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Media Talk and Political Elections in Europe and America

Media Talk and Political Elections in Europe and America Edited by Mats Ekström University of Gothenburg, Sweden and Andrew Tolson De Montfort University, UK

Introduction, selection and editorial matter Mats Ekström and Andrew Tolson 2013 Individual chapters Respective authors 2013 Softcover reprint of the hardcover 1st edition 2013 978-1-137-27331-4 All rights reserved. No reproduction, copy or transmission of this publication may be made without written permission. No portion of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted save with written permission or in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, or under the terms of any licence permitting limited copying issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency, Saffron House, 6 10 Kirby Street, London EC1N 8TS. Any person who does any unauthorized act in relation to this publication may be liable to criminal prosecution and civil claims for damages. The authors have asserted their rights to be identified as the authors of this work in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. First published 2013 by PALGRAVE MACMILLAN Palgrave Macmillan in the UK is an imprint of Macmillan Publishers Limited, registered in England, company number 785998, of Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6XS. Palgrave Macmillan in the US is a division of St Martin s Press LLC, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010. Palgrave Macmillan is the global academic imprint of the above companies and has companies and representatives throughout the world. Palgrave and Macmillan are registered trademarks in the United States, the United Kingdom, Europe and other countries. ISBN 978-1-349-44519-6 ISBN 978-1-137-27332-1 (ebook) DOI 10.1057/9781137273321 This book is printed on paper suitable for recycling and made from fully managed and sustained forest sources. Logging, pulping and manufacturing processes are expected to conform to the environmental regulations of the country of origin. A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress.

Contents List of Illustrations Notes on Contributors List of Transcription Symbols vii viii x Media Talk and Political Elections in Europe and America 1 Mats Ekström and Andrew Tolson 1 We Change or We Sink : Discursively Constructing the Voter s Dilemma in a Pre-election Interview with the Greek Prime Minister 13 Marianna Patrona 2 Obama in the No Spin Zone 41 Ian Hutchby 3 Transformations in Hybrid TV Talk: Extended Interviews on The Daily Show (.com) 63 Geoffrey Baym 4 I Have a Question for You : Mediatized Democracy, Citizen Participation and Elections in Catalonia 87 Rut M. Sanz Sabido 5 More than Cleggmania? The Celebrity Politician, Presidentialization and the UK 2010 Televised Leader Debates 113 Neil Washbourne 6 The Telegenic Politician? Communication Strategies in the UK Election 2010 Party Leader Debates 133 Andrew Tolson 7 Rhetoric and Responses: Electioneering on YouTube 156 Cassian Sparkes-Vian v

vi Contents 8 Citizen Participation in Journalist Discourse: Multiplatform Political Interviews in the Swedish Election Campaign 2010 181 Mats Ekström and Göran Eriksson 9 Mediatization, Right-Wing Populism and Political Campaigning: The Case of the Austrian Freedom Party 205 Bernhard Forchtner, Michał Krzyżanowski and Ruth Wodak 10 Get Involved! Communication and Engagement in the 2008 Obama Presidential E-Campaign 229 Nuria Lorenzo-Dus and Pilar Garcés-Conejos Blitvich Index 252

Illustrations Figures 8.1 Third-turn activities in the 2010 election campaign phone-ins (percentage) 196 9.1 FPÖ campaign poster: Duel over Vienna. You have the Choice (DuellumWien.SiehabendieWahl), 2005 215 9.2 FPÖ campaign poster: Out with Mosques and Minarets (Aus für Moscheen und Minarette), 2009 216 9.3 FPÖ campaign poster: More courage for our Viennese Blood. Too much otherness is not good for anybody (Mehr MUT für unser Wiener Blut. Zu viel Fremdes tut niemand gut), 2010 218 9.4 HC rap: HC goes Wiener Blut Mr. Häupl, THE PARTY IS OVER! (HC goes Wiener Blut Herr Häupl, Jetzt ist SCHLUSS MIT LUSTIG!), 2010 219 9.5 FPÖ comic (FPÖ, 2010: 10 11) 220 10.1 Email messages in the Obama/Biden election campaign 235 10.2 An illustrative example of the integrated use of multiple modalities as a tool to increase social presence 244 Tables 4.1 Distribution of time spent, interactions and questions answered per candidate 95 6.1 Use of address terms 142 6.2 Cutaways 145 6.3 Escalation and metacomment 150 10.1 Positive politeness microstrategies in head acts (n = 128) 238 vii

Contributors Geoffrey Baym is Associate Professor of Media Studies at the University of North Carolina Greensboro, US. His work focuses on the evolving styles and standards of US public affairs media and political discourse. Mats Ekström is Professor of Media and Communication at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden. His research is mainly focused on journalism, media talk and discourse and the relations between journalism and politics. Göran Eriksson is Professor in Media and Communication Studies, Örebro University, Sweden. His research focuses on broadcast talk, particularly on the relationships between politicians and journalists. Bernhard Forchtner is a Wilhelm-von-Humboldt Fellow at the Institute of Social Sciences, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany. He has published in the field of memory studies, at the interface of sociological theory and critical discourse analysis, and on prejudice and discrimination. Ian Hutchby is Professor of Sociology at the University of Leicester, UK. His research applies conversation analysis to questions of media discourse, culture and technology and institutional interaction. Michał Krzyżanowski lectures in the School of Language and Literature at the University of Aberdeen, UK. He specializes in critical discourse analysis and has researched extensively on communication in the media and in Europe s national and supranational politics. Nuria Lorenzo-Dus is Professor in the Department of English Language and Literature at Swansea University, UK, where she also directs the interdisciplinary Language Research Centre. Her research expertise lies in the fields of interactional sociolinguistics (impoliteness) and media discourse analysis. viii

Notes on Contributors ix Marianna Patrona is Assistant Professor of English at the Hellenic Military Academy, Greece. Her research interests include sociolinguistic conversation analysis and discourse analysis of broadcast political communication. At present she is researching changing journalistic practices on Greek TV news programmes in the context of the Greek debt crisis. Pilar Garcés-Conejos Blitvich is Associate Professor in the English Department at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA. Her research focuses on impoliteness, identity construction, genre theory and traditional/new media. Rut M. Sanz Sabido is a PhD candidate in media discourse at De Montfort University, Leicester, UK. Her research interests include media and political discourse, conflict reporting and historical memory. Cassian Sparkes-Vian is a PhD candidate in media discourse at De Montfort University, Leicester, UK. Her research interests include online and digital media, propaganda, memetics and protests/social movements. Andrew Tolson is Professor of Media and Communication at De Montfort University, Leicester, UK. His research interests are in forms of TV news and political communication, and TV talk shows. Neil Washbourne is Senior Lecturer in the School of Cultural Studies and Humanities at Leeds Metropolitan University, UK. His main research interest is in contemporary and historical political celebrity. Ruth Wodak is Distinguished Professor and Chair of Discourse Studies in the Department of Linguistics and English Language at Lancaster University, UK. She has researched and published extensively on discourse theories; organizational communication; (national and transnational) identity politics and politics of the past; language and/in politics; and discrimination, racism and anti-semitism in text and talk.

Transcription Symbols Dynamics of turn-taking [ ] marks the beginning and end of an overlapping stretch of talk (3.0) silence/pause in seconds (.) micropause Aspects of speech delivery wo::rd stretching of the sound preceding the colons word rise in pitch word fall in pitch word? rise in intonation (in questions) word, continuing intonation.hhh in breath hhh out breath = marks two latched turns or words (i.e. where one turn or word follows the other without any discernible pause between them) word- a hyphen after a word or part of a word, indicating self-interruption word emphasis on the underlined word or part of the word WORD markedly loud talk Other symbols ((...)) talk in the turn that is not included in the transcript (( )) marks the transcriber s descriptions of the interaction x