2 Powers and Roles of the President

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1 SECTION 2 Powers and Roles of the President Read to Discover 1. How is the president involved in the legislative process? 2. How does Congress limit the president s powers as commander in chief? 3. What are the president s duties as foreign-policy leader and as chief of state? W HY C IVICS M ATTERS The Constitution charges the president with the responsibility of recommending laws to Congress. Use or other current events sources to read about a law that the president has recently recommended to Congress. Record your findings in your journal. Define foreign policy diplomacy diplomatic notes treaties reprieve pardon commutation Identify State of the Union Address Reading Focus Article II, Section 1, of the Constitution provides that the executive power shall be vested in [given to] a President of the United States of America. This clause means that the president, as head of the executive branch, is responsible for executing, or carrying out, the laws passed by Congress. As a result, the president is often called the nation s chief executive. The president must participate in all phases of government. Legislative Leader As you know, the president recommends, or suggests, needed laws to Congress. In fact, the Constitution requires that the president shall from time to time give to the Congress information of [about] the state of the Union, and recommend to their [Congress s] consideration such measures as he shall judge necessary. To carry out this constitutional provision, the president delivers several messages to Congress each year. These messages may be delivered as speeches before Congress or be sent in writing. Every year, usually in late January, the president delivers a State of the Union Address to Congress. This televised speech sets forth the programs and policies that the president wants Congress to put into effect as laws. These programs and policies usually address the country s most pressing concerns. The Oval Office is where the president conducts much of the day-to-day business of the presidency. The Executive Branch 147

2 Interpreting the Visual Record Special address Following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, President George W. Bush addressed the country at a special joint session of Congress. Why do you think a joint session of Congress was held for this address? The president also sends Congress an economic message, recommending how the federal government should raise and spend its money. In the economic message to Congress, the president reviews the country s economic condition and recommends various laws and programs to help the economy. The president also influences legislation by using his veto power. Sometimes the threat of a presidential veto discourages Congress from passing a bill. Congress knows how difficult it is to pass a bill after it has been vetoed by the president. For this reason, members of Congress carefully consider the issues before passing a bill the president does not favor. Reading Check Summarizing How does the president shape legislation? That s Interesting! His Highness? When George Washington became the nation s first president, no one knew what to call him. Vice President John Adams wanted to call him His Highness, the President of the United States and Protector of the Rights of the Same. The Senate supported the title, but the House of Representatives did not. Washington also wanted a simpler title. Leaders of the new government agreed to simply call their new president Mr. President. All U.S. presidents since then have gone by this title. Commander in Chief As head of the U.S. armed forces, or commander in chief, the president has important powers. All military officers, in a time of war or in peacetime, ultimately answer to the president. The president does not actually lead U.S. forces into battle. The president is, however, in constant contact with U.S. military leaders. The president also has the final say in planning how a war is to be fought. Under the Constitution, only Congress can declare war. However, as commander in chief of the armed forces, the president may send U.S. forces into any part of the world where danger threatens. Presidents have sent troops into action in foreign lands many times throughout U.S. history. Sending U.S. troops into certain situations sometimes involves the risk of war. Therefore, Congress passed the War Powers Act in 1973 to limit the president s military power. This act requires that the president recall troops sent abroad within 60 days, unless Congress approves the 148 Chapter 6

3 Historical Document JOHN F. KENNEDY S INAUGURAL ADDRESS John F. Kennedy, at age 43, was the youngest person ever elected president. His inaugural address inspired many Americans. My Fellow Citizens: We observe today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom symbolizing an end as well as a beginning signifying renewal as well as change.... Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world. Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe in order to ensure the survival and the success of liberty. This much we pledge and more.... And so, my fellow Americans: Ask not what your country can do for you ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: Ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man. Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth. Analyzing Primary Sources 1. What does Kennedy ask Americans and world citizens to ask themselves? 2. What does Kennedy pledge that the United States will do on behalf of liberty? action. The 60 days may be extended to 90 days if needed to ensure the safe removal of U.S. troops. Reading Check Contrasting What different military powers do the president and Congress have? Foreign-Policy Leader The president, as chief executive of one of the most powerful countries in the world, must give constant attention to U.S. foreign policy. Foreign policy is the government s plan for interacting with the other countries of the world. As the person in charge of conducting U.S. foreign policy, the president seeks to secure friendly relations with foreign governments while preserving national security. To conduct relations with other governments, the president appoints officials to represent the U.S. government in foreign countries. The president also meets with leaders and representatives of other countries. These meetings are held both in the United States and in the officials home nations. Traveling to foreign nations is an important part of the president s job as foreign-policy leader. Great skill and tact are required in dealing with both friendly and unfriendly countries. The art of interacting with foreign governments is called diplomacy. The president is the country s chief diplomat. The Executive Branch 149

4 Powers of the President Approves or vetoes all bills passed by Congress Prepares the federal government s budget Is commander in chief of the armed forces Interpreting Charts The Constitution provides the president with a wide-ranging set of powers to carry out his duties. In what ways does the president interact with Congress? Proposes laws and programs to Congress Keeps Congress informed about the state of the country and the economy The President of the United States Appoints cabinet members, ambassadors, and federal judges Can pardon those guilty of crimes against the federal government Conducts U.S. foreign relations, makes treaties, and receives foreign ambassadors go.hrw.com KEYWORD: Holt Researcher Freefind: Foreign Policy Scan through the listings of presidents on the Holt Researcher. Choose three presidents and create a table that describes each president s key contributions to international relations. Presidential visits to foreign countries build international friendship and security and promote U.S. interests. As the nation s chief diplomat, the president often corresponds with the leaders of foreign governments. Written communications among diplomats are called diplomatic notes. The president also has access to a computerized communications system. This system enables the president to make a direct connection with other governments in an emergency. The U.S. government also makes written agreements, called treaties, with other countries. Many officials work to reach these agreements. The president, however, assumes the final responsibility for the agreements. All treaties must be made with the advice and consent of the Senate. The Senate must approve a treaty by a two-thirds vote before it becomes effective. The president must see that the treaty is carried out. Reading Check Drawing Inferences and Conclusions Why do you think treaties require the work of both the president and the Senate? Judicial Powers The Constitution gives the president the power to appoint Supreme Court justices and other federal judges. These judicial appointments must be approved by a majority vote of the members of the Senate before they are final. 150 Chapter 6

5 The president also has the power to grant reprieves and pardons to those who have committed certain federal crimes. A reprieve postpones the carrying out of a person s sentence. It gives a convicted person the opportunity to gather more evidence to support his or her case or to appeal for a new trial. A pardon forgives a person convicted of a crime and frees him or her from serving out the sentence. The president also has the judicial power of commutation, or making a convicted person s sentence less severe. Reading Check Summarizing What are some of the judicial powers held by the president? Other Presidential Roles Over the years the president has assumed other roles that are not mentioned in the Constitution. These roles include chief of state and political party leader. As chief of state, the president is the symbol of the United States and its people. It is the president who greets visiting foreign heads of state and travels to other countries to strengthen ties and improve relations. The president performs many ceremonial duties as well. These include awarding medals to honor worthy citizens, lighting the nation s Christmas tree, and throwing out the first baseball to open the baseball season. The president is also the leader of a political party. Members of the president s political party work hard to help elect the president. In return, the president makes speeches in favor of other party members who are running for public office. The president also helps the party raise money for its political campaigns, candidates, and programs. The first jet plane known as Air Force One was introduced in 1962 and used by President John F. Kennedy. The name comes from the call sign used by the Air Force for any plane carrying the president. Today there are two planes that serve the president, each fully equipped for work, entertaining, and communications. Interpreting the Visual Record Presidential leadership President George W. Bush visited U.S. military troops stationed in Baghdad on Thanksgiving Day, How does this visit demonstrate the role of the president as commander in chief of the United States? Reading Check Evaluating How does the president act as a symbol of the United States? Presidential Daily Life The president must find time to carry on a wide range of activities from day to day. At all times the president s office must be in touch with other key government officials. Thus, the president can never be far from a telephone. The activities that occupy the president s time are varied. Many hours of the day are spent in meetings with presidential advisers. When Congress is in session, the president may have breakfast or luncheon meetings with congressional leaders. Meetings are

6 CO NECTIONS Executive Power The U.S. Constitution divides power among three branches. So does the government of Cuba. Under the Cuban constitution, however, power is concentrated within the executive branch under the authority of Fidel Castro, the nation s chief of state. The political rights of Cuban citizens, including freedom of speech, freedom of association, and the right to vote, depend on their loyalty to the Communist Party and its goals. Unlike the U.S. Congress, Cuba s legislative body the National Assembly is not accountable to voters. The Assembly also meets rarely and has little practical power. The nation is run by the Council of Ministers or the Council of State, which has fewer members than the National Assembly and is headed by the president, Fidel Castro. The council proposes and issues laws. The Cuban Supreme Court, unlike the U.S. Supreme Court, does not have the power to consider whether these laws are constitutional. In what ways do Cuba s branches of government differ from those of the United States? also held with members of the president s political party. Party members discuss bills before Congress, appointments of officials, or political plans and strategies important to the party. In addition, the president meets regularly with members of the cabinet. The president delivers a great number of speeches. President Franklin D. Roosevelt established the custom of reporting directly to the American people. He did so by giving radio talks, which he called fireside chats. Today the president still delivers radio talks to the public, usually every week. However, presidents also rely on television broadcasts. The president appears on television to speak directly to the American people, to inform them of proposed new programs, and to ask for their support. The president also holds press conferences to explain government decisions and to answer questions from reporters. The president must also attend to many other important duties. The president must sign (or veto) bills submitted by Congress, prepare speeches, appoint officials, and examine budget figures. The president must deal with matters of foreign policy and reach decisions on national defense issues. To stay informed on events, the president must find time to read newspapers and magazines and to study reports received from government officials at home and abroad. Reading Check Analyzing Information What types of activities might make up the president s day? SECTION 2 Review 1. Define and explain: foreign policy diplomacy diplomatic notes treaties reprieve pardon commutation Presidential Role Legislative Leader Commander in Chief Foreign-Policy Leader Chief of State Judicial Powers 2. Identify and explain: State of the Union address 3. Categorizing Copy the chart below. Use it to list the duties that accompany each presidential role. Duty keyword: SZ3 HP6 4. Finding the Main Idea a. What is the president s influence on the legislative process? b. In what ways is the president s military power limited? 5. Writing and Critical Thinking Problem Solving Using the president s State of the Union Address as a model, write a State of the School Address. In your speech identify some of the challenges facing your school, suggest possible solutions, and provide a plan to resolve them. Consider: the purpose of the State of the Union Address the school s most pressing problems policies and programs that can improve your school 152 Chapter 6

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