Gulfport School District U. S. History Curriculum Pacing Guide

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1 Understand the evolution of the American political system, its ideals, and institutions post-reconstruction. (DA) 1a Cite and analyze evidence that the United States Constitution is a living document as reflected in Supreme Court cases, Amendments, and presidential actions. (DOK 3) 1.2 GLT 1 Plessy vs. Ferguson 2.2 GLT 2 Brown vs. Board of Education 1.3 GLT 3 Schenk vs. U.S. or Munn vs. Illinois 1b Analyze and evaluate the impact of presidential policies and congressional actions on domestic reform. (DOK 3) 1.2 GLT 4 Presidents up to McKinley 1.3 GLT 5 Presidents up to Franklin D. Roosevelt 2.2 GLT 6 Presidents up to Richard Nixon 1c Explain and analyze the expansion of federal powers. (DOK 3) 1.1 GLT 7 Sherman Anti-Trust Act, Interstate Commerce Act 1.2 GLT 8 Trust-busting, Progressive Reforms 2.3 GLT 9 Civil Rights Acts, Federal Intervention 1d Analyze and evaluate the ongoing tension between individual liberty and national security. (DOK 3) 1.3 GLT 10 Schenk vs. U. S., Palmer Raids, Alliance/Espionage Acts 2.1 GLT 1 Second Red Scare, Japanese Internment 2.3 GLT 12 War on Terror, Patriot Act Understand major social problems and domestic policy issues in post-reconstruction American society. (DA) 2a Explain how American society has been impacted by the entry of more women, minorities, and immigrant workers into the labor force. (DOK 2) 1.1 GLT 13 Immigrants women working in factories during late 1800s 1.3 GLT 14 WWI Influence Race Riots, Red Scare, Red Summer 2.1 GLT 15 World War II/Double V Program 2.1 GLT 16 Bracero Program 2.3 GLT 17 Glass Ceiling more women in the work force GLT=Gulfport Learning Targets 1 Revised 07/06/2012

2 Understand major social problems and domestic policy issues in post-reconstruction American society. (DA) 2b Trace the response of American institutions such as government and non-profit organizations to environmental challenges such as natural disasters, conservation and pollution, and property rights (including but not limited to the expansion of the national park system, the development of environmental protection laws, and imminent domain). (DOK 2) 1.2 GLT 18 TR and National Parks, 1927 Mississippi Flood, Sierra Club, Ballinger-Dinchot Affair 2.3 GLT 19 Love Canal, Three Mile Island, EPA, Silent Spring, Katrina, Climate Change, Oil Spills (1969, 1987, 2010) 2c Compare and contrast various social policies such as welfare reform and public health insurance and explain how such social policies are influenced by the persistence of poverty. (DOK 2) 1.3 GLT 20 Social Gospel, Gospel of Wealth, Welfare- Capitalism, Progressivism 2.3 GLT Welfare Reform, Health Care 2.1 GLT 22 Post WWII Presidents, Fair Deal, Great Society, Medicare, Modern Republicanism Understand how the global position of the United States has evolved as a result of imperialism, economics, technological changes, and involvement in international wars and conflicts. (GA) 3a Analyze the effects of imperialism on the foreign policy of the United States from Reconstruction to World War I. (DOK 3) 1.2 GLT 23 Spanish-American War, Open Door Policy, Boxer Rebellion, Banana Republics, Hawaii 1.3 GLT 24 WWI, Panama Canal, Latin American Intervention 3b Compare and contrast the arguments between the imperialists and anti-imperialists in the late 19th century and justify why the imperialists prevailed. (DOK 3) 1.2 GLT 25 Jingoism, Yellow Press, Humanitarian Reasons, Business, Military Reasons 1.2 GLT 26 Anti-democratic, Racism, Cost 3c Draw conclusions about the causes and effects of American involvement in the world wars. (DOK 3) 1.3 GLT 27 MAIN (Militarism, Alliances, Imperialism, Nationalism) 2.1 GLT 28 WWII: Start of Cold War GLT=Gulfport Learning Targets 2 Revised 07/06/2012

3 Understand how the global position of the United States has evolved as a result of imperialism, economics, technological changes, and involvement in international wars and conflicts, (GA) 3d Analyze the origins and development of the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective allies, including ideology, technology, economics, and geography. (DOK 3) 2.1 GLT 29 Yalta, Truman Doctrine, Containment, Brinkmanship, Eisenhower Doctrine, NATO, Warsaw Pact, U-2 Incident, Berlin Airlift, Arms Race, Space Race, Communism, Capitalism, Marshall Plan, McCarthyism, Espionage 3e Explain and analyze America s role in international organizations, humanitarian relief, and post-war reconstruction efforts throughout the 20th century. (DOK 3) 2.2 GLT 30 NATO, SEATO, UN, Marshall Plan, OAS 2.3 GLT 31 NAFTA, Peace Corps 3f Analyze and evaluate the causes and effects of the United States growing involvement in the Middle East and the Persian Gulf. (DOK 3) 2.2 GLT 32 Eisenhower Doctrine, Israel Creation, Shah of Iran, Suez Crisis 2.3 GLT 33 Iran Hostage Crisis, Iran Central, Iraq War, Afghanistan, OPEC Understand how the Civil Rights Movement achieved social and political change in the United States and the impact of the Civil Rights struggle of African Americans on other groups (including but not limited to feminists, Native Americans, Hispanics, immigrant groups, and individuals with disabilities). (CR/HR) 4a Analyze the issues that gave rise to the Civil Rights Movement from post-reconstruction to the modern movement. (DOK 3) 1.3 GLT 34 W.E.B. Du Bois, Booker T. Washington, Niagara Movement, Great Migration 2.1 GLT 35 WWII s influence on Civil Rights, Double V Campaign 2.3 GLT 36 AIM, NOW, César Chávez, 1950s to current Civil Rights GLT=Gulfport Learning Targets 3 Revised 07/06/2012

4 Understand how the Civil Rights Movement achieved social and political change in the United States and the impact of the Civil Rights struggle of African Americans on other groups (including but not limited to feminists, Native Americans, Hispanics, immigrant groups, and individuals with disabilities). (CR/HR) 4b Trace the major events of the modern movement and compare and contrast the strategies and tactics for social change used by leading individuals/groups. (DOK 2) 2.3 GLT 38 CORE Sit-Ins 2.3 GLT 39 Martin Luther King and Malcolm X - Non-Violence, SNCCs Evolution, NAACP Court Cases 4c Analyze the response of federal and state governments to the goals (including but not limited to ending de jure and de facto segregation and economic inequality) of the Civil Rights Movement. (DOK 3) 2.2 GLT 40 Dixiecrats, Executive Order 8802, Desegregation of Military 2.3 GLT 41 Jim Crow Laws, States Rights, Ole Miss/Alabama, Thurmond, Literacy and Poll Tax 4d Evaluate the impact of the Civil Rights Movement in expanding democracy in the United States. (DOK 3) 2.3 GLT 42 Voting Power of Minorities 2.3 GLT 43 Increase of Minority Votes/Office Holders 4e Compare and contrast the goals and objectives of other minority and immigrant groups to those of the Civil Rights Movement led predominantly by African-Americans. (DOK 2) 2.3 GLT 44 AIM, César Chávez and non-violence, NOW, Glass Ceiling 4f Cite and analyze evidence of the political, economic, and social changes in the United States that expanded democracy for other minority and immigrant groups. (DOK 3) 1.3 GLT th Amendment 2.3 GLT th Amendment 2.2 GLT 47 EEOC, Head Start and Great Society Programs GLT=Gulfport Learning Targets 4 Revised 07/06/2012

5 Understand the continuing economic transformation of the United States involving the maturing of the industrial economy, the expansion of big business, the changing demographics of the labor force, and the rise of national labor unions and industrial conflict. (E) 5a Evaluate the factors leading to and the effects of industrialization on the political, physical, and economic landscape of the United States during the late 19th and early 20th century. (DOK 3) 1.1 GLT 48 Resources, Workforce, Peace, Rewards for Risk 1.1 GLT 49 Industrialization of the late 1800 s Carnegie, Morgan, Rockefeller 1.1 GLT 50 Assembly Line, Inventions, Wagner Act, NLRB 1.3 GLT 51 Taft/Hartley Act 5b Explain the conditions of industrialization that led to the rise of organized labor and evaluate labor s effectiveness in achieving its goals. (DOK 3) 1.2 GLT 52 Early Unionization Knights of Labor, AFL, De-skilling, Haymarket, Tenements, Government/Society s Hostility 1.2 GLT 53 TR and Progressive Support for Labor, Child Labor 1.3 GLT 54 Muckrakers 2.1 GLT 55 AFL-CIO Merge 5c Identify and explain migration and immigration patterns that developed from the push-pull effects of economic circumstances. (DOK 2) 1.1 GLT 56 Push/Pull of the West, Chinese Immigration, Old Immigration, Urbanization 1.3 GLT 57 Great Migration, New Immigration, WWI, Northern Factory Jobs, Farm Mechanization 2.1 GLT 58 Dust Bowl, Migration West 2.2 GLT 59 Sunbelt, Rust Belt Understand the scope of government involvement in the economy including the following: the regulation of industry and labor, the attempts to manipulate the money supply, and the use of tariffs or trade agreements to protect or expand U.S. business interests. (E) 6a Cite and explain evidence that led to the transition of the U.S. economy from laissez-faire capitalism to an increasingly regulated economy. (DOK 2) 1.2 GLT 60 TR and Trust-Busting, Sherman Anti-trust Act, Federal Reserve, Laissez-faire GLT=Gulfport Learning Targets 5 Revised 07/06/2012

6 Understand the scope of government involvement in the economy including the following: the regulation of industry and labor, the attempts to manipulate the money supply, and the use of tariffs or trade agreements to protect or expand U.S. business interests. (E) 6a Cite and explain evidence that led to the transition of the U.S. economy from laissez-faire capitalism to an increasingly regulated economy. (DOK 2) 2.1 GLT 61 Depression/Stock Market Crash, New Deal, Hawley-Smoot Tariff 2.3 GLT 62 NAFTA, GATT 6b Analyze and evaluate historical arguments regarding monetary policy. (DOK 3) 1.3 GLT 63 Federal Reserve 1.1 GLT 64 Free Silver. W.J. Bryan 2.3 GLT 65 Inflation Oil Prices, 1970s Nixon/Ford 6c Critique the government s use of tariffs and trade agreements. (DOK 3) 1.3 GLT 66 Hawley-Smoot Tariff Business Support of Tariff 1.2 GLT 67 Farmer s Opposition to Tariff s 2.3 GLT 68 NAFTA 6d Evaluate deficit spending as a means of financing government programs. (DOK 3) 2.1 GLT 69 Deficits and New Deal 2.3 GLT 70 Deficits - Reagan Understand cultural trends, religious ideologies, and artistic expressions that contributed to the historical development of the United States. (C) 7a Examine cultural artifacts (including but not limited to visual art, literature, music, theatre, sports) to contextualize historical developments. (DOK 2) 1.2 GLT 71 Imperialism Art, White Man s Burden 1.3 GLT 72 WPA, Grapes of Wrath, Harlem Renaissance, Art, Jazz Age 2.1 GLT 73 WWII Propaganda, Sports and Civil Rights (Berlin Olympics, Jackie Robinson) GLT=Gulfport Learning Targets 6 Revised 07/06/2012

7 Understand cultural trends, religious ideologies, and artistic expressions that contributed to the historical development of the United States. (C) 7a Examine cultural artifacts (including but not limited to visual art, literature, music, theatre, sports) to contextualize historical developments. (DOK 2) 2.2 GLT 74 Woodstock, Rock n Roll 7b Analyze and evaluate the impact of religion on various social movements, domestic/foreign policies, and political debates. (DOK 3) 1.1 GLT 75 Cross of Gold 1.3 GLT 76 Social Gospel, WCTA - Prohibition 2.1 GLT 77 Second Red Scare and Religion ( In God We Trust / Under God ) 2.3 GLT 78 Religious Right and Conservation, Civil Rights Movement, SCLC 7c Evaluate the role mass media has played in shaping perceptions toward certain policies, social groups, other nations, and political ideas. (DOK 3) 1.3 GLT 79 Use of Radio, Newspapers, Fireside Chats 2.2 GLT 80 TV Common Culture, Role of Women, Civil Rights/Social Media 2.3 GLT 81 Impact of Vietnam War, Student Demonstrations, Nixon/Kennedy Debate 7d Contrast modernism and traditionalism relating to social change. (DOK 2) 1.2 GLT 82 Isolationism vs. Imperialism 1.3 GLT 83 Flappers, Automobiles, Prohibition 2.3 GLT 84 Malcolm X vs. Martin Luther King 2.3 GLT 85 ERA and its Defeat, Rock n Roll, Counterculture 7e Cite and explain evidence of the diversity of the United States. (DOK 2) 2.3 GLT 86 Demographic Information on Race 1.3 GLT 87 Urban/Rural Shifts 2.3 GLT 88 Census Reports GLT=Gulfport Learning Targets 7 Revised 07/06/2012

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