What is suffrage? The right to vote

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1 What is suffrage? The right to vote

2 What is a colony? Territory occupied and administered by a foreign country

3 Who wanted to build the Cape to Cairo railway? Cecil Rhodes

4 What is the C to C an example of? Imperialism

5 Who won the Franco-Prussian War? Germany

6 Who wanted to isolate France? Bismark

7 What alliance did Germany & A-H sign in 1879? Double Alliance

8 Which country joined them in 1882? Italy

9 What was this called? Triple Alliance

10 What countries signed the Reinsurance Treaty? Germany & Russia

11 Who allowed this treaty to lapse? Kaiser Wilhelm II

12 What 2 ways did Germany begin to threaten Britain? Naval expansion Pursuit of colonies

13 What cause of WWI can be summed up as gold, glory and God? Economic Rivalry ~ Imperialism

14 Which former empire eventually became present day Turkey? Ottoman Empire

15 What was a Dreadnaught? Modern battleship (VERY expensive)

16 Alsace-Lorraine is a part of which country in 1914? Germany

17 Why is A-L so important? Coal Iron ore Pride

18 How are nationalism and ethnic nationalism different? Nationalism = love of one s country E.Natm. = love of one s ethnicity, culture, language, religion, etc.

19 What effect did ethnic nationalism have on Austria-Hungary? Caused tensions Threatened to break up A-H

20 What was Panslavism? Movement to unite all Slavic people

21 What happened to Bosnia in 1908? Annexed by Austria

22 What was the spark that started WWI? Assassination of Austrian Prince Franz Ferdinand

23 Who did this? Black Hand

24 What is an ultimatum? A demand whose rejection brings about a resort to forceful action

25 Which country gave which other country an ultimatum? Austria gave Serbia Britain gave Germany (after her attack on Belgium) USA gave Germany (re: u-boats)

26 What was Germany s strategic weakness? Being in the MIDDLE of Europe forced her to fight a 2 front war

27 What was the Schlieffen Plan? German military plan for quick victory Germany attacks France through Belgium Captures Paris quickly Intended to avoid a 2 front war

28 Which battle began trench warfare on the Western Front? First Battle of the Marne

29 What ship sinking causes the US to begin to side with Britain against Germany? Lusitania

30 What was the Zimmerman Telegram? Intercepted attempt by Germany to get Mexico to attack the US.

31 Which major battle did the Royal Newfoundland Regiment play a role in? Somme

32 What was the main reason for US entry into the war? Unrestricted submarine warfare

33 Why is the Battle of Tannenberg so important? Initially Russia surprised Germany In the end it was a tremendous defeat for Russia (beginning of the end for Russia)

34 What was the US stance on WWI in 1914? The US was neutral

35 When did the US enter the war? 1917

36 When did the first US soldiers arrive in Europe? 1918

37 What treaty ended the war for Russia? Brest-Litovsk

38 What was the last major battle of the war? Second Battle of the Marne

39 What is a temporary truce? Armistice

40 Which new technologies had a significant impact on the war? Machine guns Artillery Submarines

41 How did trench warfare contribute to stalemate on the Western Front? New technology and old strategies Machine guns, barbed wire, artillery etc. Frontal assaults, No-mans-Land War of attrition

42 How did the war affect Canada? Politically gained world status Economically - industrialization Socially - women

43 What were some of Wilson s 14 Points No secret alliances Freedom of the seas Free trade Reduce arms Alsace-Lorraine back to France Create Poland Create League of Nations

44 Unfairness of Versailles War guilt High Reparations Loss of territories No representation for some countries

45 What political ideology believes that class struggle leads to revolution.? Marxism

46 Who are the bourgeoisie? Wealthy people

47 Which political ideology is on the far left of the political spectrum? Communism

48 Who are the proletariat? Working class

49 Which political ideology is on the far right of the political spectrum? Fascism

50 What happened on Bloody Sunday? Tsar Nicholas II ordered his troops to shoot hungry protestors

51 What was Russia s parliament called? Duma

52 What was the October Manifesto (1905)? Tsar Nicholas II granted (fake) reforms to the people Duma without power Freedom of speech (censored) Some political parties allowed

53 What is abdication? When a monarch (king) quits

54 Which revolution led directly to the overthrow of the Czarist government in Russia? March Revolution

55 What was Alexander Kerensky s government called? Provisional Government

56 What is a soviet? Workers council

57 Which council of workers, soldiers and intellectuals undermined Kerensky? Petrograd Soviet

58 What party took power after the November Revolution? Bolsheviks

59 What agreement resulted in Russia s withdrawal from World War I? Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

60 What were the underlying causes of the Russian Revolution? Autocratic rule of Tsar Nicolas II Poverty of the peasants Demands for political reform Impact of WWI & Russo-Japanese war Influence of Rasputin

61 Why was Rasputin blamed for Russia s problems? Closeness to the tsarina (a German!) Trusted advisor for poor decisions Made the Tsar look weak

62 How did WWI help cause the Russian Revolution? Tsar Nicholas II personally took control so he was blamed for losses High casualties (Tannenburg) Conscription Poorly equipped soldiers People went hungry as food was diverted to soldiers

63 What does Peace, Bread, Land mean? Successful slogan used by Lenin to take power Peace end the war Bread- end food shortages Land peasants wanted their own land

64 Why did the Provisional Government fail? They stayed in the war They did nothing to address the land crisis

65 What was the Soviet secret police called? Cheka

66 What were the 2 sides in the Russian Civil War, and which side won? Reds and the Whites Reds won

67 Who were the kulaks? Independent farmers allowed to keep/sell a share of their produce

68 Which policy allowed the kulaks to thrive? Lenin s New Economic Policy (NEP)

69 Which 2 leaders remained after Lenin s death? Stalin & Trotsky

70 Who became the ultimate leader after Lenin? Stalin

71 What policies did Stalin use to stay in power? Totalitarian rule Silencing of critics Outlawed religion Used propaganda, controlled the media, Show Trials Used Gulags (labour camps) Purges Secret police

72 What were the main objectives of Stalin s Five Year Plans? For Russia to industrialize quickly and diversify from dependence on agriculture To strengthen Russia militarily To consolidate his power

73 How did he carry out the Five Year Plans? Collectivization gov t control of all agriculture Elimination of the kulaks Command economy Quick modernization, but millions died

74 How could US foreign policy be characterized immediately after WWI? Isolationist

75 How might the US economy of the 1920s be characterized? Booming Roaring

76 What were the causes of the Great Depression? Unequal distribution between rich & poor Overproduction Debt caused by too much credit Drought & land overuse Protectionism due to high tariffs Gov t inaction

77 Results of the depression Bankruptcies High unemployment Severe deprivation due to lack of social services Drop in consumption

78 Who is elected US president in 1933? Franklin Delano Roosevelt

79 What new economic policy did FDR introduce? New Deal

80 What was the basic idea behind the New Deal? Government must intervene to fix the economy

81 What are the characteristics of fascism? Extreme nationalism extolling racial purity & use of scapegoats Devotion to a dictator Use of violence & military strength Economic self-sufficiency

82 Characteristics of post WWI Italy. Resentment against Versailles High inflation Ineffective democracy Labour strife & fear of communism

83 Which para-military group did Mussolini form? Blackshirts

84 Which groups did the Blackshirts target? Communists & Socialists Unions & strikers Democratic organizations

85 Who supported Mussolini? Rich industrialsts & landowners Working people who wanted an end to all the instability Catholic Church Anti-communists

86 Which event helped to propel Mussolini into power? March on Rome

87 How did Mussolini consolidate his power? Assassinated leader of the Socialists Censorship Takes control of the police, military Bans all other political parties

88 What treaty did Mussolini sign with the pope? Lateran Treaty

89 What does Mussolini do to improve the Italian economy? Builds houses Builds roads Builds power plants

90 What happens to the German Kaiser in 1918? Abdicates

91 What government takes his place? Weimar Republic, a democracy

92 Why was Weimar so unpopular? It was blamed for signing Versailles Treaty Economy was bad Much political instability

93 Which 2 US economic plans helped the Germany economy? Dawes & Young

94 Which agreement was Germany s official recognition of its western borders? Locarno Pact

95 Which important international organization did Germany join in 1926? League of Nations

96 In which agreement did Germany promise to avoid use of war and violence in all international disputes? Kellogg-Briand Pact

97 What is the significance of each of the following?

98 Munich Beer Hall Putch Hitler s 1923 attempt to overthrow the Weimar government

99 Enabling Act Law passed by Hitler in 1933 giving him unlimited power

100 Gestapo Hitler s secret police

101 Anti-semitism Policy of being against Jewish people

102 Nuremburg Laws Laws passed by Hitler to take away the rights of Germany s Jewish population

103 Night of the Long Knives When Hitler consolidated his power by murdering his rivals

104 Kristallnacht Night of broken glass, 1938 violent Nazi crackdown against Jews

105 Lebensraum Hitler s concept of living space Gaining enough territory for the natural expansion of the Germanic people

106 Anschluss Concept of Pan-Germanism culminating in the union of Austria into a greater Germany

107 Mein Kampf My Struggle Book explaining Hitler s plans for Germany

108 What was the Cold War? The atmosphere of suspicion, distrust, rivalry and hostility between the US and the USSR

109 What was containment? American policy of stopping the expansion of communism by giving financial and military aid Key part of the Truman Doctrine

110 Who gave the Iron Curtain speech? Winston Churchill

111 Who gave the Two Hostile Camps speech? Stalin

112 What effect did these speeches have on Soviet-Western relations? They caused relations to deteriorate and tensions to increase

113 What was the Marshall Plan? Program of financial assistance from the US to European countries devastated by WWII

114 What is NATO? North Atlantic Treaty Organization An alliance of western countries to counter the communist threat

115 What organization was created in response to NATO? Warsaw Pact

116 What were the first members of NATO? Canada USA GB France Belgium Holland Denmark Norway Iceland Italy Portugal Luxembourg

117 What were the first members of the Warsaw Pact? Albania Bulgaria Czechoslovakia East Germany Hungary Poland Romania

118 What was the USSR s response to the Marshall Plan? The Molotov Plan

119 How was the Molotov Plan different from the Marshall Plan? Didn t offer loans offered trade agreements

120 Which part of the UN has the real power? Security Council

121 Who are the 5 permanent members of the Security Council? USA USSR China GB France

122 What special power does each of these countries have? Veto power

123 This part of the UN allows each world member one vote? General Assembly

124 Who is the CEO of the UN? The Secretary-General Currently that is Antonio Guterres

125 What was the Uniting for Peace resolution? Amendment passed by the UNSC in 1950 in response to the Korean War It allowed the General Assembly to authorize action if the Security Council was deadlocked

126 Who was leader of communist North Vietnam? Ho Chi Minh

127 What was the name of the supporters of communism in North Vietnam? Viet Minh

128 What was the name of the supporters of communism in South Vietnam? Viet Cong

129 Who started the Berlin Blockade? Stalin

130 How did the west respond to the blockade? Airlifted supplies 24/7 Placed embargo on East Germany

131 Which leader was victorious in the Chinese Civil War? Mao Zedong

132 Which leader was defeated in the Chinese Civil War? Chiang Kai-shek He was forced to retreat to what island? Taiwan

133 Who was the corrupt, pro- American dictator of Cuba? Batista Who overthrew him? Fidel Castro

134 What did the US do in response? Imposed a trade embargo Organized an invasion of Cuba Name of this invasion? Bay of Pigs

135 Who were the 2 leaders of the US and USSR at this time? John F. Kennedy Nikita Khrushchev

136 What did the USSR do to help Cuba after the Bay of Pigs? Shipped nuclear missiles and built bases to launch them

137 What did the US promise to do in order to have the USSR remove the missiles? Promise never to invade Cuba Had to end the naval blockade Had to remove US missiles from Turkey

138 Which line of latitude was used to separate North, South Korea? 38 th North & South Vietnam? 17th

139 Why didn t the USSR veto the Security Council s decision to intervene in Korea? They were boycotting the SC Why? Because Taiwan was still sitting as China even though Mao and the communists had taken over all of mainland China

140 What military leader wanted to use nuclear weapons in Korea? US General Douglas MacArthur How did President Truman respond to this? He fired MacArthur

141 Who succeeded JFK? LBJ Lyndon B. Johnson

142 What excuse did the US use to justify massive intervention in Vietnam? Gulf of Tonkin incident

143 Why did the US lose the Vietnam War? SV corruption No support from Vietnamese people Viet Cong well armed and motivated Ho Chi Minh Trail Viet Cong guerrilla tactics Most Americans were opposed to war

144 In what ways did the superpowers engage in rivalry? Space Race Arms Race (ICBMs) Olympics

145 What term is used to describe the thawing of relations during the Cold War? Detente

146 What are some examples of detente? SALT Treaties Respect for spheres of influence Opening of trade, culture, sports

147 What Is the Strategic Defense Initiative better known as? Star Wars

148 Name the Soviet leader most responsible for the collapse of the USSR Gorbachev

149 What was the Soviet Vietnam? Afghanistan

150 What was Gorbachev s economic restructuring called? Perestroika

151 What is Perestroika? Changing the Soviet economy from a planned economy to a market economy

152 What were some of the results of Perestroika? Inflation Shortages protests

153 What was Gorbachev s policy of openness called? Glasnost

154 In which Soviet republic did ethnic tension rise to civil war? Chechnya

155 Which Eastern European countries voted out their communist governments after Glasnost? Poland Czechoslovakia Hungary

156 Which leader was able to keep Yugoslavia united through much of post WW2? Tito

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