Intended Learning Outcomes. 1. connect current issues in China-US relations with similar issues that arose in the history of those relations

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1 Syllabus for China-United States Relations (SOSC 1340): Spring 2016 MW; 10:30-11:50; LTJ; Barry Sautman: Room 3383; Tel: 7821; Office Hour: W 12:00-13:00 TAs: Dai Yue (; Lu Yao ( China-US Relations is about interaction between the world s two most important countries. Their relationship impacts the whole world. We will study it through its history and current issues that involve persistent contradictions and occasional cooperation between the two countries. This syllabus describes course requirements and the schedule. Please direct questions on course administrative matters to a TA. By the course s end, students should be able to Intended Learning Outcomes 1. connect current issues in China-US relations with similar issues that arose in the history of those relations 2. critically analyse media reports of current issues in China/US relations by discussing the two countries interface and how it affects on the world 3. do improved research, writing and presentation -- if they choose to do a paper (see below). Schedule of Topics This course has 23 class meetings of 80 minutes each: 16 lecture meetings; 5 presentation meetings and 2 exam meetings Weeks 1-4 (six meetings: 1, 3, 15, 17, 22, 24 Feb.) cover history. It is more than a quarter of the course because most students know little about how China/US relations have developed over more than two centuries. Most introductions to China-US relations, no matter where they are taught, include history Weeks 5-10 (ten meetings: 29 Feb.; 2, 7, 9, 16, 21, 23, 30 Mar.; 6, 11 Apr.) introduce five persistent current issues in China-US relations: economic, security, Taiwan; human rights, and Tibet Weeks (five meetings: 13, 18, 20, 25, 27 Apr.)L presentation of up to 15 voluntary student papers (3 per class meeting) on student-selected current topics. Exams The course grade of most students is based solely on two exams, totalling 100 bilingual English/Chinese, multiple choice questions, all derived from lectures and student presentations. If there are voluntary weekly tutorials, sample questions will be presented there First Exam: History, economic issues; security questions: 14 March (about 48 questions: 28 history; 10 economic relations; 10 security issues) Second Exam: Taiwan, human rights, Tibet and student presentations: 4 May (about 52 questions: 10 Taiwan; 9 human rights; 9 Tibet; 24 student presentations) Students must bring to the exam their ID, a pencil and a rubber. Note: where any translation of a question is in doubt,the English version will be regarded as definitive. 1

2 Volunteering to Write and Present a Paper Students may volunteer to write a paper (12-15 pages, with footnotes required) on a topic in current China-US relations. Students can do the paper individually or in a team of two. A TA will seek a partner for any student who wants, but does not have, a partner. If you do a paper, you will receive a letter grade that will be half your final grade. The grade corresponding to your total exam marks will be the other half of your final grad. The two halves will be averaged in the student s favour (e.g.: A on paper; A- on exam: student gets an A). There is no guarantee of a high grade on a paper, but the average grades of papers is usually about one full grade higher than the average grade on exams. Papers will be presented in class during the course s last three weeks. The order in which papers are presented will be the reverse of the order in which students sign up to do a paper: the earlier you sign up, the later you present. If more than 15 student groups want to do a paper, a lucky draw will be held at the end of class on 17 Feb. Presentations are for 25 minutes (17-18 minutes to present; 7-8 minutes of questions and answers, but if there are less than 15 presentations, presenters will be allotted more time. This syllabus lists some suggested paper topics. You can do one of those or propose your own topic, as long as it concerns contemporary China-US relations and can be covered in a short paper. Only one group can do any particular topic; whoever chooses that topic first gets to do it. Individual or team presenters must display a bilingual English/Chinese.ppt if at least one of the presenters can write Chinese. The schedule for paper presenters is: 3 Feb. 17:00: sign-up for papers begin. Send an to the designated TA with your names and preferred topic. You can still change topics after that. 16 Feb, 17:00: sign-up for papers ends. The number and order of presentations will then be fixed Feb., paper presenter teams, by appointment, meet the instructor for 5-10 minutes to ensure that they understand their topics. After 24 Feb. at 18:00, no student who volunteered to do a paper may withdraw from that commitment without receiving an F that will equal half the final grade 24 Feb-2 Mar. at 18:00: presenters send to the instructor a half-page outline of 4-6 points that they intend to cover in the paper Voluntary 50-minute seminars for paper presenters on how to research and how to write a paper in China-US relations will be arranged. A research librarian will teach the research seminar and an instructional assistant will teach the writing seminar 30 Apr. (18:00): deadline for soft copies of papers to be sent to instructor In Class Bilingual ppt s will be displayed at the lectures and placed on the course website just before each lecture. It is difficult to do well in any course if you skip class often. Feel free to ask questions or make comments at any time. Please come to class on time and pay attention in class. There should be no talking to friends in class above a whisper. Cell phones must be turned off. Cheating on exams and plagiarism (copying any part of someone else s writing and making it seem to be your own writing) are major academic offences. Faculty are required to report such offences to university authorities. They can lead to failing a course or even expulsion from the university. 2

3 Students with any interest in China/US relations and any perspective are welcome to take the course. Lectures do however have a critical tone. Those who cannot bear to hear the Chinese or US governments criticized should not take the course. Paper presentations are designed to increase student participation in the class. Students not presenting should listen courteously to presenters. Those who feel they will be cheated by having to hear their fellow students present papers should not take the course. Most student presentations are in fact on interesting topics and are done well. The presenters will welcome your questions. Readings Readings are used to reinforce and expand on lectures. Many readings are shown here for each topic; you should pick whichever ones seems most interesting to you. It is advisable to read one book on history, plus at least one article on each of the five current topics. Readings are on reserve in the library. The bookstore should have two books on China/US history, one in English and one in Chinese. History: Gordon H. Chang, Fateful Ties: a History of America s Preoccupation with China (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2015). James Bradley, The China Mirage: the Hidden History of the American Disaster in Asia (New York: Little Brown & Co., 2015). Oliver Turner, American Images of China: Identity, Power, Policy (London: Routledge, 2014). Wang Dong, The United States and China: a History from the Eighteenth Century to the Present (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2013). Wang Chi, The United States and China since World War II: a brief history (Armonk: ME Sharpe, 2013) Warren Cohen, America's response to China: a history of Sino-American relations (New York: Columbia University, 5th ed. 2010). The book s 2d edition is in Chinese as 孔华润, 美国对中国的反应 : 中美关系的历史剖析 ( 上海 : 复旦大学出版社 1997) and covers only through the 1970s Robert Sutter, US-Chinese relations: perilous past, pragmatic present (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2010): Radha Sinha, Sino-American relations (London: Palgrave 2003): (up to the 2000s) Michael Schaller, The United States and China into the Twentieth-first Century. 3d ed. (New York: Oxford Press, 2002). The 1st edition of this book was published in Chinese as 二十世纪的美国与中国 ( 北京 : 光明日報,1985), but covers only through the late 1970s 金卫星, 中美关系史纲 ( 合肥 : 合肥工业大学出版社, 2014) 3

4 陶文钊, 中美关系史话 ( 北京 : 社会科学文献出版社,2011) (before 1949) 邱建群, 李惠著, 中美关系史略 : 从 " 中国皇后 " 号驶华到改革开放初期, ( 沈阳市 : 辽宁人民出版社, 2008) 王立, 回眸中美关系演变的关键时刻 ( 北京市 : 世界知識出版社, 2008) 王东, 让历史昭示未来 : 中美关系史纲 ( 上海 : 东方出版社 2006) 熊志勇, 百年中美关系 ( 北京 : 世界知识出版社 2006) (begins at 1900) 項立嶺, 中美關系史全編 ( 上海 : 華東師范大學出版社, 2002) 王立著, 波瀾起伏 : 中美關系演變的歷程 ( 北京 : 世界知識出版社,1998)( s). Economic Relations (trade and investment) Liang Wei, Tough love: US-China economic relations between competition and dependency, in Jean- Marc Blanchard and Simon Shen, Conflict and Cooperation in Sino-US Relations: Change and Continuity, Causes and Cures (London: Routledge, 2015): Wang Chi, Obama s Challenge to China: The pivot to Asia (Farnham: Ashgate, 2015): Robert Galantucci, The Repercussions of Realignment: Untied States-China Interdependence and Exchange Rate Politics, International Studies Quarterly 59:3 (20015): Charles W. Freeman III, The commercial and economic relationship, in David Shambaugh (ed.), Tangled Titans: the United States and China (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2013): Zeng Ka, High stakes: United States China trade disputes under the World Trade Organization, International Relations of the Asia-Pacific 13:1 2( 013): Steven Feldman, Trouble in the Middle: American-Chinese Business Relations, Culture, Conflict, and Ethics (New York: Routledge, 2013): Huo Jian Guo, The Development of US-China Economic Relations, 1978 to the Present, in China- United States Exchange Foundation, US-China 2022: Economic Relations in the Next 10 Years (2013): 1-26, Robert Sutter, US-Chinese relations: perilous past, pragmatic present (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2013): 霍建国, 1978 年至今中美经贸关系的发展, 中美交流基金會, 中美经贸关系的未来十年 (2013): 1-22, 詹军, 世纪博弈 : 中美贸易战真相与反思 ( 上海市 : 上海远东出版社, 2012): 郭生祥, 秀水街与华尔街的探戈 : 为什么美国人比我们幸福 ( 北京市 : 東方出版社, 2011): 47 4

5 -80 何新, 匯率風暴 : 中美貨幣戰爭揭秘 ( 香港 : 中港傳媒出版社, 2010): 刘遵义孙明春等, 美中经济交往 : 贸易 金融和经济现代化, 罗斯克兰斯, 顾国良 ( 主编 ), 力量与克制 : 中美关系的共同愿景 ( 京市 : 社会科学文献出版社, 2010): 苗迎春, 中美经贸摩擦研究 ( 武昌 : 武汉大学出版社, 2009); Security Issues (strategic relations, arms sales, nuclear proliferation, etc.) Harry Harding, Has US China Policy Failed? Washington Quarterly 38:3 (2015): Chen Dingding, Shaping the future of Sino-American relations: power shift and strategic rivalry, in Li Mingjiang and Kalyan Kemburi (eds.), New dynamics in US-China relations (London: Routledge, 2015): Michael McDevitt, The South China Sea: Assessing U.S. Policy, American Foreign Policy Interest 37:1 (2015): Beeson, Mark and Li Fujian What consensus? Geopolitics and policy paradigms in China and the United States, International Affairs, 91:1 (2015): Michael Tai, US-China relations in the Twenty-first Century: a question of trust (London: Routledge, 2015): Peter Hays Gries, Red China " and the Yellow Peril : how ideology divides Americans over China, Journal of East Asian Studies 14 (2014): David Gompert and Martin Libicki, Cyber Warfare and Sino-American Crisis Instability Survival.56:4 (2014): 7-21 Amitai Etzioni, Mutually Assured Restraint: A New Approach for United States-China Relations, Brown Journal of World Affairs, 20:2 (2014): Thomas Fingar and Fan Jishe, Ties that Bind: Strategic Stability in the US-China Relationship, Washington Quarterly 36:4 (2013): Khong Yuen-fong, Primacy or world order? The United States and China's rise-a review essay, International Security, 38:3 (2013): Liu Feng, China, the United States, and the East Asian security order, Issues and Studies, 49:1 (2013): 重估中国崛起 : 世界不能不知的中国强权 ( 台北 : 联经出版事业股份有限公司 2006): 陶文钊, 冷战后的美国对华政策 ( 重庆 : 重庆出版社, 2006):

6 许志嘉, 当代中共外交政策规定与此同时中美关系 ( 台北 : 生志 2004): Taiwan Lyle Goldstein, Meeting China halfway: How to defuse the emerging US-China rivalry (Washington: Georgetown University Press, 2015): Dennis Hickey and Kelan (Lilly) Lu, Friend or Foe: Washington, Beijing and the Dispute over Security Ties to Taiwan, in Jean-Marc Blanchard and Simon Shen (eds.), Conflict and Cooperation in Sino-US Relations : Change and Continuity, Causes and Cures (London: Routledge, 2015): Lowell Dittmer, Taiwan s narrowing strait: a triangular analysis of Taiwan s security since 2008, in Peter Chow (ed.), The US strategic pivot to Asia and cross-strait relations (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014): Shelley Rigger, Taiwan in U.S.-China Relations, in David Shambaugh (ed.), Tangled Titans: the United States and China (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2013): Scott Kastner, et al., Mostly bark, little bite? Modeling US arms sales to Taiwan and the Chinese response, Issues and Studies, 49:3 (2013): Twining, Daniel, The Taiwan lynchpin, Policy Review 177 (2013): Hu, Richard Weixing, Taiwan Strait détente and the changing role of the United States in cross-strait relations, China Information 27:1 (2013): Christopher Huang and Joseph Lee, Entangled Web: The Wikileaks and US-China Rivalries over Taiwan, International Journal of China Studies 4:3 (2013): Robert Sutter, US-Chinese relations: perilous past, pragmatic present, 2d ed. (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2013): Tasi Yu-tai, A Rising China and Obama s Foreign Policy: Taiwan s New Security Dilemma, in Sally Burt and Daniel Anorve (eds.), Global Perspectives on US Foreign Policy (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013): 任雪麗, 台灣為什麼重要? : 美國兩岸研究權威寫給全美國人的台灣觀察報告 ( 台市 : 貓頭鷹出版, 2013 [2011]): 张仕荣, 21 世纪初期中美日安全关系中的台湾问题 ( 北京市 : 九州出版社, 2010): 孙岩台湾问题与中美关系 ( 北京 : 北京大学出版社, 2009): Human Rights Wang Chi, Obama s Challenge to China: The pivot to Asia (Farnham: Ashgate, 2015): Li Shoushi & Ye Luofu, How do Americans evaluate China's international responsibility? an empirical assessment, Journal of Contemporary China 24:92 (2015):

7 Michael Swaine, America s challenge: engaging a rising China in the Twenty-first Century (New York: Carnegie Endowment, 2011): Robert Sutter, US-Chinese relations: perilous past, pragmatic present 2d ed. (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2013): Wan Ming, Values and Human Rights in Sino-American Relations, in Hao Yufan (ed.), Sino-American Relations: Challenges Ahead (London: Ashgate, 2010): William Schulz, Strategic persistence: how the United States can help improve human rights in China (Washington: Center for American Progress, 2009): 3-37 李宏祥, 淺析中美人權沖突中人權觀的基本分歧, 理論界 2008(4) 羅艷華, 論中美人權之爭的根源與特性, 山西大學學報 ( 哲學社會科學版 )2007(3) or 陶文钊, 冷战后的美国对华政策 ( 重庆 : 重庆出版社, 2006): 郭拥军. 试析布什政府对中国人权外交, 在中国案现代国际关系研究所, 中美战略关系新论 ( 北京 : 时事出版社 2005): 丁松泉, 中国崛起与中美关系 ( 北京 : 中国社会科学出版社, 2005): 韩云川, 中美人权贵之二争 ( 银川 : 宁夏人民出版社, 2003): Tibet Cao Yongrong Cao & Xu Jian, The Tibet Problem in the Milieu of a Rising China: findings from a survey on Americans' attitudes toward China, Journal of Contemporary China 24:92 (2015): Barry Sautman, Secessionism as a United States Foreign Policy Lever: Tibet in Context, Brown Journal of World Affairs 20:2 (2014): Tim Johnson, Tragedy in crimson: how the Dalai Lama conquered the world but lost the battle with China (New York: Nation Books, 2011): Barry Sautman, Tibet s putative statehood and international law, Chinese Journal of International Law (2010) 9: 1: Tom Grunfeld, Tibet and the United States, in Barry Sautman and June Dreyer (eds.), Contemporary Tibet: Politics, Development and Society in a Disputed Region (Armonk: ME Sharpe, 2006): 韩磊, 薛丹, 美国国务院 西藏问题特别协调员 的设立及其活动, 中南大学学报 ( 社会科学版 ) 19: 3 (2013): 郭永虎, 美国国会与中美关系中的 " 西藏问题 " ( 北京市 : 世界知識出版社, 2011): 胡仕胜, 美国对华政策中的 西藏问题, 在, 中国现代国际关系研究院, 中美战略关系新论 ( 北京 : 7

8 时事出版社 2005): Suggested Paper Topics US Criticisms of China s Anti-terrorism law and the Chinese response Cybersecurity: Chinese attacks or mutual infringements? The US effort to limit the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank US presidential candidates in 2016 and China: anything beyond bashing? The US opposition to China being given WTO market economy status Prospects for a China/US bilateral investment treaty Evaluating the US/China Strategic & Economic Dialogue (S&ED) China s reaction to the US pivot to East Asia Chinese government intervention in Chinese stock markets: does it affect the US? Implications for China/US relations of the growth of Chinese student numbers in the US Is there a Chinese transition from export-led growth and does it matter for the US? The effects of anti-chinese stereotyping in the US on contemporary China/US relations US participation in China s maritime disputes Evaluating Xi Jinping s 2015 state visit to the US Do Chinese and US interests coincide on climate change? A Chinese push to displace the US dollar as the world s reserve currency? If the exchange rate of China s currency drops, so what for the US? The effect of China bashing in US media Support for Tibetan separatism among US political and media elites The 2008 demonstrations in the US by Chinese over the Tibet issue The role of the US in Chinese theories of a multi-polar world Liberals and other pro-american elites in China The relationship of US political elites to Taiwan s two major parties China/US competition and the world s natural resources Domestic factors in US policy toward China Domestic factors in PRC policy toward the US US dumping cases directed at PRC exports US critiques of China s internet policy China, the US and the Iran nuclear problem China, the US and the North Korea nuclear problem Political implications of China/US agricultural trade and investment Anti-terrorism cooperation between China and the US: is there any? The China Threat discourse in the US The US hegemony discourse in China China-US cooperation on HIV/AIDs Human smuggling and China-US relations The problem of corrupt Chinese officials who flee to the US The US/Japan alliance and China in the age of Abe China-US competition and cooperation in outer space The implications of the decline in US adoptions of Chinese babies US politicians critique of Chinese government policies on religion China s critique of human rights in the US US concerns about the safety of Chinese products US tobacco policy in China Implications of Chinese investment in the US US regulation of dual use technology sales to China China s soft power (cultural) influences in the US US soft power influences in China 8

9 The Hong Kong issue in China-US relations after Occupy Central Hong Kong s pro-democracy camp and the US: support, model or something else? The American community in China Chinese-Americans and China-US relations Popular perceptions of China in the US Popular perceptions of the US in China The Chinese brain drain to and from the US China and the US National Missile Defence (NMD) The US attitude toward terrorism by Xinjiang-based groups US elite culture and Chinese elites The U.S. s Congressional-Executive Commission on China How China makes its America policy US religious groups activities in China China collapse theories in the US The US debate about China rising The perceived China-US rivalry in Africa The perceived China/US rivalry in Latin America Is there a China Lobby in the US? US NGOs in China: their politics and China s law on foreign NGOs Independent (non-government) Chinese critiques of the US The impact of US agricultural sales in China The protection of US intellectual property in China Chinese population policy claims for political asylum in the US and the new 2-child policy US vs. China (or China vs. US) military planning China-US drug enforcement activity Liu Xiaobo and the US US labor unions aid in organizing workers at US firms in China Is there a China/US global resource competition? The work of the US/China Joint Commission on Commerce & Trade The depiction of China and Chinese in recent US films and TV 9

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