World History and Geography: The Industrial Revolution to the Contemporary World *Scope and Sequence* 1 st 9-Weeks

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1 World History and Geography: The Industrial Revolution to the Contemporary World *Scope and Sequence* 1 st 9-Weeks Students compare and contrast the Glorious Revolution of England, the American Revolution, the Spanish American Wars of Independence, and the French Revolution, and their enduring effects on the political expectations for self-government and individual liberty. Students analyze the emergence and effects of the Industrial Revolution in England, France, Germany, Japan, and the United States. Students analyze patterns of global change in the era of 19th-century European imperialism. Students describe the independence struggles of the colonized regions of the world redistribution of power, armed revolution, and cultural clashes. Week 1 EQ-1 What were the major ideas of philosophers and their effects on the democratic revolutions in England, the United States, France, and Latin America including but not limited to John Locke, Charles-Louis Montesquieu, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Simón Bolívar, Toussaint L Ouverture, and Thomas Jefferson? (CCRL-2) Week 2 EQ-2 What are the principles of the Magna Carta (1215), the English Bill of Rights (1689), the American Declaration of Independence (1776), and the French Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen? (1789) (CCRL-1) EQ-3 What are the important causes and events of the French Revolution including but not limited to Enlightenment political thought? Compare the French Revolution to the American Revolution, in terms of economic troubles, rising middle class, government corruption and incompetence. Reference the Estates General, storming of the Bastille, execution of Louis XVI, the Terror, and the rise and fall of Napoléon. Week 3 EQ-4 What evidence can we use to explain how the ideology of the French Revolution led France to evolve from a constitutional monarchy to democratic despotism to the Napoleonic Empire? (CCRL-1) EQ-5 How did nationalism spread across Europe with Napoléon then repressed for a generation under the Congress of Vienna and Concert of Europe until the Revolutions of 1848? Week 4 EQ-7 How did the connections among natural resources, entrepreneurship, labor, and capital in an industrial economy allow for the Industrial Revolution to begin in England?

2 EQ-78 What are the climate, physical processes, the North Atlantic Current, geographical features, human modifications, and population patterns of Europe and list the major natural resources and their relationship to the economy of the region? EQ-10 How did scientific and technological changes and new forms of energy bring about massive social, economic, and cultural demographic changes including the inventions and discoveries of James Watt, Eli Whitney, Henry Bessemer, Louis Pasteur, and Thomas Edison? (CCRL-4) EQ-6 What factors led to the growth of population, rural to urban migration, and growth of cities during the Industrial Revolution? (CCRL-2) EQ-11 How did the evolution of work and labor including the work of William Wilberforce and the demise of the slave trade, problems caused by harsh working conditions, and the effect of immigration, mining and manufacturing, division of labor, the union movement, and the impact of social and political reform? (CCWL-1) EQ-8 What are some documents that we can use to write a piece analyzing the emergence of capitalism as a dominant economic pattern and the responses to it, including Utopianism, Social Democracy, Socialism and Communism, Adam Smith, Robert Owen, and Karl Marx? (CCRL-6) Week 5 EQ-5 How did nationalism spread across Europe with Napoléon then repressed for a generation under the Congress of Vienna and Concert of Europe until the Revolutions of 1848? EQ-13 What were the causes, course, and consequences of unification in Italy and Germany including the role of Giuseppe Garibaldi and Otto von Bismarck? EQ-9 How did romanticism in art and literature including the poetry of William Blake and William Wordsworth, social criticism including the novels of Charles Dickens move away from Classicism in Europe? (CCRL-1) EQ-10 How did scientific and technological changes and new forms of energy bring about massive social, economic, and cultural demographic changes including the inventions and discoveries of James Watt, Eli Whitney, Henry Bessemer, Louis Pasteur, and Thomas Edison? (CCRL-6) Week 6 EQ-8 What are some documents that we can use to write a piece analyzing the emergence of capitalism as a dominant economic pattern and the responses to it, including Utopianism, Social Democracy, Socialism and Communism, Adam Smith, Robert Owen, and Karl Marx? (CCRL-5)

3 EQ-11 How did the evolution of work and labor including the work of William Wilberforce and the demise of the slave trade, problems caused by harsh working conditions, and the effect of immigration, mining and manufacturing, division of labor, the union movement, and the impact of social and political reform? EQ-6 What factors led to the growth of population, rural to urban migration, and growth of cities during the Industrial Revolution? (CCRL-7) EQ-12 What were increases in productivity and wealth, growth of a middle class, and general rise in the standard of living and life span during the emergence of the Industrial Revolution? Week 7 EQ-35 How did World War I influence literature, art, and intellectual life in regards to artists such as Pablo Picasso, the Lost Generation, and the rise of Jazz music? EQ-66 How did the work of scientists in the 20 th century influenced historical events, changed the lives of the general populace, and led to further scientific research including Albert Einstein, Enrico Fermi, J. Robert Oppenheimer, Edward Teller, Wernher von Braun, Jonas Salk, James Watson, and Francis Crick? EQ-14 What textual evidence can be used to support analysis of the causes of 19 th century European imperialism, the role of Social Darwinism, the desire for increased political power, and the search for natural resources and new markets as prelude to the Berlin Conference? (CCRL-1) EQ-21 How did American imperialism in the Philippines and the Philippine-American War led by Emilio Aguinaldo effect independence struggles of the colonized regions of the world, redistribute power, armed revolution, and cultural clashes? (CCRL-3) Week 8 EQ-15 What was the Berlin Conference and did the rise of modern colonialism in the 19th century impact the colonization of indigenous populations by such nations as England, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the United States? EQ-17 Using historical maps how did the progression of imperialistic claims on the African continent occur? (CCRL-4) EQ-20 How did the transfer in 1858 of government to Great Britain on the Indian Subcontinent following the Sepoy Rebellion effect global change in the era of 19thcentury European imperialism? EQ-22 What movements led by Emiliano Zapata, Francisco Madero, Pancho Villa, and Venustiano Carranza in Mexico stemmed from the desire for land reform and democratic participation? EQ-87 How did the United States show its presence and influence in Latin America? (CCWL-2)

4 Week 9 EQs will be covered by week 9. At this point, we will begin review for the Benchmark. 2 nd 9-Weeks Students analyze the causes and course of the First World War, along with the long-term military, economic, and political effects. Students describe the various causes and consequences of the global depression of the 1930s, and analyze how governments responded to the Great Depression. Students analyze the rise of fascism and totalitarianism after World War I. Students analyze the causes and course of World War II, along with the long-term military, economic, and political effects of the World War II. Week 1 EQ-19 How did the growing influence of the West in China, the Boxer Rebellion, Sun Yat-sen, and the Xinhai Revolution play a role in patterns of global change in the era of 19th-century European imperialism? EQ-16 Why was the political, social, and industrial revolution in Japan (Meiji Restoration) and its growing role in international affairs significant? EQ-23 How did the role of political and economic rivalries, ethnic and ideological conflicts, domestic discontent, disorder, propaganda, and nationalism in mobilizing the civilian population lead to the outbreak of World War I? (CCRL-3) EQ-24 What were the principal theaters of battle, major battles, and major turning points of World War I? Week 2 EQ-25 What were some geographic factors in military decisions and outcome of World War I? EQ-28 What is the nature of war and its human costs (military and civilian) on all sides of conflict, including the unprecedented loss of life from prolonged trench warfare? EQ-29 How did weaponry, the belief that the Great War would end war, and disarmament movements develop and advance? (CCWL-4) EQ-30 What were the effects of war and resulting peace treaties on population movement, environmental changes resulting from trench warfare, the international economy, and shifts in the geographic and political borders of Europe and the Middle East? EQ-34 How can one analyze the various accounts of the impact of World War I on women and minorities?

5 Week 3 EQ-26 How did the Russian Revolution and the entry of the United States into the conflict affected the course and outcome of World War I? (CCRL-3) EQ-41 What were the cause and consequences of the Bolshevik Revolution and Civil War in Russia, including Lenin s use of totalitarian means to seize and maintain control including a Gulag? EQ-31 What were the aims and negotiating roles of world leaders as evidenced in works such as Wilson s Fourteen Points; subsequently, what were the causes and effects of the United State s rejection of the League of Nations on world politics? EQ-32 How can one compare the conflicting aims and aspirations of the conferences at Versailles and the Treaty of Versailles economic and moral effects on Germany? Week 4 EQ-36 How can one compare the impact of restrictive monetary and trade policies? EQ-37 How did the collapse of international economies in 1929 lead to the Great Depression? EQ-38 How can information from a variety of sources be compiled to describe issues of overproduction, unemployment, and inflation? (CCWL-4) EQ-39 How did economic instability lead to political instability in many parts of the world and helped to give rise to dictatorial regimes such as Adolf Hitler s in Germany and the military s in Japan? EQ-44 How did Mussolini s rise to power and his creation of a fascist state through the use of state and propaganda develop? (CCRL-3) EQ-42 What are the connections between economic and political policies, the absence of a free press, and systematic violations of human rights during Stalin s rise to power in the Soviet Union? EQ-40 How did the widespread disillusionment with prewar institutions, authorities, and values result in a void that was later filled by totalitarians? EQ-43 How can one analyze the assumption of power by Adolf Hitler in Germany and the resulting acts of oppression and aggression of the Nazi regime? Week 5 EQ-33 How did the outcome of World War I contribute to nationalist movements in the Middle East, India, Africa, and Southeast Asia? (CCWL-5) EQ-27 What are examples of human rights violations and genocide such as in the Armenian genocide in Turkey?

6 EQ-30 What were the effects of war and resulting peace treaties on population movement, environmental changes resulting from trench warfare, the international economy, and shifts in the geographic and political borders of Europe and the Middle East? EQ-18 What patterns of global change in the era of 19th-century European imperialism showed the independent struggles of the colonized regions of the world including imperialism in Africa? (Zulu Wars, Ashanti Wars, and Ethiopia s struggle to remain independent). EQ-45 How can one compare the German, Italian, and Japanese drives to expand their empires in the 1930s, including the atrocities in China, Italian invasion of Ethiopia, German militarism, and the Stalin-Hitler Pact of 1939? Week 6 EQ-46 What was the role of appeasement, isolationism, and domestic distractions in Europe and the United States prior to the outbreak of World War II? (CCWL-6) EQ-49 How can one describe the contributions and roles of leaders during the war, including Winston Churchill, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Emperor Hirohito, Hideki Tojo, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Joseph Stalin, Harry Truman, Douglas MacArthur, and Dwight Eisenhower? EQ-47 What nations comprised of and where were the Allied and Axis powers located? How can one explain the major battles of the Pacific and European theaters of war including blitzkrieg, Dunkirk, Battle of Britain, Stalingrad, Normandy, Midway, Battle of the Bulge, Iwo Jima, and island hopping? (CCRL-9) EQ-48 Placing an emphasis on the importance of geographic factors, what were the major turning points of the war, key strategic decisions, and the resulting war conferences and political resolutions? Week 7 EQ-47 What nations comprised of and where were the Allied and Axis powers located? How can one explain the major battles of the Pacific and European theaters of war including blitzkrieg, Dunkirk, Battle of Britain, Stalingrad, Normandy, Midway, Battle of the Bulge, Iwo Jima, and island hopping? (CCRL-9) EQ-52 What were the casualties of war with specific regard to the civilian and military losses in Russia, Germany, Britain, the United States, China, and Japan? EQ-50 What was the impact of the Holocaust on the Jewish populations in Europe and Israel? (CCRL-9) EQ-49 How can one describe the contributions and roles of leaders during the war, including Winston Churchill, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Emperor Hirohito, Hideki Tojo, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Joseph Stalin, Harry Truman, Douglas MacArthur, and Dwight Eisenhower?

7 EQ-51 How can one analyze the decision to use nuclear weapons to end World War II? Week 8 EQ-53 What were the goals, leadership, and postwar plans of the principal allied leaders: the Atlantic Conference, Yalta, and the Potsdam Conference using text evidence? EQ-58 What were the economic and military power shifts caused by the World War II, including the Yalta Pact, the development of nuclear weapons, Soviet control over Eastern European nations, and economic recoveries in Germany and Japan? (CCRL-3) Week 9 EQs will be covered by week 9. At this point, we will begin review for the Mid-term. 3 rd 9-Weeks Students examine post-war goals in Europe and in the Pacific. Students explain the causes, major events, and global consequences of the Cold War. Students analyze major developments in Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America since World War II. Week 1 EQ-55 What was the nature of reconstruction in Europe after 1945, including the purpose of the Marshall Plan, creation of NATO, and division of Germany? EQ-65 What were the impacts of defense buildups and the impacts of the arms control agreements, including the ABM and SALT treaties? EQ-60 Why was there Soviet aggression in Eastern Europe, conflicts involving Berlin and the Berlin Wall, and the Prague Spring? (CCRL-10) EQ-59 What were the origins of the Chinese Civil War, the rise of Mao Zedong, and the triumph of the Communist Revolution in China? EQ-71 What are the climate, physical processes, geographical features, human modifications, and population patterns of Asia, and list the major natural resources and their relationship to the economy of the region? Week 2 EQ-57 What, using text evidence, were the functions of the Warsaw Pact, SEATO, NATO, and the Organization of American States? (CCWL-7) EQ-62 What was the Soviet-United States competition in Asia with particular attention to the Korean War and Vietnam War and describe the environmental changes due to carpet bombing, Napalm, and Agent Orange?

8 EQ-64 What were multiple perspectives on the United States and Soviet conflicts involving Latin America, including the Cuban Missile Crisis? (CCRL-10) EQ-73 What were the reasons for, and the effects of, the partition of the Indian subcontinent into India and Pakistan in 1947? EQ-74 What were the historical factors that created a stable democratic government in India and the role of Mohandas Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, and Indira Gandhi in its development? EQ-63 What led to the rise and consequences of the communist revolution in Cambodia led by Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge, including the Cambodian Genocide and forced social engineering policies? Week 3 EQ-56 What were the origins, significance, and effect of the establishment of the State of Israel? EQ-94 How did the Camp Davis Accords and the Oslo Accords attempt to secure peace in the Middle East? EQ-93 How did Arab countries react to the U.N. decision to establish Israel, the four Arab-Israeli Wars, and the rise of the P.L.O.? (CCWL-7) Week 4 EQ-91 What are the weaknesses and strengths of the oil-rich countries on the Persian Gulf? EQ-95 What impact did Khomeini and the Iranian hostage crisis have on the Iranian Revolution of ? EQ-101 What factors led to the Persian Gulf War and the postwar actions of Saddam Hussein? (CCRL-3) EQ-61 Why was there Soviet-United States competition in the Middle East, Africa and Afghanistan? EQ-96 How did the rise of the Mujahedin in Afghanistan lead to the defeat of the Soviet Union and make way for the Taliban? EQ-102 How is Islamic revivalism and radicalism affecting Muslim communities in Europe? Week 5 EQ-67 How does Africa s climate, physical processes, geographical features, resources, human modifications, and population patterns and list the major natural resources and their relationship to the economy of the region?

9 EQ-68 What were goals of nationalist movements in Africa, including the ideas and importance of nationalist leaders, including Jomo Kenyatta, Patrice Lumumba, and Gamal Abdel Nasser? EQ-70 What were the challenges in Africa, including its geopolitical, cultural, military, and economic significance and the international relationships in which Africa is involved including the civil war in the Democratic Republic of Congo? EQ-97 What is the origin and course of the Rwanda Genocide? EQ-69 What were the reasons for the fight against and dismantling of the apartheid system in South Africa, including the role of Nelson Mandela and the African National Congress in ending apartheid? (CCWL-8) Week 6 EQ-84 What climates, physical processes, geographic features, human modifications, population patterns, natural resources, and economies exist in Central America EQ-87 How did the United States show its presence and influence in Latin America? EQ-57 What, using text evidence, were the functions of the Warsaw Pact, SEATO, NATO, and the Organization of American States? (CCWL-7) EQ-88 What is the importance of trade treaties such as NAFTA, MERCOSUR, CAFTA, and CARICOM? EQ-64 What were multiple perspectives on the United States and Soviet conflicts involving Latin America, including the Cuban Missile Crisis? EQ-85 What factors led to revolutions in Guatemala and Cuba and armed insurgencies and civil wars in many parts of Central America? (CCRL-3) EQ-86 What factors led to the rise of military dictatorships in Argentina, Brazil, and Guatemala and how did those countries shift towards democracy? EQ-89 How has drug trafficking and the people involved impacted the United States and the return migration to Latin America? EQ-81 How did leaders such as Ronald Reagan, Vaclav Havel, Margaret Thatcher, and Lech Walesa help with the collapse of communism and transformation of Eastern Europe? (CCRL-1) EQ-83 When and why was the European Union created and what role does the Euro have in the Union?

10 Week 7 EQ-58 What were the economic and military power shifts caused by the World War II, including the Yalta Pact, the development of nuclear weapons, Soviet control over Eastern European nations, and economic recoveries in Germany and Japan? (CCRL-3) EQ-65 What were the impacts of defense buildups and the impacts of the arms control agreements, including the ABM and SALT treaties? EQ-96 How did the rise of the Mujahedin in Afghanistan lead to the defeat of the Soviet Union and make way for the Taliban? EQ-80 How did the uprisings and desire for freedom in Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia lead to those countries resurgence in the 1970s and 1980s? EQ-79 How did the weakness of the Soviet command economy and the burdens of Soviet military commitments lead to its eventual collapse? EQ-60 Why was there Soviet aggression in Eastern Europe, conflicts involving Berlin and the Berlin Wall, and the Prague Spring? Week 8 EQ-76 What was Asia s postwar economic rise like, including Japan s adaptation of western technology and industrial growth, China s economic modernization under Dèng Xiaopíng, and India s economic growth through market-oriented reforms as well as the economic growth of Hong Kong, Republic of Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan? Week 9 EQs will be covered by week 9. At this point, we will begin review for the Benchmark. 4 th 9-Weeks Students examine the collapse of the Soviet Union and analyze the major developments and globalization in the world since the end of the Cold War. Week 1 EQ-79 How did the weakness of the Soviet command economy and the burdens of Soviet military commitments lead to its eventual collapse? (CCWL-9) EQ-80 How did the uprisings and desire for freedom in Poland, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia lead to those countries resurgence in the 1970s and 1980s? EQ-81 How did leaders such as Ronald Reagan, Vaclav Havel, Margaret Thatcher, and Lech Walesa help with the collapse of communism and transformation of Eastern Europe? EQ-82 What are the consequences of the Soviet Union s breakup on economy, politics, society, ethnicities, oil and gas, weapons, and technology?

11 EQ-98 How did the collapse of the Soviet Union impact the Eastern Bloc nations, including the Balkans? (CCRL-3) Week 2 EQ-83 When and why was the European Union created and what role does the Euro have in the Union? EQ-58 What were the economic and military power shifts caused by the World War II, including the Yalta Pact, the development of nuclear weapons, Soviet control over Eastern European nations, and the economic recoveries of Germany and Japan? EQ-99 What are the effects of German reunification on both Western and Eastern Germany? EQ-88 What is the importance of trade treaties such as NAFTA, MERCOSUR, CAFTA, and CARICOM? Week 3 EQ-72 What were the consequences of the political and economic upheavals in China, including the Great Leap Forward, the Cultural Revolution, the Tiananmen Square uprising, and relations with Tibet and Taiwan? EQ-75 Why did the Chinese and Indian governments seek to control population growth, and what types of methods they use? (CCWL-10) EQ-76 What was Asia s postwar economic rise like, including Japan s adaptation of western technology and industrial growth, China s economic modernization under Dèng Xiaopíng, and India s economic growth through market-oriented reforms as well as the economic growth of Hong Kong, Republic of Korea, Singapore, and Taiwan? Week 4 EQ-93 How did Arab countries react to the U.N. decision to establish Israel, the four Arab-Israeli Wars, and the rise of the P.L.O.? EQ-95 What impact did Khomeini and the Iranian hostage crisis have on the Iranian Revolution of ? EQ-103 Why have terrorist attacks increased in Israel, Europe, and the United States? (CCWL-1) EQ-104 How did the United States respond to the September 11, 2001 attacks in Afghanistan and Iraq? EQ-70 What were the challenges in Africa, including its geopolitical, cultural, military, and economic significance and the international relationships in which Africa is involved including the civil war in the Democratic Republic of Congo? EQ-87 How did the United States show its presence and influence in Latin America? (CCWL-2)

12 EQ-89 How has drug trafficking and the people involved impacted the United States and the return migration to Latin America? Week 5 EQ-54 What were the reasons for the establishment of the United Nations and the main ideas of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and their impact on the balance of power? EQ-95 What impact did Khomeini and the Iranian hostage crisis have on the Iranian Revolution of ? EQ-103 Why have terrorist attacks increased in Israel, Europe, and the United States? (CCWL-1) EQ-104 How did the United States respond to the September 11, 2001 attacks in Afghanistan and Iraq? EQ-101 What factors led to the Persian Gulf War and the postwar actions of Saddam Hussein? EQ-102 How is Islamic revivalism and radicalism affecting Muslim communities in Europe? EQ-92 How is geo-technology used in the search for new sources of oil and in the transition to alternative energy sources? EQ-70 What were the challenges in Africa, including its geopolitical, cultural, military, and economic significance and the international relationships in which Africa is involved including the civil war in the Democratic Republic of Congo? EQ-97 What is the origin and course of the Rwanda Genocide? (CCWL-3) Week 6 EQ-54 What were the reasons for the establishment of the United Nations and the main ideas of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and their impact on the balance of power? EQ-100 What are the worldwide demographic changes since 1980, using census data and population pyramids? Week 7 EQ-88 What is the importance of trade treaties such as NAFTA, MERCOSUR, CAFTA, and CARICOM? EQ-83 When and why was the European Union created and what role does the Euro have in the Union?

13 EQ-77 What are the economic crises, soaring national debts, and the intervention of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank? Week 8 EQ-90 What impact has GIS and GPS had on retail, transportation, communication, and tech industries? EQ-66 How did the work of scientists in the 20 th century influenced historical events, changed the lives of the general populace, and led to further scientific research including Albert Einstein, Enrico Fermi, J. Robert Oppenheimer, Edward Teller, Wernher von Braun, Jonas Salk, James Watson, and Francis Crick? Week 9 EQs will be covered by week 9. At this point, we will begin review for the Mid-term.


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