5 th Grade Vocabulary Practice STUDY SKILLS Terms: Definitions: Match the explanations with the term above.

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1 5 th Grade Vocabulary Practice STUDY SKILLS Terms: Primary Source Secondary Source Heritage Timeline Historical Significance Technology Definitions: Match the explanations with the term above. 1. Records or artifacts made by a person who saw or took part in an event. 2. A graphic organizer that shows events in the time that they happened. 3. Records of an event made by someone who was not there at the time. 4. Something that is handed down from earlier generations or from the past. 5. Events that happened in the past that have relevance to the present. 6. The use of scientific ideas and tools to create products which change or improve the standard of living. Applications: Match the examples with the related term above. 1. Our textbook is an example of a because the authors are writing about events they did not witness first hand. 2. We look at the of an event to evaluate how it may have an impact on us today. 3. Our traditions and culture are a part of our. 4. are used in order to organize important dates and facts. 5. Paul Revere s journal is a great that reveals a lot about the way of life during the American Revolution. 6. From telephones to computers, has changed greatly over time. Analysis: Write a paragraph describing the similarities, differences, and importance of primary and secondary sources in research.

2 Interview a classmate and create a timeline of the major events in their life.

3 5 th Grade Vocabulary Practice GEOGRAPHY- PART 1 Terms: Population Density Region Province Atlas Lines of Longitude Physical Map Definitions: Match the explanations with the term above. Cardinal Directions Borderlands Contour Line Continents Lines of Latitude Political Map 1. An area of land in which many features are similar that make it different from other areas. 2. The seven main land areas on Earth. 3. The average number of people living in a certain area. 4. Lines on a map or globe that run east and west; also called parallels (central line is called Equator). 5. Lines on a map or globe that run north and south; also called meridians (central line is called the Prime Meridian). 6. A small section of a country. 7. A book of maps. 8. A line drawn on a map connecting points of equal height. 9. A map that includes climate, water, landforms, and other physical features. 10. A map which shows countries, their borders, and main cities. 11. North, East, South, and West. 12. Areas of land on or near borders between countries, colonies, or regions. Applications: Match the examples with the related term above. 1. run vertically like the Prime Meridian. 2. plays a large role in the amount of amenities a particular area may have. 3. We break the United States up into various based on similarities in their physical features. 4. A would be used by someone who is looking for the capital city of Turkey. 5. The portion of the United States bordering Canada and Mexico is known as the. 6. You would use an encyclopedia to look up information on a country and an to look up a variety of maps of that country. 7. A would be used by someone who is looking for the nearest body of water. 8. Australia is one of the. 9. run horizontally like the Equator. 10. A will show mountains with similar elevations in a particular mountain range. 11. We use to determine which direction we are traveling. 12. In Canada, instead of breaking the country into states, they break the country up into sections called.

4 Analysis: Write a short paragraph to describe the difference between a physical map and a political map. Label the following things on the map below. Lines of Longitude Lines of Latitude Continents Cardinal Directions Borderlands Regions

5 5 th Grade Vocabulary Practice GEOGRAPHY- PART 2 Terms: Plain Strait Bay Peninsula Natural Resource Climate Definitions: Match the explanations with the term above. Gulf Delta Isthmus Valley Time Zones Vegetation 1. Something found in nature that people can use to meet their needs. 2. An area of water that comes from a larger area of water extending into the land. 3. The part of the river that empties into a larger body of water (the mouth of a river). 4. The kind of weather a place has over time. 5. The thin strip that connects two larger bodies of land. 6. Flat land. 7. The thin strip of water that connects two larger bodies of water. 8. The kind of plants that grow in an area. 9. A small area of water that curves into the land. 10. Land that is surrounded by water on three sides. 11. Low lands between two hills or mountains. 12. A region in which a single time is used. Applications: Match the examples with the related term above. 1. Coal, rivers, oil, and copper are all examples of. 2. The of Mexico is the body of water northeast of Mexico and was formed by water from the Atlantic Ocean. 3. The Mississippi is the area where the Mississippi River empties out to the Gulf of Mexico. 4. Arizona has a very hot and dry. 5. The Bering connects the Pacific and Arctic Oceans. 6. The Catalina connects California to the Catalina Islands. 7. The area at the bottom of a valley can be considered a due to the flat nature of the land. 8. A cactus, pine trees, and wild flowers are considered different types of. 9. Florida is an example of a because it is surrounded by water on a given number of sides. 10. Phoenix is considered a because it is surrounded by mountains, 11. California has a different than New York and at times there can be as much as 3 hours difference between the two locations. 12. A is a smaller version of a gulf.

6 Analysis: Choose a state and use at least three of the terms above to help you describe its geography. Create a cause and effect chart detailing the effects of climate on vegetation.

7 5 th Grade Vocabulary Practice EXPLORERS Terms: Exploration Expedition Navigation Settler Indigenous Push-factor Pull-factor Definitions: Match the explanation with the terms above. 1. Native to an area 2. A reason to move away from a place 3. Travelling for the purpose of discovery 4. The science of planning and following a route 5. A person who travels to and remains in a certain region 6. A reason to move to a place 7. A trip taken with the goal of exploring Applications: match the examples with the related term above. 1. Lewis and Clark s to the Pacific Northwest was intended to study the Indian tribes, geology, Western terrain and wildlife in the region. 2. Benefits such as riches, religious freedom, and land are considered to going to live in a new place. 3. Christopher Columbus journey to locate spices and riches for the King and Queen of Spain resulted in an of the New World. 4. Risks such as death, economic hardship, leaving your family are considered to be for staying where you are. 5. Samoset and Tisquantum (Squanto) were people of North America. 6. The Pilgrims of Plymouth Rock are considered because they moved from England and stayed in the New World. 7. Compass, astrolabe, chronometer, ships, and maps are all tools of.

8 Analysis: Write a persuasive letter to a Monarch from the view point of an explorer which clearly explains the reasons the Monarch should support the Expedition. Be sure to explain the costs and benefits of the expedition. (Push and Pull Factors)

9 5 th Grade Vocabulary Practice THIRTEEN COLONIES Terms: Sectionalism Rebellion Revolution Mayflower Compact Town Meetings Independence Definitions: Match the explanations with the term above. Colony Pilgrim Pioneer Tariff Liberty 1. Freedom from control or influence of others 2. The first settlers of an area 3. An assembly of people in a New England town that made laws and elected leaders 4. An armed fight against one s government 5. An agreement signed by the men who were aboard the Mayflower that gave them the right to govern themselves 6. A sudden and complete change of government 7. Choosing something that would benefit your own region rather than the country as a whole 8. The freedom from government control 9. A tax on imports 10. A land ruled by another country 11. A person who makes a journey for religious reasons Applications: Match the examples with the related term above 1. The Sons of Liberty led the against British rule by acting out against laws they thought were unfair. 2. The British imposed a on many imported items to the colonies, which the colonists thought were unfair. 3. By signing the document called the, the men agreed to follow the laws created for their settlement. 4. England began the of Pennsylvania when the King gave William Penn land to govern. 5. In a free market, business owners have the of choosing the items that they buy or sell. 6. Before the establishment of an official government in the colonies, were used to promote democracy in small towns. 7. The quest for from England led many colonists to want to split from England 8. When the South had a desire to continue the practice of using slaves, even though it violated the rights of the slaves, it was a form of. 9. The American brought about a change in government in the colonies. The British government no longer ruled. The Colonies began to govern themselves. 10. The group of people known as the came to the Americas looking for freedom from the Church of England. 11. A would have to count on the supplies brought with them, and the natural resources of the area that they settled in for survival.

10 Analysis: Imagine that you are a colonist in one of the 13 English colonies. Why did you travel to the colonies and which of the terms above helps describe who you are in the colonies? Give one example of how people in the 13 colonies practiced self government. Create a web detailing life in the colonies. Colonial Life

11 5 th Grade Vocabulary Practice AMERICAN REVOLUTION Terms: Boston Tea Party Intolerable Acts Boston Massacre Proclamation of 1763 Stamp Act Definitions: Match the explanations with the term above. Declaration of Independence Articles of Confederation Monarchy Democracy Minuteman 1. An official statement sent to the King of England in 1776 that explained why the colonies had the right to govern themselves and break away from England. 2. A new set of laws by the British which forced colonists to follow rules that were not fair. 3. A fight that broke out between angry colonists and British soldiers. Some believe this to be the first attack in the Revolutionary War. 4. A government that is run by the people who live under it. 5. An announcement that said that all lands west of the Appalachian Mountains belonged to Native Americans. 6. A tax on paper items imposed by the British on the colonists. 7. Militia units formed by the colonists that could be ready to fight at a minute s notice. 8. A document approved by Congress in 1777 that was the first plan of government in the United States and gave the states most of the power. 9. A government that is ruled by a king or a queen. 10. An event when the Sons of Liberty boarded British ships and dumped 300 chests of tea overboard to protest the tax on tea. Applications: Match the examples with the related term above. 1. The things that may have been taxed as a result of the included newspapers, legal documents, and various licenses. 2. Following the French and Indian War, England gave lands that it had won from France to the Native Americans, angering many colonists. This was called the. 3. The set of laws called the were British laws imposed on the colonists following the Boston Tea Party. 4. The British army was made up of trained soldiers, while the colonists army consisted of. 5. The was actually a letter to the King of England, explaining that the colonists wanted to separate from England s rule. 6. The first constitution of the United States was called the. 7. The was a result of the colonists dislike of the taxes Parliament imposed on imported tea. 8. England is an example of a country that is governed by a. 9. The was an event that sparked many colonists interest in revolting against England. 10. An example of a is when the people of the United States elect people to Congress who represent our views in the legislature.

12 Analysis: Write a paragraph discussing how the Intolerable Acts and Stamp Acts affected life for the colonists. How were these acts similar? How were they different? Create a timeline of the events leading up to the American Revolution Declaration of Independence sent to King of England Create a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting democracy and monarchy. Democracy Monarchy

13 5 th Grade Vocabulary Practice FOUNDATIONS OF GOVERNMENT Terms: Bill of Rights Articles of Confederation Federalists United States Constitution Mayflower Compact Declaration of Independence Monarchy Public Policy Law Democracy Definitions: Match the explanations with the term above. 1. An agreement signed by the men who were aboard the Mayflower that gave them the right to govern themselves; by signing it, they promised to abide by the laws 2. A document approved by Congress in 1777 that was the first plan of government in the United States and gave the states most of the power 3. Ten amendments that were added to The Constitution in 1791 to protect the rights of the people 4. The action taken by the government to address public issues 5. A government that is run by the people who live under it 6. A government that is ruled by a king or a queen 7. An official statement sent to the King of England in 1776 that explained why the colonies had the right to govern themselves and break away from England 8. The main law of the United States that is the foundation of all other laws 9. A rule made by a country, state, or city that all people must follow 10. Citizens who were in favor of obeying The Constitution Applications: Match the examples with the related term above. 1. The King and Queen of England is an example of a style of government. 2. is a course of action taken by the government to address the concerns of its citizens. 3. The United States is an example of a because people have the power to vote to elect people and establish new laws. 4. The gives people the right to assemble, the right of free speech, and the right to bear arms. 5. are in place to ensure safety and protect people s rights. 6. The was the first document our newly establish government authored. It provided rights to states and gave the government the power to tax. 7. The cut the colonists governmental ties with England. 8. The is the document that all other laws and governance is based on for the United States. 9. Our founding fathers could be considered because they believe in the Constitution and the doctrines it contained. 10. Even though the Pilgrims fled England seeking religious and political freedom they still signed the in order to keep order in the new colonies.

14 Analysis: Use at least two terms from above to describe why you think the Bill of Rights is still important today. Create a T-Chart to evaluate the differences between the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution. Articles of Confederation The Constitution

15 5 th Grade Vocabulary Practice STRUCTURE OF GOVERNMENT Terms: Government Legislative Branch Checks and Balances Bill Compromise Veto Treaty Definitions: Match the explanations with the term above. Judicial Branch Executive Branch Republic Ratify Political Party Impeach 1. The part of the government that must decide if laws are fair; includes the system of courts, including the Supreme Court, which is the highest court in the land 2. To approve something 3. The part of the government that makes the laws; includes the House of Representatives and the Senate 4. An idea for a new law 5. A group that tries to elect officials who will support its policies 6. To give up something that you want in order to reach an agreement 7. The group of people in charge of ruling or managing a country, state, city, or other place 8. To accuse a government official of a crime 9. To reject 10. An agreement between countries about peace, trade, or other matters 11. The part of the government that has the power to enforce the laws; includes the President 12. A form of government in which people elect representatives to run the government 13. The system that keeps any one branch of government from becoming too powerful; each branch has ways to check or block the powers of others Applications: Match the examples with the related term above. 1. A senator and a congressman work for the branch of government. 2. The President of the United States has the power to any law that is passed by Congress. 3. People who disagree on how things should be done often have to to get part of what they want. 4. When a new law is created, it starts out as a. 5. Our in Surprise consists of the town council, mayor, and representatives. 6. A judge is a member of the branch of government. 7. When the Revolutionary War ended, the of Paris was the document created to determine the terms of peace. 8. The President of the United States is a member of the branch of government 9. Our government is called a because we can elect representatives that we feel share our viewpoints.

16 10. Democrats and Republicans are both that share similar views about our government amongst themselves of the 13 colonies had to The Constitution before it was formally approved. 12. One branch of our government can t do anything without being checked by another branch. This system is known as. 13. If our Governor were to commit a crime, he or she may be. Analysis: Write a paragraph using at least two of the terms above to describe our government. Use the following words and phrases to complete the diagram below Supreme Court President Senate Executive Branch Legislative Branch District Courts Judicial Branch House of Representatives Vice President

17 5 th Grade Vocabulary Practice ECONOMICS- PART 1 Terms: Demand Loan Entrepreneur Supply Free Market Services Definitions: Match the explanations with the term above. Cash Crop Competition Price Incentive Economics Goods Trade Off 1. Money or goods borrowed with a promise to pay it back 2. A way in which people are free to choose the goods and services they buy and make without government interference 3. An amount of a product that is available for sale 4. How people use resources to satisfy their needs and wants 5. Something that is provided to help someone 6. A person who starts a new business 7. Different sellers trying to sell more of their product or service than other businesses 8. The lowering of a price to motivate a customer to buy 9. A need or desire for a good or service by people who are willing to pay for it 10. Products or services available for sale and purchase 11. A crop that people grow to sell 12. Making the choice to buy one thing over another Applications: Match the examples with the related term above. 1. If you visited a street market, you would find a lot of merchants selling. 2. If your family makes a big purchase, the bank will often give them a that they can pay back in small amounts. 3. Bill Gates was called an when he began his business of Microsoft. 4. Some businesses that offer are veterinarians, librarians, firemen, and doctors. 5. Our country is often called The Land of Opportunity because people can choose to buy or sell whatever products they want to. This is because business operates in a. 6. Colonists who only grew enough for their own families did not grow crops for profit. Plantation owners who sold things for profit grew. 7. There was a of tea waiting to be unloaded from the ship. 8. Because they are trying to attract more customers, Frye s is in with Basha s. 9. When there is an unexpected heat wave in a city, there is sometimes a high for air conditioners at Home Depot. 10. When Target has a sale on toys at Christmas, it is offering a. 11. People get paid for doing work and then they spend the money on things they want and need. This is called the study of. 12. A family may need to decide whether to purchase a new TV or a new stove. Their decision may involve a.

18 Analysis: Imagine that you are starting up a business. Use at least 3 terms from above to describe steps you would need to take to sell your product. Create a Venn diagram illustrating the similarities and differences of supply and demand. Supply Demand

19 5 th Grade Vocabulary Practice ECONOMICS- PART 2 Terms: Import Scarce Surplus Debt Capital Resources Inflation Benefit Definitions: Match the explanations with the term above. Boycott Monopoly Opportunity Cost Profit Free Enterprise Export 1. All the tools used to make a product 2. To have more than you need 3. A reward that is gained 4. A product that is brought into a country to be sold 5. A governmental system whose laws allow free markets 6. A product that is taken to another country to be sold 7. A rise in the price of all goods 8. To owe more than you can pay 9. To have total control of the sales of a product 10. To have a short supply of 11. To refuse to buy goods or services 12. Something a person gives up in order to get something else 13. The money left over after all costs have been paid Applications: Match the examples with the related term above. 1. If you buy something for $200 on a credit card, you will have created a that needs to be paid. 2. The of having a job is that you earn a paycheck. 3. The colonists wanted to tea because Parliament was taxing them to purchase tea. 4. The needed to start a lemonade stand might be money to make change, cups, lemonade, and a table. 5. happens when costs of products go up. 6. If no other company produced movies except Disney, Disney would have a on the movie-making business. 7. The shoes you bought were made in China. They would be known as an. 8. If you spend $3.00 making a cake, but you sell it for $5.00, you make a $ One of the of exploring in the New World was that you had to leave your family. 10. Our government allows us to buy and sell products as we see fit. This is called a form of government. 11. Sometimes a store will buy too much of a certain product. This is known as having a. 12. A company that sells clothing to France needs to their product to France. 13. The most popular video game can t be found in any store. That is because that particular product is.

20 Analysis: Describe what the opportunity cost and the benefit would be for starting your own business. Create a pro and con scale about Free Enterprise with two pros and two cons. Free Enterprise

21 5 th Grade Vocabulary Practice WESTWARD EXPANSION Terms: Westward Expansion Manifest Destiny Pioneer Transcontinental Railroad Migration Settler Definitions: Match the explanations with the term above. Forty-Niners Oregon Trail Trail of Tears Louisiana Purchase Monroe Doctrine 1. The first settlers of an area. 2. A plan that tried to stop European nations from starting new colonies in the Western Hemisphere in The trail followed by Cherokee Indians when they were removed from their land and forced to walk to Indian Territory. 4. The act of traveling westward in search of land and a better life. 5. A route that started in Independence, Missouri and led to Oregon Country. 6. People who arrived in California in 1849 in search of gold. 7. A person who travels to and remains in a certain region. 8. The railroad that was built to cross North America. 9. A deal made in which President Thomas Jefferson purchased land west of the Mississippi and east of the Rocky Mountains from France. 10. The belief that the U.S. should stretch from East coast to the West coast. 11. The movement of people. Applications: Match the examples with the related term above. 1. The uprooted thousands of people and led to the establishment of Indian Reservations in the United States. 2. With the expansion of the railroad the amount of in the Western parts of the United States increased greatly. 3. The is a route settlers took in order to reach the Pacific Northwest. 4. Twenty years after the Louisiana Purchase, President James Monroe wrote the which helped make claims to land in the west exclusive to the United States. 5. The land from the more than doubled the size of the United States in 1803 and makes up 14 of our current states. 6. In covered wagons, on horseback, and with determination,, packed up their belongings and laid first claim to the land in the west. 7. In 1849, the were a group of pioneers that that traveled to California in search of gold. 8. The quest for land, riches, and opportunities prompted a movement called. 9. Westward Expansion was a that helped form the United States as we now know it. 10. was the dream that fueled pioneers in their quest for Westward Expansion. 11. The created trade, travel, and migration opportunities for people across North America.

22 Analysis: Write a paragraph to explain how the Louisiana Purchase affected the United States. Make sure to use at least two of the terms from above. Create a timeline that shows the nations growth during the late 1700 s and early 1800 s. Create a picture to illustrate each event.

23 5 th Grade Vocabulary Practice CIVIL WAR Terms: Underground Railroad Abolitionist Sectionalism Emancipation Proclamation Ft. Sumter Definitions: Match the explanations with the term above. Reconstruction Secede Missouri Compromise Surrender at Appomattox Heritage 1. To leave. 2. A system of secret escape routes and contacts that led slaves to free land. 3. General s Lee s surrender to General Grant with the signing of papers ending the Civil War. 4. Something that is handed down from earlier generations or from the past. 5. The rebuilding and reorganizing of The South after the Civil War when the Southern states reentered the Union; A person who wanted to end slavery. 7. Choosing something that would benefit your own region rather than the country as a whole. 8. The document that declared that all slaves in areas fighting against the Union were free. 9. Where the first shots of the Civil War were fired. 10. A decision that was made in 1819 to keep the number of free states and slave states equal. Applications: Match the examples with the related term above. 1. States in the south threatened to from the Union in order to maintain their right to use slave labor. 2. The was created by activists and other people who do not believe in the use of slave labor. 3. The had to take place in order to officially end the war. 4. Slavery was a part of the South s. Many families had been using slave labor since their arrival in the United States. 5. brought the seceded southern states back into the Union and helped unify all states under the name of United States. 6. Without the existence of in both Southern and Northern states, the Underground Railroad would not have been able to help as many slaves as it did find safe harbor to free states. 7. When the South had a desire to continue the practice of using slaves, even though it violated the rights of the slaves, it was a form of. 8. The shots fired at signaled the official start of the Civil War even though fighting had been already happening. 9. The was drafted in order to prevent one side of the slavery debate from having more control of the Union. 10. President Lincoln signed the which was one of the first official documents freeing people trapped in slavery.

24 Analysis: Write a short paragraph demonstrating how at least two terms are related. Create a chart demonstrating the viewpoints of citizens of the South versus citizens of the North. North South Create a web showing what you have learned about Sectionalism: Sectionalism

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