Lakes State County Consultation Summary Community driven conflict resolution Consultation period: 10 November 5 December 2009

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1 Lakes State County Consultation Summary Community driven conflict resolution Consultation period: 10 November 5 December 2009 Participatory consultations link the government to the people The signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in 2005 enabled renewed efforts in the restoration of security and stability in Southern Sudan. So far, it has made impressive progress in establishing a decentralized government structure throughout the region. However, poverty, isolation and insecurity still persist in many areas. Over the last five years, Lakes State has experienced particularly high levels of violent conflict, threatening stabilization and security throughout the State s eight counties. Tension is largely driven by inter ethnic clashes over resources but border issues pose a constant threat to peace as well. These issues have caused or exacerbated large scale population displacement putting more pressure on extremely underdeveloped infrastructure, such as roads and health facilities. To mitigating this situation, the Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) teamed up in 2009 to conduct a unique consultation process with communities across Lakes State. This approach was developed in response to the State s particular political, economic, and cultural situation. The goal was to try to reduce insecurity by encouraging those affected by it to come up with their own solutions to tackle it. The consultation team included representatives from the GoSS Office of the President, the Community Security and Arms Control (CSAC) Bureau, and UNDP. A number of local organizations also supported the project. This Summary Report presents a synthesis of this work. It highlights key findings in the first section but also includes county specific issues and priorities in the last. Men (including traditional leaders), women and youth were consulted by teams who helped record the key triggers of conflict and prioritize possible interventions to counter the problems. A Rapid Rural Appraisal method was used, which utilized a variety of tools including focus groups, sampling, interviewing and mapping exercises. Communities put forth a number of possible ideas such as the construction of police posts to provide a security presence, and the establishment of boreholes to ease resource based violence. All this information was then compiled into a formal report and presented to the State Security Committee for validation. Specific projects will be developed and costed using this data. Key Facts on Lakes State Lakes State covers approximately 40,235 sq km According to the 2008 population census, there are approximately 695,730 people in Lakes State, (365,999 male and 329,731 female) Lakes State has a mixed ethnic background: Dinka and Jur are the largest tribal affiliations, respectively Lakes State is comprised of eight counties: Cueibet, Rumbek North, Rumbek Central, Rumbek East, Yirol West, Yirol East, Awerial and Wullo Lakes State shares borders with five states: Unity, Warrap, Jonglei, Western and Central Equatoria Photo: Philip Okin/UNDP As part of the county consultations in Lakes State, community leaders and elders worked with government officials and UNDP staff to map the root causes of conflict. Page 1

2 The main objectives of the county consultations were to: Identify key priority needs for addressing insecurity and stability in the Lakes State at the county level. Provide information on the trends and level of security issues and conflict in Lakes State. Assess the challenges faced by state and county governments in reducing instability. Identify components of a wider peacebuilding and stability framework, as well as the factors necessary for increased community security in Lakes State. To inform policy and best practice, especially the Southern Sudan Peace Commission, Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Bureau of CSAC. Communities working together Throughout the consultation process, local communities were asked to think carefully about the things that might be triggering conflict. Identifying the root causes of insecurity is, after all, the first step towards mitigating and stabilizing violent areas. Once communities had elaborated the key causes of conflict, they were asked to prioritize the biggest threats to peace. When this was agreed upon, discussion about possible solutions was much more focused and effective. Moreover, due to the fact that local government officials and development partners were involved, prioritizing the most needed interventions was also very inclusive. Key findings conflict dynamics In almost all of the counties visited, participants observed that insecurity was heavily influenced by border conflicts both state and county which has caused mass displacement. This displacement has put a strain on already limited resources, and exacerbated conflict over farming and grazing land, potable water, and food. Rural communities are often plagued by insecurity and violent conflicts that spur from seasonal water shortages and grazing land rights. Communities noted that conflict in Lakes State occurs more often during the dry season, when seasonal waters and grazing areas dry up, forcing cattle headers to migrate to areas with pastures and water points for their animals. Livestock related conflict, including cattle raiding and disputes over grazing land and water points, were identified as the top source of insecurity in Lakes State. Photo: Jenn Warren Livestock related conflict including cattle raiding were identified as one of the top sources of insecurity in Lakes State. Key sources of conflict in Lakes State: Border conflicts State, county, and payam boundaries remain unclear. Political and governance issues Ethnic and minority groups feel marginalized at the state and GoSS levels. A culture of violence and proliferation of small arms is perpetuating more violence. Ambiguity over separation of powers between security forces and armed civilian populations creates a hostile environment for security forces. Traditional conflict resolution mechanisms traditional leaders, peace committees, councils have been eroded. Economic and socio cultural issues Lack of sustained economic activities in all of Lakes State s counties leave communities with extremely limited means of income. Conflicts are instigated by poverty, communities use cattle raiding as a means of wealth acquisition. There are conflicts between pastoralist and agriculturalists. Schools, road and health facilities are poor or nonexistent. Page 2

3 Gender and conflict Women in Southern Sudan experience one of the poorest quality of life indicators in the world and have suffered disproportionally from the effects of armed conflict. When it comes to countering armed violence and illicit arms ownership, women in Southern Sudan are often disempowered to act. This county consultation process gives women a voice, allowing them to chose conflictmitigating activities which will protect them and their children. Women s groups prioritized initiatives such as microfinance activities, female education, health, food aid and literacy programs as priorities to prevent the onset of conflict in their communities. In contrast, men were generally concerned with provision of physical security (police deployment, military presence, grazing lands, water points for animals). Photo: Tim McKulka/UNMIS Political and governance issues In the majority of group discussions, it was recorded that a weak local government or authority perpetuates or intensifies conflict. Communities reported that the lack of police presence and rule of law institutions in conflict prone areas also creates a sense of isolation and vulnerability. For this reason, the status of government control at the county level was an important theme for follow up across most counties. Participants did note that a culture of violence and the proliferation of small arms both perpetuate violence in various counties. Communities are often better armed than security forces, and ambiguity over the separation of powers between security forces and armed civilian populations makes law enforcement a daunting task. Communities from across Lakes State also noted that traditional conflict resolution mechanisms traditional leaders, peace committees, councils have been eroded. In addition, many believed that after the CPA was signed, there would be outright economic and livelihoods support from the government. Disappointment at the current reality has fostered distrust and hostility towards authorities in the area. Socio economic issues Lakes State has a strong dependence on cattle, which is used for many purposes such as payment of dowry, income and food. There is a considerable lack of other sustainable economic activity making communities heavily reliant on the cattle culture. Cattle rustling (and the subsequent violence stemming from this activity) has become a function of wealth acquisition and enhancement of economic and social status. Another important issue that was raised was that schools, roads and health facilities are poor and communities lack the means to reach them in some cases. The lack of education contributes to the problem of disenfranchised youth. Finally, deeply rooted tribal identity was also identified as one of the causes of ethnic conflicts. Sudan Recovery Fund benefits from county consultation data The Sudan Recovery Fund (SRF) aims to deliver rapid impact programming to conflict affected communities across Southern Sudan. It is currently focusing its funding on four particularly insecure states Jonglei, Warrap, Lakes and Eastern Equatoria. In order to formulate a strategy and guide allocation modalities and project development, SRF used GoSS and UNDP led county consultation date. Using this method, where communities directly contribute to supporting their own transitions to peace, it is hoped that interventions will be successful and sustainable. Page 3

4 Ways forward community input creates solutions The objective of the county consultation process was to address insecurity by developing a series of coordinated, interdependant interventions to improve the security environment in Lakes State and thus contribute to the consolidation of peace in Southern Sudan. These interventions will be responsive to both state needs and broader human security needs. The analysis of insecurity and peace issues was pulled from the substantive data collected during the various phases of the consultations. This community generated information will feed into project formulation by government and international partners. Priority interventions are represented in the graph below, which shows that the establishment of police stations, as well as increasing police presence in general, is the most important intervention according to community groups. Many men and women also identified the construction of water points for livestock as interventions that might mitigate seasonal conflict. A third priority was the construction of more roads to make communities less isolated and open up economic and social links with neighbouring areas. Mapping exercises were part of the Rapid Rural Appraisal method used in the Lakes State consultation process. The following pages of this Summary Report present the county by county data gathered during this process. It is hoped that this information will be useful to other stakeholder planning development projects in the State. 8 8 Top priorities as chosen by county consultations Construction of police stations and increased police presence Water points for livestock Number of counties which named the issue a priority Construction of roads Increased dialogue between communities Supply food aid Support to income generating activities Agricultural training and support Establishing health facilities Expanded disarmament activities Construction of a youth center Page 4

5 County narratives The goal was to try to reduce insecurity by encouraging those affected by it to come up with their own solutions to tackle it Photo: Jenn Warren County Fast facts: Sources of insecurity and key priorities identified by community focus groups Rumbek Central Population: 153,550 (83,159 men, 70,391 women) Number of payams: 12 Sources of insecurity: cattle rustling; border and grazing land disputes; presence of weapons in the area; scarce water points; extremely poor transportation infrastructure; displacement causing pressure on already limited resources; prison systems not able to cope with current need; payam bordering Wullu, Cueibet and Unity do not have adequately equipped or trained police force; lack of medical care or health care workers to treat high rates of maternal mortality and malaria; food insecurity due to crop yields; lack of teachers and low school enrolment; traditional conflict resolution mechanisms have eroded. Key priorities: construct water points for communities and livestock; support women s group to engage in agriculture; implement an adult literacy programme; provide agricultural training and farming tools to communities to increase agricultural productivity; construct and rehabilitate roads; provide communication and transport equipment to police forces in insecure payams; hold regular peace meetings to improve dialogue between communities; monitor disarmament initiatives; provide food aid to areas experiencing harvest problems; build schools and health units in Maper; facilitate a regular meeting between the Governor of Lakes State and counterparts in neighbouring states; support civil society and women s groups to engage in conflict resolutions activities. Rumbek North Population: 19,015 (43,410 men, 24,395 women) Number of payams: 6 Sources of insecurity: border disputes with Warrap and Unity States; grazing land and water point disputes; weak government administration at county level; food insecurity, particularly due to inadequate production and the absence of modern agriculture schemes and equipment; inadequate and untrained security forces; illegal possession of arms and unregistered weapons; lack of roads makes basic services inaccessible to most people; high numbers of returnees put a strain on already limited resources; absence of health services; no access to veterinary care for livestock; traditional conflict resolution mechanisms have eroded. Key priorities: monitor disarmament; hold peace conferences with Warrap and Unity States, involving women and youth in the process; deploy police to Mapiir, Alor, Madhol, Agwac and Malith and increase police capacity in other insecure areas; establish more water points and ensure maintenance plans; provide food aid to areas experiencing harvest problems or with low agricultural productivity; build schools and health units in Maper; facilitate a regular meeting between the Governor of Lakes State and counterparts in neighbouring states; support civil society and women s groups to engage in conflict resolutions activities; construct police communications posts in insecure areas and provide long range radios to achieve quicker response rates; increase water points and boreholes in areas lacking water resources; initiate peace conferences between the communities to address insecurity issues. Page 5

6 County Fast facts: Sources of insecurity and key priorities identified by community focus groups Rumbek East Population: 122,832 ( 65,725 men, 57,107 women) Number of payams: 6 Sources of insecurity: insecurity and conflict with the neighbouring areas of Yirol West, Unity State and Wullu; border, fishing and grazing land disputes particularly with Wullu; rise in armed robberies; poor services across the county due to a general lack of physical and human infrastructure; lack of state government presence in the county; roads linking county headquarters (Adwual) to other payams are in poor condition; food insecurity; agricultural projects lack appropriate tools and equipment; disease among livestock is highly prevalent; lack of rule of law structures mean that crime goes unpunished (individuals are often released from custody before a case in concluded). Key priorities to address insecurity: construct a police station in Poloc and Biling; provide food aid to areas experiencing harvest problems or with low agricultural productivity; construct more boreholes and ensure maintenance plans are in place; construct water points for cattle keepers to reduce tension; build and staff schools across the county; improve health facilities in Adwual and construct new units in Akot, Atiaba, Pacong and Cueicok; clear demarcation of borders to decrease land disputes. Wullu Population: 40,550 (21,447 men, 19,103 women) Number of payams: 4 Sources of insecurity: border disputes; disputes over grazing rights, uncontrolled cattle movement, landgrabbing and the destruction of land; high levels of gender based violence; communities have been displaced from payams bordering Rumbek Central and Rumbek East; weak mechanisms for conflict resolution; boundary demarcation and land ownership issues remain unclear between Rumbek Center and Wullu; an absence of rule of law; state government lacks resources or manpower to respond to the needs of communities; some ethnic groups feel marginalized by government; communities do not trust the state government; very poor condition of transportation and basic infrastructure. Key Priorities: provide a vehicle to the county headquarter administration offices; construct a senior secondary school; support agricultural activities through the provision of equipment such as ox ploughs and other farming tools; provide food aid, especially to displaced communities; strengthen rule of law institutions; hold peace dialogue meetings between the Jurbel and Dinkas of Cuiebet, Rumbek Central and Rumbek East; ensure that government represents all ethnic groups proportionally; monitor disarmament initiatives; build a bridge between Bahr el Ghazel and Gul to ease the movement and accessibility of Wullu County to other areas; construct police unit in four payams and equip them with communication and transport facilities; contract access roads to four payams. Cueibet Population: 117,755 (60,188 men, 57,567 women) Number of payams: 6 Sources of insecurity: cattle rustling, inadequate border demarcation (especially in Mardeng, Diangara, Aber, Alwel and Awet); fishing disputes and the destruction of land; water scarcity due to limited boreholes and water points which creates disputes and also makes communities vulnerable to disease; presence of weapons in communities is extremely high; chronic lack of health services across the county women often have to travel long distances to access public services for themselves or their children, making them vulnerable to attack; lack of agricultural resources; lack of veterinary services leaves livestock vulnerable; traditional conflict resolution mechanisms have eroded; weak government presence in the payams. Key Priorities: strengthen rule of law institutions; provide human right training and sensitization to communities across the county; construct roads between Maper and Cueibet to allow for the easy deployment of forces; monitor disarmament initiatives; clearly demark borders to decrease land disputes; improve transport and communication systems within the police force and deploy officers to particularly insecure payams; construct payam administration offices. Page 6

7 County Fast facts: Sources of insecurity and key priorities identified by community focus groups Awerial Population: 47,041 (23,273 men, 23,768 women) Number of payams: 8 Sources of insecurity: tribal clashes, mainly over grazing land and water points; cattle raiding; boundary demarcation is unclear across the county; absence of mechanisms for settling disputes and traditional systems are too weak to handle armed conflicts; disarmament has not taken hold so the presence of weapons in communities is extremely high; disorganized police force are not compensated appropriately; extremely high food insecurity. Key Priorities: organize peace conference to resolve issues between communities; provide food aid to areas experiencing harvest problems or with low agricultural productivity; boost agricultural production by providing ox ploughs and seeds to farmers; provide grinding machines to youth and women s groups as a means of generating income; implement an adult literacy programme; construct more water points and ensure maintenance plans are in place; train and deploy police personnel with proper equipment and resources (Mingkaman, Kalthok, and Bunagok payams should be prioritised); monitor disarmament initiatives; introduce micro finance projects for women s groups to engage them in income generating activities; provide radio communication equipment to the county administration office to strengthen communication and coordination of security mechanisms; construct a youth center. Yirol West Population: 103, 190 (53,835 men, 49,355 women) Number of payams: 7 Sources of insecurity: inter clan clashes; disputes over water points and grazing land; cattle rustling; lack of schools across the county is having a particular impact education for young girls; extremely high presence of weapons in communities, especially among young cattle keepers; limited boreholes and water points found across the county; communities vulnerable to disease; very poor road networks across the county; unclear border demarcation in place in some areas particularly between Yirol West and East; police personnel and police posts are ill equipped; food insecurity is an issue because of inadequate production; lack of essential drugs and health care workers means that maternal mortality rates are very high. Key Priorities: construct police posts in particularly insecure payams; construct more water points and ensure maintenance plans are in plans; construct roads between the payams; improved health care facilities across the county; provide proper training and sensitization of police personnel on their roles and responsibilities; renovate the county s headquarter office and construct of payam administration offices; provide agricultural items such as seeds, ox ploughs and hoes to improve productivity; set up a micro finance initiative for women, especially widows; implement an adult literacy programme; encourage peace and reconciliation meetings/dialogues between fighting communities; build and improve schools across the county. Yirol East Population: 67,402 (33,977 men, 33,425 women) Number of payams: 12 Sources of insecurity: cattle rustling; disputes over gazing land, water points, borders and animal movement (the main conflict is between Twec and Atwot); primary health care units lack a sufficient or adequate supply of drugs and there are few trained medical personnel at hand; poorly equipped police force lacks communications equipment and training; weak administration at payam level; food insecurity; extremely high presence of unregistered weapons in communities. Key Priorities: strengthen payams administration by constructing offices; improve the police s communication equipment and construction police posts in Pagarau and Yali; construct more water points and ensure maintenance plans are in place; construct and improve roads between payams; provide agricultural training and farming tools to increase agricultural productivity; implement an adult literacy programme; construct health clinics in particularly insecure payams; monitor disarmament initiatives; set up micro finance projects for the women s groups; strengthen rule of law institutions. Page 7

8 Capacity building and the community consultation process The community consultation process was led by GoSS officials and representatives. Data from communities was compiled into reports and presented to State Security Committees for validation. The next step, currently underway, is the design and implementation of targeted projects tailored to community input. UNDP s programme in Southern Sudan places a heavy emphasis on building the capacity of key government institutions, and it recognizes the need to work with a diverse set of other actors particularly at the grassroots level to promote sustainable development. Capacity development is, at its core, The youth were born into war. We need to know how to take them from a culture of war to a culture of peace. Rumbek Central County Commissioner Dut Makoi Kuok an initiative to help people help themselves. This is why many of UNDP s projects involve work with community group, women s organizations, and traditional authorities. UNDP s Community Security and Arms Control Project opened a unique consultation process in communities across some of Southern Sudan s most volatile areas. Working in partnership with the Southern Sudan Peace Commission and the Bureau for Community Security and Small Arms Control (CSAC), the goal of the project was to try to reduce insecurity by encouraging those affected by it to come up with their own solutions to tackle it. Across the four specific states that were targeted Jonglei, Lakes, Eastern Equatoria and Upper Nile a total of 37 counties participated, including payam level representatives. Bureau for Community Security and Small Arms Control The GoSS established the CSAC Bureau to build cooperation with authorities and local communities to address the threats to peace, security and development in Southern Sudan. The CSAC Bureau s main goal is to ensure communities are free from the threat of violence and are able to develop their livelihoods. UNDP has been providing technical assistance in support of this goal since Through its Community Security and Arms Control Project, it has embedded advisors in the Bureau and helped it create important linkages with relevant regional and international bodies. The recent county consultation process also helped build the capacity of this core institution by allowing official to gain vital management, facilitation and data gathering skills. It also enabled officials to take on a leadership role and properly connect with the people they are mandated to help. It is hoped that the information gathered through the process will not only help with development initiatives, but with the formulation of effective evidence based policies and legislation to combat insecurity across Southern Sudan. Photo: Philip Okin/UNDP Community leaders discuss the potential threats to security with representatives from the Bureau for Community Security and Small Arms Control. UNDP is the UN's global development network, advocating for change and connecting countries to knowledge, experience and resources to help people build a better life. UNDP is on the ground in 166 countries, working with them on their own solutions to global and national development challenges. As the Government of Southern Sudan continues to look for new and innovative ways to address community security, UNDP will be there every step of the way.

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