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1 JAMES MAD I SON College Sherman W. Garnett, DEAN James Madison College provides a liberal education in public affairs for un der grad u ates. This means, among other things, that the pri mary ac tiv ity as a fac ulty and staff is un der grad u ate teach - ing. The college is ded i cated to the high est stan dards of ex cel - lence, both for the stu dents and the fac ulty and staff. The curriculum and individual courses are multidisciplinary, cultivating in the stu dents skills of rig or ous thought, lu cid prose writ ing, and ar tic u late speech. The res i den tial en vi ron ment nur tures a collegium of schol ars among stu dents, fac ulty, and staff. The ex - cel lent re sources of the wider university en rich the pro gram as a whole. James Mad i son Col lege es tab lished it self in Since then with an en roll ment of ap prox i mately 1200 stu dents, the Col - lege has grad u ated nu mer ous Rhodes Scholars, Tru man Scholars, Mar shall Scholars, Fulbright Scholars, Na tional Sci - ence Foundation Fellows, MSU s first Mitch ell Scholar, and reg u - larly rep re sents a high per cent age of Mich i gan State Uni ver sity's Phi Beta Kappa class. Its un der grad u ate pro gram leads to a Bach e lor of Arts de gree in one of four ma jors: Com par a tive Cul tures and Pol i tics, In ter na - tional Relations, Political Theory and Constitutional Democracy, and So cial Re la tions and Policy. It of fers a rig or ous pro gram with distinctive attention to written work, analytical writing, critical thinking, give-and-take class discussion and collaborative work. Stu dents have an op por tu nity to study how pub lic is sues de velop and how the var ied pub lic and pri vate in sti tu tions of so ci ety func - tion, in the United States and glob ally. The fac ulty of James Mad i son Col lege have been re cruited from a num ber of inter-re lated fields: Amer i can stud ies, eco nom - ics, history, sociology, political science and political theory. The college emphasizes teaching excellence, individualized attention to stu dents and schol arly re search in pub lic af fairs. Its courses are con ducted as ei ther lec ture-dis cus sion or col lab o ra tive classes in which stu dent par tic i pa tion is en cour aged and of ten ex - pected. A typ i cal class fo cuses on such is sues as how glob al iza - tion af fects civil so ci ety, or how the o ries of jus tice evolve into sys tems of laws, or how a so ci ety's cul tural and so cial val ues in - flu ence its eco nomic de vel op ment. In short, the em pha sis through out the pro gram is on the dy nam ics of pub lic af fairs and public decision making. Com pe tency in writ ing is strongly em pha sized for all stu dents in James Mad i son Col lege. In ad di tion to a re quired two se mes ter First-year Writ ing Pro gram, re search pa pers and other writ ing as - sign ments have been in cor po rated into the re quire ments for each of the fields of con cen tra tion and all James Mad i son Col lege courses. The college is an ex cel lent choice for any stu dents aim ing at careers in government, politics, administration, business, foreign service, or considering post-baccalaureate studies: pre-law stu - dents, stu dents plan ning to pur sue grad u ate study in one of the social science fields, business and public administration. In - cluded in the James Mad i son Col lege pro gram is a con cen trated ju nior or se nior year Field Ex pe ri ence in which stu dents work for an agency of gov ern ment, a private organization, non-profit orga - nization, journalism or a corporation. The full-time internship is in - tended to pro vide stu dents with the op por tu nity to con nect their ed u ca tion to the realm of prac tice. Place ments are avail able through out the United States and in ter na tion ally. The to tal en roll ment in James Mad i son Col lege is over 1200 stu dents, so that the college is able to pro vide a small col lege en vi ron ment on the Mich i gan State Uni ver sity cam pus. Fac ulty mem bers de vote a sub stan tial amount of time to in di vid ual stu - dent ad vise ment; as a re sult, pro grams of study are de signed to satisfy the academic needs, intellectual curiosity, and career goals of each stu dent. In ad di tion, the home of the college is Case Res i dence Hall, which in cludes not only the res i dence hall rooms of its on-cam pus students, but also faculty offices, classrooms, dining facilities, a college li brary, sem i nar rooms, and a com puter lab o ra tory. In the evenings, cultural programs, speakers, presentations and other extracurricular events are regularly scheduled. At the same time, the college's stu dents are full mem bers of the Mich i gan State Uni - ver sity stu dent body. They take ap prox i mately half their courses in other units of the university and en joy all ben e fits of liv ing on a large, bountiful campus. 1

2 Re quire ments for the Bach e lor of Arts De gree in James Mad i son Col lege Stu dents ad mit ted to Mich i gan State Uni ver sity are also ad mis - si ble to James Mad i son Col lege. En roll ments in the college are, how ever, lim ited. Pro spec tive first year and trans fer stu dents should no tify the Mich i gan State Uni ver sity Of fice of Ad mis sions as early as pos si ble of their de sire to en roll in the dollege. Limited num bers of cur rently en rolled Mich i gan State Uni ver sity stu dents may also be el i gi ble to trans fer into the dollege; such stu dents are en cour aged to con tact the Di rec tor of Ad mis sions in the college early in the fall se mes ter. Sub ject to space avail abil ity, stu dents may trans fer into the college or from the college to other pro grams un til their ju nior year with out de lay ing com ple tion of their de grees. ADDITIONAL MAJORS. Stu dents who elect to pur sue ad di tional ma jors should no tify the James Mad i son Col lege Di rec tor of Ac a - demic Af fairs or their ad vi sor as early as pos si ble in or der to plan their academic program. For additional information, see the Addi - tional Ma jor en try in the Undergraduate Education sec tion of this catalog. Re quire ments for the Bach e lor of Arts De gree in James Mad i son Col lege 1. The Uni ver sity re quire ments for bach e lor's de grees as de scribed in the Undergradu - ate Education sec tion of this cat a log; 120 cred its, in clud ing gen eral elec tive cred its, are re quired for the Bach e lor of Arts de gree in James Mad i son Col lege.1 The com ple tion of the Fresh man Writ ing Pro gram (James Mad i son Col lege 111 or 112) ref er enced in re quire ment 2. a. be low sat is fies the Uni ver sity's Tier I writ ing re - quirement. The Uni ver sity's Tier II writ ing re quire ments for the James Mad i son Col lege majors are met by com plet ing courses as spec i fied be low: Com par a tive Cul tures and Pol i tics: James Mad i son Col lege 493 and any two of the fol low ing courses: James Mad i son Col lege 320, 325, 361, 366, 372, 377, 385, 386, 387, 390, or 395. Those courses are ref er enced in item 1. in the state - ment on Comparative Cultures and Politics below. International Relations: James Mad i son Col lege 492 and any of the two elec - tive courses re quired in In ter na tional Re la tions. Those courses are ref er enced in items 1.a. and 1. c. in the state ment on In ter na tional Re la tions be low. Political Theory and Constitutional Democracy: James Mad i son Col lege 370, 371, and 497. Those courses are ref er enced in item 1. a. in the state ment on the Political Theory and Constitutional Democracy below. Social Relations and Policy: James Mad i son Col lege 380 and 498 and any two of the fol low ing courses: James Mad i son Col lege 347, 375, 381, 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 387, 390. Those courses are ref er enced in items 1. a. and 1. b. in the state ment on So cial Re la tions and Policy be low. The com ple tion of the in tro duc tory pub lic af fairs course se quence (James Mad i son Col lege 201 and 202) ref er enced in re quire ment 2. a. be low sat is fies the Uni ver sity's Integrative Studies requirement in the Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences. The com ple tion of James Mad i son Col lege 201 and 202 also sat is fies the re quire - ments spec i fied in item 2. un der the head ing Integrative Studies in the Undergraduate Education sec tion of the cat a log. James Mad i son Col lege 201 em pha sizes both na - tional diversity and international and multi cul tural di ver sity, and James Mad i son Col - lege 202 em pha sizes in ter na tional and multi cul tural di ver sity. 2. The fol low ing re quire ments of James Mad i son Col lege for the Bach e lor of Arts de gree. All of the courses that are used to sat isfy Uni ver sity and Col lege re quire ments must be graded on the nu mer i cal or Pass No Grade sys tem with the fol low ing ex cep tion: first year courses in Rus sian, Jap a nese, or Chi nese or in an Af ri can lan guage may be graded on the Credit No Credit sys tem. a. Re quired Courses: 111 Iden tity and Com mu nity: An Ap proach to Writ ing I Iden tity and Com mu nity: An Ap proach to Writ ing II In tro duc tion to the Study of Pub lic Affairs I In tro duc tion to the Study of Pub lic Affairs II... 4 EC 201 In tro duc tion to Microeconomics... 3 EC 202 Introduction to Macroeconomics... 3 The James Mad i son Col lege courses listed above serve as a foun da tion for the Col lege's cur ric u lum. Stu dents should com plete these courses dur ing the first year of study. Eco nom ics 201 and 202 pro vide a foun da tion for study in the major. Stu dents should com plete these courses dur ing the first two years of study. Stu dents who are ad mit ted to James Mad i son Col lege with fewer than 4 cred - its that count to ward the Uni ver sity's In te gra tive Studies re quire ment in the So - cial, Be hav ioral, and Eco nomic Sci ences must com plete James Mad i son Col lege 201 and 202. Stu dents who are ad mit ted to James Mad i son Col lege with at least 4, but fewer than 8, cred its that count to ward the Uni ver sity's In te gra - tive Studies re quire ment in the So cial, Be hav ioral, and Eco nomic Sci ences must com plete ei ther James Mad i son Col lege 201 or 202. b. Language Requirement. Sec ond year com pe tency in a for eign lan guage. This re quire ment may be sat is fied by plac ing into a 300 level for eign lan guage course based on a MSU place ment test. Stu dents are en cour aged to com plete a third year of study in the same lan guage that is used to sat isfy this re quire ment. c. Field Ex pe ri ence. Stu dents meet this re quire ment by com plet ing James Mad i - son Col lege 400 (5 to 9 cred its) and 401 (3 cred its). With the ap proval of the Col - lege, this re quire ment may be met by com plet ing an al ter na tive op tion. d. Major. One of the four ap proved majors de scribed be low. Each major com bines courses in James Mad i son Col lege and other units of the Uni ver sity. Stu dents' pro grams of study must be ap proved by their ac a demic ad vi sors. e. James Mad i son Col lege credit re quire ment: A min i mum of 51 cred its in James Mad i son Col lege courses is re quired for stu dents who en roll in the Col lege as first se mes ter fresh men. A min i mum of 41 cred its in James Mad i son Col lege courses is re quired for all other stu dents; i.e., stu dents who en roll in the Col lege as trans fer stu dents from other col leges and uni ver si ties, or who en roll in the Col lege af ter hav ing been en rolled in other pro grams at MSU. Stu dents who have been ad mit ted to the teacher cer tif i ca tion pro gram are re quired to com - plete a min i mum of 41 cred its in James Mad i son Col lege courses. f. Stu dents may elect to com plete a cog nate in busi ness. The re - quire ments for the cog nate are met by com plet ing: 241 Politics and Markets... 4 Four of the following courses (12 cred its): ACC 230 Survey of Accounting Concepts... 3 FI 320 Introduction to Finance... 3 GBL 323 Introduction to Business Law... 3 MGT 325 Management Skills and Processes... 3 MKT 327 Introduction to Marketing Stu dents may sub sti tute Ac count ing 201 or 202 for Ac count ing 230. Com par a tive Cul tures and Pol i tics 1. The stu dent must com plete: to 44 a. All of the fol low ing courses (13 cred its): 230 Cultures and Politics in Comparative Perspective Cultures and Politics in Trans na tional 493 Senior Seminar in Comparative Cul tures and Politics...5 b. Four courses with at least one from each group (16 cred its): COM PAR A TIVE STUD IES 320 Politics, Society and Economy in the Third World State and Society in Com par a tive Per spec tive Encounters with Post-Communism Literature and Politics in a Comparative 361 Political Economy and Com par a tive Public Policymaking Film, History and Nation Global Is sues in Cit i zen ship (W) Comparative Black Political Thought Comparative Race and Ethnic Relations Women and Power in Comparative Perspective Jews and Anti-Semitism Advanced Topics in Public Affairs Cultural Dimensions of Public Affairs...4 James Mad i son Col lege 390 and 395 can be used in ful fill ment of the re quire ment when the topic is rel e vant to com par a tive stud ies in cul tures and politics. TRANSNATIONAL STUDIES 321 The Cold War: Culture, Politics and Foreign Policy Encounters with Post-Communism Evolution and Society Film, History and Nation Culture, Politics, and Post-Colonialism Advanced Topics in Public Affairs Cultural Dimensions of Public Affairs Gender and Violent Conflict...4 James Mad i son Col lege 390 and 395 can be used in ful fill ment of the re quire ment when the topic is rel e vant to trans na tional stud ies in cul tures and politics. c. One of the fol low ing courses (3 or 4 cred its): ANP 429 Ethnographic Field Meth ods...3 HST 201 Historical Methods and Skills Research Design and Quantitative Anal y sis in Public Policy Policy Evaluation....4 PLS 201 Introduction to Methods of Political Analysis....4 SOC 281 Methods of Social Research I...4 WRA 360 Visual Rhetoric...4 d. Com plete at least 9 cred its from three courses at the 300-level or above, se lected in con sul ta tion with an ac a demic ad vi sor. All the cred its must fo cus on a par tic u lar re gion, eth nic or ra cial group from out side the United States. International Relations 1. The stu dent must com plete: to 48 a. All of the fol low ing courses (13 cred its): 220 International Relations I: World Politics and International Security International Relations II: The Politics of International Economic Relations Se nior Sem i nar in In ter na tional Re la tions (W)...5 2

3 Re quire ments for the Bach e lor of Arts De gree in James Mad i son Col lege b. One of the fol low ing courses (3 cred its): EC 340 Sur vey of In ter na tional Eco nom ics...3 EC 440 In ter na tional Trade (W)... 3 EC 441 In ter na tional Fi nance (W)... 3 c. Four courses with at least one course from Groups (1), (2), and (3) (16 cred its): (1) SE CU RITY STUD IES AND FOR EIGN POL ICY ANAL Y SIS 321 The Cold War: Cul ture, Pol i tics and For eign Policy International Security Japanese Foreign Policy U.S. For eign Pol icy The Comparative Analysis of Foreign Policy Russian Foreign Policy European Security: Challenges and Strategies4 390 Ad vanced Top ics in Pub lic Af fairs Se lected Top ics in Pub lic Af fairs....3 or Cul tural Di men sions of Pub lic Af fairs Is lam and World Pol i tics Gender and Violent Conflict...4 (2) IN TER NA TIONAL PO LIT I CAL ECON OMY AND GLOBAL GOV ER NANCE FW 445 Biodiversity Con ser va tion Pol icy and Practice Politics, Society and Economy in the Third World E Regional Politics, Cooperation and Conflict in Eu rope Political, Economy and Comparative Public.. Policymaking Public International Law Global Governance Ad vanced Top ics in Pub lic Af fairs Se lected Top ics in Pub lic Af fairs....3 or Cul tural Di men sions of Pub lic Af fairs International Environmental Law and Policy..3 (3) COM PAR A TIVE, RE GIONAL AND CUL TURAL STUD IES 320 Politics, Society and Economy in the Third World The Cold War: Cul ture, Pol i tics and For eign Policy A Regional Politics, Cooperation and Conflict in the Mid dle East B Regional Politics, Cooperation and Conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa C Regional Politics, Cooperation and Conflict in Latin Amer ica and the Ca rib bean D Regional Politics, Cooperation and Conflict in Asia State and Society in Comparative Perspective Encounters with Post-Communism Literature and Politics in a Comparative Perspective Film, His tory and Na tion Culture, Politics and Post-Colonialism Comparative Race and Ethnic Relations Women and Power in Com par a tive Per spec tive Jews and Anti-Sem i tism Ad vanced Top ics in Pub lic Af fairs Se lected Top ics in Pub lic Af fairs....3 or Cul tural Di men sions of Pub lic Af fairs Is lam and World Pol i tics Gender and Violent Conflict...4 PLS 358 Pol i tics of the U.S.S.R. and Its Suc ces sor States...3 (4) NEW PER SPEC TIVES IN IN TER NA TIONAL RE LA TIONS FW 481 Global Is sues in Fish er ies and Wild life Political Theory and Political Issues Global Is sues in Cit i zen ship (W) Comparative Black Political Thought Mod ern Po lit i cal Thought in the Mus lim World Ad vanced Top ics in Pub lic Af fairs Se lected Top ics in Pub lic Af fairs....3 or Cul tural Di men sions of Pub lic Af fairs...4 James Mad i son Col lege 272 may be counted to ward re quire - ment 1. c. only when the topic deals with Marx ist The o ries of Revolution. James Mad i son Col lege 390, 391, and 395 may be counted to - ward re quire ment 1.c. only when the topic deals with in ter na tional relations. d. Com plete two courses from one of the fol low ing ten groups of courses. Stu dents must com plete one course from Course A, which should be com pleted prior to the ju nior year, and one course from, which should be com pleted prior to tak ing James Mad i son Col lege 492. (6 to 8 cred its) (1) Course A 295 Research Design and Quantitative Analysis in Pub lic Pol icy...4 STT 441 Probability and Statistics I: Probability... 3 (2) Course A SOC 281 Meth ods of So cial Re search I...4 SOC 282 Meth ods of So cial Re search II...4 STT 441 Probability and Statistics I: Probability... 3 (3) Course A STT 421 Sta tis tics I...3 EC 420 In tro duc tion to Ec ono met ric Meth ods...3 STT 422 Statistics II....3 (4) Course A STT 441 Prob a bil ity and Sta tis tics I: Prob a bil ity...3 STT 442 Statistics II....3 (5) Course A PLS 201 In tro duc tion to Meth ods of Po lit i cal Anal y sis..4 (6) Course A STT 200 Sta tis ti cal Meth ods...3 STT 201 Sta tis ti cal Meth ods...4 (7) Course A EC 420 In tro duc tion to Ec ono met ric Meth ods...3 STT 441 Probability and Statistics I: Probability... 3 (8) Course A STT 315 In tro duc tion to Prob a bil ity and Sta tis tics for Busi ness...3 EC 420 In tro duc tion to Ec ono met ric Meth ods...3 (9) Course A 295 Research Design and Quantitative Analysis in Pub lic Policy...4 PLS 201 Introduction to Methods of Political Analysis..4 SOC 281 Meth ods of So cial Re search I...4 STT 421 Statistics I...3 STT 441 Probability and Statistics I: Probability... 3 e. Two re lated courses from one of the fol low ing four groups (6 to 8 cred its): (1) HIS TORY HST 205A The An cient Med i ter ra nean from 3000 BCE to 400 CE...4 HST 205B Eu rope in the Mid dle Ages from 400 to HST 206 Eu ro pean His tory since HST 325 United States For eign Re la tions to HST 326 United States For eign Re la tions since HST 337 Eu ro pean Power, Cul ture, and Thought: Re nais sance to the Enlightenment...4 HST 338 Eu ro pean Power, Cul ture, and Thought: The Mod ern Era...4 HST 390 His tory of In ter na tional Re la tions...3 (2) ECO NOMICS EC 302 In ter me di ate Mac ro eco nom ics...3 EC 306 Comparative Economic Systems...3 EC 406 Eco nomic Anal y sis of Rus sia and the Com mon wealth of In de pend ent States (W) 3 EC 410 Is sues in the Eco nom ics of De vel op ing Coun tries (W)... 3 EC 412 Eco nomic Anal y sis of Latin Amer ica (W)...3 EC 413 Eco nomic Anal y sis of Asia (W)...3 EC 414 Eco nomic Anal y sis of Sub Sa ha ran Af rica (W) Economic Growth Politics and Markets...4 (3) PO LIT I CAL THEORY 3

4 Re quire ments for the Bach e lor of Arts De gree in James Mad i son Col lege 270 Classical Republicanism Constitutionalism and De moc racy Radical Challenges to Liberal Democracy...4 (4) An area and re lated courses ap proved by the stu dent's ac a - demic ad vi sor. In or der to ful fill this re quire ment, a stu dent may com plete level courses in a for eign lan guage. Courses at the level in a for eign lan guage may not be used to ful fill this re quire ment. Political Theory and Constitutional Democracy 1. The stu dent must com plete: to 49 a. All of the fol low ing courses (21 cred its): 270 Classical Republicanism Constitutionalism and De moc racy Radical Challenges to Liberal Democracy Beyond Liberal Democracy? New Directions in Po lit i cal The ory Senior Seminar in Political Theory and Con sti tu tional De moc racy (W)....5 b. One of the fol low ing courses (4 cred its): 373A Constitutionalism: The Su preme Court B Constitutionalism: The Pres i dency C Constitutionalism: Con gress Contemporary Developments in American Politics Law and So cial Groups...4 These courses may not be used to ful fill both re quire ment b. and c. c. One of the fol low ing courses (4 cred its): 272 Political Theory and Political Issues State and Society in Comparative 326 U.S. For eign Pol icy Literature and Politics in a Comparative 341 Politics and Markets Economics of Legal Relationships in Comparative Perspective Evolution and Society Sci ence and So cial Pol icy Global Is sues in Cit i zen ship (W) Comparative Black Political Thought A Constitutionalism: The Su preme Court B Constitutionalism: The Pres i dency C Constitutionalism: Con gress Contemporary Developments in American Politics Mod ern Po lit i cal Thought in the Mus lim World Culture, Politics and Post-Colonialism Law and So cial Groups African American Politics Women and Power in Com par a tive 387 Jews and Anti Sem i tism Ad vanced Top ics in Pub lic Af fairs Se lected Top ics in Pub lic Af fairs Cul tural Di men sions of Pub lic Af fairs Gender and Violent Conflict...4 James Mad i son Col lege 390 and 391 must con tain po lit i cal the ory and con sti tu tional de moc racy con tent. Stu dents should con sult with their ad vi sor prior to en roll ing. d. One of the fol low ing courses (3 or 4 cred its): Affairs Research Design and Quantitative Analysis in Pub lic Pol icy...4 PHL 330 Formal Reasoning....4 PHL 480 Philosophy of Science....4 PLS 201 Introduction to Methods of Political Analysis...4 STT 421 Statistics I...3 One college level mathematics course selected from Mathematics 126, 133, 152H, 153H. e. One of the fol low ing two op tions (12 to 16 cred its). Both the op tion and the re lated courses must be ap proved by the stu dent's ac a - demic ad vi sor. (1) Four courses from one of the fol low ing dis ci plines or fields: anthropology, economics, English, history, international re - lations, philosophy, political economy, political science, so - cial re la tions, so ci ol ogy, or a for eign lan guage. With the approval of the student's academic advisor, another disci - pline or field may be sub sti tuted. At least two of the four courses must be at the 300 level or above with the fol low ing exception: all of the courses in a for eign lan guage must be at the 300 level or above. (2) Four courses on a his tor i cally sig nif i cant pol ity in an other time and place. One course must be in His tory; the other three courses may in volve other as pects of life in the pol ity. Two of the three courses may be in the lan guage of the pol ity. Courses at the level in the same lan guage that was used to sat isfy the Col lege's for eign lan guage re quire ment, or courses at the level in an other for eign lan guage, may be counted to ward this re quire ment. Social Relations and Policy 1. The stu dent must com plete: to 41 a. All of the fol low ing courses (17 cred its): 280 Social Theory and Social Relations Immigrants, Minorities, and American Pluralism Social Policy Senior Seminar in Social Relations (W)... 5 b. One of the fol low ing courses (3 or 4 cred its): ANP 429 Ethnographic Field Meth ods...3 CJ 292 Meth ods of Crim i nal Jus tice Re search...3 COM 300 Methods of Communication Inquiry....4 EC 420 In tro duc tion to Ec ono met ric Meth ods...3 GEO 221 In tro duc tion to Geographic In for ma tion Research Design and Quantitative Analysis in Pub lic Pol icy...4 PLS 201 Introduction to Methods of Political Analysis....4 PSY 295 Data Analysis in Psychological Research...3 SOC 281 Meth ods of So cial Re search I...4 STT 200 Sta tis ti cal Meth ods...3 STT 201 Sta tis ti cal Meth ods...4 STT 315 Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Busi ness....3 STT 421 Statistics I...3 Sta tis tics and Prob a bil ity 200 and 201 may not be used to ful fill both the uni ver sity math e mat ics re quire ment and this re quire - ment. c. Three courses se lected from the fol low ing in con sul ta tion with an ac a demic ad vi sor (12 cred its): 320 Pol i tics, So ci ety and Econ omy in the Third World State and Society in Comparative Perspective Economic Growth Urban and Regional Development Educational Policy Evolution and Society Sci ence and So cial Pol icy Policy Evaluation Global Is sues in Cit i zen ship (W) Comparative Black Political Thought Contemporary Developments in American Politics Culture, Politics, and Post-Co lo nial ism Law and Social Groups Social Movements African American Politics Metropolitan Society Comparative Race and Ethnic Relations Women and Power in Comparative Perspective Jews and Anti-Semitism Sexual Pol i tics: His tor i cal and Con tem po rary Perspectives Religious Politics in U.S. Society: Left, Right, and Other Advanced Topics in Public Affairs Selected Topics in Public Affairs...3 or Cultural Dimensions of Public Affairs Biodiversity Conservation Policy and Practice Gender and Violent Conflict...4 James Mad i son Col lege 390, 391 and 395 may be counted to - ward re quire ment 1. b. when the topic deals with So cial Re la tions and Policy. d. Two courses at the level in a re lated dis ci pline (e.g., an - thropology, economics, history, political science, psychology, or so ci ol ogy) or in an ap proved re lated area (e.g., eth nic ity and race, gender and women's studies, urban and metropolitan society, or U.S. pol i tics) (6 to 8 cred its). MI NOR IN MUSLIM STUDIES The Mi nor in Mus lim Stud ies, ad min is tered by James Mad i son Col lege, is avail able as an elec tive to stu dents who are en rolled in bachelor s degree programs at Michigan State University. The mi - nor pro vides stu dents with the op por tu nity for sus tained study of Mus lim so ci et ies and Is lam in a range of dis ci plines and top ics. With the ap proval of the de part ment that ad min is ters the stu - dent s de gree pro gram, courses that are used to sat isfy the re - quire ments of the mi nor may also be used to sat isfy the requirements for the bachelor s degree. The stu dent s pro gram of study must be ap proved by the Mus - lim Stud ies co or di na tor prior to en roll ment in any course. 4

5 Mi nor in Po lit i cal Economy Re quire ments for the Mi nor in Mus lim Stud ies Stu dents must com plete the re quire ments spec i fied be low (16 to 32 cred its): 1. Com ple tion of sec ond-year col lege-level com pe tency in Arabic or an - other language appropriate for Muslim Studies such as Per sian, Turk ish, Urdu, Bahasa Indonesia, Malay, or Swahili. Students may petition the Muslim Studies Minor coordinator for ap proval of an ad di - tional for eign lan guage when it re lates to a stu dent s pro gram of study. Students may also petition for a substitution for part or all of the language requirement, replacing the language credits with non-lan guage courses from the course list below. An exception to the lan guage requirement may be granted to students completing a rel e vant study abroad experience from an approved list of programs available from the Muslim Studies Minor coordinator. Students with majors in the College of Social Science should consult with their academic ad vi sor to discuss alternatives to fulfillment of the lan guage requirement in this mi nor. 2. Five courses with Mus lim stud ies or Is lamic con tent se lected from the two cat e go ries, with at least one from each cat e gory. Not more than one IAH or ISS course may count to ward the five re quired courses. Stu dents must con tact the Mus lim Stud ies Mi nor co - ordinator for an up dated list of ap proved courses prior to en roll ment. ARTS AND HUMANITIES Integrative Studies in Arts and Humanities IAH 211B Area Studies and Multicultural Civilizations: Asia (I)... 4 IAH 211D Area Studies and Multicultural Civilizations: The Mid dle East (I)... 4 French FRN 415 In tro duc tion to French Stud ies I: Met ro pol i tan France.. 3 FRN 416 In tro duc tion to French Stud ies II: Francophone Cul tures 3 FRN 447 Genre-Based Sem i nar... 3 His tory HST 201 His tor i cal Meth ods and Skills... 3 HST 372 The Mid dle East: Is lam and Em pires... 3 HST 373 The Mod ern Mid dle East: From Em pires to Na tion States... 3 HST 450 Spe cial Top ics in Af ri can His tory HST 451 Spe cial Top ics in Asian His tory HST 487 Sem i nar in Com par a tive His tory (W) Religious Studies REL 330 Islam... 3 REL 331 Is lam and Gen der... 3 REL 430 The Qur'an and Its Intrepreters (W)... 3 REL 432 Mod ern Mus lim Thought (W) SOCIAL SCIENCES Anthropology ANP 419 Anthropology of the Middle East... 3 ANP 422 Re li gion and Cul ture... 3 ANP 491 Top ics in An thro pol ogy... 2 Ge og ra phy GEO 339 Ge og ra phy of the Mid dle East and North Af rica... 3 Integrative Studies in Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences ISS 315 Global Diversity and Interdependence (I)... 4 ISS 330B Asia: Social Science Perspectives (I)... 4 James Mad i son Col lege 320 Pol i tics, So ci ety and Econ omy in the Third World A Regional Politics, Cooperation, and Conflict in the Middle East D Regional Politics, Cooperation and Conflict in Asia State and Society in Comparative Perspective Mod ern Po lit i cal Thought in the Mus lim World Ad vanced Top ics in Pub lic Af fairs Se lected Top ics in Pub lic Af fairs Is lam and World Pol i tics Se nior Sem i nar in In ter na tional Re la tions (W) Senior Seminar in Political Theory and Constitutional De moc racy (W)... 5 Political Science PLS 344 Pol i tics in the Third World... 3 PLS 351 African Politics PLS 354 Politics of Asia PLS 358 Pol i tics of the U.S.S.R. and Its Suc ces sor States... 3 PLS 441 Is lam and World Pol i tics... 4 The fol low ing courses do not al ways con tain con tent rel e vant to the Mi nor in Mus lim Stud ies. Be fore en roll ing in any of these, please con sult the Mus lim Stud ies Mi nor co - or di na tor to see if, in the se mes ter in which a stu dent wishes to en roll, the course counts to ward the minor: An thro pol ogy 422, and 491; French 415, 416, and 447; His - tory 201, 450, and 451; In te gra tive Stud ies in Arts and Hu man i ties 211B; In te gra tive Stud ies in So cial, Be hav ioral and Eco nomic Sci ences 315 and 330B; James Mad i son Col lege 320, 324D, 325, 390, 391, 492, and 497; Po lit i cal Sci ence 344, 351, 354, and 358. MINOR IN POLITICAL ECONOMY The Minor in Political Economy, administered by James Madison Col lege, is avail able as an elec tive to stu dents who are en rolled in bachelor s degree programs at Michigan State University. The minor is intended to instill a fundamental understanding of political econ omy and to al low stu dents a choice of pol icy ar eas for fo - cused study. To achieve this breadth and depth of knowl edge in po lit i cal econ omy, stu dents must com plete at least 22 cred its. Stu dents in anthropology, economics, international relations, or public re - source man age ment will find this mi nor es pe cially ap peal ing as preparation for graduate study or public-policy positions. Re quire ments for the Mi nor in Po lit i cal Econ omy The stu dent must com plete: Core Courses. One course se lected from each of the fol low ing ar eas. (10 or 11 cred its) Intermediate Economics EC 301 Intermediate Microeconomics...3 EC 302 Intermediate Macroeconomics...3 Foundations of Political Economy 341 Politics and Markets...4 Supplemental Political Economy Courses EC 360 Private Enterprise and Public Policy International Relations II: The Politics of International Economic Relations Economic Growth Urban and Regional Development...4 A stu dent may not count any of the sup ple men tal courses twice in the specialization. 2. Economic Analysis Methodology. One of the fol low ing courses (3 or 4 cred its): EC 420 In tro duc tion to Ec ono met ric Methods Meth ods for Stra te gic Anal y sis in Pub lic Af fairs Research Design and Quantitative Analysis in Public Policy Policy Evaluation....4 STT 315 Introduction to Probability and Statistics for Business Policy Areas. Two courses must be com pleted in one of the fol low ing ar eas, and one ad di tional course com pleted in a sep a rate area (9 to 12 cred its): Law and Po lit i cal Econ omy in Policymaking EC 335 Taxes, Gov ern ment Spend ing and Pub lic Pol icy... 3 EC 360 Private Enterprise and Public Policy...3 EC 425 Law and Eco nom ics (W)... 3 EC 435 Public Expenditures (W)... 3 GBL 323 In tro duc tion to Busi ness Law Educational Policy Economics of Legal Relationships in Comparative Perspective...4 So ci ety and Po lit i cal Econ omy in Policymaking EC 380 La bor Re la tions and La bor Mar ket Pol icy...3 EC 495 Eco nom ics of Pov erty and In come Dis tri bu tion (W)...3 EC 498 Eco nom ics of Health Care (W)...3 EEP 255 Ecological Economics...3 EEP 320 Environmental Economics....3 EEP 404 Pub lic Sec tor Bud get ing and Pro gram Eval u a tion (W)..3 EEP 453 Women and Work: Is sues and Pol icy Anal y sis GEO 415 Lo ca tion The ory and Land Use Anal y sis....3 LB 334 Sci ence, Tech nol ogy and Pub lic Pol icy (W) Urban and Regional Development Educational Policy....4 SOC 322 So ci ol ogy of Work...3 SOC 331 Po lit i cal So ci ol ogy...3 UP 353 Land Use Plan ning...4 Po lit i cal Econ omy in In ter na tional Re la tions ABM 400 Pub lic Pol icy Is sues in the Agri-Food Sys tem....3 EC 310 Eco nom ics of De vel op ing Coun tries...3 EC 406 Eco nomic Anal y sis of Rus sian and the Com mon wealth of Independent States (W)... 3 EC 410 Is sues in the Eco nom ics of De vel op ing Coun tries (W)..3 EC 412 Eco nomic Anal y sis of Latin Amer ica (W)...3 EC 413 Eco nomic Anal y sis of Asia (W)...3 EC 414 Eco nomic Anal y sis of Sub-Sa ha ran Af rica (W) International Relations II: The Politics of International Economic Relations Pol i tics, So ci ety and Econ omy in the Third World A Regional Politics, Cooperation, and Conflict in the Middle East B Regional Politics, Cooperation, and Conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa C Regional Politics, Cooperation, and Conflict in Latin Amer ica and the Ca rib bean D Regional Politics, Cooperation, and Conflict in Asia E Regional Politics, Cooperation, and Conflict in Europe Political Economy and Comparative Public Policymaking...4 Political Economy and Public Affairs in Comparative Perspectives EC 306 Comparative Economic Systems...3 EC 410 Is sues in the Eco nom ics of De vel op ing Coun tries (W) Pol i tics, So ci ety and Econ omy in the Third World A Regional Politics, Cooperation, and Conflict in the Middle East B Regional Politics, Cooperation, and Conflict in Sub-Saharan Africa C Regional Politics, Cooperation, and Conflict in Latin Amer ica and the Ca rib bean

6 Mi nor in Po lit i cal Economy 324D Regional Politics, Cooperation, and Conflict in Asia E Regional Politics, Cooperation, and Conflict in Europe Political Economy and Comparative Public Policymaking...4 PLS 342 Comparative Political Economy...3 SOC 362 De vel op ing So ci et ies....3 MI NOR IN SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, EN VI RON MENT AND PUB LIC POL ICY The Minor in Science, Technology, Environment and Public Policy (STEPPS) is avail able as an elec tive to stu dents who are en rolled in bachelor s degree programs at Michigan State University. The mi nor will ex pose stu dents to pol icy-mak ing pro cesses at the lo - cal, state, national and international levels; examine historical trends and an a lyze so cial re la tion ships; build a strong un der - stand ing of sci en tific prin ci ples used to for mu late sound pol icy ini - tia tives; and fa cil i tate a link age be tween policy-making and science, technology and the environment. Stu dents who are in ter ested in this mi nor must con tact the co - ordinator for the Minor in Science, Technology, Environment and Pub lic Pol icy in James Mad i son Col lege. The stu dent s pro gram of study must be ap proved by the STEPPS coordinator prior to en roll ment in any courses counted to ward the minor. Study abroad pro grams or in tern ships re quire prior ap proval of the co or - dinator to ensure their relevance to STEPPS curricular goals. With the approval of the department and college that administer the student s degree program, courses that are used to satisfy the requirements for the mi nor may also be used to satisfy the requirements for a bachelor s degree. Re quire ments for the Mi nor in Sci ence, Tech nol ogy, En vi ron ment and Pub lic Policy The stu dent must com plete: to 27 Science, Technology, Environment and Public Policy (3 cred its) 1. The following course: FW 181 Introduction to Science, Technology, the Environment and Pub lic Pol icy...3 History, Philosophy, and Sociology of Science (6 to 8 cred its) 1. Two of the fol low ing courses: ENG 483 Literature and Medicine....3 EPI 390 Disease in Society: Introduction to Ep i de mi ol ogy and Public Health...4 FW 438 Phi los o phy of Ecol ogy (W)...3 HST 425 American and European Health Care Since HST 483 Sem i nar in Mod ern Eu ro pean His tory (W)...3 JRN 412 Environmental Reporting....3 LB 330 Topics in History, Philosophy, and So ci ol ogy of Science (W)...4 LB 332 Technology and Culture...4 LB 333 Topics in History of Science...4 LB 336 Gender, Science, Technology (W)... 4 LB 425 American and European Health Care since Evolution and Society Science and Social Policy...4 PHL 344 Ethical Issues in Health care....4 PHL 380 Nature of Science...3 PHL 484 Philosophy of Biological Science...3 PRR 302 Environmental Attitudes and Concepts...3 SOC 368 Science, Technology and Society... 3 SOC 452 Environment and Society...3 Science Applications (6 to 8 cred its) Com plete two courses at the 200-level or above which con sists pri mar ily of natural science. Integrative Studies courses can not fulfill this requirement. Stu dents should check with the STEPPS Co or di na tor to en sure that the par - tic u lar course cho sen will ful fill this re quire ment. Pub lic Policy (6 to 8 cred its) 1. Two of the fol low ing courses: ABM 400 Pub lic Pol icy Is sues in the Agri-Food Sys tem....3 ABM 427 Global Agri-Food In dus tries and Mar kets...3 ANR 250 Global Is sues in Ag ri cul ture and Nat u ral Re sources....3 EC 310 Eco nom ics of De vel op ing Coun tries...3 EEP 320 Environmental Economics....3 ESA 430 Law and Re sources...3 ESA 433 Law and So cial Change...3 ESA 440 En vi ron men tal Pol icy Mak ing in Mich i gan State Uni ver sity ESA 460 Natural Resource Economics...3 FOR 464 For est Re source Eco nom ics (W)...3 FOR 466 Natural Resource Policy...3 FSC 421 Food Laws and Reg u la tion...3 FW 439 Con ser va tion Eth ics...3 FW 445 Socio-Eco nom ics of Con ser va tion Bi ol ogy...3 FW 481 Global Is sues in Fish er ies and Wild life...3 FW 491 Spe cial Top ics in Fish er ies and Wild life...1 to 5 LB 334 Sci ence, Tech nol ogy and Pub lic Pol icy (W)...4 LB 335 The Natural Environment: Perceptions and Practices.. 4 LB 355 Philosophy of Technology (W) Education Policy Political Economy and Comparative Public Policymaking Global Governance Policy Evaluation Social Policy International Environmental Policy Applied Public Policy Research Seminar...3 to 5 NUR 401 Ag ing and Health in the United States...3 PRR 371 Man age ment of Park and Rec re ation Agen cies and Or ga ni za tions...3 PRR 388 Phys i cal Re source Man age ment in Parks, Rec re ation and Tour ism...3 Capstone Course (3 cred its) The following course: 459 Science, Technology, Environment and Public Policy Capstone (N)....3 MI NOR IN WESTERN EUROPEAN STUDIES The Mi nor in West ern Eu ro pean Studies, which is ad min is tered by James Mad i son Col lege, is avail able as an elec tive to stu dents who are en rolled in bach e lor's de gree pro grams at Mich i gan State Uni ver sity. With the ap proval of the de part ment and col lege that ad min is ter the stu dent's de gree pro gram, the courses that are used to sat isfy the re quire ments for the mi nor may also be used to sat isfy the re quire ments for the bach e lor's de gree. The Mi nor in West ern Eu ro pean Studies pro vides an op por tu - nity for stu dents to pur sue a sig nif i cant and co her ent body of course work in the cul ture, his tory, pol i tics, eco nom ics, and ge og - ra phy of West ern Eu rope. Some of the courses in the mi nor fo cus on in di vid ual coun tries, while other courses are com par a tive and cross national. A Steering Com mit tee, com posed of fac ulty from the col leges whose courses are in cluded in the Mi nor in West ern Eu ro pean Studies, over sees the minor. The stu dent's pro gram of study for the mi nor must be ap proved in ad vance and in writ ing by the chair per son of the Steering Com mit tee. Stu dents who elect the Mi nor in West ern Eu ro pean Studies are en cour aged to com plete courses that are re lated to West ern Eu - rope in par tial ful fill ment of the Uni ver sity In te gra tive Studies re - quirement. Re quire ments for the Mi nor in West ern Eu ro pean Studies The stu dent must meet the re quire ments spec i fied be low: 1. Foreign Language Proficiency: The stu dent must dem on strate pro fi - ciency in a West ern Eu ro pean lan guage at a level equiv a lent to the com - ple tion of five se mes ters of study at the uni ver sity level. The fifth se mes ter course must be a course in which the lan guage is used to study the his tory, lit er a ture, pol i tics, or cul ture of the re lated coun try, rather than a course that in volves only gram mar or com po si tion. The re - sults of the MSU for eign lan guage place ment test will be con sid ered in de ter min ing whether or not the stu dent has ful filled this re quire ment. 2. So cial Sci ence: The stu dent must com plete a min i mum of three courses to tal ing at least 9 cred its se lected from at least two of the fol low - ing groups of courses: Eco nom ics EC 306 Com par a tive Eco nomic Sys tems... 3 EC 340 Survey of International Economics... 3 EC 440 In ter na tional Trade... 3 EC 441 International Finance Geography GEO 336 Geography of Europe... 3 James Madison College 270 Classical Republicanism Constitutionalism and De moc racy E Regional Politics, Cooperation, and Conflict in Europe State and Society in Comparative Perspective

7 Teacher Cer tif i ca tion Options 327 The Comparative Analysis of Foreign Policy Radical Challenges to Liberal Democracy Beyond Liberal Democracy? New Directions in Political Theory Women and Power in Com par a tive Perspective Jews and Anti Semitism Ad vanced Topics in Pub lic Affairs Se nior Sem i nar in In ter na tional Re la tions (W) Po lit i cal Sci ence PLS 342 Com par a tive Po lit i cal Economy PLS 356 West European Politics PLS 440 Com par a tive Pol i tics (W) PLS 460 International Relations (W) Humanities: The stu dent must com plete a min i mum of three courses totaling at least 7 cred its se lected from at least two of the fol low ing groups of courses: His tory of Art HA 201 Ancient and Medieval Art... 4 HA 202 Re nais sance through Mod ern Art... 4 HA 203 Mod ern Art... 3 HA 401 Greek Art and Ar chae ol ogy HA 402 Ro man Art and Ar chae ol ogy... 3 HA 406 An cient Greek and Ro man Paint ing... 3 HA 407 Greek and Ro man Ar chi tec ture and Sculp ture... 4 HA 410 Early Chris tian and Byzantine Art... 4 HA 415 Early Me di eval Art... 4 HA 416 Late Me di eval Art... 4 HA 420 Re nais sance Ar chi tec ture and Sculp ture... 4 HA 422 Ital ian Re nais sance Paint ing HA 424 The Age of Mi chel an gelo... 3 HA 427 North ern Re nais sance Art HA 430 Ba roque Art in It aly and Spain... 3 HA 432 North ern Ba roque Art... 3 HA 445 Art in the Age of Rev o lu tion... 4 HA 446 Monet and His Times... 4 HA 450 Twen ti eth Cen tury West ern Arts and Ideas... 4 HA 484 His tory of Prints Eng lish ENG 205 Read ings in Brit ish Lit er a tures... 3 ENG 426A Com par a tive Drama: Clas si cal and Me di eval... 3 ENG 426B Com par a tive Drama: Re nais sance and Ba roque ENG 426D Com par a tive Drama: Ib sen to World War II... 3 ENG 426E Com par a tive Drama: 1945 to the Pres ent... 3 ENG 457 Brit ish Lit er ary Studies, ENG 458 Brit ish Lit er a ture in the Age of Rev o lu tion ENG 459 Vic to rian Studies... 3 ENG 460 Brit ish Lit er a ture in the Age of Em pire... 3 ENG 472 Studies in Brit ish Film... 4 His tory HST 332B Eu rope in the Mid dle Ages HST 333 Eu rope HST 334 Eu rope HST 335 Eu rope HST 336 Eu rope since HST 337 Eu ro pean In tel lec tual His tory I... 4 HST 338 Eu ro pean In tel lec tual His tory II... 4 HST 340 Eng land to HST 341 Brit ain since HST 347 Mod ern France... 3 HST 348 Ger many since HST 349 Mod ern It aly... 3 HST 352 Eu ro pean Eco nomic His tory... 3 HST 390 His tory of In ter na tional Re la tions... 3 HST 392 His tory of the Holocaust HST 411 Eu ro pean Jew ish His tory... 3 HST 412 Women in Mod ern Eu ro pean His tory... 3 HST 424 The Age of Mi chel an gelo... 3 HST 482 Sem i nar in Me di eval His tory (W) HST 483 Sem i nar in Mod ern Eu ro pean His tory (W) Mu sic MUS 412 History of Oratorio... 2 MUS 420 Mu sic of the 18th Cen tury... 2 MUS th Century European American Music Literature... 2 MUS th Century European and American Music Literature... 2 MUS 423 His tory of Op era... 2 MUS 491 Spe cial Topics in Music to 4 4. Supervised Research Paper: The stu dent must com plete one of the following four options: a. Independent Study. A re search pa per on a topic re lated to West - ern Eu rope com pleted while en rolled in an in de pend ent study course of at least 3 cred its. b. Overseas Study. A re search pa per com pleted while en rolled in a MSU over seas study pro gram in West ern Eu rope to tal ing at least 3 cred its. c. In tern ship. A re search pa per on a topic re lated to West ern Eu rope com pleted while en rolled in a field ex pe ri ence or in tern ship course of at least 3 cred its. d. Cap stone Course. A re search pa per on a topic re lated to West ern Eu rope that is com pleted while en rolled in a cap stone course of at least 3 cred its. 1 To be counted to ward the re quire ments for the Mi nor in West ern Eu ro pean Studies, the con - tent of this course must be spe cif i cally re lated to or fo cused on West ern Eu rope. 2 A stu dent may re ceive credit for only one of the fol low ing courses, and only one of those courses may be used to sat isfy the re quire ments for the Mi nor in West ern Eu ro pean Studies: His tory 392 or James Mad i son Col lege 387. TEACHER CERTIFICATION OPTIONS The following disciplinary majors leading to the Bachelor of Arts de gree in James Mad i son Col lege are avail able for teacher cer tif - ication: comparative cultures and politics, international relations, political theory and constitutional democracy, and social rela - tions. Stu dents who com plete the re quire ments for one of these disciplinary majors and the requirements for teacher certification are recommended for a teaching certificate in so cial stud ies. Persons with teacher certification in social studies are qualified to teach history, political science, geography, and economics. The James Mad i son Col lege So cial Stud ies cer tif i ca tion, based on one of the four ap proved James Mad i son Col lege ma - jors, is avail able for sec ond ary cer tif i ca tion. This is a com pre hen - sive teach ing ma jor, re quir ing 50 or more cred its and does not require completion of a teaching minor for secondary certification. Op tional teach ing mi nors can be com pleted in ad di tion to the comprehensive Social Studies major and can include credits already ap plied to the So cial Stud ies teach ing ma jor. James Mad i - son Col lege stu dents pur su ing a teach ing ma jor in So cial Stud ies, who are interested in earning elementary certification, must com - plete an ad di tional ma jor or dual degree in Education in order to fulfill the elementary program requirements. Students with a disciplinary major in Comparative Cultures and Politics; International Relations; Political Theory and Constitutional Democracy; and Social Relations and Policy must complete the following additional disciplinary courses: 1. Geography GEO 204 World Regional Geography....3 GEO 221 Introduction to Geographic Information....3 GEO 330 Geography of the United States and Canada History HST 140 World His tory to HST 150 World History since HST 201 Historical Methods and Skills...3 HST 202 U.S. History to HST 203 U.S. History since HST 320 His tory of Mich i gan...3 So cial Re la tions and Pol icy ma jors are not re quired to com plete His tory 201. Stu dents who elect one of the dis ci plin ary ma jors ref er enced above must con tact the James Mad i son Col lege Di rec tor of Ac a - demic and Stu dent Af fairs. For ad di tional in for ma tion, re fer to the state ments on the dis ci - plin ary ma jors ref er enced above and to the state ment on TEACHER CER TIF I CA TION in the De part ment of Teacher Ed u - cation sec tion of this cat a log. JAMES MAD I SON COL LEGE OP TION James Madison College, in collaboration with Michigan State Uni - ver sity/col lege of Law, of fers an op por tu nity for se lected J students to earn a baccalaureate degree after satisfactory com - ple tion of a min i mum of 91 cred its at Mich i gan State Uni ver sity and a min i mum of 29 cred its through sub se quent en roll ment at Mich i gan State Uni ver sity/col lege of Law. Only stu dents who ma - tric u late as first-year stu dents at James Mad i son Col lege may pur sue this op tion. Stu dents in ter ested in this op tion should con - sult with their ac a demic ad vi sors dur ing the first year in the col - lege. Admission to the Michigan State University/College of Law com po nent of this pro gram is lim ited to a small num ber of stu - dents who com plete the spec i fied university and col lege re quire - ments and who earn a GPA and LSAT score that is ac cept able for admission to Michigan State University/ College of Law. All stu dents in this pro gram will com plete a min i mum of 91 cred - its at Mich i gan State Uni ver sity, at least 47 of which (not to in clude 7



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