Unit Plan: 11 th Grade Us History

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1 Unit Plan: 11 th Grade Us History Unit #4: The Cold War 15 Instructional Days Unit Overview Big Idea: After the dropping of the Atomic bomb on Japan to end WWII, the two remaining Superpowers, the USA and USSR, began a generational arms race that would bring the world to the brink of annihilation while strengthening the US economy and leading to the downfall of European communism. Unit Goals: 1. To analyze the cultural, historical, economic and political factors that propelled the United States and the Soviet Union into the Cold War. 2. To examine atomic diplomacy in the early Cold War years and to determine the extent to which acquisition of atomic weaponry caused or affected the Cold War. 3. To analyze the effects of the arms race on political conflict, hot wars, economic and scientific success (i.e. the space race) and the eventual fall of the Soviet Union. 4. Evaluate historical sources for point of view and historical context 5. Construct and defend a written historical argument using relevant primary and secondary sources as evidence Enduring Understandings Connections: A. Throughout the Cold war the American propaganda machine put forth the argument that the conflict was one of good versus evil and freedom versus oppression. This mindset laid the ground work for the acceptance of American intervention in foreign countries where freedom and liberty were supposed goals. This new foreign policy would lead to hot wars throughout the globe. B. The totalitarian aggression brought about by the communist regimes in Russia would create a global tension between communist nations and nations based on democratic ideals. This tension would cause confrontations between the opposing political ideologies in proxy wars throughout Europe, Asia, and South America. C. Through increasing economic strength the US was able to initiate and maintain a global arms race with the USSR. Through increasing American wealth due to the capitalist American economy, the US was able to bring about the eventual collapse of the communist economic system, through its inability to maintain social standards while increasing spending on arms. D. The foreign policy developed to deal with the threat of global communism by the United States would influence its dealings with all other foreign nations. This overriding fear of communism would force the US to ally itself with oppressive regimes throughout the globe in order to halt the growth of communism. This in turn would set the US on a course of conflict in the Middle East and South America and would lead to the global war on Terror. Enduring Understandings A. The ideals of freedom, equality, democracy, and economic well being have been powerful motivators throughout our history. B. The tensions between liberty and equality, liberty and order, region and nation, individualism and the common welfare, cultural diversity and civic unity have shaped U.S. history.

2 C. The development of the United States has been shaped dramatically by economic growth. D. Issues in and between other countries dramatically affect the United States and in turn, U. S. policy dramatically affects other countries. Essential Questions A. How has our understanding of the meaning of freedom, democracy, and economic well being changed over time? How and in what ways have these ideals shaped our history? B. How have the tensions between liberty and equality shaped U.S. history? Where do you stand with regard to these tensions? C. How has economic growth shaped society, politics, and culture in the U.S.? D. What issues drive our relations with other nations? What is America s role in the world in regard to these issues? Chapter 36 Guided Reading Questions 1. Explain the causes and consequences of the post-world War II economic boom. 2. Describe the postwar migrations to the Sunbelt and the suburbs. 3. What changes in American society and culture were brought about by the baby boom? 4. Explain the growth of tension between the United States and the Soviet Union after Germany s defeat and Truman s accession to the presidency. 5. Describe the early Cold War conflicts over Germany and Eastern Europe, and the failure of the United Nations to resolve Soviet-American tensions. 6. What were the American efforts to contain the Soviets through the Truman Doctrine, the Marshall Plan, and NATO? 7. Analyze the growing concern about Soviet spying and internal Communist subversion, and the climate of fear it engendered How did the Cold War expand into East Asia, including the Chinese Communist revolution and the Korean War? Chapter 37 Guided Reading Questions 1. What were the changes in the American consumer economy in the 1950s, and their relationship to the rise of popular mass culture? 2. Describe the rise and fall of McCarthyism and the beginnings of the civil rights movement. 3. What was the Eisenhower-Dulles approach to the Cold War and the nuclear arms race with the Soviet Union? 4. What were the basic principles of Eisenhower s foreign policy in Vietnam, the Middle East, and Cuba? 5. Define the practice of Eisenhower Republicanism in the 1950s, including domestic consequences of the Cold War. 6. What were the issues and outcome of the tight Kennedy-Nixon presidential campaign of 1960? 7. Summarize some major changes in American culture in the 1950s, including the rise of Jewish and African American writers.

3 Unit Learning Goals (tied to Unit Goals) LG 1 Analyze the origins of the Cold War after the end of World War II This should include discussion of The Postwar Economy: Slumping GNP, The Taf-Hartley Act, Operation Dixie, the Employment Act, the Selling of Government owned factories, Serviceman s Readjustment Act, Veteran s Administration, Distribution of Wealth in the 1950s, eruption of affluence, funding of Medicare, the middle class, escalating home ownership, rewards for women, the Roots of Postwar prosperity pgs ,the suburbs and the boom in home construction, economic impact of the baby boom, American Culture: Dr. Spock, the Sunbelt, The move to the suburbs, Federal Housing administration, white Flight, the Baby Boom, the soaring birth rates The Truman Administration: protégé of Kansas City, the Missouri Gang, The Buck Stops Here, Election of 1948, High Tax Harry, Truman Splits the Party, Dewey defeats Truman?, The Cold War: The Conference in Tehran, The Yalta Conference, The United Nations, The importance of The Far East at Yalta, Concessions to Stalin, differences between Communism and Capitalism, end of lend lease aid, differing visions of the postwar world, sphere of influence, establishment of the IMF, World Bank, opening of the United Nations, contrast the UN and League of Nations, The UN Charter, NESCO, FAO, WHO, the power of veto at the UN, NAZI war crimes tribunal, the splitting of Germany, the USSR goes after IRAN, the formation of the containment doctrine, Kennan s Long Telegram, Soviet unwillingness to continue wartime partnership, the battle between good and evil, Reinhold Niebuhr, The Marshall Plan, UNRRA, Access to Middle Eastern oil, recognition of the state of Israel, unification of the armed services, the National Security Act and the Department of Defense, The National Security Council, the Selective Service System, the NATO treaty and purpose, McArthur and Japanese compliance, the Chinese civil war, Mao Zedong, development of the H-Bomb, The Korean War: reunification of Korea, Korea outside the American sphere of influence, 38 th parallel, effect on the policy of containment, American Military expansion, NSC-68, rising defense budgets, Absence of the USSR at UN Security Council, the police action, MacArthur s Amphibious Assault on Korea, have boys home by Christmas, Truman and McArthur spare against each other, LG 2 Examine the tensions to arise out of the Cold War during the Eisenhower Administration This should include discussion of The economy: the age of affluence, expansion of IBM, the Strategic Air Command s impact on aerospace industries, Air Force One, white vs. Blue Collar Jobs, Union Membership during the 50s, cult of domesticity, the impact on women, American Culture: Leave it to Beaver, cult of Domesticity, Betty Freidan and the Feminine Mystique, the rise of the consumer culture, televisions role in daily life, rise of televangelists, Elvis Learning Goal Guiding Questions Habits of Mind Documents What were the origins of the Cold War? Habit of Mind: Continuity Comprehend sequential and chronological ordering of events, understanding cause-effect relationships indicated by continuums. Documents The American Pageant Chapter 36 The Cold War Begins Video The Marshall Plan Why did America get involved in The Korean War? How did the ability to produce more and better arms result in beneficial changes in American Society? Habit of Mind: Evaluating Evidence Read widely and critically in order to recognize the difference between fact and opinion, between evidence and assertion; and thereby frame useful questions. Documents The American Pageant Chapter 37 The Eisenhower Era

4 Presley, Playboy Magazine, David Rheisman and the Lonely Crowd, William H. Whyte and the Organization Man, The Eisenhower Administration: Reasons for diminishing Democratic prospects, I Like IKE, Nixon s slush fund, the Checker s Speech, Eisenhower wins in 1952, Eisenhower goes to Korea, Bland Leading the Bland, Curbing of New Deal Programs, bracer program, tried to cancel the Indian New Deal, Interstate Highway Act of 1956, Election of 1956, AFL-CIO, Landrum Griffin Act, vetoes of Eisenhower, induction of Hawaii and Alaska, The Cold War: John Foster Dulles and the policy of boldness, Negotiations with Khrushchev, beginnings of Vietnam, The Warsaw Pact, Rearmament of Germany, Spirit of Geneva, Khrushchev denounces Stalin, Hungarian uprising, Iran resists the west, the CIA, the Suez Crisis, President Nasser, the loss of the Oil Weapon, the Eisenhower Doctrine, OPEC, Sputnik 1 and 2, NASA, ICBM s, National Defense and Education Act, fight over Lebanon, U@ shot down in USSR, Castro s takeover of Cuba, anti-castro Exodus, McCarthyism: loyalty oaths, The Loyalty Review Board, Dennis v. United States, HUAC, Richard M. Nixon, Alger Hiss, Sen. Joseph McCarthy, McCarran Internal Security Bill, the Rosenberg s, accusations against Acheson, accusations against the democrats, Accusation against Marshall, Low Blow Joe, The Hollywood ten, Eisenhower s loathing of McCarthy, Attack against the US Army, Desegregation of American Society: Jim Crow Laws, low voter registrations, the Murder of Emmitt Till, Jackie Robinson, One World by Wendell Wilkie, An American Dilemma by Gunnar Myrdal, NAACP, Thurgood Marshall, Montgomery Bus Boycott, Brown V. Board of Education, Little Rock Nine, Martin Luther King, SCLC, SNCC, Kennedy vs. Nixon: the Old and New Nixon, Kennedy as Roman Catholic, the television debate, Kennedy s Win, Video Unforgettable: The Korean War Reading Like a Historian Textbook Analysis Activity Lesson The Maerican Pageant Chapter 38 The Stormy Sixties Video Joseph Welch Challenges Joseph McCarthy April 22, 1954 Video Race to the Moon: The Daring Adventure of Apollo 8 Video The Right Stuff Measuring and Tracking Learning Goals Measuring Progress of Learning Goals Daily checks for understanding Daily demonstrators of learning to be completed for each Lesson objective Tracking Student Progress Weekly averages of Learning Goal objective demonstrations of learning Assessing the progress of the Learning Goals Students complete formative assessments during and after the completion of each learning goal. Formative assessment consists of: A Multiple choice formative assessment at the completion of the learning goal Chapter reading and guided reading questions Formative assignments throughout the learning goal Socratic seminars and class discussions on the primary sources and secondary readings associated with the

5 learning goal Measuring the Unit Goal Summative Assessment Document Based Question Assessment Student Reflective Blog Posts Measuring and Tracking Unit Goals Tracking Student Progress Weekly graphing of student progress on learning goal formative assessments Partner Mapping Assessment Measuring Progress to Unit Goal: Students score proficient or advanced on 80% of learning goal formative assessments Students score proficient or advanced on 80% formative assignments Students score proficient or advanced on 100% of take home practice Learning Goal Formative Assessments LG1 Common formative Assessment LG2 Common Formative Assessment Summative Assessment Using the Documents we have used in class: In a five paragraph essay explain why the United States won the Cold War. Unit Blog Posts Blog Post #9: Was the primary threat from the Soviet Union military or ideological- that is, was the danger that the Soviet army would invade Western Europe or that more and more people in Europe and elsewhere would be attracted to communist ideas? Blog Post #10: Were there any legitimate concerns behind the red-hunting anticommunism of the late 1940s and early 1950s? How were McCarthy and others able to turn the search for spies and subversives into an assault on freethinkers, adulterers, homosexuals, and others deemed different in some way? Blog Post #11: During the week of the book discussion, students will complete a nightly discussion blog on each of the chapters assigned for the following day, using John Lewis Gaddis The Cold War: A New History. Unit Learning Goal Lesson Objectives Learning Goal LG 1 Lesson Objectives LO 1A SWBAT identify the events that took place after the end of WWII that led to the start of the Cold War LO 1B SWBAT analyze the impact of the economic conditions under the Truman administration in the 1950s LO 1C SWBAT Identify the winners and losers in the global events of the Cold War in the 1950s LO 1D SWBAT identify the causes and effects of the Korean War LO1E SWBAT assess their knowledge of the Cold War Learning Goal #1

6 LG 2 LO 2A SWBAT analyze the impact the Cold War had American Politics and Culture LO 3B SWBAT analyze the impact the arms race had on American foreign and domestic policy LO 2C SWBAT analyze the impact of McCarthyism on American civil liberties and our ability to effectively fight in the Cold War LO 2D SWBAT examine the impact the Cold War had on the American Space Program LO 2E SWBAT assess their knowledge of the Cold War Learning Goal #2 Lesson Objective Demonstrations of Learning Learning Goal Demonstration of Learning LG 1 LO 1A LO 1B LO 1C LO 1D LO1E In a short paragraph explain how each of the following led to the Cold War: The Truman Doctrine, The Marshall Plan, and the Warsaw Pact Why do we call the 1950s the age of Affluence? Pick three early Cold War conflicts and compare/contrast them. Using the documents from class today, write a well written essay explaining who started the Korean War. Be sure to use evidence from the documents to support you opinion. Proficiency on the Assessment LG 2 LO 2A GSA: How was the Eisenhower Administration able to win the election of 1952? LO 2B How did the Cold War tensions continue to rise during the Eisenhower Administration? What effect did this have on the American people? LO 2C In a short paragraph explain how you would have reacted as an American living in the time of McCarthyism LO 2D Write a short constructed response answering the prompt: Why do you think America was able to beat the Soviet Union to the Moon? LO 2E Proficiency on the Assessment Instructional Calendar Day 1 LO 1A Day 6 LO 2A Day 11 Chapter 1 Day 2 LO 1B Day 7 LO 3B Day 12 Chapters 2-3 Day 3 LO 1C Day 8 LO 3C Day 13 Chapters 4-5 Day 4 LO 1D Day 9 LO 3D Day 14 Chapters 6-7 Day 5 LO 1E LG 1 Formative Assessment Day 10 LO 3E LG 2 Formative Assessment Day 15 Chapters 8-Epligoue Cold War Papers Due

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