Dear A endees, Sincerely, Pam Bondi

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2 Dear A endees, Welcome to the 2015 Human Trafficking Summit. This year s event will serve as an opportunity to connect law enforcement officers, governmental professionals, educators, faith-based organiza ons and community leaders, allowing all par es to share innova ve strategies that address the crime of human trafficking. Human trafficking has been and will remain one of my top priori es, but it will take a broad coali on of partners to eradicate human trafficking in Florida. It is my hope that over the course of the summit you will obtain vital informa on and gain important contacts that will allow you to con nue making a difference in the lives of those affected by this heinous crime. I want to thank you for par cipa ng in this summit and for your con nued commitment and support for making Florida a zero tolerance state for human trafficking. Sincerely, Pam Bondi

3 S Wednesday, October 28, :00 p.m. Early Check-in Opens Thursday, October 29, :00 a.m. On-Site Check-In Con nued 9:00 a.m. Plenary Session: Welcome/Awards Presenta on/agency Head Panel 10:30 a.m. Break 11:00 a.m. Breakout Session A 12:30 p.m. Lunch 1:30 p.m. Breakout Session B 3:00 p.m. Break 3:30 p.m. Breakout Session C 5:00 p.m. Summit Concludes for the Day Friday, October 30, :00 a.m. Registra on Con nued 8:30 a.m. Plenary Session: State and Na onal Response to Human Trafficking 10:00 a.m. Break 10:30 a.m. Closing Plenary Session: Where do we go from here? 12:00 p.m. End of Summit

4 O P S T, O 29, 2015, 9:00 10:30 (Oval Theatre Room ) Facilitator: Terry Coonan, Florida State University, Center for the Advancement of Human Rights Pledge of Allegiance Student Representa ve, University of South Florida Invocation TBA Welcome The Honorable Rick Sco, Governor, State of Florida The Honorable Pam Bondi, A orney General, State of Florida Presentation of Awards The Honorable Pam Bondi, A orney General, State of Florida The Honorable Rick Sco, Governor, State of Florida The Honorable Pam Bondi, A orney General, State of Florida Terry Coonan, Florida State University, Center for the Advancement of Human Rights

5 A H P Panelists: Chris na Daly, Secretary, Florida Department of Juvenile Jus ce Mike Carroll, Secretary, Florida Department of Children and Families Ernesto Duarte, Lieutenant Colonel, Florida Highway Patrol Marty Stubblefield, Deputy Secretary for Administra on, Florida Department of Health Jesse Panuccio, Director, Florida Department of Economic Opportunity The Human Trafficking Summit s opening session will feature the leaders of several state agencies who are also leaders in the state of Florida when it comes to developing innova ve approaches to address and reduce the heinous crime of human trafficking and assist those affected by it. They will discuss their respec ve agency s nexus to human trafficking, while also addressing collabora ve models, ini a ves, and pilot projects developed to tackle this issue. Audience members will have the opportunity to engage the panelists in a Q&A session.

6 B S Session A - Thursday, October 29, 2015, 11:00 am - 12:30 pm Human Trafficking Survivor Panel (Ballroom A & B) Panel Facilitator: Mar na Vandenberg, Human Trafficking Pro Bono Legal Center Panelists: Evenlyn Chumbow, Shandra Woworuntu, Avelino Reloj This session will provide insight into gaps in iden fica on and service provision, along with policy recommenda ons for how to properly prevent human trafficking, as well as how to iden fy and provide for the needs of vic ms of human trafficking. Target Audience: Mental Health Professionals and Service Providers U.S. v. Xavier Villanueva, et al (Room 3709) Presenter: Sgt Patrick Guckian, Orlando Police Department A 14-year-old habitual runaway from Orlando is befriended and recruited by an adult female and groomed into trafficking. The vic m is then introduced, through the female recruiter, to a criminal street gang. The vic m is controlled through the drug molly (MDMA) and then put into commercial sex through internet pros tu on, street walking pros tu on, and providing sexual favors to other gang members. The use of cell phones, digital images uploaded onto computers and distributed through web sites, and use of a na onal hotel chain provide interstate nexus and the vic miza on at the hands of a street gang demonstrated organiza on of the offenders. Target Audience: Law Enforcement and Prosecutors - Iden fica on required to enter. LBGTQ and Human Trafficking: An Opportunity for Online Training (Room 2708) Panel Facilitator: Kristen Stablein, Chrysalis Health Panelists: Nathan Earl, Ark of Freedom; Bre Burlone, Zebra Founda on; John Robertson, Florida Network of Youth and Family Services Human Trafficking vic ms come from all segments of our society. This session will discuss the unique circumstances of the LBGTQ popula on and the challenges in iden fica on, inves ga ons and service provision. Target Audience: General Human Trafficking and the Faith-Based Community (Room 2709) Panel Facilitator: Gretchen Kerr, Northland, a Church Distributed Panelists: Michele Newsome, Florida Bap st Children s Home; Stephanie Peterson, Catholic Chari es; Do Groover- Skipper, Salva on Army, Divisional An -Trafficking Campaign Manager and The FREE Network Inspired by cases where the only contact a trafficking vic m had with others was when their trafficker permi ed him or her to a end church, this session will explore how the faith-based community can assist with iden fica on of poten al vic ms within their congrega on, as well as how members of the faith-based community can assist their local law enforcement and service providers in providing for the needs of survivors. Target Audience: General Missing & Exploited: Child Sex Trafficking Reporting and Recovery Planning (Ballroom C) Presenter/Facilitator: Melissa Snow, Na onal Center for Missing and Exploited Children The Na onal Center for Missing & Exploited Children operates as the na onal clearing house for missing children in the United States. Child sex trafficking vic ms are currently missing and ac vely being exploited. The first step toward vic m recovery is establishing a coordinated repor ng system that increases the visibility of child sex trafficking vic ms and the possibility of iden fica on. Addi onally, successful response systems require collabora ve, mul -disciplinary coordina on that include: child welfare, law enforcement, children s advocacy centers and specialized services and shelter placements. This session will address how to enhance our repor ng system and collabora ve response to CSEC as a state. Target Audience: Child Welfare, Juvenile Jus ce, Community-based Providers, Parents,Legal Guardians, Court Systems, Law Enforcement.

7 B S Session B - Thursday, October 29, 2015, 1:30 pm - 3:00 pm Services for Victims of Domestic Human Trafficking (Room 2708) Panel Facilitator: Alex Olivares, Florida Gulf Coast University Panelists: Natasha Nascimento, Redefining Refuge; Michelle Crum, Florida A orney General s Office; Nathan Earl, Ark of Freedom This session will review services that are available to children and adults, who are United States ci zens and were exploited through labor and/or sex trafficking. This panel will also outline helpful ps on how to navigate and coordinate state and federal benefits available for human trafficking survivors. Target Audience: Mental Health Professionals and Service Providers Understanding and Treating Sexually Exploited Girls (Ballroom A & B) Presenter/Facilitator: Kristen Stablein, Chrysalis Health This session will outline vic m iden fica on strategies and enhance a endees understanding of the various psychological effects experienced by female survivors of commercial sexual exploita on (CSEC). Clinical areas to be explored include: the effects of trauma on development, the con nuum from vic m to aggressor, the sexual abuse con nuum, strategies for becoming trustworthy adults to adult wary children and how the Stages of Change are useful in the treatment of resistant youth. Target Audience: Mental Health Professionals and Service Providers Challenges in Developing, Prosecuting, and Litigating Forced Labor and Commercial Sex Cases (Room 2709) Panel Facilitator: Terry Coonan, Florida State University, Center for the Advancement of Human Rights Panelists: Susan French, US Department of Jus ce (Ret.); Mar na Vandenberg, Human Trafficking Pro Bono Legal Center; Maria Jose Fletcher, VIDA Legal Assistance, Inc.; The Honorable Katherine Fernandez-Rundle (invited), State A orney, 11th Judicial Circuit of Florida This session will focus on the challenges of appropriately addressing the trauma that may be experienced by a human trafficking vic m throughout a trial and coordina ng all of the par es that may be involved with a human trafficking vic m when prosecu ng complex human trafficking cases. Some of the topics that will be explored are: coordina on between law enforcement/service providers/prosecutors, ensuring proper legal representa on for human trafficking vic ms, stabilizing vic ms and vic m readiness, competent appropriate translators, handling inconsistent statements and bias issues, confiden ality and privilege issues. Target Audience: Prosecutors, Service Providers, Immigra on A orneys Cellular Investigative Tools for Law Enforcement for Human Trafficking Case (Session closed to only sworn law enforcement officers and prosecutors) (Room 3709) Presenters: Amanda Stephens, Florida Department of Law Enforcement; Special Agent, Jose Ramirez, Florida Department of Law Enforcement This session is designed to inform law enforcement about innova ve ways to use cellular devices in human trafficking inves ga ons and in building cases against alleged human traffickers. Target Audience: Law Enforcement - Iden fica on required to enter. Processing of and Screening for Human Trafficking of Unaccompanied Immigrant Children (Room 3705) Co-Presenters/Facilitators: Adriana Dinis, Immigra on Law Group of Florida, P.A.; Kathlyn Mackovjak, Immigra on Law Group of Florida, P.A. Last year the United States witnessed a surge of unaccompanied minors at our borders, some of which have been iden fied as vic ms of human trafficking. In this session, a endees will learn who these children are, why they are coming and how immigra on processes them. In addi on, you learn about screening tools and the protec ons that are afforded to foreign vic ms of trafficking as well as available immigra on relief. Target Audience: General

8 B S Session C - Thursday, October 29, 2015, 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm How Civil Lawsuits Can Assist Victims of Trafficking (Room 3708) Presenter/Facilitator: Mar na Vandenberg, Human Trafficking Pro Bono Legal Center In the United States, trafficking survivors rarely have access to jus ce. In 2013, federal prosecutors brought just 161 criminal cases against traffickers in the en re country. Trafficked persons have significant rights under U.S. law, but they cannot exercise these rights without competent legal counsel. Pro bono a orneys can change the game, allowing trafficking survivors to par cipate fully in criminal cases against traffickers, and in launching civil suits against the perpetrators. The training will cover crime vic ms rights in federal criminal ma ers, criminal res tu on orders for vic ms, the Trafficking Vic ms Protec on Act, and civil li ga on against traffickers in federal courts. Par cipants will gain insight into all remedies available to trafficking survivors in the United States, including many legal rights overlooked for nearly a decade. Target Audience: General Human Trafficking of Transgender Children (Room 2709) Presenter/Facilitator: Nathan Earl, Ark of Freedom Biases and discrimina on severely complicate proper iden fica on of, and provision of care to, transgender vic ms of human trafficking. This session will address the necessity of singularly addressing the needs of the T when discussing the LGBTQ community, in order to create be er strategies for service provision to transgender individuals. Target Audience: General Human Trafficking Investigations and Prosecutions (Ballroom A & B) Panel Facilitator: Jenay E. Iurato, Esq., Iurato Law Firm Panelists: Susan French, US Department of Jus ce (Ret.); Sgt. Patrick Guckian, Orlando Police Department; Stacie Harris, U.S. Department of Jus ce; Julie Sercus, Florida A orney General s Office This panel will discuss the intricacies of iden fying, inves ga ng, corrobora ng and prosecu ng allega ons of Human Trafficking and the importance of the rela onship between law enforcement and prosecutors. Target Audience: Law Enforcement and Prosecutors DCF/DJJ Breakout (Ballroom C) Presenters: Bethany Brimer Gilot, Human Trafficking Director, Florida Department of Juvenile Jus ce; Sue Aboul-Hosn, Suncoast/Central Regional Criminal Jus ce Coordinator, Florida Department of Children and Families. This session is for DJJ, DCF and CBC staff who work with child vic ms of Human Trafficking. Recent legisla ve updates, agency procedures, collabora ve models and partnership building will all be discussed. The Human Trafficking Screening Tool will be reviewed along with data collected thus far. Target Audience: DJJ/DCF/CBC Staff Services for Foreign Born Victims of Human Trafficking (Room 2708) Panel Facilitator: Regina Bernadin, Interna onal Rescue Commi ee Panelists: Michelle Crum, Florida A orney General s Office; Stephanie Peterson, Catholic Chari es; Maria Jose Fletcher, VIDA Legal Assistance, Inc.; Laura Germino, Coali on of Immokalee Workers This session will explore the types of services needed to address the wide range of issues that foreign born vic ms of human trafficking face, as well as ps on how to navigate state and federal benefits. Target Audience: Service Providers

9 P S F, O 30, 2015, 8:30 10:00 (Oval Theatre Room ) A comparison and analysis of Juvenile Justice and Child Welfare s response to Human Trafficking. Keynote Speakers: Chris ne Raino, Shared Hope Interna onal, Vancouver, Washington Eliza Reock, Shared Hope Interna onal, Vancouver, Washington This presenta on will discuss and analyze Florida s shared responsibility and vic mcentered approach to human trafficking u lized by the Florida Department of Juvenile Jus ce and the Florida Department of Children and Families. This strategy places an emphasis on iden fica on, collabora on and service provision. New protocols, training ini a ves, successful statewide collabora on and strategies to create a statewide response to vic ms of human trafficking will be discussed. Other states responses will also be discussed and compared to Florida s to human trafficking.

10 C P S F, O 30, 2015, 10:15 11:45 (Oval Theatre Room ) The Implementation of Florida s Strategic Plan. Speaker: Terry Coonan, Florida State University, Center for the Advancement of Human Rights Did you know Florida has a strategic plan to address Human Trafficking and various state agencies have been working vigorously to implement it? Please join us for our closing session in which Terry Coonan from The Center for the Advancement of Human Rights will update the par cipants on the incredible work being done here in the state of Florida.

11 Sue Aboul-hosn joined the Florida Department of Children and Families in 2000; and in 2003 was qualified as an expert witness in child risk assessment. For the past twelve years she has been working as the Department of Children and Families Missing Child Specialist, Criminal Jus ce Coordinator and more recently, as the Regional Human Trafficking Coordinator. She has assisted in over 300 human trafficking inves ga ons that were received by the Department and Children and Families Abuse Hotline and has conducted over 100 missing children and human trafficking trainings. In 2006 she was the recipient of the Outstanding Performance Award from the Department of Children and Families and has been recognized by the Klaas Kids Founda on for her steadfast dedica on and perseverance to stop crimes against children. The Florida Coali on Against Human Trafficking and the Orlando Rescue and Restore Coali on honored Aboul-hosn with the Polaris Star Aboli onist award in January Sue holds a Bachelor of Science in Social Work and a Cer ficate of Professional Social Work Prac ce from Spalding University, Louisville, Kentucky. Ms. Regina Bernadin is a Program Manager at the Interna onal Rescue Commi ee in Miami, where she supervises the an -trafficking program and a project to assist unaccompanied migrant children in South Florida. Previously, she served as the Statewide Human Trafficking Coordinator with the Florida Department of Children and Families. Regina also conducts presenta ons and trainings na onally, in English and Spanish, on vic m iden fica on, service provision and collabora on. Interna onally, she has trained on the topic of conflict analysis and resolu on and the implementa on of an -trafficking ini a ves. Her interest in the development of human rights abroad has taken her to several countries, including Hai, Colombia, Ecuador, Suriname and Tanzania. She holds a B.A. in Interna onal Studies and Criminology from the University of Miami and an M.A in Interna onal Administra on and Cer ficate in Non-profit Management from that same ins tu on. Regina, a published author, is currently working on her PhD in Conflict Analysis and Resolu on at Nova Southeastern University. Bethany Brimer Gilot is the Human Trafficking Director for the Florida Department of Juvenile Jus ce (DJJ). Bethany joined the Department in 2014, a er working at non-profit organiza ons serving sex trafficking vic ms and survivors in both Miami, Florida and West Bengal, India. She has experience working with both adult and minor female vic ms of sex trafficking at mul ple levels of the con nuum of care. She has two Bachelor s in Psychology and Criminology and a Master s in Criminology all from Florida State University. Bethany currently sits on the Advisory Board for the Missing Endangered Persons Informa on Clearinghouse and represents the Florida Department of Juvenile Jus ce as a panelist at na onal mee ngs on human trafficking. Bre Burlone - Since 2013, Bre Burlone has served as the Clinical Manager for the Zebra Coali on, whose mission is to foster hope, dignity and self-respect in lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and all youth (LGBT+) and to provide them an opportunity to grow up in a safe, healthy and suppor ve environment. He oversees the clinical and case management services for the organiza on. Bre is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and has a Masters in Counseling and Psychology from Troy University. He specializes in working with HIV, substance abuse, and transgender needs.

12 Evelyn Chumbow - Evelyn is a survivor of Child Labor Trafficking. As a student at University of Maryland University College, she s focusing on Humanitarian work and Homeland Security. Where she comes from, lack of knowledge about Human Trafficking rights is an everyday reality. She is the first woman from her country of Cameroon in West Africa to have been fortunate in pursuing the knowledge of Human Trafficking. She is a full me undergraduate student at University of Maryland University College; she also is an intern at Baker & McKenzie LLP. She understands that she is in a unique posi on to do something about the Human Trafficking in West Africa, in her hometown and the rest of the world. When she reached the US, she was forced to cook, clean, and take care of the children of her trafficker, Theresa Mubang. She was never paid for her work, and any hope that she might escape her miserable life was undermined by the constant bea ngs she received from her trafficker. For seven years of her young teenage life, she lived in constant fear and worked day and night. She never road the school bus, went to a prom, hung out with friends a er school, and joined a dance team. Instead, she was a modern day slave, not in some far-flung country, but right here in the US. She has not seen her parents for eighteen years due to this situa on. A er all those years of cap vity, she finally escaped. Her trafficker was sentenced to 17 years in prison for what she did to her. Professor Terry Coonan is the founding execu ve director of the Florida State University Center for the Advancement of Human Rights, and teaches law, criminology, and film courses at FSU. He served as the lead researcher on the 2010 Florida Strategic Plan on Human Trafficking commissioned by the Florida Legislature and Governor s Office, and was an appointee of the Governor on The Florida Statewide Task Force to Combat Human Trafficking. He previously codirected the 2004 research project Florida Responds to Human Trafficking. Professor Coonan has trained law enforcement agencies and service providers na onwide on the Trafficking Vic m Protec on Act, and was one of the designers of the U.S. Jus ce Department training curriculum on human trafficking. He has led trainings on human trafficking for the U.S. Jus ce Department, the Na onal College of Judges, the Florida Sheriff s Associa on, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, the Florida Office of the A orney General, the Florida Prosecu ng A orneys Associa on, the Florida Department of Children and Families, the Florida Department of Health, the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regula on, and interna onally for the U.S. State Department. Professor Coonan was invited to the White House in 2012 to advise the Obama administra on on trafficking policy issues. Since 2004, Professor Coonan has assisted Florida legislators in dra ing Florida s statutes on human trafficking. As a prac cing a orney, he con nues to represent labor and sex trafficking vic ms throughout Florida.

13 Michelle Crum began her career serving vic ms of crime while volunteering as an advocate at the State A orney s Office. Her pursuit of a lifelong career helping those who have suffered from crime led her to the Bureau of Vic m Compensa on in 2005, where she was hired as a temporary claims analyst. Mrs. Crum was promoted to Program Administrator in 2007, and to Bureau Chief, in She is a Dean s List graduate from Florida State University holding a degree in criminology. She served on the Data Safety and Monitoring Board for the Early Social Interac on Project at Florida State University and the University of Michigan, and volunteered to provide cybercrime safety presenta ons to school children during the McCollum administra on. She has been awarded the Dis nguished Service Award, Davis Produc vity Award, Honorable Service Award, and in 2014 was presented the Building State Technology Capacity Grant from the Department of Jus ce which is being used to develop a web portal for vic ms to apply for compensa on online. Since 2013, Mrs. Crum has served as an ac ve member on the Na onal Associa on of Crime Vic m Compensa on Boards. She enjoys working with the remarkable team she leads and believes that listening with the intent to understand is key on the road to success. Adriana Dinis is an a orney with the Immigra on Law Group of Florida, P.A. ( ILGF ). In addi on she con nues to represent children through the GLS CHILD (Children s Immigra on Legal Defense) Project of Gulfcoast Legal Services where she represents children in immigra on proceedings, before the United States Ci zenship and Immigra on Services and in dependency ac ons. Adriana also provides training and technical assistance to law enforcement, community based organiza ons and a orneys on the immigra on benefits available to children. Prior to working at Gulfcoast Legal Services, Adriana was an intern at the A orney General s Office, Children Legal Services Division, in Tampa, Florida, a Diversity Fellow with Carlton Fields, PA and a Guardian Ad Litem. She earned her Bachelor s degree, with honors, from the University of Florida in 2005 and her law degree, with honors, from Stetson University College of Law in In 2010 Adriana was awarded the Hero Award from the Intercultural Advocacy Center in Clearwater, Florida for her work with immigrant children. Nathan Earl - Personal triumph over life experiences ins lled in Ark of Freedom s founder, Nathan Earl, a deep passion for advoca ng on behalf of vic mized youth. Nathan s life experiences, faith in God, and strategic insight have helped to mold him into a visionary, innova ve leader and change agent gi ed at inspiring others to embrace the movement to end the trafficking in humans. A er discovering cri cal gaps in treatment services for boys and young male vic ms of trafficking, Nathan felt a calling to step up and end the silent suffering of young male vic ms. On February 5, 2014, the vision became a reality when Nathan and founding supporters officially registered Ark of Freedom with the State of Florida as a not-for profit organiza on in Manatee County.

14 Since March 12, 1993, Katherine Fernandez Rundle has served Miami-Dade County as State A orney. Prior to that, she dedicated 15 years as an Assistant State A orney. When she later served as Chief Assistant, she acted as legal counsel to the Dade County Grand Jury. As such, she presented hundreds of murder and capital cases and oversaw the issuance of reports that ini ated major reforms in such areas as juvenile jus ce and revision of the building code following Hurricane Andrew. Her strong leadership and devo on to preven ng crime and the increased focus and successful prosecu on of career criminals are hallmarks of her administra on. Fernandez Rundle was a key partner in the crea on of Miami-Dade s Juvenile Assessment Center. This facility is intended to improve the working of our juvenile jus ce system by collec ng sufficient informa on on juvenile offenders in order to develop be er overall jus ce programming, be er diversion programs and create effec ve juvenile sentencing alterna ves for offenders. In 2014, A orney General Pam Bondi appointed Fernandez Rundle to the newly created Statewide Council on Human Trafficking, which is coordina ng efforts to fight sex trafficking and help vic ms heal and return to the community. The Miami-Dade state a orney s office human trafficking unit has been a leader in sex trafficking prosecu ons, filing 236 criminal cases in recent years. The office has more than 106 open inves ga ons and dedicates two prosecutors and an inves gator full- me to sex trafficking cases. Fernandez Rundle says Miami s efforts could become a model for the state and the country. Maria Jose T. Fletcher is a co-director and founder of VIDA Legal Assistance, Inc., a non-profit organiza on formed in February of 2011 to advance the rights of immigrant survivors of domes c violence, sexual assault, trafficking in persons and other violent crimes. Some of her du es include overall supervision of the agency s a orneys, paralegals, intern students and volunteers, as well as direct representa on of low-income immigrant vic ms of domes c violence, sexual assault, trafficking in persons, and other related violent crimes. Ms. Fletcher is ac vely involved in local, state and na onal domes c violence and vic m s rights organiza ons. She prepares and conducts educa onal presenta ons and trainings in the areas of immigra on, domes c violence, and trafficking in persons in the United States and interna onally. She has been invited to present at conferences, seminars and workshops by the US Department of State, the US Department of Jus ce, including the Office on Violence Against Women, and by na onal and interna onal non-governmental organiza ons to address the needs of immigrant survivors. Currently, Ms. Fletcher is a board member of the Na onal Resource Center on Domes c Violence. Recently, Ms. Fletcher completed a two year commitment as one of fi een members of the Na onal Advisory Commi ee on Violence Against Women, chartered by the US A orney General. The role of the commi ee was to provide recommenda ons on the preven on of domes c violence to the US Department of Jus ce and the US Department of Health and Human Services. Previously, Ms. Fletcher was a supervising a orney at Florida Immigrant Advocacy Center (FIAC, now Americans for Immigrant Jus ce) and the Director of Lucha: A Women s Legal Project from June 2000 un l February Ms. Fletcher has been an advisory board member of the Na onal Network to End Violence Against Immigrant Women for over ten years and a founding member and past co-chair of the Freedom Network to Empower Trafficked and Enslaved Persons (USA). She is presently the na onal coordinator of the Freedom Network Training Ins tute, a project of the Freedom Network USA, created to provide training and technical assistance to mul disciplinary audiences on the subject of trafficking in persons. She received a B.A. in Poli cal Science from the University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida and a J.D. from Nova Southeastern University, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.

15 Susan French received her BA from American University, Washington, DC and her JD from College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA. She has been both a state and federal prosecutor. She has inves gated and prosecuted labor and sex human trafficking cases on behalf of the United States throughout the 50 states, territories, and possessions. She has also served as lead counsel for trials including pretrial ma ers, jury selec on, witness development and tes mony, opening statements, closing arguments, and sentencing hearings. Susan has par cipated with federal, state, and local agents in ini al and follow-up vic m and non-vic m interviews employing a culturally sensi ve and vic m-centered approach (conducted or par cipated in over 700 vic m interviews from Asian, African, and Central American countries, and Mexico. She has also presented at human trafficking training programs and conferences in the United States and overseas. Susan currently serves as a Senior Staff A orney for the Interna onal Human Rights Clinic, Human Trafficking Project at the George Washington University Law School in Washington, DC. Laura Germino is the An -Slavery Campaign Coordinator for the Florida-based Coali on of Immokalee Workers (CIW), a community organiza on of over 4,000 migrant farm worker members that gives farm workers themselves a voice in forging solu ons to the problems that they face. Ms. Germino and her co-workers have uncovered and inves gated numerous violent mul -state slavery opera ons in the agricultural industry of the southeastern United States since the early 1990s, resul ng in successful federal prosecu ons of the opera ons ringleaders and the libera on of over 1,000 workers held against their will. The An -Slavery Campaign has now entered in its preven on phase in the tomato industry, involving enforceable zero-tolerance policy for slavery in the supply chain with market consequences. Ms. Germino is also a co-founder of the na onal Freedom Network Training Ins tute (FNTI), training a wide range of NGOs and law enforcement agencies on how to iden fy and put a stop to modern-day slavery opera ons. She helped develop the curriculum for the Florida Department of Law Enforcement s course on Advanced Inves ga ve Techniques in Human Trafficking and contributed to the Na onal Sheriffs Associa on guidebook on first response to immigrant vic ms of crime. She has conducted many presenta ons on forced labor both na onally and interna onally, including at the OSCE s technical seminar in Vienna on agricultural labor trafficking, the 15th World Congress on Criminology in Barcelona, and the Second Interna onal Symposium on Vic m Assistance in Medellin, Colombia. She received a 2005 le er of commenda on from FBI Director Robert Mueller, and accepted on behalf of the CIW the 2007 An -Slavery Award from An -Slavery Interna onal of London. In 2010, Ms. Germino received the U.S. Department of State Trafficking in Persons (TIP) Hero Ac ng to End Modern-Day Slavery Award from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton for her perseverance against slavery opera ons in the U.S. agricultural industry and determina on to eliminate forced labor in supply chains. Ms. Germino has an M.A. in Interna onal Economics and Social Change and Development from the Johns Hopkins School for Advanced Interna onal Studies (SAIS).

16 Do Groover Skipper believes in dynamic living through servant leadership! Since gradua ng from the University of South Florida, Dot has facilitated expert programming to impact posi ve policy change in tobacco, alcohol, gambling, substance abuse, addic on, and sex trade and has helped develop numerous sustainable community coali ons. Dot is a cer fied candidate for ordina on in the United Methodist Church. She has operated at the na onal level at the UMC General Board of Church and Society in Washington, DC to mobilize and train clergy and faith communi es to engage in issues of human rights and social jus ce. She founded HeartDance Founda on, a ministry through the Underground Church in Ybor City, dedicated to restora on of men, women, and children recovering from addic on and sex trade. Dot is credited as a catalyst in Hillsborough County to peak ac on against human trafficking in Tampa Bay and recently recognized by Florida Governor Rick Sco and Florida A orney General Pam Bondi, as the Human Trafficking Advocate of the Year for the State of Florida In March 2014, she was recognized for her reless work as a Woman of Dis nc on by the Girl Scouts of West Central Florida. In addi on, Dot was a finalist in the WEDU 2014 Be More Awards and received the 2014 Florida Achievement Award from the Florida Commission On the Status of Women. Dot serves as Chair for the FREE. The Slavery Survival Network, serves as Commissioner on the Hillsborough County Commission On the Status of Women, on the State of Florida Department of Juvenile Jus ce Strategic and Planning Commi ees for the State-Wide Human Trafficking Ini a ve and recently appointed by Florida A orney General Pam Bondi to the newly formed Statewide Council On Human Trafficking. Dot and serves on the board of the Hillsborough County An -Drug Alliance and currently employed as the Florida An -Trafficking Coordinator for the Salva on Army. Master Sergeant Patrick Guckian has been with the Orlando Police Department since He has conducted and supervised more than 80 human trafficking inves ga ons from ini al vic m interview through successful prosecu on. He has made numerous human trafficking training presenta ons to law enforcement officers, nongovernmental organiza ons, governmental organiza ons, and vic m service providers throughout Florida. Patrick Guckian was honored as the Florida Department of Juvenile Jus ce Law Enforcement Officer of the Year (2013), the Florida Chapter of the Na onal Associa on of Social Worker s Public Ci zen of the Year (2014), and the US A orney s Office, Middle District of Florida, Outstanding Law Enforcement Officer (2015). Stacie Harris, a member of the Florida Bar, is an Assistant United States A orney (AUSA) for the Middle District of Florida, Tampa Division. Prior to her appointment by A orney General Eric Holder in 2008, AUSA Harris was a li ga on associate at the Tampa law firm of Hill, Ward, and Henderson. Since joining the Department of Jus ce, AUSA Harris has prosecuted a wide range of crimes, focusing on violent crimes, child exploita on, and sex trafficking cases. AUSA Harris has successfully prosecuted complex cases, supported and assisted law enforcement agencies in the fight against human trafficking, and worked to raise public awareness about the issue. She is an ac ve par cipant in the Central Florida Crimes Against Children Task Force and the Clearwater/ Tampa Bay Area Task Force on Human Trafficking, both of which inves gate and prosecute minor and interna onal sex trafficking crimes.

17 AUSA Harris is currently the Human Trafficking Coordinator for the Middle District of Florida. She was a presenter at the Interna onal Associa on of Human Trafficking Inves gators, and taught Domes c Minor Sex Trafficking Inves ga ons to a group of lawyers, judges and professors from Brazil in prepara on for the 2013 World Cup and 2016 Summer Olympics. On October 3, 2013, Governor Rick Sco, along with Florida A orney General Pam Bondi awarded Ms. Harris with the dis nguished honor of Prosecutor of the Year for the significant impact that she has made on the issue of human trafficking. She was also recently selected to receive a 2014 Florida Mul cultural Leadership Award from the Florida Diversity Council and she has been recognized by the Federal Bureau of Inves ga on for her accomplishments regarding human trafficking, including receiving the FBI pres gious Director s Award. Jenay E. Iurato graduated with a B.S. in Business Administra on and B.A. in Spanish from Pepperdine University, in Malibu, Calif. In 2000, she received her J.D. and M.B.A. from Stetson University College of Law. A er working as a senior li ga on associate with Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick, in Tampa, Fla., she founded Iurato Law Firm, PL in 2010, where she is now co-managing member with her husband, Kevin. Her prac ce areas include: commercial li ga on, health law, and labor & employment represen ng management and corpora ons. Lurato also serves as local counsel to out-of-state law firms. Lurato has been recognized as a 2015 Florida Super Lawyer and a Florida Rising Star ( ) by Super Lawyers magazine. She was also recognized as a Florida Trend s Legal Elite in 2014 and 2015, and Legal Elite Up & Comer in Lurato is also a recipient of the Tampa Bay Business Journal s 2009 Up & Comers Award. In 2009, Lurato also par cipated in Leadership Tampa and received Stetson s Outstanding Alumni Representa ve Award. In 2014, Lurato received Stetson University s President s Award and was elected to serve on Stetson University College of Law s Board of Overseers. In 2015, Lurato was selected to be a part of The Florida Bar Wm. Reece Smith, Jr. Leadership Academy. Lurato is an ac ve member of her community serving on the board of directors for several professional and community organiza ons. As part of her work with the Junior Leagues of Florida, she has advocated in Tallahassee and across the State of Florida, on behalf of more than 11,000 women, on legisla on affec ng women, children, and vic ms of human trafficking. In addi on, Lurato serves as a moderator and coordinator of numerous human trafficking programs, CLE s and trainings and works as a pro bono a orney with Brent Woody, Lead Counsel/Execu ve Director of West Florida Center for Trafficking Advocacy, Inc. In 2013, Lurato served as the keynote speaker at the Hillsborough County Bar Associa on s 17th Annual Bench Bar Conference Luncheon tled Stand Up For Jus ce and spoke about human trafficking. Lurato also served as a panelist to speak on violence against women and human trafficking at the USF Women in Leadership and Philanthropy 8th Annual Symposium in In 2014, Lurato served as a panelist at the Hillsborough County Bar Associa on Immigra on and Na onality Sec on Luncheon to speak on human trafficking in the Tampa Bay Area. The Tampa Hispanic Bar Associa on honored Lurato at its Eighth Annual Scholarship Gala in 2014, with the Luis Tony Cabassa Award for her human trafficking advocacy and pro bono legal assistance to human trafficking survivors. In 2015, Lurato served as a panelist and coordinated human trafficking presenta ons for the Goldburg-Cacciatore Criminal Inn and Carrollwood Community Bar Associa on.

18 Dr. Gretchen Kerr helps Northland build collabora ve rela onships within the community and among government, nonprofits and other churches. The distributed service team has a heart for people in need from the congrega on and the community. Life Crossroads, LifeHope and Local Life Service teams along with many volunteers, serve those who face trials and unforeseen circumstances in their lives ranging from prison and jail transi on to disaster response and from LifeHope (benevolence) needs to homeless families of Seminole County. Gretchen helped to develop Resource Point ( a collabora ve for case management, data collec on and community collabora on, and provides the knowledge of resources within the community. Social jus ce issues are at the heart of Gretchen s ministry ac vi es, most recently an -human trafficking endeavors and serving orphans through foster care and adop on opportuni es. Kathlyn M. Mackovjak has been prac cing immigra on law for over 10 years. She was a supervising a orney of the immigra on unit at Gulfcoast Legal Services for many years where she focused on the issues of human trafficking, immigrant vic ms of crime and unlawful deten on of immigrants in the U.S. Ms. Mackovjak was also an adjunct professor at Stetson Law School and coordinated and taught an immigra on law clinic for law students from She has an undergraduate degree in environmental engineering from the University of Florida, and graduated cum laude from the Washington College of Law at American University in Washington, DC. In the early 1990 s she was a volunteer with the Peace Corps in Mali, West Africa. She then worked as an environmental engineer for the Interna onal Commi ee of the Red Cross in Rwanda, Angola, the Republic of Congo, Kosovo and Afghanistan. She is now a principal and shareholder at Immigra on Law Group of Florida, P.A. She is licensed to prac ce law in New York and Florida. Natasha Nascimento - A er earning her Bachelor of Science Degree in Interdisciplinary Social Sciences at the University of South Florida, Natasha worked as a Financial Advisor for an Interna onal investment firm in Tampa and has since gone on to pursue her Master s Degree in Public Administra on with the University of Southern California. While her educa onal background and professional experience have served her well, Natasha s life passion aims to bring awareness to, and provide resources to vic ms of Human Trafficking. Since its incep on, Redefining Refuge has been featured on a WEDU Documentary highligh ng the organiza on s advocacy efforts, as well as the prevalence of Sex Trafficking in Tampa Bay (www. and was awarded the Spirit of Humanity Award by the DeBartolo Family Founda on. They have since been invited to the State s Capitol to present both the challenges and successes of providing Safe Housing to Minor Vic ms of Sex Trafficking to The Florida House of Representa ves Healthy Families Subcommi ee, as well as the Florida Stands Against Human Trafficking Legisla ve Caucus; and were featured as a trusted Resource Provider during the 2013 Statewide Human Trafficking Summit at the University of South Florida. More recently we were invited to Washington, DC to represent the State of Florida during the Shared Hope Interna onal JuST Response Congressional Briefing: Mapping State Responses to Sex Trafficked Youth.

19 Michele M. Newsome serves as the Director of The Porch Light. She is responsible for the oversight of the vic ms, staff and volunteers of the program s safe home, as well as educa on and preven on efforts. Michele graduated with a bachelor s degree in criminology from Saint Leo University and served in law enforcement as a police officer and detec ve for 24 years. She worked as a patrol officer, school resource officer and as a detec ve inves ga ng crimes against children that include emo onal, physical and sexual abuse. A graduate of Webster University, Michele has her master s degree in mental health counseling. She is a registered intern working toward licensure. She has a history of working with vic ms of sexual abuse, offenders and those with sexual addic ons. Michele and her husband, Buddy, are co-founders of F.A.I.T.H. Riders, a motorcycle ministry at First Bap st Church at the Mall. Michele and Buddy have been married 18 years and have 3 grown children and 5 adopted children they sponsor in Moldova. Michele and Buddy enjoy traveling and serving orphaned children in Moldova by partnering with Jus ce and Mercy Interna onal to sponsor orphaned and abandoned children into transi onal living. Transi onal living affords these children hope and the opportunity to succeed while keeping them from entering a life of crime and trafficking. Rafael (Alex) Olivares received his degree in clinical psychology in 2004 from the Catholic University of Santo Domingo. Since that me, he has worked in various social service se ngs. Ini ally he worked as a clinician for the HES psychiatric outpa ent program in Lawrence, MA. During his two years there he worked with the chronically mentally ill and received cer fica ons in mo va onal interviewing and the dialec cal behavioral therapy group model. A er reloca ng to Florida, he began working as a non-residen al counselor for Lutheran Services Florida. He then became the Residen al Program Director of the Oasis Youth Shelter for truant, ungovernable and runaway children between the ages of ten to seventeen. In October of 2009 he became the Program Director for Human Trafficking Services for Catholic Chari es and together with his team, has provided services to over 85 vic ms of trafficking in the SWFL region un l February, The Human Trafficking program provides community outreach and presenta ons as well as intensive case management services to survivors of Human Trafficking. In October 2011 Alex was elected Chairman of the Southwest Florida Human Trafficking Coali on, a posi on he held un l February of During his me with the coali on, the organiza on expanded to mul ple coun es and hosted various symposiums on Human Trafficking in our local area. He is also a member of the local Task Force and regularly provides training and outreach to the SWFL community on Human Trafficking. He obtained a Master s Degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling from Hodges University. Mr. Olivares completed an internship at Abuse Counseling and Treatment Inc., where he was cer fied as a domes c violence advocate by the Florida Coali on against Domes c Violence. Currently he is the Coordinator for the Florida Gulf Coast University Resource Center on Human Trafficking as well as one of the Clinicians in the Human Trafficking Vic ms Assistance.

20 Stephanie Peterson co-founded an interna onal NGO in 2008 with the goal to improve quality of life through a be er understanding of poverty and its gripping cycle. Through this journey, she was able to study the root causes of poverty and its rela onship to secondary effects such as migra on, crime and various types of trafficking. She became an Emergency Medical Technician in 2010 and obtained her degree in Health Science from Kaplan University in While studying online, she lived abroad and worked in disaster relief and health-improvement ini a ves in countries including El Salvador, Hai and Honduras. In 2011, Stephanie completed an internship with MAP Interna onal in Ecuador, researching and compiling public health data to measure long-term outcomes of water quality on communi es throughout the country. She also learned Spanish during this me and her bilingual/bicultural skills were invaluable while working with the popula ons where she lived. Since gradua ng, she returned to the United States. Through her interest in the effects of desperate situa ons and extreme poverty, she now works with human trafficking survivors as a case manager for Catholic Chari es Human Trafficking Vic m Assistance Program. The program assists foreign and domes c adults and children previously involved in labor or sex trafficking. Chris ne Raino joined Shared Hope Interna onal in 2011 as part of the Protected Innocence Challenge. As a member of the Protected Innocence team, Chris ne helped dra the legal analysis of the 50 states and District of Columbia that laid the founda on for the Protected Innocence Challenge Report Cards. As Policy Counsel, Chris ne con nues to focus on issues of domes c minor sex trafficking and leads the management of Protected Innocence Challenge components, including the Demanding Jus ce Project, which directly addresses the issue of demand for sex trafficked minors by researching enforcement of the state laws analyzed under the demand components of the Protected Innocence Framework. Chris ne is responsible for advocacy efforts to further the protec on of sex trafficking vic ms through legisla ve change consistent with the Protected Innocence Framework and provides technical assistance to legislators dra ing bills to combat sex trafficking. Jose Ramirez is a Special Agent at the Florida Department of Law Enforcement assigned to the Orlando Region. Ramirez is a graduate of Columbia College, where he received his Bachelor s Degree in Criminal Jus ce Administra on. Ramirez has more than 20 years of law enforcement inves ga ve experience, which includes narco cs trafficking, organized and violent crime inves ga ons. Currently, Ramirez is assigned to the Organized Crime Squad of the Metropolitan Bureau of Inves ga on responsible for inves ga ng all human trafficking/organized crime related incidents. Ramirez has been the case agent on Florida s first human trafficking convic on and the state s first, jury trial, life imprisonment convic on under F.S , which prohibits the crime of human trafficking, a law that was implemented in October of Avelino Reloj was born and raised in the Philippines. He was working as a room a endant in a hotel but was laid off because the hotel was closing down. Avelino was hired as a janitor in a par cular hotel in Missouri. Upon his transit in Japan airport, he was told he was not going to Missouri, but instead he would go to Florida. When he arrived in Florida, he was forced to sign a new contract to be a room a endant instead of a janitor. A er a few days his employer came to collect his passport, and told him and the other workers to be good to their workplace or else they would be deported. He eventually escaped and founded Coali on to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking (CAST). They provided him with legal services and case management. Avelino now speaks publically to raise awareness for Human Trafficking.

21 Eliza Reock - As Director of Programs for Shared Hope Interna onal, Eliza Reock manages the funding and development of restora on programs, monitors and evaluates current restora on partners and works to iden fy leading field techniques to develop direct service provision systems for sex trafficking survivors. She provides cri cal policy support to Shared Hope in the areas of establishing protec ons against Internet facilita on of child sex trafficking and developing protec ve system response mechanisms for iden fying and serving sex trafficking survivors, and was instrumental in launching Shared Hope s JuST Response program. John Robertson, M.S., is the Program Services Director for the Florida Network of Youth and Family Services. John sees policy from the inside out, always picturing the impact that decisions will have on the youth in care, their families, and the youth care workers who we rely on to execute our missions. Current policy discussions and recent legisla on regarding vic ms of domes c minor sex trafficking creates new challenges to service provision as we know it in short-term residen al care. Building from a perspec ve of posi ve youth development, he seeks to answer hard ques ons about who we serve and how we serve them. His efforts in an -trafficking work began with the southeastern U.S. regional Reaching Out Project to develop services for minor vic ms of all forms of human trafficking in runaway and homeless youth programs. He also managed the ini al process to train and educate child abuse inves gators and hotline counselors to iden fy, rescue, and restore minor vic ms of trafficking. He has worked with Case Family Programs, in support of the Indian Child Welfare Act, to assist tribal child welfare systems to recognize signs of trafficking and to prevent vulnerabili es to trafficking through strong youth development based principles. He now works for the Florida Network for Youth and Family Services, serving their membership of agencies commi ed to reducing juvenile crime and promo ng public safety through an array of preven on-based family crisis interven on services. Julie Sercus is an Assistant Statewide Prosecutor with the Florida A orney General s Office of Statewide Prosecu on. Sercus graduated with a Bachelor of Arts Degree from the University of Miami. She has a Juris Doctorate Degree from Widener University School of Law in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Sercus began her legal career as an Assistant State A orney in Miami-Dade County where she served as an Assistant Chief of the Career Criminal/Robbery Unit. While at the Miami- Dade SAO, Sercus successfully prosecuted misdemeanor, juvenile and felony cases including First Degree Murder and Armed Home Invasions. In 2003, Sercus entered the world of civil li ga on where she defended automo ve manufacturers in Product Liability cases and defended insurance carriers and their insureds in personal injury claims. A er prac cing civil li ga on for 10 years, Sercus returned to public service in 2013 when she joined the Office of Statewide Prosecu on. Sercus serves as the point of contact within the Tampa Office of Statewide Prosecu on for cases involving human trafficking. In October, 2014, Sercus, along with a colleague, tried Peter Ki in a RICO case involving sex trafficking. The case was tried in Pinellas County and Ki was convicted of RICO and Conspiracy to Engage in a Pa ern of Racketeering Ac vity. Ki was sentenced to 30 years in Florida State Prison. Sercus currently prosecutes cybercrimes, sex crimes, drug trafficking, and white-collar crimes; however, her main focus is on the prosecu on of human trafficking cases.

22 Melissa Snow is the Child Sex Trafficking Program Specialist for the Na onal Center for Missing and Exploited Children. In her current role, she provides assistance with vic m advocacy and services planning to law enforcement and social services both before and a er recovery. Melissa is the former Director of the An -Trafficking Program for TurnAround, Inc ( ). The An - Trafficking Program works with state agencies, law enforcement and community organiza ons to provide emergency response and specialized, comprehensive care for survivors of sex trafficking. During her me as the Director of the An -Trafficking Program for TurnAround, Inc., Melissa developed and successfully launched a community-based drop-in center and long-term residen al program for survivors of sex trafficking. Addi onally, she established a partnership with the MD Department of Juvenile services, which implemented a child sex trafficking screening tool for flagging high-risk youth. Melissa is the former Director of Programs for Shared Hope Interna onal ( ). In 2006, she began direc ng a three-year research project in ten U.S. loca ons into the child sex trafficking of United States funded by the U.S. Department of Jus ce. The project led to published assessments of the iden fica on and delivery of services to vic ms of child sex trafficking in each of the 10 loca ons. Furthermore, this research was compiled into the Na onal Report on Domes c Minor Sex Trafficking: America s Pros tuted Children, released in July During her me at Shared Hope Interna onal, Melissa was also responsible for the management, development, and evalua on of nine sex trafficking preven on and restora on projects interna onally and in the United States. She has collaborated with law enforcement and service providers in Fiji, Nepal, India, Jamaica, South Africa and Japan to provide training and technical assistance in vic m iden fica on and response. Melissa earned her Master s in Global Development and Social Jus ce from St. John s University. She obtained her Bachelor s degree in Sociology and Poli cal Science from the University of Colorado in Kris n Stablein is the Director of Residen al Services for Chrysalis Health, a community mental health agency which operates group homes for adolescent boys and girls in foster care. Chrysalis specializes in group care for youth who are deemed difficult to place due to their behaviors. Most of the youth placed with Chrysalis are from the Crossover popula on, who have both dependency and delinquency court involvement, also many of the girls are vic ms of Domes c Minor Sex Trafficking. Through Kris n s leadership and dedica on to providing Strength-Based Gender Responsive Programming, the pain-based behaviors exhibited by these adolescents are acknowledged as the youths coping mechanisms and responses to the traumas they have endured throughout their lives. For the past 2 years Kris n has been an ac ve member of the Human Trafficking Coali ons subcommi ee STARS in Broward, Palm Beach and Orange County. The commi ees focus on issues related to Domes c Minor Sex Trafficking and the coordina on of community-based services. She also assists in the facilita on of mul disciplinary staffing for all youth referred through the Florida Abuse Hotline for human trafficking in Broward and Palm Beach Coun es. In addi on, Kris n has served on the Execu ve Board of the Broward County Human Trafficking Coali on and con nues to work with community providers to meet the needs of vic ms of Domes c Minor Sex Trafficking. Through her engagement in group homes, to community involvement and advocacy on Domes c Minor Sex Trafficking, Kris n is having a direct effect on the at-risk youth in mul ple coun es in the state of Florida. Amanda Bartolomé Stephens - A er gradua ng from the University of Central Florida with a Bachelor s Degree in Criminal Jus ce, Amanda began her career with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE). In the 10+ years she has been with FDLE, seven of those years have been as a senior crime intelligence analyst. In this capacity, she has supported and provided assistance to every inves ga ve division within FDLE, from Public Integrity to Cyber Crimes and Crimes Against Children. For the last 4 years she has also provided support to the Orlando Electronic Surveillance Support Team (ESST), an FDLE Task Force specializing in Cellular Inves ga ons. Amanda is the first full- me analyst in the state of Florida assigned to an ESST Unit.

23 Mar na Vandenberg has spent nearly two decades figh ng human trafficking, forced labor, rape as a war crime, and violence against women. Vandenberg has represented vic ms of human trafficking pro bono in immigra on, criminal, and civil cases. Widely regarded as an expert on an array of human rights issues, she has tes fied before the Senate Judiciary Subcommi ee on Human Rights and the Law, the Helsinki Commission, the House Foreign Affairs Commi ee, and the House Armed Services Commi ee. A former Human Rights Watch researcher, she spearheaded inves ga ons into human rights viola ons in the Russian Federa on, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Uzbekistan, Kosovo, Israel, and Ukraine, and authored the first published report documen ng human trafficking in Israel. She is the author of two Human Rights Watch reports, Hopes Betrayed: Trafficking of Women and Girls to Post-Conflict Bosnia & Herzegovina for Forced Pros tu on, and Kosovo: Rape as a Weapon of Ethnic Cleansing. While living in the Russian Federa on, she co-founded Syostri, one of Russia s first rape crisis centers for women. Vandenberg established The Human Trafficking Pro Bono Legal Center in 2012 with generous support from the Open Society Founda ons (OSF) Fellowship Program. Before she became an OSF Fellow, Vandenberg was a partner at Jenner & Block LLP, where she focused on complex commercial li ga on and internal inves ga ons under the Foreign Corrupt Prac ces Act. She served as a senior member of the firm s Pro Bono Commi ee. She received the 2006 Albert E. Jenner, Jr. Pro Bono Award for her successful representa on of trafficking vic ms in United States federal courts and her advocacy before Congress. As pro bono advocacy counsel to the Freedom Network USA, Vandenberg received the Paul and Sheila Wellstone Award for her outstanding leadership and dedica on in working to combat human trafficking and slavery in the United States. A Rhodes Scholar and Truman Scholar, Vandenberg has also taught as adjunct faculty at the American University Washington College of Law. Shandra Woworuntu has a Bachelor of finance and Banking Management from her na ve country, Indonesia. She founded Mentari Human Trafficking Survivor Empowerment Program, a non-profit organiza on in New York. Shandra is survivor of human trafficking and domes c violence. She joins the fight against modernday slavery globally through educa on and legisla ve advocacy. In 2011, Shandra started a leadership program called Voices of Hope, which is facilitated by Safe Horizon, New York. She is a consultant and speaker who gives her me to schools, communi es and organiza ons. She is a policy champion of the Na onal Survivor Network. She works closely with diverse survivors, advocates and government agencies. Shandra has tes fied at human trafficking vic m services budget hearings in New York City and at hearings in New York State on the Trafficking Vic m Protec on and Jus ce Act (TVPJA). She has also tes fied before the United States Senate, Commi ee on Foreign Rela ons. In 2013, Shandra represented the United States at the Global Exchange Program hosted by Vital Voices and Hilton Worldwide, as a leader to fight against the sex trafficking of women and children interna onally. In 2014, Shandra par cipated at the first Federal Survivor Forum Listening Session at the White House, and she was appointed by Governor Chris Chris e to be Human Trafficking Commissioner in New Jersey. Recently, Shandra established the Mentari Human trafficking Survivor Empowerment Program representa ve office in Indonesia.

24 REPORT SUSPECTED TRAFFICKING Na onal Human Trafficking Hotline Phone: Text info or help to BeFree (233733) Online: h p:// onal-human-trafficking-hotline/report-a- p The Florida Department of Children and Families Child Abuse Hotline * Phone: Fax: Online: * Minor vic ms only Thank you to the generous sponsors of the 2015 Florida Human Trafficking Summit.


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