6-8 U.S. History (Florida)

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1 6-8 U.S. History (Florida) Unit Lesson Experience Objectives Next Gen Social Studies Standards European Explora.on in the Americas European Explora.on in the Americas Iden.fy reasons for European explora.on of the Americas. A.1.2 G.4.2 The Columbian Exchange: Explora.on and the Environment The Geography of the Early Colonies Evaluate how exchanges between European and Na.ve Americans modified the physical environment. A.1.6 G.5.1 G.5.2 Iden.fy how physical characteris.cs influenced popula.on distribu.on and sejlement pajerns during coloniza.on. A.2.2 G.1.2 G.4.4 G.5.1 Spanish Coloniza.on Explain why Spain sejled its colonies. A.1.7 A.2.1 A.2.3 A.2.5 Explain the causes and effects of the transatlan.c slave trade. The Transatlan.c Slave Trade Outline the rela.onship of the slave trade to other kinds of trade. A.1.2 G.4.2 G.4.4 E.1.1 E.3.1 French and Dutch Coloniza.on Iden.fy the reasons for French and Dutch coloniza.on in North America. A.2.1 A.2.5 E.1.1 European Coloniza.on Early Coloniza.on The New England Colonies The Middle and Southern Colonies Colonial Society English Coloniza.on Iden.fy the reasons for English coloniza.on in North America. A.1.1 A.1.7 A.2.1 A.2.5 E.1.1 Jamestown Explain the significance of the founding of Jamestown. Describe how different groups in Jamestown interacted with the environment. A.1.4 G.5.1 G.5.2 Representa.ve Government Explain how Virginia began a tradi.on of representa.ve government. Iden.fy the Virginia House of Burgesses, Mayflower Compact, and the Fundamental Order of Connec.cut. A.2.2 G.2.1 C.1.2 C.1.4 The New England Colonies and Religious Freedom Explain how the desire for religious freedom led to the sejlement of the New England colonies. Describe how conflicts over religion and poli.cs were resolved in colonial New England. A.1.6 A.2.2 A.2.4 C.1.3 Conflict Between SeJlers and Na.ve Americans Iden.fy reasons for conflict between sejlers and Na.ve Americans. A.1.2 A.2.5 Explain the reasons for the establishment of the colonies of New York, New Jersey, The Middle Colonies Pennsylvania and Delaware. A2.2 A.1.3 A.1.4 G.2.1 G.5.1 E.2.3 E.1.1 The Southern Colonies Explain the reasons for the establishment of Maryland, the Carolinas and Georgia. A.2.2 A.2.3 G.2.1 G.5.1 E.2.3 E.1.1 The Great Awakening Describe the causes of the Great Awakening and its effects on colonial society. A.1.5 A.1.7 A.2.7 C.1.4 Colonial Arts and Literature (BigStock) Describe colonial art, music, and literature, and how it reflects colonial culture. Consider how art can influence society. Research a history topic and give an oral presenta.on. A.1.5 A.1.7 A.2.7 The Life of a Slave Describe the life of slaves in colonial America. A.1.2 A.1.4 A.1.6 A.1.7 A.2.7 E.2.3 Mercan.lism Explain the development of mercan.lism and colonists' response to it. A.2.1 E.2.2 E.3.1 Colonial Trade and Government The French and Indian War Tensions with Britain Colonial Government Describe the development of governments in the colonies. C.1.2 C.1.4 The Revolu.onary Era: Vocabulary Iden.fy key vocabulary related to the Revolu.onary Era The French and Indian War Rising Conflicts in the West Explain how the rivalry between Britain and France and conflict over the Ohio Valley led to the French and Indian War in North America. Describe the power shib that occurred aber the war. A.1.2 A.2.6 G.2.2 G.4.6 E.3.1 Describe conflicts in the west aber the French and Indian War. Explain how Britain ajempted to ease tensions with the Proclama.on of Analyze how Bri.sh economic policies following the French and Indian War contributed to the Revolu.onary War. A.3.1 A.3.15 New Taxes in the Colonies Explain why colonists opposed new Bri.sh taxes such as the Stamp Act. Analyze how Bri.sh economic policies following the French and Indian War contributed to the Revolu.onary War. A.3.1 A.3.2 G.2.2 E.3.1 The Boston Massacre Summarize the significance of the Boston Massacre. A.1.6 A.1.7 A.3.2 A.3.5 page 1

2 Colonists Fight Back The Revolu.onary Era Declara.on of Independence Independence Is Won The Confedera.on The Cons.tu.onal Conven.on The U.S. Cons.tu.on The Boston Tea Party Explain how a dispute over tea led to further tension between the colonists and Great Britain. Describe ways that the Bri.sh Parliament punished the colonists for the Boston Tea Party. A.1.2 A.1.6 A.3.2 A.3.6 The Shot Heard Round the World Explain how figh.ng broke out in MassachuseJs, including bajles in Lexington and Concord and Bunker Hill. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of Britain and the colonists as the war began. A.1.4 A.1.6 A.3.6 The First and Second Con.nental Congresses Explain ac.ons the First and Second Con.nental Congresses enacted to address the crisis with Britain. A.3.3 A.3.4 Thomas Paine and Common Sense Describe the impact of Thomas Paine's pamphlet, Common Sense. A.1.1 A.1.5 A.3.5 Congress Declares Independence Explain the steps Congress took to declare independence. A.1.2 A.3.3 A.3.7 The Declara.on of Independence Summarize the main ideas of the Declara.on of Independence. A.3.7 C.2.1 Describe the war in the Middle Colonies, including how the bajles at Trenton and Saratoga Turning Points in the Revolu.onary War marked turning points. A.1.2 A.3.3 A.3.4 A.3.6 African Americans in the Revolu.onary War Describe the roles of African Americans in the war. A.1.2 A.3.15 Women in the Revolu.onary War Describe the roles of women in the war. A.1.7 A.3.15 Fron.ers During the Revolu.onary War Explain how the war was fought on the western fron.er and at sea. A.3.6 A.3.15 Florida During the Revolu.onary Era Examine key events in Florida history during the Revolu.onary Era. A.3.16 American Victory Describe the war in the south, including the American victory at Yorktown and the Treaty of Paris. Summarize the reasons why the Americans won the war. A.1.2 A.3.3 A.3.6 G.1.2 Important People of the Revolu.on Iden.fy and describe historical figures who shaped the Revolu.onary era. A.1.1 A.3.3 A.3.5 A.3.8 U.S. Cons.tu.on: Vocabulary Iden.fy key vocabulary related to the Cons.tu.onal Period State Cons.tu.ons Explain why state governments wrote cons.tu.ons. C.1.2 The Ar.cles of Confedera.on Drabing and Signing the Cons.tu.on Shaping of the Cons.tu.on Debate and Ra.fica.on of the Cons.tu.on Framers of the Cons.tu.on Iden.fy the strengths and weaknesses of the Ar.cle of Confedera.on. Describe the process the Ar.cles created for admieng new states. Explain why many Americans called for changes to the Ar.cles and how it influenced leaders to change them. Iden.fy the leaders of the Cons.tu.onal Conven.on. Compare the main differences between the two rival plans for the new Cons.tu.on. Summarize compromises the delegates had to reach before the Cons.tu.on could be signed. A.3.3 A.3.10 Summarize the tradi.ons of freedom that Americans inherited from England and from their own colonial past. Describe how the Enlightenment ideas shaped the development of the Cons.tu.on. Iden.fy the key issues in the cons.tu.onal debate. Analyze the arguments of the Federalists and the An.federalists. Explain how the Cons.tu.on was finally ra.fied. A.3.3 A.3.11 Evaluate the contribu.ons of the Framers of the Cons.tu.on. Research and prepare a wri.ng project comparing two delegates at the Conven.on. A.3.3 C.1.3. A.3.9 C.1.3. Understanding the Cons.tu.on Ci.zens' Rights and Responsibili.es Preamble to the Cons.tu.on Explain the basic goals of the Cons.tu.on as defined by the Preamble. C.1.5 C.2.1 Iden.fy the framework of government that the Cons.tu.on established. Principles of the American Government Summarize the seven basic principles of American government. C.1.5 C.2.1 The Three Branches of American Government Powers of Federal, State, and Local Governments The Bill of Rights Cons.tu.onal Amendments and Democra.c Rights A Ci.zen's Responsibili.es Developing Democra.c Values Iden.fy the powers and du.es of the legisla.ve branch, execu.ve branch, and judicial branch of the American government. - May add: Describe checks and balances C.1.5 C.2.1 Describe the services that state and local governments provide. Describe the concept of federalism and the powers of federal and state governments. A.3.10 C.1.4 C.1.5 Describe how the Bill of Rights was added to the Cons.tu.on. Iden.fy the rights that the Bill of Rights protects. A.1.3 A.3.11 C.1.5 C.2.1 Explain how the Cons.tu.on can be amended. Summarize how later amendments expanded democra.c rights. A.3.10 C.1.6 C.2.1 Summarize what makes a person a ci.zen of the the United States. Describe the responsibili.es of ci.zenship. C.1.1 C.1.5 Iden.fy how Americans can develop democra.c values. Explain the significance of free speech in a cons.tu.onal republic. C.1.5 page 2

3 The Washington Presidency Origins of Poli.cal Par.es The Early Republic: Vocabulary George Washington: Seeng Up a New Republic Establishing an Economic System Washington's Foreign Policy Origins of Poli.cal Par.es Describe the steps Washington took to set up the government of the new republic Explain the impact of Washington's Farewell Address A.3.12 Explain how Hamilton aimed to create a stable economic system. Describe arguments around Hamilton's tax plan and the causes and effects of the Whiskey Rebellion. A.1.1 E.1.1 E.2.2 Explain Washington's foreign policy, including the goal of neutrality and the impact of his Farewell Address. A.1.6 A.3.12 Contrast the views of Hamilton and Jefferson. Describe how the elec.on of 1796 increased poli.cal tensions. Explain the origin of poli.cal par.es in the early republic. A.3.13 The Early Republic The Adams Presidency The Jefferson Presidency The Madison Presidency The Monroe Presidency John Adams: Foreign Policy (The XYZ Affair) Explain President John Adams s foreign policy A.1.2 A.3.13 The Alien and Sedi.on Acts Describe the controversy over the Alien and Sedi.on Acts. A.1.6 A.3.13 The Elec.on of 1800 Explain why Congress decided the elec.on of 1800 and how that elec.on set a precedent. A.1.2 Jeffersonian Republicanism Explain why Jefferson acted to limit the size of the federal government. A.1.2 A.3.14 E.2.2 Marbury v. Madison Describe the significance and effects of Marbury v. Madison. A.3.14 C.1.5 The Louisiana Purchase Iden.fy the causes and effects of the Louisiana Purchase. A.3.14 A.4.2 Lewis and Clark Expedi.on Describe the discoveries of Lewis, Clark, and Pike. A.3.14 A.4.3 G.1.2 Jefferson's Foreign Policy Explain Jefferson's foreign policy, including conflict with the Barbary States, threats to U.S. neutrality, and the Embargo Act. A.1.2 A.3.14 E.2.2 E.3.1 Iden.fy the causes of the War of Leadup to The War of 1812 Explain the challenges that the United States faced in preparing for war. A.1.1 A.1.6 A.4.1 The War of 1812 Describe the important events and effects of the War of A.1.7 A.4.1 The Era of Good Feelings and The Missouri Compromise Monroe's Domes.c Policies The Monroe Doctrine Explain the significance of regional differences during the Era of Good Feelings. Describe the impact of the Missouri Compromise. A.1.2 A.4.1 A.4.2 A.4.3 Iden.fy the causes and effects of the Panic of 1819 Explain how the Supreme Court under John Marshall expanded federal power. A.1.6 A.4.13 E.1.1 E.2.2 Explain U.S. foreign policy under Monroe, including the Monroe Doctrine and policies toward Florida. A.1.2 A.4.1 The Jackson Presidency Suffrage During the Age of Jackson Describe who gained suffrage by the 1820s. C.1.4 C.1.6 The 1824 and 1828 Presiden.al Elec.ons Jacksonian Democracy Iden.fy compromises made aber the 1824 elec.on, including the roles of Henry Clay and John Quincy Adams. Explain the origin and development of new poli.cal par.es under John Quincy Adams A.1.2 A.1.3 A.4.3 Describe the causes and effects of Jacksonian democracy and the impact of the elec.on of Andrew Jackson. Explain the spoils system. A.1.1 A.4.3 A.4.8 A.4.16 The Age of Jackson: Overview Iden.fy key concepts, events, and people from the Age of Jackson A.1.1 A.4.3 A.4.8 A.4.16 A Time of Poli.cal Conflict States' Rights Explain the issues of nullifica.on and state's rights. A.1.3 A.4.3 A.4.8 Summarize arguments regarding the banking system. Van Buren and the Economic Situa.on Iden.fy the economic problems Mar.n Van Buren faced. A.1.2 A.4.3 E.1.1 Age of Jackson and Westward Expansion Na.ve Americans and Westward Expansion Na.ve American Cultures Describe the cultures of Na.ve Americans between the Appalachians and Mississippi. A.4.4 G.2.1 Government Policies on Na.ve Americans Moving Westward Florida's Diverse Popula.on Explain the conflict over land occupied by Na.ve Americans between the Appalachians and Mississippi. Discuss the forced removal of Na.ve Americans, including the Indian Removal Act and the Trail of Tears. A.1.2 A.4.1 A.4.4 A.4.13 Describe how sejlers traveled west. List the steps Americans took to improve their roads. Explain how steamboats and canals improved transporta.on for Americans. A.1.2 A.4.5 A.4.6 E.2.1 Examine the experiences and perspec.ves of different ethnic, na.onal, and religious groups in Florida. Explain their contribu.ons to Florida's and America's society and culture during the Expansion Period. A.4.18 page 3

4 Fron.ers Manifest Des.ny Manifest Des.ny or Fron.ers The Oregon Trail The State of Texas and Mexico Missions and Ranches Manifest Des.ny Explain the appeal of Oregon and the Far West. Summarize how mountain men helped explore the Far West. Describe the role missionaries played in Oregon. Iden.fy the hardships faced on wagon trains to the West. A.4.1 G.4.2 G.4.4 G.6.2 Summarize the coopera.on and conflict between American sejlers in Texas and the Mexican government. Iden.fy the challenges faced by the Lone Star Republic. Describe how Texas gained statehood. A.4.1 G.2.1 G.2.3 Describe life for the Spanish and Na.ve Americans on the missions and ranches of California and New Mexico. A.4.4 G.4.2 G.4.3 E.2.3 Analyze the rela.onship between the concept of Manifest Des.ny and the westward growth of the na.on. A.1.7 A.4.1 A.4.4 G.4.2 The U.S.-Mexican War List the causes and effects of the U.S.-Mexican War. A.4.1 A.4.3 G.2.3 G.4.6 The California Gold Rush Describe how the gold rush affected California. A.4.1 G.1.2 G.2.2 G.2.3 G.5.2 The Industrial Revolu.on The Industrial Revolu.on: Vocabulary The Impact of the Industrial Revolu.on Iden.fy key vocabulary related to the Industrial Revolu.on Iden.fy the Industrial Revolu.on and explain its effects. Explain the impact of the Industrial Revolu.on on ci.es. A.4.1 A.4.6 A.4.7 E.1.1 E.2.3 The Industrial Revolu.on in the North The Economy of the Northern States Describe how technological change affected the economy of the North. A.4.1 A.4.5 A.4.6 A.4.7 E.2.1 Iden.fy the impact of the Industrial Revolu.on on working condi.ons, social class, and daily Social Impact of the Industrial Revolu.on life. A.1.2 A.4.7 G.4.1 G.4.5 E.1.1 Aetudes Toward Immigrants and African Americans The Economy of the Southern States Describe the impact of immigra.on and aetudes toward immigrants and African Americans in the North. A.1.2 A.4.3 A.4.7 A.4.8 G.4.2 E.2.3 Iden.fy how the development of the cojon gin affected the South. Describe the agriculture economy of the South. A.4.6 A.4.10 G.2.2 E.2.1 E.2.3 Life Before the Civil War The Industrial Revolu.on in the South Reform Movements Aboli.onism Southern Society Describe southern society. A.1.2 A.4.11 G.1.2 G.2.1 G.2.2 G.4.1 G.4.4 Slaves and Freedmen The Reform Movement's Impact on Health and Educa.on The Aboli.onist Movement Compare the economic, social, and poli.cal condi.ons of free and enslaved African Americans. Explain the impact of slavery. A.4.3 A.4.8 A.4.11 Explain how poli.cal and religious trends, including the Second Great Awakening, inspired reform movements. Describe the impact of movements for temperance and for the reform of mental health care and prisons. Explain the impact of movements for the reform of educa.on and care for the disabled. A.4.3 A.4.8 A.4.9 Describe the historical development of the aboli.onist movement. Explain the roles of Frederick Douglass and others in the aboli.onist movement. Describe the different points of view of interest groups on aboli.on. A.4.11 A.5.2 Women's Rights Nineteenth Century Arts and Literature Conflict and Compromises The Underground Railroad Iden.fy the Underground Railroad and the role that civil disobedience played in it. A.4.11 A.5.2 Women's Rights Nineteenth Century Arts and Literature Transcendentalism and Civil Disobedience The Missouri Compromise Describe the origins of the women's rights movement. Explain the impact of the Seneca Falls Conven.on, including the roles of Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony. Describe the impact of the Women's rights movement on opportuni.es for women. A.4.14 Describe American pain.ng in the early to mid-1800s, including the Hudson River School and the work of John James Audubon. Analyze American literature and music during the early to mid 1800s. A.1.7 A.4.15 Describe transcendentalism. Describe the reason and impact of Thoreau's civil disobedience. A.4.3 A.4.8 A.4.15 Explain sec.onalism. Describe how the Missouri Compromise affected slavery. A.4.1 Conflicts over Slavery Explain why conflict arose over the Issue of slavery in western territories. Explain how the Compromise of 1850 tried to resolve the issue of slavery. Iden.fy why the Free-Soil party was founded. A.4.11 A.5.2 Uncle Tom's Cabin Summarize how Uncle Tom's Cabin affected aetudes toward slavery. A.1.4 A.4.8 A.5.2 page 4

5 The Civil War Growing Tensions The Dred ScoJ Case Summarize the impact of the Dred ScoJ case on the na.on. A.4.8 A.4.13 A.5.2 Growing Tensions The Outbreak of War The Course of the Civil War Early Reconstruc.on The Rise of the Republican Party The Elec.on of 1860 Explain why the Republican Party was founded. Explain the rapid emergence of Abraham Lincoln as a Republican Party leader. A.4.3 A.4.8 A.5.2 Iden.fy how the 1860 elec.on reflected sec.onal differences. Explain why southern states seceded from the Union following the elec.on of A.4.3 A.4.8 A.5.2 Presiden.al Visions: Lincoln vs Davis Analyze Lincoln's first and second inaugural addresses. Explain the GeJysburg Address. Describe the ideas contained in Jefferson Davis's inaugural address. A.4.3 A.4.8 A.5.1 A.5.5 Iden.fy how the Civil War began in 1861.Describe the strengths and weaknesses of the A.5.1 The Outbreak of War North and South as the war began. A.1.2 A.5.2 A.5.4 G.1.2 G.4.6 Civil War Leaders Iden.fy the leaders of each side in the war. A.5.5 C.1.3 Key BaJles of the Civil War Iden.fy the key bajles of the Civil War. Explain how early bajles dispelled hopes for a quick end to the war. Describe the strategies the North and South adopted to win the war. Explain why the Union victories at Vicksburg and GeJysburg helped turn the war in the Union's favor. A.1.2 A.5.1 A.5.6 G.1.2 The Emancipa.on Proclama.on Describe the purpose of the Emancipa.on Proclama.on and its effects. A.1.1 A.1.6 A.5.1 A.5.2 A.5.3 Civil War Soldiers Explain African Americans' contribu.ons to the war effort in the Union army and behind Confederate lines. Describe condi.ons for Civil War soldiers. A.5.1 The Northern Home Fronts Iden.fy the role women played in the war. Explain the role of patrio.c songs, like BaJle Hymn of the Republic. A.1.2 A.1.7 A.5.6 The Southern Home Fronts Explain problems on the home front, including economic issues. A.1.2 A.1.5 A.5.5 A.5.6 G.2.2 G.5.1 The End of the War Describe Lee's surrender. Summarize why the Civil War marked a turning point in American history. A.1.2 A.5.1 A.5.6 Describe the na.on's economic, poli.cal, and social problems aber the Civil War. Early Reconstruc.on Iden.fy the early steps that were taken during Reconstruc.on. A.1.2 A.1.7 A.5.8 Lincoln's Assassina.on Radical Reconstruc.on Iden.fy Lincoln's hopes for the Union aber his reelec.on. Explain how the assassina.on of Lincoln and the inaugura.on of a new President led to conflict. A.5.3 Describe how Congress reacted to the passage of black codes in the South. Explain how Radical Republicans gained power in Congress. A.1.2 A.5.8 C.1.6 The Reconstruc.on Era The Effects of Reconstruc.on The End of Reconstruc.on The Impeachment of Johnson Iden.fy why President Johnson was impeached. A.5.8 The Challenges of Reconstruc.on Analyze the economic, poli.cal, and social challenges facing Reconstruc.on governments. Iden.fy new forces in southern poli.cs. Describe how southern conserva.ves resisted Reconstruc.on. A.5.8 E.1.1 The End of Reconstruc.on Summarize the events that led to the end of Reconstruc.on. A.5.8 African Americans in the Post- Reconstruc.on South Explain how the rights of African Americans were restricted in the South aber Reconstruc.on. Sharecropping Explain why sharecropping led to a cycle of poverty. A.5.8 A.5.8 The Western Fron.er The "New South" Iden.fy industries that flourished in the "New South." A.5.8 Examine the influence of oil produc.on on the economic development of the United States. Explain differing perspec.ves on the use of renewable and non-renewable resources in the Energy Resources in the United States United States and Florida. G.3.2 Iden.fy and research a problem. Propose solu.ons and develop a plan for solving a problem. Historical Symbols in Modern Culture Iden.fy different points of view on social issues. A.1.1 A.1.3 page 5

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