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1 THE DEVELOPMENT OF ROME AND ROMAN LAW: GENERAL STUDY 일반공부법 : THE BEST WAY TO STUDY IS TO USE TIME LINES 시간순으로공부하는것이최고의방법 I. Time Line A. 4,000,000,000 b.c.e. Dawn of Time Big Bang! 태초의시대빅뱅 1. Human s evolve into Hunting and Gathering societies: Basically capable of Fairness, but Poor.. 인간의 수렵채집사회로의진화기본적으로모두가평등하지만가난 a) Small groups, very narrow social scale, mutually dependent upon each other for indefinite time, are able to develop basically fair societies, but food and material production is limited. THEY are POOR. 작은그룹, 좁은 사회크기, 불확실한시대에서서로서로의지하며생존하여기본적으로평등한사회구축, 그러나식량과 재료의생산이제한적이어서가난을벗어날수없었음 B. 14,000 11,000 b.c.e. Neolithic / Agricultural Revolution 신석기농업혁명 1. Economic activities begin to specialize, society become less cohesive/inclusive, 경제적활동이전문화되고. 덜 통합되고포괄적인사회구축 2. Societies Rich, but Unfair and extremely harsh, Therefore, brittle, prone to collapse. 풍족한사회. 그러나 불공평하고잔인하고무너지기쉬운사회구축 C. Early Legal Systems: b.c.e Ur-Rammu (Vendetta based) 복수 b.c.e. Hammurabi (Vendetta based) 복수 b.c.e 10 Commandments (Bible) 십계 D. 500 b.c.e. AXIAL AGE in Europe and Asia Only 유럽과아시아의축의시대 1. Question/Tension/Crisis: How to have Food Surplus without Cruelty 문제잔인함없이어떻게잉여분을가질것인가 How to have Food Surplus AND Harmony 잉여분과조화를가지는방법 (1) Harmony Fairness 조화 공정 (2) Harmony~Fairness 조화 ~ 공정 2. Development of philosophies & religions centered on concept of Fairness. 공평의개념을중심으로한철학과종교발전 a) Intellectual Academic Thought 학자들의생각 (1) Topic Ethics 주제 윤리 (2) Ethics Fairness 윤리 평등 (3) Fairness Golden Rule 평등 골든룰 (a) Golden Rule Do to others how you want them to do to you 대접받고싶은만큼남을대접하라. 3. Methods The development of Informal Norms 비공식규범 (1) Philosophy Teaching 철학 가르침 (a) China Confucius 중국공자 (b) Greece Socrates 그리스소크라테스 (2) Religion Preaching 종교복음전파 (a) India Buddha 인도부처 (b) Iran Zoroaster 이란조로아스터 (c) b) Law Rome 법로마 이스라엘이사야 4. Emergence of Great Empires in China, India, Iran and later Greece. 그리스이란인도중국의거대한제국국가출현 E. 450 b.c.e. Roman Law the creation of the 12 tables. 로마법 12 동판법 1. Less lofty principles 덜오만한원칙 2. Provide some justice and inclusiveness 정의와포괄성제공 3. Force of Law!!!! 법의힘 4. Emergence of Roman Empire 로마제국출현 -1-

2 F. 43 c.e. Roman conquers Britain 로마의영국정벌 G. 410 c.e. Rome abandons Britain 로마 - 영국포기 H. 475 c.e. Fall of Western Roman Empire (Beginning of Dark Ages / Medieval Age) 서로마제국의몰락 ( 암흑의 시대시작 / 중세시대 ) 1. Western Europe Politically Fractured 서유럽정치적분열 2. Barbarian invasions in France, Spain, Italy, England Roman law replaced in part or in whole, by Barbarian traditional norms 야만족의프랑스스페인이탈리아영국침범 - 야만족에의해로마법전부또는일부멸실 II. Concepts and ideas: A. Mechanisms in Civics: 시민사회메커니즘 1. Evolution of Cooperation by Robert Axelrod a) Also called the The Prisoner s Dilemma (1) The Book asks: When there is no central controlling authority (such as a state) will Cooperation emerge? (2) Answer Yes ( 네!) When there is a repetitive (iterative) game with no foreseeable end. The best strategy is cooperation. ( 반복 ( 반복 ) 게임은예측가능한끝이있는경우도있습니다. 가장좋은전략은협력입니다.) (3) Corollary (a) If there is a foreseeable end, even in the far distance, it pays to stop cooperating immediately. ( 예측단부가있는경우에도작게거리에즉시협력중지지불한다.) (4) The Second best Strategy is Tit-for-Tat (a) Tit-for-tat should eventually lead back to cooperation b) The Evolution of Cooperation explains many events in History ( 협력의진화역사에서많은이벤트를설명합니다 ): (1) A possible reason hunting and gathering societies might often have practiced fairness (small simple communities) ( 가능한이유는사냥과수집사회는종종공정성을연습했을수있습니다 ) (a) (hunting and gathering societies involved mutual dependency, with no foreseeable end) ( 사냥과수집사회는예측가능한끝, 상호의존성을포함 ).. (b) The Creation of the city of Rome resulted from a (contractual) agreement between 7 villages on 7 hill tops to take advantage of their location on Italy s major trade route ( 로마의도시의창조는이탈리아의주요무역노선에자신의위치를활용하는 7 언덕꼭대기에 7 마을사이에 ( 계약 ) 계약의결과.) (2) As a general basis for why we have laws in society ( 우리사회에서법이이유에대한일반적인기준으로 ) B. Mere Christianity (an alternative view: super natural Law) 1. Fairness comes from the conscience 2. Conscience comes from God. C. Law (Freud calls the conscience the super ego which some humans do not have [they are called sociopaths/psychopaths/anti-social Personality Disorder of which psychopaths actually are missing the part of the brain that processes the conscience]). 1. Levels: 단계 (1) Might Makes Right = Law of thejungle 약육강식 = 정글의법칙 (2) Vendetta=Revenge 벤데타 = 복수 (3) State (justice/fairness) based Law 법의바탕의지역 ( 정의 / 공평 ) 2. Norms( 규범 ) (1) Informal Norms( 비공식규범 ) Religion, Philosophy 종교철학 (2) Formal Norms 공식규범 Law 법 3. Public Law 공법 : You King/state/Government 나와정부등과의관계 4. Privage Law 사법 : You Me 사적인관계. -2-

3 The Jurisprudence of the Carrot and the Stick: The Jurisprudence of the Carrot and the Stick The Jurisprudence of the Carrot and the Stick. Definitions: Jurisprudence = Philosophy of Law (philosophy = 철학 ; Law = 법 ) Carrot = Moral Authority ( 도덕적권위 ) / Perceived Legitimacy ( 인식정당성 ) Stick = Coercive Authority/Coercive Force (Coercive = 강제적인 ; Authority= 권위 ; Force= 강제 ) Function: Stick: Carrot: Coercive authority or force is highly expedient meaning it works effectively and quickly. It is extremely expensive ( 매우싼 ) to use and so over the long term, is not sustainable ( 지속가능하지 ). Moral Authority/Perceived legitimacy takes a long time to acquire but it is very inexpensive to use and therefore it is sustainable. (sustainable= 지속 ) The more stick one uses, the less stick one has, but also, the less carrot one tends to have. ( 하나더사용하는스틱, 덜하나가스틱뿐만아니라, 작은당근하나를가지고하는경향이있다 ). The more carrot one aquires, the less stick one has to use, but also the more stick one will have. All legal systems and political regimes must constitute some combination of these two authorities ( 모든법률체계와정치체제는이두기관의조합을구성해야 ) but some regimes are ineffective because they have poor balance. ( 그들은가난한균형을가지고있기때문에어떤정권이효과입니다.) North Korea relies almost completely upon stick and as a result has a big military but a very poor country and therefore the regime s sustainability is always in question. United Nations relies almost completely upon carrot and as a result has legitimacy, however, it cannot bring about enforcement of its rules quickly or easily. The more foreign competition that a regime faces, the more it needs to pursue moral authority with its own people. ( 정권이직면하고있는많은외국과의경쟁, 더는자신의사람들과도덕적권위를추구할필요가있다.) Because political fragmentation was a constant feature of Europe, inclusive legal systems developed there in order to help regimes acquire greater moral authority with their own people while saving coercive authority for dealing with foreign competition. ( 정치적분열은유럽의일정한기능때문에, 포괄적인법률체계는외국과의경쟁을처리하기위한강제적인권한을저장하는동안정권이자신의사람들과더큰도덕적권위를습득하기위해거기를개발했다.) D. The Jurisprudence of the Carrot and the Stick explains why inclusive legal systems developed in Europe 채찍과당근의법리학에서왜유럽에서발전한법적시스템이포괄적인지를설명하고있습니다. 1. Roman Law The Civil Code Tradition (Rome was surrounded by enemies) 로마법-> 시민법전통 ( 로마는적에게둘러쌓여져있었다 ) 2. Common Law England s Kings were constantly fighting in France and against Scotland. 일반법-> 영국의왕은끊임없이프랑스와스코틀랜드를상대로전쟁을벌였다 ) 그래서법관으로하여금법을만들어분쟁을저렴하게해결하고자하였다. -3-

4 III. Roman Law - Background A. Roman Law 12 Tables created: 450 bc. 로마법 12 동판법 1. Creates Social Contract bind both Patricians and Plebians equally before the law 법앞에귀족과평민의 사회계약이평등하도록제정 a) Constitution that favored Patricians, but provided rights and to all 귀족에게유리한조직이지만모두에게 권리를제공하였다. (1) The Roman Constitution is the result of the evolution of cooperation " 협력의진화 " 로마헌법은 결과 b) Law legal system all were equal before it. 법앞에만인이평등 (1) Roman Law is the result of the Jurisprudence of the Carrot and the Stick:. B. Evolution of Roman Law 로마법의진화 1. As empire expands, trade expands with it, and for 900 years the legal system becomes more and more sophisticated for handling 로마제국이무역과함께확장을하고 900 년간법적시스템은더욱더세련되고다루기 쉬워졌다. a) Principles in equity especially in Business Disputes 특히사업적분쟁에서평등의원칙 b) Contract and trade exchanges 계약무역교환 c) Torts 불법행위 d) Civil procedure 민사소송 e) Criminal law 형법 f) Property law. 소유법 2. Professionalization of Law: 법의전문화 a) Roman society produces specialist in regard to the law 법에관련하여전문인을양성 b) Commentators 평론가 c) Judges 법관 d) Lawyers. 변혹사 e) Facilitates Expansion of Rome 로마의확장을비옥하게함 3. Foreign Conquest the farther away from Rome, the less binding and effective the Roman Social contract. 외국정복 - 로마와멀어질수록로마의사회계약은약해짐 4. Foreign Conquest favored the Patricians 귀족에게유리한외국정복 5. Foreign Conquest hurt ordinary Plebians. 외국정복이평민에게피해를줌 6. Over time wealth concentrates in the Patrician class. 부가귀족에게축적됨 7. In 44 b.c.e the Social Contract is thrown out 사회계약축출 a) Patricians and Senate still exist they still get to accumulate wealth 귀족과원로여전히존재하여부를축적 b) All political power is vested in one man, the Emperor 모든정치적권력이왕에게집중됨 IV. Collapse of Rome 로마몰락 A. From the time of Emperor Diocletion and his political reforms beginning in 305, Empire increasingly split between East and West to facilitate administration. 왕의결정과그의정치적쇄신은 305 년에시작되었고, 관리를수월하게하기위해로마와동로마로분열. -4-

5 B. Western Roman Empire Collapses in 476 서로마멸망 a) Causes: 요인 (1) Concentration of wealth result of throwing out the Constitution from Social Contract 0f 450 (however, Roman Law remains in place). 부의집중 - 사회계약을축출 ( 하지만로마법은여전히 남아있음 ) (a) By 450 c.e. 6 senators own half of North Africa!!!6 명의원로가북아프리카의절반을소유 (b) Wealthy and powerful use their influence to avoid paying taxes. 탈세를위해부와권력사용 (c) Rome lacks the political will to raise enough tax money to pay for a large enough army to defend its boarders 국경지방을지키기위한많은군대가필요함에도정치적으로세금을거두지않음 (i) By 300c.e. most of the army is manned by Germans because they take less wages. 대부분의 군대가값이싼독일인으로교체됨. (2) Landless, illiterate, uneducated Germanic tribes begin to cross over the Roman boarder and eventually control large amounts of land (See Map of Barbarian Kingdoms Around 500c.e.) 부랑자, 문맹인, 비교육자독일부족이로마국경지대로건너오면서거대한땅을차지함. I. Systems of law, like ethical and religious systems appear to be an attempt to deal with the Axial Age problem: 법의시스템과종교적시스템은축의시대의문제점을해결하고자하는시도를하는것처럼보인다. Epistomology Founder(s) Type Ethical System Direct Effect of Norms Legacy/Indirect effect Confucianism Confucious System of Philosophy Informal (some Public Law) After 500 years become ideology of East Asian states, results in formal Public Laws Toaism Lao-zte System of Philosophy Informal Indirectly affects law Zoroastrianism Zoroaster Religious System Informal Indirectly affects law Greek Sophism (Pythagorus, Socrates, Plato, etc.) Pythagorus, Socrates, Plato, etc System of Philosophy Informal Indirectly affects law Buddhism Buddha Religious System Informal Indirectly affects law Roman Law City of Rome Pragmatic Legal Formal Norms/ System Positive Law Continued evolution and refinement from 450 b.c.e forward. Rerecieved in Western Europe after 1070, directly impacts French and German Civil Code systems in 19 th Century. Cultural informal norms spread -5-

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