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2 etigñkrtuvkarcmnyyercinezmet[tßet/ smrab B&t(maneRcInEzmeT[t ßRtUvkarCMnYyCamYynwgkarTTYlcUlsJ ati GñkGac; Tak TgeTAGg<karesvacUlsJ atiedlmanraybj IenA~gCMBUk H TUrs&BÞeTARksYgpþl esvaculsj atishrdðgaemrikniggenþarbevsn¾ (USCIS) mcämnðlcatibmerigtizicn (NCSC) elx ßeTAemIlviubésrbs BYkeKenA Tak TgeTAkariyal&ymUldðan USCIS tamry;giueml smrab B&t(maneRcInEzmeT[tGMBIzñak er[nénpasagg ekøscapasatibir (ESL), GñkGacTak TgGñkpþl karberg[n ESL myyéngñkpþl karberg[nedlmanraybj IenA~gCMBUk I. Gñkk*GacrkeXIjB&t(maneRcInEzmeT[tGMBIkarer[bcMcUlsJ ati nigzñak er[n ESL edayturs&bþetarksygepñkkarechgannigechsresr/pasagg ekøscapasatibir/pasagnþr;cati énbnñal&ysazarn;rkug Seattle elx ßeTAemIlviubésrbs bnñal&ysazarn;rkug Seattle ena kunes[vepaenhkw:nbmrugedim ICYyRbCaCnEdlcg etacablrdðgaemrik; mankaryl c as énkarculsj atiç eqøiysmnyrxøhénsmnyrcatuetaesþirettamggs GMBIkarcUlsJ atiç pþlńuvsmöar;siksasmrab karrblgculsj atiç nig tp ab etagg<karedlcyyoculsj ati ßEdlpþl zñak er[npasagg ekøscapasatibir. KWCakarpþl B&t(manTUeTAbüeNÑaH. KWminEmnbMrugTukCakarCMnYssMrabḱaroOvaTEpñkc ab et. kunes[vepatucenhkwgacmancuncapasaducxagerkamenh; egs äjül ev[tnam cin sumäli takøalk kuer Exμr GuaMhWrik Gr m U etrkøijä lav éz russi edim Isu McMnYnes[vePAbEnæm ßedIm IesIñRkdascmøgCaTRmg PDF, curturs&bþetabnñal&ysazarn;énrkug Seattle elx

3 matikaer]g snþanurkm...1 etigñkrtuvkarcmnyy~gkardak BakücUlsJ atißet/...1 CMBUk A: RbeyaCn¾nanaénkareTACaBlrdðshrdðGaemrikmñak...2 CMBUk B: esckþitmruvénkarculsj ati...3 CMBUk C: karrbman! enaeblttylcmnyyepñkc abḿuneblkardak Baküsu MsMrabćUlsJ ati...4 CMBUk D: vizankarnanaedim IeTACaBlrdð:ncUlsJ ati B&t(manEdlGñkRtUvkaredIm IbMeBjBaküsu Mrbs Gñk...5 ÉksarnanaEdlGñkRtUvbJ ÚlCamYynwgBaküsuMrbs Gñk...6 Karep\IBaküsu Mrbs Gñk...6 karpþ itrmaméd...6 karezvismöasn¾...7 CMBUk E: smnyrnanaedl:nsyrcajwkjab etidmenirkarculsj aticmnayeblyurbünμan/ eti`dwgbisæanpabénrkdasbaküsu McUlsJ atirbs `edayreb[bna/ eti`ezviyägna ebigas&ydðanrbs `bþúrenaerkayebl`dak Baküsu M/ etirtuvcmnayr:k bünμanedim Idak Baküsu M/ etiyägna ebi`mingacbg tmélkardak Baküsu M:n/ etikarkmbugttylr:k Ev lehvr ßman SSI ezvibḧbal dl karculsj atirbs `ßeT/ etigvicakarrbzuyerkahzñak énkardak BaküsMrabćUlsJ ati / eti`rtuvetechpasagg ekøsyägsþat CMnajß/ etib&t(mangviedlnwgrtuvbj ÚleTA~gkarRbLgcUlsJ ati/ eti`gacrblgculsj atienamuneblezvismöasculsj atirbs `ßeT/ etiyägna ebi`rblgculsj atizøak / eti`gacrtuvekorycxøünbikarrblgculsj atißet/ eti`gacrblgculsj aticapasakmenitrbs `:nßet/ etiyägna ebi`manpabbikar/ etiyägna ebi`mancmnas cas / ebibaküsu Mrbs `:nyl RBm etienaeblna`etacablrdðgaemrik/ etikun`tamggs nwgetacablrdðgaemrikßet enaebl`:nculsj atiehiy/ eti`gacezviyägna ebi USCIS bdieszbaküsu Mrbs `/...11 CMBUk F: smöar;siksananasmrab karrblgelakniti Rbvtþ isarsþnigrdðapi:l etikmenerbsmnyrrblgna kmenerbbc úb nñcakmenerbzμi EdlGñknwgRtUvRbLg/)...12 siksabismnyrnanasmrab karrblgeblbc úb nñ...12 siksabismnyrnanaénkarrblgeblbc úb nñsmrab CncMNasćas dak Baküsu M...18 siksabismnyrnanasmrab karrblgzμi...20 siksabismnyrnanaénkarrblgzμismrab CncMNas cas dak Baküsu M...28 CMBUk G: smöar;siksananasmrab karrblgpasagg ekøs XøaKMrUnana...30 BaküGk ranurkm...32 CMBUk H: Gg<karnanaEdlCYyCamYynwgkarcUlsJ ati...34 CMBUk I: Gñkpþl karberg[npasagg ekøscapasatibir (ESL)...36 P abḿkcamyy RkdasBaküsMrab culsj atitrmg (N-400) 0

4 snþanurkm Blrdð RbCaCnEdl:nekItenA~gshrdðGaemrikÇ Puerto Rico, ena~gtmbn ekahshrdðgaemirikç ßeRkARbeTs; RbCaCnEdlman kmenitbiobukmþay TaMgBIrnak EdlCaBlrdðGaemrikaMg; nigrbcacnedlmankmenitenabrets EdleTACasJ atigaemriktamry;dmenir karculsj ati. BlrdðEdlcUlsJ ati CnEdlmanedImkMeNItBIbreTsEdl:nqøgkat dmenirkarculsj atiedayecakc&y. karculsj ati enaeblcnedlmanedimkmenitbibretsetacablrdðgaemrikamgedaysμ&rkcitþ. dmenirkarculsj atimanrymtamg kardak BaküsMrabćUlsJ ati Ç RtUv:nGnuJ atsmrab oculsj ati Ç nigezvikarsc arbnizancmebahshrdðgaemrik. InfoPass RbB&nÆmUldðanGiunzWENtedayminKitézø EdlGnuJ atorbcacnezvikarnat CYb edim IniyayCamRnþIGenþaRbevsn¾Epñk B&t(manenA. INS RksYgGenþaRbevsn¾nigkarcUlsJ ati. sbvézáenhehaza RksYgpþlésvacUlsJ atishrdðgaemrikniggenþarbevsn¾ (USCIS). USCIS RksYgpþl esvaculsj atishrdðgaemrikniggenþarbevsn¾ BImunehAza INS, ßRksYgGenþaRbevsn¾nigcUlsJ ati. b&nñébtg b&nñ I-551 ßb&NÑ I-151 k*ehaet[tza b&nñblrdðgcié nþy¾. b&nñblrdðgcié nþy¾ eqμahepsget[tsmrab b&nñébtg. BlrdðEdlrsénACaGciéRnþy¾Rsbc ab CnEdlmanb&NÑébtg. N-400 TRmgŔkdasBaküsuMcUlsJ ati. N-648 lixitelikelgénmuldðanpabbikar mkbikartmruvénkarrblgelaknitinigpasagg ekøs. ehiym äget[tk*ehaza vij abnb&rtepñkebtüsmrab karelikelgedaybikarpab. GAU kmμvizicmnyysmrab CnminGaceZVIkar:n. CMnYyR:kńwgCMnYyEpñkeBTüsMrab RbCaCnEdlmanragkaynig/ßpøÚvcitþminGac BicarNa:nnig/ßminGaceZVIkar:n. SSI R:k CMnYybEnæmsMrab CnCraBikar. CMnYyR:k sutæedlcatśmrab CYymnusScas CraÇ xvak ßBikarEdlmanR:k cmnulbnþicbnþüc ßKμanR:kćMNUlesaH. TANF kmμvizir:kćmnyybenþahgasnñsmrab RKYsarEdlRtUvkar. CMnYyR:k sutæsmrab RKYsarEdlmanKuNsm tþ i~gesckþirtuvkar. etigñkrtuvkarcmnyy~gkardak BakücUlsJ ati ßeT/ benþimsj atizμi (NCI) énrkug Seattle KWCakmμviZIpþlĆMnYymkBIGg<karEdlmanmUldðan~gshKmn¾cMnYn 20 edim ICYybuK<lmñak >EdlmanR:k cmnulticodak Baküsu MsMrab culsj ati. etigñkmanlk Nsm tþißet/ etigñkcacngenþarbevsn¾ ßCaCneP[sxøÜn/ etigñk:ncybtamkartmruvsmrab karculsj atißet/ curemilcmbuk B) etiena~geblrvagmyyqñamet[t GñkGacdak BaküsMusMrab culsj ati :nßet / etigñkcablrdðénrkug Seattle Edl:nbJ akźamanr:kćmnultic ß etigñkcablrdðén King exanzi EdlTTYlCMnYysaZarN; hvútesþmç emdiexdç TANF, GAU, SSI)? ebigñk:neqøiyza:tßca@etaelismnyrtamggs enh curtak TgeTAGg<karbeNþImsJ atizμimyyedl:nrayena~gcmbuk H. 1

5 CMBUk A: RbeyaCn¾nanaénkar:neTACaBlrdðshrdðGaemrik namrkysarmkshrdðgaemrik; BlrdðmansJ atigacdak BaküsMrabĆaeRcInRbePTénsmaCikRKYsaredIm Imkrs enacacngenþarbevsn¾ CagCnTaMgLayEdlmanEtb&NÑébtgÇ nigcynkalsmacikénrkysartamgenahgacmkrsénacacngenþarbevsn¾:nrh&scagpg. karculsj atismrabḱuntamggs ; kuntamggs EdlminTan :ner[bkar enaerkamgayu 18 GaceTACasJ atigaemrik:n enaebl EdlÓBukmþayrbs BYkeK:ncUlsJ ati ehiy. kare:heqñat; BlrdðmansJ atigace:heqñatenaeblekerciserisnanaç bmericakn;vin&y nigrtuvekerciserisoezvikarena ~gkariyal&ysazarn;. karezvidmenir; BlrdðmansJ atigacezvidmeniretaerkarbets edaykμanrbyy:rmögmbikarc ab RtLb culmkvij ßGMBIkar:t bg sæanpabepñkc ab eliy. BYkeKk*GacTTYlsMbuRtqøgEdnshrdðGaemrik. KμankarnireTs; BlrdðmansJ atigacmingacrtuveknirets. CnEdlmanEtb&NÑébtgGacRtUveKbdiesZminoRtLb culmk shrdðgaemrikvij ßGacRtUvnireTssMrab karedlek:nrbrbwtþbtórkidðr:kdgvimyy ßkare:Hbg ecalpabcablrdðrs enarsbc ab rbsék ena~gcmenammulehtudét>et[t. ezvirkdassñamnanatic; karculsj atikwenamansj aticagciérnþy¾. BlrdðmansJ atimincam:c RtUvdak Baküsu MeZVIsæanPaBsJ ati CazμIeLIgvij ßCMrabeTARksUg USCIS énkarpøas bþúúrgas&ydðanet. manlk Nsm tþismrab ezvikargarrdð; kargarrbs rdðshb&næcaercintmruvza GñkRtUvEtCaBlrdðsJ atigaemrikamgetibezvikar:n. TTYlRbeyaCn¾saZarN; BlrdðmansJ atikwmanlk Nsm tþismrab TTYlbMNac sazarn;nanaebjlk N;TaMgGs. CnGenþa Rbevsn¾EdlminEmnCaBlrdðmansJ atikμanlk Nsm tþ ismrab TTYlbMNac xøh>et duecñhkarmansj atikarbargñkoman lk Nsm tþ ismrab TTYlkmμviZITaMgenH. mankamepøigpþal xøün; KWCakarxusc ab smrab BlrdðEdlminmansJ atimankamepøigpþal xøün.. bgøajbikaresñhacatirbs Gñk; karculsj atikwcamezüa:yedim IbgØajBIkarebþC\arbs GñkcMeBaHRbeTscμI. 2

6 CMBUk B: esckþitmruvsmrab karculsj ati RtUvyägticNas mangayu 18 qñam RtUvCaBlrdðrs enacagciérnþy¾rsbc ab CnEdlmanb&NÑébtg smrab yägticnas R:MqñaMcugeRkay ßbIqñaM ebigñker[bkarcamyy nwgblrdðshrdðgaemrikmñak. GñknwgRtUvoman b&nñébtg (I-551 ß I-151). RtUv:nrsénACabŕhUtenA~gshrdðGaemriksMrabýägticNas R:MqñaMÇ nig RtUvrs enabitr:kdminezvidmeniretanasmrab yägtic Nas Bak knþaleblenh 2 qñam 6 Ex nigminecjetaerkashrdðgaemriksmrab oelisbimyyqñam~gmyyebl. ebigñker[bkarcamyy nwgblrdðshrdðgaemrikmñak GñkRtUvEt:nrsénACabŕhUt~gshrdðGaemriksMrab ry;eblbiqñam ehiynigminezvidmeniretanayägtic Nas Bak knþaleblenah 1 qñam 6 Ex nigminecjetaerkashrdðgaemriksmrab oelisbimyyqñam~gmyyebl. RtUvGacniyayÇ Gan nigsresrtmnak TMngKñaCaPasaGgéKøs:n smrab karelikelg curemil CMBUk E. RtUvGacRbLgCabélaknitishrdðGaemrik RbvitþsaRsþnigrdðaPi:l smrab karelikelg curemil CMBUk E. RtUvCaCnEdlman criyasilzm(lá ebigñkzøab manbjøaedlmanrayena~g CMBUk C GñkKYrniyayCamYynwgemZavIEpñkGenþa Rbevsn¾mñakḿuneBlkardak Baküsu MsMrab culsj ati. RtUvsμ&RKcitþeZVIsc aesμahrtg nwgshrdðgaemrik Gñkdak BaküTaMgGs RtUvEtsμ&RKcitþeZVIsc aedim IKaMRTnigkarBarshrdðGaemriknigc ab rdðzmμnuj rbs eyig. 3

7 CMBUk C: Rbjab TTYlCMnYyEpñkc ab muneblkardak Baküsu MsMrabćUlsJ ati karrbman! ebikrnixagerkamnamyykwbitsmrabǵñk GñkRtUvEtTTYlOvaTmkBIemZavIEpñkGenþaRbevsn¾ mun eblkardak Baküsu MsMrab culsj ati. edim IrkemZavIEpñkGenþaRbevsn¾mñakǴñkGacTak Tg; Northwest Justice Project enaviubés smakm King County Bar enaviubés ßTUrs&BÞ smakmemzaviepñkgenþarbevsn¾cncatigaemrik enaviubés smakm King County Bar k*ttylep\{vsmrab muldðankilandðanedaykμankitézø. smrab B&t(maneRcInEzmeT[t curetaemilviubés; :npøasĺmenaecjbishrdðgaemrik; Gñk:npøasĺMenAeTARbeTsepSg cab tamgbiebl:nttylb&nñébtg. órkidðkmμ; GñkRtUv:neKXat xøünç :nkat etasç ßyl RBmTTYlkMhusBIkarRbRBwtþbTóRkidðNamYy edayrymtamgbüenþminkmnt smrab btmcäwmç órkidðkmμerk]gej[nnamyyç ebikbredayrsvwgç bøn Ç bþißrbbnæbirç RsþIeBsüa. nirets; GñkRtUv:neKnireTs ßmandIka ßk*ehAzakardksiTiÆ RbqaMgcMeBaHGñk. BnÆGakr; GñkminTan :nbg BnÆrbs Gñk ßGñk:nbg BnÆ ~gnamcablrdðrs enamingciérnþy. karóbtæmμekμg; Gñk:neRCIserIsykkarminóbtæmÖkUnrbs GñkTaMgGs EdlmanGayuenAeRkam 18 qñam ß:nbdiesZkarEdleKtMrUv obg R:k karóbtæmöekμg. erciserisbmerikgt&b; GñkCamnusSRbusekItenAeRkayqñaM 1960 EdlrsénAshrdðGaemrik enaebledlgñkmangayucenøah 18 nig 26 ehiyniggñkmin:ncuheqμahsmrab bmerikgt&b. karbüüretas; GñksæitenAeRkamkarBüÜreTas ßeRkamkaredaHElgedaymanl&k x&nð edaysaret:nrbrbitþbtórkidð. ezvidmenirsmrab 6 Ex; Gñk:ncMNayry;eBl 6 ExenAeRkAshrdðGaemrik cab tamgbiebledlgñk:nttylb&nñébtg. B&t(manén USCIS: B&t(manenA~gRkdasBaküsuMcUlsJ atirbs GñkKWxusBIB&t(manEdlGñk:npþléTAo USCIS edim Io:nTTYl b&nñébtg ßGñk:nbnøMesckþIEzøgdl mrnþigenþarbevsn¾edim ITTYlRbeyaCn¾BIEpñkGenþaRbevsn¾ duccab&nñébtgrbs GñkCaedIm. culshrdðedayxusc ab ; Gñk:nCYyCnNamñak etahcakunrbsǵñk ÓBukßmþayßbþIßRbBnÆ oculmkshrdðgaemrikedayxusc ab. EkøgbnøMÉksar; Gñk:nRtUv:neKecaTRbkan ~gkarerbiéksarekøgbnøm. GMeBIhwgSa~gRKYsar; GñkRtUv:neKecaTRbkan ßBin&yCamYynwgkarRbRBitþGMeBIhwgSaenA~gRKYsarÇ rmelapbmbanße:hbg kunecal ßmankarbMBanelIdIkahamXat. kare:heqñatena~gshrdðgaemrik; Gñk:ncuHeQμaHedIm Ie:Heqñatß:ne:HeqñatoshrdðGaemrikÇ rdðç ß~gmUldðan ehiygñk minemncablrdðshrdðgaemrik. 4

8 CMBUk D: vizanakarnanaedim IeTACaBlrdð:ncUlsJ ati vizankarti 1: kardak Baküsu M ykrkdasbakü; GñkRtUvkarRkdasBaküBI USCIS TRmg N-400 RkdasBaküsuMsMrab culsj ati. RkdasTRmg N-400 KW:nP abćamyynwgkunes[vepaesþigenh. Gñkk*GacesñIsu MRkdasenHedayTUrs&BÞelx , ßGñkGacRBinRkdasBakü ecjbiviubés USCIS ena bmebjrkdasbakü; eqøiynuvrkb smnyrtamggs ocb sbvrkb nwgbitr:kd. GñknwgRtUvkarB&t(mandUcxageRkamenHedIm IbMeBj RkdasBaküsu MrbsǴñk; elxmkbibrets; elxenhkwmanenaelib&nñébtgrbs Gñk (I-551 ß I-151, k*gacehamü aget[t b&nñblrdðedlrséna CaGciéRnþy Rsbc ab. ebib&nñébtgrbs Gñk:nputkMNt ebl ßminmanézáputkMNt et GñkGacTak TgeTAemZavIEpñk GenþaRbevsn¾ ßGg<karpþl esvaculsj atimuneblkardak BaküsMrab culsj ati curemilcmbuk C nig H). éxézáezvidmenir ExézáRKb kardmenirtamggs EdlGñk:nGeJ IjeTAeRkAshrdðGaemrik cab tamgbiebledlgñk:netacablrdð rs enacagciérnþy Rsbc ab :nttylb&nñébtgrbsǵñk. TIlMenA Gas&ydðanTaMgGs RKb TIkEnøgEdlGñk:nrs enary;eblr:mqñamknøgmk. nieyack rayeqμahrkbńieyacktamggs EdlGñkmanry;eBlR:MqñaMknøgmk. edayrymtamgeqμahrkumh)unç Gas&ydðanÇ enaebledlgñkezvikarenatienah ehiynigmuxgaredlgñk:nezvi. biþßrbbnæ B&t(manGMBIbþIßRbBnÆrbs Gñk. edayrymtamgeqμahç Gas&ydðanÇ ExézákMeNItÇ ExézánigTIkEnøger[bGaBah¾ BiBah¾Ç Gtþelxsnþ isuxsg<m ehiynigelxmkbibrets ebiman. ebibþißrbbnærbs GñkKWCaGñkcUlsJ atiedr eday rymtamgtikenøgnigexézáculsj ati. ebibþißrbbnærbs GñkKWCaGñkKμanÉksar GñkKYrTak TgeTAemZavIEpñkGenþaRbevsn¾mun eblkardak Baküsu MsMrab karculsj ati curemilcmbuk C). GaBah¾BiBah¾BImun ebigñkzøab :ner[bkarbimun ßebIbþIßRbBnÆrbs GñkZøab :ner[bkarbimun GñknwgRtUvraykarN¾BIeQμaH RKb bþißrbbnæbimunç Exézáer[bkarÇ ExézáElglH ehtugvi:ncaelglh ehiynigsæanpabgenþarbevsn¾eblbc úb nñén bþißrbbnæmun. kun B&t(manGMBIRKbḱUnTaMgGs rbs Gñk. curor:kdrtuvdak bj ÚlkUnTaMgGs Edl:nTTYlmrN;PaB kunedlmkbi TMnak TMngßGaBah¾BiBah¾BImun ehiynigkunedlrs enaerkashrdðgaemrik edayrymtamgeqμah ExézánigTIkEnøgekIt Gas&ydðanrs enaeblbc úb nñnigelxmkbibrets ebiman. Éksarrbs tulakarnigb Ulis ebigñkrtuv:nekxat xøünsmrab mulehtunamyy edayrymtamgbtmcäwmnwgkarebikbr edayrsvwg GñkRtUvmanExézáénkarXat xøünç karbin&yç nigrkdascmøgénc ab rbs tulakar. GñkRtUvbgØajBIer]genH etahbicaemzavi ßtulakar:nniyayzasMNu Mer]grbsǴñkRtUv:n RCHRsLH k*eday. ebigñkrtuv:nxat xøün GñkKYr Tak TgeTAemZavIEpñkGenþaRbevsn¾muneBlkardak BaküsMrab karculsj ati curemilcmbuk C). elxkarbmeri~gkgt&b mnussrbusedlekiterkayqñam 1960 EdlrsénAshrdðGaemrikenAcenøaHeBlGayu 18 nig 26 GacRtUvcuHeQμaHsMrab erciserisbmerikgt&b. GñkRtUvkarelxeRCIserIsbMerIenA~gkgT&BedIm Idak Baküsu M. GñkGaccuHeQμaH ßTTYlelxenHedayTUrs&BÞelx ßeTAviubésEpñkeRCIserIsbMerIkgT&BenA ebigñkrtuv:n tmruvocuheqñah büenþmin:ncuheqμahenamuneblgñkmangayukrmb 26 GñkGacTak TgeTAemZavIEpñkGenþaRbevsn¾ ßGg<karmYy EdlGacCYy~gkarcUlsJ atimuneblkardak Baküsu MsMrab culsj ati curemilcmbuk C nig H). Gñkdak Baküsu MTaMgGs GacRtUvEqkemIlenA~gviubés smrab dwgbitémøqñülnigrkdasbaküeblzμi> bmputmunebldak Baküsu M. témøqñüledlpøas bþúrnigrkdasbakügacrtuvhyseblevlaerbi. ebigñkrtuvkarcmnyy~g karbmebjrkdasbaküculsj atirbs Gñk curtak TgGg<karmYyénGg<karnanaEdlGacCYyCamYykarcUlsJ ati EdlmanrayeQμaHenA~g CMBUk H. 5

9 ÉksarnanaEdlGñkRtUvEtdak bj ÚlCamYynigBaküsu Mrbs Gñk; ztcmøgb&nñébtgtamgsgxagrbs Gñk - (I-551 ß I-151, k*:nehaet[tzab&nñblrdðrs GciéRnþy¾edayRsbc ab. rubztmanbn( CaRbePTrUbztsMrab bitsmbuurtqøgedn (2 x 2 ) duckñabirsnøwk sresreqμahnigelxbretsrbs Gñk CaexμAédÇ BN(Rsal>Ç enaxagxñgrubztnimyy>. Mer]gnig $80 témøpþ itrmaméd. Gñkdak Baküsu MEdlmanGayu 75 qñamßcas Cag KWminRtUvkarpþ itrmamédehiynigmin:ntarr:k ézøpþ it Eskcayß EskGaNtiþéRbsNIy GñknwgRtUvkarEskßEskGaNtþiéRbsNIycMnYn $675 ($595 témøsmnu RmamédeT. cursresreskßeskgantþiérbsniyetao Department of Homeland Security RksYgsnþisux nkr. curku MeRbIGkSredImén DHS ß USDHS. curku Mep\IR:k sutæ. ebigñkmanr:kćmnultic niglm:kevtna yägxøamgepñkr:kḱas GñkRbEhlGacRtUv:neKelIkElgtémøQñÜlenH. smrab B&t(maneRcInEzmeT[t cmebahkarelik ElgtémøQñÜlTaMgGs curemilcmbuk E. ztcmøgnuvgvi>edlgñkep\itamggs nwgtukrkdasztcmøgtamggs enakenøgmansuvtæipab. ep\irkdasbakürbsǵñk curku MykRkdasBakürbs GñkeTAdak enakariyal&y USCIS. curgej IjeTAkariyal&ybüsþ smburténshrdðgaemrik ßRkumh)un ep\ismburtékcnmyy ducca FedEx ß DHL nigep\i; 1) RkdasBakü, 2) Rkdascmøgénb&NÑébtg, 3) rubztrbs Gñk, nig 4) Esk ßEskéRbsNIy tamsmburtgnusidð (CERTIFIED MAIL), bg,an édep\ismburt. ep\ieta; USCIS Nebraska Service Center P.O. Box Lincoln, NE TTYlbg,an éd GñkGacTTYlbg,an édmyymkbi USCIS ena~gry;eblmyyetabirex EdlbJ akźa KW:nTTYlBaküsuMrbs Gñk. bg,an édenh KWmanRbeyaCn¾Nas BIeRBaHGñkGaceRbIelxbg,an édenh edim IEqkBIsæanPaBénBaküsu Mrbs Gñk. ebigñkmin:nttylbg,an éd ry;eblbirexerkayebledlgñk:ndak Baküsu Mrbs Gñk GñkGacTak TgeTA USCIS tamelx smrab buk<l CMnYyCaPasaGg ekøsç curcucelx 1, 2, 4, 0. enaeblnagñkkyrcabépþimsiksasmrab karrblgrbs Gñk/ enaeblkarezvismöasn¾rbs Gñk mrnþién USCIS nwgezvietsþbismtæpabrbs Gñk~gkarGanÇ sresrç nigniyaypasa Gg ekøs ehiygñknwgrtuvekorblgepñkelakniticapasaggékøs edim IetsþBIkaryl dwgrbs GñkénRbvtþsaRsþ nigrdðapi:lshrdðgaemrik. ebigñkganç sresrç ßniyayPasaGg ekøs:ntictycbmput ßminecHPasaGg ekøsesah ß ebigñkmingacgan ßsresrCaPasakMeNItrbsǴñk GñkGaccab epþimer[bcmsmrab karrblgculsj atio:nqab bmput EdlGaceZVIeTA:n. smrab B&t(maneRcInEzmeT[tGMBIkarRbLgcUlsJ ati curemilcmbuk F nig G. edim IrkGg<kar myyedlgaccyygñker[bcmsmrab karrblg curemilcmbuk H. vizankarti 2: curgej IjeTAsMrabḱarNatĆYbpþitRmamédrbs Gñk BIrßbIExeRkayeBlEdlGñk:ndak Bakürbs GñkÇ USCIS nwgep\ilixitmkgñk CMrabGñkBIeBlevlanigTIkEnøgkarNat CYbopþit Rmamédrbs GñkEdl:ndak karnat CYb. karpþ itrmamédkwcatuetaezvienakariyal&y USCIS ~gmuldðan. curnamyklixitmkbi USCIS, b&nñblrdðgciérnþy b&nñébtg nigrkdasbakübenæméngtþsj anb&nñedlmanbitrubztrbs Gñk b&nñebikbrç lixit qøgednç ßGtþsJ anb&nñrdð. ebigñkmangayu 75 qñamßcas Cag enaebledlgñk:ndak Baküsu M GñkmincaM:c pþ itrmamédet. kariyal&y USCIS Rkug Seattle KWtaMgenAelx; Tukwila International Blvd., Tukwila, WA vizankarti 3: ep\iéksarbenæm ebi USCIS esñisu MÉksaTaMgenaH CYnkal USCIS GacesñIGñksMrab ykb&t(manbenæmet[t. ebi USCIS RtUvkarB&t(maneRcInEzmeT[t Gñknwg:nTTYllixit CMrabGñknUvB&t(manGVIEdlRtUvkar nigtikenøgnaedlrtuvep\ieta. 6

10 M vizankarti 4: rg camkarezvismöasn¾rbsǵñkedlrtuvdak karnat CaeRcInExeRkayeBlGñkRtuv:npþ itrmaméd Gñknwg:nTTYllixitmYy EdlCMrabGñk zaeblnanigtikenøgna karsmöasn¾rbs Gñk RtUvkMNt. ebigñkmingacezvienaézáenh:n GñkRtUvEtesñICalaylkSGkSredIm IeZVIkarbþÚrkareZVIsmÖasn¾. curezvier]genho:nqab bmputedlgacezvieta:n. enaeblézásmöasn¾rtuv:nkmnt Gñknwg:nTTYllixitmYyepSgeT[tenAtambüsþ smburt. karbþúr karnat CYbeZVIsmÖasn¾GacbEnæmCaeRcInExeT[tedIm IdMeNIrkarRkdasBakü. ebigñkmin:nttyllixitbi USCIS ry;eblr:mbirex erkayeblgñkdak Baküsu M GñkGacTak TgeTAEpñkesvaGtiziCnén USCIS tamelx smrab buk<lcmnyy CaPasaGg ekøsç curcucelx 1, 2, 4, 0. cmnam; USCIS «LÚvenHdak bj ÚnB&t(manBaküsuMeTARksYg FBI smrab EqkBIsnþisuxbEnæm Edl:nehAza EqkeQμaH. esþiretrkb kareqkeqμahkwrtuv:nbj b ena~gry;eblbirßbigatitü. etahbiyägna edaykrm kareqkeqμahgaccmnayeblyägyur CYnkalCaeRcInqñaM. krnienhgacbnþalomankarbnüaeblyägyurena~g dmenirkarbaküsu M. vizankarti 5: etaezvikarsmöasn¾rbs Gñk muneblezvismöasn¾rbs Gñk curganrkdasdak Bakürbs GñkeLIgvij edim IrMlwkxøÜnGñknUvGVIEdlGñk:nsresr. enaeblezvismöasn¾ GñknwgRtUveKsYrGMBIrUbGñkpÞal ehiynigbaküsu Mrbs Gñk. KWCakarsMxan Nas EdlGñkRtUvEtRtwmRtUveTAtamesckþIBitGMBIGVITaMgGs! karminniyaykarbit etahbicaer]genahtucbmputk*eday GacbNþaloBaküsu Mrbs GñkRtUv:nBnüaeBl ßbdiesZ. curcamza RtUveTAoTan emägsmrab karezvismöasn¾rbsǵñk. kariyal&y USCIS Rkug Seattle KWtaMgenAelx; Tukwila International Blvd., Tukwila, WA karrbman! ebigñkmingej IjeTAeZVIkarsmÖasn¾rbs Gñk niggñkmintak TgeTA USCIS CamuneT, T USCIS nwgbit smnu Mer]grbsǴñk. ebigñkmintak TgeTA USCIS ena~gry;eblmyyqñam edim IebIksMNu Mer]grbsǴñkeLIgvij Baküsu rbs GñknwgRtUvbdiesZCapøÚvkar ehiygñknwgrtuvcab epþimdmenirkardak BaküCazμIeLIgvij. enaeblezvismöasn¾rbs Gñk mrnþiénrksyg USCIS nwgezvietsþbismtæpabrbs GñkedIm IGanÇ sresrç nwgniyaypasagg ekøs ehiynigcmenhdwgrbsǵñkénrdðapi:lnigrbvtþisarsþ í ehazaelakniti. ebigñkminrblgcab GñkGacdak karnat CYbeZVI smöasn¾mþget[t. ebigñkminrblgcab eliktibir GñknwgRtUvcab epþimdmenirkardak Baküsu MeLIgvij. cabépþimbiézáti 1 ExtulaqñaM 2008, RksYgpþlésvacUlsJ atishrdðgaemrikniggenþarbevsn¾ (USCIS) nwgcab epþim erbikarrblgculsj atizμi. etikarekerbsmnyrrblgzμinagñknwgrtuvezvikarrblg/ karrblgbc úb nñ karezvismöasn¾rbsǵñkkwmunézáti 1 ExtulaqñaM 2008 erciseris Gñk:ndak BaküenAmunézáTI 1 ExtulaqñaM 2008, büenþrtuvezvismöasn¾enacenøahézáti 1 ExtulaqñaM 2008 nigézáti 1Ex tulaqñam 2009 karrblgzμi Gñk:ndak BaküeRkayézáTI 1 ExtulaqñaM 2008 ßkareZVIsmÖasn¾rbs GñkKWenAeRkayézáTI 1 ExtulaqñaM 2009 vizankarti 6: TTYlesckþIsMercmYy erkaykarezvismöasn¾rbs Gñk Gñknwg:nTTYllTÆplénkarRbLgrbs Gñk. kardak Baküsu McUlsJ atirbs GñknwgRtUv:nyl RBmÇ RtUvbnþÇ ßRtUvbdiesZenAeBlEdlGñkkMBugenAkariyal&y USCIS enaeliy. vizankarti 7: sc arbnizan GñkeTACasJ atigaemrikyägqab bmputenaebledlgñkezvisc arbnizancmebahshrdðgaemrikenaeblezvibiziculsj ati. enakenøgxøh GñkGaceRCIserIsedIm IeZVIsc arbnizanenaézácamyynwgézáedlgñkezvismöasn¾rbs Gñk. ebicmerisenahbummanet ßebIGñkcUlcitþBIZIeZVI sc aenaézáerkay, USCIS nwgep\ilixitmkgñkcamyynwgézáç emägeblnigtikenøgezvibizismbzedlgñkgacrtuvgej IjeTA. 7

11 M 1. etidmenirkarculsj aticmnayeblyurbünμan/ CMBUk E: smnyrnanaedl:nsyrcajwkjab KWmankarpøas bþúrxuskña büenþtammzümpakena~grdð Washington KWcMNayeBlBIR:MmYyeTAR:MbIEx cab tamgbiebldak Baküsu rhutdl ézáculsj ati. 2. eti`dwgbisæanpabénbaküsu McUlsJ atirbs `edayreb[bna/ GñkGacEqkBIsæanPaBénBaküsu McUlsJ atirbs Gñk edayetaemilviubés ßedayTUrs&BÞeTAEpñkesvaGtiziCnén USCIS tamelx smrab buk<lcmnyycapasagg ekøsç curcucelx 1, 2, 4, 0. Gñkk*GacGeJ IjeTA kariyal&ymuldðanén USCIS edaypþal. GñkGacdak karnat CYbtamviubés :nedr. kariyal&y USCIS Rkug Seattle KWtaMgenAelx; Tukwila International Blvd., Tukwila, WA eti`ezviyägna ebigas&ydðanrbs `bþúrenaerkayebl`dak Baküsu M/ KWCakarsMxan NasEdl USCIS mangas&ydðanbc úb nñrbsǵñk. ebibykekminmangas&ydðanbc úb nñrbs GñkeT GñkRbEhlCa min:nttylb&t(mansmxanét. ótahrn¾ USCIS nwgmingacpþl dmnwgdl GñkGMBIézánigemägeBlénkarsmÖasn¾cUlsJ atirbs GñkeT. er[gral ebledlgñkbþúrlmena GñkRtUvtMrUvedayc ab edim ICMrabeTA USCIS nuvgas&ydðanzμirbs Gñk. ebigñkbþúrlmena erkayebledlgñkdak Baküsu MRkdasTRmg N-400, curturs&bþetaepñkesvagtizicnén USCIS tamelx smrab buk<lcmnyycapasagg ekøsç curcucelx 1, 2, 4, 0. Gñkk*RtUvdak Baküsu MsMrab karbþúrgas&ydðan~gb&nñ Alien, Edr RkdasTRmg AR-11. GñkRtUvdak Baküsu MTRmg AR-11 ena~gry;ebl 10 ézáénkarbþúrlmenarbs Gñk. 4. etirtuvcmnayr:k bünμanedim Idak Baküsu M/ tmélsrubtamggs KW $675 (tmélqñülkardak Bakü $595 nigtmélqñülkarpþ itrmaméd $80). Gñkdak Baküsu MTaMgGs EdlmanGayu 75 qñam ßcas Cag KWminRtUvpþ itrmaméd nigmintarqñülsmrab pþitrmamédedr. Gñkdak Baküsu MTaMgGs GacRtUvEqkemIlenA~gviuubés smrab dwgbitémøqñülnigrkdasbaküeblzμi>bmputmunebldak Baküsu M. témøqñülpøas bþúrnigrkdasbakügacrtuv hyseblevlaerbi. 5. etiyägna ebì mingacbg tmélkardak Baküsu M:n/ ebigñkmingacbg ézøqñülbaküsu M:n GñkGacesñIza témøqñülrtuvelikelg. etahbiyägnak*eday GñkRtUvEtbgØajPsþútagén GsmtæPaBbg ézøqñülrbs Gñk. edim Idak Baküsu MsMrab oelikelgtémøqñülgñkrtuvet; sresrlixitedlmancuhhtæelxanigcuhexézá ehiynigrymbj ÚlesckþIEzøg; `sumrbkasenaerkametasbj tþiénkarputkuhk zabaküsmdixagmuxenhkwbitnigrtwmrtuv. esñisu MsMrab karelikelgtémøqñüledaycak c as nigezøgbimulehtu zaehtugvigñkmingacbg témøkardak Bakü:n. rymbj ÚlPsþútagza GñkminGacbg :n RkdascmøgénEsk SSI nig TANF rbs Gñk). smenisumelikelgtémøqñülrtuvetep\icamyynwgrkdasbaküsu Mrbs Gñk. dak smenirbs Gñk~geRsamsMbuRtmYyepSgeT[t nigsresr enaxagerkaénersamsmburtcagksrzm> smenisumelikelgtémøqñül. ebismenirbs GñkRtUv:nbdiesZ kj bŕkdasbakütamgrsug nwgrtuvep\irtlb etagñkvij ehiygñknwgrtuvcab epþimsmenidak Baküsu MeLIgvijCazμI edaydak Baküsu MCazμIrbs GñkCamYytémøQñÜleday RtwmRtUv. edim IdwgBIsMeNIelIkElgtémøQñÜlCaeRcIneT[t cureta ßTak TgeTAGg<karEdlCYy~g karculsj atiena~gcmbuk H. 6. etikarkmbugttylr:k Ev lehvr ßTTYlCMnYy SSI ezviobḧbal dl karculsj atirbs `ßeT/ et. CMnYysaZarN;mankarbḦBal dl karculsj ati ebisincamankarrkexijzagñk:nttylvatamkarlycbnømbüenñah. 8

12 7. etigvicakarrbzuyerkahzñak énkardak BaküsMrab culsj ati / etahbicagñkmanb&nñébtg GñknwgRbzuynwgkarnireTs ebisincamankrniducxagerkamenhnamyybit; ebledlgñk:nculshrdðgaemrikcugerkay Gñkmin:nRtUveKGnuJ atet. GñkRtUv:neKkat etasbibtórkidðkmμbitr:kd. GñkRtUv:neTARbeTseRkABIshrdðGs ry;eblyägyur. Gñk:nCYyCnNamYyocUlmkshrdðGaemrikedayxusc ab Ç ß Gñk:nlYcbnøMnUvesckþIEzøgedIm Io:nTTYlCMnYysaZarN; ßCMnYyEpñkGenþaRbevsn¾. ebikrnixagelienhnamyykwbitsmrabǵñk KWCakarsMxanÉdlGñkRtUvmanCMnYyBICnEdldwgBIkarcUlsJ atimuneblgñkdak Baküsu M. smrab B&t(maneRcInEzmeT[tGMBIemZavIEpñkGenþaRbevsn¾ curmilcmbuk C. smrab B&t(maneRcInEzmeT[tGMBIGg<karEdlGacCYy~ger]g culsj ati curmilcmbuk H. ebigñketacablrdðshrdðgaemrik Gñkk*GaclaElgsJ atibirsukkmenitrbs Gñk:nEdr. 8. eti`rtuvetechpasagg ekøsyägsþat CMnajß/ GñkmincaM:c echpasagg ekøsedaysþatćmnajet büenþgñkrtuvetdwgbikarsnþnapasagg ekøs. enaokasezvismöasn¾rbs Gñk GñkRtUv EtGaceqøIynUvsMnYrGMBIBaküsu Mrbs GñkCaPasaGg ekøs nigeqøiysmnyrelaknitishrdðgaemrik RbvtþisaRsþnigrdðaPi:l CaPasa Gg ekøs. ebigñkmangayu 50 qñam nigmanb&nñébtgrbs Gñkry;eBl 20 qñam ßGñkmanGayu 55 qñam nigmanb&nñébtgrbs Gñk ry;ebl 15 qñam GñkGacRbLgcUlsJ aticapasakmenitrbsǵñk. GñkKYrnaMGñkbkERbPasamñak enaeblezvismöasn¾rbs Gñk. GñkbkERbPasaminGacCasmaCikRKYsar. Gñkk*enAEtRbLgelakniti büenþcapasakmenitrbsǵñk. 9. etib&t(mangviedlnwgrtuvbj ÚleTA~gkarRbLgcUlsJ ati/ GñkRtUvEtecHGanÇ echsresr nigechniyay~gkarsnþnacapasagg ekøs. Gñkk*RtUvdwgGMBIRbvtþ isarsþnigrdðapi:lshrdðgaemrik EdlehAzaelakniti. CMnajkarEpñkPasaGg ekøsrbs GñknwgRtUveZVIetsþenA~greb[bxageRkamenH; kargan GñknwgRtUv:neKesñIoGanXøaCaPasaGg ekøs. GñknwgRtUveKpþl ltæpabcunbidg. GñkRtUvEtmancemøIy RtUvmYy. karsresr GñknwgRtUv:neKesñIosresrXøaCaPasaGg ekøs. GñknwgRtUveKpþl ltæpabcunbidg. GñkRtUvEtmancemøIy tuvmyy. karniyay mrnþién USCIS nwgezvietsþbiltæpabkarniyaypasagg ekøsrbs Gñk enaeblgñkeqøiysmnyrnanagmbixøüngñk pþal nigbaküsumculsj atirbs GñkenAOkaseZVIsmÖasn¾rbs Gñk. Gñkk*nwgRtUveKesñIoeqøIyedaypÞal mat nuvsmnyrelaknitimyycmnyn edim IeZVIetsþkaryl dwgénelaknitishrdðgaemrik RbvtþisaRsþ nigrdðapi:l. KWnwgman 10 smnyr. edim IRbLgCab GñkRtUvEtmansMNYreqøIyRtUvcMnYnR:MmYy~gcMeNamsMNYrTaMg 10. ebigñkmangayuyägtic 65 qñam nigcablrdðrs enacagciérnþy¾edayrsbc ab CnEdlmanb&NÑébtg smrab yägticcmnyn 20 qñam, GñkGacsikSacMnYnbnæyénsMNYr. smnyrkmrusmrab kmenerbeblbc úb nñnigeblzμiénkarrblg edayrymtamgkarrblgsmrab RbCaCn EdlmanGayu 65 nigcas CagEdlmanenA~gCMBUk F. XøaKMrUnigBaküGk ranurkmgacrtuvexijmanena~gcmbuk G. Gg<karmUldðanCaeRcInGacCYyGñksMrab er[bcmkarrblg. curemilgg<karesvakmñculsj ati EdlmanrayeQμaHenA~gCMBUk H. 10. eti`gacrblgculsj ati enamuneblezvismöasn¾culsj atirbs `:nßet/ et. karrblggacrtuvezvienaeblezvismöasn¾culsj atietbüenñah/ 11. etiyägna ebì RbLgcUlsJ atizøak / ebigñkrblgmincabénaeblezvismöasn¾elikdmbugrbs Gñk GñknwgRtUveKpþl OkaselIkTIBIredIm IRbLg edayzmμtaena~grvag ézá. GñkmincaM:c dak Baküsu MCazμIeLIy. GñknwgRtUv:nTTYllixittambüsþ smburt edayr:b GñkGMBIézá emägebl nigtikenøgezvi karrblg. ebigñkrblgzøak CazμImþgeT[t Baküsu Mrbs GñknwgRtUvbdiesZ. ehtuduecñhk*eday GñkGacdak Baküsu MCazμIeLIgvij enaeblgñker[nechpasagg ekøsßelaknitilμmrkb RKan edim IRbLgCab TaMgBIryäg. cmnam; ebigñkrblgzøak curesñisu MRkdas TRmg N-652, Edlpþl ogñknuvb&t(mangmbiltæplénkarrblgrbs Gñk. 9

13 12. eti`gacrtuvekorycputbikarrblgculsj atißet/ RbCaCnxøHmincaM:c RbLgCaPasaGg ekøsnigelaknitiet BIeRBaHétBikarPaBénragkay ßpøÚvcitþ EdlraraMgBYkeKminoer[nsURt:n. BYkeKnwgRtUvcUlrYmeZVIsmÖasn¾rbs BYkeK. edim Isu MomankarelIkElg GñkRtUvEdldak BaküsMrab PaBBIkarBiess TRmg N- 648). KWCakarBi:kNas edim TTYlPaBBikarBiess. ebigñkec]zagñkmanlk Nsm tþ ismrab BikarPaBBiess GñkKYrTak TgGg<kar myy EdldwgBIreb[bdak Baküsu MsMrab TRmg N-648. GñkGacrkbJ IeQμaHénemZavIGenþaRbevsn¾enA~gCMBUk C nigbj IeQμaHén Gg<karEdlGacCYykarcUlsJ ati ena~gcmbuk H. smrab B&t(maneRcInEzmeT[tcMeBaHer]gBikarPaBBiess curemilsmnyr eti`gacrblgculsj ati icapasakmenitrbs `:nßet/ ebigñkmangayuyägtic 55 qñam nigcablrdðedlrsénacagciérnþy edayrsbc ab Gñkmanb&NÑébtg smrab yägticnas 15 qñam, ßebIGñkmanGayuyägticNas 50 qñam nigcablrdðedlrsénacagciérnþy edayrsbc ab smrab yägticnas 20 qñam, GñkmincaM:c niyaypasagg ekøsetenaeblezvismöasn¾. GñkRtUvnaMGñkbkERbPasamñak enaeblgñkezvismöasn¾. GñkbkERbPasaminGacCa smacikrkysaret. GñkenAEtRtUvRbLgEpñkelakniti büenþena~gpasakmenitrbsǵñk. 14. etiyägna ebì manpabbikar/ USCIS GacCYyRbCaCnEdlmanPaBBikarenA~gmeZüa:ynanadUcxageRkamenH; karsrmbsrmyl - USCIS GnuJ atsmrab RbePTxus>Kñaén karsrmbsrmyl (CMnYy). enaeblgñkdak BaküTRmg N-400 rbs Gñk GñkRtUvEtbJ ak za etirbeptcmnyygviedlgñkrtuvkar. USCIS GacCYyeday; GnuJ atogñkerbigñkbkerbpasasj a ebigñkzøg Ç benæmemägrblg edim IeqøIynwgsMNYrelakniti RbvtþisaRsþnigrdðaPi:l Ç GnuJ atogñkrblg~gpasakmenitrbsǵñk ebigñkcybnwgkartmruvcak c as curemilsmnyr 13), pþl karezvismöasn¾~gbnþb EdlGacoekAGImankg ecjcul:nç nig CMnYyepSgeT[tmin:nbJ ak enatienh. curtak Tg USCIS EpñkesvaGtiziCn tamelx smrab B&t(maneRcInEzmeT[tGMBIkarsRmbsRmYl. smrab buk<lcmnyycapasagg ekøsç curcucelx 1, 2, 4, 0. muldðanpabbikarbiess (TRmg N-648) ebigñkmanpabbikaredkraramggñkminoer[nsurt GñkGacsuMzakarRbLgPasaGg ekøs nigelaknitiedltmruvenahrtuvelikelgecal. GñkRtUvEteTAcUlrYmeZVIsmÖasn¾rbs Gñk. edim ITTYlmUldðanPaBBikarBiess GñkRtUv EtmanevC bnðitbmebjrkdastrmg N-648. muldðanpabbikarbiesskwbi:kxøamgnas edim ITTYl! RbCaCnEdl:nelIkElg karrblgsmrab PaBBikar duccakardac srésqam~gxyrk alç PaBvibløastk søútek[bsg,tṕøúvcitþbimunç nigcmáw Alzheimer CmáW:t bg karcgcam. GñkßevC bnðitrbs GñkKYrsu MOvaTBIemZavI curemilcmbuk C) ßGg<karmYyEdlZøab dwgbier]gculsj ati edim IoTRmg BaküRtUv:nbMeBjRtwmRtUvnwgcb sbvrkb curemilcmbuk H). curep\itrmg Bakü N-648 eta USCIS CamYynwgTRmg N-400 enaeblgñkdak BakücUlsJ ati. 15. etiyägna ebì mancmnasćas / karsrmbsrmylbiessenaxagerkamenhkwgacmansmrab CnEdlmancMNas cas ; PasaGg ekøs ebigñkmangayu 50 qñam nigmanb&nñébtgrbs Gñkry;eBl 20 qñam ßmanGayu 55 qñam nigmanb&nñébtg rbs Gñkry;eBl 15 qñam GñkGacRbLgcUlsJ aticapasakmenitrbsǵñk. kmenerbkarrblg ebigñkmangayuyägtic 65 qñam nigmanb&nñébtgry;ebl 20 qñam GñkGacsikSabcMnYnbnæyénsMNYr. karpþ Gñkk*mincaM:c bg QñÜlkarpþ itrmaméd $80 et. itrmaméd - ebigñkmangayuyägtic 75 qñam enaeblgñk:ndak Bakü GñkmincaM:c pþ 16.ebIBaküsu Mrbs `:nyl RBm etienaeblna`etacablrdðgaemrik/ itrmamédet. enhmann&yza GñknwgeTACaGñk:ncUlsJ atiyägqab enaeblgñksc arbnizancmebahshrdðgaemrikenaeblezvibizisc a. enakenøgxøh GñkGac erciserisezvisj arbnizanenaézácamyykñanwgézáezvismöasn¾rbsǵñk. ebicmerisenhbu MGacmaneT ßebIGñkcg :nkarezvibizisc aenaézá erkayvij USCIS nwgep\ismburtedlmanézáexç eblemäg nigtikenøgénbizisc aedlgñkgacetaculrym. 10

14 17. etikun`tamggs nwgetacablrdðsj atigaemrikßet ienaebl`:nculsj atiehiy/ ~gqñam 2001, c ab :ngnum&tza RtUvpþl karculsj atiedaysv&yrbvtþidl kuntamggs EdlminTan er[bkarmangayuenaerkam 18 enaeblóbukßmþayculsj ati enaebledlkuntamggs manb&nñébtgnigóbukßmþaycagñkganabüa:lrsbc ab. GñkGaNa Büa:lRsbc ab mann&yza GaC\aZrCaGñkeZVIkarsMercGMBIsuxumalPaBrbs kungñk. GaNaBüa:lEpñkragkaymann&yza kunrbs GñkedkenApÞHrbs GñkesÞIrEtRKb ebltamggs. ebigñk:nculsj atimunc ab zμienh kuntamggs EdlminTan er[bkaredlman GayuenAeRkam 18 qñam RtUv:ncUlsJ atishrdðgaemrikenaézáedlc ab cab erbi; ézáti 27 ExkumÖ;qñaM ÓBukmþayGacTTYl PsþútagénkarcUlsJ ati rbs kunbykekedaydak BaküTRmg N-600 ßdak Baküsu MeZVIlixitqøgEdnshrdðGaemrik. 18. eti`gacezviyägna ebi USCIS bdieszbaküsu Mrbs `/ GñkGacesñIsu MeZVIóTÆrN¾CamYynigmRnþIEpñkGenþaRbevsn¾. lixitbdieszrbs GñknwgBnül BIreb[beZVIsvnakar ehiynwgmandak bj Úl TaMgTRmg RkdasEdlGñkRtUvkarpgEdr. esþiretrkb krnitamggs GñkGacdak BaküCazMIμeLIgvijsMrab culsj ati. edim Idak BaküCazμIeLIgvij GñkRtUvEtbMeBjnigepI\Rkdas BaküzμIeTAeK ehiynigbg ézøqñülcazμimþget[t. Gñkk*RtUvmanpþ itrmamédrbs GñkehIynigztrUbCazμIeLIgvijEdr. ebigñkrtuv:n bdiesz BIeRBaHEtRbLgZøak PasaGg ekøsnigelakniti RbvtþisaRsþnigrdðaPi:l BIrdg GñkGacdak BaküCazμIo:nqab bmput enaeblnaedlgñkcg. GñkKYrdak Baküsu MCazμIenAeBlNaEdlGñkeC]zarUbGñk:ner[necHGacRbLgCab TaMgBIrmux EpñkPasa Gg ekøsnigelaknitiehiy. 11

15 CMBUk F: smöar;siksananasmrabḱarrblgelakniti Rbvtþ isarsþnigrdðapi:l cabépþimbiézáti 1 ExtulaqñaM 2008, RksYgpþl esvaculsj atishrdðgaemrikniggenþarbevsn¾ nwgcab epþimerbimuxvic arblgculsj atizμi. etimuxvic aekerbnaedlgñknigrblg/ (USCIS) muxvic arblgbc úb nñ GñkRtUvEtúeRCIserIs muxvic arblgzμi karezvismöasn¾rbsǵñkkwenamun ézáti 1 ExtulaqñaM 2008 Gñkdak Baküsu MenAmunézáTI 1ExtulaqñaM 2008, büenþrtuvezvismöasn¾enacenøahebl rvag ézáti 1ExtulaqñaM 2008 nigézáti 1ExtulaqñaM 2009 Gñk:ndak Baküsu MeRkay ézáti 1ExtulaqñaM 2008 GñkeZVIsmÖasn¾KWeRkay ézáti 1ExtulaqñaM 2009 GñknwgRtUvEtecHGanÇ sresrnigniyay~gkarsnþnapasaggékøs. Gñkk*RtUvEtdwgGMBIRbvtþ isarsþnigrdðapi:lshrdðgaemrik EdlehAzaelakniti. CMnajkarEpñkPasaGg ekøsrbs GñknwgRtUveZVIetsþtamreb[bdUcxageRkamenH; kargan GñknwgRtUv:neKesñIoGanXøaCaPasaGg ekøs. GñknwgRtUveKpþl ltæpabcunbidg. GñkRtUvEtmancemøIyRtUvmYy. karsresr GñknwgRtUv:neKesñIosresrXøaCaPasaGg ekøs. GñknwgRtUveKpþl ltæpabcunbidg. GñkRtUvEtmancemøIy RtUvmYy. karniyay mrnþién USCIS nwgezvietsþbiltæpabkarniyaypasagg ekøsrbs Gñk enaeblgñkeqøiysmnyrnanagmbixøüngñkpþal nigbaküsu McUlsJ atirbs GñkenAOkaseZVIsmÖasn¾rbsǴñk. Gñkk*nwgRtUveKesñIoeqøIyedaypÞal mat nuvsmnyrelaknitimyycmnyn edim IeZVIetsþkaryl dwgbirbvtþ isarsþnigrdðapi:lshrdðgaemrik rbs Gñk. KWnwgmansMNYr 10. edim IRbLgCab GñkRtUvEteqøIyRtUvsMNYrcMnYnR:MmYy~gcMeNamsMNYrTaMg 10. ebigñkmangayuyägtic 65 qñam nigcablrdðrs enacagciérnþy¾edayrsbc ab CnEdlmanb&NÑébtg smrab yägticcmnyn 20 qñam, GñkGacsikSacMnYnbnæyénsMNYr. enaxagerkamenhkwcakmruénsmnyrnana EdlGñkGacRtUveKsYrenAeBlkareZVIsmÖasn¾cUlsJ atirbs Gñk. smnyrkmrunanasmrab muxvic arblg bc úb nñ KWRtUv:ncuHrayEpñkdMbUg EdlbnþeTAeT[tedaymansMNYrKMrUnanasMrab muxvic arblgzμi. STUDY QUESTIONS FOR THE CURRENT NATURALIZATION EXAM smnyrsiksananasmrabḱarrblgculsj atieblbc úb nñ QUESTIONS ANSWERS smnyr cemøiy 1. What are the colors of our flag? Red, white and blue 1. etitg Catirbs GñkmanBN(GVI/ RkhmÇ s nigex[v 2. How many stars are there in our flag? manp,aycmnynbünμanena~gtg Catirbs Gñk/ What color are the stars on our flag? White 3. etip,ayenaelitg Catirbs GñkmanBN(GVI/ s 4. What do the stars on the flag mean? One for each state in the union 4. etip,ayenaelitg Catirbs Gñkmann&yyägNa/ tmnagrdðnimyy>ena~gshpab 5. How many stripes are there in the flag? etimanqñútbünμanena~gtg Cati What color are the stripes? Red and white 6. etiqñúttamggs manbn(gvi/ Rkhmnigs 7. How many states are there in the union? etimanrdðbünμanena~gshpab/ 50 12

16 QUESTIONS ANSWERS smnyr cemøiy 8. What is the 4th of July? Independence Day 8. etiézáti 4 énexkk,dacaexgvi/ ézábunüékracü 9. What is the date of Independence Day? July 4th 9. etibunüékracüezvienaézána/ ézáti 4 Exkk,da 10. Independence from whom? England 10. :nékracübicncatina/ Gg ekøs 11. What country did we fight during the Revolutionary England War? 11. etieyig:nc amgcamyynwgrbetsnaenaeblsrg<ambdivtþ/ Gg ekøs 12. Who was the first President of the United States? George Washington 12. etigñknacarbzanazibtieliktimyyénshrdðgaemrik/ George Washington Ccva siunetan 13. Who is the President of the United States today? George W. Bush (2007) 13. etigñknacarbzanazibtiénshrdðgaemriksbvézáenh/ George W. Bush (2007) Cc dabéblyu b) Us -qñam Who is the Vice President of the United States today? Dick Cheney (2007) 14. etigñknacagnurbzanazibtiénshrdðgaemriksbvézáenh/ Dick Cheney (2007) Dik eqni qñam Who elects the President of the United States? Electoral College 15. etigñknaerciserisrbzanazibtiénshrdðgaemrik/ KN;Gñke:Heqñat tmnaggñke:heqñatedim Ie:HeqñatRbZanaZibtI 16. Who becomes President of the United States if the Vice President President should die? 16. etigñknanwgetacarbzanazibtiénshrdðgaemrik ebirbzana GnuRbZanaZibtI ZibtITTYlmrN;PaB/ 17. For how long do we elect the President? 4 years 17. etiry;eblbünμanedleyigerciserisrbzanazibti/ 4 qñam 18. What is the Constitution? The supreme law of the land 18. etigviehazac ab rdðzmμnuj / c ab kmbulénnkr 19. Can the Constitution be changed? Yes 19. etic ab rdðzmμnuj Gacpøas bþúr:nßet/ :Tßca@ 20. What do we call a change to the Constitution? Amendment 20. etieyigehakarpøas bþúrc ab rdðzmμnuj CaGVI/ viesaznkmμ karekerbena~gc ab Edl:nGnum&trYcehIy 21. How many changes or amendments are there to the 27 U.S. Constitution? 21. etimanc ab EkERb ßviesaZnkmμcMnYnbünμanenA~gc ab rdðzmμnuj énshrdðgaemrik/ 22. How many branches are there in our government? etimansaxabünμanena~grdðapi:lrbs eyig/ What are the 3 branches of government? Legislative, Executive and Judiciary 23. etisaxatamg 3 énrdðapi:lmangvixøh/ nitibj tþiç nitirbtibtþi nigtulakar 24. What is the legislative branch of our government? Congress 24. etigviehazasaxanitibj tþiénrdðapi:lrbs eyig/ shspa 25. Who makes the laws in the United States? Congress 25. etigñknacagñkezvic ab enashrdðgaemrik/ shspa 26. What is Congress? The Senate and the House of Representatives 26. etishspacagvi/ RBwtþsPa nigspatmnagrarsþ 27. What are the duties of Congress? To make laws 27. etishspamanmuxgarezvigvi/ EtgtaMgc ab 28. Who elects Congress? The people 28. etigñknacagñkerciserisshspa/ RbCaCnTaMgGs 29. How many senators are there in Congress? etimansmacikrbwtþspabünμannakéna~gshspa/

17 QUESTIONS ANSWERS smnyr cemøiy 30. Can you name the 2 senators from your state? Patty Murray & Maria Cantwell (Washington state ) 30. etigñkgacr:b eqμahsmacikrbwtþspa 2 nak ena~grdðrbs Gñk Patty Murray & Maria Cantwell (rdðva siunetan-qñam 2007) :nßet/ 31. For how long do we elect each senator? 6 years 31. etieyigerciserissmacikrbwtþspamñak >ry;eblbünμanqñam/ 6 qñam 32. How many representatives are there in Congress? etimantmnagrarsþbünμannakéna~gshspa/ For how long do we elect the representatives? 2 years 33. etieyigerciseristmnagrarsþry;eblbünμanqñam/ 2 qñam 34. What is the executive branch of our government? The President, the Cabinet, and the departments that each cabinet member overseas 34. etigviehazasaxanitirbtibtþiénrdðapi:lrbs eyig/ RbZanaZibtIÇ KN;rdðmRnþIÇ nigrksygnanaedlmansmacik KN;rdðmRnþIenAbreTs 35. What is the judiciary branch of our government? The Supreme Court 35. etigviehazasaxatulakarénrdðapi:lrbs eyig/ tulakarkmbul 36. What are the duties of the Supreme Court? To interpret laws 36. etitulakarkmbulmanmuxgarezvigvixøh/ bkrsayc ab nana 37. What is the supreme law of the United States? The Constitution 37. etigvicac ab kmbulrbs shrdðgaemrik/ rdðzmμnuj 38. What is the Bill of Rights? The first 10 Amendments of the Constitution 38. etigvicaesckþirbkassitæiéktþcn/ c ab viesaznkmμ 10 dmbugénrdðzmμnuj 39. What is the capital of your state? Olympia (Washington state) 39. rdðzaniénrdðrbs GñkeQμaHGVI/ Olympia (rdðva siunetan) 40. Who is the current Governor of your state? Christine Gregoire (Washington state ) 40. etigñknacagpi:lrdðénrdðrbs Gñk/ Christine Gregoire (rdðva siunetan qñam 2007) 41. Who becomes President of the United States if the Speaker of the House of Representatives President and the Vice President should die? 41. etigñknanwgetacarbzanazibtiénshrdðgaemrik ebi RbZanaZibtInigGnuRbZanaZibtiTTYlmrN;PaB/ RbZansPatMNagraRsþ 42. Who is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court? John Roberts (2007) 42. etigñknacarbzantulakaréntulakarkmbul/ John Roberts (qñam 2007) 43. Can you name the 13 original states? Connecticut, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Rhode Island, Maryland 43. etigñkgacoeqμahrdðtamg 13 edimdmbug:nßet/ Connecticut, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Rhode Island, Maryland 44. Who said, Give me liberty or give me death? Patrick Henry 44. etigñkna:nniyayza, oesripabmk`ßoesckþisøab mk`? Patrick Henry 45. Which countries were our enemies during World War Germany, Italy and Japan II? 45. etirbetsnaxøhcasrtuvrbs eyigenaebls g<amelakeliti II? Germany, Italy nig Japan 46. What are the 49th and 50th states of the union? Hawaii and Alaska 46. etirdðnacardðti 49 nigti 50 énshpab/ Hawaii nig Alaska 47. How many terms can a president serve? etiry;eblbünμangntþi RbZanaZibtiþRtUvbMerI/ Who was Martin Luther King Jr.? A civil rights leader 48. etigñknaca Martin Luther King Jr.? GñkdwknaMsiTÆiBlrdð 14

18 QUESTIONS ANSWERS smnyr cemøiy 49. Who is the head of your local government? Greg Nickels (mayor of Seattle ) 49. etigñknacarbzanénrdðapi:lena~gmuldðan/ Greg Nickels (ecahvayrkug Seattle qñam 2007) 50. According to the Constitution, a person must meet certain requirements in order to become president. Name one of these requirements. Must be a natural born citizen of the United States, must be at least 35 years old by the time s/he will serve, must have lived in the United States for at least 14 years 50. edayeyaltamc ab rdðzmμnuj CnmñakŔtUvEtCYbtam kartmruvbitr:kd edim IeZVICaRbZanaZibtI. curoeqμahmyy énkartmruvmyyénkartmruvtamgenh. 51. Why are there 100 senators in the Senate? 2 from each state in the union 51. ehtuducemþc:ncartuvmansmacikrbwtþspacmnyn 100 nak ena~grbwtþspa/ RtUvEtmankMeNItCaBlrdðénshrdðGaemrikÇ RtUvEtmanGayu yägtic 35 qñam enaebleknwgbmericarbzanazibtiç RtUvEt:nrs ena~gshrdðgaemrikyägticnas 14 qñam 2 nak mkbirdðnimyy>ena~gshpab 52. Who selects the Supreme Court Justices? They are appointed by the President 52. etigñknaercistamgrkumrbwksatulakarkmbul/ BYkeKRtUv:ncat tamgedayrbzanazibti 53. How many Supreme Court Justices are there? etimanrkumrbwksatulakarkmbulbünμannak / Why did the pilgrims come to America? For religious freedom 54. ehtuducemþc:ncabykzmμyartamkgaemrikamg/ edim IesrIPaBsasna 55. What is the head executive of a state government Governor called? 55. etirbzandwknamepñkrbtibtiþrdðapi:lénrdðehaducemþc/ GPi:lrdð 56. What is the head executive of the city government Mayor called? 56. etirbzandwknaepñkrbtibtiþrdðapi:lénrkugehaducemþc/ ecahvayrkug 57. What holiday was celebrated for the first time by the Thanksgiving American colonists? 57. etibizibunügviedl:nr:rbveligsmrab eliktimyyeday bunügmnrkunénrbh GaNaniKmGaemrikaMg/ 58. Who was the main writer of the Declaration of Thomas Jefferson Independence? 58. etigñknacagñksresresckþirbkasénkarékracü/ Thomas Jefferson 59. When was the Declaration of Independence adopted? July 4, etiesckþirbkasénkarékracü:nsmercykenaézána/ ézáti 4 Exkk,daqñaM What is the basic belief of the Declaration of That all men are created equal Independence? 60. etigvicamuldðancmen]eliesckþirbkasénkarékracü/ KWRKbḿnusSTaMgGs :nekitmkmansitæiesμi>kña 61. What is the national anthem of the United States? The Star-Spangled Banner 61. etigvikwcaepøgcatiénshrdðgaemrik/ The Star-Spangled Banner epøgekarbtg Cati 62. Who wrote the Star Spangled Banner? Francis Scott Key 62. GñkNaCaGñksresrbTkMNaBü Star Spangled Banner? Francis Scott Key 63. Where does freedom of speech come from? The Bill of Rights 63. etiesripab~gkarniyayecjmkbitina/ esckþirbkassitæiéktþcn 64. What is the minimum voting age in the United States? etigayuticbmputbünμan EdlGace:Heqñat:nenA~g 18 shrdðgaemrik/ 65. Who signs a bill into law? The President 65. etigñknacagñkcuhhtæelxaeliesckþirbagc ab / RbZanaZibtI 66. What is the highest court in the United States? The Supreme Court 66. etitulakarcan x s énshrdðgaemrikehazagvi/ tulakarkmbul 15

19 QUESTIONS ANSWERS smnyr cemøiy 67. Who was the president during the Civil War? Abraham Lincoln 67. etigñknacarbzanazibtienaeblsrg<amsiuvil/ Abraham Lincoln 68. What did the Emancipation Proclamation do? Freed many slaves 68. etiesckþirbkasénpabecjputbiganabüa:lezvigvixøh/ pþl esripabetaotasicaercin 69. What special group advises the President? The Cabinet 69. etirkumbiessgviedlpþl OvaTdl RbZanaZibtI/ KN;rdðmRnþI 70. Which president is called the father of our country? George Washington 70. etirbzanazibtinaedl:nehazacabitaénrbetseyig/ George Washington 71. What U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service form Form N-400 Application to File Petition for is used to apply to become a naturalized citizen? Naturalization 71. etitrmg RkdasBakürbs RksYgcUlsJ ati niggenþarbevsn¾ TRmg N-400 BaküsMrab bþwgsumuculsj ati NamYy EdlRtUv:neRbIedIm Idak Baküsu MsMrab culsj ati/ 72. Who helped the pilgrims in America? The American Indians (Native Americans) 72. GñkNaCaGñkCYyBYkZmμyaRtaenA~gGaemrik/ CnCatiGaemrikaMg«NÐan CatiedimGaemrikaMg 73. What is the name of the ship that brought the pilgrims The Mayflower to America? 73. etismebaeqμahgviedl:nnambykzmμyartamkgaemrik/ The Mayflower 74. What were the 13 original states of the US called? Colonies 74. etirdðtamg 13 edimdmbugénshrdðgaemrikehazagvi/ GaNaniKm 75. Name 3 rights or freedoms guaranteed by the Bill of a) the right of freedom of speech, press, religion, peaceable Rights. assembly and requesting change of government; b) the right to bear arms (have weapons or own a gun, though to certain regulations); c) the government may not quarter (house) soldiers in the people's homes during peacetime without the people's consent; d) the government may not search or take a person's property without a warrant; e) a person may not be tried twice for the same crime and does not have to testify against himself; f) a person charged with a crime still has some rights, such as the right to a trial and to have a lawyer; g) the right to trial by jury in most cases; h) protects people against excessive or unreasonable fines or cruel and unusual punishment; i) the people have rights other than mentioned in the Constitution; j) any power not given to the Federal Government by the Constitution is a power of either the state 75. curoeqμahsitæißesripab 3 EdlZanaedayesckþIRbkas sitæiéktþcn. or the people. a) sitiæénesripab~gkarniyaysþiç sarb&t(manç sasnaç karrbcu MKñaedaysnþiPaBÇ nwgkaresñisu Ménkarpøas bþúrrdðapi:l; b) sitæiénkarmangavuz mangavuzßmankamepøigç ziebiyägenh RtUvtamc ab BitR:kd ; c) rdðapi:lmingacotah)ansñak ena pþh ~gpþhrbs RbCaCnenAeBlmansuxsnþiPaB edaykμankar RBmeRB[gBIRbCaCn; d) rdðapi:lmingaceqkeqr ßykRTBü sm tþirbs RbCaCnedayKμanlixitGnuJ at:net; e) RbCaCn RbEhlCaminGacCMnuMCMrHBIrdgsMrab órkidðkmμetmyy nigminrtuv ezvicasaksirbqamgnwgxøünég:net; f) RbCaCnEdl:necaTRbkan BIbTóRkidð k*enamansitiæxøh > duccasitiæsumcmnumcmrhnigsumomanemzavi; g) sitiæcmnumcmrhedaykn;vinicä &y~gesþiretrkb krnitamggs ; h) karbarrbcacncmebahkarbin&yeliskrmitßxusbizmμta ßkardak TNÐkmμeXareXAßxusBIZmμta; i) RbCaCnmansiTiÆepSgeT[teRkA BImanEcgenA~grdðZmμnuJ j) GMNacNamYyEdlmin:npþl rdðapi:lshb&næedayrdðzmμnuuj KWCaGMNacCarbs rdðßk*ca rbs RbCaCn. 16

20 QUESTIONS ANSWERS smnyr cemøiy 76. Who has the power to declare war? The Congress 76. GñkNamanGMNacRbkassRg<am/ shspa 77. What kind of government does the United States have? A Republic 77. etirdðapi:lgviedlshrdðgaemrikman/ sazarn;rdð 78. Which president freed the slaves? Abraham Lincoln 78. etirbzanazibtimyynaedlotasimanesripab/ Abraham Lincoln 79. In what year was the Constitution written? etirdðzmμnuj :nsresrena~gqñamna/ What are the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution The Bill of Rights called? 80. etiviesaznkmμénrdðzmμnuj dmbugtamg 10 :nehazaducemþc/ esckþirbkassitæiéktþcn 81. Name one purpose of the United Nations. For countries to discuss and try to resolve world problems; to provide economic aid to many countries 81. curoeqμahénekalbmngmyyrbs Gg<karshRbCaCati. smrab orbetstamggs BiPakSa nigsakl gedahrsaybjøabipb elak; edim Ipþl CMnYyesdðkic dl RbeTsCaeRcIn 82. Where does Congress meet? In the nation s capital in Washington, D.C. 82. etishsparbcumenatina/ ~grdðzanirbs Cati ena Washington, D.C. 83. Whose rights are guaranteed by the Constitution and Everyone (citizens and non-citizens) living in the U.S. the Bill of Rights? 83. sitiærbs GñkNaEdlRtUv:nZanaedayesckþIRbkassiTÆi ÉktþCn? RbCaCnmñak > BlrdðTaMgGs nwgblrdðminemnsj atigaemrik TaMgGs Edlrs ena~gshrdðgaemrik 84. What is the introduction to the Constitution called? The Preamble 84. etiesckþiepþiménrdðzmμnuj :nehaducemþc/ bubvkza 85. Name one benefit of being a citizen of the United States. Vote; citizenship for unmarried children under 18; obtain federal government jobs; travel with a U.S. passport; 85. curoeqμahrbeyacn¾myyedlrtuvman~gnamcablrdðén shrdðgaemrik. petition for close relatives to come to the U.S. to live. kare:heqñat; etacasj atismrab ekμgedlmintan er[bkarmangayu enaerkam 18; GaceZVIkargarCamYynwgrdðshB&nÆ:n; ezvidmenir edayerbilixitqøgednrbs shrdðgaemrik; bþwgsumsmrab obgbáún Cabśac jaticitditmkrs ena~gshrdðgaemrik. The right to vote 86. What is the most important right granted to U.S. citizens? 86. etisitiægvismxan CageKbgÁs Edl:npþl BlrdðshrdðGaemrik/ sitiæe:heqñat 87. What is the United States capitol? A place where Congress meets 87. etigvicavimanrdðsparbs shrdðgaemrik/ kenøgedlshspabrbcum 88. What is the White House? The President's official home 88. etigvicaestviman/ pþhpøúvkarrbs RbZanaZibtI 89. Where is the White House located? Washington, D.C. (1600 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W.) 89. etiestvimantamgenatina/ Washington, D.C. (1600 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W.) 90. What is the name of the President's official home? The White House 90. etieqμahpþhcapøúvkarrbs RbZanaZibtIehAdUcemþc/ estviman 91. Name one right guaranteed by the First Amendment. Freedom of speech, press, religion, peaceable assembly, and requesting change of the government 91. curoeqμahsitiæmyyedlzanaedayviesaznkmμdmbug. esripab~gkarniyaysþiç sarb&t(manç sasnaç karrbcu MKñaeday snþipabç nwgkaresñisu Ménkarpøas bþúrrdðapi:l; 92. Who is the Commander in Chief of the U.S. military? The President 92. etigñknacagk<embj akarénkgt&bshrdðgaemrik/ RbZanaZibtI 93. Which president was the first Commander in Chief of George Washington the U.S. military? 93. etirbzanazibtinaedlcagk<embj akartimyyénkgt&bshrdð George Washington Gaemrik/ 17

21 QUESTIONS ANSWERS smnyr cemøiy 94. In what month do we vote for the president? November 94. ena~gexna eyige:heqñaterciserisrbzanazibti/ vicä ika 95. In what month is the new president inaugurated? January 95. ena~gexna RbZanaZibtIzμeZVIsem azkan tmeng/ mkra 96. How many times may a senator be re-elected? There is no limit 96. eticmnynbünμandgsmacikrbwtþspagacrtuv:nekercistamgcazμi/ KWKμankMritcMnYn 97. How many times may a congressman be re-elected? There is no limit 97. eticmnynbünμandgsmacikshspagacrtuv:nekercistamgcazμi/ KWKμankMritcMnYn 98. What are the 2 major political parties in the U.S. Democratic and Republican today? 98. etiknbksneya:yzmcagek 2 ena~gshrdðgaemriksbvézá RbCaZibetyü nigsazarn;rdð maneqμahgvixøh/ 99. How many states are there in the United States? etimanrdðcmnynbünμanena~gshrdðgaemrik/ 50 Study Questions for ELDERLY APPLICANTS for the CURRENT Version of the Exam smnyrsiksananasmrabǵñkdak Baküsu Mumanv&ycMNas smrab karekerbbc úb nñénmuxvic arblg RbCaCnEdlmanGayuelIsBI 65 EdlCaBlrdðrs enacagciérnþy edayrsbc ab manb&nñébtg nigcablrdðedlrsénacagciérnþy edayrsbc ab smrab yägticnas 20 qñam mankartmruvepsgsmrab karechdwgepñkelakniti RbvtþisaRsþnigrdðaPi:l. BYkeKk*GacRtUv manlk Nsm tþirtuvekezvietsþcapasakmenitrbsék. curemilcmbuk E smrab B&t(maneRcInEzmeT[t. QUESTIONS ANSWERS smnyr cemøiy 1. Why do we celebrate the Fourth of July? It is Independence Day 1. ehtuducemþc:ncaezvibunüenaézátibynénexkk,da/ KWCaézábuNüÉkraCü 2. Who was the first President of the United States? George Washington 2. etigñknacarbzanazibtitimyyrbs shrdðgaemrik/ George Washington Ccva siunetan 3. Who is the President of the United States now? George W. Bush (2007) 3. etigñknacarbzanazibtirbs shrdðgaemrik«lúvenh/ George W. Bush ( 2007) CcdabÉvlyUb)Us qñam What is the Constitution? The supreme law of the land 4. etigvietaehazardðzmμnuj / c ab kmbulénnkr 5. What are the first 10 amendments to the Constitution The Bill of Rights called? 5. etiviesaznkmμénrdðzmμnuj TaMg 10 dmbug:noehazaducemþc/ esckþirbkassitæiéktþcn 6. Who elects Congress? The citizens of the United States 6. GñkNaeRCIstaMgshsPa/ BlrdðénshrdðGaemrik 7. How many Senators are there in Congress? etimansmacikrbwtþspabünμanena~gshspa/ For how long do we elect each Senator? Six years 8. etieyigerciserissmacikrbwtþspamñak >ry;eblbünμanqñam/ R:MmYyqñaM 9. For how long do we elect each member of the House of Two years Representatives? 9. etieyigerciserissmacikspatmnagrarsþmñak >ry;ebl bünμanqñam/ 10. Who nominates judges to the Supreme Court? The President 10. etigñknaercistamgecarkmtulakarkmbul/ RbZanaZibtI 11. What are the three branches of our Government? Legislative, Executive and Judicial 11. etisaxatamgbiénrdðapi:lrbs eyigmangvixøh/ nitibj tþiç nitirbtibtþi nigtulakar 12. What is the highest court in the United States? The Supreme Court 18 BIrqñaM

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