Handbook for 4-H Club Officers

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1 Quality Clubs 1 Handbook for 4-H Club Officers 2003 County 4-H Club Officer Training Developed by: Carol H. Ehlers Youth Field Specialist xehlers@iastae.edu C:\Users\lzeman\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\LAVR2XNF\QualityClubOfficerParliActivity.doc

2 4-H Club Treasury Check-UP! Quality Clubs 2 If your 4-H club has a treasury, it is important for a review committee to review treasury records once a year. A review protects the club and outgoing and incoming treasurers, and confirms the amount of money the club really has in their account(s). The best time to do a review of the club treasury is when new officers are elected and before the new treasurer takes responsibility for the club funds. A review committee should consist of 3-4 people, such as the president, a club leader, a parent and other club members. (If your club has a constitution, it may specify who should serve on the review committee and when the review should be done). Does your club treasury meet the following guidelines? Club has an employee Identification Number (EIN). Club uses Treasurer s 4-H Record Book, 4-H 21. Club prepares and approves a budget for the year. Checks are recorded, maintained and there are no missing checks. Records are written in ink to prevent changes. Treasurer s book can be reconciled with the most recent bank statement. Club requires at least two adult leader s names and the youth treasurer s name on the bank account. Two signatures are required on each check issued. Payments are made in response to a formal written bill or invoice and shows the purpose of the expenditure. Club minutes reflect a monthly report by the club treasurer. Expenditures are made only after approval by the club members at the meeting in which they were presented for approval and payment, (recorded in the monthly minutes). All money received is acknowledged with a written receipt, deposited in the bank and receipts are a permanent part of the club records? Fund-raising activities have prior review from the County Extension Education Director. All money raised using the 4-H name is used only for 4-H activities. (Not given to individuals but for: Educational programs, activities, workshops or 4-H club supplies). Non-cash donations have been acknowledged in writing to the donor. Comments: Date: Reviewer: Refer to: Youth and 4-H Financial Guidelines for Iowa 4-H Groups, General Financial Guidelines for 4-H Treasurers, 4H-71-D-LDR/December 1994 C:\Users\lzeman\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\LAVR2XNF\QualityClubOfficerParliActivity.doc

3 Quality Clubs 3 Checklist for Secretaries 1. I sit next to or near the president during the business meeting. 2. I inform the president and leaders if I m going to be absent. 3. I work cooperatively with other officers. 4. I call roll and keep an accurate record of attendance. 5. I read minutes of the previous meeting and make corrections if necessary. 6. I take accurate notes of each meeting s events. 7. When called upon by the president, I state any unfinished business left from the previous meeting. 8. I delegate responsibilities rather than trying to do it all myself. 9. I assist the president during the meeting by writing the motions as stated and restating the motion if necessary. 10. I read correspondence directed to our group and write letters sent from the group. 11. I try to attend as many 4-H meeting and activities as possible and am prompt and enthusiastic. So You are Secretary of Your Group 4H 0071D C:\Users\lzeman\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\LAVR2XNF\QualityClubOfficerParliActivity.doc

4 Quality Clubs 4 Checklist for Treasurers 1. Inform the bank in which my group s funds are deposited that I am to be the new treasurer, and sign the appropriate forms so I can write checks. 2. I handle all money matters of the group. 3. I will keep an accurate record in the treasurer s book of how all money is used. 4. I will deposit all funds in the bank as soon as possible. 5. I will pay all bills promptly as directed by the group and approved by the president. 6. I will prepare a summary of income and expenses to present for each meeting. I will also report the current balance. 7. I will complete the financial summary report in the treasurer s book at the end of the year. So You are Treasurer of Your Group 4H 0071D C:\Users\lzeman\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\LAVR2XNF\QualityClubOfficerParliActivity.doc

5 Quality Clubs 5 Checklist for Reporters 1. I will try to tell the 4-H news in an accurate and interesting way. 2. I will write an article before the meeting to invite people to the meeting. 3. I will consult the club secretary if I need meeting information. 4. I will take accurate notes at each club meeting. 5. I will write a news story promptly after each meeting. 6. I will take or send the news article to the newspapers and radio stations. 7. I will try to include pictures with some articles for the newspapers. 8. I will read other 4-H and general news articles and try to improve mine. So You Are News Reporter of Your Group 4H 0071F C:\Users\lzeman\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\LAVR2XNF\QualityClubOfficerParliActivity.doc

6 Quality Clubs 6 Checklist for Historians 1. I will keep a record of the group s accomplishments and activities for the year. 2. I will collect items such as pictures and news clippings about the group and its members. 3. I will organize a scrap book to tell my 4-H group s story for the year. 4. I will try to make the book meaningful to members and future members. So You Are Historian of Your Group 4H 0071E C:\Users\lzeman\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\LAVR2XNF\QualityClubOfficerParliActivity.doc

7 Quality Clubs 7 Checklist for Photgraphers 1. I am enrolled in the 4-H Photography Project 2. I know how to operate my camera. 3. If my camera or flash uses batteries, I know that they are fresh. 4. I know that I have the correct kind of film for the photo assignment. 5. I know where to have my film preocessed. 6. I workl with our 4-H group s reporter to send pictures with 4-H news stories. 7. I work with our 4-H group s historian to provide pictures for the historian s book. 8. I know the names, addresses, and phone numbers of newspaper editors in our county. 9. I know the deadlines for submitting stories and pcitures to our county newspapers. 10. I know how to write a cutline or caption for a picture. 11. I make sure that names are spelled correctly and that people are identified correctly in pictures. So You Are Photographer of Your Group 4H 0071H C:\Users\lzeman\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\LAVR2XNF\QualityClubOfficerParliActivity.doc

8 Do Activity- Small Group Breakout Sessions- 20 minutes Quality Clubs 8 1. Have officer group go through their individual Checklist and mark only the responsibilities that they already know.- ( need copy of Checklist for each and a pencil)- 5 min. 2. Have a 4-H Officer read to the group Guidelines for usually on Page min. 3. Hands-on Activity- 10 min. A. President/Vice President- Program Plan for a Meeting- pg. 5 B. Secretary Practice for Secretaries- pg. 4 C. Reporter/Practice for News Reporters- pg. 6-7 D. Photographer/List Picture Ideas for Your Club pg 4 and/or How to Get Photos in the Newspaper: County Newspaper info. Pg. 6 E. Historian/ Practice for Historians pg Wrap Up- 3 min. Have participants write on index card the one important thing they learned about their office. 3-5 min. And collect cards. C:\Users\lzeman\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\LAVR2XNF\QualityClubOfficerParliActivity.doc

9 Quality Clubs 9 Do Activity- Order of a 4-H Club Meeting- 1. Cut apart elements of a 4-H Club Meeting and place them inside balloons Divide group in pairs, give each a balloon 3. Ask them to blow it up and pop it by not using their hands or feet. 4. After finding their piece, ask the whole group to line up in the proper order. They may want to get the flip chart poster that matches their paper so the whole group can visually see the order. Resource: So you are president of your group 4H-71-A pg. 2 4-H Business Meeting Agenda. Pg. 6 Practice for Presidents 5. Review and discuss Reflect 1. By doing the activity, what did you learn that you didn t know before? 2. What other groups do or might use a meeting order? (FFA/FCA, government council meetings, church business meetings, company business meetings, school boards, student council, Kiwanis) 3. How is the 4-H Business Meeting Order different than what adults might use for their meetings? (4-H Pledge, Recreation, Emblem, Leader s report) Apply 1. How does having a set pattern or order of business help the club? (officers know when they need to be prepared to report, members learn to recognize and better understand the way decisions are made, just like taking the same path to school each day things become familiar and go faster/smoother.) 2. Why is an orderly 4-H Club Meeting important? (it insures that things run smoothly, fairly and efficiently, it guarantees liberty and respect to you and every member.) 3. When will you be using, or needing to understand the order of a business meeting in your future? (as you take on other leadership roles with other groups at school, in the community in your church) 4. What changes need to happen in your 4-H Club to have a more orderly club meeting? (help members learn the order, use tools so they know where the officers are as the meeting progresses, give members opportunities to learn about the different stages of a 4- H Club meeting.) Additional Activity- Use the 13 flip chart pages, give one to 13 members, have them scramble and the audience has to put them in the proper order. C:\Users\lzeman\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\LAVR2XNF\QualityClubOfficerParliActivity.doc

10 Quality Clubs 10 Additional Suggestion- Consider using cue cards to help guide/control the meeting. Hold up the appropriate cue cards as needed suggesting the appropriate action by the participants. Typical cards include: 1. Please Stand 2. Quiet Please 3. I move that Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call- introduction of guests Opening Exercises Emblem, Motto, Minutes, Correspondence Treasurer s Report Report of Officers Committee Reports Old (Unfinished) Business New Business Announcements, leader s report Adjournment 4-H Pledge C:\Users\lzeman\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\LAVR2XNF\QualityClubOfficerParliActivity.doc

11 Quality Clubs 11 Call to Order

12 Quality Clubs 12 Pledge of Allegiance

13 Quality Clubs 13 Roll Call- (guests)

14 Quality Clubs 14 Emblem Motto

15 Quality Clubs 15 Minutes Correspondence

16 Quality Clubs 16 Treasurer s Report

17 Quality Clubs 17 Report of Officers

18 Quality Clubs 18 Committee Reports

19 Quality Clubs 19 Old (Unfinished) Business

20 Quality Clubs 20 New Business

21 Quality Clubs 21 Announcements, Leader s report

22 Quality Clubs 22 Adjournment

23 Quality Clubs 23 4-H Pledge

24 Quality Clubs 24 Please Stand

25 Quality Clubs 25 Quiet Please

26 Quality Clubs 26 I move that

27 4-HBusiness Order Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call- Introduce guests Emblem, Motto, Minutes: Correspondence Treasurer s Report Report of Officers Committee Reports Old (Unfinished) Business New Business Announcements, Leader s report Adjournment 4-H Pledge Quality Clubs 27 4-HBusiness Order Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call- Introduce guests Emblem, Motto, Minutes: Correspondence Treasurer s Report Report of Officers Committee Reports Old (Unfinished) Business New Business Announcements, Leader s report Adjournment 4-H Pledge 4-HBusiness Order Call to Order Pledge of Allegiance Roll Call- Introduce guests Emblem, Motto, Minutes: Correspondence Treasurer s Report Report of Officers Committee Reports Old (Unfinished) Business New Business Announcements, Leader s report Adjournment 4-H Pledge

28 Pledge I pledge: My Head to clearer thinking, My Heart to greater loyalty, My Hands to larger service, My Health to better living for my club, my community, my country and my world. Motto- To Make the Best Better Emblem- 1. Four-leaf clover with an H on each leaf. 2. Letters stand for Head, Heart, Hands and Health Colors- Green- nature s most common color, symbolizes springtime, life and youth. White- symbolizes purity and high ideals Pledge I pledge: Quality Clubs 28 My Head to clearer thinking, My Heart to greater loyalty, My Hands to larger service, My Health to better living for my club, my community, my country and my world. Motto- To Make the Best Better Emblem- 1. Four-leaf clover with an H on each leaf. 2. Letters stand for Head, Heart, Hands and Health Colors- Green- nature s most common color, symbolizes springtime, life and youth. White- symbolizes purity and high ideals Pledge I pledge: My Head to clearer thinking, My Heart to greater loyalty, My Hands to larger service, My Health to better living for my club, my community, my country and my world. Motto- To Make the Best Better Emblem- 1. Four-leaf clover with an H on each leaf. 2. Letters stand for Head, Heart, Hands and Health Colors- Green- nature s most common color, symbolizes springtime, life and youth. White- symbolizes purity and high ideals

29 How to Make a Main Motion 1. The member rises when making a motion 2. Address the chair: Mr. Chairman, or Madam President 3. The President will recognize you by your name: Austin 4. Member States a Motion: I move we enter a club float in the parade. 5. Another member must 2 nd the motion (and is not recognized by the Chair) I second the motion. 6. The Chair restates: It has been moved and seconded that the club have a club float is there any discussion? 7. Pending Motion: Open to Discussion or Debate. Member rises and says Mr. Chairman ; Chair recognizes member Anna, Member says: I agree with the motion this would show our club spirit. 8. Discussion Closes by Chair: Is There any other discussion? If none Chair says Then we ll vote. Quality Clubs 29 How to Make a Main Motion 1. The member rises when making a motion 2. Address the chair: Mr. Chairman, or Madam President 3. The President will recognize you by your name: Austin 4. Member States a Motion: I move we enter a club float in the parade. 5. Another member must 2 nd the motion (and is not recognized by the Chair) I second the motion. 6. The Chair restates: It has been moved and seconded that the club have a club float is there any discussion? 7. Pending Motion: Open to Discussion or Debate. Member rises and says Mr. Chairman ; Chair recognizes member Anna, Member says: I agree with the motion this would show our club spirit. 8. Discussion Closes by Chair: Is There any other discussion? If none Chair says Then we ll vote.

30 5 Ways of Voting 1. By Voice- In favor say Aye opposed say No 2. By Standing 3. By raising of Hand 4. By Secret Ballot 5. By calling the roll and ordering Yeas and Nays Quality Clubs 30 5 Ways of Voting 1. By Voice- In favor say Aye opposed say No 2. By Standing 3. By raising of Hand 4. By Secret Ballot 5. By calling the roll and ordering Yeas and Nays Announcing The Vote (requires a majority vote) Motion Carried- more Yes than No votes Chair: The Ayes have it. The motion is carried. Motion Defeated- more No than Yes votes Chair: The Nos have it. The motion is defeated. Announcing The Vote (requires a majority vote) Motion Carried- more Yes than No votes Chair: The Ayes have it. The motion is carried. Motion Defeated- more No than Yes votes Chair: The Nos have it. The motion is defeated. To Amend a Motion A motion may be amended during discussion by: Inserting or adding a word or phrase Striking out a word or phrase By substituting a word, phrase or entire statement. The amendment to a motion, if seconded, must be voted upon before the original motion. If the amendment carries, the original motion must be voted upon as amended. If the amendment is lost, the motion is voted upon as originally stated. To Amend a Motion A motion may be amended during discussion by: Inserting or adding a word or phrase Striking out a word or phrase By substituting a word, phrase or entire statement. The amendment to a motion, if seconded, must be voted upon before the original motion. If the amendment carries, the original motion must be voted upon as amended. If the amendment is lost, the motion is voted upon as originally stated.

31 Do You Know Parliamentary Procedure? Quality Clubs 31 Here s a test of your knowledge of parliamentary procedure. Just answer T (true) F (false) in the line before the Statement. 1. The president of a group should stand when they call the meeting to order. 2. In presenting motions members should rise and address the presiding officer. 3. Motions should be introduced by saying I make a motion. 4. Motions should be seconded before they are discussed. 5. One is not privileged to second a motion unless he rises, addresses the chair, and is recognized. 6. Committee reports need to be approved, if giving recommendations, by the group through a motion, second, and a favorable vote. 7. Nominations made from the floor should always be seconded. 8. When a nominating committee is used, no other nominations can be made. 9. The secretary should always record the name of the person seconding the motion. 10. The secretary need not stand up when they read the minutes. 11. The secretary need not rise when they call roll. 12. The minutes of a meeting should be approved by a motion and vote. 13. An amendment to a motion does not need to be seconded. 14. If the chairman does not like a motion which has been properly made and seconded, he can ignore it and call for a new motion. 15. Before every meeting the president should outline a program plan. VI-2136-KH C:\Users\lzeman\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\LAVR2XNF\QualityClubOfficerParliActivity.doc

32 Answers to: Do You Know Parliamentary Procedure? Quality Clubs TRUE However, there are exceptions. This is not necessary in smaller meetings such as a committee meeting. 2. TRUE In business meetings, it is only after a member has addressed the presiding officer as Mr./Madam President and has been recognized that they are privileged to speak and to present the proposal. 3. FALSE It is better to say I move that 4. TRUE A Motion should not be discussed until it has been seconded and restated by the president. 5. FALSE Only in large formal meetings is it necessary for the one who seconds a motion to be recognized. 6. TRUE All reports where a committee makes recommendations needs to be approved by the group. 7. FALSE Nominations made from the floor do not need to be seconded. When it is moved that the report of a nomination committee be accepted or that nominations cease or that the secretary be instructed to cast a unanimous ballot for those nominated, this is a main motion. These situations do require a second followed by discussion and a vote. 8. FALSE In every case, the presiding officer should emphasize the fact that while the nominating committee has studied the situation and made recommendations, other nominations are still in order. 9. FALSE The secretary does not need to keep a record of who seconds a motion but must record who made the motion. However, many clubs prefer to record the second. 10. FALSE The secretary does stand up as they read the minutes. 11. TRUE The secretary may remain seated when they call roll because it s easier to record in the secretary s book. The secretary must stand when the minutes are read. 12. FALSE After the minutes have been read, the chairman may ask, Are there any corrections to the minutes as read? If not, they stand approved as read. If there is a correction, the president asks the secretary to make the change. 13. FALSE An amendment to a motion should be seconded the same as the main motion to which it applies 14. FALSE A chairman cannot ignore a motion. The president must deal with a motion which has been made and seconded by following the parliamentary procedure. The president must also acknowledge points of order and appeals. 15. TRUE Better meetings will result if the chairman always prepares advance program outlines or agenda. C:\Users\lzeman\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\LAVR2XNF\QualityClubOfficerParliActivity.doc

33 Quality Clubs 33 4-H Club Meeting Agenda 4-H Volunteer Leaders' Series Author: Beverly Hines, 4-H Youth and Development Specialist The following order of business may be used by any kind of 4-H club. The parts shown in parentheses should not be read. If committee reports are to be made, they can be given after the reading and approval of the minutes. President: The meeting will now come to order and we will Pledge Allegiance to the American Flag led by [persons name],vice-president Vice President: Let us all stand [Pledge to the American Flag]. Members: (Facing the U.S. Flag) I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Vice-President: Be seated. President: The secretary will now call the roll and give a report of the number of members present and absent. Secretary: [Calls roll.) Mr. President, we have [number] members present and [number] members absent. President: We will now review the meaning of our emblem. What is the National 4-H Emblem? Members: The Four-Leaf Clover with the letter H on each leaf. President: What do the four H s represent? Members: The equal training of the Head, Heart, Hands, and Health. President: For what is the Head trained? Members: To think, to plan, and to reason. President: For what is the Heart trained? Members: To be kind, true, and sympathetic. President: For what are the Hands trained? Members: To be useful, helpful, and skillful. C:\Users\lzeman\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\LAVR2XNF\QualityClubOfficerParliActivity.doc

34 President: For what is the Health trained? Quality Clubs 34 Members: To resist disease, enjoy life, and make for efficiency. President: What is our Motto? Members: To Make the Best Better. President: Be seated. President: The secretary will read the minutes of the last meeting. Secretary: (Reads the minutes.) President: Are there any corrections or additions to be made to the minutes? (Wait a few seconds for suggestions. If any, have the secretary correct the minutes.) If not, the minutes will stand approved as read. President: Is there any unfinished business? (If so, discuss it.) President: Is there any new business? (If so, discuss it.) President: Are there any new members who wish to join? (If so, have the secretary give them a card to be filled out after the meeting.) President: Is there any other business to be presented to the club. (If so, do whatever is to be done.) President: We will now proceed with the program as planned. (Devotionals, talks, method demonstrations, films, talent numbers, etc., are given.) President: Do I hear a motion to adjourn? A Member: (Standing) Mr. President. President:... (Calls the member by name.) Same Member: I move that we adjourn. Any Member: (Seated) I second the motion. President: The motion to adjourn has been made and seconded all in favor say aye. Everyone: Aye (pronounced like I). President: The meeting is now adjourned. (Refreshments, recreation, etc., will follow the Pledge to the 4-H Flag.) C:\Users\lzeman\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\LAVR2XNF\QualityClubOfficerParliActivity.doc

35 Quality Clubs 35 President: We will now stand and repeat 4-H Pledge. This will be led by [persons name].(all stand.) Members: (Facing the emblem) I pledge my head to clearer thinking, my heart to greater loyalty, my hands to larger service, and my health to better living for my club, my community, my country, and my world. C:\Users\lzeman\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\LAVR2XNF\QualityClubOfficerParliActivity.doc

36 Room To Improve Your 4-H Club Meeting Quality Clubs 36 This document is appropriate for use with 4-6 grades and teen clubs. About the Club Meeting The club meeting is "4-H" to the young 4-H'er. Belonging to a club and attending meetings appeal to the 9- to 11-year-old. Many young people go to "bad" meetings because they simply want to belong to a club. A "good" 4-H meeting: is a social experience. is an opportunity to develop leadership skills. makes 4-H'ers feel good about themselves. helps 4-H'ers discover new ideas. Making Meetings Fun Thoughtful planning goes into a "good" meeting. Consider how to: Quick Activities to Get Kids Talking Under the Activities category on the web. get each 4H'er involved. give out warm fuzzies (kind or complimentary remarks) to 4-H'ers. have group activity. To get each 4-H'er involved, observe who does what during the business meeting, the program, and recreation. Rather than "letting things happen," ask shy members to do something during the meeting. Some need to be encouraged while others need to he held back. To help you plan meetings, refer to " Planning & Conducting 4-H Club Meetings (4H-115D) on the web at Under General 4-H category. Give out "warm fuzzies" to make each 4-H'er feel special. Use cotton balls for "warm fuzzies" and give to deserving 4-H'ers at each meeting. Before the meeting, decide who needs a "warm fuzzy" and when to give it. Group activities make learning fun and exciting. Some strategies you might use are small group discussions, brainstorming, role playing or games. Orient resource people before the meeting on how to involve the 4-H'ers. You could suggest: a "hands on" experience. a listening team. brainstorming to generate questions. This material was taken from the 4-H Club Officers Manual, C-408. Each officer of your club should have his/her own copy of the publication. They are available through the Extension office. C:\Users\lzeman\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\LAVR2XNF\QualityClubOfficerParliActivity.doc

37 How Does Our 4-H Meeting Score? Quality Clubs 37 This document was developed using the Journal of Extension July 1983 article ISSN To Make the Best Better and to Learn by Doing imply the need for continual evaluation. Evaluation and change happen when objective criteria help guide the process. To help judge the quality of 4-H Club meetings Texas Tech University staff developed, validated and established a reliable 4-H Club Meeting Scorecard. 4-H Club Meeting Scorecard Club Name: Date: 1. Opening (Total = 15 points) Possible Score Score Subtotal a. Meeting starts on time 2 b. Flag set and displayed 2 c. Pledge of Allegiance to American 3 Flag led d. 4-H Motto and 4-H Pledge led 3 e. Attendance taken 3 2. Business Meeting (Total = 25 points) a. Minutes read 3 b. Treasurer s report given 3 c. County council delegate report given 3 d. Different members involved 4 e. Parliamentary procedure used 5 f. Organization leader s report given 4 g. County newsletter or other 3 announcement given 3. Program (Total 35 points) a. Introduction given 4 b. Club members appear interested 6 c. Educational ideas/skills presented 12 d. Information presented on members 9 level e. Summary, question and/or closure 4 given 4. Recreation and Refreshments (Total = 25 points) a. Recreation officer(s) prepared 5 b. Everyone given chance to participate 5 c. Sportsmanship exhibited 5 d. Members appeared to enjoy 5 e. Nutritious refreshments provided 5 Total W/ Judges Initials C:\Users\lzeman\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\LAVR2XNF\QualityClubOfficerParliActivity.doc

38 Working With 4-H Club Officers Quality Clubs 38 This document is appropriate for use with 4-6 grades and teen clubs. Needs of Officers Officers need training and help to be "good." Encourage new officers to participate in any training offered by 4-H. Meet with them to review the following questions about their new roles. 1. What am I supposed to do? 2. How so we work as a team? 3. What do I do at club meetings? 4. How can we involve other members of the club? 5. How do we prepare for meetings? Helping Officers Ask parents to help their child perform the duties of the office. As the officer learns his/her duties, the parent can assume more of a support role and less of a helping role. Teen officers will also need support from parents but more in the form of encouragement than actual help in performing the duties of the office. A club helper/leader works with the officer team. The officers work as a team to provide overall leadership for the club. This means: setting goals they hope to achieve as officers. setting an example for other club members. being informed about County 4-H Council events. Before each meeting, a club helper/leader and office team need to plan for the following (refer to So You Are President- pg. 5 Program Plan for 4-H Meeting): an agenda. business to be handled. ways to involve all members in discussing items of business. parliamentary procedure that may be necessary for each item of business. After each meeting have a brief critique. Tell officers what they did right and what they need to improve next time. The goal of the officers should be to improve with each meeting. Electing Officers Basically, there are two methods: #1- Using a nominating committee (has the advantage of control). #2- Getting nominations from the floor (requires no prior planning even though anyone who is nominated should agree to serve if elected.) Voting can be done by show of hands or by secret ballot. Installing Officers An installation ceremony formalizes the responsibility of the new group of officers. A candlelight ceremony is provided on the web at Under the Club Dynamics Section: Installation of 4-H Club Officers, samples taken from 4H-111-E (doc) C:\Users\lzeman\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\LAVR2XNF\QualityClubOfficerParliActivity.doc

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