Week Number Chapter & Lesson COS/ ASHGE Objectives

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1 Pacing Guide for 4 th Grade Curriculum Course Title: Alabama History (Using Crystal Clear Press) Length of Course: 2 Semesters Week Number Chapter & Lesson COS/ ASHGE Objectives 1 st Nine Weeks Week 1 Geographic Regions: Pages Identify historical and current economic, political, and geographic information about Alabama on thematic maps. a. Identify historical economic, political, and geographic information about Alabama on thematic maps. b. Identify current economic, political, and geographic information about Alabama thematic units. c. Discuss patterns and types of migrations as they affect the environment, agriculture, economic development, and population changes in 4. Describe the relationship of the five geographic regions of Alabama to the movement of Alabama settlers during the early 19 th century. a. Identify and describe the relationship of the five geographic regions of b. Describe the relationship of the 5 geographic regions to the movement of the early 19 th century. c. Describe the natural resources of SWBAT 1. Locate Alabama on a map. 2. Name and identify characteristics of the 5 major provinces. 3. Analyze human migration patterns.

2 Examples: water, trees, coal, iron, limestone, petroleum, natural gas, and soil d. Describe the natural environment of Examples: wildlife, vegetation, climate, and bodies of water. e. Describe the human environments created by settlement. Examples: housing, roads, and place names. 1 st Nine Weeks Week 2 Prehistoric Indians Pages Describe cultures, governments, and economies of prehistoric Native Americans in a. Describe the cultures, governments, and economies of prehistoric Native Americans. b. Describe the cultures, governments, and economics of historic Native Americans. 1. Identify important characteristics of Paleo, Archaic, and Woodland Indians. 2. Locate present day sites of each prehistoric group. 3. Relate geographic factors to economic advantages and disadvantages of each group. 1 st Nine Weeks Week 3 1 st Nine Weeks Weeks 4,5, and 6 The Mississippian Period Pages Discovering Alabama pages Spanish Explorers c. Identify locations of prehistoric Native Americans in d. Identify locations of historic Native Americans in e. Describe types of prehistoric life in Example: plants, animals, and people. f. Identify roles of archeologists and paleontologists. 2. List reasons for European exploration and settlement in Alabama and the impact of Europeans on trade, health, land expansion, and tribal reorganization of Native American 1. Interpret a timeline. 2. Give examples of Mississippian culture. 3. Compare and contrast Mississippian culture with that of other prehistoric Indian groups. 4. Locate major Mississippian sites on a map. 1. Identify early Spanish explorers in 2. Locate areas visited by early explorers. 3. List three cultures that lived in 4. Explain reasons for European exploration

3 pages The French pages The English Pages The Clash of Old and New Ways Pages populations in a. Identify and describe the reasons for European exploration and settlement in b. Explain the impact of European exploration and settlement in Alabama had on trade, health, land expansion, and tribal reorganization of Native American populations in c. Locate European settlements in early d. Explain the reasons for conflicts between Europeans and Native Americans in Alabama from Examples: differing beliefs regarding land ownership, religious differences, cultural differences, and broken treaties. e. Identify main causes, key people, and historical documents of the American Revolution and the new nation. 4. Describe the relationship of the 5 geographic regions of Alabama to the movement of Alabama settlers during the early 19 th century. a. Identify and describe the natural resources of Examples: water, trees, coal, iron, limestone, petroleum, natural gas, and soil b. Describe the natural environment of Examples: wildlife, vegetation, climate, and bodies of water. c. Describe the human environments of the New World. 5. Describe and analyze consequences of European exploration to Alabama s Indians. 6. Describe the French exploration of 7. Locate sites of early French settlements. 8. Analyze the role natural features played in the development of settlements. 9. Compare and contrast French and Spanish expeditions. 10. Describe English trade with the Indians. 11. Identify the significance of a historical figure. 12. Explain causes of conflicts between Indians and settlers. 13. Describe causes, alliances, and outcome of the Creek War. 14. Explain the significance of the Battle of Horseshoe Bend. 15. Identify historical figures. **Horseshoe Bend During the War of 1812, Andrew Jackson defeated the Creek Indians at Horseshoe Bend in **Andrew Jackson is tested on AHSGE.

4 1 st Nine Weeks Weeks 7, 8, and 9 2 nd Nine Weeks Weeks 1, 2, and 3 Alabama Territory and State Pages Alabama Government Pages Branches of Government Pages The Pioneers Pages Africans in Alabama Pages Towns and Commerce Pages created by settlement. Examples: housing, roads, and place names. 5. Describe Alabama s entry into Statehood, including Alabama s constitutions and the three branches of government. a. Identify and describe the requirements for Alabama s entry into Statehood. b. Compare and contrast the constitutions of c. Indentify, compare, and contrast the three branches of government. d. Explain political and geographic reasons for changes in the location of Alabama s state capital. e. Identify prominent political leaders during early statehood in Examples: William Wyatt Bibb, Israel Pickens, and William Rufus King. 6. Identify cultural, economic, and political aspects of the lifestyles of early 19 th century farmers, plantation owners, slaves, and townspeople. a. Identify and describe the cultural, economic, and political aspects of lifestyles of early 19 th century farmers. b. Identify and describe the cultural, economic and political aspects of lifestyles of early 19 th century plantation owners. c. Identify and describe the cultural, economic, 1. Describe causes and significance of the Revolutionary War. 2. Identify the significance of the 31 st parallel. 3. Identify important historical figures. 4. Discuss the role of water sources in the establishment of communities. 5. Explain territorial government and the move to statehood. 6. Identify the three branches of government. 7. Relate the history of Alabama s capital. 8. Discuss key points of each of Alabama s Constitutions. 9. Identify and discuss the role of each of the three branches of state government. 10. Discuss the rights and responsibilities of citizenship. 11. Relate voting requirements. **Three branches of government and Constitution of Alabama s statehood- Alabama became a state in 1819 during the Era of Good Feelings. Political and social motives that shaped the Constitution of Describe the role of agriculture in the lives of Alabamians in the mid 1800s. 2. Compare and contrast the lives of Yeoman farmers and planters. 3. Understand the conditions under which slaves were transported to America. 4. Relate the role of slaves in the plantation life. 5. Describe the elements of African culture embraced by slaves. 6. Discuss the role of water sources in the

5 and political aspects of lifestyles of early 19 th century slaves. d. Identify and describe the cultural, economic, and political aspects of lifestyles of early 19 th century townspeople. e. Recognize the impact of slavery on Alabama during the early 19 th century. f. Identify major areas of agricultural production using an Alabama map. establishment communities. 7. Describe the role natural resources played in the development of towns and industries. 8. Identify technological advances. 2 nd Nine Weeks Week 4 2 nd Nine Weeks Week 5 The Conflict Between the North and South pages The War Begins Pages Identify reasons for Alabama s secession from the Union, including sectionalism, slavery, states rights, and economic disagreements. a. Identify reasons for Alabama s secession from the Union including, but not limited to, the following: sectionalism, slavery, states rights, and economic disagreements. b. Identify Alabama s role in the organization of the Confederacy. Examples: secession convention, Montgomery as first state capital, inauguration ceremony for leaders. 8. Explain Alabama s role in and economic support for the Civil War. a. Explain Alabama s role in the Civil War. b. Explain Alabama s economic support for the Civil War. Examples: provision of supplies through the Port of Mobile, armament center at Selma, production of iron products, munitions, textiles, and ships. c. Explain the resulting economic conditions of the Civil War, including 1. Identify reasons for Alabama s secession from the Union. 2. Identify Alabama s role in the organization of the Union. 3. Explain geographic and economic differences between the North and South. **Confederate Capital- The first capital of the Confederate States of America was Montgomery, (Confederate States of America were formed by southern states). 1. Describe the economic advantages that contribute to the North s success in the Civil War. 2. Describe and explain the economic hardships during the war years. 3. Identify prominent leaders. **Alabama Industries- After the Civil War, Alabama began to shift away from only growing cash crops to developing other goods. Industries such as steel, coal, and lumber all became

6 the collapse of the economic structure, destruction of the transportation infrastructure, and high casualty rates. important to Birmingham was a major steel producer. 2 nd Nine Weeks Week 6 Rebuilding Alabama Pages Describe the political, social, and economic conditions in Alabama during Reconstruction. a. Describe the political conditions in Alabama during reconstruction. b. Describe the social conditions in Alabama during Reconstruction. c. Describe the economic conditions in Alabama during Reconstruction. d. Describe the Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments to the Constitution of the United States. e. Identify the role of African Americans in politics during Reconstruction in f. Identify the major political parties in Alabama during the Reconstruction. g. Describe policies of major political parties in 1. Describe the 13 th and 14 th Amendments to the Constitution of the U.S. 2. Identify the role of African Americans during Reconstruction. 3. Describe the policies of major political parties in **13 th Amendment- Abolished slavery 14 th Amendment- guarantees that all people born in the US are citizens and have the same rights as others. All citizens are guaranteed equal protection under the law. 15 th Amendment- gave the right to vote to former slaves (male) to vote after the Civil War. It essentially meals that all men have the right to vote. 16 th Amendment- created tax during the Progressive Era. 17 th Amendment- created during the Progressive Era and gave citizens more control of the government by allowing them to vote for their senators from each state. 18 th Amendment- created during the Progressive Era and World War I. Banned, or prohibited alcohol. It was later repealed, or thrown out. 19 th Amendment- gave women suffrage rights (the right to vote). It was a Progressive reform, but was added to the Constitution. Largely because of the role women played in the workforce during World War I.

7 2 nd Nine Weeks Weeks 7, 8, and 9 3 rd Nine Weeks Weeks 1, 2, and 3 Education Pages After Reconstruction Pages The Spanish American War Pages Charting a New Course Pages Alabama s Leaders Pages Describe significant social and educational changes in Alabama during the late 19 th and early 20 th centuries. a. Describe significant social changes during the late 19 th and early 20 th centuries. b. Describe significant educational changes during the late 19 th and early 20 th centuries. c. Explain the development and changing role of industry, trade, and agriculture in Alabama during the late 19 th and early 20 th centuries; including the rise of populism. d. Explain the impact of the voting rights revision in the Alabama Constitution of 1901, including Jim Crow Laws. e. Identify Alabamians who made contributions in the fields of science, education, the arts, the military, politics, and business during the late 19 th and early 20 th centuries. f. Discuss cultural contributions from various regions of 1. Identify prominent political leaders. 2. Explain system of education during the mid 1800s. 3. Discuss migration patterns. 4. Explain the changing role of industry, trade, and agriculture in 5. Describe natural resources of 6. Identify the causes and results of the Spanish-American War. 7. Identify Alabamians who made significant contributions. 8. Identify the impact of voting right revisions in the Alabama Constitution. 9. Explain policies of major political parties in 10. Identify Alabamians who made significant contributions in industry, arts, education, and politics. 11. Identify leaders in business, sports, and the arts. **The following are tested on AHSGE, but may need supplemental materials: Identify and explain the effect of the following on the Progressive Era: Niagara Movement, W.E.B. Dubois, Booker T. Washington, and Carter Goodson. Identify significant contributors between Reconstruction and World War I. Contributors are as follows: -William Gorgas-Dr. Gorgas, of Alabama, helped to wipe out the population of mosquitoes during the construction of the Panama Canal. This helped to eliminate malaria, yellow fever, and other diseases. -Joe Wheeler- Colonel of the 19 th Alabama Infantry in Huntsville during the Civil War.

8 He was a US representative for -Blues and Jazz Music- W.C. handy of Alabama is considered one of the founders of the Blues Movement. 3 rd Nine Weeks Weeks 4, 5, and 6 Alabama and World War I Pages The Roaring Twenties Pages The Great Depression and the New Deal Act Pages Alabama Folk Culture Pages Describe the major impact of World War I on Alabamians. a. Describe the impact of World War I on Alabamians. b. Recognize Alabama participants in World War I. c. Identify the use of new technology in World War I. 12. Explain the effects of the events of the 1920s and the Great Depression on different socioeconomic groups. a. Explain the effects of the events of the 1920s on different socioeconomic groups. b. Explain the effects of the Great Depression on different socioeconomic groups. c. Explain supply and demand. d. Describe the effects of supply and demand on the economy. 1. Recognize Alabama participants in WWI. 2. Identify uses of new technology. 1. Discuss the cultural contributions of Alabamians. 2. Identify and discuss the Suffrage Movement in 3. Explain the effects of the Great Depression on Alabamians. 4. Describe the effects of supply and demand on the economy. 5. Describe the elements of the New Deal. 6. Discuss cultural contributions from various regions of **The following are tested on the AHSGE, but may need supplemental materials: Describe the influence of key Alabama figures and events from World War II through the 1920s: W.C. Handy, Prohibition, 19 th Amendment, Scopes and Trial, Immigration, Red Scare, Susan B. Anthony, Margaret Sanger, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Harlem Renaissance, Great Migration, Jazz Age, Zelda Fitzgerald TVA (Tennessee Valley Authority) The TVA was created during FDR s program to

9 3 rd Nine Weeks Weeks 7 and 8 3 rd Nine Weeks Week 9 4 th Nine Weeks Weeks 1 and 2 World War II Pages Alabama War Heroes Pages Change Comes to Alabama Pages The Civil Rights Movement Pages A new Alabama Pages Describe the economic and social impact of World War II on Alabamians. a. Describe the economic impact of World War II on Alabamians. b. Describe the social impact of World War II on Alabamians. c. Recognizing Alabama participants in World War II. d. Locate military bases in 14. Describe the social, political, and economic impact of the modern Civil Rights movement. a. Describe the social impact of the modern Civil Rights Movement on b. Describe the political impact of the modern Civil Rights Movement on c. Describe the economic impact of the modern Civil Rights Movement on end the Great Depression. It was called the New Deal. TVA put people in North Alabama and Southern Tennessee to work building hydroelectric dams on the Tennessee River. This project provided jobs, new recreational facilities, and it brought electricity to one of the poorest regions in 1. Explain causes of World War II. 2. Identify Allied and Axis powers. 3. Describe the economic and social impact of the war on Alabamians. 4. Recognize Alabama participants in World War II. 5. Explain events that led to the end of World War II. **The following are tested on AHSGE and may need supplemental materials: Alabama s participation in World War II: Tuskegee Airmen, Growth of Port in Mobile, Aliceville Prisoner of War (POW) camp, Birmingham s steel industry, the development of Birmingham, and Military bases. 1. Explain economic, social, and political changes after World War II. 2. Discuss ways black citizens were disenfranchised. 3. Identify causes of the Korean conflict. 4. Identify important people and events of the Civil Rights Movement. 5. Identify benefits of the 1964 Civil Rights Act and 1965 Voting Rights Act. 6. Identify the changes brought by the Civil Rights Movement. **The following are tested on AHSGE and may

10 4 th Nine Weeks Weeks 3, 4, and 5 Alabama s Space Age Pages Vietnam, the Environment, and Education Pages Politics in Alabama; Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm Pages d. Identify important people and events of the modern Civil Rights Movement. e. Identify the benefits of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. f. Identify the benefits of the 1965 Voting Rights Act. 15. Identify major world events that have impacted Alabama since a. Identify major world events that have impacted Alabama since b. Recognize Alabamians who have made significant contributions to society since need supplemental materials: Alabama s role in the Space Program under the New Frontier (Kennedy and Johnson Administrations. Trace events of modern Civil Rights Movement from post World War II to 1970 that resulted in social and economic changes, including the following: Montgomery Bus Boycott, Desegregation of Little Rock Central High School, March on Washington, and Freedom Rides. Identify people and events that influenced the modern Civil Rights Movement, including: Rosa Parks, Autherine Lucy, John Patterson, George Wallace, Vivian Malone, Children s March, Fred Shuttlesworth, and Sixteenth Street Baptist Church Bombing. 1. Identify world events that have shaped Alabama since Describe technological changes that have affected Alabamians. 3. Explain changed in Alabama s economy after Describe Alabama s role in the Vietnam War. 5. Discuss changing role Alabama s rivers. 6. Describe the technological revolution. 7. Describe the policies of major political parties in 8. Identify Alabama s role in Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm. 9. Describe Alabama s move to a global market.

11 4 th Nine Weeks Weeks 6 and 7 Alabama: 21 st Century Update Pages Communication, Tourism, and Industry Pages Describe the impact of population growth on cities, major road systems, demographics, natural resources, and the natural environment of Alabama during the 20 th century. 1. Describe the impact of population growth on cities in Alabama during the 20 th century. 2. Describe the impact of population growth on major road systems in Alabama during the 20 th century. 3. Describe the impact of population growth on demographics in Alabama during the 20 th century. 4. Describe the impact of population growth on natural resource in Alabama during the 20 th century. 5. Describe the impact of population growth on the natural environment in Alabama during the 20 th century. 6. Describe how technological advancements brought change to Alabamians during the 20 th century. 7. Describe the growing influence of foreign-based companies. 1. Explain the role of agribusiness 21 st century 2. Discuss ways transportation has changed over the past century. 3. Discuss mass communication and information systems. 4. Identify the role of tourism in 5. Discuss the role of industry in 21 st century 6. Describe the role of foreign-based companies.

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