AP European History Chapter 16 Notes v Two models of European political development in the 17 th century Ø Political absolutism strong centralized

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1 AP European History Chapter 16 Notes v Two models of European political development in the 17 th century Ø Political absolutism strong centralized monarchies where the royal power is dominant Ø Parliamentary monarchy a limited monarchy where the monarch is subject to the law and the consent of parliament v Years of personal rule under Louis XIV Ø Takes over country upon death of Cardinal Mazarin in 1661 Ø Was an absolute monarch but often conferred with councils and the regional judicial bodies call the parlements Ø Later curtails parlements power but is supported by some of them anyways Ø Louis XIV of France came to symbolize absolute monarchy through such government was not so absolute as the term implied the state portrait was intended to convey the grandeur of the king and of his authority the portrait was brought into royal council meetings when the king himself was absent v Versailles Ø Huge palace that was built for Louis XIV and housed thousands of important nobles royal officials and servants Ø The sun king was into items that were as lavish and ornate as you can get Ø Demonstrate the new centralized power he sought to embody in the French monarchy v Louis s Early wars Ø Wanted to secure France s borders near the Netherlands Spain and the Hapsburg empire Ø Treaties signed to end wars with the Netherlands and the Holy roman empire expanded France s territory to the north and east v Divine right Louis XIV Ø Ruled but what was believed to be rule by gold of divine right of kings Ø Still Louis was less of an absolute monarch than others concentrating on making war and peace the regulation of religion and the oversight of economic activity v Louis s Repression of Religion Ø Suppression of the Jansenists religious order that came from the roman catholic church opposed or the teachings of the Jesuits during Louis s religion both he and the popes banned Jansenism and forced its followers underground Ø Revocation of the edict of Nantes Huguenots were banned from certain professions had churches and schools closed ministers exiled and protestant children baptized v Louis s later wars Ø Nine years war Louis went to war with the league of Augsburg (England Spain Sweden Netherlands and the major German states) and ended by having his expansion into Germany thwarted

2 Ø War of Spanish succession War over who would success Charles II to the throne in Spain ends in a bloody statement with France able to keep their choice to the throne Philip V but loses Gibraltar v Other Louis stuff Ø Françoise d Aubinge Madame de Maintenon A mistress to Louis XIV secretly married him after his first wife s death the deeply pious Maintenon influenced Louis s policy to make Roman Catholicism Frances s only religion v The Hapsburg empire and the pragmatic sanction Ø Hapsburgs held onto the title of the holy roman empire but the title depended on help of from many other German states and principalities Ø Their territories some outside of Germany were so geographically and culturally diverse that there as no real central government Ø Despite internal difficulties the empire increases under Leopold I joseph I and Charles VI Ø Pragmatic sanction Charles VI s legal basis for a single line of inheritance within the Hapsburg dynasty putting his daughter Maria Theresa in charge Ø Fredrick of Prussia invades Hapsburg Empire and puts Maria at risk in 1740 v Hapsburg under the Hohenzollern Family Ø Rule of Fredrick William the great elector Raised taxes through force to build an army Junkers, the German noble landlords in return for obedience to Fredrick could enforce serfdom Army and elector became powerful allies Ø Fredrick Williams successors Hits son William I helps Hapsburgs in war of Spanish succession and becomes king of Prussia Fredrick William I most successful Prussian leader made the strongest army in Europe the symbol of power and unity while staying out of war Fredrick II or great did not have wisdom of his father and invaded Silesia starting long Austria Prussian rivalry v In 1683 the ottomans laid siege on Vienna only the arrival of polish forces under king John II of Sobieski saved the Hapsburg capital v Expansion of Brandenburg-Prussia Ø In the 17 th century Brandenburg Prussia expanded mainly by acquiring dynastic titles in geographically separated lands Ø In the 18 th century it expanded through aggression to the east seizing Silesia in 1740 and parts of Poland in and 1795 v Poland with no central authority Ø Most polish monarchs were foreigners and wools for foreign powers Ø Had a central legislative body called the Sejun or diet but it had no real power as any single veto liberium veto could stop a sejun Ø Poland disappears from map in 18 th century as a result

3 v Peter the great early years Ø Came to power at the age ten and believed that the power of the tsar must be secure from the jealousy and greed of the boyars the old nobility and the streltsy the guards of the Moscow garrison Publicly executed rebellious streltsy and repressed and humiliated the boyars Ø Wanted to increase Russian military power so he drafted an army of 300,000 soldiers Ø Built a navy on the Baltic sea and went to war with the ottomans Ø The great northern war peter defeats the swedes and takes control of Estonia Livonia parts of Finland Ø St. Petersburg built a capital in honor of himself with places forcibly built by the boyars and resembled small versions of Versailles On the gulf of Finland to provide Russia with better contact with western Europe he moved Russia s capital here from Moscow in 1712 Ø Peters son Aleksei with Charles VI of Hapsburg attempts a conspiracy against peter and is sentenced to death dies in prison under mysterious circumstances v Russia the Romanov dynasty Ø Starting with a seventeen year old boy Michael and his two successors Aleksei and Theodore II brought stability and modest bureaucratic centralization to Russia Ø Russia needed this after the reign of Ivan the Terrible v Peter the great later years Ø Peter realized that he was faced with a lot of opposition so he brings the nobility and the Russian orthodox church closer to the tsar Ø Table of ranks made a person social position and privileges more important than lineage Ø Abolishes the patriarch and puts in its place the holy Synod which consisted of several bishops headed by a layman called the procurator general Ø 1725 Peter dies and leaves no successor as Russia becomes unstable v The ottoman empire in the late 17 th century Ø Bu the 1680s the ottoman empire had reached its maximum extent but the ottoman failure to capture Vienna in 1683 marked the beginning of a long and inexorable decline that ended with the empires collapse after world war one v The ottoman government Ø Religious toleration existed more there than anywhere else in Europe Ø Sultans governed their empire through millets officially recognized religious communities Ø Still some religious discrimination dhimmis non-islamic persons in the empire could worship but couldn t rise in power had to pay a poll tax could not serve in the military and were prevented from wearing certain colors v The end of the ottoman empire Ø The ottoman attempt to expand their empire into Europe failed

4 Ø The power of the main political figure the vizier grows and splits up the empire Ø Europe passes the ottomans in learning science and military prowess Ø Ottomans suffer militarily losses to the united European states and Russia and in consequence lost land and revenue Ø Europe sees the ottoman empire as on in decline in Islam as the inferior religion v Stuart England Ø Peacefully takes throne in 1603 a strong believer in the divine right of kings Levied new custom duties known as impositions to raise money Rebuffs puritans and maintains Anglican episcopacy causing religious dissenters to leave England for north America Court was center of scandal and corruption with his favorite dike (lover?) of Buckingham Ø Doubts about James I commitment to protestants Makes peace with Spain Ties to relax penal laws against the Catholics Hesitant to support germen protestants in 30 years war Ø Stuart England Charles I To fund a new war with Spain Charles levied tariffs duties and taxes Parliament would only give Charles funds if he agreed to the petition right stating that no forces loans or taxations could happen without the consent of parliament Charles dissolved parliament form 1628 to 1640 Makes peace with Spain and France to conserve limited resources His chief advisor Thomas Wentworth institutes strict efficiency of administrative centralization Scottish rebellion against his attempt to put in the English episcopal system leads to the installment of parliament v Long parliament and civil war Ø Parliament is divided over religion extreme and moderate puritans wanted to abolish the book of common prayer, but conservatives wanted the church of England to remain Ø Charles invades parliament intending to arrest his rivals Ø Civil war ensues between the kings supporters (Cavaliers) and the parliamentary opposition (Roundheads) v Oliver Cromwell Ø Led parliament army to civil war Ø Parliament wins civil war and in response executes Charles I and abolishes the monarchy, the house of lords, and the Anglican church Ø Ran basically a military dictatorship which brutally conquered catholic countries Scotland and Ireland Ø Put in puritan prohibitions against drunkenness theater going and dancing Ø His noble army defeated the royalists in the English civil war after the execution of Charles I in 1649 Cromwell dominated the short-lived English

5 republic conquered Ireland and Scotland and ruled as lord protector from 1653 until his death in 1658 v The restoration of the monarchy Ø When Cromwell died the people are ready to reestablish the monarchy and the Anglican church Ø Charles II is named monarch and he puts in the status quo from before Cromwell v Charles II Ø Believed in religious toleration and panned to convert to Catholicism Ø In attempt to unite the people behind the war with Holland issues declaration of indulgence suspending all laws against Catholics and non- Anglican protestants v The glorious revolution Ø James II repeals the test act, puts Catholics in positions of power and issues another declaration of indulgence permitting religious freedom Ø Parliament afraid of a catholic heir to the throne invite William of orange to invade England Ø James flees to France William and Mary (James the eldest protestant daughter) succeed to the throne in bloodless glorious revolution Ø England becomes a limited monarchy and permits worship of all protestants but not Catholics (the toleration act or 1689) Ø Act of settlement puts king George I on the throne v The act of Walpole Ø Sir Robert of Walpole dominated English politics from 1721 until 1742 based on his royal support ability to handle the house of commons and control over government patronage Promoted peace and home and abroad Spread trade from north America to India Built the military especially the navy making Britain a world power Ø Walpole s efforts result in England becoming a military power with both religious and political liberty Ø Sir Robert Walpole considered first prime minister in England v Netherlands the golden age Ø As opposed to all other European nations at the time it was a republic Ø Holland dominated the states general the central government of the Netherlands but distrusted the house of orange Ø For a period of time ( ) the Netherlands became a monarchy under William III or orange Ø Dutch revert back to a republic in 1714 when war with France ended Ø Home to great religious tolerance and a haven for Jews Ø The Dutch had thriving farms fish and textile industries plus a trade industry that reached all the way to east India Ø The technologically advanced Dutch east India company linked the Netherlands economy with that of southeast Asia v Economic decline in the Netherlands Ø No strong stadtholder replaces William III after his death in 1702

6 Ø Passed in naval supremacy by the British Ø Fishing and trade industries declined Ø Only financial institutions kept by the Dutch from complete insignificance v Absolutism in Austria Ø Consolidation at home Inward and eastward Ø Bohemia Direct rule Stamped out Protestantism Nobility = unchallenged control of serfs Ø Hungary Expelled ottomans Nobility fought back prince Rakoczy defeated but Hapsburgs restored traditional privileges v Absolutism in Prussia Ø Hohenzollerns = electors of Brandenburg and Prussia Ø Junkers reluctantly ally with Fredrick Ø Absolutist solution Ø Fredrick I = king of Prussia (1701) Ø Prussian army Ø Militaristic state v Russia Ø Rise of Moscow after Mongol rule Took cities one by one Royal taxation in exchange for control of serfs Make Slavic states pay tribute Ø Ivan III Model of khans = autocrat Boyars 3 rd Rome = tsars Ø Ivan the Terrible Added territory and persecuted any opposition Created service nobility enserfed peasants tied urban workers to cities Everyone in service to tsar Ø Time of troubles Struggle for power Drought plague and bad harvests Crushed Cossack rebellion Elected Michael Romanov Ø Romanov dynasty Restored tsarist authority Extended serfdom to all peasants Successful wars with Poland and gained Ukraine Conquered Siberia v Peter the great Ø Peter s goals

7 Improve military and territorial expansion Modernization = westernization Ø Reforms after the great northern war Nobles serve in army/civil admin for life and educated outside home New schools Brought foreigners in Standing army enlisted Cossacks and mercenaries Taxed peasants and assigned serfs to hard labor Ø Peters achievements Defeated Sweden Annexed Estonia and Latvia St. Petersburg v Growth of ottoman empire Ø Safe haven especially for Jews and Muslims from Iberian peninsula Ø Unique mode of state and society Millet system Dhimmis Janissaries Ø Sultans Use of marriage to solidify power Suleiman changes the system v English absolutist claims Ø Elizabeth I Personal power Impoverished nobility Ø James I Divine right of kings Paternalism Corrupt court and imposes new tariffs Ø Charles I Like father = fought with parliament Sets Thos. Wentworth as financer centralizes government enforces neglected laws and extended old taxes v English civil war Ø Puritans demand for purification of the church Ø Royal response enforces religious conformity Scottish prayer book rebellion Charles forced to summon parliament Ø Long parliament triennial act = must call parliament every three years Ø Civil war ( ) Irish rebel, parliament and new model army arrest and try archbishop Laud, Wentworth, Charles for treason v Thomas Hobbes leviathan Ø Pessimistic view of human nature compete violently for power and wealth Ø Social contract = people agree to follow the monarch Ø Supports absolute monarch who maintains peace and order

8 v Cromwell and protectorate Ø Commonwealth (republic) = extensive power in council of state Ø Protectorate = military dictatorship Dismissed parliament Some religious toleration Navigation act and invited Jews back v Restoration (1660) Ø Charles II Test act only members of church of England can hold government positions Continued to fight with parliament over money Converted to Catholicism on deathbed Ø James II Openly catholic and appointed Catholics Parliament turned against him v Constitutional monarchy Ø Glorious revolution Parliament invited William and Mary Must agree to bill of rights Ø John Locke 2 nd treatise of civil government purpose of government to protect life liberty property Ok to overthrow if the government becomes tyrannical Ø Age of aristocratic government Cabinet system controls policy Influence of monarch decreases v Dutch republic Ø 7 provinces headed by stadtholder (hereditary chief executive) negotiated power between provinces Ø Officially Reformist but tolerant 9strong Jewish community) Ø Most urban state in Europe because of commercial prosperity Ø Fishing shipping banking farming reclaimed land Ø Right with England over control of trade

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