APUSH Period 6 Guided Reading Notes pg. 1

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1 APUSH Period 6 Guided Reading Notes pg. 1 Key Concept 6.1 Tech, Mass Production, and Industrialization Technological advances, large scale production methods, and the opening of new markets encouraged the rise of industrial capitalism in the United States. I. Large scale industrial production accompanied by massive technological change, expanding international communication networks, and pro growth government policies generated rapid economic development and business consolidation. A. Following the Civil War, government subsidies for transportation and communication systems helped open new markets in North America. B. Businesses made use of technological innovations, greater access to natural resources, redesigned financial and management structures, advances in marketing, and a growing labor force to dramatically increase the production of goods. C. As the price of many goods decreased, workers real wages increased, providing new access to a variety of goods and services; many Americans standards of living improved, while the gap between rich and poor grew. D. Many business leaders sought increased profits by consolidating corporations into large trusts and holding companies, which further concentrated wealth. E. Businesses and foreign policymakers increasingly looked outside U.S. borders in an effort to gain greater influence and control over markets and natural resources in the Pacific Rim, Asia, and Latin America. II. A variety of perspectives on the economy and labor developed during a time of financial panics and downturns. A. Some argued that laissez faire policies and competition promoted economic growth in the long run, and they opposed government intervention during economic downturns. B. The industrial workforce expanded and became more diverse through internal and international migration; child labor also increased. C. Labor and management battled over wages and working conditions, with workers organizing local and national unions and/ or directly confronting business leaders. D. Despite the industrialization of some segments of the Southern economy a change promoted by Southern leaders who called for a New South agriculture based on sharecropping and tenant farming continued to be the primary economic activity in the South. III. New systems of production and transportation enabled consolidation within agriculture, which, along with periods of instability, spurred a variety of responses from farmers. A. Improvements in mechanization helped agricultural production increase substantially and contributed to declines in food prices. B. Many farmers responded to the increasing consolidation in agricultural markets and their dependence on the evolving railroad system by creating local and regional cooperative organizations. C. Economic instability inspired agrarian activists to create the People s (Populist) Party, which called for a stronger governmental role in regulating the American economic system.

2 APUSH Period 6 Guided Reading Notes pg. 2 Key Concept 6.2 Social and Cultural Changes Caused by Industrialization The migrations that accompanied industrialization transformed both urban and rural areas of the United States and caused dramatic social and cultural change. I. International and internal migration increased urban populations and fostered the growth of a new urban culture. A. As cities became areas of economic growth featuring new factories and businesses, they attracted immigrants from Asia and from southern and eastern Europe, as well as African American migrants within and out of the South. Many migrants moved to escape poverty, religious persecution, and limited opportunities for social mobility in their home countries or regions. B. Urban neighborhoods based on particular ethnicities, races, and classes provided new cultural opportunities for city dwellers. C. Increasing public debates over assimilation and Americanization accompanied the growth of international migration. Many immigrants negotiated compromises between the cultures they brought and the culture they found in the United States. D. In an urban atmosphere where the access to power was unequally distributed, political machines thrived, in part by providing immigrants and the poor with social services. E. Corporations need for managers and for male and female clerical workers as well as increased access to educational institutions, fostered the growth of a distinctive middle class. A growing amount of leisure time also helped expand consumer culture. II. Larger numbers of migrants moved to the West in search of land and economic opportunity, frequently provoking competition and violent conflict. A. The building of transcontinental railroads, the discovery of mineral resources, and government policies promoted economic growth and created new communities and centers of commercial activity. B. In hopes of achieving ideals of self sufficiency and independence, migrants moved to both rural and boomtown areas of the West for opportunities, such as building the railroads, mining, farming, and ranching. C. As migrant populations increased in number and the American bison population was decimated, competition for land and resources in the West among white settlers, American Indians, and Mexican Americans led to an increase in violent conflict. D. The U.S. government violated treaties with American Indians and responded to resistance with military force, eventually confining American Indians to reservations and denying tribal sovereignty. E. Many American Indians preserved their cultures and tribal identities despite government policies promoting assimilation, and they attempted to develop self sustaining economic practices.

3 APUSH Period 6 Guided Reading Notes pg. 3 Key Concept 6.3 Cultural and Intellectual Movements, Reform, and Political Debate The Gilded Age produced new cultural and intellectual movements, public reform efforts, and political debates over economic and social policies. I. New cultural and intellectual movements both buttressed and challenged the social order of the Gilded Age. A. Social commentators advocated theories later described as Social Darwinism to justify the success of those at the top of the socioeconomic structure as both appropriate and inevitable. B. Some business leaders argued that the wealthy had a moral obligation to help the less fortunate and improve society, as articulated in the idea known as the Gospel of Wealth, and they made philanthropic contributions that enhanced educational opportunities and urban environments. C. A number of artists and critics, including agrarians, utopians, socialists, and advocates of the Social Gospel, championed alternative visions for the economy and U.S. society. II. Dramatic social changes in the period inspired political debates over citizenship, corruption, and the proper relationship between business and government. A. The major political parties appealed to lingering divisions from the Civil War and contended over tariffs and currency issues, even as reformers argued that economic greed and self interest had corrupted all levels of government. B. Many women sought greater equality with men, often joining voluntary organizations, going to college, promoting social and political reform, and, like Jane Addams, working in settlement houses to help immigrants adapt to U.S. language and customs. C. The Supreme Court decision in Plessy v. Ferguson that upheld racial segregation helped to mark the end of most of the political gains African Americans made during Reconstruction. Facing increased violence, discrimination, and scientific theories of race, African American reformers continued to fight for political and social equality.

4 APUSH Period 6 Guided Reading Notes pg. 4 Part 1 Chapter How did the U.S. policymakers seek to stimulate the economy and integrate the trans Mississippi west into the nation, and how did this affect people living there? pg. 508 KC 6.1.I.A 2. In what ways did the Republicans use federal power on the world stage, and in what ways did they continue policies from the pre Civil War era? pgs KC 6.1.I Trade with Asia The railroads KC 6.1.I.A the protective tariff KC 6.2.II.A The Court system (Munn v. Illinois) The gold standard: KC 6.2.II.C Land:

5 APUSH Period 6 Guided Reading Notes pg What was the vision of the Homestead Act? How was this vision flawed? pg The Homestead Act The Morrill Act land grant colleges

6 APUSH Period 6 Guided Reading Notes pg. 6 Part 2 Chapter How did the mining industry transform the development of the west? pgs KC 6.2.II.A Comstock Lode General Mining Act Klondike 2. Why were bison killed in such great numbers on the Great Plains? pgs KC 6.2.II.C boomtowns the Long Drive the open range vs. barbed wire

7 APUSH Period 6 Guided Reading Notes pg Compare the development of mining, ranching, and farming in the West. How did their environmental consequences differ? pgs KC 6.2.II.A 4. Why did the exodusters exo? pg. 520 KC 6.2.I.A 5. What unique challenges did women settlers face in the West? pg What factors led to the creation of the first national parks? John Wesley Powell and the challenge of homestead farming Yosemite Yellowstone

8 APUSH Period 6 Guided Reading Notes pg. 8 Part 3 Chapter How were Indians involved in the Civil War on the plains? pgs KC 6.2.II.C The Dakota uprising The Sand Creek Massacre The Fetterman Massacre 2. How did post Civil War reformers believe they were improving U.S. Indian policies, and in what ways did that prove true and untrue? pg KC 6.2.II.D Indian Boarding Schools domestic dependent nations Lone Wolf v. Hitchcock

9 APUSH Period 6 Guided Reading Notes pg What was the basic objective of the Dawes Severalty Act? How did it try to accomplish this goal? pg. 532 KC 6.2.II.D 4. What was the "Ghost Dance?" Why was it so threatening to the white community nearby? pg. 534 KC 6.2.II.E 5. Why has Wounded Knee, SD become a symbol in the struggle for Native American civil rights? pg KC 6.2.II.E 6. How does the myth of the west compare with reality? pg. 535 KC 6.1.I.E Buffalo Bill Cody/ cowboys vs. savage Indians Frederick Jackson Turner thesis (really define this, you will need to know it)

10 APUSH Period 6 Guided Reading Notes pg. 10 Part 4 Chapter Why did prices fall in the late 1800s? (pg. 546) KC 6.1.I.C 2. Compare and contrast the vertical and horizontal integration strategies of business combinations. Which approaches did Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller use initially? Why did they evolve toward using both strategies? (pgs. 544, ) KC 6.1.I.D vertical integration John D. Rockefeller Andrew Carnegie (skip back to pg. 544) horizontal integration trust

11 APUSH Period 6 Guided Reading Notes pg How did the birth of modern advertising transform consumerism? (pg ) KC 6.1.I.B 4. What opportunities did the rise of corporations offer to different types of middle workers those who were neither top executives nor blue collar laborers? (pgs ) KC 6.2.I.E 5. How did conditions change for industrial workers in the late nineteenth century, and why? (pgs ) KC 6.2.I.C mass production scientific management Frederick W. Taylor 6. How did working conditions deteriorate as industrialized labor became more prevalent? (pgs ) KC 6.2.I.C

12 APUSH Period 6 Guided Reading Notes pg. 12 Part 5 Chapter What factors accounted for the different expectations and experiences of immigrants in this era? (pgs ) KC 6.1.II.B and 6.2.I.C 2. What were the long term consequences of the Chinese Exclusion Act for U.S. immigration policy? (pgs ) KC 6.2.I.A 3. What was the significance of the Great Railroad Strike of 1877? (pgs ) KC 6.1.II.C The Great Railroad Strike of 1877 Henry George Progress and Poverty 4. How did the methods used by railroad workers to protest their working conditions compare with the tactics employed by the Greenbackers, who also sought reform? (pgs ) KC KC 6.1.III.B The Greenback Labor Party

13 APUSH Period 6 Guided Reading Notes pg. 13 Cont d from question 4 producerism Granger Laws 5. What factors contributed to the rapid rise of the Knights of Labor? To its decline? (pgs ) KC 6.1.III.B and 6.1.II.C Knights of Labor (Terence Powderly) anarchism the Haymarket Riot 6. Why did farmers and industrial workers cooperate, and what political objectives did they achieve? (pgs ) KC 6.1.III.B The Farmer s Alliance The Hatch Act

14 APUSH Period 6 Guided Reading Notes pg. 14 Interstate Commerce Act 7. How did the key institutions and goals of the labor movement change, and what gains and losses resulted from this shift? (pgs ) KC 6.1.II.C closed shops The American Federation of Labor Samuel Gompers

15 APUSH Period 6 Guided Reading Notes pg. 15 Part 6 Chapter How did the new consumer practices, arising from industrialization, reshape Americans gender, class and race relations? (pgs ) KC 6.2.I.E New stuff to spend money on? railroads as a vision of America Plessy v. Ferguson KC 6.3.II.C 2. How and why did American sports evolve, and how did athletics soften or sharpen social distinctions? (pgs ) KC 6.2.I.E YMCA baseball The Negro Leagues football

16 APUSH Period 6 Guided Reading Notes pg In what ways did the Comstock Act reflect and contradict the realities of American life in the industrial era? (pgs ) KC 6.3II.B 4. How did educational opportunities change after the Civil War, and for whom? (pgs ) KC 6.2.I.E 5. What changes did Booker T. Washington advocate? (pg. 588) KC 6.3.II.C Atlanta Compromise

17 APUSH Period 6 Guided Reading Notes pg. 17 Part 7 Chapter How did women use widespread beliefs about their special role to justify political activism, and for what goals? (pgs ) KC 6.3.II.B Frances Willard WCTU DAR and UDC Ida B. Wells National Association of Colored Women NAWSA 2. How did the goals of black women differ from those of white women? (pgs ) KC 6.3.II.B

18 APUSH Period 6 Guided Reading Notes pg How did the ideas of scientists and social scientists reflect events they saw happening around them? (pgs ) KC 6.3.I.A Charles Darwin Herbert Spencer/ Social Darwinism Eugenics

19 APUSH Period 6 Guided Reading Notes pg. 19 Part 8 Chapter How did America s religious life change in the era, and what prompted those changes? (pgs ) KC 6.3.I.C Answer Details Catholic changes Jewish Changes Protestant Changes The Social Gospel The Salvation Army Fundamentalism

20 APUSH Period 6 Guided Reading Notes pg How were America s industrial cities different from the typical city before 1860? (pgs ) KC 6.2.I.A Answer Details Mass Transit Skyscrapers Electricity 3. What opportunities did urban neighborhoods provide to immigrants and African Americans, and what problems did these newcomers face? (pgs ) The Italians African Americans Tenement buildings The Tenement House Law of 1901 Mutual aid societies

21 APUSH Period 6 Guided Reading Notes pg. 21 Part 9 Chapter How did working class elite city residents differ in how they spent their money and leisure time? (pgs ) KC 6.3.I.B and 6.3.I.C Vaudeville theater Coney Island Dumbbell Tenements Dance Halls and Ragtime Sex and the City treating and drag balls! High Society leisure time Yellow Journalism Muckrakers (Ida Tarbell/ David Graham Phillips)

22 APUSH Period 6 Guided Reading Notes pg Why, given that everyone agreed machines were corrupt, did urban voters support them? (pgs ) KC 6.2.I.D Political machines Tammany Hall Boss Tweed 3. How did reformers try to address the limits of machine government? To what extent did they succeed? (pgs ) List at least 3 tactics taken by reformers

23 APUSH Period 6 Guided Reading Notes pg. 23 Part 10 Chapter What were the origins of social settlements, and how did they develop over time? (pgs ) KC 6.3.I.C Hull House Jane Addams Margaret Sanger 2. What factors led to the close party competition in the 1880s? (pg. 638) KC 6.3.II.A Answer The Gilded Age The election of 1880 The election of 1884

24 APUSH Period 6 Guided Reading Notes pg. 24 Cont d from question 2 The election of 1888 Waving the bloody shirt

25 APUSH Period 6 Guided Reading Notes pg. 25 Part 11 Chapter How did the presidents expand federal power in the late 1800s? (pg ) Answer Details The Pendleton Act (6.3.II.A) The Sherman AntiTrust Act (6.1.II.C) The Interstate Commerce Act (6.1.II.C) 2. How did the political goals of Populists differ in this period from those of Democrats and Republicans? (pgs ) KC 6.1.II.A What smaller political parties joined to form the Populists? The Omaha Platform

26 APUSH Period 6 Guided Reading Notes pg How did different groups of Americans react to the economic depression of the 1890s, and what happened as a result? (pg ) KC 6.1.II.C Answer Details Coxey s Army Free silver policy The failure of the Populist Party

27 APUSH Period 6 Guided Reading Notes pg. 27 Part 12 Chapter How did politics change is the South between the 1880s and the 1910s? (pgs ) KC 6.1. III.C Answer Details Grandfather clauses/ poll taxes/ literacy tests lynching Williams v. Mississippi Convict leasing 2. What developments caused the percentage of Americans who voted to plunge after 1990, and what role did courts play in anti democratic developments? (pgs ) KC 6.1.III.C Answer Details William Jennings Bryan and his speech The election of 1900 Antidemocratic voting restrictions 17 th amendment Lochner v. New York

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