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摘 要 该论文是关于金龙汽车在印尼的市场调查 金龙公司出口到世界各地, 在 印尼也有一定的市场份额, 作为印尼汽车市场的一个新来者, 金龙汽车的质量以及在印尼的市场认可度都吸引了笔者的浓厚兴趣 虽然世界上很多国家在很 大程度上对中国产品质量颇有诟病, 但金龙汽车在印尼的销售情况引起了笔者 的关注 本文不是严格意义上的学术论文, 而更多是一份中国产品在印尼的市场调 研报告 笔者在本文的写作中, 主要关注其品牌形象 该论文是通过采访来以 及相关数据进行研究调查 在采访过程当中, 尽量地鼓励被采访者提出自己诚 实的看法 最终, 采用营销混合技巧方法为金龙公司提出营销策略的建议 这项研究的主要目的是为了促进从事进口活动的产业或企业, 为其能更好 地供应货物至印度尼西亚 希望该论文能使印尼人民能更深入地了解中国产品 笔者就读于厦门大学国际关系专业, 做这项研究的目的是为了推动印尼中国 两国的经济贸易关系 这项研究的结果表明, 金龙汽车在印尼市场拥有较好前景, 已经获得了印 尼社会积极乐观的认可 关键词 : 金龙公司, 印尼市场, 品牌形象构建 I

Abstract This Thesis entitled Survey on Golden Dragon in Indonesian Market. Like other Chinese products, Golden Dragon Buses are also used by Indonesian consumers. The phenomena attract the authors interest. Because of the number of bad reviews of Chinese products, the author has made an effort to try to reveal Indonesians perceptions of this product. For this market survey, the author use The Theory of Brand Images and Theory of Perception. In-depth interviews were selected as the primary research methodology. These interviews were conducted in an effort reveal Indonesians perceptions as near as possible to the truth. Finally the author uses mixed marketing techniques to make recommendations to the company regarding an advised marketing strategy. The aim of the research is to create a resource for and industry or company trying to export its goods into another country, but particularly into Indonesia. Hopefully this research can also be useful for Indonesian people who want to learn more about Chinese products. As a master s student in International Relations in Xiamen University, the author has done this research as part of a study of Indonesian- Chinese relations, particularly in terms of international trade. The results of the research show that the Golden Dragon has good prospects in the Indonesian market and has received a generally positive reception from Indonesian society. Further international trade between Indonesia and China could strengthen the relations between the countries and would certainly be beneficial in furthering international relations. Keywords: Survey on Golden Dragon, Indonesian Market, Indonesians' Perception I

References Rudy, Teuku May. Komunikasi dan Hubungan Masyarakat Internasional. Bandung: PT Refika Aditama, 2005 Soemanagara, Dermawan, and John E.Kennedy. Marketing Communication: Tactic & Strategy. Jakarta: PT Bhuana Ilmu Populer, 2009. Widyatama, Rendra. Pengantar Periklanan. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Book Publisher, 2009. http://www.kpmg.com/id/en/issuesandinsights/documents/indonesias- Automotive-Industry-Navigating-2014.pdf http://mddb.apec.org/documents/2014/ad/ad1/14_ad1_051.pdf 53

Contents Chapter 1 introduction... 1 Purpose of study... 1 Theoretical framework... 1 The research question... 2 Research methodology... 2 Data collection... 2 Data analysis... 2 Limitations of the research... 2 The efforts to ensure that the project does not duplicate work... 3 1.1 Background... 3 1.2 Introduction of Indonesia and china relations in economic terms... 4 1.3 The profile of Indonesian citizens... 6 Chapter 2 The Golden Dragon s appearance in world's automotive industry... 10 2.1 The background of automotive industry and world's perception towards Golden Dragon... 12 2.2 Automotive import's products condition in Indonesia... 13 2.3 The conditions of Indonesian automotive market... 14 2.4 Golden dragon company profile and conditions in China... 18 SWOT analysis... 20 4 P's analysis... 21 2.5 The Golden Dragon conditions in Indonesian market... 23 Chapter 3 the Indonesian perceptions towards Golden Dragon... 24 3.1 The perception of Golden Dragon's agent in Indonesia... 24 3.2 The perception of Indonesian transportation company... 25 3.2.1 PO New Liman s perception towards Golden Dragon... 25 3.2.2 PT Setia Kawan's perception towards Golden Dragon... 25 3.3.3 Mulia Rental group s perception of Golden Dragon... 26 3.3 Indonesian automotive sales person perception towards golden dragon27 3.3.1 The perception of Hino's dealer manager in Sulawesi... 27 II

3.3.2 The perception of Honda's salesman in Jakarta and Tangerang area. 28 3.4 The Indonesian importer and exporter perceptions towards Golden Dragon... 29 3.4.1 The electrical importer perception... 29 3.4.2 The fishery products exporter perception... 31 3.5 The Indonesian students in Xiamen perception towards Golden Dragon... 32 3.5.1 Renny Chen's perception... 32 3.5.2 Arianto Wijaya's perceptions... 33 3.6 The author perception towards Golden Dragon... 33 Chapter 4 Conclusions... 36 Chapter 5 Recommendations... 39 5.1 Lesson from the market leader... 39 5.2 Marketing mix... 43 5.2.1 Public relation strategy... 44 5.2.2 Direct marketing... 45 5.2.3 Sales promotions... 45 5.2.4 Advertising... 47 5.2.5 Online media... 49 5.2.6 Events... 50 References... 53 Acknowledgment... 55 III

TABLES. Table 1.1 Age structure of Indonesian citizens... 7 Table 1.2 Number of Labor Force, Labor, Unemployment, RLFP, and ROF... 8 Table 1.3 Education Indicators... 8 Table 2.1 Leading Chinese Large Bus Manufacturers... 12 Table 2.2 Sole Agent and Distributor registered in GAIKINDO... 13 Table 2.3 The Best Transportation Company in Indonesia... 15 Table 2.4 Number of Domestically Assembled Motor Vehicles (units) 2008 2012 Period... 16 Table 2.5 Number of Motor Vehicle in Indonesia by types... 16 Table 2.6 Comparison Among Three Bus Brands in Indonesia... 16 Table 5.1 Hino's sales in Indonesia during 2008 2012... 40 Table 5.2 HINO's Sales in 2014... 41 Table 5.3 Golden Dragon's Sales in 2014... 42 Table 5.4 Indonesian Market Share in 2012... 43 Table 5.5 Golden Dragon's marketing mix schedule... 52 FIGURES. Figure 5.1 HINO's sales compare to total sales of buses in Indonesia... 40 Figure 5.2 HINO's sales in 2014... 41 Figure 5.3 Golden Dragon's Sales in 2014... 42 Figure 5.4 Indonesian Market Share in 2012... 43 IV

Chapter 1 Introduction Chapter 1 Introduction Purpose of study This research aims to find answers about the quality of Chinese vehicles being imported in Indonesia. Besides using SWOT analysis, the author also conducted research in order to obtain an assessment of perception of Indonesian consumers assessment of Chinese goods in an effort to answer these questions through structured, academic research. To ensure the success of a product, a company can use various methods to achieve its goals. These methods most commonly include; developing the product quality, effective sales methods, interesting promotions, satisfactory services and good after sales. An effective media presence also can help improve the product's brand and is becoming an increasingly popular strategy. Additionally, there are also companies who cheat in order to attain their success. This is usually done by companies who only think about profit without regard for the relationship after sales and safety of the customer. Theoretical Framework For this academic research, theories from Theory of Brand Images by Indonesian scholars Bilson Simamora, and Ryan Nichols on the book of Thomas Reid's Theory of Perception 1 are used. Based on The theory of brand image, which is taken from the association theory of brand image there are 2 dimensions: association dimension and producer dimension. Schiffman and Kanuk ( 1994 ) claim the term consumer behavior refers to the behavior that consumers display in searching for, purchasing for, using, evaluating, and disposing of products and services that they expect will satisfy their needs. Setiadi ( 2002 ) assumed a consumer may engage or be part of one or more 1 Nichols, Ryan. Thomas Reid's of Perception. Oxford University Press, 2007. 1

Chapter 1 Introduction groups, and these groups will affect the consumer behavior in buying some goods or services. The group used as reference by consumer as a basis for comparison or recommendation in providing standards and values that will affect their behavior. Personal suggestion in a reference group is much more effective as a determinant of behavior than advertising in the mass media. The Research Question Here are some research questions gathered for the research. What the perception of Indonesian society towards Golden Dragon busses? How does the relation of brand image perception affect consumers decision to buy and use The Golden Dragon? Research Methodology Data Collection In order to collect the data for the research, information was compiled from books, journals, print media and also online media as secondary data. To collect primary data, in-depth interviews with practitioners were conducted. To cap off this research, the author has also provided a recap of the interviews between the author and respondents to verify the truth of interviews and the data presented. Data Analysis This study will use qualitative research to get appropriate answers and achieve the goal objectives and near the factual conditions. Limitations of the Research There are several limitations to this research such as the lack of information regarding this research, the limitations in reaching the respondents to arrange times for interviews owing to the fact that they are busy entrepreneurs or skilled important 2

Chapter 1 Introduction workers, further complicated by the problem of distance, namely the respondents live in Indonesia and The author lives and studies in China. Besides that, the results of this research may not necessarily be appropriate with the factual conditions because the respondents do not represent all Indonesians perceptions. The efforts to ensure that the project does not duplicate work After choosing this topic, the author sought out similar topics or related topics to discuss. During the course of my research, the author also found a lot of other research on the perception of a certain product, but none discussing the topic of the Indonesian's Perception towards Chinese Products, specifically towards Golden Dragon Buses. 1.1 Background In the early 2000s, Chinese made motorcycles enjoyed a period of widespread use and popularity in Indonesia, only to disappear a few years later due to the poor quality of the products. This is not good for the continuity and cause distrust of the Chinese products. One of the primary causes is a poor public perception of Chinese made products in Indonesia. Here, the author will demonstrate and analyze the relation between this perception and the purchasing and usage behavior in Indonesian society. This research hopes to give a full picture of Indonesian consumers attitudes and opinions towards Chinese made goods. The rise of China has sparked in the author a great interest in discussing the economic sector of China. Nowadays, Chinese products are enjoying widespread success in many countries. By this chance, a decision was made to discuss the automotive sector, which has greatly impacted the author s country of origin, Indonesia. To this end, the research is focused specifically on the Golden Dragon Bus that is commonly used in Indonesia today. As an Indonesian the author must first answer the questions encountered in writing this paper, mainly; what is Golden Dragon, where do they come from, who is their importer, and finally and most importantly, how do Indonesian consumers perceive the quality of these products? 3

Chapter 1 Introduction To achieve the goals of this research, the author has focused on Indonesian citizens as the research subjects, analysis of their perceptions as a research predicate and Golden Dragon as an object to be studied. As a result, a thorough explanation of the transportation conditions in Indonesia in terms of the community's characteristics, society's views and the expectations of Indonesian society can be obtained. Having a background in marketing and public relations studies, a decision was made to direct research towards China-Indonesia relations as a lens for exploring international relations. Through this the author hopes to reveal Indonesian consumers views towards one of the top exporting pioneer countries in the world. 1.2 Introduction of Indonesia and China Relations in Economic Terms International Relations have a close relationship with international trade, and nowadays international trade can not be avoided. Actually, international trade has been dating all the way back to Imperial times. For example, international trade occurred in Indonesia while it is the Kingdom of Srivijaya. In the 7 th century traders from China and the Middle East had entered the territory of Srivijaya for trade and diplomatic relations. Some of them came to Srivijaya on religious missions. Based on Chau Ju-Kua s book, entitled Chu-fanchi( 诸番志 ). 1 Sailors and traders from China came to Indonesia to acquire goods such as sandalwood, gold, tin, ivory, rhino horn, cloves, nutmeg and more. At this time, silk and ceramics were the Chinese goods most highly desired by Indonesians. Nowadays Indonesia exports some commodities to China such as fuels, vegetables, wood, plastic, rubber and more, while China exports commodities such as machinery, electronics, metals, chemicals, and transportation infrastructure to the Indonesian market. Trade between Indonesia and China trade rise rapidly each year, reaching USD 36.1 billion in 2010. 2 Nowadays, China is Indonesia s the most primary source of imported goods due to high demand for Chinese products. The so-called Bamboo 1Hirth, Fredich. Chau Ju-Kua:His work on the Chinese and Arab trade in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries St. Petersburg: Imperial Academy of Scienses, 1911. 2http://www.iisd.org/tkn/pdf/indonesia_china_relations.pdf 4

Chapter 1 Introduction Network has been a primary factor in triggering the development of relations between Indonesia and China. The Bamboo network is the network of overseas Chinese business operating in South East Asia. 1 Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, is one of the major cities for bamboo network business activity in South East Asia. For Chinese or overseas Chinese, the businesses are usually owned and managed by the family. Considering the cultural ties with China, many businessmen from South East Asian countries are investing in China. With the bamboo network in place, China has become a major economic power in 21 st century thanks to the rise of foreign investments in China. The success of Chinese economic reforms by Deng Xiao Ping had a big impact for China s transformation into an economic power. Businesses owned by Chinese overseas developed ties with companies based on the Chinese mainland and made huge investments in China. Indonesian and Chinese relations officially recognized in 1950, were in a frozen period from 1967 to 1990. In 1991, Indonesia and China revived their diplomatic relations by establishing Embassies and Consulates in both countries to preserve good relations between each other. Based on BBC World Service Poll in 2013, a majority of Indonesians show a positive view of China, with 55% percent of respondents reporting a positive view compared to 27% reporting a negative view. 2 Changing along with the times, the conventional international trade of the Indonesian Kingdom era turned into a more positive form in the era of the Republic of Indonesia. The government of the Republic of Indonesia as the state bureaucratic arm introduced regulations to maintain the state's stability. The regulation was issued to preserve the rights of Indonesian citizens, Indonesian state sovereignty and guarantee the rights of foreigners who do business in Indonesia. The era of Globalization has allowed people from all over the world to communicate with ease. Information and message that flows easily and being accessed by all of society around the world. The author can clearly remember studying economic lessons about globalization in junior high school. At that time I didn t really understand how economic globalization worked. As time went by a 1http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bamboo_network 2http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/China Indonesia_relations 5

Chapter 1 Introduction realization and feel of the impacts of economic globalization in day to day life was reached. The reason international trade (export import) occurs worldwide is because the amount of commodities and quality of a product in a country differ greatly when compared to other countries. For example, countries like Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Iran are able to export natural gas and oil because the commodity is plentiful in their country. While countries like Japan that have a forte in automotive technology can use this expertise to export automotive products to other countries. China has had a major breakthrough in the form of government policies that differ from other countries. The measures taken have been aimed at cutting production costs because in China, natural resources are easy to find, labor costs are low, and obtaining loans for capital is relatively easy. In China the state has prepared a simple management practice, one that is both practical and easy to administer so that the products can penetrate the entire world market. Some of these practices include pressuring the price of products to bring them down as low as possible. 1.3 The profile of Indonesian citizens Republic of Indonesia (abbreviated RI or Indonesia) is a country in South East Asia, located on the equator between Asia and Australia at the confluence the Pacific and Indian Oceans. Because it lies in between the two continents and two oceans, Indonesia, also called Nusantara (Reuters Island), consists of 17,508 islands, making Indonesia the largest archipelago in the world. Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world and the most populous Muslim country in the world, although it is not officially an Islamic State. Indonesia is a republic form of government, the House of Representatives and President is elected directly by the Indonesian citizens. Jakarta is the country's capital. Indonesia is bordered by Malaysia on Borneo Island, with Papua New Guinea on the island of Papua, and East Timor on the island of Timor. Other neighbouring countries include Singapore, Philippines, and Australia. Indonesian history is heavily influenced by many other nations. The Indonesian archipelago became an important trade region in the 7 th century, with the rise of Srivijaya kingdom, its religion and trade relation was booming rapidly with China and 6

Chapter 1 Introduction India. Hindu and Buddhism Kingdoms in the archipelago grew in the early centuries AD, followed by traders who brought Islam, as well as various European powers fighting one another to monopolize the spice trade in the Moluccas during the era of ocean exploration. After about 350 years of Dutch colonialism, Indonesia declared its independence at the end of World War II. Based on the 2013 census, Indonesian citizens numbered 238 million people, making it the fourth world's most populous country. Indonesian citizens consist of hundreds of distinct native ethnic and linguistic groups. The Javanese ethnic group making up 42 percent of Indonesian, is the largest ethnic group and also the dominant political power. Although Indonesian citizens consist of hundreds of different ethnicities, they use a single official language, Indonesian, as their daily language. Jakarta is the most populous city in Indonesia, with 9.7 million citizens making Jakarta also the most populous city in South East Asia. Surrounding cities such as Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Bekasi make up the official metropolitan area. Indonesians used to called to call this area Jabodetabek (combining by the syllables of cities name ) for the metropolitan area. This metropolitan city is the most desirable city for Indonesian citizens. This is because this area is the centre of government, trading, business, industry, education and modern life. 58% Indonesian population or 138 million people of Indonesian citizens live on the island of Java, the most populous island in the world. Java Island has two international shipping ports located in Jakarta and Surabaya. Both of ports are the gates of international trade. Many Indonesians migrate to Java from other islands due to the number of opportunities Java offers in comparison. Table 1.1 Age structure of Indonesian citizens Ages Male Female Percentage 0-14 years old 3.4165.213 3.2978.841 27.30% 15-64 years old 82.104.636 81.263.055 66.50% 65 years and over 6.654.695 8.446.603 6.10% Source: CIA World Fact Book According to CIA World Fact Book, Indonesia's median age is 28.2 years with 1.04% population growth rate based on 2012 census. Based on 2013 data from Statistics Indonesia, 28.07 million people or 11.37 % of Indonesian citizens live in 7

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