BY CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS / 2ND QUARTER WRAP UP. Enforce the Constitution or Kiss Your Money Goodbye!

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1 the Solari Report BY CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS / 2ND QUARTER WRAP UP VOLUME 2017 / NUMBER 3 Enforce the Constitution or Kiss Your Money Goodbye! 1

2 The Solari Report 2nd Quarter Wrap Up 2017 Enforce The Constitution or Kiss Your Money Goodbye 2 Copyright 2017 by Solari, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the permission in writing from the publisher. Published July 2017 by: Solari, Inc. P. O. Box 157, Hickory Valley TN USA Designed by Ben Lizardi ISBN-10: / ISBN- 13:

3 Table of Contents 1. Introduction How Do You Enforce the US Constitution When the Government is Breaking It?... 8 Solari Toon: Enforce the Constitution...16 Interview with Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney News Trends & Stories...38 The Economy & Financial Markets...38 Geopolitics...44 Culture...50 Science & Technology...51 The Unanswered Questions...53 Inspiration...53 Go Local Long-Term Trends Trump Administration Report Card Solari Core Concepts Financial Markets Space Companies Traded on US Markets Space Companies Traded on European Markets Space Companies Traded on Asian Markets Private Space Companies Government Space Organizations...97 Disclaimer: Nothing on the Solari Report should be taken as individual investment advice. Anyone seeking investment advice for his or her personal financial situation is advised to seek out a qualified advisor or advisors and provide as much information as possible to the advisor in order that such advisor can take into account all relevant circumstances, objectives, and risks before rendering an opinion as to the appropriate investment strategy. NOTE: For additional material available in the online version of this Wrap Up, visit the website and use the search function to locate the items. 3

4 I. Introduction I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live. DEUTERONOMY 30:19 Twenty years ago, I made a decision. I had to choose between my wealth and social position and my core principles. I had to decide which was more important to me to remain a member of the establishment or to refuse to be a party to genocide; to choose individual sovereignty or high-paid slavery. I think of that decision often these days as I watch the American people individually and collectively approach a similar decision point. I made my choice early. Now, everyone who has not made that choice will be forced to make it. The middle of the road is disappearing. Each of us will have to choose and, hopefully, defend our individual sovereignty and the sovereignty and rights of those around us. The alternative is to watch our federal government and our military engage in an acceleration of global war and profiteering. The private companies and investors who currently exercise control over our government are using it to operate violently and above the law. Global surveillance and the ability to murder with impunity is the real source of inequality. Our risks of high-tech slavery, poverty, or death are rising as state and local governments write down pension funds and write off essential services such as functioning water and sewer systems. As US citizens reach these crossroads, we will make our decisions individually and collectively. Since 1776, US citizens have enjoyed the blessings and protection of one of the most powerful covenants ever made: the US Declaration of Independence and, more importantly, the US Constitution with its Bill of Rights. That covenant has been under assault for a long time and enforcement has been far from perfect. However, the forces that would completely shred the US Constitution have now assembled for an all-out assault. As I said in our latest Annual Wrap Up 2016 in January, the period of slow burn and kick the can is over. We have entered a new phase of controlled demolitions. Significant legal and retirement obligations are being abrogated or written down daily. A major overhauling of institutions is underway, in many cases necessitated by two decades of financial coup d État. Those of us who are US citizens can either enforce the Constitution or lose it. As an out-of- 4

5 control military-industrial complex destroys productivity and perpetuates global war, the impact of our success or failure on citizens everywhere will be profound. Billions of people throughout the planet should be praying that we get this right. The theme of our Solari Report 2nd Quarter Wrap Up 2017 is dedicated to helping you understand the importance of the choice that American citizens now face and to begin a conversation about HOW. How can we protect and reinvigorate the US Constitution for ourselves and our children, for future generations, and for people who desire freedom throughout the planet? This 2nd Quarter Wrap Up 2017 follows our special Solari Report in February, American Suicide: Proposals for Constitutional Amendments & Convention, with Edwin Vieira, Jr. a report that was inspired by requests from subscribers who are fearlessly fighting state legislative proposals for a constitutional convention or con-con. To ensure that Solari Report subscribers have access to insider expertise, I flew to Bangladesh to spend a week with former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. For many years, Dr. Mc- Kinney was the most powerful Congressional voice against trillions disappearing from the US government and the relationship of that money to multiple crimes against humanity including global human slave trafficking. I would like to thank Dr. McKinney for hosting me in Bangladesh and for her generous contribution of time and formidable intellect and experience. As always, our 2nd Quarter Wrap Up 2017 includes a summary of the last 90 days of news News Trends & Stories and financial charts Financial Markets. We have added a section in News Trends & Stories called Go Local reflecting our Top Picks editor Brad Eddins commitment to spend more time finding and publishing examples of local action and success. As always, Brad has done an incredible job of assembling the stories in the News Trends & Stories section. Given the acceleration of events and the resulting explosion of important news, we have added a section called Long Term Trends to focus attention on some of the most important trends we have been tracking for many years as well as links to prior Wrap Ups and Solari Reports that will help you dive into our archives for more. We have also added a section called Solari Core Concepts in response to subscriber requests regarding how to access information on concepts critical to our analysis of current events. These include control files, entrainment, and pushing the red button. We thought a list of core concepts with links to some great materials in the Solari Report libraries would help you get more value from your subscription. Our 1st Quarter Wrap Up 2017 covered the first 70 days of the Trump administration and included a report card grading the new administration in numerous categories. With input from Dr. Joseph Farrell, we have updated this report card Since 1776, US citizens have enjoyed the blessings and protection of one of the most powerful covenants ever made: the US Declaration of Independence and, more importantly, the US Constitution with its Bill of Rights. 5

6 I. INTRODUCTION for the 2nd Quarter Wrap Up Finally, under Financial Markets, we have updated our Annual Wrap Up 2015 list of companies involved in space, dividing them between companies whose stocks are traded in the US, Europe, and Asia as well as private space companies and governmental organizations. The space-based economy is growing and will continue to do so as we become a multi-planetary civilization. In one sense, our efforts regarding the missing money and enforcement of the Constitution are about whether or not we will equitably share the benefits of our taxpayer investment in this effort. In addition to visiting Bangladesh during the 2nd Quarter, I spent a week in Hong Kong as that great city marked its 20th anniversary under Chinese rule. The people of Hong Kong are struggling with the same forces of central control that we face in the United States. Freedom brings innovation, productivity, and prosperity. When centralized power wants the benefit of that prosperity, it threatens the legal foundations and the trust and financial liquidity that are essential to prosperity. All around us, the forces of global control threaten to kill the goose that lays the golden egg. Prior to visiting Hong Kong, I spent three weeks in Australia. That trip included a great lunch with Solari Report subscribers at the Fish Café in Sydney on my last day there. My visit also helped me plan our upcoming subscriber trip to Uluru in the Australian Outback (May, 2018) with Richard Dolan and Jason Bawden-Smith. Another special event in the 2nd Quarter was our lunch in Louisville, Kentucky in May to celebrate the successful funding of Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the Dr. Joseph P. Farrell Virtual Pipe Organ Crowdfund. Dr. Farrell delivered an exceptional speech, On Culture, Politics and Organ Music which you can find at the crowdfund website. Special thanks to colleagues Chuck McCorkle and Kathy Churay and the many generous donors for helping to make this dream come true. Stay tuned for a virtual pipe organ delivery in the 3rd Quarter! I am currently writing from San Francisco with plans to head to Maine, New York, Santa Fe (the opera!), Switzerland, Austria (more opera!), Germany, Italy (Beethoven!), The Netherlands, and Iceland during the 3rd Quarter. Getting to know you as I travel is one of the finest benefits of serving a global audience of Solari Report subscribers. Just remember, whatever challenges lie before us, we have the capacity to gather our power and rise to the occasion. Yes, we can! Catherine Austin Fitts US Independence Day, July 4, 2017 The Sydney Opera in Sydney, Australia 6

7 Subscriber Letter to a State Senator: Enforce the Constitution, Don t Call for a Convention! (CAF Note: I asked a Solari Report subscriber to share this letter with you. Please ask your state representatives to stop or reverse any effort to call for an Article V Convention! Ask them instead to ENFORCE THE CONSTITUTION!) Dear (Your State Legislator) Thank you for your response to my comments at the listening session. I also appreciate that you took the time to either read or listen to the interview with Dr. Vieira and Catherine Austin Fitts. Your explanation of an Article V Convention is very clear and I can understand the reasons you believe there is no danger in this type of convention. As you stated in the letter, under the legislation you are advancing, it would be illegal for delegates to act outside the call for a balanced budget amendment. Unfortunately, I do not share your confidence in the rule of law being followed to maintain the very narrow call you describe for an Article V Convention. There are many books, papers and/or interviews which support this lack of confidence in the rule of law. I have listed just a few books if you are interested in pursuing the topic of the law being set aside. Dillion Read and Aristocracy of Stock Profits by Catherine Austin Fitts (An online book at I have included the forward to this book in this letter). J.P. Madoff by Helen Davis Chaitman and Lance Gotthoffer Helen Chaitman is an attorney who was invested with Madoff. Clinton Cash by Peter Schweizer (self explanatory). The Devil s Chessboard by David Talbot (A more historical picture with a wider scope). As I presented in the listening session, even if the narrow call for an Article V Convention can be maintained, balancing a $20 trillion dollar debt without accounting for the missing assets is a disservice to the taxpayers and may even be a Material Omission. As a recap of my statement: There is $11.5 trillion in missing money; these are undocumentable adjustments in federal accounts for which there was not an appropriation. (I have attached two pages with some of the links reporting missing money). Assets and technology financing and developed within the black budget, paid for by taxpayers but, in private hands and companies. (I have attached an article from Wired Magazine and a short article from, but this can also be searched on the internet). Assets acquired in foreign wars, paid for by the taxpayers, with their money and their children, but also in private hands and companies. (This information can be found on the internet or by reading books on history, particularly history after WWII. Some suggestions would be: Gold Warriors by Sterling and Peggy Seagraves and The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein). Writing a new balanced budget amendment into the constitution appears to only address the debt and a balanced budget going forward. It does not necessarily address the complex issues involved in the missing assets, such as, where they are, can they be recovered and can they be applied to reduce the $20 trillion dollar debt. My question remains how can a budget be balanced if we are only talking about the debt but not the missing assets? I continue to believe that the constitution needs to be enforced rather than changed. The constitution clearly states that only monies appropriated by congress can be spent. Thank you for your service to our state in the legislature. I believe that our state and local representatives, our local entrepreneurs, including small farmers, and vibrant local towns, villages and counties are the way forward to a prosperous future for our children and grandchildren. Sincerely Yours, 7

8 II. How Do You Enforce the US Constitution When the Government is Breaking It? 8

9 We can deny our heritage and our history, but we cannot escape responsibility for the result. There is no way for a citizen of a republic to abdicate his responsibilities. EDWARD R. MURROW higher I got up in the agency [CIA], the more I began to The see illegal, unconstitutional, sometimes criminal activity that the agency and some other sectors of the Shadow Government (I call it) were doing things that were illegal and were unconstitutional and I always have to say this: The United States Constitution is the supreme law of the land. It supersedes every other law in the U.S. criminal system and the judicial branch. That s worth remembering, when the U.S. Government violates the constitution they are committing multiple felonies based on the foundation of our government. We must always remember that. As a federal agent I had to swear an oath to our constitution, to defend our constitution, from enemies foreign and domestic. The problem was, there were some that were domestic! And there were some that happened to be in our own government. So I had to make a decision, was I going to uphold my oath to the constitution or was I going to shrink back and for me that was an easy decision. I chose to stand for the constitution and that s why I m here KEVIN SHIPP, FORMER CIA OFFICER: ANTI-TERRORISM SPECIALIST A Conversation With Dr. Cynthia McKinney On July 1, 2017, three days before Americans celebrated our Independence Day, I sat with former US Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, now a professor of political science, in her apartment in Dhaka, Bangladesh to record a conversation about the US Constitution. This conversation followed a week of intense discussion with Dr. McKinney, drawing on her 12 years of experience in Congress and many years of passionate activism on behalf of human rights globally. (The transcript of our conversation starts on page 20.) We discussed the power of the US Constitution and the covenant it has created, the dire nature of what will happen if it is changed, and the incredible possibilities if we can enforce it through actions we can take in our own lives. We also discussed the importance of beginning a conversation about how we can enforce the US Constitution while the government is breaking it. The purpose of this written portion of our 2nd Quarter Wrap Up 2017 is to kick off such a discussion. What are the issues? My contribution to this discussion focuses primarily on the financial aspects of this task. This is an ongoing conversation and it will require the contributions of many people. However, I am confident that we can ultimately enforce the US Constitution and that we have the capacity to do so. Cynthia McKinney is an American politician and activist based in Georgia. As a member of the Democratic Party, she served six terms in the United States House of Representatives. She was the first black woman elected to represent Georgia in the House. 9

10 II. HOW DO YOU ENFORCE THE US CONSTITUTION WHEN THE GOVERNMENT IS BREAKING IT? the COMING CLEAN The Solari Report Solari Report BY CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS / 3RD QUARTER WRAP UP VOLUME 2016 / NUMBER FOUR INVESTMENT SCREENING: Can We Filter for Productive Companies? Coming Clean The first action we must take is to come clean in our own lives. We must shift support from the people and institutions that are destroying the US Constitution (including processing illegal transactions and securities fraud with federal government information systems or bank and securities accounts) to the people and institutions that are supporting the US Constitution and US financial management laws. Coming Clean Solari Report: Coming Clean with Eunice Boston This will include shifting our bank deposits to a good local bank or credit union: How to Find a Good Local Bank Solari Report: Bank Local How Do I Find a Great Local Bank? This also means shifting our consumer purchases and investments: Third Quarter Wrap Up 2016: Investment Screening: Can We Filter for Productive Companies? Many of us do not comprehend the power we can create by coming clean. Given the leverage in the financial system, our individual bank deposits, choice of employers or business partners, purchases, and investments all have a significant impact. Coming clean includes our choice of friends and associates. Throughout history, shunning has been a powerful tool for change. Spiritual Warfare One of the challenges we face in coming clean is seeing that we are engaged in a global war on the human race (and on all living things) by a group of people who are Luciferian in their practice and demonic in their behavior. In short, we are engaged in spiritual warfare. This means that we must choose sides between good and evil and then draw on the power of divine intelligence for good to prevail. Karma Means You Don t Get Away with Anything Solari Report: The Power of It with Jon Rappoport Let s engage the power of prayer to help us see how we can best enforce the Constitution and implement the actions necessary to do so. Governance Structures State and Local Representation: We vote for political representation in local, state, and federal elections. First, we can ensure that our voting systems function properly by eliminating electronic voting equipment (and related private contractors) and return to the voting system that the state of Maine uses: paper ballots. Maine s Paper Ballot System Second, we must pay attention to local and state elections. Want to Have a Real Impact? Shift Your Time to State and Local Elections Political change works from the bottom up start local and rebuild your power from the ground. Financial Transparency: We must learn how the money works around us to ensure that resources are lawfully managed by state and local governments. This will make it possible to hold our Congressmen accountable for the lawful management of resources by the federal government. 10

11 Book Review: Follow the Money: A Citizen s Guide to Local Government Solari Report: Unpacking Your Local Ecosystem Mapping Your Local Financial Ecosystem We can also encourage local and independent media to follow the money to make it easier to monitor how the money works around us. Federal Representation: In choosing your Congressional representatives, you can require loyalty to the United States by never voting for a candidate who holds dual citizenship and by demanding that your Congressional representatives move to outlaw dual citizenship in Congress, the military, and the executive branch. This requirement should also include any contractors or contractor personnel providing classified national security functions or handling telecommunications, accounting, or financial information or payment systems. Such dual citizenship represents an unacceptable conflict of interest that, in my opinion, has contributed significantly to a deterioration of the US financial condition in violation of the Appropriations Clause of the US Constitution. You need to help publish lists of any politicians, members of the military, and government officials who maintain dual citizenship. With such a list, we must specifically target these people and insist that they resign or give up their dual citizenship. If they do not comply, let s make sure that they are not re-elected. You need to know why your candidates have signed the AIPAC (American-Israeli Public Affairs Committee) pledge and refuse to vote for any Congressman who has signed such a pledge. Let s also publish a list of all politicians who have signed an AIPAC pledge and challenge them on their conflicts of interest. You need to know why a Congressional candidate has voted appropriations for agencies that refuse to comply with the Appropriations Clause of the Constitution and US financial management laws. Demand that these candidates comply and require an accounting and return of all undocumentable adjustments at any agencies for which they have oversight or appropriation responsibilities. If they do not, it is time to replace them. Here is one of my letters to a Tennessee Congressman to help you ensure accountability from your Congressman: Letter to Congressman Van Hilleary (R-Tenn) You also need to demand that your elected representatives force government agencies to provide local transparency regarding the US federal budget and contracting budgets. Here is a letter to my Congressman to help you write such letters: Open Letter to My Congressman In addition, demand that Congress provides online, open source simulations to all citizens of the pro forma financial impact of all proposed legislation for a period of 10 days before a vote may be taken. Most importantly, you need to stop being afraid of retaliation for holding your elected representatives responsible. Instead, you need to insist that 10 of your friends, family, and colleagues join you in taking these actions and that they ask 10 more people to join them. There is strength in numbers come into your power. Enforcement: Please make sure that you understand and appreciate the Constitutional powers of your local sheriff and ensure that the best possible person is elected to that office in your county. Solari Report: Who s Your Sheriff? PLEASE NOTE: All the bulleted items (in blue) listed in this section can be accessed by going to the online version of this Wrap Up at: www., then use the search function to locate the items. In choosing your Congressional representatives, you can require loyalty to the United States by never voting for a candidate who holds dual citizenship and by demanding that your Congressional representatives move to outlaw dual citizenship in Congress, the military, and the executive branch. 11

12 II. HOW DO YOU ENFORCE THE US CONSTITUTION WHEN THE GOVERNMENT IS BREAKING IT? Act locally to prevent and remove any mandates that restrict your privacy or expose you to physical harm or mind control: Cellphone towers, including the smaller 5G towers Smart meters Mandated vaccines Food safety rules that compromise your ability to grow your own food or buy food from local farmers The spraying of heavy metals or other poisons Adding fluoride to drinking water Ensure your right to own and carry firearms. In my opinion, the US intelligence and enforcement agencies (and the private contractors and mercenaries with which they collaborate) are marketing illegal drugs and firearms into your community. You cannot afford to be over-powered or out-gunned. At the same time, you must appreciate the dangers of mind control technologies that are being applied in the midst of a well-armed population. Also, please make sure that you have proper training and practice. Creating Sovereignty State and Local Government Enforcing the US Constitution will require a greater level of sovereignty at the state and local level. Unfortunately, because the federal government can dictate a growing flow of mandates and borrow a near infinite amount of money (because the central bank can print money and buy Treasury bills and bonds), state and local governments have been squeezed. Let s reverse that squeeze. Stop the Con-Con: Stop any efforts to pressure your state legislators to support the call for a constitutional convention. Start a State Bank: State banks owned and operated by the state government should: Serve as depository agents for the state. Ensure payment system integrity within the state. Provide lending capacity for the state and state incorporated banks and credit unions (but not to individuals or companies). Provide for a state gold and silver depository which is available to both state and local government, citizens, and businesses. Mandate that the state bank create a division committed to financial privacy within the state that will ensure the integrity of all telecommunications and digital payment systems from invasion of privacy and mind control technology. This division would also provide curriculum to local schools that will teach students how to (1) create their own private encryption systems and (2) test the integrity of information systems. In addition, mandate that the state bank determines how it will respond to the adaptation of blockchain technology. Shift State and Local Financial Flows: Shift state and local banking, investment, and servicing out of any banks that manage the federal bank account (and which have been responsible for operating the federal accounts outside of Constitutional law) to banks that do not have such conflicts of interest. Withdraw Certificates of Good Standing: Require the US Secretary of State to withdraw certificates of standing from any financial institution that has paid out federal settlements of more than $1 billion for financial fraud and other financial crimes in the last 10 years or is complicit in implementing unconstitutional transactions with the federal accounts. In addition, require the US Secretary of State 12

13 to withdraw certificates of standing from any contractor that has provided accounting or payment systems services to federal agencies with undocumentable adjustments. Ensure that all such institutions are prevented from doing business with the state and local governments. Stop and reverse the privatization of state and local employees. All governmental functions (particularly tax, treasury, cash management, investment, accounting, and payment or other financial functions) must be overseen or provided by career civil service government employees. Address Mind Control Head On!: Outlaw the application of mind control technologies within the state (whether by federal or private telecommunication, media, or other parties) and create the necessary enforcement capacity to implement these laws. Taxes: Cancel state and local sales taxes (if any) on gold and silver transactions and make it an option for state and local taxes to be paid in gold and silver. Creating Sovereignty Federal Government Protecting Our Tax Dollars This is the most important and most challenging aspect of your enforcement of the US Constitution. We are paying taxes to the federal government while the government is violating financial management laws and the Constitution in its disbursement of those tax dollars. Indeed, the government is funding illegal and criminal activities that are doing harm. You are financing your own destruction and you need to stop doing so. How do we enforce the Appropriations Clause of the US Constitution? There are several possibilities: Lobby state legislators to increase staff and budgets for state and local attorneys general (AGs). Require state AGs to significantly increase litigation against the federal government in order to roll back federal mandates that are harming state and local finances. Direct state AGs to propose legal mechanisms against the New York Fed and its member banks for effecting transactions that are unconstitutional and illegal. This proposal would include legal mechanisms to recapture missing monies from the New York Fed and its member banks. Review the options to assert common law right of offset against the debts of state and local governments, resident students, and citizens. Review the options to seize the assets and equity held by New York Fed member banks and government contractors to satisfy their liabilities for undocumentable adjustments. Create tax escrows under the control of (i) state or local government, (ii) state and local courts, or (iii) private trusts. File federal tax reports with the IRS, but make the payment into the escrow until (and unless) the US Treasury has documented and recaptured the undocumentable adjustments and published audited financial statements as required by law. The escrow will provide an annual financial report to the Treasury. Pay a pro-rata share to the US government for servicing on the national debt and a portion of military expenses. The remainder will be held in escrow until the federal government obeys the appropriation clause of the law with respect to expenditures and disclosure and may be used to provide for domestic federal expenses within the state under state control. Determine a path for the courts to mandate the federal government to provide an amount up to an equivalent of the bank bailouts to fund state and local pension funds and health care shortfalls and critical infrastructure needs. Determine a path for the courts to mandate that the federal government refinance all student loan debt at the Fed Funds rate (the much lower insider rate that the banks get). Outlaw the application of mind control technologies within the state (whether by federal or private telecommunication, media or other parties) and create the necessary enforcement capacity to implement these laws. 13

14 II. HOW DO YOU ENFORCE THE US CONSTITUTION WHEN THE GOVERNMENT IS BREAKING IT? Control Files You need to engage with your neighbors and local leaders to create private Truth & Reconciliation Committees for every city or state, made up of respected citizens with experience in government, business, media, military, intelligence, and law enforcement. Have these committees create a process to help cleanse leaders who are willing and able to come clean of their control files. This includes being able to screen out mind control or covert operators who attempt to compromise the integrity of this process. You must also provide enforcement against domestic and foreign intelligence and law enforcement agencies (as well as private operators) who seek to entrap, threaten, bully, or blackmail elected and appointed leaders. Food & Farming Enforcement against illegal activities by the federal government will be much easier if we are economically independent beginning with being able to provide fresh, nutritious food. You need to work to amend food safety laws and regulations to make gardening and local farming profitable in the market: Require local school boards to buy food from local farmers wherever possible. Encourage the creation of state and local (or mobile) slaughter houses: make intra-state inspected meat equivalent to the USDA. Make the growth and sale of marijuana and hemp legal in your state. Why wait for robotics and artificial intelligence to decimate existing employment? Let s engage robotics and AI to grow our own food, local farms, and businesses. Utilities and Energy Enforcing the Constitution will be much easier if we are energy self-sufficient. Creating our own energy locally will also help free us from the smart grid of towers, meters, and appliances that are subjecting us to increasingly dangerous levels of EMF radiation, surveillance, and mind control. We can create profitable local alternatives. Why wait for new technologies to decimate existing employment? Let s learn more about these technologies and figure out how to create our own energy. German Village Produces 321% More Energy Than It Needs Equity Capital Create a state crowdfunding law to make it easy for local areas to raise capital for local incubators, venture capital pools, and REITS and to facilitate and maintain secondary markets for the equity interests and securities created. Document the amount of money being spent by each county on alcohol, illegal drugs, pharmaceutical drugs, carbonated drinks, lottery tickets, and cable television. Then, estimate what would be possible if 50% of these funds were invested annually in local incubators, venture capital pools, and REITS. Make these studies available to all local and independent media and publish them online. Education Integrate curriculum into local schools that will help students understand how to create their own encryption systems and how to test for and protect themselves against mind control technologies and EMF radiation. Encourage excellence in mathematics from an early age studies on financial literacy show 14

15 that the foundation of financial literacy is excellence in mathematics. Return the control of curriculum, physical facilities, hiring, and other policies to local schools (other than the requirement to purchase food locally, when possible). Reverse any mandates that require Common Core. Encourage state and school associations to provide open source materials and software including best practices information, recommendations, and support for school curriculum. This should include early education to help students understand how local economic and financial systems really work. Economics 101 Questing A Guide to Creating Community Treasure Hunts Significantly increase funding for exchange programs with schools in other countries and programs to integrate business and other curriculum with local businesses. Start a shark tank to facilitate capital funding of student enterprise. Local Civic & Volunteer Groups Return the jurisdiction of all volunteer fire companies to state jurisdiction and reduce time commitments for required training or offer sufficient financial compensation for training time. Encourage leadership training, participatory budgeting, and community prayer. Participatory Budgeting Wikipedia Consider a neighborhood Constitution Conversation. Read a copy of the US Constitution together and then determine what this document means to your neighborhood and what you can do to enforce it. Other If corporations have the right of personhood, then there should be jail time and a death penalty for corporations as there are for people. Let s determine how we will implement this change, starting with the US Secretary of State withdrawing certificates of good standing on a temporary or permanent basis from any corporation or enterprise with a documented history of harming or killing people. Dreadful Ideas Here are two ideas you are not going to fall for and you re not going to let the people around you fall for them either. A con-con (constitutional convention) is a dreadful idea. So is state secession. These processes would allow the people who stole all the money through the financial coup d État to keep their stolen money and to avoid funding Social Security, retirement, and health care obligations. American Suicide: Proposals for Constitutional Amendments & Convention with Edwin Vieira, Jr. (PDF). Conclusion Each of these ideas needs fleshing out. In addition, this is just a beginning. There are many more steps to be taken, including brilliant ideas I have never imagined but which you can. If you have ideas, please post them at the subscriber input area of, and I will use them to continue to improve this list. Let s do it! Forming a Constitutional Convention is a dreadful idea. The graphics on the following pages illustrate in simple terms why you don t want to do that. 15

16 enforce the constitution or kiss your money goodbye! This is why it could happen... FROM FISCAL 1998 TO 2011, MR. GLOBAL* TRANSFERRED AN ESTIMATED $40 TRILLION+ OF THE TAXPAYER S MONEY INTO HIS (AND HIS FRIENDS ) POCKETS THROUGH WORLDWIDE WARS, THE BLACK BUDGET AND A GLOBAL FINANCIAL COUP D ÉTAT. THEY ABSCONDED WITH EVEN MORE MONEY OVER THE LAST 30 YEARS. PLUS, THEY CAPTURED ANCIENT MUSEUM ARTIFACTS AND PRICELESS ART, LAND, MINING INTERESTS, OIL FIELDS, BIG GOVERNMENT CONTRACTS, AND MARKET SHARE. UNTOLD TRILLION$ SHIPPED ABROAD WENT MISSING THEY COVERED UP TO GET LAWS PASSED. THEY LIED AND THEY KILLED THEY ENGAGED IN RACKETEERING IN THE EMERGING MARKETS TO LOCK UP NATURAL RESOURCES, AND PRIVATIZED COMPANIES AND ASSETS. THEY LAUNDERED HUNDREDS OF BILLIONS OF DOLLARS IN NOT-FOR-PROFITS AND FOUNDATIONS IN ORDER TO ENGINEER A SOFT REVOLUTION FOR GLOBAL CONTROL. THE MONEY WAS INVESTED IN GRANTS, GMO SEEDS, AND PHOTO OPS TO MAKE THEM LOOK LIKE THEY WERE HELPING THE PEOPLE. NON- PROFIT FOUNDATION * Mr. Global goes by many names. Here s a few names of groups alleged to be part of Mr. Global s team you might recognize: 1) The Deep State; 2) The Cabal; 3) The Elite; 4) The 1% of the 1%; 5) The Syndicate; 6) The Illuminati; 7) The Zionists; 8) The Committee of 300; 9) The Freemasons; 10) The Jesuits; 11) The Rockefellers; 12) The Rothchilds; 13) The Shadow Government; 14) The Neocons; 15) The Banksters; 16) The Council on Foreign Relations; 17) The Trilateral Commission; 18) The Club of Rome; 19) The Vatican; 20) The Bohemian Club; 21) The Khazarians; 22) The New World Order; 23) The Men in Black; 24) The Skull & Bones Society; 25) The Committee that Runs the World; 26) The Octopus; 27) The Thirteen Families; 28) The Knights of Malta; 29) The Rosicrucian Order; 30) The Order; 31) The Brotherhood; 32) TPTB. 16




20 Enforce the Constitution with Congresswoman Cynthia Mckinney TRANSCRIPT OF INTERVIEW RECORDED ON JULY 6, Catherine Austin Fitts: It s my pleasure to welcome to The Solari Report a woman who needs no introduction, and that is Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, who served from the 11th and 4th Congressional Districts in the Atlanta region for 12 years, challenging all the powers that be. If anybody has tried to enforce the Constitution, it s Congresswoman McKinney. She is now a professor of political science in Bangladesh, Asia. I have been with her for the last week, and have to tell you that she is as good a hostess as she was a Congresswoman. Cynthia McKinney: Oh, that s wonderful news. My mother will be pleased. C. Austin Fitts: Your mother would be impressed. My mother would be very impressed. Anyway, Southern hospitality lives and reigns in Bangladesh. Along with teaching political science both at the graduate and undergraduate level she teaches organizational change and leadership and entrepreneurship. She has a group of talented, visionary, entrepreneurial students. They are exciting to be around, and they are excited to be around her and learning from her. It has really been inspiring to be here. You feel as though you re actually living in solutions when you re here. I ll tell you, Cynthia, the society that will work is a society where the young people are excited about creating and building the future, you just feel that here. Cynthia McKinney: Yes, and it is intergenerational as well. Those students pulled me into whatever it is that they re doing, even when I want to sleep! C. Austin Fitts: They have invited us into their homes for the holiday. We re in the midst of a great holiday here in Dhaka, which is the capital of Bangladesh, and you see how much these parents have invested in these children and how they keep investing. Cynthia McKinney: That s right. C. Austin Fitts: They are building their children who are building the future. 20

21 Cynthia McKinney: The children honor that investment of their parents. C. Austin Fitts: Right. It s wonderful to see that, and it s rare that you see and feel the same kind of intergenerational love and support. Cynthia McKinney: The thing that is extremely amazing to me is that I have about 15 young people between the ages of 20 and 25, and we have been all over this country. We have been on eight to ten excursions long outings. C. Austin Fitts: Right. You ve been to Nepal. Cynthia McKinney: We ve been to all areas inside Bangladesh Sundarbans, Cox s Bazar. Sundarbans is a World Heritage site that has the world s largest mangrove forest. Cox s Bazar is the world s longest sea beach, and I guess it s the world s longest beach. We have been to the mountains, to the valleys, to the deltas. We have been there, and the remarkable impression is: No drugs, no cigarette smoking, no alcohol, and nothing except good, clean fun. C. Austin Fitts: These kids have more fun and they re having very great fun. Cynthia McKinney: They re having great fun, but it s not augmented or whatever. C. Austin Fitts: It s clean fun and they don t need to come clean because they ve always been clean. Cynthia McKinney: Yes. C. Austin Fitts: And they ve always been clean and we need to come clean. Cynthia McKinney: You are right, America does. C. Austin Fitts: It s interesting because I started this trip in Australia, and there, wherever I went, the young people were very excited about the future. They were worried about the different things, but they are building the future. Hong Kong is a city that has always reinvented itself, but this time the young people were not excited about being part of that reinvention. The question is: What is going to happen? Here in Dhaka, the kids are wildly excited about the opportunity of their future. Cynthia McKinney: Yes. C. Austin Fitts: The reality is that freedom and entrepreneurial opportunity attract. Cynthia McKinney: Yes. C. Austin Fitts: When you get 7 billion people excited about their freedom and their entrepreneurial opportunity, things start to percolate. Cynthia McKinney: This is very interesting, though, because the freedom and the entrepreneurial spirit are almost separated from the political system. This is something that resides within the people, which is why your come clean is so important. It starts in the heart. C. Austin Fitts: I really believe that people have the power if they will embrace that. Before we go on and talk about the Constitution, I want to bring up the fact that I watched you over your career challenge the official reality on 9/11 and challenge them on the missing money. In fact, no one would listen to me about the missing money until you confirmed that what I was saying was correct. You challenged them on the sex slave trafficking by government contractors and under the auspices of the Federal government. You have challenged them again and again on all of this, and you paid the ultimate price. I was amazed that you were re-elected considering the forces that were ready to throw you out of Congress. I will say this because you wouldn t say it: You won the Senate primary, and then they rigged it and played a game on you. So you have gone up against the machine, and you have one of the best track records of beating the machine. They had to spend a lot of time and money getting rid of you. In my opinion, it is very important that people not say, Well, why is no one doing anything? Your career is proof that very talented, capable, successful people have been doing plenty all along. Cynthia McKinney: That s right. I appreciate you reminding your audience about that because I understand so much. I raise my hand (in cyberspace) and say, I was trying to do something about it. 21

22 At the time, the deep state and all of its factions coalesced and came together, utilizing every resource that they had at their fingertips which is a great deal. People believed them at that time but it is a different time now. C. Austin Fitts: The fake news worked. Cynthia McKinney: That s right. C. Austin Fitts: One of our great opportunities now is that the fake news is not working; it s breaking down. We will talk about this more later, but there are a large number of people in Congress, in the Senate, and government officials who have been harmed by the deep state and the fake news cycle. Now there is a huge opportunity, if we can break the fake news cycle, to start protecting the leadership that really is trying to enforce the Constitutional law. Cynthia McKinney: There are a few members of Congress who have come and gone like me who campaigned against the deep state, against the fake news, and had to succumb to it. But there is one member of Congress, in particular, who I always give a shout-out to, and he s a Republican, Walter Jones from North Carolina. Initially he was the guy who conceived Freedom fries instead of calling them French fries because the French refused to go to war with the US against Iraq at the time. He was a true believer in the lies and the propaganda. But over the course of many people challenging, he heard them and decided that he had been lied to. I personally saw him carry his Congressional letterhead everywhere he went. The purpose was that he was always writing I m sorry notes to all of the families of the soldiers who died in Iraq. That man is someone who I look up to, and I m just happy that he is still in the Congress. He is that beacon out there, and is the one I believe who we can count on to champion what we re talking about in terms of the Constitution. C. Austin Fitts: One of the most important things we can do to enforce the Constitution is to support the leaders who are willing to enforce the Constitution. So the day that Walter Jones starts getting more support from people than Chuck Schumer or John McCain and we ll discuss John McCain later. Cynthia McKinney: That s right. C. Austin Fitts: So let s turn to the Constitution. One thing that I ve begun to appreciate as a result of starting this conversation about how we enforce the Constitution is that I m learning how few people really understand how powerful the Constitution has been, as both a spiritual and a legal covenant, and how important it is to protecting us. In other words, we take it for granted. We don t understand what is going to happen if it goes away. So what I would really appreciate is if you would say a few words about why you believe in the Constitution having been a Congresswoman and having dealt with many different political and legal issues in the United States and globally. What does the Constitution mean to you, and why do you think it s important? Cynthia McKinney: I ll start by saying that it is the governing structure of our state. It provides the state with legitimacy when the rules and regulations and values that are professed in the Constitution are abided by, not only by the citizens, but also by those who are elected in the republic to represent the citizens. The only issue is, who gets defined as a citizen. So you can have a wonderful document, but if it s not implemented correctly, or if imperfect people implement it, then the appearance is that you have an imperfect document. Maybe it s not imperfect; it s just that we haven t reached the ideal to which those who wrote the Constitution aspired. So that is what I would say. The Constitution, also as any constitution does expresses our values. What is it that we stand for as citizens of the United States? If we say one thing and do another, then of course the state loses its legitimacy. If the citizens allow the state to lose its legitimacy, then one of the questions that I ve been grappling with is: To what extent are we also complicit in the transgressions of the state? 22

23 So if we don t provide, as Clausewitz would say, the friction, and if we re not frictioning against the ideals and the values that are expressed in the Constitution, then we are part of the problem. C. Austin Fitts: I would say it this way: We have a covenant. We have a group agreement, and that group agreement at a spiritual and cultural level is unbelievably powerful. So around 1996, you would hear many Americans say spontaneously, Hey, it s a free country. In other words, I don t like you. You don t like me. But I honor your right to be free, to have a right to have opportunity, to have a right to own property. So I respect free speech for you to say whatever you want. That was a covenant where Americans no matter what their background was afforded each other a kind of respect. Cynthia McKinney: We had the Bill of Rights. We could say, It s my right, and the others would say, Yeah, it s a right. During the Civil Rights movement, you would have black attorneys representing the Klan in free speech cases because, at the end of the day, the ability of the Klan to articulate their vision must remain intact so that the rest of us including blacks can articulate our vision. There have been justifications for the erosions that have taken place of our rights in the Bill of Rights to the extent that we had a President who said, What s the Constitution? It s only a piece of paper. C. Austin Fitts: In my opinion, it s something very powerful. What you and I have seen, and many people who I talk to about this have seen, is the government break the law repeatedly for many decades now if not from the very beginning. They say, We re not following it anyway. Who cares? The reality is that if you think these people are breaking the Constitution now, wait until you see what they can do if they tear it up. We did a great Solari Report with Constitutional scholar Edwin Vieira about why you shouldn t have a Constitutional Convention. If you do, they can tear it up. And if you think they re bad now, wait until you see what they can do once they tear it up. What I try to impress on people is having the formal law be what it is now. That still gives us a tremendous spiritual and cultural covenant, but it also makes it much harder and much more expensive to break it. Given how much they re breaking it now, if you tear it up, we re talking about a world where there are no property rights, where there are no human rights. We re talking about an exceptionally totalitarian society, and I would argue slavery as well. I always try to get my subscribers to watch the Aaron Russo video where he talks about how the Rockefellers want everybody microchipped. They re going to do things like that. Cynthia McKinney: They ve already started doing things like that. C. Austin Fitts: Exactly! Cynthia McKinney: I was in the Congress when they passed the legislation to require all farm animals to be chipped. That was the beginning and I clearly understood where that was headed. The divergence of the practice from the ideal is what caused me to take stock of myself. First of all, it made me take stock of our political system, and then I took stock of myself. At some point, if the people of the United States don t engage when their ideals and the legitimacy of the state is being abridged, then the blowback from those actions and behaviors comes back to the people of the US. Is that right or is that not right? You talk about the targeting of civilians. This is something that I m grappling with right now. When do we stop being civilians? C. Austin Fitts: Under the Constitution, we are responsible for everything that the United States does. Our property is responsible for supporting the debt because our property and even we are collateral. If the state goes down or the state loses legitimacy and there are financial or legal ramifications to us, we are on the hook. 23

24 Cynthia McKinney: In 2007 I declared my independence from the national leadership that was trying to make me complicit in the war crimes and torture crimes against humanity and all of that. I said, I m out. What I m still grappling with is: How do I make that into an action item? How do I operationalize being out in every sense of the word? Probably at this point, the most important sense which is the most difficult sense is that I m out intellectually in my heart and my spirit and my soul, but I still have the financial entanglement. C. Austin Fitts: We re going to talk about how and that is the question we all have: How? For you to make enormous progress on the how you need other people to be part of that. One thing to do is to sit down and read it. Read the Declaration of Independence, read the Bill of Rights, and read the Constitution. There are two things that I want to consider because they ll come up in this discussion. One is the Appropriations Clause, No money shall be drawn from the Treasury but in consequence of appropriations made by law; and a regular statement and account of the receipts and expenditures of all public money shall be published from time to time. That means that you can t spend money that Congress hasn t appropriated, and you have to disclose. We know that they are in complete and utter violation of that. The second is the War Powers Clause, and that is from Article 1, The Congress shall have the power to declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water. So that means no wars unless Congress approves. What you told me, which I didn t realize, is that there is case law that says if Congress appropriates, that is deemed to be approval of the war powers. Cynthia McKinney: That s right. That has been driven home time and time again through the courageous actions of Dennis Kucinich when he was in the Congress. C. Austin Fitts: Right, an amazing man. Cynthia McKinney: He went to court, I think against Iraq, and I know that he did it against Libya. The courts reaffirmed, when Congress appropriates the funds for the war, that can be construed as Congress authorization of a war. C. Austin Fitts: What that means is, if we have set up a structure between Congress and Treasury, that the Department of Defense can spend infinite amounts because we know $11 trillion is missing. So if they appropriate, the war is approved. If they don t appropriate, they just spend the money and do it anyway. Cynthia McKinney: And they don t disclose. C. Austin Fitts: Right. Cynthia McKinney: It s amazing to me. It s outrageous that you don t have 535 members of Congress jumping up and down because the Pentagon won t reveal to whom it gave money in these untrackable transactions. We know that as a transaction, somebody received something. C. Austin Fitts: It is trackable. All the wires batch and go through the New York Fed and it s trackable and there is a digital record. Cynthia McKinney: So it is trackable, and it s not disclosed. So this is purposeful behavior to hide certain activities from the people of the US, in addition to the secret budget. For example the secret intelligence budget that is classified, why should it be classified? The people of the US deserve to know what the government is doing. C. Austin Fitts: You have a machinery where a group of people in the deep state can basically print or borrow an infinite amount of money and spend it on a nondisclosed basis completely outside of the Constitution, and this allows them literally to run an entire planet by force. Cynthia McKinney: Absolutely, and to do anything else with the money. That is how you get whole pallets of US dollars sent to Iraq. It s ridiculous. It s outrageous, and I ve been outraged for a very long time. C. Austin Fitts: What we re saying is that the Appropriations Clause and the War Powers 24

25 Clause, in combination, are not being enforced. Until and unless they are enforced, you are seeing machinery that is going to destroy the planet. Cynthia McKinney: Absolutely. I agree with you. C. Austin Fitts: Part of our challenge is to change that, and it s going to take all of us not just in the United States, but globally. Cynthia McKinney: The people of the United States have a huge responsibility to hold their government accountable because all roads lead to Washington, DC. If Washington, DC is messed up, then the rest of the world is messed up. C. Austin Fitts: The bank depository and all of the financial servicing and other work is done through the New York Fed member banks for the US government. So the US government doesn t have its own bank accounts; it banks with all the New York Fed member banks and the Exchange Stabilization Fund. The New York Fed member banks agent runs its slush fund, and all of its information systems, unfortunately, are now run by large defense contractors with those banks. It doesn t have information or financial sovereignty, and part of enforcing the Constitution is getting that back. Cynthia McKinney: It absolutely doesn t have information sovereignty. Instead, what you have, is the Fed claiming its sovereignty, distinct and separate from the United States government. C. Austin Fitts: I would say that we have a few structural problems. Why is this important to you? What happens if we don t enforce the Constitution but, in fact, change it? I want to talk numbers now. Since 1998, $40 trillion has disappeared in bailouts and missing money, and even more in quantitative easing. I could estimate it up to $100 trillion. Now they have $40 trillion, but that is not on the balance sheet. However, if you look at the law, your property and my property and our retirement savings are on the balance sheet. So one thing that the Constitutional Convention push is trying to do is push a balanced budget amendment. Well, if we re going to balance the budget with our retirement savings and property on budget, but the $40 trillion that they just stole is off budget, guess what is going to happen? Cynthia McKinney: Right, and the people pay the ultimate price, as always. Part of what we have to demand is that we want that money back. We want that money back for our infrastructure, for our children, for education, for everything that has gone undone and been stolen. C. Austin Fitts: Let me make this point: People always say, It s gone; we can t get it back. That is not true. That money went someplace, and now there are assets that exist. The ownership interest in those assets should be back on the table. Cynthia McKinney: Well, they should be back on the table. This is partially what got me into trouble. Then I said, Let me start naming names. It s very important for us to name names, because if you make it a charge or an attack and it s not a direct hit, it goes over people s heads. You ve been engaged in this conversation for 30 years. C. Austin Fitts: Right. Cynthia McKinney: I only started the conversation last year. Maybe some people started it in September So there is an entire body of knowledge out there that I don t have. You don t have the luxury of trying to educate me by going over my head. If you really want me to get it, you need to hit directly. That s why naming names becomes important. C. Austin Fitts: That brings us to our next topic: Slug management. Cynthia McKinney: I pour salt on mine! C. Austin Fitts: One of my simple constructs is that in any community and any country and any organization and any business, 10% of the people are what I would call net energy plus they give more than they take. Those are your 25

26 entrepreneurs and they are net energy plus. Then there are 80% who are followers. They just follow around whoever is in charge. They re busy; they re having kids; and they re doing whatever. Some of us cycle between being followers and net energy plus. Then you have a group I refer to as net energy minus, and my nickname for them is the slugs. The slugs always drain. Some of the slugs are Scorpions, which means that they enjoy draining. They enjoy busting things. They enjoy breaking things and making them not work. The slugs will always be with us. I grew up in a neighborhood in West Philadelphia that was a multiracial, multicultural, multi-religious area, but all the different people the net energy plus people could figure each other out. They would organize to do slug management very quietly because they could cut off the slugs money. Then when government money and the drugs came in, the net energy plus people lost the ability to cut off the slugs money. The rich and powerful slugs figured out how to use the local slugs. So part of our problem is slug management. Basically what we ve done is allowed networks of people to get the bit in their teeth, and they are running a system where they re centralizing political and economic power, and it s shrinking the total pie. But they don t care because they re slugs. Cynthia McKinney: They don t care at all. It s interesting that we are having this discussion because I introduced a new word to my political science students, and that word is kakistocracy. That is leadership governance by the least qualified, most corrupt, most vile kinds of personalities. They are the ones who are able to claw their way to the top. This phenomenon of kakistocracy then led me to consider the entire scenario in the republic, and say I am a sovereign individual, and I take my sovereignty and I give it to someone else, and then I beg them, Please do this for me. Please do that for me. Maybe built into that particular power configuration is this inability to control the slugs. C. Austin Fitts: Let s talk about a very important thing. You said that we have to name names. So let s talk about who the slugs are. There are different constructs. You have this construct of the Pilgrims and the Ziocons, which I think is very useful and very interesting. You re basically targeting two power groups. The Ziocons are a mixture of Zionists and Neocons, and the Pilgrims are like the old line WASPs. We ve seen power bounce around and back and forth between these two groups. There is no doubt about it. Part of what we re watching is an integrated merger of the Pilgrims and the Ziocons (I call them the Neocons). We re looking at this merger, and at the root of it is, fundamentally, an organized crime model. I would say that the reason I use the term Scorpion is because, in my opinion, they are demonic. I don t know if you ve ever seen the movie Eyes Wide Shut, but these are people who do perverted things. So we re talking about a very perverted subject here. Maybe you could say a few words about the Ziocons and the Pilgrims and what you saw in Congress for 12 years. Cynthia McKinney: I came up with the Pilgrims and the Ziocons because I was trying to understand what I was witnessing and what I was experiencing when I was in Congress. There was a level of contention amongst those who were actually going to control the reigns of the state and all of the powers of the governing apparatus of the United States of America. What I believe is that there was a point at which the Pilgrims and the Ziocons shared a mission, according to Dr. Peter Turchin and his idea of cliodynamics where he tries to mathematize history. He says that at one point you have the united deep state. Then the apparatus of the state is incapable of satisfying in periods of boom all of the power demands of every individual who is in the deep state. That is when you see factionalization taking place. I believe that this is where we are now. C. Austin Fitts: When I say that the debt growth model is over, I m saying that the spigot of infinite free money is over, and now it s the Midianite thing. Fighting is beginning because 26

27 there is not enough juice to satisfy all the criminals. Cynthia McKinney: That s right. C. Austin Fitts: I have a very famous story where I was in a meeting with Jack Kemp, and he said, The law? I don t have to obey the law. I report to something higher. He was implying that if you watch the movie Eyes Wide Shut, there is a group of secret societies and they are above the law. Cynthia McKinney: Why isn t Hillary Clinton before the ICC? Why isn t she even before the New York courts? This is a woman who is a serial criminal, and yet, crime that pays is crime that stays. C. Austin Fitts: Let s give examples of some of the people. Some of the neocons are nearly all named, but if you examine the Congress, the Ziocons are in full blossom. I m thinking of Lindsay Graham; I m thinking of John McCain; I m thinking of Chuck Schumer. One thing I ll give Chuck Schumer credit for is that he explains the issue. He was on TV and essentially said that the President can t buck the intelligence agencies because they ll get you. Cynthia McKinney: That s right. They ll think of six ways to Sunday to get you. C. Austin Fitts: What Chuck Schumer was saying was that we re not obeying the Constitution because, if you look at the powers and authorities of the President, he doesn t have any of that; he does what he is told by the intelligence agencies, which is in fact how it s been working since they shot John F. Kennedy in broad daylight. I have a theory, and when I started moving up the system, the Pilgrims were in control, but they used the Ziocons to do their dirty tricks. If they wanted wholesale criminality to pull a lot of capital, they would use the Ziocons to do it. Cynthia McKinney: That was their slug management, and then something happened. C. Austin Fitts: Right. You ll see throughout history that whenever you depend on somebody to operationalize it, at some point they lever up their power. So we go through the bailouts, and suddenly $27 trillion gets stolen. Suddenly the Ziocons are no longer doing the dirty tricks; they re at the table. Cynthia McKinney: That s right. C. Austin Fitts: Part of it is that in 1995 it was made very clear to me that the Pilgrims decided that they were giving up on the country and were pulling all their money out. That was part of the financial coup d État in getting all the money out. The question, of course, is: Where are you going to go? The other thing I wanted to do was talk about the role of Israel. I think in the 1990 s, one of the heads of the FBI said that Israel was the greatest threat to national security of this country. What we re watching within the Ziocons is a very strong relationship between the Ziocons and Israel. Israel s governmental capacity the Mossad and the defense industry and everything. We are watching an explosion of government officials, politicians, and people in the military who have dual citizenships. Cynthia McKinney: Yes, and it s a problem. Under Putin s leadership, the Duma passed a rule saying that no Duma member could have dual citizenship, so they re at least loyal to Russia if they re going to serve Russia. The situation is not the same in the US. Therefore, we can have someone like Rahm Emanuel, who served with me and then organized to make sure that I was kicked out of the Congress while he was in charge of the deep state, who also served in the Israeli defense forces but not in the US military. C. Austin Fitts: The one person I m thinking of is Dov Zakheim. He was instrumental in the undocumentable adjustments at the DOD and somewhat papered it over and I believe he had dual citizenship. Here is why this is all important: What you re talking about is, with both the Pilgrims and the Ziocons, you re getting a relatively small group of people together, and through the Federal credit mechanism and the subversion of the war 27

28 clause, you re giving them the machinery that provides the ability to institute violence under the rule of law globally on a nontransparent basis. Cynthia McKinney: Right, but I say that the Ziocons don t care about the survival of the US. For what other reason would they push war against Russia? Maybe Russia, China, and Iran have blood together. And the United States can t win that war; they shouldn t even fight it. C. Austin Fitts: But if the US and Russia destroy each other, then they are ascendant be it from Israel or wherever. So they have a place in mind, but they all have second passports. Cynthia McKinney: In the 1990 s or so, I remember observing what happened with the fall of the Soviet Union. So from the Yeltsin years to the Gorbachev years I observed what happened there. Then it went to Argentina. What s to say that it s not going to happen in the United States? That is what I was saying a long time ago, and now it s here. C. Austin Fitts: What I believe the Ziocons want is to parcel the United States into five or six countries. Cynthia McKinney: They balkanize everything else. They ve successfully Balkanized Sudan. I witnessed two Sudanese women literally crying because, one was from the north and one was from the south, and they are supposed to be enemies now. They are supposed to hate each other, and their country has been broken. That is the Ziocons. If they would do it over there, why wouldn t they do it over here? C. Austin Fitts: Right. You circulate population and balkanize political states so that no one has any power. Cynthia McKinney: Yes. That is exactly right. C. Austin Fitts: I think it s hard for people to understand just how psychopathic they are. Cynthia McKinney: They don t care! I ve been with the Kurds and I ve been with Kurdish leaders, so I understand support and their cry for freedom and dignity and being able to speak their language, which they couldn t even do in the Turkish part of the Kurd population as per the map creating the new Kurdistan. There is a difference between a legitimate aspiration for freedom and someone else coming in and using that legitimate aspiration for freedom for their own goals, which are demonic as you say. C. Austin Fitts: It s peculiar because James Howard Kunstler recently wrote a long article, and he must have used the word demonic 20 times. This is a very secular guy but I ve been using demonic for 20 years and it s hard for most people to relate. When you see the scorpion-like behavior, that s when you realize that these people get power from destroying everything. Cynthia McKinney: Let me tell you what I did. I read something I can t remember where I read it and I went back and watched Eyes Wide Shut (or tried to watch it) and then I looked at what happened to Scalia. C. Austin Fitts: Scalia was assassinated. Cynthia McKinney: Then I studied the way those men dressed. They were in a part of society where they dressed very strangely and I read that there was something about human skin. You can buy shoes and pocketbooks made out of human skin. I m thinking, What the heck is this? So your audience can search about human skin shoes, and you ll be able to find it and say, Oh my goodness! This is beyond what I could even conceive. C. Austin Fitts: If you watched some of the information about Pizzagate that is well documented, you can see how demonic the culture is. I saw it because I worked for Jack Kemp and there were Neocons in that group and I saw how they operate. They believe that if you just destroy all civil, legal, and cultural infrastructure, things will come back together and work, which they won t. Cynthia McKinney: That is a part of cliodynamics. It s the science of destruction and reconstruction. Basically you destroy a country as the United States military is used to doing and then you can buy a generation or so of hegemony. 28

29 C. Austin Fitts: Here is where our power can come from. First and foremost the spiritual power and the spiritual covenant which the Chinese call the Mandate of Heaven. But the reality is that if you see who has power on this planet, a portion of the power comes from those who can produce the high margin, which is organized crime. The other is those who can produce financial liquidity, and financial liquidity provides significantly higher margins than organized crime. The reality is that the minute the global population realizes that this is organized crime, the financial liquidity goes away. That is what has been happening. The central banks have been trying to keep it going, but the more they pump, the smaller the increase out of that pump. It s dying, and the reason it s dying is because deep down, nobody trusts the system and they are pulling back. You see all these different tricks to try to get people back in with cryptocurrencies and all these different things, but the reality is that the global world is looking at it and saying, These people are psychopaths. They are Scorpions. We want to pull back. That is both a danger and an opportunity because the society that can produce the most increase and preserve that kind of liquidity is the one that can perform. That s the problem. Ultimately these people depend on a harvesting of the general population the minute the general population withdraws. In my opinion, this idea of coming clean and withdrawing is so important. Cynthia McKinney: We all need to take poison pills. C. Austin Fitts: We all need to detox. Cynthia McKinney: We re detoxing, but at the same time, when they try to harvest us, it is so unpalatable that they spit us out. C. Austin Fitts: I absolutely agree. I have a theory that every time they tell someone to target people like you and me, all the folks in the trenches are saying, No, not them. Never again. They re too painful. I want to discuss control files because I believe control files are very, very important to how they ve gotten as far as they have. You watch someone like Chuck Schumer and someone like John McCain. Those people have major control files. I saw the hearing with Bernie Sanders recently where he was grilling Vought for the appointment for OMB. I said, Oh, his job is to want to run a hit job on Vought because the Ziocons want that position for themselves. Talk a little about control files, if you will. Cynthia McKinney: I never really thought about it in those terms; I only watched the events. After what happened to some of the members of Congress with Jack Abramoff, I went back and looked at Abscam. I wanted to understand who was coordinating this. I don t think that it is a coincidence that from Abscam to Abramoff to Jeffrey Epstein, you have the Ziocons at the root of these problems. You re right. There are only 535 seats in Congress, so you want to control all 535 of them. C. Austin Fitts: You want to get obscene pictures on every one of them so that you can tell them what to do. I have to tell you that if you look at the control file system, it s very economic because I can get you to steal $40 trillion for me, and I don t have to pay you a big bonus. Cynthia McKinney: That s right. There are some members of Congress who come close to understanding the way that the system is rigged. It was wonderful when Trump was able to get away with saying, The system is rigged. Everybody knows by now we all know that the system is rigged. There are certain members of Congress who came up against it and tried to expose, and they got churned. You can say that I got churned, but I didn t end up in prison. C. Austin Fitts: Right, and you didn t end up dead like many people have. Cynthia McKinney: That s right. C. Austin Fitts: Part of the reason this got turbocharged in the 1990 s was the Telecommunications Act. It basically provided a very economic way of using government money to collect all phone and other digital communica- 29

30 tions, so that they could build control files on people at very low costs. They had no secrets. They had all the secrets in the world, but they had no secrets. Once you approve bulk collection by private contractors, they are in the catbird seat. They have 100% of all of our conversations and s since Cynthia McKinney: The thing that is so inexplicable is that the billing system for every phone call that is made in the US is actually compiled or organized in Israel. It s unbelievable to me. But I remember reading Victor Ostrovsky who said in By Way of Deception and he has another book, The Other Side of Deception that the Mossad found that operating through corporations was the most useful way because corporations could go into places that intelligence agencies could not go. I remember who received the contract to provide telecommunication service to every member of Congress that was up for grabs. Israel got the contract. C. Austin Fitts: When you re doing that, you re actually taking the control file system and turning it over to Israel. Cynthia McKinney: Right. You re turning it over to people who know how to use it and who have a clear vision and mission. They have clearly articulated goals to each other not to us. So we judge them by what they do, and those of us who have been looking at this for a long time just like you ve been looking at it for a long time can see what they re doing. C. Austin Fitts: Britain is a tiny country that ruled the world. Israel is a tiny country that could conceivably run the world if the United States and Russia kill each other. Cynthia McKinney: Of course they could. C. Austin Fitts: I would like to point out that when we raped Russia, many Russian mafia acquired Israeli passports. So we re talking about a very unique partnership there. If you look at the fundamental governance issues, control files, or what Chuck Schumer is saying about the intelligence agencies and their ability, you re talking about an invisible governance structure and the dual passport system. You re watching the creation of multiple invisible control structures that are basically causing the struggle that we re seeing unfold. Here is the reality: Let s say we tear up the Constitution and have a Constitutional Convention. They get in and get control. They completely hijack the process which, as we know, is relatively easy for them to do. They have the control files, they re using entrainment on telecommunications, and have all these different mechanisms that we re discussing. What happens to us? Cynthia McKinney: We become like compost and it s the Soylent Green matter. C. Austin Fitts: I don t think most Americans understand how, once you pull the covering of the Constitution, we become simply a natural resource to be harvested like any other natural resource. Cynthia McKinney: Yes, with no rights. C. Austin Fitts: Not only without rights, but with robotics and artificial intelligence arriving. Cynthia McKinney: That s right, and the future looks bleak. C. Austin Fitts: Let s discuss what the world would look like if we didn t enforce the Constitution. One of the other secrets here is that they ve been shrinking the pie. They ve been increasing their own pie by shrinking the whole pie. I ve said that the current wealth globally is one percent of what it could be if we had a system where we could trust each other. If you look at how oppressive this demonic force is and the possibilities if we reverse it, the wealth is so incredible. But I m not only talking about financial wealth. We ve existed in a world where living wealth and financial wealth have a win-lose relationship. So it s the Popsicle Index going down while the Dow Jones index is rising. Imagine a world where the more you drive the Dow index up, the higher the Popsicle Index goes. So when you talk about a win-win world where the young people see extraordinary opportunity to create living wealth or financial wealth, you re 30

31 seeing a world which is a wonderful world to be a part of. Cynthia McKinney: If we bring it full circle, we re back with our students. C. Austin Fitts: Right, we are. Cynthia McKinney: The picture that you painted for them, as well as of them, are young people who are excited about the future. They are excited about their opportunities, and recognize that they have opportunities for a fantastic kind of growth that, perhaps, they hadn t thought about for themselves before. But through our mutual interaction, now we re starting to think, Maybe we can do this. We can do that. This is good for society. C. Austin Fitts: Right. We can increase the pie more than they can. One thing that keeps returning to my mind over and over is, if you look at the lists of competitiveness, who is the most competitive country or city in the world? Hong Kong is number one. This is a city that has reinvented itself again and again, and there is no harder working population than that population. Yet when you re in Hong Kong, what you realize is that the young people are not excited about the future in Hong Kong. They see that their freedom is diminishing. Here the young people are so excited about building the future and building the future with the people around them and interacting globally. We ve had students from Sri Lanka and Bhutan and Nepal, and they were like puppies swarming with each other. You see the power of that energy to create and build. Or you come to the United States, and they are so depressed about the future. I ll use the US, for example. You observe the US children and the kids here, and see how the parents and families support these children, and you watch the way they are treated in the United States. Don t even get me started on student loans! Cynthia McKinney: Yes, because I have a full complement of student loans. C. Austin Fitts: What you re seeing is that question of one vision of the future where that attraction to freedom and opportunity is driving the increase explosively and the other where they re almost ready to quit. I saw a great interview with Jack Ma, the head of Alibaba, and he was talking about how Alibaba needs to use artificial intelligence robotics to give small businesses a tool to flourish. If small businesses can flourish, the transition could work. But if you use robotics and AI to take away all the business from the small business, the future is not going to work. It s the same either-or, and I think it s so clear and simple. The question is: How do I help my generation and your generation understand that we have to create those conditions for the young people or there will be no future? Cynthia McKinney: Here on this side of the planet, though, I think we have a concept that I ve bought into and basically shaped my entrepreneurship class around it, and that is Gandhian engineering. So we figure out ways to provide a solution for society that provides extra for more people with less. C. Austin Fitts: Right, and it s very doable. Let s talk about how. One thing I know you ve been doing is being part of a group called UN- RIG, which are open source solutions. The reality is that if we re going to enforce the Constitution and deal with the money, a lot of people in America get government checks. So we re going to have to come up with a way of creating income so that the government can t blackmail them with the government checks. That is part of this. Certainly as a Congresswoman you saw how everybody wanted their checks. So that is a complicated full system change. So whether, what you re doing with Unrig or what I ll do, I m going to write scores of information and ideas about how. I don t want to cover all of that now. I think the important thing is that we can all figure it out together once we understand that we enforce the Constitution, or else. So you can either figure out how to make a life raft, or you can drown. 31

32 Cynthia McKinney: Yes, or you can experience the or else. C. Austin Fitts: My attitude is that we can figure this out once we re clear that that is our only opportunity. You can figure it out or die, and I m not interested in dying not yet. I ll have a lot of information on how, but I want to summarize some of it. The first issue is that individually we have plenty of power to switch our time, our attention, and our money. I call it coming clean. We don t have to watch the fake news; we can shut it off. Cynthia McKinney: That s right. C. Austin Fitts: We don t have to buy products from the Ziocons and the Pilgrims who are behaving in Luciferian ways. We can just say bye. This is my big one: We do not have to put money in the banks that are stealing from us and are stealing from the US government. I ll put up a link to an old article called Coming Clean, but whether it s our bank deposits, our media attention, our investments, or our purchases, we don t have to play. Cynthia McKinney: Exactly. Now what I ve tried to do is to buy local. From my food to my clothes I don t buy anything big or corporate, and I certainly don t buy the Unilever and all of that. C. Austin Fitts: So when you re here in Bangladesh, you have great local options. I ve been amazed walking around the streets and the mall. There are incredible local options on everything. Where I am now, forget it. In 2000 I could do more; now it s really tough. Cynthia McKinney: Yes, because the reality is different in the US. If you don t get it from Wal-Mart, where are you going to purchase it? Amazon? C. Austin Fitts: I do more and more online. I m trying to wean myself from Amazon because if you see where they are going, I don t like it. Ever since they bought into the CIA, I don t know if this is Amazon or not. This simply could be the CIA buying up everything. But you can do what you can do, and you can definitely do it with your bank deposits because the bankers are the ones who have engineered the financial coup d État. Cynthia McKinney: So where do we place our in my case very meager deposits? C. Austin Fitts: If you look at how financial leverage works in the system, there is no such thing as a meager bank deposit. Your bank deposits are far more powerful than most people realize. I have a piece on my website called How to Find a Good Local Bank. It s very rare in America that there are not at least one or two good local banks and credit unions. We have a couple of Solari Reports on how to find a good local bank. Remember, we re not merely trying to get away from the criminals; we re trying to get behind the 5-10% net energy plus people. Cynthia McKinney: Yes, we want to build. C. Austin Fitts: So let s return to the 10% slugs and the 10% net energy plus. You need to be sending the blood to the heart, the brains, and the lungs not to the toes and the fingers. So we re trying to get you in business with people you know and trust. Everybody at Solari knows that I love my bankers and trust my bankers. I think the entire financial system could crash, and they would still be operating. They may be the best banks in America. They are very good at what they do. Their business is helping individuals and families and small business. I trust them and they re very faithful and competent. I feel good because I know if I have a problem, I can be anywhere in the world and I can call them and they are there. Part of it is getting every aspect of your life and money with people you can count on, and that feels great. So we re trying to move the energy back to the heart, the lungs, and the brain, and to do it in a way which is good for me so that I feel safe in this world. When the enemy of the state period hit me, I couldn t trust my bankers, and I believe my bankers organized to steal from me. There is no 32

33 worse feeling than having untrustworthy bankers who are working for the other team. I ll put up the link to the Coming Clean article, but being here with you in Bangladesh, Cynthia McKinney, is entirely clean. You re about as clean as one can get, and you do much to support the 5-10% net energy plus people all over the world. I want to point out that some people say, It s hopeless. The Ziocons, in particular, are so good at marketing the idea, It s hopeless. There is nothing you can do. I would like to point out that there are many examples of success stories where they have been completely defeated. One of my favorites is home schooling. Cynthia McKinney: I have seen the results of home schooling. It s always been on the block in Congress, under attack. The parents would bring their children in and they were the smartest kids! C. Austin Fitts: Right. These kids in Bangladesh feel and act like home schooled kids do back at home. Another one I wanted to bring up and I don t know if you ve been watching Vaxxed but the Vaxxed team has done an incredible job. They made a great documentary about vaccines. Since then, they ve been going around the country on a bus filming case studies, and the information is thoroughly power, power, and power. We ve been seeing an explosion of documentaries in the health freedom area, and the pushback on health freedom is overwhelming. That s why the consumers are overwhelming the GMOs. Now California is scheduling glyphosate as a carcinogen, and Monsanto and those people can t stop it. The push is too strong. Cynthia McKinney: In 2010 I was in the United Arab Emirates, and had the opportunity to meet the chief medical officer for the state of Pakistan. She was a woman, and I told her, You don t want Bill Gates or the Gates Foundation in your country. She looked at me as if to say, Who is this person telling me that? She was all excited because she had a chance to shake Bill Gates hand. Now, the state of India is filing a lawsuit against the Gates Foundation. I was there when they were forcing the soldiers to take the vaccines in the US military. C. Austin Fitts: And they still are. Cynthia McKinney: I was calling them out, and I was called kooky and looney and, That girl doesn t know what she s talking about. Now it s seven years later, and many people have died, and there are babies being born with abnormalities. C. Austin Fitts: Where the pushback has to happen is: I can come clean with my own money, but I still pay taxes. Actually, I really don t have to pay a great deal of taxes because I still have a lot of tax loss carried forward, thanks to the Department of Justice. We all have to pay taxes, and where we need collective action both at the local, state, and Federal level is to begin to implement the financial management laws and the Constitutional provisions together as they relate to appropriations. If you see what I m going to put up, there is a lot of information about that and we ll get into that shortly. That needs to be part of an ongoing conversation. One thing that you pointed out to me yesterday is that it needs to include the Fed bill and the Treasury place-based and other financial disclosures. So we will have much on that, but that has always been the tricky political issue where the Ziocons and Pilgrims are masters at pulling people s feet out from under them. Cynthia McKinney: In 2006 I was absolutely fed up with the wars. Sherry Peel Jackson lives around the corner from me and I said, Sherry, I would like to contract with you so that you can do a series of workshops for my constituents just teaching them what you know. I lost the election or it was stolen and Sherry Peel Jackson ended up in prison. So we never had a chance to talk about the money. I wanted to discuss how our tax dollars were being used against our will to finance these wars. 33

34 C. Austin Fitts: They are also being used to finance the war on us. Cynthia McKinney: That s right, but I also wanted to mention that the legislation to finance the wars in 2007 passed with the exact number of votes required: 218 in the House. Had I been there, I would have voted no but I was targeted by Rahm Emanuel. My absence is what allowed us to move forward into this terrible predicament that we re now in. Imagine the conversation if the Constitution were actually enforced and what kind of world it would be. I question it in my own way: had I been there in the Congress in 2007 and voted No, and the 218 went the other way, what would our conversation be now? C. Austin Fitts: Maybe the $27 trillion in bailouts might not have happened, or they wouldn t have happened in the way that they happened. Cynthia McKinney: If I would have been there, I would have at least sought a vote on the transparency and the audit-ability of those organizations that receive the funding. I think that merely one sentence would have changed the entire outcome. C. Austin Fitts: I totally agree. One thing I think we are trying to express is how much the war and violence question is connected to the money question. Cynthia McKinney: Yes. C. Austin Fitts: There was one other point that I wanted to bring up, and that is that I have allies who say, Let s all stop paying taxes. If you do that, then you fail to finance the social safety net for a large number of people, and you hiccup cash flows for a large number of good businesses. Now that they ve stolen $40 trillion, they re in the catbird seat. If you implode the system, they get to pick up everything cheap. Cynthia McKinney: That is exactly what happened in Russia. C. Austin Fitts: Exactly. They can harvest an implosion. Cynthia McKinney: Absolutely. C. Austin Fitts: What I ve always said is, No, we re not going to have a tax revolt; we re going to have a tax enforcement. We re going to put our taxes in escrow, and we re going to require enforcement of the financial management laws we ll use control of the cash to enforce the rule of law. Cynthia McKinney: What happens when that 5-10% the slugs are in the Congress and in the executive branch and in the judicial branch? C. Austin Fitts: If you escrow the taxes, it depends on how you do that. The logical way is to do state and county escrows. For example, and this is just one way to do it, you put the money in the escrow. You send the check for the military and send the check for the debt. You say, With respect to all the domestic expenditures, until you re in compliance with the laws for financial management, we are sending you $100 million and you are sending us $100 million. So don t send us the $100 million. We ll take the $100 million here, and l do a common law right of offset, and we ll take care of our own obligations here. Thank you very much. Cynthia McKinney: We need some of these peace organizations to do that kind of analysis and to tell us what the amount is. I m ready and I m in. C. Austin Fitts: That s why place-based financial disclosure is so important. What you will see as soon as you study financial disclosure is that we are paying the government $150 an hour to do something that we can do for $25 an hour plus healthcare. If, instead of them collecting all the money and sending it back to us, we would do a right of offset within the escrow, the opportunities are enormous. Now it s going to take all of us to take responsibility. There can be no making money on helping them bring narcotics into our neighborhoods. That has to stop. Transparency can address a lot of these issues. So I will write much about that, and all of us you with #UNRIG and us with Solari and many other people are going to start now. We re having a conversation about how. Cynthia McKinney: Yes. 34

35 C. Austin Fitts: It s going to take all of us and that is what is important for everyone. Cynthia McKinney: We can crowdsource our solution. C. Austin Fitts: That s right! We re going to crowdsource Constitutional enforcement. Cynthia McKinney: Yes! C. Austin Fitts: And it can be done. It s better than dying. We simply have to figure out how to have fun crowdsourcing our Constitutional enforcement. Each one of us can come clean in a way that energizes our lives. The other thing we can all do in every aspect of our lives is support the 5-10%. We are the Titanic Turners and let s support them wherever we can. If you are part of an alumni network let s say you re a leader in raising money for your university and the slugs are in charge you can change your support. You can do it at state and local levels, and in the federal government. You can do it in civic organizations and you can do it in business. If you re working for a Ziocon company, get the hell out! Cynthia McKinney: Regarding the phenomenon that most people think Congress is certainly bad but that their congress person is very good: when I was asked to do some commentary on the Jon Osoff/Karen Handel race, I looked at one thing that made me a whistleblower and that was the pledge that I had to sign, essentially giving my loyalty to another country which was Israel. C. Austin Fitts: AIPAC gave you that? Cynthia McKinney: AIPAC, of course, but they have changed the tactic now. C. Austin Fitts: They didn t want to give you a passport; they only wanted the signature? Cynthia McKinney: Yes, however, now they require every candidate for Congress to issue a statement. You can go on Karen Handel s website, and see her Israel statement. You can go on Jon Osoff s website, and see his Israel statement. One tool that people can use is the public statement on Israel that incumbent candidates or challengers post. If a candidate signs it, make sure that they are voted out of office. C. Austin Fitts: So how do I find that? Cynthia McKinney: It will be on their website. C. Austin Fitts: On AIPAC s website? Cynthia McKinney: No, on the candidate s website. If Sue Smith is running for House of Representatives from Kansas and if Sue Smith has a statement about Israel, you know that she signed the pledge, and you don t vote for her. C. Austin Fitts: Right. So how do you do it if they ve signed the Pilgrim pledge? Those are secret. Cynthia McKinney: I don t know very much about the Pilgrim pledge. C. Austin Fitts: We need an underwriting capacity here. Cynthia McKinney: The only thing that I can say is that when given the choice to choose between a group of people who don t care about the United States and a group of people who do care about the United States, I have no choice but to make a choice, and I choose to stand with the people who care about the United States. C. Austin Fitts: Clearly there are some groups of Americans, some of which I believe are in the Pilgrim group, but a lot of whom have operational responsibility to make the United States function and who understand that we can t afford to let the United States collapse. Cynthia McKinney: That s right. C. Austin Fitts: They know that if we don t have that piece of real estate and the security that it provides and the wealth that it provides, we are in serious trouble. The Neocons and some of the Pilgrims don t care; they re that psychopathic that they think they can be fine. But you have others who are not psychopathic, and they know. They may play follower in this situation. You ll see a lot of Titanic Turners when the Scorpions are in charge, who will act like Pigs instead of Titanic Turners. There is no point in 35

36 fighting; you have to go with the flow. Part of what we re trying to do is get some of those Pigs to turn into Titanic Turners. Cynthia McKinney: And that is possible. I remember Amilcar Cabral who was very instrumental in getting rid of the Portuguese from Africa pertaining to his colonial experience. One of his theses was that you would have allies from the class that benefits from the wrongdoing. Encouraging the Pilgrims who have become Piggies (because the Scorpions are now in charge) to become Titanic Turners is something that we can accomplish by opposing the Scorpions and the 10% of the slugs. C. Austin Fitts: I ve seen much of this in my clients and subscriber base. You will have people who long ago were supporters of Israel or they re Jewish and are part of these networks, and they are appalled at what is going on with the Palestinians. They are appalled at all of this and they don t really know where to organize or to seek an alternative. I would say this. If you look at every group and, when I was a kid in Philadelphia, it was the Vatican, the Jews, and the Masons you had these three power groups. Over time, the real criminal element in each one rose to power. Part of the problem is that crime pays. You re encouraging the worst behavior, and everybody is trying to compete. So you have a prisoner s dilemma problem. Part of what we are trying to figure out is, we were all within these different pockets and watching, and within our own ethnic or religious or tribal group, the slugs were in control. Cynthia McKinney: But we recognized that there are some good people in there. What do I need to do? I use the Civil Rights movement as an experience to draw from, and there were many people in the North who were watching what was going on in the South on their televisions who said, We have one Viola Liuzzo. She was a housewife in Michigan and could have remained a housewife. She could have stayed there, but she said, No, I have to be a part of the change. I have to stand with these people who are opposing this. She left her home, went to Alabama, and was shot. It turns out that it was an FBI informant who either shot her or was sitting in the truck next to the person who shot her. We have these people of good will in every one of these groups. They are encouraged when they see people challenging bad guys. So we have a responsibility to challenge them, first of all, so that we re not complicit. But also to inspire those good people to join us. That s who would beat them. C. Austin Fitts: When I worked on community developments, turning neighborhoods around with equity investment, or whatever group I m in, I know who my slugs are and I know how to avoid them. When I go into a different group, I don t know who the slugs are. Part of these first steps for all of us is figuring out in anything that we re a part of how we can support the 5-10%, and how do we help the 5-10% network across all these different worlds and cultures and countries and continents. We re up against a global demonic force, and we have to be a global force. We have to find a way for that 5-10% to build the networks of cooperation and trust, and that s why I return to the children. You have to circulate the kids. They have to build those relationships because that s the glue that is going to create this world. So you re doing it. Cynthia McKinney: I m trying, and I m glad that you put the theoretical framework around what I m doing because I hadn t analyzed it that way. C. Austin Fitts: You just do it and you re too busy doing it to think about it as you re teaching it. Before we close, tell us how we keep up with you and your work. I m always checking in with you, What are you going to do about this? What are you going to do about that? So, how do we follow Cynthia McKinney? Cynthia McKinney: The first place to go is to my website I sometimes get behind, but I have a commitment that I respond to every that comes to me from there because people have taken their time to go there and send me a 36

37 message, so I will respond to it. The second way is that I post a lot on Facebook and Twitter. C. Austin Fitts: I can forgive you for having a Facebook account. Cynthia McKinney: I know, and I resisted it for a long time! C. Austin Fitts: Here is my theory: When the general population sees the opportunity and sends you sufficient donations, you will pay a lovely young man like the one I talked to last night to create the web capacity so that you won t need to use Facebook. That will happen. Cynthia McKinney: That is exactly right! C. Austin Fitts: So your website, then Facebook? Cynthia McKinney: And Twitter. C. Austin Fitts: And Twitter. Cynthia McKinney: You know there are many Facebook pages that have my name on it. The one that is associated with me that I respond to is Cynthia McKinney Official. C. Austin Fitts: You do a lot of interviews, right? Cynthia McKinney: Yes I do. I ve been focused on what is called the alt right, but there is some kind of synergy happening because I know I m left. But all of a sudden I ve broken bread with a whole lot of right people, and we re like peas in a pod. So this is a conversation that defeats divide and rule. I teach my students about Paulo Freire, who outlined the mechanisms of oppression and the tools for liberation. Unity for liberation, collaboration, organization, cultural synthesis these are the tools for liberation. I try to walk that talk and I try to practice it. So I ve been talking to militia people, Christian identity people, and whoever they say that I m supposed to hate those are the people I want to talk to. C. Austin Fitts: I m trying to draw a circle around those intersections and say, You all can do what you want to do. If you can figure out a way for your revenues to be greater than your expenses, do it. If you can economically optimize your solutions, then you are self-financing. That is how I started The Solari Report. I turned to my lawyer in 1998 and said, You and I are going to have to find a way to support ourselves at retail because, unless individuals support us, we can t be loyal to individuals. So that s what we re going to have to do. Cynthia McKinney, this has been a great conversation, and it s the beginning of a discussion that is going to continue on how we are going to enforce the Constitution until we do. Cynthia McKinney: Until we do! C. Austin Fitts: Anything is possible, and anything can happen. As you know, I have a theory that the Midianites are going to kill each other if we will only get together. So, if the faithful, competent people get together, then the Midianites will kill each other, and it will fall to us to try to make it work. Before we end, this has been a great conversation. It s been a great launch of what will continue to be a great conversation. Is there anything else that you would like to say before we close? Cynthia McKinney: I think my sister, Catherine Austin Fitts, has just said it all! C. Austin Fitts: I m flying back to the United States, and so are you but not for long enough as far as we in the United States are concerned. But you will be back and forth, right? Cynthia McKinney: Yes, I will be back and forth. C. Austin Fitts: The one request I do have is: If there is an opportunity for anybody to hear you speak or to support your efforts in the United States, you will let me know and we will publish that on The Solari Report. I want to make sure that our subscribers and readers know how to follow All Things Cynthia McKinney. Cynthia McKinney: Okay. Thank you. C. Austin Fitts: We re in cahoots! Ladies and gentlemen, have a great day! 37

38 III. News Trends & Stories PLEASE NOTE: All the news articles listed in this section can be accessed by going to the online version of this Wrap Up at: com then use the search function to locate the items. 38 The news was explosive during the 2nd Quarter Unfortunately, much of the serious news was drowned out by the noise of alleged Russian interference in the US presidential election in A great deal of the real news centered around global realignments as US power declined and around the US federal budget and the refusal to allocate significant funds for anything that might benefit the general population including health care, infrastructure, and tax reform for middle and lower income groups. We added several features to our news coverage this quarter: First, we created a long-term trends section to help you see the primary trends behind the news. These are trends we have covered before often in earlier Wrap Ups. Understanding the primary trends can convert an explosive number of stories from an overwhelming amount of information to a picture of a world that makes sense. We have also added a category called Go Local. We are on the lookout for more local action and success stories. Send them in via if you see them! Make sure to listen to my discussion with Dr. Joseph Farrell as we review the long term trends, the news of 2nd Quarter 2017 and the Trump Administration Report Card. Log in to the Solari Report to view Parts I and II. THE ECONOMY AND FINANCIAL MARKETS I. Global 2.0: From Slow Burn to Pressure Cooker A. Controlled Demolitions Accelerate Animation: The Collapse of the Middle Class in 20 Major U.S. Cities Pension Funds: Global Pension Underfunding Will Grow To $400 Trillion Over Next 30 Years Illinois Too Broke to Fix: Chicago Police Pension Fund Broke by 2021 at the Latest Fix for troubled Dallas Police and Fire Pension System Passes Senate Texas Senate Passes Bill Overhauling Houston s Troubled Pension Systems Teachers Retirement System of Texas is Too Big to Fail Michigan Teacher Pension Fight Pits Portability vs. Risk Ohio s Public-Employee Pensions Face Cutbacks Puerto Rico Budget to Protect Pension Payments

39 Fitch: Pension Impact Adjusted in U.S. Public Finance Criteria Factors Aligning to Accelerate Pension Activity The Hartford Transfers 29% of Pension Plan Obligations General Mills to Freeze U.S. Pension Plans The $31 Billion Hole in GE s Balance Sheet That Keeps Growing Insurance Companies: Insurers Look to Ramp Up Premiums in Health Law Exchanges Aetna Fully Exits Obamacare Exchanges with Pull-out in Two States Anthem to Leave Ohio s Obamacare Insurance Market in 2018 Bankruptcies and Failures: Illinois Tax Rate Soars 32% After Senate Overrides Governor Veto A Message to all Illinoisans about the Budget Crisis New Jersey, Maine Reach Budget Deals, Ending Government Shutdowns Welcome To The Third World, Part 23: Illinois Death Watch Pushed Into Poverty, How Student Loan Collections Threaten the Financial Security of Older Americans The Crisis Has Become Pandemic System To Collect Defaulted Student Loans Is No Longer Functioning Gov. Christie Orders New Jersey Government Shutdown Amid Budget Impasse 78 Rural Hospitals Closed since 2010; Look at the Impact on One Tennessee Community Puerto Rico, Creditors Face Off for First Time in Bankruptcy Court Puerto Rico to Shut 179 Schools, Relocate 27k Students Amid Historic Bankruptcy Uber Board Member Resigns After Making Sexist Joke at Company Meeting About Sexism Unicorns Watch In Horror As Uber Careens Towards A Possible Extinction Event Warren Buffett Just Confirmed the Death of Retail as We Know It The Decline of Established American Retailing Threatens Jobs B. The Debt Growth Model is Dying Japan Is Writing Off Nearly Half Its National Debt Without Creating Inflation. We Could Do It Too. Fed Insider: We Have Been Put On Notice, The Debt Is Unsustainable: Danielle DiMartino Booth David Stockman On The Anything President And The Everything Bubble It Looks Like the US Economy Just Ground to a Halt As Americans Take on More Debt, Some Pockets of Concern Canada s Housing Bubble Explodes As Its Biggest Mortgage Lender Crashes Most In History The War on Cash: Empire Endgame: Digital Slave Population IMF Tells Governments How to Subvert Public Resistance against Elimination of Cash United Nations Sends Aid to 10,000 Syrian Refugees Using Ethereum Blockchain Bernard Lietaer Joins Bancor Protocol Foundation as Chief Monetary Architect United States: Senate Passes Bill Requiring Citizens Report Privately Stashed Cash Uniform Regulation for Virtual Currency Businesses: Coming to a State Near You Delaware House Passes Historic Blockchain Regulation New York Preschools Accept Bitcoin and Ether for Tuition Payments Arizona Passes Bill To End Income Taxation On Gold And Silver Fidelity Is Mining Bitcoin, CEO Abigail Johnson Admits Signed Into Law: Nevada Becomes Free- Trade Zone for Bitcoin And Other Blockchains PLEASE NOTE: All the news articles listed in this section can be accessed by going to the online version of this Wrap Up at: com then use the search function to locate the items. 39

40 III. NEWS TRENDS & STORIES 40 BRIC S: Bank s Blockchain Consortium Picks IBM for Trade Finance Platform India Taxing Gold China s Central Bank Has Begun Cautiously Testing a Digital Currency Russian Central Bank Piloting Digital Currency Schemes Moscow And Beijing Join Forces To Bypass US Dollar In Global Markets, Shift To Gold Trade China Moves to Stabilize Currency, Despite Promise to Loosen Control Suddenly Vladimir Putin Meets Vitalik Buterin, Endorses Ethereum Bitcoin Surges Back Above $2700 As India Legalizes Cryptocurrency The End of the Bond Bull: Canada Hasn t Seen A Bank Run Such As This In Decades Home Capital Bailout Is Possible Loonie, Bank Bonds Drop as Moody s Downgrades Canada Lenders Another Poor Auction: 30Y Paper Received Badly With Big Tail, Sliding Bid-To-Cover And Indirects Both ECB And BOJ Are Just Months Away From Running Out Of Bonds To Buy Equity Bull Markets: One Plunging Stock Shows Exactly What s at Risk with the Trump Trade Calpers Looks to Shake Up Private Equity Walmart The Walton Family Is Selling A Lot Of Stocks BAML: The $1 Trillion Flow that Conquers All Explains Everything Happening in Markets Why an Australian Fund Manager Decided to Sell Everything Paramount s New Chief Jim Gianopulos Revives $1 Billion China Slate Deal China s on an IPO Frenszy and it Looks Set to Continue Guangzhou Rural Bank Launches up to $1.1 Billion Hong Kong IPO MSCI Inclusion Points China s Stock Market in Right Direction Negative Interest Rates Turn to Rising Interest Rates: The Housing Bubble Is Back Home Ownership Among US Millennials At All Time Low US Dollar: The Dollar Just had it s Worst Quarter in Years, and That s Exactly what Trump Wants Asia Shares Dragged Under by U.S. Tech Slide, Dollar Firm The Future of the Euro: Commission Lays Out Vision to Complete Euro Inflation/Deflation: Central Banks Are Now In A Desperate Dilemma Start Buying Volatility Rejoining the Dark Side Weak Inflation Erodes Conviction at Fed on Rate Hikes Rising Inflation Dampens Americans Personal Financial Satisfaction The Trump Reflation Fantasy Ends on Day 100 Visualizing the Buying Power of the U.S. Dollar Over the Last Century US Budget Hot Potato: Feds Collect Record Income and Payroll Taxes Through March Still Run $526,855,000,000 Deficit Recession Alert: Government Revenues Suffer Biggest Drop Since The Financial Crisis Trump Budget Plan Slashes Food Stamps, Healthcare for Poor II. Inside the Pressure Cooker: Will We Expand or Shrink the Pie? A. Return on Investment to Taxpayers: Will It Turn Positive Or More Negative? Mary Meeker Includes US Budget in Internet Trends Reaches Upside Down Conclusions Happy Tax Day! Here s How Corporations Plan to Mess You Over This Loophole Will Let Hedge-Fund Managers Dodge $18 Billion in Taxes This Year

41 Killing Small Business: The Number Of Self-Employed Americans Is Lower Than In 1990 Alabama Sees 85% Drop In Food Stamp Participation After Work Requirements Reinstated Thousands Drop off Food Stamp Rolls in Georgia After State Implements Work Requirements Ohio Becomes One of Last States to Mandate Autism Coverage Sen. Paul, Scott Bullock: Civil Forfeiture Ruined Countless Lives. Long Overdue for Reform Dow, DuPont Merger Wins U.S. Antitrust Approval with Conditions Airbnb Growth Slows Worldwide as Regulations Increase Productivity Growth: Labor vs. Human Productivity: Global Productivity Slowdown Risks Creating Instability, Warns IMF Chart of the Day: Number of Jobless Adults Up 36% So Far This Century Economic Reality: Bottom 50% of Americans No Longer Save B. Piratization: Could the Rape of Greece Happen Here? Greek PM says Debt Relief is a Condition for more Austerity U.S. Has Regressed To A Third-World Nation For Most Of Its Citizens Africa Subsidies the Rest of the World by Over $40B in One Year, According to New Researcho C. National Security State Costs Out of Control McCain & Neocons up DOD budget by $100 billion U.S. Drops Largest Non-Nuclear Bomb on ISIS Target in Afghanistan, Military Officials Say Black Budget Wars & Central Bank Panic! Oliver Stone Rages Against The Deep State s Wonderful Job Of Throwing America Into Chaos WikiLeaks Just Dropped the CIA s Secret How-To for Infecting Windows Army Lost Track of More than $1 Billion in Humvees, Weapons in Iraq, Report Says D. More Cut & Run $10 Trillion Missing from Pentagon and No One Not Even the DoD Knows Where It Is E. Corruption: Out of Control Never Forget: Hero Cop Who Blew Whistle On OKC Bombing Did NOT Commit Suicide NYPD Says it is Now Investigating the Hudson River Death of a Pioneering African American Judge as Suspicious even Though She was Initially Thought to have Committed Suicide Deutsche Bank Sued For Running An International Criminal Organization In Italian Court Wasserman Schultz Threatens Police Chief For Investigating Her IT Staff s Crimes Hillary Clinton Told FBI s Mueller To Deliver Uranium To Russians In 2009 The Market Forces Behind the Obamas Record-Setting Book Deal James Comey Being Sued in Bombshell Lawsuit Retired FBI Special Agent Blows the Whistle on the Real Robert Mueller US Committee on Judiciary Opens Probe into Hillary s Links to Yunus to Sway Hasina The Lawsuit That Could Sink the Clintons: A 30-Year Murder Cover-up Is Going to Court Pump and Dump 2.0 Auto Loaning Fraud JPMorgan Beats Madoff Customers Appeal Jamie Dimon Warns Something Is Wrong With The US Deutsche Bank s $10-Billion Scandal Pedophilia & Control Files: Veterans Exposing Pedophiles & Rescuing Children Takedown of Underground Pedophile Network Nets 900 Arrests Haitian Girl Forced to Have Sex with Nearly 50 UN Workers as Part of Child Sex Ring PLEASE NOTE: All the news articles listed in this section can be accessed by going to the online version of this Wrap Up at: then use the search function to locate the items. 41

42 III. NEWS TRENDS & STORIES 42 Former Dyncorp VP Charged With Rape Of A Minor Dutch Banker Ronald Bernard Blows the Whistle on World s Satanic Elite The Virginia Shooting is Tied to Sex Trafficking Voter Fraud: Netanyahu Interfering in US Election Israel s Opposition Leader Says DNC Battling Class-action Suit Alleging Sanders was Robbed in 2016 Susan Rice Ordered Detailed Spreadsheets Of Intercepted Phone Calls Trump Team JW Sues for Records about Obama Administration s Unmasking of Trump Associates Rubio Corners Comey and Lays Rest to Trump-Russia Question It Doesn t Take a Russian to Hack an American Election Family s Private Investigator: Evidence Seth Rich had Contact with WikiLeaks Prior to Death Was the Election Rigged Against Bernie Sanders? DNC Lawsuit Demands Repayment for Campaign Donors Donna Brazile Warned Off Private Eye on Seth Rich Murder Three Attorneys Found Dead In Wasserman Schultz Florida District In 2 Weeks Kim Dot Com Statement on Seth Rich Seth Rich Murder #6 Nearly 50,000 Urge Trump to Probe Seth Rich Murder Seth Rich s Neighbors Sound Off on Murder Mystery Trump Picks Al Capone of Vote Rigging To investigate Federal Voter Fraud Obama Kickbacks: Obama Details Plans for Chicago Presidential Center Sweet: Obama Foundation Ramps Up Fundraising The Obama s $60M Book Deal is Way Over- Priced Proposed Golf Course at Obama Library Draws Criticism Politicians and Government Officials with Dual Citizenship: Time to Outlaw Dual Citizenship for Government, Military and Elected Positions Central Banks Should Look Abroad For Talent F. Decentralization: Can We Re-Localize? Can It Work? Dr. Cynthia McKinney: Congress Is Nothing But Theatrics VL Interview Part 2 Monopoly Power and the Decline of Small Business: The Case for Restoring America s Once Robust Antitrust Policies What a State-Owned Bank Can Do for New Jerseyt G. Equity Creation Greater than Controlled Demolitions? If China Can Fund Infrastructure with Its Own Credit, So Can We Aldi Fires $3.4 Billion Shot in U.S. Supermarket Wars Amazon s New Prime Wardrobe Lets You Try Clothes for Free (AMZN) Amazon to Buy Whole Foods for $13.7bn in All-Cash Deal Amazon s Grocery Ambitions Are Far Bigger Than Whole Foods Tech s Wealthy Enclaves Hurt the Country and Tech Itself The Bespoke Death by Amazon Indices Public Sector Investors Favor Real Estate, Renewables Global Real Estate Bubble Index: Top 15 World Cities JP Morgan Chase Doubles Down on Detroit Investment Big Pharma s Anti-marijuana Stance Aims to Squash the Competition After Legalizing Weed, Unemployment In Colorado Has Collapsed To Record Lows BP s Dudley Seen Reigning for Years to Restore Major s Mights H. Covert Cash Flows: Black Budget, Secret Dividends ShadowBrokers: The NSA compromised the SWIFT Network

43 Interest Rate Swaps with Rob Kirby Terror in Britain: What Did the Prime Minister Know? Rodrigo Duterte Vows to Cut Off ISIS Drug Money III. Global 3.0 Rising A. Space SpaceX Successfully Lands its Falcon 9 Rocket After Launching Military Satellite Unmanned U.S. Air Force Space Plane Lands After Secret,Two-Year Mission India Space Research Organisation Plans Complex Manuevers Bill Ryan Update The Truth about Corey Goode B. Automation (and Digitization) Unicorns Watch In Horror As Uber Careens Towards A Possible Extinction Event Jack Ma Sees Decades of Pain as Internet Upends Old Economy Ukraine to Launch Big Blockchain Deal with Tech Firm Bitfur At BlackRock, Machines Are Rising Over Managers to Pick Stocks Digitisation Shakes Up Corporate-bond Markets Business in the Age of Ethereum U.S. Awards AT&T Contract to Build Wireless Network for First Responders Steve Ballmer Serves up a Fascinating Data Trove Dubai Government Taps IBM For City- Wide Blockchain Pilot Push BP, Eni Deepen Blockchain Trading in European Gas Goldman-backed Startup Circle Launches No-fee Foreign Payments Service Bernard Lietaer Joins Bancor Protocol Foundation as Chief Monetary Architect Facebook Working on Brain-Computer Interface to Translate Thoughts to Text David Hasselhoff Stars in a New Short Film and All His Lines Were Written by AI C. 5G is Coming What 5G Means to You with Jason Bawden- Smith The Race to 5G: Inside the Fight for the Future of Mobile as We Know It D. Surveillance Capitalism Hacker Group Releases Password To NSA s Top Secret Arsenal In Protest Of Trump Betrayal Leaked NSA Malware Is Helping Hijack Computers Around the World Tracking Hacking: The World s Biggest Data Breaches Massive Cyberattack Spreads Around the World Dozens of Countries Hit by Huge Cyberextortion Attack British Intelligence Passed Trump Associates Russian communiques on to US Symantec Says CIA Hacking Tools Found Operating in 16 Countries Google Starts Tracking Offline Shopping What You Buy at Stores in Person Facebook Developing Talk, a Messaging Service For Teens WikiLeaks Just Dropped the CIA s Secret How-to for Infecting Windows Secret Court Rebukes NSA for 5-Year Illegal surveillance of U.S. Citizens This Creepy Patent Proves They Can Remotely Hijack Your Nervous System Standing Rock Documents Expose Inner Workings of Surveillance-Industrial Complex IV. How Will Investors Handle This Much Uncertainty? Former Clinton Foundation Donors Flocking To The McCain Institute McCain Institute Refuses to Disclose Big Donations The Astonishing Reinvention of Donald Trump Unicorns Watch In Horror As Uber Careens Towards A Possible Extinction Event: A Down Round 43

44 III. NEWS TRENDS & STORIES 44 Americans Still Favor Real Estate for Long- Term Investment Ethereum Surges To All Time High As SEC Considers Ether-based ETF Norway s $940 Billion Wealth Fund Eyes Possible Repatriation of Tax Haven Subsidiaries NYC Pension Funds to Back Out of Investments in Private Prisons Why an Australian Fund Manager Decided to Sell Everything Costco Sees an Extremely Damaging Flush In Aftermath of Amazon s Big Whole Foods Deal A. The Rise of Index Funds Jack Bogle Warns Of Market Chaos, Catastrophe If Passive Investing Wins World s Biggest Wealth Fund Refuses to Be Silenced B. Volatility Jack Ma Sees Decades of Pain as Internet Upends Old Economy Want to See How America is Changing? Property Taxes Hold the Answer Why an Australian Fund Manager Decided to Sell Everything C. Pretend Central Banks Will Fix It Fed s Yellen Expects No New Financial Crisis in Our Lifetimes GEOPOLITICS I. Free Speech & Corporate Media Meltdown Freedom of Speech Comes to an End in Germany German Police Said to Raid Homes over Online Hate Speech The Suppression of Ideas and the Closing out of Debate Justice Department Subpoenas The Intercept for Records on Barrett Brown Barret Brown: US Journalist May Seek Asylum Overseas After Being Re-Imprisoned for Talking to Press Three CNN Employees Resign Over Retracted Story on Russia Ties Fox News Drops O Reilly in Wake of Harassment Allegations CNN Shocked Speechless as Congressman Questions Syria Chemical Weapons Story The Situation in Syria Is Not Complicated Here s What You Need To Know Evidence Proves DNC Fabricated Russian Conspiracy In June 2016 List of Journalists Killed in Russia CIA Director Pompeo, Targeting WikiLeaks, Explicitly Threatens Speech and Press Freedoms Julian Assange Speaks Out: The War On The Truth US Government Wants Julian Assange in Jail. That Could Hurt the Rest of Us Getting Julian Assange: The Untold Story Twitter Suspends WND for Seth Rich Report Is It Hateful To Believe In Hell? Bernie Sanders Questions Prompt Backlash Journalists Get New Protections in Vermont The Worst Idea Yet: Have a Con Con It Looks Like the Kochs Dream of a Right- Wing Constitutional Convention Has Been Roadblocked The Dangerous Path: Big Moneys Attempt to Shred the Constitution American Suicide: Proposals for Constitutional Amendments & Convention with Edwin Vieira, Jr. Bill of the Week: We the People Rewriting the Constitution is as Easy as 1, 2, 3 II. A New Administration: The First 100 Days Jobs Miss Big, Unemployment Rate Falls to 16-Year Low Winners and Losers of Trump s First 100 Days Trump: the Man vs. His Ideas Trump and Money Laundering: The Key Questions to Ask Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

45 There is Something Very Strange about This Man! The Trump Reflation Fantasy Ends on Day 100 Melania Trump Receives Settlement Apology from Daily Mail Tillerson Blows Up at Top White House Aide The Trump U-Turn Trump Flips On Five Core Campaign Promises In Under 24 Hours Why Trump Succumbed to the Hawks The Takeover of Trump Timeline Energy Trump Hopes To Quietly Steal Putin s Natgas Business In Europe The Financial Times Reports on President Trump s LNG Export Push Trump Signs Executive Order Targeting National Monuments, Could Open Up Lands for Oil and Gas Development Governance Structures Dr. Cynthia McKinney: Congress Is Nothing But Theatrics Pentagon Trained Syria s Al Qaeda Rebels in the Use of Chemical Weapons U.S. Withdraws funding for U.N. Population Fund Donald Trump Blames Constitution for Chaos of His First 100 Days Budget McCain & Neocons Up DOD Budget by $100 Billion Key House Committee Approves Curbing Trump s War Authorization Powers Republicans Warn Reauthorization Of NSA Surveillance Tool Will Be Hard After Flynn Leaks America First: A Budget Blueprint to Make America Great Again The Three Most Interesting Numbers in President Trump s First Budget Mnuchin Comments On Trump s Historic Budget Proposal: It Will Prevent Taxpayer Bailouts Trump s Plan to Attack Social Security Congress Must Raise Debt Ceiling by Mid- October: CBO Infrastructure President Trump Infrastructure Speech in Cincinnati, Ohio If China Can Fund Infrastructure with Its Own Credit, So Can We Trump to Privatize Air Traffic Control What United Airlines Really Wants Is to Privatize America s Skies A Lack of Competition Explains the Flaws in American Aviation Trump will Pledge Federal Dollars for Infrastructure Projects in Rural Areas 220 Cities, 140 Million Americans To Lose Amtrak Service; Federal Budget will Kill U.S. Train Network Executive Orders Require Review of Federal IT and Cybersecurity Resources Federal Reserve & Financial System DOL Fiduciary Rule Explained as of April 18, 2017 Russian Bank Chairman Met With Kushner, Citigroup and JPMorgan Chase Muni Bond Market Signals Tax Reform Unlikely This Year Private Equity s Lousy Governance Obama Care/Health Republican Healthcare Bill Imperiled with 22 Million Seen Losing Insurance Freedom Caucus Endorses Revised ObamaCare Repeal-and-Replace Bill To Replace Obamacare, Don t Overlook The Role Of The States Knoxville, TN Could Be Ground Zero For The Obamacare Explosion President Donald J. Trump Proclaims April 2, 2017 as World Autism Awareness Day) Lobbying Trump White House will Hide its Visitor Logs Military Modernization/Defense $700bn Pentagon Bill Funds US Presence in E. Europe & Weapons for Ukraine The Solari Report BY CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS / 2ND Q 2015 VOL. 10 / NO. 02 INFRASTRUCTURE 45

46 III. NEWS TRENDS & STORIES US Vice Admiral Calls for Code of Conduct for Space In Selling Trump s Budget, Mattis Faces a Skeptical Audience on Capitol Hill VA Whistleblowers: Retaliation is Getting Worse, Not Better Pentagon Trained Syria s Al Qaeda Rebels in the Use of Chemical Weapons Intelligence Agency Modernization and Reform House Caucus Threatens to Pull Renewal on Bulk Acquisition of Data UK Mass Surveillance Totalitarian and Will Cost Lives, Warns ex-nsa Bill Binney Immigration/Wall Trump Moves Ahead with Wall, Puts Stamp on U.S. Immigration, Security Policy Crime/Justice How Jeff Sessions Wants to Bring Back the War on Drugs Drug Deaths in America Are Rising Faster Than Ever Donald Trump Picks Christopher Wray as New FBI director, Replacing James Comey God, Guns, and Abortion: Neil Gorsuch to Quickly make his Mark on High Court Education/Common Core Presidential Executive Order on Enforcing Statutory Prohibitions on Federal Control of Education Regulation Why is the Green Climate Fund Costing the U.S. a Fortune? In His First Ever Tweet, Lloyd Blankfein Slams Trump s Climate Decision Trump s Speech On Paris Climate Agreement Withdrawal, Annotated Trump Promises Climate Decision Next Week after G7 Stalemate Merkel Furious With Trump After Unprecedented G-7 Failure To Reach Consensus On Climate Change Too Much Federal Regulation has Piled up in America They Are Killing Small Business: The Number Of Self-Employed Americans Is Lower Than In 1990 Monopoly Power and the Decline of Small Business: The Case for Restoring America s Once Robust Antitrust Policies The Evidence is Piling Up Silicon Valley is Being Destroyed Dow, DuPont Merger Wins U.S. Antitrust Approval with Conditions Trump Signs Measure to Let ISPs Sell Your Data Without Consent Tax Washington Republicans Contemplate Major Benefit Reforms House Speaker, Trump Aides Vow Tax Reform by End of 2017 Trump s Biggest Hurdle on Tax Cuts? Congress s Daunting Calendar U.S. House Panel to Begin Hearings on Tax Reform Next Week Mnuchin Can t Guarantee Middle Class Tax Cut Trump s Tax Cut Proposal Shines Light on MLPs The Main Highlights In Trump s Sweeping Tax Reform Proposal Treasury s Mnuchin: We re Pretty Close to Bringing Forward Major Tax Reform Trade Amy Baker Benjamin Will the Real Trump Foreign Policy Please Stand Up? Trump s Been Clear to Me to Try to Rebuild Russia Ties: Tillerson Trump, Xi at Mar-a-Lago for High-stakes Summit Trump Agrees Not to Terminate NAFTA Treaty at This Time, Will Attempt Renegotiation: White House Pence Pushes Allies on Trade After Reassuring on North Korea Congress Committee on China Defends its Critical Stance on Hong Kong Against Top US Envoy in City 46

47 III. The Shift to the Multipolar World A. The Big Picture: Michael Savage Begs Trump to Stop WW III Sacred Communities and The Emergent Multipolar Landscape Stewart Rhodes on (Globalist Agenda) European Viewpoint of Studio Execs Warming Climate? Europe s Unlikely Global Partner Trump and the Bubbles from a Sunken (old G7) World Europe Czech Parliament Moves to Legalise Firearm Ownership Czech Republic Votes to Establish Right to Keep and Bear Arms Against Italy s Newest Bank Bailout Cost as Much as it s Annual Defense Budget In Watershed Moment Merkel Says Germany Can No Longer Rely On America The Russia Sanctions: Germany Says This Must Not Happen Cooking With Gas: Nord Stream 2 Project Gets Green Light From EU Denmark Proposes Law Change to Block Russian Gas to Europe In Watershed Moment Merkel Says Germany Can No Longer Rely On America Hung Parliament: What it Could Mean for Brexit Negotiations Angry Greek Shipowners Expose Real Motive Behind Schaeuble s Taxation Criticism Macron Marches on as his Party Wins Large Majority in French Parliament United Kingdom I m Sorry Theresa May Apologizes over Election Disaster but Vows to Lead Country with Certainty Despite Relying on DUP Support -as Vultures begin to Circle Around her Weakened Leadership Theresa May Loses Overall Majority in U.K. Parliament Hung Parliament: What it Could Mean for Brexit Negotiations Africa US Sending Dozens More Troops to Somalia Asia The U.S. and China: Why the Sudden Convergence on North Korea? Gaza Faces Severe Crisis Amid Power Plant Shutdown Erdogan Clinches Victory in Turkish Constitutional Referendum Tillerson Tells Arab States To Lift Qatar Blockade: It s Hindering The Campaign Against ISIS Strict Action Against Anyone Showing Sympathy with Qatar: UAE China MSCI s Big China Decision Looms Today China says Hong Kong Handover Deal is Now Just a Scrap of Paper as Xi Draws Red Line on Sovereignty Hong Kong s Language and Culture is Endangered by a Purely Political Concept of Chinese Identity China s Split With Russia on Syria Signals Warmer Xi-Trump Ties China Launches Aircraft Carrier, Boosting Military Presence Chevron to Sell Bangladesh Gas Fields to Chinese Consortium U.S., China Reach Deals on Access for Beef, Financial Services Feeding China China Pledges $124 Billion for New Silk Road as Champion of Globalization While Trump was in Riyadh Dancing and Selling Arms, this was Happening South Korea US Military Begins Moving THAAD Anti-Missile System Into South Korea Deployment Site North Korea North Korean Missile Blows Up During Launch; President Trump Aware, Has No Further Comment 47

48 III. NEWS TRENDS & STORIES China Warns North Korea Situation Has Hit Tipping Point, Threatens Never Before Seen Measures China Threatens To Bomb North Korea s Nuclear Facilities If It Crosses Beijing s Bottom Line Senators Told North Korea Nuclear Threat Is Urgent U.S. May Launch Strike if North Korea Reaches for Nuclear Trigger The U.S. Has An Active Cyber War Underway To Thwart The North Korean Nuclear Threat Declaration of war : Russian MPs Blast US Plans to Enforce N. Korea Sanctions on Foreign Territory Pyongyang Slams Israel as Disturber of Peace Armed with Illegal Nukes Under US Patronage Middle East Israel PM Netanyahu Issues Threat Against Iran Israel Strikes Iran-Supplied Arms Depot Near Damascus Airport Europe, Israel Back Longest Undersea Natural Gas Pipeline Oliver Stone: Israel Had Far More Involvement in the US Election Than Russia No Joke: U.N. Elects Saudi Arabia to Women s Rights Commission, For Term India India Skips China s Silk Road Summit, Warns of Unsustainable Debt Iran Iran Fires Missiles at ISIL Positions in Eastern Syria Russia and Iran Pledge to Hit Back against Further Syria Strikes as they Blast US for Crossing Red Lines Russia Russia Warns U.S. After Downing of Syrian Warplane Russia and Iran Pledge to Hit Back against further Syria Strikes as they Blast US for Crossing Red Lines Putin Points Out Russian Weapons Top Performance Helped Boost Exports Gazprom to Begin Turkish Stream Construction in Next few Days Putin Backs Extending Free Land Giveaway all Across Russia.. Breaking: Nuclear-Capable Russian Bomber Jets Fly Near Alaska Again Russian Senator Warns UK Risks Being Wiped Off The Face Of The Earth Russia and Islam, Connecting the Dots and Discerning the Future 25 Things Revealed About Vladimir Putin by Oliver Stone in the Putin Interviews Kremlin: Risk of US-Russia Collision in Syria Significantly Increased Russia Has Withdrawn Half Of Its Fighter Jet Group From Syria Syria Genie Oil: The Syria, Goldman Sachs, Israel, ISIS Connection Syria Pipeline How the Press Will Not Tell the Truth about Syria Michael Savage Turns on Trump, Says Syrian Gas Attack Was False Flag Operation Syria Accuses US Of Hitting ISIS Chemical Weapons Depot Killing Hundreds; Russia Sends Drones Putin Calls out NATO on Syria Chemical False Flag: It was Staged (Video) The Nerve Agent Attack that Did Not Occur: Analysis of the Times and Locations of Critical Events in the Alleged Nerve Agent Attack Russia Has Withdrawn Half Of Its Fighter Jet Group From Syria Russia, Iran, Turkey Ban US Planes Above Syrian Safe Zones US Sanctions 271 Syrians, Freezes Their US Assets United States Is Blazing Nuclear War Imminent? Fitts & Rense Donald Trump Asserts his Authority Over 48

49 his Allies Rex Tillerson meets with Foreign Minister Lavrov and President Putin Donald Trump Attacks Iran Syria Policy After the Chemical Attacks US Launches Airstrikes on Syria Michael Savage Turns on Trump, Says Syrian Gas Attack Was False Flag Operation US Shoots Down Syrian Aircraft for First Time US Sanctions 271 Syrians, Freezes Their US Assets Pentagon Expands Rebuke of Turkey Over Iraq, Syria Strikes Russia and Iran Pledge to Hit Back against further Syria Strikes as they Blast US for Crossing Red Lines B. What s Next for the EU? What the EU27 wants from Brexit Meet Emmanuel Macron The Consummate Banker Puppet, Bizarre Elitist Creation Denmark Proposes Law Change to Block Russian Gas to Europe Does Schäuble want Draghi to Exit the Stage Once & For All? We Need a New Global Economic Goal: Resilience (subscription) Macron Elected French President: Estimates Germany: Police Powerless Against Middle Eastern Crime Gangs C. Growth on the Silk Road HK s Role for Next 20 Years? Silk Road Super-connector China Pledges $124 Billion for New Silk Road as Champion of Globalization China s AIIB Approves 13 New Member Countries CPEC Investment Pushed from $55b to $62b Liberal Andrew Robb Took $880k China Job as Soon as He Left Parliament D. The US China Re-balancing and the South China Sea The USS Fitzgerald Tragedy Still Makes No Sense China Plans Underwater Monitoring System E. The Beaten Path to Antarctica Who Owns Antarctica & How Much is It Worth? F. Global Powwows Moguls Set to Converge on Sun Valley Trailer Bilderberg the Movie Protests, Policy Rows, Volatile Leaders Welcome to the Hamburg G20 Summit Russia, US & China Able to Join Forces in Tackling Global Challenges Lavrov IV. The Deep State Grows More Evident George Soros Accused of Trying to Oust Equatorial Guinea s Government The Insurrection Against the President, or Who Really is George Soros Anyway? America Illegally At War For a Long Time Now After 9/11 Attacks People Stopped Asking Whatever Happened To The Missing $2.3 Trillion Dollars At Pentagon Seymour Hersh Says Hillary Approved Sending Libya s Sarin to Syrian Rebels White House Claims on Syria Chemical Attack Obviously False - Prof. Theodor Postol of MIT Top Ten Reasons to Doubt Official Story on Assad Poison-gas Attack I Don t Believe a Word of It CIA Whistleblower on US Intelligence about Syria Chemical Attack History: New Gold Pool at the BIS Basle, Switzerland: Part 1 ISIS Recruiter Who Radicalised London Bridge Attackers was Protected by MI5 V. Migration and Immigration Long-Term Trends: Migration Potential From Africa and Middle East: African Migrants Hit by New Discriminatory Tax in Israel to Encourage Departure Italy Furious After Austria Deploys Troops, Armored Vehicles To Border 49

50 III. NEWS TRENDS & STORIES 50 Migrants from west Africa being sold in Libyan slave markets UN Report Reveals Nations Producing Most Refugees Were Targets of US Intervention CULTURE I. Who Will Nourish Rebuild the Field? Cynthia McKinney Uniting for Real Alternative Movement Montana s Natural Man: History Channel 7/7 Peggy Noonan s Speech: 128th Annual Commencement Upper Church, Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception Read New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu s Remarkable Speech About Removing Confederate Monuments President Trump Just Signed An Order That Will Make Trey Gowdy Very Happy II. Embracing Complexity & Uncertainty: Pope Dismisses Doctrine Chief after Reform Clashes Distortions and Deceptions in Strategic Decisions The future of Islam in Western Europe Steve Ballmer Serves up a Fascinating Data Trove The Agility That Governments Need for a Disruptive Age The Most Hated Man in Pension-land Law and the New Order: A Fresh Wave of District Attorneys Is Redefining Justice Hannah Arendt on Science, the Value of Space Exploration, and How Our Cosmic Aspirations Illuminate the Human Condition III. Need for Revival of the Artist & Scholar Did Free College Save this City? Roger Waters Is This the Life We really Want? The 2016 Election and the Demise of Journalistic Standards Forty Percent of 5th-12th Graders Plan to Start a Business IV. Are We Sovereign? Rothschild Demands Western Nations Invade Syria The CIA Didn t Just Torture, It Experimented on Human Beings Elites Are Orchestrating A Global Catastrophe: There Are Many Things The President Does Not Know Memorandum on Domestic US Torture Programs:Running Under Cover of Surveillance, Covert US Military/Intel/Justice Physical Mutilation of the Population, EMF Weapons, Neuro-Weapons, Bio-Terrorism, & Organized Stalking Fight Brews Over Push to Shield Americans in Warrantless Surveillance It Is Becoming Illegal To Be Homeless In America As Houston, Dallas And Dozens Of Other Cities Pass Draconian Laws Grandmother Who Lost Her Home Because Her Son Sold Marijuana Wins Pennsylvania Supreme Court Case The Latest Scam from Republithugs to Force Genetic Tests on Employees Is the Human Mind Bound by the Laws of Physics? A Proposed New Quantum Experiment may Provide the Answer A. Mind Control: What Makes Millennials Disturbingly Different? It s No Game A Sci-fi Short Film Starring David Hasselhoff NYU Professor Adam Alter: How to Make an Experience Addictive Dr John Hall and Robert Duncan Mind Security and Cybernetic Warfare Part 1 Evergreen State College Chaos Reigns: Whiteness Is The Most Violent ***king System Ever Globalists Are Building An Army Of Millennials To Destroy Sovereignty

51 How Hollywood Movies and the New York Media Are Promoting the Globalist Agenda This Creepy Patent Shows That Your Nervous System Can Be Remotely Manipulated Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked by Adam Alter (subscription) Edward Bernays & 10 Big Lies of the 21st Century with Junious Ricardo Stanton Jamie Dimon Warns Something Is Wrong With The US B. Trans-humanism: How Upgrading Humans will become the next Billion-dollar Industry Unborn Babies Being Prepared For Trans-humanism Through Vaccines Artificial Womb Created SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY I. Cybersecurity A. Ain t No Such Thing Zero Integrity Systems How The Fed Helps The US Spy On Foreign Governments Federal Appeals Court Reinstates Lawsuit Challenging Constitutionality of the NSA s Mass Internet Surveillance Program Germany Secretly Passed Total Surveillance of Everything Under Pressure, Western Tech Firms Bow to Russian Demands to Share Cyber Secrets U.S. Net Neutrality Advocates Blast Pai Effort to Reverse Rules Don t Let the New FCC Kill Net Neutrality Fight Brews Over Push to Shield Americans in Warrantless Surveillance B. IOT: The Corruption and Compromise of the NSA with William E. Binney Comcast, ATT, Verizon Say They will Not Sell Their Customer s Browsing Histories C. Quantum Computing: China Sets New Record for Quantum Entanglement en Route to Build New Communication Network Alibaba s Jack Ma Issues Dire Warning That AI Could Steal CEOs Jobs D. Digital WW III How The Death Of Net Neutrality Could Hamstring The Internet Of Things Senator Tom Cotton Introduces Bill That Would Renew Section 702 Forever With Zero Changes II. Health Freedom The Truth About Cancer Through Vaccines & Statins Big Pharma Is Engaged In All Out Assault On Our Health! Unprecedented Lawsuit Could End Water Fluoridation in US Based on Neurotoxicity Studies Tennessee Counties Sue Opioid Makers Using Local Crack Tax Law A Nation of the Walking Dead US Opioid Crisis at Epidemic Proportions Nassau County to Sue Pharmaceuticals over Growing Opioid Epidemic on Long Island Drug Deaths in America Are Rising Faster Than Ever Big Pharma and the Trans-gender Movement New York City s Black Children Die from Injuries at Three Times the Rate of other Kids Rich Americans Live up to 15 Years Longer than Poor Peers, Studies Find FDA Quietly Bans Powerful Life-Saving Intravenous Vitamin C I Almost Went Blind After 12 Years as a Webmaster What I Learned Senate Republican Healthcare Bill would Cause 22 Million to Lose Insurance Smithfield Is Engineering Pigs for Use in Human Transplants Digital And Regenerative Medicine More than Just Luck : The Science Behind Tom Brady s Preposterous Longevity Did Chinese Scientists Find Autism s Missing Puzzle Piece? Creator of Apple s Touch ID Tech Develops A Connected-Life App For Seniors 51

52 III. NEWS TRENDS & STORIES Food and Water Subscription Only: Reflections on Whole Foods Purchase by Amazon Get Ready. Amazon-Whole Foods Deal Will Change How You Buy Food Forever The Grocery Store Of The Future Is Mobile, Self-Driving, And Run By AI Syngenta Loses $218 Million Verdict in First GMO Trial Test Hampton Creek Growing it s Own Meat in Labs-Says it Will Get to Store First Why Healthy People Don t Drink Soy Milk Ever Raw Milk on Trial in Ontario, Court Could Permanently Shut Down Sales What Is It Like to Live Without Running Water? Detroit Families Know 85% of All Food in U.S. Now Contaminated: Toxic Pesticides Also Found in Drinking Water New Open Source License Fights the Enclosure of Seeds Monsanto Employing Troll Army To Silence Online Dissent? Stand with Poultry Farmers, Not Greedy Corporations Azure Farms An Important Update Farmers Beef With Trump Over Big Meat A. Vaccines Sweden Bans Mandatory Vaccinations Over Serious Health Concerns New Tell-All Docu-Series Investigates The Pro VS Anti Vaccine Debate So That You Can Make An Informed Decision And Protect Your Child Vaccine Series Continues: Seven Episodes Natural Immunization, Homeoprophylaxis & Fundamental Freedom of Choice Australia To Forcibly Vaccinate Citizens Via Chemtrails US Congresswoman Introduces Bill Supporting Mandatory Vaccines for Employees Italian Government Invokes Emergency Powers To Inflict Vaccine Mandates B. EMF Radiation Top 10 Things You Can Do to Protect You and Your Family; by Jason Bawden Smith EMF Warriors Launch_Social Media Judge Says California Must Release Papers Discussing Risk Of Cellphone Use WiFi Experiment Done By A Group Of 9th Grade Students Got Serious International Attention California Senate Passed SB.649 An Unconstitutional Bill That Forcibly Exposes Neighborhoods to Constant, Hazardous 4G/5G Microwave Radiation Children as Young as 13 Attending Smartphone Rehab as Concerns Grow Over Screen Time A Pilot s Story is a Lesson for You in nnemf III. Making Robots Human; Making Humans Robotic IV. Environmental Stress Yellowstone Supervolcano Hit by 878 Earthquakes in Two Weeks Most Active in Five Years Great Barrier Reef Dead at 25 Million For West Coast, Nuclear Hanford Threat Dwarfs Fukushima Bright Artificial Clouds from NASA Rocket Visible from US East Coast Early Saturday Dozens of New Cracks Discovered at Belgian Nuclear Reactors How Scientists Are Tracking the Dangerous Weakening of Earth s Magnetic Field Greenland Ice Core Records Show Profound Temp Declines V. CERN & Particle Accelerators VI. Space: Here We Go! Companies, Lawyers Argue Against Changing Outer Space Treaty Bigelow Aerospace Founder Says Commercial World will Lead in Space India Just Launched Its Heaviest & Most Powerful Rocket Yet 52

53 Cassini Mission US House Wants To Create First New Military Branch Since 1947 VIII. The Future of Energy A. Nuclear Fusion & Breakthrough Energy Free Energy Source Confirmed Bigelow Aerospace Founder Says Commercial World will Lead in Space B. Renewables Growth China is Now Getting Power from the Largest Floating Solar Farm on Earth Germany Got 35% of its Electricity from Renewables in 2017 Tesla s Solar Roof Pricing Is Cheap Enough to Catch Fire You Can Now Sell Solar Power to your Neighbors Professor Invents Way to Trigger Artificial Photosynthesis to Clean Air, Produce Energy Can Plastic Roads Help Save the Planet? Graphene Sieve Turns Seawater into Clean Drinking Water and the Technology Can be Scaled Up C. Coal What s Next in US, India and China? Unexpected Move From China Boosts Coal Prices THE UNANSWERED QUESTIONS New Pyramid Which was Built 3,700 Years Ago Discovered in Egypt Atmospheric Study and Gravity Waves Saudi Banks, Bin Laden Companies face $4.2 Billion U.S. Lawsuit by 9/11 Insurers After 9/11 Attacks People Stopped Asking Whatever Happened To The Missing $2.3 Trillion Dollars At Pentagon INSPIRATION 50 Years Ago, This Was a Wasteland. He Changed Everything Short Film Showcase The Raising of the Blue Barn 101-Year-Old Indian Woman Wins 100 Meter Dash at World Masters Games in New Zealand as the Only Competitor in the 100+ Age Category Young People are the Superconductors How To Break The Zombie Trance GO LOCAL The Great Place Project Find A Place You Love That Needs You Book Review: Follow the Money: A Citizen s Guide to Local Government Strongtowns Summit in Fate Texas Explaining what Participatory Budgeting is Follow the Money: Stories of Citizen Action Public Art: Project vs. Process Sharing Spring, Starting a Conversation How to Reinvent the Potluck How To Start A Social Street Georgia Street Community Collective: Our Community 3 Great Rochester Neighborhoods and Why they Work These Neighbors Got Tired of Waiting for Traditional Developers These Sustainable Startups Are Cultivating a Greener, Cleaner One Way to Keep Businesses (and Small Towns) Alive when Their Owners Retire How a Vitality Fellow Captured the Imagination of a City This Bike Co-op is Helping to Build a Better Peoria La Flaca Urban Gardens 7 Years of Work on Food Forest Destroyed Over Permit A New Law Would Legalize Selling Home- Cooked Food in California Open Building Institute: Eco-Building Toolkit The dividing line between two visions: One centralizes power and knowledge in a manner that tears down communities and infrastructure as it dominates wealth and shrinks freedom. The other diversifies power and knowledge to create new wealth through rebuilding infrastructure and communities and nourishing our natural resources. 53

54 IV. Long-Term Trends The news is so explosive that Dr. Joseph Farrell and I decided to begin our discussion by revisiting some of the deeper trends we ve covered in recent Annual and Quarterly Wrap Ups. We hope that this helps new Solari Report subscribers access some of the great materials available to help you understand events around you. Space Here We Go! We are becoming a multi-planetary civilization. Annual Wrap Up 2015: Space Here We Go! Video: Catherine Austin Fitts at Secret Space Program 2015 The Space Based Economy Financial Coup d État, the Black Budget, and the Hidden System of Finance One of the best ways to understand the enormous gap between reality and official reality is to follow the money trail. If you follow the growth of covert financial systems and flows since World War II and study how money and finance are used to manage people and our economy, things begin to make much more sense. Commentary: Financial Coup d État Special Report: Coming Clean Beyond the Fiscal Cliff Online Book: Dillon, Read & Co Inc. & the Aristocracy of Stock Profits by Catherine Austin Fitts Video: Catherine Austin Fitts at Secret Space Program 2014 Financial Coup d État & Missing Money Quotes Planet Equity / Planet Debt The global equity markets have grown by $60 trillion during the last 25 years, from approximately $11 trillion to $70 trillion. Some of this growth has come from the debasement of global currencies. As more money is printed, the value of stocks goes up while the currency in which they are denominated loses value but not because corporate profits have risen or companies are worth more. Indeed, one of the reasons why predictions of hyperinflation (as a result of expansionary monetary policy) have not materialized is because this securitization process is soaking up a great deal of excess liquidity. Annual Wrap Up 2014: Planet Equity 3rd Quarter Wrap Up 2015: The Chinese Stock Market 1st Quarter Wrap Up 2015: Planet Debt The End of the Long-Term Debt Growth Model Global 2.0 to 3.0 Integration of new technology much of it transferred out of black budget research and operations is moving us from an industrial economy (Global 2.0) to a networked economy (Global 3.0). New technologies include robotics and AI, myriad new energy technologies, quantum computing, blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies, and a revolution in material sciences and fabrication technology such as 3D printing. As this integration occurs, we are seeing significant gapping in learning metabolism and economic growth between the old and the new. 3rd Quarter Wrap Up st Quarter Wrap Up 2014 Annual Wrap Up 2013: Breakaway Solari Report: A Beginners Guide to 3D Printing Book Review: Rise of the Robots Book Review: Artificial Intelligence and the End of the Human Era DOD and HUD Missing Money: Supporting Documentation 54

55 The Strategic Importance of Food and Water From the creation of the World Trade Organization to the global effort to control and patent the seed supply to Amazon s purchase of Whole Foods, we believe that the food wars and the desirability of a secure, fresh food supply will grow in importance. Annual Wrap Up 2016: The Global Harvest and What It Means to Investors The Solari Food Series with Harry Blazer America Goes Over the Fiscal Cliff The US and global economic reality becomes clear by observing who pays the taxes, who gets federal money, securities, credit and contracts, and who can spend outside appropriations. If you want to understand your world, you must follow the money. The Rape of Russia Opens in Chicago Discussion with Dr. Farrell in 2nd Quarter Wrap Up 2017 Coming Clean Beyond the Fiscal Cliff The Deep State & Trump Budget Politics Global Productivity Stalls The old game of corporations increasing productivity by destroying government and human productivity has stalled, especially now with aging populations in the G-7 and China. It s time to align the Dow Jones Index and the Popsicle Index, but centralizers prefer corruption. That s bad for productivity. Shadow Work: Your Stolen Time 2nd Quarter Wrap Up 2016: Productivity, Prosperity & the Popsicle Index The Productivity Backlash The Shift to the Multipolar World In a unipolar world, you have one entity setting the rules and enforcing them which is what we see today. In a multipolar world, you have many power centers competing and cooperating. The Emerging Multipolar World With the Saker Decentralization Can We Relocalize? Getting one real thing done locally is better than spending hours watching fake news. How can we help you find your opportunity? Unpacking Your Financial Ecosystem Mind Control: Mr. Global Doubles Down Mr. Global s greatest power is the ability to mind control individuals and use that mind control to harvest and manipulate. The first thing you can do to protect yourself and those you love is to understand how this technology works. This Creepy Patent Solari Report: Entrainment, Subliminal Programming and Financial Manipulation Solari Report: Edward Bernays & 10 Big Lies of the 21st Century with Junious Ricardo Stanton Unpacking What Movies Tell Us About Mind Control With Jay Dyer Protecting Against EMF Radiation What 5 G Means to You With Jason Bawden Smith Book Review: Addiction by Design: Machine Gambling in Las Vegas Book Review: How To Build Habit Forming Products Book Review: Your Brain on Porn: Internet Pornography and the Emerging Science of Addiction Investment Screening Grows After you shift your bank deposits, vendors, and purchases, consider screening your investments. 3rd Quarter Wrap Up 2016: Can We Filter for Productive Companies? Norwegian Wealth Fund: World s Biggest Wealth Fund Refuses To Be Silenced Who Will Nourish the Field? Our power is much greater than we realize. Start by cleansing your field and nurturing your culture. Dr. Joseph P. Farrell Virtual Pipe Organ Crowdfund Book Review: The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force in the Universe Coming Clean with Eunice Boston Coming Clean Environmental & Geophysical Stress What environmental and geophysical risks are of concern to Mr. Global? Could those risks help to explain some of the global leadership s crazy behavior? Book Review: This Does Not Change Everything 2010 Special With Clifford Carnicom the Solari Report BY CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS / 3RD QUARTER WRAP UP VOLUME 2016 / NUMBER FOUR INVESTMENT SCREENING: Can We Filter for Productive Companies? 55

56 V. Trump Administration Report Card Category Catherine s Catherine s Dr. Farrell s Dr. Farrell s Q1 Grade Q2 Grade Q1 Grade Q2 Grade Vision A B- B B+ Recruiting a Team A- B- B+ / A- B+ Building a Team Too Early C- Too Early B / B- To Grade To Grade Accomplishments To-Date B+ B+ A- B / B- Effort A+ A A+ A- Communication B B- B- B War Games (Mapping the Swamp) C C- B B Building Bottom-Up Support C+ C+ C- C Introducing Important Change A B A A- / B- Building Bridges Internationally C+ C- C C- Building Bridges Domestically C C D C / C+ Managing the Executive Branch Bureaucracy Too Early C- Too Early To Grade To Grade Grand Strategy for America and Our Role Too Early Too Early C- / D+ C- In the World To Grade To Grade Managing the Federal Budget and Contracting D+ F F F Budget Staying Physically and Emotionally Healthy B- B- B B+ / A- Growing in the Job A B A- A- 56

57 VI. Solari Core Concepts As you read or listen to the 2nd Quarter Wrap Up 2017, you will find references to a number of concepts we discuss regularly at the Solari Report. These include stories such as The Red Button or phrases such as Mr. Global (our nickname for the committee, or powers, that govern the allocation and ownership of resources on planet earth). We have listed some great suggested reading, listening, and viewing here to help you understand these phenomena. The Breakaway Civilization Some of the private interests who have managed the national security state have developed such advanced technology and independent wealth that they see themselves as a separate or breakaway civilization above and beyond the laws and responsibilities of existing sovereign governments or societies. Solari Report: The Breakaway Civilization With Dr. Joseph Farrell Solari Report: UFOs for the 21st Century Mind With Richard Dolan Solari Report: The Breakaway Civilization, Part 1, With Dr. Joseph Farrell Solari Report: The Breakaway Civilization, Part 2, With Dr. Joseph Farrell The Central Banking Warfare Model The American Tapeworm is a symptom that the Central Banking Warfare Model has created. The supremacy of English-speaking people since the time of Queen Elizabeth the First is dying. It is dying not because it is wrong but because it is weak. It is dying because like a tapeworm it is rapidly weakening its own system. The Central Banking Warfare Model: It s All About the Power to Issue Money The Central Banking Warfare Model Is Wearing Thin Control Files Some of the most important advanced technologies we must try to understand are those that manipulate individual thoughts and emotions by invisible means. We encourage you to take time to understand the nuts and bolts of centralized control. As the use of artificial intelligence grows, so does the power of these control technologies. Indeed, there is a matrix of control. Commentary: Control Files Solari Report: The Layman s Guide to Mind Control Solari Report: Entrainment, Subliminal Programming, and Financial Manipulation Solari Report: Beat Down at US Universities With Jon Rappoport Solari Report: Jon Rappoport on Matrix Nuts & Bolts Solari Report: 1st Quarter Wrap Up 2015: Planet Debt Book Review: Guinea Pigs: Technologies of Control Book Review: Mark M. Rich on The Nuts & Bolts of Tyranny Dillon, Read & the Aristocracy of Stock Profits I hope that Dillon, Read & the Aristocracy of Stock Profits will help you see the game and to recognize the line dividing two very different visions. One vision centralizes power and knowledge in a manner that tears down communities and infrastructure as it gathers wealth and shrinks freedom. The other vision diversifies power and knowledge to create new wealth BREAK AWAY 2014 The Solari Report 1 57

58 VI. SOLARI CORE CONCEPTS DILLON READ & THE ARISTOCRACY OF STOCK PROFITS An Insider s Story about Engineering Public Loss for Private Gain Catherine Austin Fitts Former Assistant Secetary of Housing Federal Housing Commissioner 58 by rebuilding infrastructure and communities and by nourishing natural resources in a way that reaffirms our deepest dreams of freedom. Dillon, Read & the Aristocracy of Stock Profits Divide and Conquer The economics of hatred is a fascinating area of research. When you start digging into who makes money on hatred, you ll see the world through a new lens. There is no more effective tool of financial and economic control than keeping the general population in a state of dramatic competition versus a state of peaceful cooperation. Getting your enemies to destroy each other in ways that profit you is an ancient tactic. And today s digital technologies and multinational corporate media give this tactic a very modern twist. Solari Story: Divide and Conquer Solari Report: Unpacking Divide & Conquer With Junious Ricardo Stanton Solari Report: Unpacking Baltimore With Junious Ricardo Stanton Homan Square: Is Someone Prototyping Domestic Rendition? With the Honorable Cynthia McKinney & Junious Ricardo Stanton Entrainment During my lifetime, I have watched the use of subliminal and invasive technologies become stronger and stronger. I had a practice, both in the Bush administration and at Hamilton Securities, in cleaning up enormous financial frauds. The more I worked at cleaning up truly huge financial frauds in the billions and billions of dollars (ultimately, the trillions), I was unable to explain how some of these things could happen without dirty tricks, including some form of entrainment technology. I ve talked a lot about control files and I believe that these were important. But, I came to see that some kind of entrainment technology was also involved. Solari Report: Entrainment, Subliminal Programming, and Financial Manipulation False Flag Operations Do we live in a world full of terrorists and terrorist attacks? Or do we live in a reality TV show engineered by one false flag event after another and by squabbling factions within the national security apparatus? Solari Report: False Flags With Richard Dolan Financial Coup d État, the Black Budget, and the Hidden System of Finance One of the best ways to understand the enormous gap between reality and the official reality is to follow the money trail. If you follow the growth of covert financial systems and flows since World War II and study how money and finance are used to manage people and our economy, things begin to make sense. Commentary: Financial Coup d État Solari Report: 1st Quarter Wrap Up 2015: Planet Debt Special Report: Coming Clean Beyond the Fiscal Cliff Online Book: Dillon, Read & Co Inc. & the Aristocracy of Stock Profits by Catherine Austin Fitts Video: Catherine Austin Fitts at Secret Space Program 2014 The Need for Infrastructure Demands are rising, particularly in Asia, and there are big plans for infrastructure in Australia as the population doubles. It is much easier to grasp the economic power of successful infrastructure investment when you analyze economies on a place-based basis. For control purposes, place-based investment and economic disclosure have traditionally been challenging or even absent. Hence, the contribution of infrastructure on financial returns is not obvious to many observers or retail investors. 2nd Quarter Wrap Up 2015: Infrastructure 2nd Quarter Wrap Up 2015: Web Presentation The Missing Money I started writing about the missing money

59 1 in the year 2000 when my attorney discovered reports of enormous undocumented adjustments at the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. More recently, I have mentioned money that went missing from the US Department of Defense during fiscal year Solari: The Missing Money DOD and HUD Missing Money: Supporting Documentation DOD IG Report on the FY2015 DOD Financials Crazy Man Versus Criminal: Cut and Run, Monica Lewinsky II & Real Trouble Ahead Missing Money: Supporting Documentation The Missing Money More on the Missing Money The Financial Coup d État & Missing Money Mr. Global Will The Real Mr. Global Please Stand Up? Book Review: Tracking Mr. Global by Thomas Hupp Precious Metals Market Report Mr. Global s Squeeze Play Planet Debt History shows us that using standing armies to achieve one s objectives via force can be very costly. In contrast, ensnaring populations in legal and financial mechanisms that serve the empire (enforced by the local aristocracy) is preferable: it is more efficient and less costly. Debt and financial arrangements are far more effective tools of projecting power and centralizing control than are the use of force and standing armies. 1st Quarter Wrap Up 2015: Planet Debt 1st Quarter Wrap Up 2015: Web Presentation Planet Equity The global equity markets have grown by $60 trillion over the last 25 years, from approximately $11 trillion to $70 trillion. Some of this growth has come from debasement of global currencies. As more money is printed, the value of stocks goes up while the currency in which they are denominated loses value but not because corporate profits have risen or companies are worth more. Indeed, one of the reasons why predictions of hyperinflation (as a result of expansionary monetary policy) have not materialized is because this securitization process is soaking up a great deal of excess liquidity. Annual Wrap Up 2014: Planet Equity Annual Wrap Up 2014: Planet Equity, Web Presentation The Popsicle Index I conceived the notion of the Popsicle Index while serving in the first Bush administration. I was looking for a mechanism to help community members collaborate in a manner that would optimize their collective well-being and generate the highest emotional intelligence while doing so. After various iterations, I chose a popsicle as the object to be sourced by a child who was free to walk to the nearest location to access something children like to eat (inspired by Neal Pierce s description of a child s room to roam during the early 1990s). I used the expression throughout the 1990s as I was working on community venture funds. I found it to be an invaluable tool for encouraging conversations within a community. It was always remarkable to watch children and parents discover their enormously different perceptions of the local Popsicle Index (or men and women). I would see their Ah ha! moments as they discussed cost-effective actions and changes that would positively impact their Popsicle Index. Commentary: The Popsicle Index A Conversation About the Popsicle Index Solari Report 2nd Quarter Wrap Up 2016: Productivity, Prosperity, & the Popsicle Index the Solari Report BY CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS / 1ST QUARTER WRAP UP the Invasive digital computing and telecommunications combined with artificial intelligence have made it possible for large global lenders to use debt in combination with other tools of economic warfare to govern and harvest at an individual level. VOLUME 2015 / NUMBER TWO Solari Report BY CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS / 2ND QUARTER WRAP UP VOLUME 2016 / NUMBER THREE PRODUCTIVITY, PROSPERITY & THE P PSICLE INDEX Building Trust Between People, Places & Money 59

60 VI. SOLARI CORE CONCEPTS the Solari Report BY CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS / 2016 ANNUAL WRAP UP WHAT WILL IT TAKE FOR US TO PUSH THE RED BUTTON? 60 VOLUME 2017 / NUMBER ONE Promoting Women Clearly, a decision has been made at the highest levels to promote women in the post-financial coup d État world. The new Fed chairperson is a woman. The head of the IMF is a woman. The heads of General Motors and IBM are women. For heaven s sake, the mayor of Paris is a woman. The airwaves are full of the lessons learned by a high-ranking female Facebook executive who, until Edward Snowden came along, may not have understood the business she was in. The latest Vanity Fair magazine has a photo shoot of women leaders one of hundreds of puff pieces in major media over the last few months. Commentary: Promoting Women Promoting Women Part I Promoting Women Part II Promoting Women Part III Promoting Women Part IV Promoting Women Part V Promoting Women Part VI Promoting Women Part VII Dressing Fascism in Skirts Re-Balancing the Global Economy The Uruguay Round of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) spanned from 1986 to 1994 and led to the creation of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in 1995, with GATT remaining as an integral part of the WTO agreements. This process resulted in a significant liberalization of the flow of capital globally at the same time that the fall of the Soviet Union inspired Russia, Eastern Europe, and China to create equity markets and more market-oriented economies. Video: Sir James Goldsmith s 1994 Globalization Warning Solari Report: Annual Wrap Up 2014: Planet Equity In one sense, this re-balancing was facilitated by global satellite systems that lowered the cost of surveillance and enforcement of global investment protocols. The Red Button In the summer of 2000, I asked a group of 100 people at a conference of spiritually committed people Who among us would push a red button if it would immediately stop all narcotics trafficking in our neighborhood, city, state, and country? Of the 100 people, 99 replied that they would not push such red button. When questioned, they explained that they did not want the value of their mutual funds to drop if the U.S. financial system suddenly stopped attracting an estimated $500 billion-$1 trillion a year in global money laundering. They did not want their government checks jeopardized or their taxes raised because of problems resulting from the financing of the federal government deficit. The Red Button Problem The Red Button Story The Shift from Global 2.0 to Global 3.0 Integration of new digital communications and information technology much of it transferred out of black budget research and operations is moving us from an industrial economy (Global 2.0) to a networked economy (Global 3.0). As this integration occurs, we are seeing a significant gap in learning metabolism and economic growth between the old and the new economies. Solari Report: Annual Wrap Up 2013: Breakaway 2014 Solari Report: 1st Quarter Wrap Up 2014: Reorganizing the Global Consumer Reorganizing the Global Consumer Solari Report: 3rd Quarter Wrap Up 2014: Global 3.0 The Shriek-O-Meter The Shriek-O-Meter has primarily been designed to prevent an intelligent discussion of the US Federal Budget. In 2014, the Republicans won the Senate using the Ebola Shriek-O- Meter. As a result, the Shriek-O-Meter was one of our top stories that year. In 2017, the Shriek- O-Meter has intensified as it shrieks about terrorism and the new boogeyman: Russia.

61 1/25/16 1:33 P The message is: Be scared, be very scared! But fear is damaging to your immune system. It would be better to ignore the Shriek-O- Meter than to fear what it is shrieking about. It would be best, in fact, to turn off any televisions, media reports, or politicians that promote the Shriek-O-Meter. The logic behind the Shriek-O-Meter is that approval ratings for governments are at (or near) all-time lows. This means that the general population might be poised to take significant action, including: Insisting on real candidates and elections. Escrowing their taxes. Bringing court cases to require the government to obey financial laws. Demanding financial transparency. Organizing armed militias to stop unlawful seizure of assets by the government. Engaging in citizen arrests in response to violations of the law by government officials. Surveys show that the same people who give government very low approval ratings are also very concerned about terrorism and believe that the government is doing a good job dealing with terrorism. The surveys show that these people used to be concerned about jobs and the economy. However, ongoing attacks in Europe and the United States have them more worried about terrorism. Recently, I watched a Fox News host bully a group of 40 to 50 US citizens about their greatest concerns. If they said, jobs and the economy, they were bullied back into immigration and then bullied back into ISIS, ISIS, and more ISIS. It was remarkable to watch this as a lesson about how fear applied in a social engineering setting actually works. And so, we will have to live with the Shriek-O- Meter until we stop listening to it. There is reason to be concerned about organized crime, including crime associated with immigration, false flag operations, and covert operations. This is an important reason why you should ensure that gun control efforts are stymied and that you prepare and train to protect yourself and your property. Putin Explains How Obama Created ISIS Americans Divided on Government s Role in Space Exploration The Chicken Heart That Ate Up NYC The Slow Burn Why has our economy not collapsed as so many people predicted? One reason is that there is a significant economic difference between the diversion of resources into covert systems and the loss of those resources. Another reason is that highly invasive control technologies allow the economy to be re-engineered through a slow burn without collapse. In essence, portions of the economy are being selectively collapsed or harvested to feed other portions of the economy. Commentary: The Slow Burn Video: Catherine on the Slow Burn The Space-Based Economy As the Global 3.0 economy blossoms and a re-balancing of the global economy continues, the importance of the orbital platform grows. Numerous developing countries have launched satellites and are growing their space programs and industries. With a growing emphasis on private space exploration and investment, the overt commitment to space investment is growing. Video: Catherine Austin Fitts at Secret Space Program 2015 Video: Dark Journalist: Catherine Austin Fitts: America 2020: the UFO Economy Spiritual Warfare Question from a Solari Report subscriber: I listened to you on Alex Jones recently and I was wondering where I could go to learn the spiritual warfare techniques that you used when managing 18 audits and investigations (see Solari: Legal: Investigations / Audits) as well as related civil litigation. Catherine Austin Fitts answer: I studied spiritual warfare with Evangelist Patricia Ross at the Bible Institute at Greater 2011 THE SOLARI REPORT PRESENTS slow Burn.. ON THE PRAIRIE "We have not journeyed across the centuries,across the oceans, across the mountains, across the prairies, because we are made of sugar candy. Winston Churchill the Solari Report BY CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS / 2015 ANNUAL WRAP UP VOLUME 2016 / NUMBER ONE Global Investment Takes Off SPACE: HERE WE GO! 61

62 IV. SOLARI CORE CONCEPTS PRAYERS FOR THE YEAR by Catherine Austin Fitts 1 Mount Calvary Holy Church in Washington DC and listened to many sermons on this topic by Bishop Alfred and Co-Pastor Susie Owens. I also attended conferences by Bishop TD Jakes of Dallas and listened to many of his recorded sermons on spiritual warfare. These people are excellent teachers on this subject and many others. My written source for instructions on spiritual warfare is the Holy Bible (King James Version), including Judges, Psalms, Ezekiel, Isaiah and the gospel teachings of Saint Paul. Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. EPHESIANS 6:10-13 An excellent secular book on this subject is The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis. Commentary: Spiritual Warfare Spiritual Warfare With Rev. Franklin Sanders Spiritual Warfare With Jon Rappoport Commentary: A Week in Assisi Tapeworm Economics The story of how a tapeworm parasitically eats away at its ecosystem came at a moment when the math lover in me was reacting to a description of America as the new Roman Empire. The investment economics of American imperial conquest more closely resemble a tapeworm than the methods of the ancient Romans. A tapeworm the parasite that eats its host over time more accurately describes the demonic pattern of stripping communities of intellectual capital, as observed in American imperial conquest. The dumbing down so often complained about within America is a phenomenon that the US military appears to be implementing globally. We seem intent on removing spiritual power and intelligence as we depopulate the planet, moving honest, competent people out while moving corrupt bureaucrats in. Perhaps the most disturbing aspect of the American Tapeworm is that it has organized its leadership around private banks and defense contractors and its governance and intellectual air cover around think tanks and private universities with tax-exempt endowments. The American Tapeworm A Unipolar Versus Multipolar World In a unipolar world, you have one entity setting the rules and enforcing them which is what we see today. For example, there has been very little diplomacy taking place within the US State Department. Until recently, the State Department could have been called the US Department of Orders and Ultimatums. A Unipolar Versus Multipolar World The Saker: A Unipolar Versus Multipolar World The Emerging Multipolar World With the Saker: Russia, Ukraine, & the Risks of War The Emerging Multipolar World With the Saker: Russia, Syria, & Recommendations for a Trump Presidency Russia and Global Geopolitics With the Saker Book Review: The Essential Saker: From the Trenches of the Emerging Multipolar World 62

63 VII. Financial Markets Roundup DThe US Dollar Index and oil price may been in the dog house, but equity bull markets just kept climbing that wall of worry during the 2nd Quarter European and emerging equity markets were strongest. Chinese markets were buoyed when MSCI finally gave the nod to the addition of 222 Chinese A shares to their emerging market index to start next year. The markets big question: When in the heck are we going to get a major correction? The majority of capital gains in the US stock market traditionally occur during November through June, hence the old expression: Sell in May and go away. Are we in for a correction in the 3rd Quarter? That is my big question as I review the charts of the financial and commodities markets for the 2nd Quarter US Dollar Index 63

64 V. FINANCIAL MARKETS ROUNDUP Fixed Income US Bond Aggregate (AGG), High Yield Bond ETF (JNK) 64 Commodities

65 5-7 yr Treasury ETF (IEF), 20 yr. + Treasury ETF (TLT) 65

66 V. FINANCIAL MARKETS ROUNDUP Equities S&P Large Caps (SPX), Buybacks (PKW) 66

67 U.S. Small Caps (SCHA), U.S. Mid Caps (SCHM), U.S. Large Caps (SCHX) US Aerospace & Defense (ITA) 67

68 Consumer Discretionary (XLY) Consumer Staples (XLP) 68

69 Industrial Select (XLI) U.S. Financials ETF (IYF) 69

70 S&P Regional Banking (KRE) Health Care (XLV) 70

71 IBB (Biotech) ITB (U.S. Home Construction) 71

72 72 IYR (U.S. Real Estate)

73 EFA (International Developed) EUROPE / DAX (Germany) 73

74 V. FINANCIAL MARKETS ROUNDUP Motif Investing Highest Earners 74

75 Motif Investing Lowest Earners 75

76 FTSE (VGK) VGK (FTSE), EWU (UK), SPY (S&P) 76

77 European Financials (EUFN), US Financials (KBE) European Financials: Deutsche Bank (DB), Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), Barclays (BCS), Paribas (BNPQY) 77

78 ASIA Emerging Markets (EEM) China Large Caps (FXI) 78

79 China Small Cap (HAO) India (PIN) 79


81 Commodities Crude Oil (OIL) 81

82 Russia (RSX), Crude Oil (OIL) Gold (GLD), Silver (SLV) 82

83 Mining (GDX), Junior Mining (GDXJ) 83

84 V. FINANCIAL MARKETS ROUNDUP Commodities Index (CRB) 84

85 Baltic Dry Index US Pharmaceuticals Disclaimer: Nothing on the Solari Report should be taken as individual investment advice. Anyone seeking investment advice for his or her personal financial situation is advised to seek out a qualified advisor or advisors and provide as much information as possible to the advisor in order that such advisor can take into account all relevant circumstances, objectives, and risks before rendering an opinion as to the appropriate investment strategy. 85

86 VIII. Space Companies Traded on US Markets The global commitment to become a multi-planetary civilization is significant. If a growing population and peak everything are primary trends, so are the management of a global telecommunications infrastructure from space and the push to mine asteroids and access new resources in space. Consequently, I expect the space industry to grow and to prosper. For the 2nd Quarter Wrap Up 2017, we have included an updated list of space companies. Here are the companies traded on the US stock markets. AAR Corp (AIR) AAR provides aviation supply chain services for North American and international commercial airlines, government, and defense services (both domestic and international). These services include maintenance, repair and overhaul, structures, and systems. Actuant (ATU) Actuant is a diversified industrial company serving customers in more than 30 countries. Products and services include branded hydraulic tools and solutions, specialized products and services for energy markets, and highly-engineered position and motion control systems. Aerojet Rocketdyne Holdings, Inc. (AJRD) Aerojet Rocketdyne is a US-based, technology manufacturer. It is organized into two segments: Aerospace and Defense and Real Estate. Formerly GenCorp, Inc., its Jonesborough, TN plant is the primary supplier of depleted uranium ordinance weapons. Since the inception of the US space program, ARH has powered rocket launches of the US space program including the Apollo and Space Shuttle engines. The company s propulsion systems have placed commercial, military, and government satellites into orbit. They have also powered space-probe missions to nearly every planet in the solar system and the movement of the Mars rover Curiosity. Airbus Group SE (EADSF) Airbus Group SE is a European multinational aerospace and defense corporation. Headquartered in Leiden, Netherlands, the group consists of the three business divisions: Airbus, Airbus Defense and Space, and Airbus Helicopters. The company was originally formed as the European Aeronautic Defense and Space Company NV (EADS) on 10 July 2000 by the merger of Aérospatiale-Matra, DaimlerChrysler Aerospace AG (DASA), and Construcciones Aeronáuticas SA (CASA). In January 2014, EADS was reorganized as Airbus Group NV, combining the divisions for development and marketing of civil and military aircraft, as well as communications systems, missiles, space rockets, helicopters, satellites, and related systems. On 27 May 2015, the company became the ninth component of Euro Stoxx 50 stock market index to adopt the corporate form of the European Union (EU), becoming a societas Europaea (SE; Latin: European company). 86 Alcoa Inc. (AA) Producer of primary aluminum, fabricated aluminum, and alumina. Active in all major aspects of the industry: technology, mining, refining, smelting, fabricating, and recycling.

87 Applied Ind. Tech. (AIT)- Manufacture and sales of industrial (including automotive) parts and fluid power components and modification, repair, and installation services for industrial rubber components such as conveyor belts and hoses. A GSA contract holder. Astrotech Corp (ASTC) Astrotech is a technology incubator headquartered in Austin, Texas. Astrotech uses technology sourced internally and from research institutions, government laboratories, and universities to fund, manage and sell start-up companies. Astrotech Corporation s subsidiaries provide commercial products and services to NASA, the US Department of Defense, national space agencies, and global commercial customers. Ball Corporation (BLL) A supplier of avionics, space systems, metal beverage and food containers, and aluminum aerosol containers. Ball is the largest producer of recyclable beverage cans in the world. Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. (Ball Aerospace) is an American manufacturer of spacecraft, components, and instruments for national defense, civil space, and commercial space applications. It began building pointing controls for military rockets in 1956 and later won a contract to build one of NASA s first spacecraft, the Orbiting Solar Observatory. Numerous technological and scientific projects continue to provide aerospace technology to NASA and related industries. Ball also has many other products and services for the aerospace industry, including lubricants, optical systems, star trackers, and antennas. As a wholly owned subsidiary of the Ball Corporation, Ball Aerospace was cited in 2014 as the 88th largest defense contractor in the world. Parent and subsidiary headquarters are co-located in Broomfield, Colorado, with smaller offices in New Mexico, Ohio, Northern Virginia, Missouri, and Maryland. Barnes Group Inc. (B) is a manufacturer of industrial and aerospace components. The company produces springs for airframes, electronics, machinery, stamping presses, and turbine engines in addition to providing repair and logistics support primarily on spare parts for the aerospace industry. The Boeing Company (BA) Together with its subsidiaries is an aerospace company that operates in six principal segments: Commercial Airplanes, Aircraft and Weapon Systems, Network Systems, Support Systems and Launch and Orbital Systems (collectively, Integrated Defense Systems (IDS), and Boeing Capital Corporation (BCC). CGI Group Inc.(GIB) delivers complex, mission critical space systems. Is a recognized leader in space security and space applications, military satellite communications ground segment, and serves civilian space agencies such as the European Space Agency (ESA) as well as space and ground segment system companies. Headquartered in Montreal, Canada. Curtiss-Wright Corporation (CW) Engages in the design, manufacture, and overhauling of products for motion control and flow control applications. Also provides various metal treatment services. Ducommun, Inc. (DCO) Ducommun Incorporated engages in the design, engineering, and manufacture of components and assemblies, specializing in two core areas: electronic systems and structural systems to produce complex products and components for commercial aircraft platforms, mission-critical military, and space programs. General Dynamics (GD) Designs, develops, manufactures and supports technology products and services for information systems and technologies; land and expeditionary combat vehicles, armaments and ammunition s; shipbuilding and marine systems, and business aviation. General Electric (GE) Conducts its businesses through 11 segments: Advanced Materials, Commercial Finance, Consumer Finance, Consumer and Industrial, Energy, Equipment and Other Services, Healthcare, Infrastructure, Insurance, NBC Universal and Transportation. Robust communications and connectivity are required for both undersea and outer space resource exploitation. 87

88 Harris Corp (HRS) Along with its subsidiaries is an international communications technology company focused on providing assured communications products, systems and services for government and commercial customers including end-to-end systems for global and regional situational awareness. Hexcel Corp. (HXL) is a materials company that manufactures composite materials and structural parts. Hexcel claims to be the largest US producer of carbon fiber; a weaver of structural fabrics; the largest producer of composite materials such as honeycomb (first to land on the moon), prep-reg, film adhesives and sandwich panels; and a manufacturer of composite parts and structures. Hexcel s primary markets are aerospace, defense, wind energy and industrial markets including automotive, marine and recreation. In 1971, Hexcel was a manufacturer of alpine skis, and it presently supplies composite materials for ski and snowboard manufacture. Honeywell (HON) Diversified technology and manufacturing company, serving customers worldwide. Offers aerospace products and services; control, sensing and security technologies for buildings, homes and industry; automotive products; specialty chemicals; fibers, and electronic and advanced materials. INDRA SISTEMAS (ISMAY) Spain based multinational providing business solutions, IT services and comprehensive systems worldwide. Vertical markets are Energy and Industry, Financial Services, Telecom & Media, Public Sector & Healthcare, Transport & Traffic and Security & Defense. Jacobs Engineering Group Inc (JEC) Listed on the NYSE and headquartered in Dallas, TX, as an international technical professional services firm. NASA s largest services-only contractor and also supports space systems for the U.S. DOD, including the Space Threat Assessment Test Bed (STAT), propulsion systems and aerodynamic testing for launch vehicles to deliver satellites and other payloads into space. KEYW (KEYW) Through its subsidiaries, provides signal, image, and information processing solutions primarily for the U.S. Government intelligence and defense customers. Acquiring Sotera Defense Solutions facilitates serving FBI and DHS customers, and Army Intelligence. Kratos Defense & Security Solutions, Inc. (KTOS) Provides defense, information technology, information assurance and security products for the U.S. federal government, commercial enterprises and state and local agencies. Lockheed Martin (LMT) Principally researches, designs, develops, manufactures, integrates, operates and supports advanced technology systems, products and services. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. (MHVYF) Other OTC, (TYO 7011) Tokyo Stock Exchange Products include aerospace components, air conditioners, aircraft, automotive components, forklift trucks, hydraulic equipment, machine tools, missiles, power generation equipment, ships, and space launch vehicles. Through its defense-related activities it is the world s 23rd-largest defense contractor measured by 2011 defense revenues, and the largest based in Japan. Moog Inc. (MOG-A) Worldwide designer and manufacturer of precision motion and fluid controls and control systems. Operates in four principal business segments: aircraft controls, space and defense controls, industrial controls and components. Northrop Grumman (NOC) Provides products, services and solutions in defense and commercial electronics, nuclear and non-nuclear shipbuilding, information technology, mission systems, systems integration and space technology. 88

89 Oceaneering (OII) Space Systems division concentrates on developing, integrating, and applying both new and established technologies to the challenges of operations in space and other harsh environments. ORBCOMM Inc. (ORBC) A leading provider of global satellite and cellular data communications solutions for asset tracking, management, and remote control. Maintains a global low-earth-orbit satellite network, including global provider of Machine-to-Machine (M2M) and Internet of Things (IOT) communication solutions that remotely track, monitor, and control fixed and mobile assets. Orbit International (ORBT) Orbit International Corp., through its subsidiaries, engages in the manufacture and sale of electronic components and subsystems for military and nonmilitary government applications in the United States. Orbital ATK (OA) Designs, develops, manufactures and operates small space and rocket systems for the United States Department of Defense (DOD) and other United States government agencies and for global commercial and scientific customers. It was formed in 2015 from the merger of Orbital Sciences Corporation and parts of Alliant Techsystems. Raytheon (RTN) Engaged in the defense and government electronics, space, information technology (IT), technical services and business and special mission aircraft industry. SAFRAN SA (SAFRY) Manufacturer of solid rocket motors (SRM) for launch vehicles and missiles. The company also makes thermo-structural and organic composite materials for the aerospace, defense, automobile and manufacturing industries. Herakles designs, develops, manufactures and sells solid rocket motors, energetic materials and equipment, as well as pyrotechnic components developing composite solutions for the hot sections of tomorrow s engines, including ceramic matrix composite (CMC), turbine parts (blades, guide vanes), and nozzle parts. Subsidiary Snecma designs, develops, produces and sells engines for commercial and military aircraft, launch vehicles and satellites. A prime contractor for the cryogenic propulsion systems on Europe s current Ariane 5 and upcoming Ariane 6 launchers, with the HM7B, Vulcain and Vinci engines. These operations will be consolidated within Airbus Safran Launchers, the 50/50 joint company recently created by Safran and Airbus Group (lien vers communiqué). Snecma is also the European leader in plasma propulsion systems for satellites, with the current PPS 1350-G thruster, and the PPS 1350-E and PPS 5000 under development. Teledyne Technologies, Inc. (TDY) Provides electronic components, instruments, and communications products. It operates in four segments: Electronics and Communications, Systems Engineering Solutions, Aerospace Engines and Components, and Energy. TransDigm Group Inc. (TDG) Designs, produces, and supplies engineered aircraft components for use on commercial and military aircraft principally in the United States. United Technologies ((UTX) Provides high-technology products and services to the building systems and aerospace industries worldwide. See List of Top 100 NASA Contractors On-Site at NASA Facilities: Source: Space Settlement Institute 89

90 IX. Space Companies Traded on European Markets Here are companies traded on European stock markets. Leonardo S.P.A., (ISIN: IT Milan) Leonardo, formerly Leonardo-Finmeccanica and Finmeccanica, is a multinational aerospace, defense, and security company headquartered in Rome, Italy and with operations worldwide. It is the ninth-largest defense contractor in the world based on 2014 revenues. The company is partially owned by the Italian government through the Ministry of Economy and Finance, which holds 30.2% of the company s shares and is its largest shareholder. OHB System AG (ETR.OHB) OHB is one of three leading space companies in Europe. It belongs to listed high-tech group OHB SE, where nearly 2,000 specialists and executives work on key European space programs. With sites in Bremen and Oberpfaffenhofen and more than three decades of experience, OHB System specializes in high-tech solutions for space, science, and industry. The company has been involved in assembling and equipping the Columbus Research Laboratory which is fitted to the International Space Station, the ATV Space Freighter, and numerous experiment systems used on board the ISS. QinetiQ Group Plc (LSE: QQ.L) QinetiQ is a British multinational defense technology company headquartered in Farnborough, England. SABCA (SAB:BB) An early participant in European space programs, SABCA has been involved in the design, development, production, and testing of all models of the Ariane European space launchers including the Ariane 5 and the new Vega small launcher program. Customers include ESA, Arianespace, Airbus Defense and Space, ELV, and Europropulsion. SciSys plc (SSY.L) SciSys capabilities include application management, electronic architectures, government digital services, geographic information systems, marine electronic integration, radio production & play-out-systems, regulatory solutions, robotics, autonomy & automation, and space systems & technology. Registered in England and Wales; traded on the LSE. Thales Group (THLEY SE OTC) French multinational company that designs and builds electrical systems and provides services for the aerospace, defense, transportation, and security markets. Headquartered in Neuilly-sur-Seine, its stock is listed on the Euronext Paris: Thales Alenia Space, Thales Alenia Space Espana SA, Thales Alenia Space Belgium, Thales Alenia Space Italia SpA. The Group is ranked as the 475th largest company by Fortune 500 Global and is the 10th largest defense contractor in the world; 55% of its total sales are to the military. 90

91 X. Space Companies Traded on Asian Markets There is explosive growth in the Asian space programs. I expect to see a growing number of space companies in China, Japan and India. China China Electronics Corporation (CEC) is one of the largest producers of telecommunications equipment in China. It has four main semiconductor divisions including: computer software / hardware, systems integration, telecommunications networking and terminals, and digital home appliances. CEC is not traded in the U.S. Great Wall Technology Co. Ltd. (0074.HK) PANDA Electronics Group Co., Ltd. ( SH) PANDA Electronics Group Co., Ltd. (0553.HK) Shenzhen Kaifa Technology Co., Ltd. ( SZ) China Great Wall Computer Shenzhen Co., Ltd ( SZ) China National Software & Service Co., Ltd. ( SH) Chinasoft International Co., Ltd HK China Electronics Corporation Holdings Co., Ltd (0085.HK) CEC Corecast Corporation Limited ( SH) Shenzhen SED electronics (group) Co., Ltd. ( SZ) Nanjing Huadong Electronics Group Co., Ltd. ( SZ) Great Wall Info Industry Co., Ltd. ( SZ) Shanghai Belling Co., Ltd. ( SH) Japan IHI Corporation IHICF IHI Corporation, Tokyo Stock Exchange, is a Japanese company that manufactures aircraft engines, industrial machinery, power station boilers, suspension bridges, and which includes a space division. Boeing and General Electric Aviation have subcontracted parts from IHI. Space-related projects include: the Sounding Rocket (S-210, S-310, S-520, SS-520), M-V Launch Vehicle, GX Launch Vehicle (with partner Galaxy Express Corporation), the Epsilon Launch Vehicle, the SRB-A solid rocket booster for the H-IIA/H-IIB Launch Vehicle, and the BT-4 liquid-fueled apogee motor used in Atlas V and Antares. NEC Space Technologies, Ltd. NEC provides space solutions that cover everything from satellite systems and terrestrial satellite operation and control systems, to systems for utilizing satellite data. NEC Global Solutions is its parent. South Korea Korea Aerospace Industries Ltd. (047810: Korean Stock Exchange) Commonly referred to as KAI, Korean Aerospace is a South Korean aerospace company which was originally a joint venture of Samsung Aerospace, Daewoo Heavy Industries (aerospace division), and Hyundai Space and Aircraft Company (HYSA). In 1999, Korea Aerospace took over its founding members at the behest of the South Korean government following financial troubles stemming from the 1997 financial crisis. Headquarters and major plants are located in Sacheon, South Korea. 91

92 XI. Private Space Companies 92 Accion Systems Accion is pioneering scalable electric propulsion technology and has created a new ion engine. The company is headquartered in Boston, MA. Ad Astra Rocket Company Ad Astra is dedicated to the development of advanced plasma rocket propulsion technology. Retired astronaut Dr. Franklin Chang Díaz is Ad Astra s President and CEO. His concept of the Variable Specific Impulse Magnetoplasma Rocket (VASIMR) is intended to achieve several advantages over current chemical rocket designs, including lunar cargo transport, in-space refueling, and ultra-high speeds for distant space missions. The company is located in Webster, TX near NASA s Johnson Space Center and was incorporated in Armadillo Aerospace Armadillo has performed over two hundred flight tests spread over two dozen different vehicles. They have performed work for NASA and the US Air Force and flown vehicles at every X-Prize Cup event. Founder: John Carmack (co-founder of ID Software). The company is located in Mesquite, Texas and was established in Arianespace A French multinational corporation, Arianspace undertakes the production, operation, and marketing of the Ariane 5 launch vehicle as part of the Ariane program. Two other launch systems are offered by the company: the Soyuz-2 is a medium-lift alternative to the Ariane 5 and the Vega is a lighter alternative. Alter Technology Alter provides procurement, engineering, and test services for electrical, electronic / electro-mechanical components, and electronic systems within the space / harsh environment markets including aerospace, security, transport, emergency services, health and safety, and automotive. Aviospace S.r.l. Airbus Defense & Space Italian (subsidiary). Aviospace employs 30 highly-qualified professionals who work in direct contact with cutting edge technologies and international aerospace programs in the European and global space industry. AZUR Space Solar Power GmbH A European company specializing in the development and production of multi-junction solar cells for space PV and terrestrial CPV applications. Copenhagen Suborbitals A non-profit, suborbital space endeavor working towards launching a human being into space. The company has performed (45) engine tests to-date in Copenhagen, Denmark. Established in Blue Origin LLC Develops concepts and technology to support future human spaceflight operations. Among other projects, Blue Origin is developing a sub-orbital space vehicle that will take off and land vertically. Founder: Jeff Bezos ( Headquartered in Kent, Washington with a launch complex in Culberson County, Texas. Incorporated in Bigelow Aerospace, Inc. Bigelow is an American space technology startup company based in North Las Vegas, Nevada that manufactures and develops expandable space station modules. Founder: Robert Bigelow (owner: Budget Suites of America). Locatrd in Las Vegas, Nevada. Established in CGS SpA Compagnia Generale dello Spazio Deep Space Industries Deep Space is a privately held space company planning to mine asteroids for usable materials and manufacturing in space. Missions to visit nearby asteroids to assess extractable resources including volatiles and metals were originally set to begin in Founders: Rick Tumlinson, David Gump. Location: McLean, Virginia. Established in Fundacion Tecnalia Research & Innovation Masters of advance technologies in power networks, energy distribution, conversion and storage, sustainable construction, innovation strategies, health, industry and transport, and technological services. Highlights: mecha-tronics, robotics, thermal plasma,

93 innovation tools for business, tissue regeneration, micro and nano manufacturing, advanced technologies for motor rehab, and geron-technology. Frontier Astronautics LLC Provides hard-to-get technology and services to the burgeoning entrepreneurial space industry. Specializes in affordable and reliable rocket engines and altitude control systems, as well as custom design and testing services. Location: Chugwater, Wyoming. IABG Offers integrated, future-oriented solutions in the sectors of automotive, information and communications, mobility, energy & environment, aeronautics, space, and defense & security. Image Sat International (ISI) A private Israel company offering end-to-end geo-spatial solutions from high-resolution satellite earth imagery. Conducts data analysis to gain actionable insights and to better understand and act upon their geo-political, environmental, and economic realities. Intelsat A leading provider of satellite services worldwide. For more than 45 years, Intelsat has delivered information and entertainment for leading media and network companies, multinational corporations, internet service providers, and government agencies. Taken private in 2001 and acquired by PanAmSat in Offices: Luxembourg, Washington DC, Ellenwood, Georgia. Interorbital Systems A US aerospace manufacturer active in Mojave, California. Founded in 1996 by Roderick and Randa Milliron, who also co-founded Trans Lunar Research, a non-profit organization. Interorbital plans to develop simple but robust technology to be the lowest-cost launch provider in the commercial space industry. The company is building a launch vehicle for the Google Lunar X Prize Team Synergy Moon and for commercial launches and is a competitor in the Ansari X Prize and America s Space Prize. Kepler Communications A private company based in Toronto, Canada that specializes in satellite communications services from a network of small satellites (starting in late 2017). KinetX Inc. An engineering, technology, software development, and business consulting firm specializing in aerospace systems with primary expertise in the areas of satellite systems engineering, ground system software development, and space systems operations. Their Space Navigation and Flight Dynamics division provided mission navigation for the Messenger vehicle destined for Mercury and the New Horizons ten-year journey to Pluto and the Kuiper Belt. Kongsberg Defense & Aerospace Provides advanced technological solutions for operations under extreme conditions in the maritime and defense sectors. Supplies remote weapon stations systems and oil and gas technologies. Made In Space A US company specializing in the engineering and manufacturing of three-dimensional printers for use in micro-gravity. Headquartered in Mountain View, California, Made In Space s 3D printer (Zero-G Printer) was the first manufacturing device in space. They give researchers the ability to prototype tools and designs in the environment of space with short iteration cycles. Masten Space Is a privately held company that designs, builds, tests, and operates reusable launch vehicles, including Vertical Takeoff Vertical Landing (VTVL). Founder: David Masten. Location: Mojave, California. Founded in MT Aerospace AG Develops and produces components for the European launching system ARIANE 5, for satellites, spacecrafts, the Airbus fleet as well as radio telescope constructions. In Augsburg, Mainz, Cagliari (Italy), Santiago de Chile and Kourou (French Guiana), a leader in lightweight construction using metal and composite materials. NLR Netherlands Aerospace Centre for identifying, developing, and applying advanced technological knowledge in the area of aerospace. Phase Four Specializing in micro satellites and innovation propulsion. 93

94 Planetary Resources An asteroid mining company, whose goal is to establish a new paradigm for resource discovery and utilization that will bring the solar system into humanity s sphere of influence. Founders: Eric Anderson, Peter Diamandis. Location: Bellevue, Washington. PLDSpace A Spanish company founded in 2011 in Elche Spain, with the objective of developing low-cost launch vehicles. Currently, the company is developing two models of rockets (Arion 1 and Arion 2) with suborbital and orbital capabilities for the small payloads market. The company targets CubeSats, Micro-g environment, and defense technology payloads. The first commercial launch of the Arion 1 rocket is planned for Precision Castparts Acquired by Berkshire Hathaway in January 2016, PCC is a worldwide, diversified manufacturer of complex metal components and products. It serves the aerospace, power, and general industrial markets. PCC is a market leader in manufacturing complex structural investment castings and forged components for aerospace markets, machined airframe components, highly engineered, critical fasteners for aerospace applications, and in the manufacturing airfoil castings for the aerospace and industrial gas turbine markets. PCC also is a leading producer of titanium and nickel super-alloy melted and mill products for the aerospace, chemical processing, oil and gas, and pollution control industries. It manufactures extruded seamless pipe, fittings, and forgings for power generation and oil and gas applications. RBC Signals Specializing in real-time space communications technologies and services for satellite operators. Rocket Lab A US aerospace corporation with a New Zealand subsidiary developing lightweight, cost-effective commercial rocket launch services. The Electron Program for small payloads such as CubeSats requires dedicated small launch vehicles. This lightweight launch vehicle is to service the small satellites market with high-frequency launch opportunities and is capable of delivering payloads of 150 kg to a 500 km Sun-synchronous orbit. It will begin in May 2017 with commercial flights occurring later in 2017 at a starting price of US$4.9 million. Major investors including Khosla Ventures, Bessemer Venture Partners, Data Collective, Promus Ventures, Lockheed Martin, and K1W1. Rocketplane, Ltd. Is the creator of the Rocketplane XP, a suborbital spacecraft that will launch civilian astronauts more than 330,000 feet above Earth s atmosphere to experience the sensation of weightlessness and an extraordinary view of planet Earth from space. Rocketplane is taking reservations for suborbital flights. Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. Established in Rocketstar Offers a small satellite launch platform and hypersonic consulting. RUAG Schweiz AG RUAG Space Swiss company developing and producing a wide range of products for the space industry. Ruag Space Finland Oy Ag Acquired the space business of the Finnish company Patria. Areas of expertise include spacecraft control electronics, electrical power sub-systems, drive electronic units, and related test equipment. Space operations include satellite programs of the European Space Agency (ESA) such as the earth observation satellites Sentinel-2, Earthcare, and Swarm and the Gaia space telescope. Sitael A Holding of Angelo Investments. RUAG Space GmbH Austrian branch supplying space products and related ground support equipment in the areas of electronics, mechanics, and thermal hardware. Flight-electronics are supplied to European and US satellite programs. Areas of expertise are on-board electronics (digital signal processing), on-board mechanisms (pointing and deployment mechanisms), thermal hardware (multi-layer insulation), and mechanical ground support equipment (containers and trolleys). 94 RUAG Space AB Specializing in highly reliable, on-board satellite equipment including computer systems, antennas and microwave electronics, and adapters and separation systems for space launchers.

95 Scaled Composites, LLC An aerospace and specialty composites development company. Scaled has broad experience in air vehicle design, tooling, manufacturing, specialty composite structure design, analysis, fabrication, and developmental flight tests. In 2004, Scaled Composites SpaceShipOne was the first private craft ever to leave the Earth s atmosphere, making the company the winner of the Ansari X Prize. Founder: Burt Rutan. Location: Mojave, California. Established in Selex Galileo Selex Galileo Inc. is part of the Finmeccanica Company. From 1 January 2016, all activities previously carried out by Alenia Aermacchi, AgustaWestland and Selex ES as well as the companies OTO Melara and WASS were merged into Finmeccanica. Leveraging a distinctive strength in airborne mission-critical systems for situational awareness, self-protection, and surveillance, Finmeccanica is a global player in the high-tech sectors and a major operator worldwide in the aerospace, defense and security sectors. Headquartered in Italy. Sener SA Sener provides aerospace engineering, infrastructure, and transport, power and process and marine engineering internationally. Founded in Spain. Sitael S.p.A. Sitael is the largest, privately-owned space company in Italy. It offers turnkey solutions to customers that facilitate access to space services and applications through its Smart Microsatellite Solutions. Sitael is a holding of Angelo Investments. Sierra Nevada Corp Space Systems Products range from spacecraft actuators that power the Mars rovers, to hybrid rocket technologies that powered the first commercial astronaut to space, to micro-satellites controlled by the Internet, to Dream Chaser, a winged and piloted orbital commercial spacecraft. Acquired by SpaceDev in President & CFO: Eren Ozmen. Location: Sparks, Nevada. Space Information Labs Develops, designs, and integrates technological solutions for global spacebased range, operationally responsive space, autonomous flight, and navigation systems. Currently working with DARPA to develop a rapid, inexpensive launch capability for placing small satellites in orbit. Location: Santa Maria, California. Spaceflight A private aerospace company specializing in the launch of secondary payloads ranging from 1 kg up to 300 kg micro-satellites from a variety of space launch vehicles such as Antares, Dnepr, Soyuz, and Falcon 9 as well as from the ISS. The Spaceship Company An aerospace joint venture between Virgin Galactic and Scaled Composites. TSC plans to build the world s first fleet of commercial sub-orbital spaceships and carrier aircraft. Current vehicles include White Knight Two and Space Ship Two. Location: Mojave Air and Space Port, Mojave, California. Founded in SpaceX Has developed two launch vehicles, established an impressive launch manifest, and been awarded COTS funding by NASA to demonstrate delivery and return of cargo to the International Space Station. By their own account, SpaceX is on a sound financial footing as they move towards volume commercial launches. Founder: Elon Musk (co-founder, PayPal). Established in Spire Global is an American private company specializing in data gathered from a network of small satellites. It has successfully deployed twelve Earth observation CubeSats into Low Earth orbit. The company signed a contract to provide NOAA with weather data. The company has offices in San Francisco, Glasgow, Singapore, and Boulder. Telespazio SpA A joint venture between Finmeccanica (67%) and Thales (33%). Headquartered in Rome, Italy, Telespazio relies on an international network of space centers and teleports and operates worldwide through many subsidiaries and joint ventures. Its activities range from the design and development of space systems to the management of launch services and in-orbit satellite control from earth observation services, integrated communications, satellite navigation, and localization to scientific programs. Telespazio now covers the whole space market value chain through its four business units: Satellite Systems & Applications, Satellite Operations, Geoinformation, and Networks & Connectivity. 95

96 Telespazio is also involved in programs for the exploration of the universe including Rosetta and Gaia. Telespazio Vega UK Ltd A consulting, technology, and engineering services business headquartered in Luton, UK. The comppany provides ground segment systems for satellite missions and in addition to consulting and engineering support. Telespazio Vega UK develops downstream applications including geo-information (via value adding), user-friendly, platforms, and cost-effective fixed and mobile satellite communications. In January 2011, VEGA Space Ltd, became a part of Telespazio, the Rome-based space systems services company. Tesat Spacecom GmbH & Co. KG Acquired by EADS Astrium GmbH (a subsidiary of Airbus Group SE) in December 2001 and continues as independently functioning organization. Specializes in center of competence for payloads of communication satellites. Product offerings encompass traveling wave tube amplifiers, multiplexers, waveguide switches, and modulators which, along with complete systems, are delivered globally to all leading satellite manufacturers. Terma A/S Operates in the aerospace, defense, and security sectors. Specializes in complex and critical aero-structures for commercial and military aircraft, aircraft survivability equipment, advanced ground-based defense applications, radar systems, critical infrastructure protection for Homeland Security, and Terma Star Tracker for precise control of satellites. A majority of its stock was acquired by the Thomas B. Thrige Foundation in the 1980 s. TNO A Dutch public organization that introduced the first solar path. Projects include: flexible & free-form products, space & scientific instrumentation, sustainable chemical industry, semiconductor equipment, networked information, predictive health technologies, food & nutrition prevention, work & health, mobility & logistics, environment & sustainability, buildings & infrastructures, smart cities, and energy. View an annual report. Ventions, LLC A research, development, and services company founded to commercialize innovative technologies in the aerospace sector. Currently focused on the development of small-scale propulsion systems, pumps, and launch vehicle components for government and commercial applications under various DARPA and NASA funded projects. Location: San Francisco California. Established in Virgin Galactic LLC Virgin Galactic is working to develop the suborbital tourism industry. The company is currently accepting booking for suborbital flights. Tickets cost $250,000; over 400 individuals have given deposits for future flights. VG plans to launch suborbital science missions and small satellites. Founder: Richard Branson (founder, Virgin Group). Location: Spaceport America, New Mexico. Vitrociset SpA Offers services in Command & Control, Intelligence, Surveillance & Reconnaissance, Instrumented Test Range, Modeling & Simulation, Infologistics & Support Equipment, secure Communications & Cybersecurity, Border Control, Critical Infrastructures Protection, Transports Protection, Territory Protection, Ground Facilities & Support Equipment, Exploitation Services, Ground Data Systems, Added Value Applications & Services, Large Experimental Facilities, Air Traffic Management, Airport Solutions, Meteorological Systems, Intelligent Transport Systems, Maritime & Port Solutions, Smart Mobility & Last Mile, Smart Environment, Smart Building & Energy, Smart Security, and Smart Government & Life. Based in Italy. XCOR Aerospace Focuses on the research, development, project management, and production of safe, reliable, reusable launch vehicles (RLVs), rocket engines and rocket propulsion systems. Location: Mojave, California. Founders: Jeff Greason, Dan DeLong, Doug Jones, and Aleta Jackson. Established in XINWEI TECHNOLOGY GROUP CO LTD Xinwei is set to be acquired by its CEO, Wang Jing, a Chinese billionaire who has major interests in HKND Group (which manages the Nicaraguan Canal). 96

97 XII. Government Space Organizations China APT Satellite Company Limited ( APT Satellite or APSTAR ) is a leading satellite operator in the Asia Pacific region. APSTAR commenced operations in 1992 and currently owns and operates five in-orbit satellites including: APSTAR-5, APSTAR-6, APSTAR-7, APSTAR-7B (partial), and APSTAR-9. Known as the APSTAR Satellite Fleet, these satellites cover regions in Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia, and the Pacific islands which contain approximately 75% of the world s population. APT provides satellite transponder leasing, broadcasting services, teleport and network services, and data center services to broadcasters and telecommunication customers. AsiaSat, (SEHK: 1135) AsiaSat is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Asia Satellite Telecommunications Holdings Limited, a company listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. AsiaSat s two major shareholders are CITIC Group Corporation and Carlyle Asia Partners IV, L.P. managed) and is a subordinate of the larger China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC). It was established in 1957 and is headquartered in Beijing. Its organization and orientation are comparable to Western defense and space contractors. Its major contribution to Chinese launch capability has been the manufacture of the Long March family of rockets. CALT has 27,000 employees and at least (13) research facilities. China Academy of Space Technology (CAST) is a Chinese space agency and subordinate of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC). It was founded in 1968 and is the primary spacecraft development and production facility in China. China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC). CASIC is the main contractor for the Chinese space program. It is state-owned and has a number of subordinate entities which design, develop, and manufacture a range of spacecraft, launch vehicles, strategic and tactical missile systems, and ground control equipment. China Aerospace International Holdings & CASIL, Ltd. Hong Kong China Aerospace Group Holdings and China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation are major shareholders in this company. They represent China s premier developers of space technology and products including spacecraft, carrier rockets, and satellites. CITIC Group Corporation, formerly the China International Trust and Investment Corporation, is a state-owned investment company of the People s Republic of China, established by Rong Yiren in 1979 with the approval of Deng Xiaoping.[1] Its headquarters are in Chaoyang District, Beijing. China s Space Organizations China Space Program China National Space Administration (CNSA) is the national space agency of the People s Republic of China. It is responsible for the national space program and for the planning and development of space activities. CNSA and China Aerospace Corporation (CASC) assumed the authority over space development efforts previously held by the Ministry of Aerospace Industry. It is a subordinate agency of the State Administration for Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense (SASTIND), itself a subordinate agency of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT). Headquarters are located in the Haidian District of Beijing. China Great Wall Industry Corporation (CGWIC) CGWIC is the sole commercial organization authorized by the Chinese government to provide commercial launch services, satellite systems, and space technology services. Established in China Asia-Pacific Mobile Telecommunications Satellite Co., Ltd. Founded in 1998, and now a holding company of China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT), which is attached to China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC). China APMT mainly provides the satellite application, electronic engineering, and international business It develops communication network system integration, international business and trade services, and information communication electronic products. China APMT is a core and international cooperation window company of CALT in developing civilian industrial products. China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology (CALT) is the premier space launch vehicle manufacturer in China and one of the major launch service providers in the world. CALT is state owned (but not state China Satellite Launch and TT&C General is dedicated to telemetry, tracking, and command of Chinese space missions. Specifically, CLTC provides control services for satellite launches as well as rocket, satellite, and spacecraft tracking. It develops and manufactures satellite control components, monitoring equipment, and launch site structures. The organization directly controls and oversees all of China s space missions, space launch centers, telemetry, tracking, and command arrays. India Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) The government of India established the Department of Space in 1972 and the Indian Space Research organization (ISRO) is the primary agency under the Department of Space for executing space programs. India has the largest constellation of domestic communication satellites called Indian National Satellite System (INSAT) in the Asia Pacific region. India also has the largest constellation of earth observation satellites (called Indian Remote Sensing Satellites) with better than one-meter resolution in this region. Village Resource Centers (VRCs) that combine the services of IRS and INSAT satellites provide an array of additional services. INSAT and IRS satellites also provide invaluable services in the area of disaster management. The Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mark III successfully launched in June World class space port facilities are currently located in Sriharikota near Chennai with launch pads and test facilities for testing satellites and launch vehicle systems. Hindustan Aeronautics Limited This government-owned corporation specializes in aerospace industry operations including: the manufacturing and assembly of aircraft, navigation, and related communications equipment and airport operations. HAL is a major partner for the space vehicle programs of the Indian Space Research Organization. Israel Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) is Israel s prime aerospace and aviation manufacturer, producing aerial and astronautic systems for both military and civilian use. In addition to fighter aircraft, IAI also designs and builds civil aircraft, drones, missiles, avionics, and space-based systems. IAIs Systems, Missiles, & Space Group integrates all the engineering capabilities required for satellite development up to full satellite integration, testing, and operation. This includes launching, mission control center tracking, and multi-satellite remote stations. IAI is wholly owned by the government of Israel. Sources: ASD-EUROSPACE, Wikipedia, Space Settlement Institute 97

98 What subscribers are saying about The Solari Report: This episode of Money & Markets was spectacular! I ve already listened to it twice so much was covered. All I can say now after I pick my jaw up off the floor is WOW! Thank you so much. What a huge blessing and thank you for your commitment and your courage. You ve helped me fill in so many blanks and connect so many dots. I joined the Solari Report last week and have been spending the last several evenings listening to past interviews. If there s anything better out there, I don t know what it might be, and I m telling a number of my friends to sign up. Thanks for this GREAT service! Your reports were excellent. Our subscription to Solari Report has been very helpful for us thank you for continuing to expose the fear porn sites. I am breaking the habit of reading them Our family will continue to listen to the Solari Reports. The Solari Report Annual Wrap is a superb and outstanding effort Each year they ve been getting better but this one is unbelievable GREAT JOB and WONDERFUL- LY USEFUL! Thank you to Catherine and the Solari team for the many years of faithful service to your vision and I have finally decided to take action, get off of the fence and make a financial commitment to become a member and learning everything I need to know about your content. I come from the inner city, and while its emotionally painful for me to read about what has happened to my people (Genocide) I feel the deep resounding responsibility to learn as much as possible about the breakaway civilization that is being built if my culture and community are to survive the next 100 years. I feel very deeply about this. This was so enlightening. Makes so much sense. Everyone should have a copy of this in their homes and learn not to be afraid to fight back and resist bullying of those who distort the truth. The last two Reports have been spectacular Richard Dolan s take on the Clash of Civilizations. It makes such sense the way you connected all of that with the black budget. I appreciated his openness so far as pinning down any of the possible explanations remaining open and really quite gentle. 98 I have learned a ton in less then a week, God bless you Catherine, thanks so much, I was researching what is causing all the inflation and I crossed your path! Catherine Austin Fitts is quite a Lady. Brilliant, courageous and dedicated to helping people. What a combination! I would that there were more great thinkers (and doers) like her. Thank you, Catherine. Catherine, listening to your interviews with Farrell & Rappaport, how good they are, how important, all of you helping to eliminate ignorance, creating inspiration. I m sad to see this year come to and end! It has been such a rich month of sharing on the part of you and your Solari Team the Annual Wrap Up; your conversations with Joseph Farrell and Jon Rappoport, last Thursday s Report with John Laughland; and all of these coming as a delicious culmination to the lectures from the Secret Space Conference. Thank you! You and your guests are MUCH better company than any other Red Pill folks. Thank you Catherine. The interview and your offerings were priceless. I m starting to think Catherine Austin Fitts is right. I ve thought she was a self-interested kook for a long time, but I m reconsidering that. How come our financial system, worldwide, seems so OK with fraud, even when it affects them? There s got to be a reason. I was astounded by the beauty and detail of this well produced Wrap Up! I received it in yesterday mail. Of course, I invested time in reading large chunks of it right away, the rest I will keep for reference and enjoy at a more leisurely pace. I can t thank Catherine and Solari enough for truly helping us to live a free and inspired life. So thankful for the Solari 2020 Vision! Loving You are hitting all the salient points. And keeping it SO real and challenging and promoting faith. I have been watching some more of your video s and I want to remind you of how important you are to help people find their way in these corrupt times. People are looking for different forms of light and hopefulness amidst the seeming insanity. Thanks for being you. My husband and I read and listened to your fantastic 1st quarter Planet Debt. Again, your brilliance and studying of the trends you share with your subscribers in an informative and very clear presentation continues to inspire us! I find the Solari Report the only comprehensive, wide reaching conversation about what is going on here on planet earth. No other website gives as much breadth health, geo-politics, markets, spirituality, etc. What you address is very complete. These days you need all these things to function in the very complicated world we have created. This is a very important point Solari s uniqueness in the marketplace the only one talking about Black Budget, Space programs and how this links into the missing Trillions. By naming the Legacy system as dying it helped me understand why I was struggling in my small business in the space of being dependent on government money. Time to move on. By naming what is really happening and giving validity to my experience, it allows me to form a framework within which to work. It allows me to keep sane, to operate cheerfully and to keep on creating my own world and reality. To operate legally in a system which is set up against the little guy knowing that there are two sets of rules one for us, and another for Mr. Global and team. And to thrive in this environment! Every day, I am reminded in some way of the valuable lessons I have learned (and shared with the family) and the resulting actions we have been able to take because of the financial education and life education lessons you have imparted. You and your Solari team and all the uplifting and educational people, authors, and broad spectrum of individuals that are living free and inspired lives encourage me on a daily basis! Each day, I am so very thankful! For me the wrap ups have all been amazingly special because I am often unable to understand the context connecting the various reports during the year. The year end wrap ups have been like tying a beautiful bow of meaning around them all. Thank you so many times over for your have connected so many dots for us that this strange world doesn t seem so strange at all anymore. On the Annaul Wrap Up: One of the most significant things I ve ever read.

99 Subscribe to The Solari Report A private weekly briefing from financial expert Catherine Austin Fitts Knowledge is more that power. It s also independence. Catherine and the Solari Report team want you to have both. You get a source of information that can help you recognize risks and opportunities. But you also get a cold, hard and useful look at the global political and financial systems. Catherine Austin Fitts was a Wall Street and Washington insider in the 80 s and 90 s when globalization and corruption took over at the expense of local economies and people. Catherine fought and then bypassed the system and now advises her subscribers and investors on how to navigate the risks in today s economy. How the Solari Report works The Solari Report publishes weekly Money & Markets briefings on current political and economic events by Catherine (36 a year) as well as weekly presentations and interviews with special guests chosen for their expertise and integrity (52 a year) in a wide variety of areas that impact subscribers health and wealth. Each interview is published as an audio with a commentary and video excerpt, followed by a written transcript. Additional special reports and alerts take place several times a year. What you get as a subscriber Annual and Quarterly Wrap Ups that summarize the top news trends and stories, provide a rich selection of financial market charts and in depth analysis of the most important trends impacting the economy. With Solari Report Wrap Ups you are on top of the news with very little of your precious time. Exclusive access to an online area of our website ( which provides you with our library of over 300 Solari Reports published since Weekly updates announcing the next Solari Report along with top picks from and information about our luncheons and other events as Catherine travels. Access to a Subscriber Resource Page and subscriber only articles that allows you to post comments and questions to Catherine. Top questions are answered on Catherine s weekly briefing. Why we re different Many subscription services focus on a single topic such as investments, precious metals, health or politics. The Solari Report provides commentary and analysis on all areas that impact your time, your health and your wealth as well as those that impact your responsibilities as a family and community member and citizen and taxpayer. We want you to live a free and inspired life so we seek to integrate all aspects of the world around us that impact you. My goal is to remove the barriers that prevent you from seeing the invisible war: how it affects your money, your health, and your safety. Then I can help you take action. This is why I am doing The Solari Report. Catherine Austin Fitts Subscribe now to the Solari Report The Solari Report is a pre-recorded, weekly briefing hosted by Catherine Austin Fitts and guests. Subscribers receive access to the complete archive of Solari Reports in MP3 format. n Monthly Subscription with auto renewal: $ 30 n 6-Month Subscription with auto renewal: $160 n One Year Subscription with auto renewal: $275 To order the Solari Report by telephone or with questions about subscriptions or for all other customer service questions: (866) (U.S.) International: 001 +( 906) Subscriptions paid by credit card or Paypal are automatically re-billed at the end of their terms. You may also order a One Year Subscription by check (send order form below to:). Solari Inc, PO Box 157, Hickory Valley TN In order to process your subscription, we need you to complete this following form, and return it to us with your $275 check made payable to Solari, Inc. NAME: ADDRESS: CITY: STATE: ZIP: PHONE: Requested Password (4 characters or more) Thank you for subscribing to The Solari Report! Disclaimer: Nothing on the Solari Report should be taken as individual investment advice. Anyone seeking investment advice for his or her personal financial situation is advised to seek out a qualified advisor and provide as much information as possible to the advisor in order that such advisor can take into account all relevant circumstances, objectives, and risks before rendering an opinion as to the appropriate investment strategy. 99

100 the Solari Report BY CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS / 2ND QUARTER WRAP UP VOLUME 2016 / NUMBER THREE PRODUCTIVITY, PROSPERITY & THE P PSICLE the Solari Report BY CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS / 3RD QUARTER WRAP UP VOLUME 2016 / NUMBER FOUR INVESTMENT SCREENING: Can We Filter for Productive Companies? INDEX Building Trust Between People, Places & Money the Solari Report BY CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS / 2016 ANNUAL WRAP UP VOLUME 2017 / NUMBER ONE THE GLOBAL HARVEST AND WHAT IT MEANS TO INVESTORS the Solari Report BY CATHERINE AUSTIN FITTS / 1ST QUARTER WRAP UP VOLUME 2017 / NUMBER TWO THE CLASH OF CIVILIZATIONS Can a new administration preserve a prosperous economy without more debt, crime and war? 3 The latest Solari Quarterly Reports. Limited quantities of back issues are available. Contact us for information SOLARI, INC., P. O. BOX 157, HICKORY VALLEY, TN (1 (866) WWW. SOLARI.COM 100

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