens our appreciation of cultures and communities beyond our own. Joining together to create a culture of inclusion through the professional practice of teaching and learning and by engaging with our community allows individuals to feel valued, safe, supported and empowered. These foundations, in an educational context, serve to create a positive school culture where every child has the best opportunity to succeed. Queensland (EQ). The Queensland Government s Multicultural Queensland making a world of difference policy recognises the value of diversity in schools and encourages schools to develop action plans which focus on developing awareness and responding to the multicultural nature of our community, to ensure that everyone can benefit from, and contribute to, all aspects of life without prejudice or discrimination (Department of Education and Training, 2018). The creation of a harmonious school environment allows students to thrive and positively impacts their well-being. Modelling positive interactions, through respectful interactions and valuing diversity has significant psychological and social benefits for students. Being accepted by one s peers has a positive impact on socially competent behaviour, academic achievement, and improves psychological and social resilience (Bowker et al., 2014). School policies around embracing diversity and multiculturalism reflect those of Education 布里斯本多元文化經驗世界多元文化藝術協會 15 週年特輯

52 Multicultural Brisbane Social Diversity and Multicultural Education 045 Embracing diversity occurs both within and beyond the school gate. Schools are often a hub in their community, making connections across sectors, parents, elders, agencies and more, united in a common purpose; to support every child in their path to happiness and success. Involvement and engagement are crucial parts of developing a sense of community. Inclusion in, or through education, at any stage in life is a key factor in improving social inclusion, giving people access to opportunities to enhance one s life chances and to contribute positively to local communities. Education is a powerful weapon that can change the world. (Mandela) Through education and across our schools, we nurture and inspire students to become life-long learners who will contribute positively to their communities. Often, they come back to school to help the next generation of students become the best version of themselves. Together, by embracing diversity and adopting inclusive practices, our students are resilient, strong, wise, patient and kind. They appreciate Australia, value their heritage and connect with their communities. References Bowker, J. C., Adams, R. E., Fredstrom, B. K., & Gilman, R. (2014) Experiences of Being Ignored by Peers During Late Adolescence: Linkages to Psychological Maladjustment. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly 60(3) Cheung, C. (2013). Public Policies that Help Foster Social Inclusion. Social Indicators Research, 112(1) Department of Education and Training (2018) Multiultural Queensland making a world of difference in Education and the Arts. Retrieved 02/02/2018 from Ng, E. S., & Metz, I. (2014). Multiculturalism as a Strategy for National Competitiveness: The Case for Canada and Australia. Journal of Business Ethics, 128 (2), doi: /s Song, X. (2014) Changing social relations in higher education: the first-year international student and the Chinese learner in Australia. In H. Brook, D. Fergie, M. Maeorg, and D. Mitchell (Eds.), Universities in Transition (pp ). Adelaide: University of Adelaide Press. About the Author Tracey Cook Principal, Sunnybank State High School Tracey Cook is the Principal of Sunnybank State High School. She leads a dynamic, future-focussed learning community, committed to empowering students to succeed. In her educational career spanning over two decades, Tracey is driven to make a difference in the lives of many by inspiring stakeholders and communities to join together to improve outcomes and opportunities for all. Her innovative and pioneering pursuits in Education has merited a State Award for Community Impact. Multicultural Experience Celebrating the 15 th Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane

53 046 Multicultural Brisbane Engaging Cultural Diversity in Brisbane: The Taiwan Film Festival 2.5 Engaging Cultural Diversity in Brisbane: The Taiwan Film Festival Dr Mei-Fen Kuo Brisbane, a city favoured by Taiwanese immigrants (about 2/3 of Taiwanese immigrants locate their Australian homes in Brisbane) has been developed by ethnic minorities. Since the 1990s immigrants from Taiwan to Brisbane have played a crucial role in promoting multiculturalism. In particular, community organisations in Brisbane operated by Taiwanese immigrants have added intercultural diversity. Their contributions reinforce the values of Australian multiculturalism as synonymous with cultural diversity. This article, based on my research and experience, evaluates how Taiwanese immigrants have enhanced multiculturalism in Brisbane with a particular focus on The Taiwan Film Festival in Brisbane in 2016 and I came to Australia as a PhD student in Australia transformed me into an historian on the identity politics of Chinese Australians in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. My academic training enabled me to focus on the role of community organisations in shaping modern Australia. In 2014, when I was a research fellow at the Centre for Social Impact at the Swinburne University of Technology (Melbourne), I received a grant from the Taiwan Foundation for Democracy. I investigated people-to-people ties between Taiwan and Australia over the first half a century after the WWII. The project not only collected and analysed relevant historical archives in Taiwan and Australia but also interviewed community representatives in order to promote better understanding of the exchange of experiences between Taiwanese and Australian bilateral non-profit organisations. The project found that community organisations in Australia, operated by Taiwanese immigrants, have played an important role promoting not only political and diplomatic relations but also civil activism and cultural exchanges between Taiwan and Australia. In 2014, the project importantly brought to my attention several organisations in Brisbane including theworld Arts and Multi-Culture Inc (WAMCI). Intercultural engagement was one of the goals of the WAMCI when it was established in I first met Mrs. Melody Chen, who is the founder and the Lifetime Honorary President of the organisation, when I investigated the story of the late Madame Tsai Juiyueh ( ). Madam Tsai is considered the mother of modern dance in Taiwan. She moved to Australia in 1983 and enhanced the exchanges between dancers in Taiwan and Australia. Madame Tsai was acknowledged in Australia by the awarding of an Honorary Doctorate at Queensland University of Technology. 布里斯本多元文化經驗世界多元文化藝術協會 15 週年特輯

54 Multicultural Brisbane Engaging Cultural Diversity in Brisbane: The Taiwan Film Festival 047 I recalled a meeting with Mrs. Melody Chen and Madame Tsai s son, Roc Tapeng Lei, in 2014 to discuss Madame Tsia s legacy. Not just Madame Tsai s but also Mrs. Melody Chen s and that of other Taiwanese immigrants in Brisbane who value cultural power dynamics as a key component in building an innovative and dynamic society. In late 2015 I moved to Brisbane to work at the University of Queensland and conduct a research project funded by the Australian Research Council. In 2016 I helped to organise the first Taiwan Film Festival in Brisbane at the State Library of Queensland. The Film Festival is organized by the Association Culturelle sans Frontieres de Taiwan and the Australian- Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce (QLD) and is proudly presented as part of the Taiwan Festival in Brisbane. Because all programs are free and open to the public, support of local organisations and government is essential. The financial support from the Overseas Community Affairs Council, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Culture (Taiwan) helped to bring eight films and film makers to Brisbane. With support from Mrs. Melody Chen, the film Beyond Beauty: Taiwan from Above was the opening film for the first Taiwan Film Festival. For the first time, the Taiwan Documentary Film Festival brought together a collection of international awardwinning documentaries which explore Taiwan s rich multi-ethnic population. Because of its large fraction of Australia s Taiwanese immigrants, Brisbane is a natural host for the festival which offers a unique opportunity for Australians of all backgrounds to learn more about Taiwan and its people. The eight festival documentaries tell the stories of contemporary and historic Taiwan. A forum, Engaging Taiwan in Australia and the Asia-Pacific, was also held as part of the festival. Prof. Chwei Liang Chiou chaired the forum. Prof. Mark Finnane (on behalf of Prof. John Fitzgerald, President of the Australian Academy of the Humanities), and Dr. Mark Harrison (Adjunct Director of the Australian Centre on China in theworld (ANU) were guest speakers. Eight documentaries were shown to an audience of people in the Festival over two days. The event successfully attracted people s interest in understanding specific historical moments in Taiwan. Through the lens of film makers, the multiplicity of cultural and historical memories in Taiwan society were showcased to a Brisbane audience. Multicultural Experience Celebrating the 15 th Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane

55 048 Multicultural Brisbane Engaging Cultural Diversity in Brisbane: The Taiwan Film Festival Not only was the event a success in terms of receiving excellent feedback from Taiwanese communities in Brisbane, it was also endorsed by our Australian friends as bridging Australian and Taiwanese in the past, present, and future. In 2017, the idea of cultural interaction and communication continued and developed into the second Taiwan Film Festival under the theme, Documenting History, Approaching Asia. The 2017 Taiwan Film Festival in Brisbane was held at the University of Queensland in order to target not only a general audience in Brisbane, but also academics and students. The second Festival was supported by the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Brisbane, Taiwan Film Institute, several community leaders and local organisations such as the Taiwan Institute in Australia, Taiwan Friendship Association of Qld Inc. and WAMCI. The involvement and support of these organisations helped to bring people together through a deepening dialogue across cultural, linguistic, and societal boundaries. An audience of nearly 800 people watched eight selected documentaries and drama films in the festival throughout the two-day event. With an expanded scope, the main idea of the film festival in 2017 was to portray memories in Asia region through the lens of Taiwan s film-makers. Several issues were covered and profoundly represented by the eight awardwinning films. These films not only relate to Asian societies, but also to issues of cosmopolitanism shared in today s globalising world, such as LGBTQ rights, gender, poverty, migration, ethnic diversity, ideological conflicts, indigenous groups and their struggles, and postcoloniality. The film festival elaborated historical and contemporary issues of gender, marginalisation, ethnicity, and land and cultural identities through the efforts of Taiwanese film makers. Through telling these histories the film festival provided the Australian audiences with a sharp yet sympathetic look at the region. In the last two decades, immigrants from Taiwan to Brisbane have had success in promoting multiculturalism. They have built mutual organisations to engage with mainstream society and other ethnic groups. My personal experience provides an additional note that cultural power dynamics is a key component in advancing multiculturalism. The Taiwan Film Festival in 2016 and 2017 acted as a window to mainstream Australians showing that Taiwan is a unique place in various aspects, such as its geopolitical position in the Asia-Pacific region. Most important to note in the end is that the Taiwan Film Festivals importantly exhibited that minorities in Australia could not be lumped into a single homogeneous basket with little consideration for their cultural diversity and history. Rather it is not just about the celebration of ethic cultures but engagement with cultural differences. About the Author Dr Mei-Fen Kuo ARC DECRA Research fellow, the University of Queensland 布里斯本多元文化經驗世界多元文化藝術協會 15 週年特輯

56 3Sunnybank : The Heart of the Dragon 新利班 : 龍心之地 Multicultural Experience Celebrating the 15 th Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane 布里斯本多元文化經驗世界多元文化藝術協會 15 週年特輯

57 050 Sunnybank: The Heart of the Dragon 3Sunnybank: The Heart of the Dragon 新利班 : 龍心之地 Over the past two hundred years, Australians have developed strong relationships through music, dancing, singing, various forms of modern arts and marriage, with millions of people from around the world who call Australia home. We have a community of cultures and opportunities to celebrate our differences and experiences that unite us as a community. Approaching to the end of the last millennium, the population in Sunnybank and surrounding suburbs grew in cultural vibrancy with recent migrants from Taiwan, China, India, and South-East Asia. Facilities and services are supporting multicultural businesses, arts, languages and education in this Southside area. SunPAC (Sunnybank Performing Arts Centre) is becoming Brisbane s Southside home of performing arts, entertainment and culture. School education also plays an important role in the development of a multicultural society. 布里斯本多元文化經驗世界多元文化藝術協會 15 週年特輯

58 Sunnybank: The Heart of the Dragon Multicultural Dreaming Multicultural Dreaming Aunty Peggy Tidyman I am a descendant of the Gunggari people with family connections on my mother s side to Bidjara country and connections on my father s side to Gunggari country. I grew up on Gunggari country in a small town called Mitchell, southwest Queensland where I attended primary and secondary school in the 1950s until Year 10. Memories from my earlier days of growing up are of my grandmother (my father s mother), my mother, father and siblings sharing living quarters in a small dwelling built out of old flattened tin and, if we were lucky, some off cuts from the sawmill. I have lots of wonderful memories of living a full and happy life surrounded by my family and extended family members. Although we had nothing in the way of modern conveniences, such as running water and electricity, my mother kept a clean house and swept the dirt floor until it shined like tiles. We lived together with about 20 other families on a government reserve outside the township until the mid-1960s when all the Aboriginal families were moved into the township. This is my birth country, my people have lived here and taken care of country for thousands of generations. It is now shared with millions of others who come from far-away lands who now call Australia home. Over the past two hundred years we have developed strong relationships along the way through music, dancing, singing, various forms of modern arts and marriage. I am proud of my Chinese heritage along with Afghani and English heritage but I consider myself as Aboriginal because I grew up only knowing the government s description of my people. Being a descendant of a people with such a rich cultural background has provided me with an infinite and wonderful sense of multicultural awareness and respect for other people who may have come from a similar life experience. After meeting my husband in Brisbane in the late 1960s, the move from a small country town to the city was a big cultural shock for me. My husband s family lived in Sunnybank for over fifty years with many family gatherings and celebrations along the way including the birth of our three children. Sunnybank is a chapter in my life story that I like to share with other people, to talk about the early days when there were many farming families living in the area. The year the high school was built was the year my husband started Year 10 and the construction of the Sunnybank shopping centre. Witnessing the cultural and environmental changes that have taken place over that period of time, it is easy to see that Multicultural Experience Celebrating the 15 th Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane

59 052 Sunnybank: The Heart of the Dragon Multicultural Dreaming Sunnybank is a special place for many different cultural groups, especially many Asian groups who have successfully established their own businesses. Sadly, Aboriginal people still struggle to create our own businesses and grow our own economic and cultural wealth. My life and work choices have enabled be to further enrich my life and fill it with educational knowledge and experiences that has allowed me to be competitive and apply myself fully to achieve my dreams. Retiring after 32 years in the Queensland education system and also undertaking university studies for a Bachelor of Community Management through Macquarie University in Sydney, I am proud of my own achievements and pathway in my life. I am an Aboriginal Elder and Chairperson of the Logan District Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Corporation for Elders and volunteer my services to the community in general. My role as an Aboriginal Elder has created a pathway in society that didn t exist in the past because of the lack of recognition and respect for Aboriginal people s rights, as citizens in our own country, inequitable government policies, cultural differences and negative attitudes. But this has now changed to acceptance, recognition and respect being shown openly by all levels of government and the wider community. This respect and harmony between human existence and other natural things is often used to refer to an individual s or group s set of beliefs, spirituality or dreaming. Other language groups have difficulty translating what the word dreaming means and often do not know how to express the complex Aboriginal spiritual concepts to others. Aboriginal languages contain a lot of words for spirituality and beliefs, such as Dreaming and how its stories are linked to the creation process and spiritual ancestors, and still around today. Our connection to all things natural is spiritual. The World Arts & Multi-Culture Inc. at Sunnybank is a world class centre creating a platform for performers of all ages, all cultures and community members to appreciate fine arts and culture for all to enjoy. The relationship between Aboriginal Elders and the World Arts & Multi-Culture Inc. is very unique and built on the foundations of the land by First Nations People over thousands of years and then by people from other cultural backgrounds 布里斯本多元文化經驗世界多元文化藝術協會 15 週年特輯

60 Sunnybank: The Heart of the Dragon Multicultural Dreaming 053 who have created a Multicultural Dreaming for future generations. It is important to acknowledge and respect other peoples language, culture and land on which all now live and call home, and to ensure our children have a future on this planet. As a Peace Ambassador with the Universal Peace Federation and the Women s Federation for World Peace (QLD Chapter) I endorse the philosophy of the Principles of Peace that comes through cooperation beyond the boundaries of ethnicity, religion and nationality. Lasting peace cannot be achieved through political compromise alone, but requires addressing the root causes of conflict. Transcending racial, religious and ethnic barriers is an imperative of our time. Faith can give people the power to forgive, and the love to overcome even generations of hatred, resentment and violence. In Gunggari language Yant el ouri ou Peace be with you. About the Author Aunty Peggy Tidyman The Hon. The Lord Mayor of Brisbane Aunty Peggy Tidyman is a respected Elder in Logan, a leading member of the Logan District Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders Corporation for Elders, and Education Counsellor in the Queensland Education Department for over thirty years. Multicultural Experience Celebrating the 15 th Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane

61 054 Multicultural Brisbane Multiculturalism, Education, and School Community 3.2 Multiculturalism, Education, and School Community Lisa Starmer Calamvale Community College: a Mosaic not a Melting Pot Community was at the heart of Calamvale Community College from its inception when the primary school became the P-12 College that it is today. Sixteen years ago, the College was built to educate a young and rapidly expanding community in the most culturally diverse electorate in Queensland; on the southern outskirts of Brisbane, young families established themselves in the new suburbs. When Calamvale Community College adopted the word community, it was as an invitation issued to over sixty cultures to come together and build this school. From its inception it was intended to bind a wonderfully diverse community and was a natural demonstration of the concept of multiculturalism; the existence, acceptance and promotion of multiple cultural traditions within a single jurisdiction. What each of these cultures sought for their children and continue to value with unanimity is education; a multicultural education by necessity as well as choice, has been a binding force within the College and the community. Ralph Waldo Emerson, 19 th century essayist, lecturer and poet said, The secret in education lies in respecting the student. Respect lies at the heart of a multicultural education and the foundation of our College. Through three illustrations I would like to illustrate what a multicultural education looks like in a Queensland Independent Public School. Respect underpins our positive education framework and the intention that each of our students should flourish, our Arts-Rich program which celebrates in performance and artefacts, all that a culturally diverse community has to offer and our student leadership program enabling student voices. Our governments acknowledge the critical role schools have in upholding our universal ideals of human rights and the formation of values and attitudes that will shape our future society. In the wider community beyond our College, the values of inclusion and respect for cultural difference mean that different cultures are supported in their freedom to express, share and value one another s cultural heritage. A multicultural education means that students experience each other s cultures freely. It means that opinions and attitudes are shared and that the hegemonic language is not the only language students study. Our College community has taken the opportunity that that sentiment presents much further and through the openness of children and bonds 布里斯本多元文化經驗世界多元文化藝術協會 15 週年特輯

62 Multicultural Brisbane Multiculturalism, Education, and School Community 055 of childhood and adolescent friendships, built a truly multicultural community which nourishes the education of its young people. Positive Education makes a world of difference: the essence of multicultural education. Emerson spoke of the need to respect the student, Calamvale Community College understands that to respect the student, we need to know the student. To enhance this knowledge we have embraced the science of positive psychology and used this research, through Positive Education, to encourage and support our students and our community to flourish. In order that all might flourish, feel optimistic and make a positive contribution to our community, we focus on building a sense of responsibility and resilience in our students whilst at the same time promoting initiative and a healthy way of life. Our well-being classes teach students about the character strengths they all possess and build resilience in each young person. The question remains, how does this deliver a multicultural education? In a College such as ours it is not possible to engender feelings of self-worth, optimism and a desire to contribute without acknowledgement of who our students are and so value all that each individual brings to our community. Our students study English and the next most spoken language in our community, Mandarin Chinese. This includes an Immersion Program in Years Prep to 2 which delivers the Australian Curriculum to some of our youngest learners in what for many is their third language. Our students who speak English as a second or third language have access to additional classes and homework support, not merely to assist translation but also to honour their depth of language knowledge and discuss their learning in their first language to deepen their understanding. As we seek to further embed an internationalised education through the International Baccalaureate program, additional languages will be added and greater opportunity for students to articulate their perspective of the world through their learning and collaboration. We become not a melting pot but a beautiful mosaic: Jimmy Carter Four years ago, our College made the arts a priority within the community, honing the skills and abilities of our teachers, students to develop an Arts-Rich Program which we hoped would speak to the celebration of diversity. This journey has been embraced by Multicultural Experience Celebrating the 15 th Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane

63 056 Multicultural Brisbane Multiculturalism, Education, and School Community the community and has included international performances for our students and by our students, as well as art showcases. With an increasing number of international students studying at the College, as well as our local students, it was clear that their multicultural education would be enhanced with increased visibility of artworks and cultural icons. We have chosen to surround our students with a diversity of publicly displayed art, spanning cultures and increasingly representative of all within our community; a physical and visible demonstration of the respect with which we hold each other. Students who can look around themselves and see celebrations of their cultural heritage are more likely to feel safe and accepted than those who cannot. We began with a centrepiece of the First Peoples modern art in our International Precinct, linking all the cultures that have arrived on Jagera land through dreamtime inspired pathways painted by local Indigenous artist. Throughout the College are painted numerous other artworks reminiscent of the cultures represented in this community and the work is ongoing, with some visiting international groups adding their own pieces to our collection. This public art project happily coincided with the introduction of WAMCI, World Arts and Multicultural Inc, to the College. The College had already received strong support from the Taiwan Economic and Cultural Office, and the WAMCI organisation has become a partner in the provision of multicultural arts at Calamvale Community College. The organisation under the stewardship of founding president, Mrs Melody Chen has been instrumental in providing the College with opportunities to engage with international arts events. As well as sponsoring a major award within the Cultural Arts program, WAMCI and a succession of presidents including Mrs Maggie Lu and now current president Mr Edward Lin have facilitated visiting world-renown music artists; painting, puppetry and dance workshops led by highly accomplished artists and performers and even hosted the Brisbane International Festival at the College. This generous collaboration has provided by example an opportunity for other cultural groups to see how they might engage with the young people of our community and breathe life into expressions such as multiculturalism. If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader: John Quincy Adams Inspired by students willingness to be involved and their interest in each other, our student leaders have shared the mantle of 布里斯本多元文化經驗世界多元文化藝術協會 15 週年特輯

64 Multicultural Brisbane Multiculturalism, Education, and School Community 057 providing a multicultural education. As young leaders in a globalised world, they are acutely aware of the need for acceptance of cultural diversity and the opportunities that are presented to them in this community. John Quincy Adams described young leaders when he said: If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. As seemingly wise educators, we extoll the virtues of strengthening tolerance of difference and acceptance of diversity in each other and within the student body and then into our community. Our young leaders had participated in a number of international events and watched the public art showcase grow through their early years in secondary school. It was they who identified that it was not enough to promote tolerance and acceptance, but rather that we should be leading our College and our community to celebrate and showcase our diversity, inviting our community to share its knowledge and practices, to spend time together with students and for all to enjoy each other. From these observations was born the Calamvale Community College s inaugural Multicultural Festival. Student leadership spanning grades 5 to 12 and led by the seniors developed and coordinated the event from its origin to actually launching the event with over forty stalls, performances, demonstrations and workshops visited by all 2000 students and many families. Their Multicultural Festival lit a fire inside the community such that community groups were contacting the College to be involved next year, before the inaugural day had closed. This is a multicultural education, where community elders are taking the hands of our young students and sharing their knowledge, their customs and their joy. Martin Luther King said the true goal of education was intelligence plus character There is a plethora of statements, expectations and goals for education but none disputes the fact that education is a complex concept. It arrives at each person differently, is filtered by individuals experiences and interactions and has a different impact, at different times on each of us. It is even more difficult to define a multicultural education, such is the diversity, but it must relate in some way to safety and self-expression, to sharing of diverse perspectives, belonging and celebration. In this country the vast majority have been lucky enough to have experienced a quality education. Martin Luther King said the true goal of education was intelligence plus character. At Calamvale Community College we believe that it is our multicultural lens that build character and enable the growth of intelligence as we foster our young people to become global citizens who will build a world that can flourish, and in the process, do so themselves. Multicultural Experience Celebrating the 15 th Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane

65 058 Multicultural Brisbane Multiculturalism, Education, and School Community About the Author Lisa Starmer Executive Principal, Calamvale Community College Lisa is passionate about innovative student-centred learning in a rich and diverse educational context. She has a commitment to a culture of high performance and achieving exceptional outcomes for students within an internationally-minded framework. Educating globally responsible young people who are independent thinkers, compassionate human-beings, committed to a collaborative solutionsbased approach and their own growth is the goal at Calamvale Community College. 布里斯本多元文化經驗世界多元文化藝術協會 15 週年特輯

66 Multicultural Brisbane Multiculturalism and Southside Communities Multiculturalism and Southside Communities Cr Kim Marx I have had the honour of representing the residents of Kuraby, Runcorn, Sunnybank and Sunnybank Hills for more than 6 years as the local Councillor for the Runcorn Ward (previously known as the Karawatha Ward). The RuncornWard is a diverse community, with many residents moving from their country of birth to live in this beautiful part of the city. In fact in the suburb of Kuraby, 49.7% of residents were born overseas, Runcorn has 55.6% born overseas and Sunnybank and Sunnybank Hills have 57.9% and 52.4% respectively (census 2016 data). Another very interesting statistic is that within the last five years, 46.1% of residents have moved into our local area in comparison with the whole Brisbane City Council area where 46.9% of the whole population lived at a different address 5 years ago. I have highlighted this fact to show just how much people love our area. Brisbane is a community of cultures from all over the world and it is important that we have the opportunities to celebrate our differences as well as those things that unite us as a community. This is an area that World Arts & Multi-Culture Inc excel in as they sponsor and present many different cultural events to the wider community as a way of sharing their cultural heritage with the rest of us. With residents coming from 208 different countries, speaking a total of 211 languages at home and believing in 110 diverse world religions. We also welcome around 75,000 international students to study in our city every year. One of Runcorn Ward s key cultural and social assets is our multicultural population. We value our multicultural society as a strength a valuable part of our community that needs support and nurturing. We are a community of cultures from all over the world which is why it is important we have opportunities to celebrate our differences as well as those things that unite us as a community, and as a local Councillor I often have the pleasure of attending many of these multicultural events. It was also a great honour to have my portrait done by Contemporary Neo-Expressionism Artist; Jih-Yin Liao. This portrait hangs with pride in my office along with the beautiful work of art that was presented to me upon my gaining the office in Multicultural Experience Celebrating the 15 th Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane

67 060 Multicultural Brisbane Multiculturalism and Southside Communities One of the more important events that WAMCI hold are their Citizenship Ceremonies, I have always been proud to support these events financially over the years that I have been involved and congratulate WAMCI on the professionalism with which they conduct these events. Another annual event that WAMCI are involved in is Harmony Week and 2016 was a particularly spectacular celebration with many performances across the Southside. Of particular importance is how WAMCI involve local students across the local area in many of their events this is integral to ensuring the local cultures and heritage are not lost over time. About the Author It was an honour to be named as an Honorary Advisor to WAMCI at their recent AGM and I have let them know that I am always happy to advise this organisation in a professional capacity should they require it. Runcorn Ward is such a strong, inclusive and a caring community and I have had the pleasure of working alongside the World Arts & Multi- Culture Group (WAMCI) for many years to embrace this vision. I look forward to continuing our positive relationship to nurture and support our multicultural community. It is a testament to the important work that WAMCI do in the community borne out by the number of political representatives that attend from all levels of government their many events. Can I also take this opportunity to thank all the leaders of the various community groups, committee members that are part of the many different groups and volunteers who are out in force at every event to ensure that a good time is had by one and all and I for one am extremely grateful to continue to be invited to be a part of their many events. Cr Kim Marx Councillor, Brisbane City Council Deputy Chairman, Field Services Committee Honorary Advisor of WAMCI 布里斯本多元文化經驗世界多元文化藝術協會 15 週年特輯 Kim Marx was elected as Councillor for the ward of Karawatha in 2012 as part of Lord Mayor Graham Quirk s Team Quirk. At the 2016 election with the ECQ boundary redistribution, she was re-elected as the Councillor of the new Runcorn Ward. Prior to her election to Council, Kim worked as Personal Assistant to the Director of Children s Emergency at the Mater Children s Hospital. Kim and her husband, Derek, have two teenage children and therefore understand the importance of creating a quality environment for families. Kim is the Deputy Chairman of Field Services Committee. She is also a member of the Infrastructure Committee.

68 Multicultural Brisbane SunPAC: The Birth of a Performing Arts Centre 3.4 SunPAC: The Birth of a Performing Arts Centre 一個演藝中心的誕生 Cr Steven Huang 黃文毅 SunPAC Sunnybank Performing Arts Centre is one of the key projects proposed by Lord Mayor Graham Quirk in 2012 s election campaign. 由於學校禮堂並非設計給專業藝文團體表演 使用 也往往無法滿足多元文化團體對外帶食 物的餐飲需求 因此原先長期擔任分區議員的 市長Graham Quirk 有鑒於當地多元文化社區 SunPAC-Sunnybank Performing Arts Centre 是市長 Graham Quirk 於2012年選舉時提出的 重大政見 及藝文團體對良好演藝場地的需求持續增加 Sunnybank is the hub for the Asian community in Brisbane. Each year there are countless community events held here. Many larger events had to rent the hall from MacGregor Primary School or Sunnybank High School. 心 Sunnybank為布里斯本亞裔社區最主要的 生活圈 每年都有不計其數的社區活動在這裡 舉行 許多較具規模的活動都必須租借MacGregor小學甚或是Sunnybank中學禮堂 an assessment for a suitable location. The school hall is not designed specifically for art and culture performances. It is often unable to meet the catering requirements that a community of different cultures needs either. Therefore, Mayor Graham Quirk who had been a long time councilor of the area saw the increasing demand of a suitable venue for performing arts from the local multicultural communities and art groups and made this important election promise to build a performing arts Centre to meet the community needs. 在擔任市長後對南區立即做出了這項重大選舉 承諾 也就是興建一座符合社區需求的演藝中 The Lord Mayor was re-elected in 2012 and he immediately instructed Cr. Krista Adams who was in charge of the culture facilities of the city and local Cr. Steve Huang to carry out 市長在2012年順利連任後 立刻責成主管 市府文化設施的 Krista Adams 議員及本區的黃 文毅議員就可行的場地進行評估 Located in the south side of Brisbane city, this Performing Arts Centre was originally named as Multicultural Performing Arts Centre. Initially a stadium nearby the train station was selected but there was a drainage problem that could not be resolved. The project team had to explore other possible locations. With the support of Sunnybank Rugby Union Club, the current location at Sunnybank Community and Sports Club was selected. Multicultural Experience th Celebrating the 15 Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane 061

69 062 Multicultural Brisbane SunPAC: The Birth of a Performing Arts Centre 這座座落於布市南區的演藝中心 原本計劃 取名為多元文化演藝中心(Multicultural Performing Arts Centre) 原本評估的地點並 非在現在的 Sunnybank Community and Sports Club 而是將一座靠近火車站的體育館重新改 建 後來由於該座體育館的排水問題無法解決 負責的專案小組再度探索其他的可能場址 最後在 Sunnybank Rugby Union Club 的大力 支持之下決定在現址興建 After conquering all the challenges, SunPAC was open formally in October In my recollection, the first event I attended in SunPAC was held by Worlds Arts & MultiCulture Inc. 在克服了所有的挑戰後 SunPAC終於在 2016年10月份正式啟用 我記得我到SunPAC 參加的第一個活動就是由世界多元文化藝術協 會所主辦的 SunPAC has professional stage lighting facilities and it has more than 300 seats. It can also convert to cater for banquet with 20 tables. It is a multifunctional performing arts and exhibition centre. SunPAC有專業的舞台燈光設計以及可容納 逾300位觀眾的席位 也可改容納約20桌的宴 席擺設 是一座多功能的演藝及會展中心 布 里 斯 本 多元文化經驗 世界多元文化藝術協會15週年特輯 With SunPAC at its doorstep, residents in Southern District, especially the multi-cultural communities and art groups have a new choice of venue when planning for any events. SunPAC的落成讓南區的廣大市民同胞特別 是多元文化社區及演藝團體在舉辦各式活動時 有了新的選擇 I would like to thank the Lord Mayor Graham Quirk for his contribution to the community in the Southern District. 我要在此感謝市長 Graham Quirk 對南區的 社區及藝文生活的重視 The opening of SunPAC not only adds colour to the art life of residents in Brisbane s Southern District, it also became a new landmark that we all can be proud of. SunPAC的設立不但豐富了布里斯本南區的藝 文生活更為我們建立的一個值得驕傲的新地標

70 Multicultural Brisbane SunPAC: The Birth of a Performing Arts Centre 063 About the Author Cr Steven Huang Councillor, Brisbane City Council Steven arrived in Brisbane from Taiwan in 1988 as a 12 year old boy. His parents decided to move to Brisbane because they believed Brisbane was the best place to raise their family. Steven is a proud local with strong ties to the community. He is a Councillor for Brisbane City Council, representing their local area, the MacGregor Ward. Multicultural Experience Celebrating the 15 th Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane

71 064 Multicultural Brisbane Sunnybank: A Multicultural Kaleidoscope 3.5 Sunnybank: A Multicultural Kaleidoscope Celine Goh The development of Sunnybank from a farming community in the 1880 s to a vibrant metropolis in the 21st century has been spectacular! Migrants to Sunnybank and its vicinity have originated from all corners of the world, bringing with them their rich cultural heritage in dance, music and performing arts. At the turn of the millennium, Sunnybank s population grew in cultural vibrancy with recent migrants from Taiwan, China, North Asia, India, and South-East Asia. My article will present a representative microcosm of the cultural richness of the different art forms in Sunnybank. artistes, students learn through drama and games to convey messages, emotions and thoughts. Some of the skills that the students have learnt are soundscapes, tableaux, freeze frames, slow motion, kinaesthetic awareness and facial expressions. Architecturally unique, the building itself is a landmark in Sunnybank. Established in 1965, the Sunnybank Theatre Group is one of Brisbane s most successful non-professional theatre companies. A variety of dramas, thrillers, comedies, pantomimes, and musicals have been presented over the years. Volunteers form the spine of the STG as members, performers, stage crew, front of house & box office staff, and the committee are driven by their passion for community theatre. A scion of the STG is the Youth Theatre under the direction of Jacquie Cullen. In creating an environment to grow as performing 布里斯本多元文化經驗世界多元文化藝術協會 15 週年特輯

72 Multicultural Brisbane Sunnybank: A Multicultural Kaleidoscope 065 The Queensland World Dance Academy reflects the multi-cultural diversity of the social fabric in Australia by providing its students with an appreciation of dances from various cultures. From the modern western dance through to the traditional styles of eastern dance, QWDA has achieved a unique blend of these two contrasting styles. Since its inception in 1994, QWDA has participated in many important festivals and celebrations throughout Australia. The students are afforded the unique opportunity of enhancing and maintaining their performance skills to a professional level. Flourishing in Sunnybank are 2 schools of Indian dance, the Nritya Bharati School of Kathak Dance and The Bollywood Dhamaka Dance School. The Nritya Bharati School of Kathak Dance was established in 2000 by Namita Debroy to preserve Indian culture and to showcase India s traditional arts. The word Kathak originates from katha, meaning the art of storytelling. The artistes or Kathakaars, aim to narrate history while entertaining. Through dance, music and mime, they bring to life the great Hindu scriptures and Indian epics of the Mahabharata, Ramayana and Puranas of Sanskrit literature. The expressive movement of hands and body follows the intricate facial expressions to enrich the narrative. Kathak is unique for its footwork. The costumes provide a swirl of colours with every circular dance movement that pulsates to the rhythms of the tabla, sarangi, pakhawaj, harmonium, sitar, sarrod & flute. Multicultural Experience Celebrating the 15 th Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane

73 066 Multicultural Brisbane Sunnybank: A Multicultural Kaleidoscope The Bollywood Dhamaka Dance School has enhanced the cultural kaleidoscope in Sunnybank. Sweeping the world in popularity, Bollywood dance is a unique art form and a fusion of an array of folk (Bhangra and Arabic) and modern Western dances (Hip Hop, Jazz and Funk). The element of fun is evident as the dance movements are modern and expressive, adding an exciting energy to the storyline in Indian films. It combines fast, trendy music with attractive costumes that captures the graceful movements of the entire body. Dancers experience a total, vigorous body workout and yet, acquire valuable skills in the intricate coordination of hands, head, body and eyes. This rich and vibrant Bollywood dance craze is enjoyed by all either as an art form or simply as a form of healthy exercise. The cultural diversity is reflected not only in dance but also, in a kaleidoscope of cuisines that showcase the array of international flavours of Sunnybank. Market Square is the venue for a daily Food Fest to tease the tastebuds of both residents and visitors alike. The expansion of Market Square augurs well in securing Sunnybank s reputation as a vibrant cultural melting-pot! 布里斯本多元文化經驗世界多元文化藝術協會 15 週年特輯

74 Multicultural Brisbane Sunnybank: A Multicultural Kaleidoscope 067 About the Author Celine Goh As a Librarian, Celine has enjoyed cataloguing at the Brisbane City Council Library Service and was a Researcher at the Queensland Government s Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation. In Singapore, she graduated from the University of Singapore in Political Science, History and Sociology. A memorable year was spent in New Zealand fulfilling her post- Graduate degree in Library Science as a Colombo Plan Scholar. Before settling in Australia, Celine has developed her career at the National Library in Singapore and Singapore Airlines. Multicultural Experience Celebrating the 15 th Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane

75 068 布里斯本多元文化經驗世界多元文化藝術協會 15 週年特輯

76 4Taiwanese Australian in Brisbane 臺澳人在布里斯本 Multicultural Experience Celebrating the 15 th Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane 布里斯本多元文化經驗世界多元文化藝術協會 15 週年特輯

77 070 4 Taiwanese Australian in Brisbane Taiwanese Australian in Brisbane 臺澳人在布里斯本 Wayne Ko 柯文耀 Australia abolished the White Australia policy in 1972 and implemented a multicultural approach which introduced a series of immigration policies to attract more immigrants to its shores. There are few, if any, records show exactly how many Taiwanese migrated to Australia during the 1970s. In November 1981, the Business Migration Program (BMP) was implemented to attract skilled workers and business groups from newly industrialised countries in Asia to Australia. Many small and medium business owners were able to obtain investment visas for significantly less money than what would be required for similar visas to the United States and Canada. 1972年澳洲廢除白澳政策 執行多元文化政策 並且引進一系列的移民政策以吸引更多的移 民 這段時間 少數臺灣人移民澳洲 沒有數據顯示 有多少臺灣人移居澳洲 直到1981年11 月實施商業移民政策 Business Migration Program 簡稱BMP 吸引亞洲一些新興工業國家 具有技術的人和企業團體移民澳洲 許多臺灣中小企業主相對於美國 加拿大地區需要龐大金額 申辦投資移民 較有能力移民到澳洲 This chapter is based on the author s personal experience in Taiwanese community for many years, for referencing purpose only. 本章是依據筆者個人多年來在僑社工作的經驗 僅供參考 布 里 斯 本 多元文化經驗 世界多元文化藝術協會15週年特輯

78 Taiwanese Australian in Brisbane Historic Overviews 4.1 Historic Overviews 世紀交替 拓疆闢土 The 1980s were an era of major changes in politics and society in Taiwan. Taiwan s economy experienced rapid growth with, share market and real estate markets reached new highs and, personal income also increased dramatically. Additionally, the Taiwan government lifted restrictions on local resident to freely travel overseas in July These rapid social changes also brought political instability, poor law and order and increased pressure on children s education, which were all underpinned by the constant threat of potentially imminent invasion from mainland China. The comparative differences between the environment in Taiwan and Australian education system and living environment motivated Taiwanese to travel and migrate overseas. 1980年代是臺灣政治和社會發生重大變化 的年代 當時臺灣經濟快速成長 股市房地產 狂飆 個人收入大幅提升 1989年7月政府開 放觀光 國內快速的社會變遷也帶來了政治不 安定 治安不好 小孩教育壓力過重等弊端 加上中共入侵恐嚇的因素 使得臺灣人民在比 較澳洲教育制度和生活環境後 種種因素都使 國人出國旅遊及外移能力及機會增加 In the context of the history of Taiwanese emigrating overseas, Australia is a relatively new destination for overseas Taiwanese. Brisbane is geographically and climatically similar to southern Taiwan with the Tropic of Cancer at Chiayi in Taiwan and the Tropic of Capricorn at Rockhampton in Central Queensland. There is only a twohour time difference between Taiwan and Australia. Australia is also the closest country to Taiwan where English is the primary language. As compared against Sydney, housing prices and living expenses, Brisbane is comparatively inexpensive. Therefore, a considerable number of immigrants from central and southern Taiwan have chosen to settle down in Brisbane. 相對於臺灣人移居海外的歷史 澳洲是一個 相對新興的僑鄉 布里斯本因地緣 氣候與南 臺灣類似 北迴歸線經臺灣嘉義 南迴歸線則 是經過昆士蘭中部Rockhampton 臺澳兩地飛 航時間短 只有2個小時時差 也是離臺灣最近 的英語系國家 相較於雪梨的生活 物價和房 價 布里斯本也是相對的便宜 因此吸引相當 多臺灣中南部的鄉親們 選擇在布里斯本安身 立命 In the late 1980s, the Australian government introduced an education export policy to allow universities to recruit overseas students. This gave Taiwanese students another option to study abroad, in addition to study at the United States, UK, New Zealand and Canada. 澳洲政府於80年代後期推出 教育出口 政 策 容許各大學自行吸收海外留學生 也開啟 了臺灣有意留學 除了美國 英國 紐西蘭和 加拿大以外的另一個選擇 New Zealand, also opened their door to attract immigrants from Asia. However due to the distance, the colder climate and the less developed commerce, many Taiwanese immigrant families chose to move to Australia after obtaining New Zealand citizenship or permanent resident visa. This is also another source Multicultural Experience th Celebrating the 15 Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane 071

79 072 Taiwanese Australian in Brisbane Historic Overviews of overseas Taiwanese settling in Brisbane. Some Taiwanese who originally emigrated to South Africa also later moved to Brisbane. 與澳洲差不多時間也吸引收亞洲移民的紐西 蘭 因為距離較遠 氣候較為寒冷 商業比較 不發達 許多臺灣移民家庭在取得當地公民或 居留權之後 全家轉移居澳洲 這也是另一布 里斯本臺僑的來源 南非的臺僑亦有不少輾轉 搬遷到布里斯本 Since Australia signed the working holiday memorandum with Taiwan in 2004, the grand working age of Taiwan s contemporary youth has commenced. Taiwanese youths have taken the opportunity to join the 21st century gold rush dream, because of the low threshold to apply for working holiday visa and many other benefits, such as, opportunity to apply for long-term residence, high hourly pay and language development. The young generations have, to a considerable extent, expanded the population of Taiwanese in Brisbane. Conversely, the rate of commercial immigration has reduced in recent years. According to statistics, about 16,000 Taiwanese migrant youths apply for the first year s visa while 6,000 apply for the second year s visa. 臺灣與澳洲政府於2004年簽訂打工度假備 忘錄之後 許多臺灣年輕人把握機會前來 臺 灣當代青年的 大打工時代 就正式開始 由 於其低門檻與多重效益 長期居留 高時薪 語言學習等 讓許多臺灣青年前仆後繼 戮 力要加入這個21世紀的淘金夢 這些年輕一輩 相當程度填補了近年來因商業移民減少的臺 灣移民 據統計 約有16000名臺灣打工度假 青年申請第一年的簽證 有6000名申請了第二 年簽證 布 里 斯 本 多元文化經驗 世界多元文化藝術協會15週年特輯

80 Taiwanese Australian in Brisbane Commerce 4.2 Commerce 商業篇 The low capital threshold required for accessing the Business Migration Program (BMP) in November 1981 coupled with the prevailing favourable exchange rates and high bank interest rates at that time in Australia attracted many small and medium-sized business owners in Taiwan to migrate to Australia. 人口普查資料 聯邦摩頓選區(Moreton)人口 158,070人 其中2.95%的居民是來自臺灣 1981年11月實施商業移民政策 Business Migration Program 簡稱BMP 要求投資的 資金門檻較低 加上當年匯率和高銀行利率的 因素 吸引許多臺灣的中小企業主移居澳洲 The vast expanse of land in Australia was a brand-new experience for new Taiwanese immigrants. Each new immigrant family s first primary task was to buy a house. New immigrants tend to live close to each other in a community, because of the limited English language skills of new immigrants and because the second generation of these families had not yet received English education in schools. The suburb of Sunnybank located in the south side of Brisbane and its surrounding suburbs became the new "Taiwanese City" like the traditional overseas "Chinatown". According to the recent Census, the population of the federal Moreton constituency is about 158,070, of whom 2.95% (4,662) are from Taiwan. Encouraged by this critical mass of likeminded people, many new Taiwanese immigrants invested in shopping centres that allow for significant investment from businesses such as Asian supermarkets, travel agencies, gift shops, duty free shops, restaurants, music classrooms, tutoring, housing brokers, and more. 在這群聚效應帶動下 許多臺灣新移民投資 購物中心 連帶生活需要而有 亞洲超市 旅 行社 禮品店 免稅店 餐館 音樂教室 家 教 房屋仲介....等等行業的開業 澳洲一望無際的土地對臺灣新移民是嶄新的 經驗 每家移民家庭報到後 首要工作就是買 房 買車 又因新移民普遍英語能力較為有限 第二代還沒接受學校英語教育 因此新移民 買房就產生群聚效應 新利班及臨近社區因而 成為新的臺僑聚集區 相較傳統海外的 中國 城 新利班地區成為新的 臺灣城 根據 Multicultural Experience th Celebrating the 15 Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane 073

81 074 Taiwanese Australian in Brisbane Commerce Because majority of Taiwanese immigrants hope their children will not forget their mother language, Chinese schools and Chineselanguage media were also established. 在大量臺灣新移民希望下一代不忘本 華文 學校與華文媒體也陸續成立 臺資銀行中 以兆豐國際商業銀行於1999 年率先於布里斯本設立分行 第一銀行 臺灣 企業銀行 台新銀行 玉山銀行也陸續進駐布 里斯本 但因執照核准的營業對象僅限商業或 大額存款戶 一般的民眾還無法享受臺資銀行 的利益 Mandarin Airlines was the first to initiate direct flight between Taipei and Brisbane. China Airlines and EVA Airways have also established direct flights between Brisbane and Taipei in response to the needs of Taiwan s immigrants and tourists. During peak travel seasons in 2017, flights flew to and from Taiwan daily. Taiwan based banks followed. Mega International Commercial Bank took the lead in setting up a branch in Brisbane in First Commercial Bank, Taiwan Business Bank, Taishin Bank and E-Sun Bank also entered Brisbane one after another. However, because the approvals for business licenses are limited to commercial or large depositors, the general public still cannot enjoy the benefits of Taiwan-funded banks. 布 里 斯 本 多元文化經驗 世界多元文化藝術協會15週年特輯 華信航空公司率先開闢臺北 布里斯本直飛 班機 中華航空公司和長榮航空公司也因應臺 灣移民及旅客需要 已開通臺北直飛布里斯本 班機 旺季時 2017年起甚至每天都有班機往 返臺灣 After the second generation of Taiwanese immigrants received Australian tertiary education, many engaged in professional work such as doctors, lawyers, accountants, dentists, architects, physical therapists and school teachers. Without the language barrier, the second

82 Taiwanese Australian in Brisbane Commerce generation of Taiwanese immigrants have been able to gradually take over the management of first generation of Taiwanese enterprises. 臺灣移民的第二代在接受澳洲大學教育後 許多從事醫師 律師 會計師 牙醫師 建築 師 物理治療師 教師等專業工作 第二代因 為語文溝通沒有問題 逐漸接手第一代的臺資 企業 In recent years, as Taiwanesefunded banks have been operating in Brisbane, there has been a substantial influx of funds. Real estate developers from Taiwan also began largescale property development and investment. For example, downtown W Hotel and Novotel Hotel which have now commenced construction in Brisbane City and are also being managed by second-generation Taiwanese. 近年來 由於臺資銀行的陸續進駐 資金大 量湧入 臺僑不動產開發商也開始進行大型的 物業開發投資 例如 位於市中心的W Hotel 和Novotel Hotel都已開建 也都經由第二代的 臺僑子弟在操盤 Multicultural Experience th Celebrating the 15 Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane 075

83 076 Taiwanese Australian in Brisbane Community Organisations 4.3 Community Organisations 社團篇 Brisbane has many Taiwanese social groups which have formed over the last 30 years since There are numerous activities and unique features available to the community. This article only lists the more characteristic activities in recent years. 布里斯本臺僑團體為數眾多 且由1989年 迄今將近30年 舉辦活動無數次 也各有各的 特色 本文僅列舉近年來較有特色的活動 The largest-scale community organisation established by Taiwanese in Brisbane is the Taiwan Friendship Association of Queensland Incorporated, established in It acts as the main contact point between Taiwanese and mainstream society in Australia. In 2002, the association changed its Chinese name to Queensland Taiwanese Associations. In 2005, the 32nd Annual Conference of the World Taiwanese Associations was held in Brisbane. It succeeded in meeting the needs of Taiwan compatriots all over the world and set up the first case of a live video conference with the president of Taiwan. 臺僑於布里斯本成立的大型社團組織 早期 是1989年成立的 昆士蘭臺灣友誼協會 ( The Taiwan Friendship Association of Queensland Incorporated) 為臺僑與澳洲主流社會交涉窗 口 該會於2002年為與國際接軌 更名為 澳 洲昆士蘭臺灣同鄉會 2005年於布里斯本舉辦 了 世界臺灣同鄉會第32屆年會 成功與世 界各地臺灣同鄉會接軌 並創下與臺灣總統連 線視訊會議的首例 布 里 斯 本 多元文化經驗 世界多元文化藝術協會15週年特輯 Taiwan Women s League Queensland was established in 1995, holds annual Mother s Day activities, talent classrooms and celebration outing activities regularly. In Brisbane City Hall successfully organized Construction Club House fund raising activity on October 22, The Taiwan Women s League Queensland Hall is expected to be completed and opened in mid of 昆士蘭臺灣婦女聯合會於1995年成立 每 年舉辦母親節活動 才藝教室和慶生郊遊活動 2017年10月22日於布里斯本市政廳成功舉 辦 建館聯歡會 為即將建的會館募集資金 慈暉婦聯會的會館 預計將於2018年中落成 啟用

84 Taiwanese Australian in Brisbane Over the last few years, Queensland Taiwan Chamber of Commerce has successfully held the Taiwan Day (Taiwan Festival), bringing all ethnic groups and overseas Taiwanese groups to participate. The World Arts and MultiCulture Inc. also successfully challenged the Guinness World Records with thousands of drummers during the first Taiwan Festival. 昆士蘭臺灣商會成功舉辦過數屆的 臺灣日 成功號召各族裔與臺僑團體共同參與 世 界多元文化藝術協會也於第一屆臺灣嘉年華時 以千人搖鼓成功挑戰金氏世界紀錄 Australia Queensland Hakka Association was established in The Association routinely runs a number of activities every year, such as, Day of Tian Chuan, a Hakka festival held on the 20th day of the first lunar month, Dragon Boat Festival on the 5th day of May of lunar calendar, and Chung Yeung Festival on the 9th day of September of lunar calendar to respect the elderly. In 2011, with support from Brisbane City Council, the Dragon Boat Festival dragon boat racing was first held at Forest Lake, in conjunction with citizenship ceremony Community Organisations held by Rotary Clubs and teams from ethnic groups participated in the Dragon Boat Races. The event is jointly and successfully supported by various multicultural groups. 澳洲昆士蘭客家會 1998年成立 每年例 行活動 例如 天穿日 端午節賽龍舟 重陽 敬老活動等 2011年與布里斯本市政府合作 端午節龍舟賽在Forest Lake 舉辦 結合扶輪社 舉辦公民入籍宣誓活動 並由各族裔團體派出 隊伍參加龍舟競賽 是成功結合多元文化族群 共同舉辦活動 Global Federation of Chinese Business Women established an Australia chapter on the Gold Coast in March This organisation helps to rally remarkable business women from Taiwan and overseas, these women have a unique and ambitious vision for the world, an ability to embrace changing trends, establish global networks and develop economy and trade. Since its establishment, in addition to supporting its members and each other, the organisation has organised many cultural activities. They also strongly support wider Taiwanese community activities. In November 1st, 2014, the annual conference of the Global Federation of Chinese Business Women was held at the Jupiter Hotel & Casino on the Gold Coast. Members from all over the world travelled to attend this annual global conference. Multicultural Experience th Celebrating the 15 Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane 077

85 078 Taiwanese Australian in Brisbane Community Organisations 世界華人工商婦女企管協會於2005年3月於 黃金海岸創立澳洲分會 結合海內外婦女企業 菁英 以 心懷世界 掌握脈動 建立網絡 發展經貿 為宗旨 例年來 除會員相互扶持 舉辦許多文化活動 並全力支持與配合僑社 活動 於2014年11月1日於黃金海岸木星賭場 酒店舉辦世界年會 全球各地傑出工商婦女領 袖齊聚一堂 Australia Asia Arts Network Association was established in May 2nd 2010 at Queensland Taiwan Centre by a group of arts enthusiasts, to encourage various activities such as arts, teaching, watching, exhibitions, competitions, lectures, etc. and to enhance mutual understanding and friendship among all ethnic groups, let art enhance the quality of life and beautify life. 澳亞藝術交流協會由一群熱愛藝文人士於 2010年5月2日於昆士蘭臺灣中心成立 舉辦各 式藝文 教學 觀摩 展覽 比賽 講座...等 活動 以增進各族裔相互的理解和友誼 讓藝 術提昇生活品質美化人生 布 里 斯 本 多元文化經驗 世界多元文化藝術協會15週年特輯 Friends of Australasia Youth Association (FAYA) consists of a group of people who are enthusiastic about charity and love to provide community services. They adhere to the motto "combination of the strengths of everyone and do good things for everyone." Adhering to the spirit of the National Salvation Group and the principle of educational, service, and public welfare, it promoted various services. Since its establishment, the Youth League has organized youth activities and helped the community in various activities. In addition, it has organized new year-round dinners and various literary and artistic activities for overseas students who have left their hometowns. This not only benefits young people, but also plays an integral part in cultural heritage. 澳亞青年團友會是由一群熱心公益 喜愛服 務的人所組成 秉持著 結合大家的力量 做 有益大家的事 秉持救國團的精神 教育 性 服務性 公益性 的原則 推展各項服務 工作 團友會自成立以來 組織青年活動及幫 助社區各項活動 此外 並為離鄉背井的海外 留學生們舉辦新年聚餐及各項文藝等活動 不 但造福青年 也為文化傳承負起了不可或缺的 角色

86 Taiwanese Australian in Brisbane The Queensland Multicultural Council, was formed in 2007 by the then Secretary-General of the Federation of Taiwanese Associations with aboriginal elders and community leaders from Vietnam, South Korea, India and Australia. This Council aims to jointly organise activities to increase the interaction between Taiwanese compatriots and other ethnic communities and achieve multi-cultural exchanges. 昆士蘭多元文化議會 由臺僑團體聯合會秘 書長代表 與越南 韓國 印度及澳洲原住民 長老於2007年共同成立 希望藉由共同辦活動 增加臺僑與其他民族社區的互動 達到多元 文化的交流 The Queensland chapter of the International Buddha Light Association has held "Bath Buddha Festival" every year for over 20 years in South Bank Park. It has become one of Brisbane s major representative festivals of the year. The Chung Tien Temple in Logan City is also one of the main activity centre for multiculturalism. Community Organisations Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation established an office in 1996 in Brisbane and built a Tzu Chi Temple at the Gold Coast. Tzu Chi Foundation has conducted free dental clinic visits to Tara - a remote town in Queensland every year organising remote dental clinics and provide relief for the remote people. Regular weekly food distribution and emergency assistance in natural disasters also allow Tzu Chi Foundation to receive special recognition and respect in mainstream Australian society. 慈濟功德會1996年在布里斯本設有聯絡處 黃金海岸建造慈濟靜思堂 慈濟功德會從2007 年起 每年前進到昆士蘭偏遠鄉村舉辦牙醫義 診 為偏遠民眾解決切身之痛 屢獲好評 固 定期的食物發放和天災時的急難救助發放 亦 讓慈濟功德會在主流社會獲得特別的尊崇 國際佛光會澳洲昆士蘭協會每年於南岸公園 舉辦 浴佛節 已連續舉辦超過20年 已成 為布里斯本市年度重要代表性節慶活動之一 位於洛根市的佛光山中天寺也是多元文化主要 的活動中心之一 Multicultural Experience th Celebrating the 15 Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane 079

87 080 Taiwanese Australian in Brisbane Community Organisations 諧日 2016 為慶祝和諧週擴大舉辦 布里斯本 國際藝術節暨歡慶和諧週 Brisbane International Arts Festival to celebrate Harmony Week活動 來自十個國家的多元文化族群 共15個表演團隊參與演出 Founded in 2003, World Arts Multiculture Inc is devoted to promoting the four major purposes of performing arts, observing, researching and teaching as well as introducing the multi-cultural arts of Taiwan and other parts of the world. In the past 15 years, various cultural and artistic activities were held to promote the harmonious coexistence of diverse social groups. Major events include: thousands of people drumming Guinness world record at Taiwan Festival, Evergreen Symphony Orchestra Australia premiere, JU percussion group, Beyond Beauty: Taiwan from Above film premiere, 2014 Asia Pacific Art Festival to celebrate the Harmony Day To celebrate HarmonyWeek, Brisbane International Arts Festival to celebrate Harmony Week was held to celebrate the Harmony Week. A total of 15 performing groups from 10 multicultural groups participated in the event. 世界多元文化藝術協會於2003年成立 致 力於推廣各項藝術展演 觀摩 研究 教學四 大宗旨 並介紹臺灣及世界各地的多元文化藝 術為使命 過去15年間 舉辦各項文化與藝術 活動 促進多元社會族群和諧共存 重大活動 包括 臺灣日千人搖鼓金氏世界紀錄 長榮交 響樂團澳洲首演 朱宗慶打擊樂團 看見臺灣 電影首映會 2014年起舉辦亞太藝術節慶祝和 布 里 斯 本 多元文化經驗 世界多元文化藝術協會15週年特輯 The World Multi-Culture Inc., commissioned by the Commonwealth Department of Home Affairs, has successfully hosted 18 citizenship ceremonies with new citizen candidates come from all over the world. 世界多元文化藝術協會受澳洲聯邦公民部委 託 成功承辦過18次公民入籍宣誓典禮 參加 宣誓人來自全球各國 Queensland Taiwan Charity Foundation has held Taiwan Golf Tournament and Charity Gala consecutively for the last 11 years, encouraging Taiwanese compatriots to step out in a healthy campaign to celebrate the Double 10th Taiwan National Day with a combination of sports and charity activities.

88 Taiwanese Australian in Brisbane 昆士蘭臺灣慈善基金會每年主辦的 臺灣盃 高爾夫球賽暨臺僑聯合慈善晚會 已連續舉辦 了11屆 讓臺僑團體以結合運動與慈善活動 走出更為健康的慶祝雙十國慶系列活動 Taiwan Care, a subsidiary of Queensland s Taiwan Charity Foundation, has been established for three years now. Lectures are offered weekly with English teaching, karaoke, outings and birthday celebrations. It is very popular with seniors and has been registered in Australia as aged care service provider. The establishment of Taiwan Care is also representing the next stage of the first generation of immigrants from Taiwan. 昆士蘭臺灣慈善基金會附設的 臺灣長青活 動中心 成立3年 每週舉辦講座 英語教學 卡拉OK 郊遊及慶生活動 甚受年長者的歡迎 該基金會目前已向澳洲登記為長者照顧機構 也是關懷臺僑第一代移民走向人生另一階段 的代表性團體 Community Organisations Queensland Chinese Orchestra Association was formed in Oct 1st By adopting the Take from society, give back to society philosophy, this performing group uniting Chinese traditional instruments individuals to improve their own professional skills but also provides entertainment for community activities and events. They also donate their excess funding raised from the performance to Lady Mayoress Charity Foundation. 澳洲昆士蘭國樂團成立於2015年10年成立 結合愛好國樂人士 以取之社會 用之社會 態度 一方面提升個人與團隊表演素質 另一 方面也提供其他社團活動表演 並將活動結餘 捐贈給布里斯本市長夫人慈善基金會 The government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) established Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Brisbane, Australia on August 16, Its services include diplomatic services and emergency assistance. Mr. James Tien, the first consulate general, travelled to Brisbane with his wife on December 9, After Mr. Wen-Cheng Song and Mr. Ken Lai, the fourth consulate general current is Mr. Bruce Hung. 中華民國 臺灣 政府於2005年8月16日成 立 駐布里斯本臺北經濟文化辦事 服務項 目包括 外交領務服務及急難救助等項目 首 任田處長中光先生偕夫人於12月9日抵達布市 就任 歷經宋文城和賴維中處長 迄今已是第 四位處長洪振榮 Multicultural Experience th Celebrating the 15 Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane 081

89 082 Taiwanese Australian in Brisbane Community Organisations Queensland Taiwan Centre was established in Brisbane on April 23, 2008, and the Art of Queensland Overseas Chinese and Chinese Arts Festival was the first exhibition in the centre. The Queensland Taiwan Centre has become a venue for the Taiwanese associations, talent studies, festivals, arts show and Chinese languages education. Taipei Economic and Cultural Office dispatched officers to the Queensland Taiwan Centre for mobile consular services every Wednesday and is widely welcomed by the Taiwanese migrants. 澳洲昆士蘭的僑教中心於2008年4月23日 在布里斯本市舉行 昆士蘭臺灣中心啟用典禮 暨 昆士蘭地區僑界暨中文學校藝文特展 臺灣中心成為持續提供僑團聯繫 才藝研習 節慶活動 藝文展演 華文教育等活動場所 駐布里斯本辦事處每週三並派員來昆士蘭臺 灣中心作行動領務收件服務 廣受鄉親歡迎 布 里 斯 本 多元文化經驗 世界多元文化藝術協會15週年特輯

90 Taiwanese Australian in Brisbane Education 4.4 Education 教育篇 In the tertiary education sector, there has been notable Taiwanese investment in Vocational and Technical Education College, the longest established is the Royal Brisbane Institute of Technology, the institute formerly located in South Bank Park, later moved to downtown Brisbane. There are also other trading qualifications such as training of massage, beauty professional at the Mastery Institute Australia located at Underwood, and Viva College focusing on English teaching. 在專科教育方面 臺僑投資在技職教育學院 歷史較悠久的是 皇家布里斯本學院 校區 原位於南岸公園內 後遷至布里斯本市區 另 有專為培訓按摩 美容專業的 澳洲精英學院 以及以教授英語為主的Viva College Taiwanese children often attend voluntary remedial after school courses in addition to formal school education including Chinese language education, talent-based education, musical instruments (such as JU percussion instruments, piano, violin, etc.), mental arithmetic, calligraphy, art and dance courses. 臺僑子弟在澳洲的教育除了正規的學校教育 外 還有華文教育 一般華文教育都是屬於課 後自願性的補習課程 至於才藝型教育 包括 樂器 例如 朱宗慶打擊樂器 鋼琴 小提琴 等 心珠算 書法 美術與舞蹈課程 The Australian government s One China policy also affects the learning choice between simplified and traditional Chinese characters. The second foreign language courses in formal schools are taught in simplified Chinese, but Chinese schools in after schools or Sunday schools can choose either traditional or simplified Chinese characters courses. The exception to which is Calamvale Community College which has implemented a Chinese immersion course using traditional characters from Kindergarten to Grade 12. 由於澳洲政府的 一個中國 政策也影響簡 體字和正體字的選擇 正規學校的第二外語課 程都是教簡體字 但課餘的語文學校則可選擇 正體字或簡體字課程 唯一例外的是Calamvale 社區學院 它提供正體字教學 由幼稚園 到12年級 After representation from the Taiwanese community that most Chinese business signs and the circulated Chinese newspapers are using traditional Chinese characters, the Queensland State Government also made decision to recognise academic performance for learning traditional Chinese characters as being eligible and creditable towards the high school student s final OP scores. 昆士蘭州政府在考量市面上商店招牌和市面 上流通的華文媒體大部份還是使用正體字 因 此對於學習正體字的學習成績也計入高中生OP 的計算 Multicultural Experience th Celebrating the 15 Anniversary of WAMCI, Brisbane 083

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