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1 ESSENTIAL THEMES TIME FRAME UNITS OF STUDY SKILLS ASSESSMENT *1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 1 19, 21 Aug/Sept Middle Ages * See attached appe with Essentia listed 1. VASSALAGE Students will: a. Explain and compare the major feudal and manorial relationships of notetaking. 2. MEDIEVAL CATHOLIC a personal nature. CHURCH STRUCTURE 3. DISPUTES WITHIN THE b. Relate the different clergies' roles in society? European Map Quiz CATHOLIC CHURCH c. Describe the issues involved in the following: 1) the Cluniac reform; identification, matching, multiple 4. LATE MEDIEVAL ECONOMIC 2) Gregory VII versus Henry IV; 3) Innocent III's theocracy; 4) the Great choice and essay. AND SOCIAL CHANGES 5. POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT DURING THE LATE MIDDLE AGES Schism; 5) Conciliarism. d. Explain how the above controversies create problems in Western Christendom. e. Classify the economic and social changes during the late Middle Ages. f. Analyze those that are positive and those that are negative. g. Explain the major economic and social changes in the late Middle Ages. 1, 8, 10, 12, 18, 19, September 20, 21 Renaissance Students will: notetaking. 1. ITALY DURING THE a. Expand on the unique characteristics which allowed the RENAISSANCE Renaissance to begin in Italy. European Map Quiz Leonardo da Vinci video 2. ITALIAN HUMANISM b. Describe the Italian political structure by using examples from the questions measuring student Papal States, Naples, Milan, Venice and Florence. understanding of video content. 3. MACHIAVELLI'S STYLE OF Michelangelo video questions POWER POLITICS c. Identify the ideal qualities of Castiglione's courtier. measuring student understanding of video content. 4. ITALIAN FINE ARTS d. Give a biographical account of Niccolo Machiavelli. Comparison chart showing similarities and differences 5. THE NORTHERN e. Extrapolate Machiavelli's major political principles in The Prince and between da Vinci and RENAISSANCE: HUMANISM AND compare his ideas with political philosophy in the late Middle Ages. Michelangelo. SPIRITUAL OVERTONES f. Designate the major contributions to Renaissance art of the Renaissance Timeline following: da Vinci and Michelangelo. Explorer mini research project 6. RENAISSANCE MONARCHIES and presentation. g. Compare Northern and Italian humanism and evaluate to what extent Test consisting of Map 7. RECONNAISSANCE they influenced one another. identification, matching, multiple h. List the major contributions to humanism of Thomas More and choice and essay. Desideris Erasmus. i. Evaluate the renaissance monarchies of France, England and Spain in terms of power structures and intrastate problems. j. Explain the technical achievements and major motives that Kirk Hilbrands 2004 Page 1 of 7

2 encouraged exploration. The Protestant Reformation 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 20, 21Sept/October and Catholic Responses Students Will: notetaking 1. PRELUDE TO THE a. Explain the degree to which reform within the Catholic Church had Identify religious regions on map REFORMATION succeeded before of 16th century Europe. 2. LUTHERANISM b. Discuss the position taken by Erasmus in In Praise of Folly. Reformation Timeline A Man For All Seasons video 3. OTHER PROTESTANT c. Describe Luther's early church years and how they evolved into his questions measuring student ADHERENTS eventual break with Rome. understanding of video. 4. HENRY VIII'S ANNULMENT d. Explain Luther's positions on the following: Indulgences, faith, the Student created test questions CONTROVERSY sacraments, papal power, and the role of secular authority. related to the Reformation. 5. THE CATHOLIC RESPONSES e. Describe Calvin's theocracy in Geneva. identification, matching multiple 6. THE WARS OF RELIGION choice and essay. f. Determine the possible motives of Henry VIII for annulling his 7. CHARLES V AND PHILIP II OF marriage to Catherine of Aragon. SPAIN 8. ELIZABETH I: g. Discuss the religious changes under Edward VI and Mary Tudor. REFORMATION, NATIONALISM, AND MERCANTILISM h. Explain the organization of the Jesuits. i. Delineate the doctrinal definitions and administrative reforms postulated by the Council of Trent. j. Describe the Huguenot situation in the France of Catherine de Medici, Francis II, and the War of the Three Henries. k. Analyze the position of the Huguenots during the reign of Henry IV. l. Formulate the foreign and domestic policies of Charles V and Philip II m. Explain the reasons for the permanent English theological break with Rome under Elizabeth I. n. Determine the disputes that forced Mary Stuart's flight from Scotland and the political conspiracies in England which resulted in her execution. o. Cite the results of the Armada battle in relation to the power of England and Spain. 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 12, 1 16, 17, 20, October The Rise and Decline of French and English Absolutism Students will: 1. THE RISE OF FRENCH ABSOLUTISM a. Describe the formulation of the Edict of Nantes. notetaking. 2. THE AGE OF LOUIS XIV Comparison chart of French and b. Elucidate the policies of Richelieu and Mazarin. English Absolutism 3. EARLY STUART ABSOLUTISM Comparison chart of Locke and AND CIVIL WAR c. Determine how the "Sun King" style of absolutism was implemented Hobbes 4. CROMWELL'S ENGLAND, THE in governmental administration. Timeline of 17th century France RESTORATION, AND THE GLORIOUS REVOLUTION d. Determine how the wars of Louis XIV led to the deterioration of French prominence. and England. Kirk Hilbrands 2004 Page 2 of 7

3 5. JOHN LOCKE'S SOCIAL e. Explain how James I applied the divine right theory of kings. identification, matching, multiple CONTRACT THEORY choice and essay TH CENTURY INTELLECTUAL HISTORY f. Describe Cromwell's opposition and how the civil war affected royal absolutism. g. Describe Cromwell's Commonwealth. h. Indicate the degree to which religion played a role in the reign of Charles II. i. Formulate the major ideas in John Locke's writing. j. Explain the philosophical and political implications of the following writer's ideas: Michel de Montaigne, Thomas Hobbes. Enlightenment and 8, 12, 16, 20, 21 October Despotism Students will: 1. THE RISE OF MODERN a. Determine the major contributions of Robert Grosseteste and Roger SCIENCE Bacon in the Middle Ages. notetaking TH CENTURY SOCIETY AND THE BASIC PRINCIPLES OF THE b. Compare the theories of Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and Newton. ENLIGHTENMENT identification, matching, multiple 3. ENLIGHTENED c. Describe the life of the 18th century common man in relationship to choice and essay. ABSOLUTISM (sometimes called the state, the church, demography, and rural/urban status. Enlightened Despotism) d. Survey the major intellectual contributions of Voltaire and Rousseau. 4. THE GROWTH OF RUSSIA e. Explain Diderto's role as a publicist. f. Explain how Frederick the Great contributed to the rise of Prussia. g. Explain the origins of the Russian monarchy under Ivan III, Ivan IV, and the early Romanovs. h. Discuss the domestic policies and foreign expansionism of Peter and Catherine the Great. 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,12, 1 17, 18, 19, November The French Revolution Students will: 1. UNDERLYING SOCIETAL FACTORS LEADING TO THE a. Explain the impact of the American Revolution on late 18th century FRENCH REVOLUTION France. notetaking. 2. THE EARLY PHASE OF Speech for/against the execution REVOLUTION IN FRANCE b. Describe the economic, social and political problems of France. of Louis XVI a part of a mock 3. THE RADICALIZATION OF THE c. Identify the major events which led to the formation of the National trial of the King FRENCH REVOLUTION Assembly. 4. THE THERMIDORIAN identification, matching, multiple REACTION THROUGH THE d. Evaluate the degree to which the Reign of Terror both promoted and choice and essay. NAPOLEONIC CONSULATE repudiated the ideals of the French Revolution. French Revolution/Napoleon e. Determine the cause of the Thermidorian Reaction and its results. timeline 5. THE EMPIRE PERIOD f. Evaluate the objectives and outcomes of the Continental System. g. Explain the major factors that led to the Napoleonic Empire's collapse. Napoleon video questions Kirk Hilbrands 2004 Page 3 of 7

4 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 18, 19, 20,December The Balance of Power Concept Broken by Revolution Students Will: 1. THE CONGRESS OF VIENNA: a. Explain the peace settlements of 1815, using the map of Europe resulting from the congress of Vienna. notetaking. 2.DETERIORATION IN THE 1820'S AND 1830'S b. List the causes of the 1848 French revolt. Romanticism video questions c. Explain the events which led to Louis Philippe's abdication. 3. THE 1848 REVOLUTIONARY identification, matching, multiple FIASCO IN FRANCE d Evaluate the importance of the Frankfurt Assembly in the growth of choice and essay. 4. REVOLUTION IN GERMANY German nationalism. AND THE HAPSBURG EMPIRE 5. THE AGE OF ROMANTICISM e. Compare the causes and features of the four major ROMANICISM IN MUSIC, revolutions. PAINTING AND LITERATURE f. Hypothesize reasons why the rebellions failed. g. List the major characteristics of Romanticism. h. Determine the influence of Romanticism on religion, politics, and attitudes toward previous history. 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 15, 17, 20 January Industrialism Students will: 1. ECONOMIC GROWTH IN a. List and explain the major economic and social developments in GREAT BRITAIN England. notetaking. Comparison chart describing the 2. THE WORLD OF ADAM b. Understand and explain the major ideas of Adam Smith similarities and differences in SMITH industrialization between England c. Understand and explain the economic and social problems created and the Continent. 3. THE WORLDS OF MALTHUS by industrialization, according to Malthus and Ricardo. Comparison chart of Utopian AND RICARDO socialists and Marx. 4. THE MANY WORLDS OF d. Compare the major ideas of Malthus and Ricardo. UTOPIAN SOCIALISM e. Understand and explain the major ideas of the Utopian socialists. identification, matching, multiple 5. SOCIAL RESPONSES FOR f. Compare the Utopian socialists' ideas with each other and the times choice and essay. REFORM in which they lived. 6. DEFENSE OF THE SYSTEM g. Explain the reasons for, as well as the types of, workers' responses 7. MARXISM to industrialism. h. Analyze reasons for supporting the factory system. i. Compare the domestic and foreign advantages of the factory system. j Discuss Marx and relate him to the time in which he lived. k. Explain the major ideas of Marx. l. Relate the ideas of Marx to the early industrial society. Mid-Nineteenth Century 6, 10, 12, 20 January Europe Students will: Kirk Hilbrands 2004 Page 4 of 7

5 1. THE UNIFICATION OF ITALY a. List and explain the specific steps leading to Italian unification. notetaking. b. Analyze the roles played by Cavour and Napoleon III in Italian 2. THE UNIFICATION OF unification. Comparison chart for unification of GERMANY AND THE Germany and unification of Italy. CONSOLIDATION OF AUSTRIA c. Understand the major programs for the unification of Germany. Terminology sheet for Freud. 3. CHARLES DARWIN d. List and explain the steps leading to German unification. identification, matching, multiple 4. RELIGIOUS RESPONSES TO DARWIN e. Discuss Bismarck's role in unification. choice and essay. f. Analyze and explain the changes in the Austrian Empire. 5. CURRENTS OF THOUGHT ABOUT THE NEW MAN g. Analyze and explain the major ideas of Darwin. h. Explain the various Catholic and Protestant responses to Darwin. i. Evaluate and explain the ideas of Nietzsche. j. Analyze and explain the major ideas of Freud. Power Politics and 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 12, February 20 Imperialism Students will: 1. MOTIVES OF IMPERIALISM a. Evaluate and explain European motives for imperialism. notetaking. 2. IMPERIALISM IN INDIA Comparison chart of major b. Explain the major steps and features of imperialism in India. European powers and the 3. IMPERIALISM IN ASIA c Analyze and evaluate the major causes of imperialism in India. colonies they held. 4. IMPERIALISM IN AFRICA d. Explain the major steps and features of imperialism in Asia. e. Analyze and evaluate the major causes of imperialism in Asia. identification, matching, multiple f. Explain the major steps and features of imperialism in Africa. choice and essay. g. Analyze and evaluate the major causes of imperialism in Africa. World War I and The 1, 5, 6, 10, 12, 20 Feb/March Postwar Impact Students will: 1. CONFLICTS IN THE BALKANS a. Understand and evaluate the major domestic and foreign situations 2. BACKGROUND CAUSE TO of Austria and the Balkans. WORLD WAR I b. Analyze the role of nationalism. 3. WORLD WAR I THROUGH 1916 c. Understand and evaluate the developments of the alliance systems, 4. THE CONCLUSION OF THE nationalism, militarism, and industrialism in Europe. notetaking. WAR What would you do if you were d. Understand and evaluate the events leading to World War I. the General? 5. POSTWAR SETTLEMENTS Short research project re: an 6. PROBLEMS OF THE 1920'S e. Explain the developments in the war up to the United States entry. important person, place, event, f. Evaluate and explain the last phases of the war. object of World War I or World 7. FRANCE AND ENGLAND War II. BETWEEN THE WARS g. List the immediate results of the war. World War I video questions to 8. SOCIAL AND CULTURAL assess student understanding DEVELOPMENTS h. Understand and evaluate the features of the Treaty of Versailles. Timeline of the War i. Explain the other peace settlements. j. Analyze the results of the treaties. identification, matching, multiple k. Understand and explain the diplomatic problems of the 1920's. choice and essay. l Understand and explain the economic problems of the 1920's. m. Evaluate the solutions for economic and diplomatic problems in the Kirk Hilbrands 2004 Page 5 of 7

6 1920's. n. Explain the postwar situations in England and France. o. Analyze and explain the major problems faced by the English and the French. 1, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16 March/April Fascism and Communism Students will: 1. IMPERIAL RUSSIA a. Explain the roles played by the various czars. notetaking. 2. EVOLUTION AND b. Analyze the roles played by the Russian peasant. Comparison chart of Stalin and ATTEMPTS AT STABILITY IN c. Analyze the major ideas of Lenin and compare them to his Hitler. RUSSIA practices. Holocaust video essay: What 3. STRUGGLE AND d. Understand and evaluate the major domestic and foreign situations would you have done if you were CONSOLIDATION in Russia. in the shoes of a Jew in 1939 Belgium? Why. 4. THE STALINIST PERIOD e. Analyze the major ideas of Stalin and Trotsky. Short research project re: an f. Explain the major causes, features, and results of the Stalin-Trotsky important person, 0lace, event, power struggle. object of World War I or World 5. INSTABILITY AND FASCISM g. Explain the major long-term and short-term goals of Stalin. War II. 6. HITLER, THE RISE TO h. Analyze and evaluate the degree of success Stalin had in reaching POWER his goals. Timeline of the war 7. POLAND AND WAR i. Understand and explain the major ideas of Italian Fascism. identification, matching, multiple 8. WWII j. Analyze and explain the major postwar problems in Germany and choice and essay. Italy. 9. THE HOLOCAUST k. Explain the major features of fascist control in Italy. l. Understand and explain the major ideas of German fascism. m. Analyze and explain the factors that led to the takeover of Hitler. n. Explain the major domestic policies of Hitler. o. Explain the relationship of Hitler and the German army. p. Analyze and explain the steps in the takeovers of Austria and Czechoslovakia. q. Explain the role of Italy in the war. r. Analyze the reasons for Hitler's increased problems. s. Explain how Hitler responded to these problems t. Analyze and discuss the policy of the "Final Solution." u. Explain the collapse of the Italian front. v. Discuss the reasons for the impact of Hitler's health on his performance. w. Analyze and explain the role of Hitler's staff in the government. x. Explain how Hitler responded to the closing Allied circle. y. Analyze and explain the major causes for the fall of Hitler. 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 10, 12, May 14, 20 Europe Since the War Students will: 1. IMMEDIATE POSTWAR PROBLEMS a. Explain the physical loss in Europe due to World War II. notetaking. 2. POLITICAL RECONSTRUCTION IN b. Analyze and explain the immediate political and social changes in WESTERN EUROPE Europe. timeline of the Cold War Kirk Hilbrands 2004 Page 6 of 7

7 c. Explain the major changes in the British, French, and Italian political Comparison chart of Economic 3. THE STALINIST WORLD systems following the war. conditions in England and USSR during the 50's and 60's. 4. THE GERMAN SETTLEMENT d. Compare these changes in the three countries. AND THE BREAKDOWN OF THE Comparison chart of the Balkans EAST-WEST ALLIANCE e. Analyze and explain the control of Stalin in Russia during the of the early 1900's and the 5. THE COLD WAR AND postwar period Balkkans of the 1990's ATTEMPTS AT EUROPEAN f. Evaluate the controls Russia had in Eastern Europe. UNITY g. Explain the political developments in Germany during the postwar identification, matching, multiple 6. NEW WESTERN POLITICAL years. choice and essay. FORCES AND THE DECLINE OF DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM h. Analyze and explain the steps lending to the breakdown of the East- 7. THE END OF STALINISM West alliance. 8. EUROPEAN ECONOMIC REVIVAL i. Analyze and explain the steps that led to and the features of the 9. EUROPEAN SOCIAL AND Cold War. INTELLECTUAL j. Compare the various economic and political organizations trying to DEVELOPMENTS achieve unity. 10. WESTERN EUROPEAN DEVELOPMENTS IN THE FINE k. Analyze and explain the impact of Stalin's death on the Soviet ARTS Union. 11. REVISIONISM IN RUSSIA l. Explain the decline of Stalinism and its impact on Eastern Europe. AND HE SAELLITE COUNTRIES m. Compare economic situations of Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, and the Soviet Union. 12. CONFLICT IN THE LATE 50'S n. Analyze and explain the role of existentialism. THROUGH THE MIDDLE 60'S 13. DE GAULLE AND EAST-WEST o. Compare the major sportswear trends in Literature of England, Italy, and RELATIONS IN THE 60'S Germany. 14. WESTERN AND EASTERN p. Explain the ideological conflicts that emerged within the Soviet bloc. EUROPE THROUGH THE q. Analyze and explain the crises in Poland and Hungary MIDDLE 70'S r. Explain the German situation from the mid 50's to the mid 60's. 15. WESTERN AND EASTERN s. Analyze and explain the impact of De Gaulle on France. EUROPE FROM THE 70'S TO TODAY t. Evaluate the degree in which De Gaulle influenced the European community. u. Explain the factors that led to the fall of De Gaulle. v. Compare the domestic and foreign developments of England and Germany through the 70's. w. Analyze the domestic and foreign policies of Nikita Khrushchev and his successors. x. Analyze the changing relationships between the Soviet Union and the satellite nations. y. Analyze the causes for the breakup of the Soviet Union. z. Explain the political and economic situations in Russia and the former Soviet Republics and satellites. aa. Explain the European Economic Community. Kirk Hilbrands 2004 Page 7 of 7

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