Big Idea: Survival. BASCS or PASCS Multicultural Focus: BASCS: Peru PASCS: Spain. 21 st Century Skills Multiculturalism GSIHF Country

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1 Big Idea: Survival 21 st Century Skills Multiculturalism GSIHF Country BASCS or PASCS Multicultural Focus: BASCS: Peru PASCS: Spain Content Are: Social Studies Grade: 5 th Unit Time Frame: September 4 th October 12th Essential Questions Content Skills Key Terms Assessment CCCS/ CCRAR NJCCCS Text How has geography affected our Nation throughout history? How did the geography of various areas affect the cultures of Native American Groups? World geography Different Native American Groups Migration and settlement patterns Adaptation to their environment Create maps Identify different landforms and bodies of water in the U.S.A. Analyze how different groups adapt to their environment contrast different Native American groups Distinguish the major landforms and bodies of water in Peru/Spain Figurative language Context clues RACE Explanatory writing Theme Synonyms/antonyms Homophones Homographs Latitude and longitude Adapt Similarities and differences Problem solving Contiguous Region Relative location Landform Climate Environment Bodies of water Elevation Natural resources Modify Ancestor Theory Migration Artifact Civilization Class Division of labor Ongoing formative assessment as well as summative assessment should take place. Assessments may include: - Collection and review of written work - Observations of small group discussion, independent or collaborative - Tests and quizzes - Construct and use tables, charts, graphs, maps observations - Anecdotal records - Class discussions - Student participation CCR.R.1 CCR.R.4 CCR.R.7 CCR.W.2 CCR.W.4 CCR.W.6 CCR.W.7 CCR.W.8 CCR.SL.1 CCR.SL.2 CCR.SL.4 CCR.L.1 CCR.L.2 RI.5.1 RI.5.4 RI.5.6 RI.5.7 RI.5.8 L.5.4c L.5.5a L.5.5b L.5.5c L.5.2e SL.5.1c SL.5.1d W.5.4 W.5.9b W.5.2a RL B.1.a B.1.b C.1.b D.1.a Textbook Nonfiction Articles: Bartering for Basics comprehension/gr5_ Wk6_Bartering_for_B asics.pdf Absolute Location comprehension/gr5_ Wk12_Absolute_Loca tion.pdf Customs and Traditions comprehension/gr5_ Wk3_Customs_and_T raditions.pdf Cherokee com/readingcomp/c herokeecomp/

2 Longhouse - Student notes Wampum - Craft project Confederation - Unit project shelter Council Ceremony Staple Surplus barter Big Idea: Cultures Meet BASCS or PASCS Multicultural Focus: BASCS: Peru PASCS: Spain RL.5.4 North American Native A html Sioux (Lakota) Nation com/readingcomp/si ouxcomp/ Native American Website for Children eamerhome.html/na tiveamhome.html Video: History: Native Americans o/kids/history- kids/native- americans- kids/ Content Are: Social Studies 5 th Grade: Unit Time Frame: October 15 th - November 21 st Essential Questions Content Skills Key Terms Assessment CCCS/ CCRAR NJCCCS Text How did the exploration of North America create change around the world? How were conflicts caused by Technology innovations Interactions amongst different cultural groups Exploration of land and water Analyze the interactions among European explorers, conquistadors, Africans, and Native Americans and distinguish how they affected each other s lives. Evaluate the significance that Text features in nonfiction: - setting - glossary - captions Inference Authors purpose Summarizing Speculative writing RACE Adapt Similarities and differences Ongoing formative assessment as well as summative assessment should take place. Assessments may include: - Collection and review of written work - Observations of CCR.R.1 CCR.R.3 CCR.R.9 CCR.W.2 CCR.W.3 CCR.W.4 CCR.W.7 CCR.W.8 CCR.W.9 CCR.SL.1 CCR.SL.3 CCR.SL.4 CCR.L A.2.a C.1.a D.1.b A.2.b A.2.c B.2.a B.2.b C.2.a C.2.b C.2.c Textbook Nonfiction Texts: Conflict Over North American Land ding- comprehension/gr5_wk18_conf lict_over_north_american_lands.pdf Colonization: for Gold, God, and

3 the Europeans and how are they resolved? science, religion and innovations had on explorers. Analyze historical maps contrast Africans, Europeans, and Native Americans government, belief systems, and family structure. Analyze how Europeans treated the Native Americans Examine the impact Francisco Pizarro had on Peru 21 st Century Skills Multiculturalism GSIHF Country Technology small group CCR.L.2 Navigation discussion, Expedition independent or SL.5.1c Entrepreneur collaborative SL.5.1d Cost L.5.2e Benefit - Tests and quizzes SL.5.2 Reconquista - Construct and use SL.5.3 Treaty tables, charts, SL.5.4 Grant graphs, maps W.5.7 Conquistador W.5.9b Reformation W.5.2.b Missionary W.5.2.d Northwest Passage observations RI.5.1 Mutiny - Anecdotal records RI.5.4 Colony - Class discussions RI.5.6 Plantation - Student RI.5.7 Slavery participation RI.5.8 Borderlands - Student notes RL.5.1 Presidio - Craft project Mission - Unit project Hacienda Cash crop Profit Indentured servant Legislature Represent Royal colony Pilgrim Compact Self- government Majority rule Demand Supply ally proprietary colony Glory ding- comprehension/gr5_wk13_colo nization.pdf Ponce de Leon eadin gcomp/poncestory/ Age of Exploration eadin gcomp/agestory/ Christopher Columbus eadin gcomp/columbusstory/ Explorers an_history/explorers.html Explorers orers/explorers_start.htm The Spanish Come to the New World orers/spanishexplorers.htm

4 Big Idea: Conflict BASCS or PASCS Multicultural Focus: BASCS: Peru PASCS: Spain Content Are: Social Studies Grade: 5 th Unit Time Frame: November 26 th January 11 th Essential Questions Content Skills Key Terms Assessment CCCS/ CCRAR NJCCCS Text How were conflicts in the colonies caused and how are they resolved? Why did different people come to the English colonies and where did they settle? How did new colonies impact Native American groups? New England Colonies Middle Colonies Southern Colonies The Colonists and why they came The colonial way of life Early government structures Conflict and cooperation Trading amongst colonists identify the origins and characteristics of early settlers contrast early settlers Discuss reasons for colonization Demonstrate the ability to create visual representations of historical events Compare early government structures to today Major/minor details Cause/effect Compare/contrast Sequencing Writing fact/opinion Summarize RACE comprehension Adapt Similarities and differences Charter Dissent Expel Consent Sedition Frontier Town- meeting Industry Ongoing formative assessment as well as summative assessment should take place. Assessments may include: - Collection and review of written work - Observations of small group discussion, independent or collaborative - Tests and quizzes - Construct and use tables, charts, graphs, maps CCR.R.1 CCR.R.2 CCR.R.4 CCR.R.9 CCR.W.2 CCR.W.4 CCR.W.6 CCR.W.7 CCR.W.8 CCR.SL.1 CCR.SL.2 CCR.SL.3 CCR.SL4 CCR.SL.5 CCR.L.1 CCR.L.2 SL.5.1c SL.5.1d L.5.1c L.5.2e A.2.a A.2.b A.2.c B.2.a B.2.b C.2.a C.2.b C.2.c Time Travel to Jamestown /passages/time- travel- jamestown Rocky Relationships /reading- comprehension/gr5_wk21_ Rocky_Relationships.pdf Indentured Servants /reading- comprehension/gr5_wk28_ Indentured_Servants.pdf Escaping Persecution /reading- comprehension/gr5_wk31_

5 Natural resources Amistad 21 st Century Skills Multiculturalism GSIHF Country Draw conclusions about the people and events of the Colonial period Synthesize learning in reflective writing Analyze in various North American colonies the role of religious freedom and participatory government played within the colonies. contrast how the search for natural resources resulted in conflict and cooperation amongst the people in the new world. Distinguish between indentured servants and enslaved captives Examine how slavery evolved in the new world and how it affected other countries - Examine the Amistad Identify environmental conditions that influenced the Export Import Triangular trade route Middle Passage Refuge Proprietor Trial by jury Diversity Immigrant Great Awakening Religious toleration Militia Prosperity Artisan Apprentice Constitution Interdependence Amistad observations - Anecdotal records - Class discussions - Student participation - Student notes - Craft project - Unit project SL.5.2 SL.5.3 SL.5.5 W.5.9b RI.5.1 RI.5.4 RI.5.6 RI.5.7 RI.5.8 RI.5.5 RL.5.1 Escaping_Persecution.pdf Apprentice System /reading- comprehension/gr5_wk34_ Apprentice_System.pdf Delaware Colony eadingcomp/delcolony/ Georgia Colony eadingcomp/georgiacomp/ Maryland Colony eadingcomp/mdcolony/ New Jersey Colony eadingcomp/njcolony/ New York Colony eadingcomp/nycolony/ North Carolina Colony eadingcomp/nccolony/ Pennsylvania Colony eadingcomp/penncomp/ Rhode Island Colony eadingcomp/ricolony/

6 success or failure of the early settlements Examine the concept of self- government Big Idea: Freedom BASCS or PASCS Multicultural Focus: BASCS: Peru PASCS: Spain Content Are: Social Studies Grade: 5 th Unit Time Frame: January 14- February 28 th Essential Questions Content Skills Key Terms Assessment CCCS/ CCRAR NJCCCS Text How are the causes of the Revolution similar/different to world issues today? Which people and groups impacted the American Revolution? How did the American Purposes and importance of rules and laws Characteristics of authoritarian and democratic governments Conflicts and alliances Economy during the Revolutionary War Representative Analyze the disagreements that led to the American Revolution. Analyze the ideals found in the Declaration of Independence Evaluate how conflicts and alliances Cause and effect Setting/mood Inference Using evidence from the text Sequencing RACE Comprehension Similarities and differences Alliance Delegate Parliament Proclamation Budget Ongoing formative assessment as well as summative assessment should take place. Assessments may include: - Collection and review of written work - Observations of small group discussion, independent or collaborative - Tests and quizzes CCR.R.1 CCR.R.4 CCR.R.9 CCR.W.4 CCR.W.6 CCR.W.7 CCR.W.8 CCR.SL.1 CCR.SL.3 CCR.SL.4 CCR.SL.5 CCR.L.1 CCR.L.2 SL.5.1c A.3.a B.3.a B.3.c C.3.a C.3.b D.3.a D.3.b D.3.c D.3.d D.3.f The British are Coming passages/british- are- coming- 0 The British are Coming! passages/british- are- coming Dear King George /reading- comprehension/gr5_wk35_ Dear_King_George.pdf

7 Revolution affect United States history? government and how it protects all American citizens Declaration of Independence Revolutionary War Geography New Jersey George Washington Influential people and nations People Treaty of Paris Policies and Treaties Territorial expansion/settlement 21 st Century Skills Multiculturalism GSIHF Country impact expansion of different colonies (Florida) Critique the inflation and debt on the American people Interpret maps to evaluate the impact of the war Distinguish the major events and battles of the American Revolution. Analyze how the American Revolution affected the United States history. Representation Treason Congress Boycott Repeal Imperial policy Protest Monopoly Petition Minutemen Revolution Commander in chief Earthwork Olive branch Independence Resolution Declaration Preamble Grievance Patriot Loyalist Inflation Turning point Negotiate Traitor Abolitionist Abolish territory ordinance - Construct and use tables, charts, graphs, maps observations - Anecdotal records - Class discussions - Student participation - Student notes - Craft project - Unit project SL.5.1d L.5.2e W.5.9b RI.5.1 RI.5.4 RI.5.6 RI.5.7 RI.5.8 RI.5.5 RL.5.1 Boston Tea Party e adingcomp/btcomp/ American Revolution e adingcomp/amcomp34/ Thomas Paine and Common Sense e adingcomp/paine/ French and Indian War e adingcomp/fiwarcomp/ Battles at Lexington and Concord e adingcomp/lexington/ Battle of Trenton e adingcomp/trenton/ Winter at Valley Forge e adingcomp/valleyforge/ synthesize learning in reflective writing Evaluate maps and readings to distinguish how the geography of the United States changed after the war Siege at Yorktown /readingcomp/yorktown/ Video: American Revolution Animated Kids Lesson- No More Kings- Schoolhouse Rock atch?v=p8bwwbc571k Liberty Kids

8 Analyze New Jersey s role in the Revolutionary war Distinguish Washington s role in the war. Analyze the significance of prominent individuals and nations towards the war. sults?search_query=liberty+ Kids&oq=Liberty+Kids&gs_l =youtube.3..35i39l ac.qxMqUW_sY- g Shots Heard Around the World atch?v=y6iko6lmxf4&featu re=related Differentiate amongst different important people who were impacted by the war. Identify the importance and the effect of the Treat of Paris. Analyze various policies and agreements which changed the America s relationship with other nations. Construct a map of

9 territorial expansion and settlement Big Idea: Growing Nation BASCS or PASCS Multicultural Focus: BASCS: Peru PASCS: Spain Content Are: Social Studies Grade: 5 th Unit Time Frame: March 1 st April 3 rd Essential Questions Content Skills Key Terms Assessment CCCS/ CCRAR NJCCCS Text How does the Constitution influence our everyday lives? How did the major problems that the writers of the Constitution face affect them? How does the Constitution secure our liberty? Constitution Bill of Rights Branches of Government Checks and balances Articles of Confederations George Washington Evaluate the effectiveness of the essential principles of the Constitution. Analyze the key rights guaranteed in the Bill of Rights Distinguish George Washington s role and how he impacted to United States. Compare the powers and functions of the Main idea and details RACE Reading comprehension Compare/contrast Summarize Federal system Republic Compromise Bill Branches of government Separation of powers Veto Impeach Rule of law Amendment Ratify Federalists Anti- Federalists Due process of law Ongoing formative assessment as well as summative assessment should take place. Assessments may include: - Collection and review of written work - Observations of small group discussion, independent or collaborative - Tests and quizzes - Construct and use tables, charts, graphs, maps observations - Anecdotal records CCR.R.1 CCR.R.4 CCR.R.9 CCR.W.4 CCR.W.6 CCR.W.7 CCR.W.8 CCR.SL.1 CCR.SL.3 CCR.SL.4 CCR.SL.5 CCR.L.1 CCR.L.2 SL.5.1c SL.5.1d L.5.2e W.5.9b A.3.b A.3c A.3.d D.3.g B.4.a B.3.b A.4.a D.3.d Legislative Branch eadingco mp/govcomp/ Ben s Guide to U.S. Government: For Kids Congress For Kids Government dex.shtml Videos: U.S. Government for Kids

10 Cabinet - Class discussions Political party - Student participation Checks and balances - Student notes Democracy - Craft project Suffrage - Unit project three branches of government Analyze how the Bill of Rights impacts the lives of America's citizens Compare the powers granted to citizens, the states, and the federal government contrast the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution. Analyze the system of checks and balances. contrast the U.S government to Peru/Spain RI.5.1 RI.5.4 RI.5.6 RI.5.7 RI.5.8 RL =Q5EASiHAKpY 3 Branches of Government =x5m50xbz1cu&feature=related

11 Big Idea: Growing Nation BASCS or PASCS Multicultural Focus: BASCS: Peru PASCS: Spain Content Are: Social Studies 5 th Grade: Unit Time Frame: April 15 th May 10 th Essential Questions Content Skills Key Terms Assessment CCCS/ CCRAR NJCCCS Text How did western settlement affect Native Americans? How did the changes during the early 1800 s affect the United States? Louisiana Purchase Expansion in the U.S. Jacksonian period Inventions and Inventors in the U.S./Peru/Spain Assess the impact that the Louisiana Purchase had on the United States economically and developmentally. Analyze the extent people went to in order to expand and settle in the United States. Distinguish the rights that were expanded during the Jacksonian period. Analyze how technological innovations revolutionize the nation. Evaluate the effects of inventions and technology to the social and financial condition of the United States. Examine Main idea and details RACE Reading comprehension Compare/contrast Summarize Pioneer Manifest destiny Gap Impressment Cession Gold rush Forty- niners Canal Locomotive Industrial Revolution Cotton gin Interchangeable parts Ongoing formative assessment as well as summative assessment should take place. Assessments may include: - Collection and review of written work - Observations of small group discussion, independent or collaborative - Tests and quizzes - Construct and use tables, charts, graphs, maps observations - Anecdotal records - Class discussions - Student participation - Student notes - Craft project - Unit project CCR.R.1 CCR.R.4 CCR.R.9 CCR.W.4 CCR.W.6 CCR.W.7 CCR.W.8 CCR.SL.1 CCR.SL.3 CCR.SL.4 CCR.SL.5 CCR.L.1 CCR.L.2 SL.5.1c SL.5.1d L.5.2e W.5.9b RI.5.1 RI.5.4 RI.5.6 RI.5.7 RI.5.8 RL B.4.a B.4.b A.4.c C.4.b c.4.c C.3.c Broken Promises ading- comprehension/gr5_wk24_bro ken_promises.pdf Trail of Tears eadi ngcomp/trailcomp/ Lewis and Clark eadi ngcomp/lccomp/ War of 1812 eadi ngcomp/1812comp/ Westward Expansion Game: Go West Across American with Lewis and Clark ml Video:

12 inventors/inventions from Peru/Spain Manifest Destiny exicanwar/resources/video_libr ary.html#manifest Big Idea: Equality? BASCS or PASCS Multicultural Focus: Spain Content Are: Social Studies Grade: 5 th Unit Time Frame: May 13 th June 13 th Essential Questions Content Skills Key Terms Assessment CCCS/ CCRAR NJCCCS Text How did the conflicts amongst colonist affect the new nation? How does the Emancipation Proclamation continue to impact American life today? How did the United States change after the Civil War? How would life today be Civil War Emancipation Proclamation Reconstruction in the U.S. Change in the Economy Technology during and after the war Transportation in the U.S. WWII Prioritize, from different perspectives, the causes and events that led up to the Civil War. Break down the role of geography, natural resources, demographics, transportation, and technology in the progress and outcome of the Civil War. Distinguish the roles of women, African Americans, and Native Americans in the Civil War. Analyze battles of the Civil War and distinguish how Main idea and details Summarize Explanatory Cause/effect Compare/contrast Industry Free state Slave state Tariff States rights Fugitive Underground Railroad Secede Confederacy Boarder state Civil war Emancipate Prejudice Assassinate Reconstruction Freedmen Secret ballot Segregation Holocaust Black codes Ongoing formative assessment as well as summative assessment should take place. Assessments may include: - Collection and review of written work - Observations of small group discussion, independent or collaborative - Tests and quizzes - Construct and use tables, charts, graphs, maps observations - Anecdotal records - Class discussions - Student participation - Student notes - Craft project - Unit project CCR.R.1 CCR.R.2 CCR.R.3 CCR.R.4 CCR.R.7 CCR.R.9 CCR.W.2 CCR.W.4 CCR.W.6 CCR.W.7 CCR.W.8 CCR.SL.1 CCR.SL.3 CCR.SL.4 CCR.L.1 CCR.L.2 SL.5.1c SL.5.1d L.5.2e RI.5.1 RI.5.4 RI.5.6 RI.5.7 RI D.5.a B.5.a D.5.c A.5.b C.5.b B.5.a Emancipation Proclamation ead ingcomp/epcomp/ Civil War ead ingcomp/civcomp/ Civil War for Kids ico/civilwar/cwar.htm What Caused the American Civil War? com/kids_zone/causes.html Civil War for 5 th Graders sset/civilwar.htm Civil War: Research/Informational Sites web/civwar.html

13 different if the south had won the war? 21 st Century Skills Multiculturalism GSIHF Country they contributed to the final outcome of the war. Identify how the Emancipation Proclamation continues to impact American life. contrast the methods of Presidents Lincoln and Johnson and Congress towards the reconstruction of the South. Analyze the economic impact of Reconstruction on the South from different perspectives. Distinguish the role transportation and technology in the outcome of the Civil War contrast technology and transportation then and now. Analyze the similarities and differences of segregation to after the Civil War to during WWII Kids Guide to the Civil War / Harriet Tubman ead ingcomp/harriet_tubman_grad e_3/ The Holocaust /amprogress/holocaust.htm Holocaust /holocaust.html WWII: The Holocaust story/world_war_ii/holocaust. php The Holocaust: A Brief History for Young Children ed/faculty/lwarren/ns_camps %5B1%5D.htm Video: The Civil War Animated ch?v=mhgpljbk7bk Harriet Tubman ch?v=zywazpk4ck8&feature= related


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