Red Mandates. Mandate Title Mandate description Purpose

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1 Red s Title description Purpose /96[H] 9 Assistance for Calls upon Member States, United Nations agencies and Declaration humanitarian relief, other international organizations to continue to collaborate, rehabilitation and in full cooperation with the Indonesian Government, to development for East ensure safe and unimpeded access for humanitarian Timor assistance to the East Timorese in western Timor and other parts of Indonesia, including those who do not wish to return to East Timor, in accordance with national and international law; / A/RES/54/96[H] Assistance for humanitarian relief, rehabilitation and development for East Timor 13. Acknowledges the efforts of the Government of Indonesia, in cooperation with the Transitional Administration, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the International Organization for Migration and other humanitarian organizations, to facilitate organized and spontaneous returns of East Timorese refugees from West Timor, and encourages the Government of Indonesia to continue its efforts to establish effective security in and around the refugee camps in West Timor in order to facilitate safe and voluntary returns of refugees; Declaration UNHCR, OSG,, UNHCR, UNFPA, WFP current need. Refugee situation in West Timor has changed. current need. Refugee situation in West Timor has changed /177 3 Assistance for the Calls upon the Secretary-General, in co-operation with the concerned organs and organizations of the United Nations system and in close collaboration with the Government authorities, to carry out an evaluation of the requirements of Djibouti with a view to drawing up an urgent programme of rehabilitation and reconstruction following the damage to the infrastructure of the country OCHA OCHA /177 4 Assistance for the Also calls upon the Secretary-General to ensure that the international community is informed of those requirements in order that it may respond favourably to them OCHA Reporting requirement has already been fulfilled /177 5 Assistance for the Requests the Secretary-General to continue and intensify his efforts to mobilize all possible assistance within the United Nations system to help the Government of Djibouti in its construction and development efforts OCHA /177 6 Assistance for the Encourages the specialized agencies, organizations, and programmes of the United Nations system to intensify their programmes of assistance and to expand them in response to the needs of Djibouti OCHA 1

2 Red s Title description Purpose /1[J] 8 A/RES/44/177 Assistance for the Requests the Secretary-General to continue, in close cooperation with the Government of Djibouti, his efforts to mobilize the resources necessary for an effective programme of financial, technical and material assistance to Djibouti; DPA, UNICEF, WFP, /96[C] 10 A/RES/44/177 Assistance for the : resolution Requests the Secretary-General to continue, in close cooperation with the Government of Djibouti, his efforts to mobilize resources necessary for an effective programme of financial, technical and material assistance to Djibouti; DPA, UNICEF, (XXVI) 1 Assistance in cases of natural disaster and other disaster situations Calls upon the Secretary-General to appoint a Disaster Relief Co-ordinator, who will report directly to him and who will be authorized, on his behalf:... Operational OCHA This mandate has been superseded by OCHA's principle framework resolution 46/ /116 4 & 5 A/RES/44/177 Economic assistance for the 4. Notes with satisfaction the implementation of a reform programme by Djibouti, and in that context appeals to all Governments, international financial institutions, the specialized agencies and non-governmental organizations to respond adequately to the financial and material needs of the country in line with the poverty reduction strategy paper; 5. Expresses its gratitude to the intergovernmental organizations and the specialized agencies of the United Nations for their contributions to the national rehabilitation of Djibouti, and invites them to continue their efforts Declaration DESA, DGACM /116 7 A/RES/44/177 Economic assistance for the Requests the Secretary-General to continue, in close cooperation with the Government of Djibouti, his efforts to mobilize resources necessary for an effective programme of financial, technical and material assistance to Djibouti DESA, DGACM /1[O] 13 Emergency assistance to the Sudan Requests the Secretary-General to continue to mobilize and coordinate resources and support for Operation Lifeline Sudan /1[K] 13 Emergency international Requests the Secretary-General to continue to monitor the humanitarian situation and to report to the normalcy and rehabilitation General Assembly at its fifty-fourth session on the progress made in the implementation of the present resolution; OCHA has been superseded by the integrated Sudanese country program. Reporting DM, UNHCR,, /10 10 A/RES/52/169I Emergency international 10. Warmly welcomes the intention of the Secretary- General to continue the United Nations humanitarian normalcy and rehabilitation programme by issuing a consolidated interagency appeal for to Tajikistan for 2002, taking into account current developments in the region, and urges Member States to fund fully programmes included in the appeal; Declaration UNHCR, UNODC, UNFPA, WFP,, 2

3 Red s Title description Purpose /10 11 A/RES/52/169I Emergency international 11. Calls upon the Secretary-General to continue to reevaluate all United Nations normalcy and rehabilitation activities with a view to preparing a common humanitarian strategy that would support the relief and recovery operations during the transitional period from relief to development, with a major focus on promoting selfreliance and sustainable development; UNHCR, UNODC, UNFPA, WFP,, /10 12 A/RES/52/169I Emergency international 12. Stresses the need to ensure the security and freedom of movement of humanitarian personnel, and of United Nations normalcy and rehabilitation and associated personnel, as well as the safety and security of their premises, equipment and supplies; UNHCR, UNODC, UNFPA, WFP,, /103 7 A/RES/52/169I Emergency international 7. Encourages Member States and others concerned to continue to provide assistance to alleviate the urgent normalcy and rehabilitation humanitarian needs of Tajikistan through the consolidated appeals and to offer support to Tajikistan for the post-conflict rehabilitation and reconstruction of its economy; /103 8 A/RES/52/169I Emergency international 8. Emphasizes the importance of further cooperation and assistance from the authorities in facilitating the work of normalcy and rehabilitation humanitarian organizations, including nongovernmental organizations, welcomes in this regard the establishment of the Aid Coordination Unit in the Executive Office of the President of Tajikistan for the purpose of tracking international, and urges the authorities to continue to simplify and streamline without delay the relevant internal bureaucratic procedures and requirements for the delivery of ; Declaration, All Member States OCHA, Civil society, DPA, / A/RES/52/169I Emergency international 10. Calls upon the Secretary-General to continue to reevaluate all United Nations normalcy and rehabilitation activities with a view to preparing a common humanitarian strategy that would support the relief and recovery operations during the transitional period from relief to development, with a major focus on promoting selfreliance and sustainable development; Operational /169 4 A/RES/54/96F Humanitarian assistance to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia /148 5 A/RES/54/96[F] Humanitarian assistance to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Calls upon the Secretary-General to continue to mobilize the timely provision of international to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia; 5. Calls upon the Secretary-General, as well as the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and other agencies, to continue to mobilize the timely provision of international humanitarian and development assistance to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia; UNHCR, UNICEF, UNFPA, WFP, UNHABITAT, UNOPS This mandates in now historical and has been overtaken by events. UNHCR This mandates in now historical and has been overtaken by events. 3

4 Red s Title description Purpose /148 7 A/RES/54/96[F] Humanitarian assistance 7. Requests the United Nations and the specialized to the Federal Republic of agencies to continue their efforts to assess the humanitarian Yugoslavia needs, in cooperation with the Government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, relevant international and regional organizations and bodies and interested States, with a view to ensuring effective links between relief and longer-term assistance to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, taking into account the work already carried out in this field and the need to avoid duplication and the overlapping of efforts; Specialised agencies This mandates in now historical and has been overtaken by events / Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator Endorses the measures taken by the Secretary-General and the Administrative Committee on Co-ordination to implement General Assembly resolution 36/225 and calls upon the Secretary-General, who will normally be represented by the United Nations Disaster Relief Co-ordinator, to consult with the concerned agencies of the United Nations system in order to develop concerted relief programmes as a basis for united appeals for funds to be launched by the Coordinator on behalf of the Secretary General; Urges all Governments and relevant organs and organizations to co-operate with the United Nations Disaster Relief Co-ordinator and to improve in particular their flow of information on relief assistance, actions and plans; Calls upon the specializad agencies and other constituent organizations of the United Nations system, in order to eliminate wasteful duplication of resources, to co-ordinate, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3 of General Assembly resolution 36/225, their efforts at all stages of the response of the international community to natural disasters and other disaster situations; OCHA This mandate has been superseded by OCHA's principle framework resolution 46/ / Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Coordinator Reaffirms its belief that the strengthening and reinforcing of the Office of the United Nations Disaster Relief Co-ordinator offers the most efficient and economic means of effectively co-ordinating the relief activities of the United Nations system as a whole in the interest of the survivors of disasters, and requests the Secretary General to assign a higher priority to strengthening, preferably within the means at his disposal, the financial and manpower resources of the Office; OCHA This mandate has been superseded by OCHA's principle framework resolution 46/ /166 8(b) A/RES/52/169A Special assistance for the 8. Requests the Secretary-General: (b) To continue to consult with regional leaders, in of African Unity, in order to convene, when appropriate, an international conference on peace, security and development in Central Africa and in the Great Lakes region, the United Nations and the Organization of African Unity, to address the problems of the region in a comprehensive manner; ECA, OHCHR, DPA, UNHCR, WFP, DESA, continue to 4

5 /146 16C A/RES/52/169[ A] Red s Title description Purpose Special assistance for the /96[B] 8c Special assistance for the /118 9 A/RES/50/19 Participation of volunteers, White Helmets, in the activities of the United Nations in the field of humanitarian relief, rehabilitation and technical cooperation for development /166 8(c) A/RES/52/169A Special assistance for the 16. Requests the Secretary-General: (c) To keep under review the economic situation in the with a view to promoting participation in and support for a programme of financial and material assistance to the country to enable it to meet its urgent needs in terms of reconstruction; Requests the Secretary-General: (c) To keep under review the economic situation in the the Congo with a view to promoting participation in and support for a programme of financial and material assistance to the country in order to enable it to address its urgent need for reconstruction; Requests the Secretary-General to take into consideration the ten years that will have passed since the adoption of its resolution 49/139 B, the first resolution on the White Helmets initiative, and, in view of the success of coordinated actions carried out since then with, inter alia, the United Nations Children's Fund, the World Food Programme, the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs of the Secretariat, the United Nations Development Programme and the United Nations Volunteers, to consider their impact and to analyse possible steps and modalities to enhance the integration of the White Helmets initiative within the work of the United Nations system, suggesting appropriate mechanisms and areas, and to report thereon to the General Assembly at its sixtieth session. 8. Requests the Secretary-General: (c) To keep under review the economic situation in the with a view to promoting participation in and support for a programme of financial and material assistance to the country to enable it to meet its urgent needs in terms of reconstruction; DPA, DESA, OCHA OCHA, UNV, UNICEF, WFP, ECA, OHCHR, DPA, UNHCR, UNFPA WFP, DESA, This mandate has been This mandate has been Reporting requirement fulfilled in the 61st session (A/61/313). has now been superceeded by A/RES/61/220, which decides to report on this issue in the 64th as part of an annual humanitrian coordination report. This mandate should be discontinued. It has been / (b)- (c) A/RES/52/169A Special assistance for the 27. Requests the Secretary-General: (b) To continue to consult with regional leaders, in coordination with the President of the African Union, about ways to bring about a peaceful and durable solution to the conflict; (c) To continue to consult with regional leaders, in coordination with the President of the African Union, in order to prepare an international conference on peace, security and development in Central Africa and in the Great Lakes region, the United Nations and the African Union, to address the problems of the region in a comprehensive manner; DPA, 5

6 Red s Title description Purpose / (d) A/RES/52/169A Special assistance for the 27. Requests the Secretary-General: (d) To keep under review the humanitarian and economic situation in the with a view to promoting participation in and support for a programme of financial and material assistance to the country to enable it to meet urgent needs in terms of reconstruction; /169[A] 9A Special assistance for the /169[A] 5 Special assistance for the /166 8(a) A/RES/52/169A Special assistance for the 9. Requests the Secretary-General: (a) To promote participation in and support for a programme of financial and material assistance to the Democratic Republic of to enable it to meet its urgent needs for reconstruction; Requests the appropriate organizations and programmes of the United Nations system to review regularly their current and future programmes of assistance to the Democratic Republic of and to cooperate closely in organizing an effective international programme of assistance Requests the Secretary-General: (a) To continue to consult urgently with regional leaders, in of African Unity, about ways to bring about a peaceful and durable solution to the conflict; DPA, IBRD, OHRLDC, IBRD, OHRLDC, ECA, OHCHR, DPA, UNHCR, UNFPA WFP, DESA, continue to /96[B] 8(a)-(b) Special assistance for the Requests the Secretary-General: (a) To continue to consult urgently with regional leaders, in of African Unity, about ways to bring about a peaceful and durable solution to the conflict; (b) To continue to consult with regional leaders in of African Unity in order to convene, when appropriate, an international conference on peace, security and development in the Great Lakes region, under the auspices of the United Nations and the Organization of African Unity, to address the problems of the region in a comprehensive manner; OSG continue to /146 16A A/RES/52/169[ A] Special assistance for the 16. Requests the Secretary-General: (a) To continue to consult urgently with regional leaders, in coordination with the Interim President of the African Union, on ways to bring about a peaceful and durable solution to the conflict, in accordance with the Lusaka Ceasefire Agreement and relevant Security Council resolutions; DPA, DESA, continue to 6

7 /146 16B A/RES/52/169[ A] Red s Title description Purpose Special assistance for the 16. Requests the Secretary-General: (b) To continue to consult with regional leaders, in coordination with the Interim President of the African Union, in order to convene, when appropriate, an international conference on peace, security and development in Central Africa and in the Great Lakes region, the United Nations and the African Union, to address the problems of the region in a comprehensive manner; DPA, DESA, continue to 7

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