The Voice of the Maltese

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1 The Voice of the Maltese Issue 102 (driven by the voice of its readers) online magazine May 26, 2015 The Upper Barrakka Gardens are built on top of a bastion, on the highest point of Valletta dating back to They offer fantastic views of the Grand Harbour, the cities of Senglea, Vittoriosa and Kalkara as well as the Breakwater. Europe starts in Malta Visitors can spend hours here simply admiring the stunning view. The saluting battery in the picture is used every day at noon when members of the Malta Heritage Society (dressed in British Artillery uniforms) fire a salute. One of Malta s greatest assets has always been Grand Harbour (otherwise known in Maltese as il-port il-kbir) in the capital, Valletta. It is a natural harbour that has been used as such since at least Phoenician times. The harbour mouth is bounded by Saint Elmo Point, Ricasoli Point, and the Sciberras peninsula, largely covered by the city of Valletta and its suburb Floriana. Its is further sheltered by an isolated breakwater. The Grand Harbour and the Barrakka Gardens The Grand Harbour in 1750

2 2 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday May 26, 2015 Has multiculturalism It is becoming fairly obvious that we seem to be at a loss what to do about migrants that land unwanted and unwelcomed on our shores. Nations around the world have taken diametrically opposite views as to how to tackle this urgent problem. In Malta, we prefer to pass them on to other larger nations where they would impose a relatively smaller impact on society. Others, like Australia, prefer to lock them up in surrounding islands, thus stopping prospective asylum seekers from even thinking about leaving their own country. There is no denying that all over Europe, in recent months, there have been unfortunate events that have put the very concept of multiculturalism under a very critical lens. Events resulting in attacks on, and even murder of innocent civilians that we have witnessed around the world highlight the fragility of interaction between citizens who up until recently lived fairly harmoniously together. Multiculturalism has often been advocated as perhaps the only way societies on the move can hope to live together. It may be said of multiculturalism what Winston Churchill said about democracy, namely, that it is the worst system except for all the others. In effect, this means there is nothing else to look for: either we live together or we live apart. Unfortunately, living apart, ignoring the rights of those who for whatever reason settle in a foreign land, results in an unequal society, with the mushrooming of ghettos and the promotion of dissident and rebellious elements. The quartiers of Paris are typical isolates that seem to have developed their own street laws relating to behaviour, including, for instance, selfappointed vigilantes who dictate failed us? Profs Maurice Cauchi dress codes for women. It is stated that some 3,000 youngsters have left Europe to join the Jihadists in Iraq and Syria. There is no doubt that most of these Multiculturalism is supposed to overcome some of the basic problems associated with mixtures of races, ensuring that everybody feels accepted in an equal society come from areas where they have been ignored, scorned, isolated, left without an education and any hope of employment, and had no other option but to associate with others of the same background. This has been fomenting for years but has only recently become a time bomb ready to wreak havoc on Western society. The current epidemic of disenfranchisement and disaffection felt by young people make them prefer to join a criminal gang like Islamic State, which can offer nothing but blood and almost certain death. There is, of course, another category of disaffected people, namely those who have been offered but rejected facilities available for everyone, including a good family, a good education and employment. These, a minority, seem to be motivated by an ideal to which they are attracted like a moth to the lightbulb. The hope of a new life and the idea of correcting all the evils of the Western world seem to be worth all the hardship and even the very possibility of martyrdom. Multiculturalism is supposed to overcome some of the basic problems associated with mixtures of races, ensuring that everybody feels accepted in an equal society. Everybody is given a chance to move up within the ranks. With multiculturalism, it is argued, background, religion, customs, all these form no barrier to integration, at least in the long run. States provide all the assistance required to ensure that all residents develop their full potential. It is no doubt that this model has worked in places like Canada and Australia. How else but in a place like Australia can one accommodate a society which embraces more than 260 languages and 130 religions? Where else can you find yourself living with a German family one side of your home, a Greek family on the other, a Muslim up the road and true-blue unhyphenated Australians further up the road? The facts are clear: migration around the world has always been the rule. The only thing that is new is that they are happening at a more accelerated rate these days. A slow rate of intake allows smooth mixing with the resident society. Ensuring a variety of backgrounds also helps reduce stigma. But perhaps more important is to ensure a basic political outlook that encourages the view that basically all are equal, and should be treated as such. A proud sponsor of The Voice of the Maltese website: Breakaway Travel 94 corner of Main & Campbell Streets, Blacktown NSW... for all your travel needs. Tel (02)

3 Tuesday May 26, 2015 The Voice of the Maltese 3 Australia Post recognises Anzac Memorial in Malta Australia Post remembered the centenary of the events of the Gallipoli campaign (ANZAC) not only with the issue of five stamps, depicting the landing, the Turkish counter attack, the British offensive and the withdrawal on April 14, but also with the release of a pre paid first day cover envelope that commemorates the Anzac Memorial in Malta (pictured above). The issue consists of five stamps was the second in a five-year series, relaying the chronological order of our nation s involvement in the First World War, but commemorating Malta s contribution is a first. The Anzac Memorial in Malta, that was inaugurated Malta featured on covers of top film industry magazines on May 25, 2013 is at the Argotti Gardens in Floriana. The names of the Australian and New Zealand men who lost their lives are listed on the three circular steps at the base. Malta played a significant role in the Gallipoli battle, not just as a back-up base for the Royal Navy but also as one of the major hospitals in the Mediterranean. Around 800 Maltese volunteers went to Gallipoli as muleteers or to dig the trenches and some even fought within the Australian ranks or worked as stevedores unloading the ships. This effort is considered to be Malta s greatest contribution to the Allies efforts during that terrible war. Malta s film industry is hitting the headlines at the 68th annual Cannes Film Festival currently underway. With tons of celebrities in town for the festivities, the intensified marketing efforts being undertaken by the Malta Film Commission (MFC) in some of the most prestigious entertainment publications during this time should continue to bear fruit. The scope of the campaign is to make Malta s versatile locations and its financial incentives more visible internationally targeting hundreds of professional foreign filmmakers attending this year s market. The MFC has been encouraged by what it has described as a remarkable increase of foreign production companies confirming their interest to shoot in Malta. Images of Malta s capital, Valletta have been featured on two of the industry's leading magazines, the Hollywood Reporter and World Of Locations. Last year, the Maltese filmservicing industry grew by an outstanding 650% and injected millions of Euros into the country s economy. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt helped to raise Malta's profile last year by filming the romantic drama By The Sea, at Mgarr ix-xini Bay in Gozo. The campaign also reflects the government commitment to continue driving this challenging industry forward so as to achieve consistent growth and sustainability. Movies such as Captain Phillips, Troy, World War Z, Munich, Popeye, Midnight Express, U-571 had also chosen Malta as a filming location in the past

4 4 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday May 26, 2015 Memorji u dizappunti i Lawrence Dimech META ng addi mix-xatt Tas-Sliema fejn qabel kien hemm ix-chalet f G ar id-dud in oss dieqa kbira. Niftakar fi Ωmien l-img oddi, ta meta kont g adni çkejkna u nara u nisma lil missieri jdoqq mal-orkestra tieg u f dak il-post tant mag ruf u apprezzat g ad-divertiment. Kien ikona. Óallewh jinqered, illum abbandunat,. Tidher biss biçça blata li qed kull ma jmur titfarrak bil-qilla talba ar imqalleb. Hekk qalti kwazi tikbi mara li g alkemm tg ix barra iωda g adha tapprezza u tiftakar l- img oddi. Il- ajja tassew inbidlet iωda g alina x-xju dak li kien prattikament monument, l-awtoritajiet allewh jitkisser malmew. Mank hemm tabella li tfakkarna li dan il-post xi darba kien wie ed mill-aqwa postijiet ta divertiment f Tas- Sliema fis-snin mg oddija. Ic-Chalet f G ar id-dud ( ) ie ddisinjat mill-perit Ingliz B.W Cordwell (RM). Wara s- snin ta wara l-gwerra, g alkemm kien hemm diversi tentattivi biex jerga jigi mog ti l-importanza li kellu qabel t alla mitluq. L-istruttura finalment t attet fl Sintendi lisola t alliet iωda anke din qed bil-ftit il-ftit titfarrak. IT-TEATRU RJAL: It-Teatru Rjal fid-da la tal-belt, kif jinsab illum mhux biss hu diωastru iωda wkoll çertifikat ikreh g al min re a iddisinjah. Fil-fehma tieg i, din ilbalbuljata ta ebel im arbat, si ijiet odor tal-plastik u adid arbulat, hu l-aktar post ikrah u bla sens li g andna filbelt kapitali Maltija, Valletta. Ftit jimpurtani li min re a ddisinjah g andu fama internazzjonali. G alija dan hu kankru g all-belt mibnija minn nies li g arfu jitpaxxew b dak li hu sabih u enwin, dak li jaqbel mal-kumplament tal-belt tag na. Id-da la tal-belt ta Piano issa hi dik li hi. Çertament li ma taqbilx u ma tikkumplimentax lil belt antika u storika L-eks Teatru Rjal - issa l-pjazza Teatru Rjal - mibdul f bini li ma jixraqx lil belt storika b all-valetta Dak li baqa mix- Chalet, biçça blata titfarrak bil-mew tal-ba ar FUQ: Ix-Chalet f G ar id- Dud, Tas-Sliema fil-glorja tieg u fil- amsinijiet. iωda g all-inqas hija binja mpressjonanti ferm moderna kemm minn barra u anke minn ewwa. IΩda mhux hekk sar bil-fdalijiet tat-teatru Rjal. G ad ikun hemm min ji ih ilkura li jne i l- niωrijiet li saru u jag ti lill- ens Malti dak li jixraqalu f din il-kantuniera tant storika tal-belt tag na? It-Teatru Rjali beda jinbena fl-1862 u tlesta erba snin wara. Seba snin wara, fl inqered kwazi kollu minn nirien, iωda ie restawrat u miftu mill- did erba snin wara. Imbag ad fl-1942 safa` vittma talbombi tal-g adu fit-tieni Gwerra Dinjija u arraf. Din kienet daqqa fatali u flok imbena mill- did kif sar f teatri o ra simili fl-ewropa, dak tag na l-maltin baqa gorbo ebel sakemm ie enju u jdawwru f teatru bla saqaf u bla gosti ta xejn!

5 Tuesday May 26, 2015 The Voice of the Maltese 5 Il-Maçina fl-isla... se ssir Lukanda? Il-Maçina fl-isla qabel giet Ωarmata mill-ammiraljat IngliΩ fl Ta t: il- Macina fid-disig inijiet tas-seklu 19 (ritratt Frank-Lea Ellis) Il-Gran Mastru Claude de la Sengle fl-1554 bena l- bastjun tal-isla mag ruf b ala l-maçina, isem mog ti lil dan il-lokal billi fil-bidu tas-seklu sbatax il-gran Mastru Alof de Wignacourt kien g amel b al tarjola kbira (speçi ta krejn) tal-injam li permezz tieg u kienu jitpo ew l-arbli tax-xwieni. Fl-1864 dan inbidel f wie ed tal- adid li kien jintuωa prinçipalment mill-qawwa tal-ba ar IngliΩa. Dan tne a fl-1927 meta s-servizzi IngliΩi ma kellhomx bωonnu aktar g ax minfloku abu floating crane. Il-Maltin kienu j arsu lejn dan l-apparat b ala speçi ta magna kbira u kif is-soltu jsir, il-kelma macchina bit-taljan, im allta mal-kelma IngliΩa machine, spiççat maçina. G al xi Ωmien l-ammiral IngliΩ beda juωa dan il-post b ala l-kwartieri tieg u. Meta dan il-post g adda f idejn il-gvern Malti, dan illokal ie wωat b ala Skola tas- Snajja. Aktar tard ittie det b ala l-kwartieri Ìeneral tal- Partit Laburista. U meta l-partit mexa lejn il-kwartieri li g andu llum fil-óamrun, ilpost ie abbandunat u spiçça mitluq. Issa b xorti tajba jidher li hemm kumpanija, il-port Cottonera Limited (li tmexxi wkoll il-vittoriosa Waterfront) li g andha l- sieb tibdel dan il-post f Lukanda Ωg ira. J Alla jkollna kumpaniji b al dawn li jag mlu uωu mill- afna binjiet storiçi li huma mitluqin, mhux biss min abba l- id ekonomiku li jistg u j ibu lejn Malta, imma wkoll g ax dan jiggarantixxi li binjiet b al dawn jinωammu fi stat tajjeb. Il-Maçina kif inhi b alissa (ritratt Edwin Catania)

6 6 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday May 26, 2015 Il- rajja tal-g arqa tal-ms Skaubryn fl kitba ta Joe R. Scicluna Il- olma li jaslu fil-pajjiz futur dehret wisq il-bog od Fl-ewwel snin ta wara t-tieni Gwerra Dinjija l-emigrazzjoni minn Malta g al pajjizi kbar Ωdiedet mhux ftit. Il-Maltin li riedu jfittxu x- xog ol barra minn xtutna kienu speçjalment i arsu lejn il-kontinent Awstraljan bit-tama li hemmhekk isibu mpieg, jibdew ajja dida, u jibnu futur g alihom u g al familthom. F Jannar tal-1965, l-g add ta emigranti Maltin lejn l-awstralja kien g oli afna. Interessanti l-fatt li tfajla ta g oxrin sena kienet il-mitt elf persuna li emigrat minn Malta sa dakinhar u meta waslet fl-ajruport ta Sydney kienet iet milqug a mill-kummissarju g oli ta Malta fl-awstralja. S a mis-sena 1812 il-popolazzjoni ta Malta kienet diga qed tikber sew. Ilfamilji kienu qed jimtlew bit-tfal u filpajjiω beda jidher in-nuqqas ta xog ol bil-konsegewnza li l-faqar kiber gmielu. G all- abta tal-1880, il-maltin kienu di a bdew jemigraw lejn l-awstralja, b afna minnhom isibu xog ol ja dmu fil-kannamieli (sugar cain farms) fl-istat ta Queensland. G alkemm ma kienux ta skola, kienu b sa ithom u wrew li kienu jifil u g al xog ol iebes u ta strapazz. Bil-ftu tal-kanal tas-suez fl-1869, Malta adet ir-ru. Fit-Tarzna da al afna xog ol, il-paga Ωdiedet u l-kummerç kiber. Il-maggoranza tan-nies kienet ta dem mas-servizzi, imma x-xog ol tradizzjonali tas-snajja minn nies li ja dmu g al rashom bil-mod il-mod beda sejjer lura. Dan beda jitfa piω kbir fuq il-gvern Kolonjali biex i allas il-pagi lin-nies tieg u. Sandanittant, il-flotta navali IngliΩa naqqset il-bastimenti mill-portijiet Maltin, u l-militar irtira bosta re imenti minn Malta. Fl-ewwel snin tas-seklu g oxrien, ix-xog ol re a beda jonqos, u l-maltin bdew i arsu lil hinn minn xtutna biex isibu jaqilg u obωhom. Filpassat insibu li di a kien hemm Maltin li kienu emigraw lejn l-e ittu l-aktar lejn Lixandra it-tripolitanja (illum mag rufa b ala l-libja), it-turkija, it- TuneΩija u l-al erija. L -emigrazzjoni deher li kienet l-unika tama li l-maltin jibnu l-futur g alihom, tonqos il-popolazzjoni minn Malta, jittaffa l-piω finanzjarju minn fuq il- Gvern Kolonjali u l-pajjiω jimxi a jar. Persuni mag rufa b all-politiku Gerald Strickland kienu jg idu li l-maltin kellhom stima kbira lejn L-Imperu Ingliz. Kienu mrobbija fil-kultura tal-ewropa, kienu beωlin, u fuq kollox jg oωωu u j obbu l-familja. Kienet qed tin ass il- tie a li min kien jinsab bla xog ol kellu ji i m ajjar jemigra lejn l-awstralia. F dan il-pajjiω setg u jsibu mpieg fis-sod u jkollhom pagi deçenti. Ma kienx hemm inkwiet, filwaqt li l-ikel kien ir is u abbundanti. Barraminhekk l-art kienet sinjura u kien anke nstab id-deheb u metalli o ra prezzjuωi f dan il-kontinent. Min kien irid jemigra kien jin tie lu jivvja a bil-ba ar. Fiz-zmien li qeg din insemmu, fil-bidu tas-seklu g oxrin, il-gvern Awstraljan kien qed jimmira li jωid il-popolazzjoni bi 15-il miljun persuna. G alhekk kien i ajjar emigranti mill-ingilterra imorru jg ixu hemm u kien sa ansitra lest joffrilhom impieg fuq in-na a ta fuq u fil-punent tal-pajjiω. G all-ewwel snin tas-seklu g oxrin ilkumpaniji tal-vapuri kienu sejrin tajjeb i orru emigranti mill-ewropa lejn l- Amerika. Imma meta faqqg et il-kriωi fit-tletinijiet il folja nqalbet u bdew jitilfu l-flus, tant li afna minnhom fallew. Il-kummerç re a a spinta l-fuq snin wara meta l-gvern Awstraljan feta ittriq g all-emigranti mill-ewropa biex imorru jfittxu x-xog ol f dan il-kontinent. Matul is-sittinijiet il-vapuri SS Oriana u SS Canberra kienu jid lu Malta ta spiss biex jie du l-emigranti lejn l- Awstralja Fl-1907 kien twaqqaf kumitat biex jag ti parir u tag rif li dawk il-maltin li riedu jsiefru u jemigraw. Strickland kien tal-fehma li l-maltin g andhom jag zlu li jmorru f pajjiωi li kellhom rabta mal-ingilterra. Anke l-knisja f Malta, b xi mod g enet biex emigranti Maltin iffitxu xog ol fl- Awstralja. Fl-913 kien ie Malta l-isqof ta Perth g all-kungress Ewkaristiku, u hu wkoll tkellem favur li l-maltin imorru ja dmu fl-awstralja. Ûied jg id li jkun ukoll sewwa li xi qassisin jitilg u hemm huma wkoll alli jkunu ta g ajnuna g all-emigranti f dan il-kontinent. Matul iω-ωmien l-awstralja baqg et tattira lejha lill-maltin g ax kienet toffrilhom opportunita` ta xog ol u ajja a jar. Wara t-tmiem tat-tieni Gwerra Dinjija li l-emigrazzjoni Ωdiedet bil-kbir. Óafna Maltin iddeçidew li jemigraw u jmorru jg ixu fil-bliet, l-aktar u l-aktar f dawk ta Melbourne u Sydney. N L-MS Skaubryn: inbena fl-1950 biex i orr il-merkanzija imma spiçça j orr il-passi ieri u g ereq tmien snin wara i u issa g all-vapur li kien ie g add ta drabi f Malta, l-ms Skaubryn li kien inbena g all-kumpanija Norve iωa Eikland. G all-bidu kien ma sub biex i orr il-merkanzija, imma ftit qabel ma ie varat fis-7 ta Ottubru tal-1950, il-propjetarju ddeçieda li jsirulu xi tibdiliet alli minflok jibda jopera g all- arr tal-passi ieri. Kien fis-27 ta Frar tal-1951, meta l-ms Skaubryn are mill-port ta Nordenham fin-norve ja jsalpa g all-ewwel vja tieg u. Fuqu kellu mal-1200 passi ier. Da al fil-kanal tas-suez, g adda lejn Aden u minn hemm, fl-1 ta April 1951 kompla l-vja g al Melbourne fl-awstralja. Wara, il-vapur alla Melbourne ming ajr passi ieri fi triqu lejn l-indonesja biex jg abbi g add ta passi ieri OlandiΩi u çittadini residenti hemm. Dawn riedu j allu l-pajjiω min abba l- inkwiet li kien hemm u jmorru lura lejn l-olanda. Il-vapur wasal Rotterdam fis- 6 ta Mejju u mar lura fil-port ta Bremerhaven. *g al pa na 9

7 Tuesday May 26, 2015 The Voice of the Maltese 7 *minn pa na 8 Matul iω-ωmien il-vapur kien ie armat u attrezzat bl-ifjen g amara. Kellu tmien gabini fornuti b servizz ta bar g all-passi ieri sinjuri, u kien imfittex minn passi ieri li riedu jie du btala u jωuru xi pajjiωi o ra u jinωlu l-art. Kellu diversi swali, Ωew ristoranti kbar u sala fejn kien ji i servut ikel lit-tfal. Matul il-vjag il-passi gieri setg u wkoll igawdu minn Ωew swali taççinema. G al min kien ried ig um, kien hemm pixxina miftu a fuq barra u gverta wiesg a g al min kien i obb jipprattika xi sport. Opera vja i fuq ir-rotta lejn l- Awstralja u anke g all-kanada, imma min abba li l-g add ta passi ieri beda jonqos, is-sidien bdew joffru servizz lejn u minn portijiet o ra fl-ewropa. F it-22 ta Marzu tal-1958, l-ms Skaubryn alla Malta fi triqtu lejn Awstralja. Ìimg a qabel kien salpa mill-port ta Bremerhaven fil-ìermanja u da al fil- Port il-kbir biex jg abbi l-emigranti Maltin li kienu sejrin ifittxu xog ol filkontinent Awstraljan. Wara xi jiem iba ar fil-mediterran ilvapur da al filkanal tas-suez, waqaf g al ftit f Port Said, g adda minn Aden u are g all-oçejan Indjan. Kien il-31 ta Marzu u g all- abta tas p.m. ing ata sinjal biex issir prova ta emer enza. Din kienet procedura normali biex f kaω li l-vapur isib ru u fl-inkwiet u jkun irid ji i abbandunat, il-passi ieri jkunu jafu kif jinωlu minn fuqu fl-iqsar in possibbli. Fuq il-vapur kien hemm mal-elf passi ier, fosthom 169 Maltin. Il-lejla kienet sabi a u l-ba ar kien kalm. Wasal il- in biex il-passi ieri jmorru g all-ikel. Beda g addej il- in u kien hemm minn anke mar jiωfen jew iqatta` ftit tal- in jixrob fis-swali li kien hemm abbord. O rajn intefg u jilag bu l-karti. Kien qed joqrob il-lejl u s-s ana bdiet tag mel tag ha, g alhekk afna millpassi ieri da lu jorqdu. Ma g addiex wisq in li l-atmosfera ta kalma li kien hemm inbidlet u qam paniku. Id-dawl fuq il-vapur beda jmur bil-mod u wara ftit mar g al kollox; xi passi ieri bdew ji ru mitlufa ma jafux x qed ise. Intlema in-nar fil-parti tal-vapur fejn kien hemm il-magni u minn hemm beda jinfirex g alhekk il-kaptan beda jitlob l-g ajnuna, waqt li l-passi ieri ew ordnati jabbandunaw il-vapur. G all-emigranti Maltin kellha tkun rajja li baqg et stampata f mo hom. Ma kienux jafu hux se jaslu qawwijin u s a biex jibdew il- ajja dida li kienu qed jittamaw jew jekk kienux se jitilfu ajjithom f dik li setg et spiççat fi tra edja. Ma setax jonqos li wara din l-esperjenza afna minnhom baqg u jirrakkontaw dak li g addew minnu; o rajn evitaw li jibqg u jsemmu dawk il-mumenti tal-biωa. MALTA TRAVEL Incorporating Pendle Hill Travel A division of Felice Travel Pty Ltd ABN Licensed Travel Agent Lic. No 2TA4425 In 2016 we are having a TOUR and CRUISE to CANADA and ALASKA! Monica Ledger will lead the group. Then we are having another special tour from PERTH to BROOME through the coast. I and my wife will be with you. Be quick and book your place! - Charlie Felice Emigranti Maltin f Aden wara li ew salvati minn fuq l- iskaubryn u ttie du fuq il- bastiment merkantili City of Sydney L-MS Skaubryn jie u n-nar qabel jeg req f nofs ta ba ar B xorti tajba t-temp baqa sabi u l- ba ar kalm. Il-passi ieri qattg u aktar minn tlett sieg at fid-dg ajjes qabel wasal il-bastiment merkantili City of Sydney li tellag hom kollha abbord u aktar tard ittrasferihom g al fuq ilvapur Roma li wassalhom sal-port ta Aden. Hemmhekk qattg u tlett ijiem fi sptar li kien g adu se jinfeta, biex imbag ad imbarkaw fuq Ωew vapuri o ra fi triqithom lejn l-awstralia. Sadanittant kien qed isir sforz biex l-ms Skaubryn jigi rmunkat, imma kien da allu wisq l-ilma, inqasam u g ereq. Forsi d-destin ried li dan il-vapur ma jdumx iba ar u minflok ispiçça midfun fl-oçejan Indjan. Fil-fatt, xi sitt snin qabel, fl-1952 meta wkoll kien fi triqu lejn l-awstralja, kien arrab sara meta tqaççatlu l-iskrun li baqa niezel fil-qieg. Kien beda jmil fuq il- enb u kellu jieqaf g al xi jiem sakemm in ieb skrun ie or li twa al mal-qieg tal-vapur, biex seta jissokta bil-vja u jasal Sydney f Ottubru Dakinhar kien elisha afif, imma d-destin la qu mill- did fl Referenzi Attard Lawrence: Early Maltese Emigration ( , 1983 Attard Lawrence: The Great Exodus (1989) Reuben Groossens: The day the Skaubryn Burned Vanessa Macdonald: 50th anniversary of a dream trip gone wrong (TOM 2008) Half A Century Ago: Malta s 100,000th migrant (TOM January 1965) Frank L Scicluna: A brief history of the Maltese Community in South Australia Charles Price: Malta and the Maltese A study in 19th century migration (1954) Barry York: History of Maltese immigration into Australia between Dunmore St., Wentworthville NSW 2145 Phone: (02) Fax: (02) Website:

8 8 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday May 26, 2015 Have your say/xi trid tghid? The Voice of the Maltese o n l i n e m a g a z i n e is is a bi-lingual (in English and Maltese) fortnightly online publication specifically targeting all Maltese living abroad with emphasis on the Australian scene. is online magazine is sent via by request. Subscription is free. Editors: Malta: Joseph Cutajar Australia: Lawrence Dimech: MOM, OAM, JP address: Letters for publication in The Voice either in Maltese or English should be ed to: Now you can also join us on facebook: com/groups/thevoiceofthemaltese Your letters/ L-ittri tag kom... The Voice helps to keep Maltese united Mgr Philip Calleja, Director Emigrants' Commission, Malta writes: Thanks for the No. 101 issue of The Voice of the Maltese. It keeps the Maltese united. Edward Mallia from Bundaberg writes: It was very intresting to read the interview with Mr Anton Tagliaferro, the main sponsor of the football team of the village of Balzan in Malta. I also liked reading about Balzan s achievement in Maltese football by Balzan. I know about the village but never thought about it as a force in this popular sport in what used to be called in my time as the football-mad island of Malta. I don t follow Maltese football that closely these days but once in a while, out of curiosity, I go on the Internet or look at the football results published on the back page of The Voice of the Maltese to see how the team I used to support when I was crazy about football in Malta, Valletta, where I was born, are doing. I remember Balzan as a Third Division team, at the time known as Balzan Youths. I used to follow them because a number of my friends from Valletta used to play for them and were very happy doing it. Three of these plaeyrs particularly, Charles Mansueto, Salvu Antonelli and Saviour Ciantar, Ix-Xigo were close friends of mine. I was even more pleased to learn that While visiting Malta Stay at: The Diplomat Hotel, 173 Tower Road Sliema Tel: (00356) Appeal for the well-off to help Maltese organisations somebody like Mr Tagliaferro, a Maltese guy - whom I don t really know - and who has done well in his business in Australia, found it in himself to help a Maltese club financially. I think it does this man credit. His is an example that should be followed by others like him out here who can afford it. Such people earn the respect of all the Maltese and others should follow his example by helping in any way they can any Maltese organisation, be it sporting, cultural or otherwise, to do well. I also wish that they could also help clubs, social or sporting in Australia who try to keep alive the spirit of Malta. I know some others who do, but I believe not enough. Particularly those who became successful thanks to their fellow Maltese who either used the services they provide or made it a point to buy their products, because they are Maltese. They should give something in return if they can afford it. We need to follow the example of the Italians, the Greeks and the Croats in Australia in particular who highly contribute to keep their fellow countrymen out here happy. My appeal is for all Maltese who can afford it to follow such an example. Malta working hard towards giving dignity to the refugees Emanuel Farrugia from Bayswater, Perth, WA writes: Malta and its leaders should be commended for the way they have managed to bring to the attention of the world the plight of the refugees who risk their lives to cross over from the conflicts that have ruined their lives and those of their families, to start afresh in a new country and give them dignity. In Europe the Prime Ministers of Malta and Italy are working very hard to try and force other European countries, particularly the members of the European union to share their responsibilities and by the looks of it their efforts would be bearing fruit. The Australian government should take note.

9 Tuesday May 26, 2015 The Voice of the Maltese 9 100th ANZAC Day commemoration in Delhi Malta gets special mention for its role in Gallipoli Campaign HE John Aquilina, High Commissioner of Malta for India and Mrs Ann Aquilina formed part of the congregation of around 300 people at the beautiful and sombre Delhi War Cemetery who gathered to commemorate the 100th Anniversary of ANZAC and to pay their respect to the thousands who lost their lives in one of the bloodiest battles of World War I. Last year the Aquilinas represented Malta for the first time at this inspiring ceremony. But this year their participation had even greater significance as the Anniversary was celebrated in so many nations of the Commonwealth. Malta s involvement in the Gallipoli campaign is as yet one of the untold chapters of Malta s history. Not only was it the place to which hundreds of wounded soldiers from Gallipoli were evacuated, but it is also the resting place for 279 ANZACs whose bodies were never returned to Australia or New Zealand. There is now information coming to light that some Maltese who migrated to Australia prior to 1914 had volunteered to serve as members of the Australian Army, and ended up in the Gallipoli campaign. In presenting his address to the large gathering, H.E. Mr Grahame Morton, New Zealand High Commissioner, made a special mention of Malta s role in the Gallipoli campaign. I was proudly and pleasantly surprised to hear this tribute to Malta from His Excellency. Later that morning, many of the ambassadors who were present commented about Malta s mention, indicating that they had not been aware of Malta s involvement with the Gallipoli saga, Mr Aquilina told The Voice of the Maltese. The Ceremony concluded with the traditional Laying of the Wreaths, followed by the recitation of The Ode, the sounding of the Last Post by the Indian Army Buglers, the Military Salute, and the two-minute silence in respect of the fallen. The deafening silence was broken by the piercing sound of Reveille, once again presented by the Indian Army Buglers. H.E. John Aquilina laying the wreath at the Delhi Monument

10 10 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday May 26, 2015 Perspettiva A version of this series in English may be found in the author's blog at: kitba ta IVAN CAUCHI Il-Piena Kapitali Matul dawn l-a ar img at, kellna kaωijiet çelebri fejn persuni ew ikkundannati g all-mewt, jew kienu qed jistennew li jing ataw il-mewt, min abba atti gravi li ew misjuba atja li g amlu. Kien hemm il-kaωijiet ta' Myuran Sukumaran u Andrew Chan, çittadini Awstraljani li nstabu atja fl-indoneωja li impurtaw kwantita' kbira ta' drogi lejn il-pajjiω. L- eωekuzzjoni ta' dawn it-tnejn, flimkien ma' o rajn, saret permezz ta' tiri ta' armi tannar ftit aktar minn imag tejn ilu. Ftit tal-jiem ilu, urija f'boston ikkundannat lil Dzhokhar Tsarnaev g all-mewt b'injezzjoni letali, misjub ati li sploda bomba waqt maratona tal- iri fl-istess belt f'april tal Din is-sentenza g adha trid isse. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Min jg ix f'malta u l-awstralja aktarx jaf li dawn il-pajjiωi m'g andhomx il-piena kapitali, illum. F'Malta, tne iet b ala piena g all-qtil fil-1971 u g al atti militari fis-sena Malta rratifikat ukoll il-protokoll numru tlettax tal-konvenzjoni Ewropea g ad-drittijiet tal-bniedem li jipprojbixxi l-piena kapitali. Is-Senat Federali Awstraljan abolixxa l-piena kapitali ftit snin ilu, fl G alkemm il-piena kapitali kienet komuni madwar id-dinja, sala ar tal-2013 il-biçça l-kbira tal-pajjiωi madwar id-dinja kienu jew ne ewha bil-li i (100 pajjiω) jew inkella waqfu milli jeωegwuha (51). Naturalment, jekk pajjiω jg ad baqag lu din is-sentenza fil-li ijiet tieg u u voluntarjament m'g adux juωaha, jista' façilment jer a jibdielu, b al ma ara spettakolarment fil-kaω ta' Chan u Sukumaran fl-indoneωja. O rajn ne ew il-piena g al atti kriminali biss (7) u l-bqija (40) huma attivi fl-eωekuzzjoni tal-piena. Dawn tal-a ar jinkludu lill- Istati Uniti, iç-çina, il-ìappun, l-e ittu u l-g arabja Sawdija fost l-o rajn. 3 G alkemm il- ames kmandament huwa pjuttost çar u tond: 'La toqtolx', il-knisja Kattolika ma teskludix il-piena kapitali, b al ma teskludix l-uωu tal-forza f'difiωa le ittima tal-persuna jew talistat, anke forza li twassal g all-mewt. Madankollu tg id li 'jekk il-mezzi mhux vjolenti jkunu biωωejjed biex ji u m arsa l- ajjiet tal-bnedmin kontra min iheddidhom u biex jinωamm l-ordni pubbliku u s-sigurtà tal-persuni, l-awtorità g andha tillimita ru ha g al dawn il-mezzi...'. 4 Jien nara din il-poωizzjoni b ala perfettament ra onevoli. Ilkonsegwenza tkun li l-forza letali hi biss permessa fejn hemm ittheddida fuq il- ajja tal-bniedem, u ma jkunx hemm alternattiva mhux vjolenti. Wie ed jista' jara wkoll li dan il-prinçipju huwa applikabbli g al sitwazzjonijiet ta' gwerra. Fil-prattika allura, jekk bniedem misjub ati huwa maqbud u miωmum, ma jibqax il- tie a tal-piena tal-mewt. Biex nag tu eωempju, fil-kaω ta' Chan u Sukumaran, dawn ittnejn qabel l-eωekuzzjoni tag hom kienu qed jinωammu f'façilità ta' si urtà u ma kinux ta' theddida g al add iktar. B'dan irra unar, l-eωekuzzjoni tag hom ma kinetx neçessarja. Il-kaΩ Ing ataw il-piena tal-mewt: Andrew Chan (xellug) u Myuran Sukumaran, u (ta t): Referenzi 1. retrieved 18/5/ dead-and-buried-as-parliasment-bans-it-for-good/story-e6frf7l , retrieved 18/5/ g&idtema= , retrieved 18/5/ Catechism of the Catholic Church, para 2267 tag hom kien aktar straordinarju g ax jing ad li dawn iω-ωew individwi saru eωempji ta' m ieba tajba fil- abs g allpri unieri o ra. L-istess ra unament fil-fatt jg odd ukoll g al Tsarnaev. Min huwa favur il-piena tal-mewt, eneralment jg id li din g andha effett ta' deterrenza g al atti kriminali b all-qtil. Hemm dibattitu s i fil-kamp tal-krimonolo ija, b'min hu favur jikkwota studji ta' Ehrlich li sab effett ta' deterrenza. 5 Min hu kontra jg id li dawn l-istudji ma fihomx kredtu u wkoll jinnota l-biωa' li akkuωat jista' jinstab ati bi Ωball, xi a a li ti ri iktar milli wie ed ja seb. Mill-1973 sallum, fl-istati Uniti biss kien hemm 153 persuna li kienu eωonerati wara li ng ataw is-sentenza tal-mewt. 6 Studju ie or ikkonkluda li 4% ta' dawk sentenzjati g all-mewt huma innoçenti. 7 Spiss naqraw li min jag mel atti gravi b all-qtil qatt ma ja seb li se jinqabad, jew jikkunsidra x'tip ta' piena jkollu jekk jinqabad. Ji ri wkoll li afna qtil isir f'mument ta' passjoni jew rabja, jew minn min hu ta t l-influenza ta' drogi jew alko ol. 8 X'tip ta' deterrenza jista' jkun hemm g al dawn? Irrid nag milha çara li bl-ebda mod ma rrid inçekken mill-gravità tal-atti li jkunu saru. It-traffikar ta' ammonti kbar ta' drogi, ilqtil kultant b'mod makabru, attroçitajiet moqωieωa u wejje simili huma serjissimi, mhux ustifikabbli u g andu jkun hemm konsegwenzi serji g alihom. Madankollu, it-tama tieg i hi li l-offensur, xi darba, forsi, ikun jista' jasal biex jifhem il- sara li jkun g amel, ti ih indiema sinçiera u twasslu jag mel atti riparattivi u/jew poωittivi fis-soçjeta` li jkun qed jg ix fiha. Din l-indiema biss tista' troddlu lura l-umanità tieg u li tintilef bl-att li twettaq, umanità li a na stess inkunu qed nuru mieg u meta n allulu l-opportunità li jasal g aliha. Il-piena kapitali tne ilu din l-opportunità. 5. The Deterrent Effect of Capital Punishment; Isaac Ehrlich, Nov 1974, National Bureau of Economic Research 6. retrieved 18/5/2015 [7]Rate of False Conviction of Criminal Defendendants who are Sentenced to Death; Gross, O'Brien, Hu & Kennedy; March 2014; Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences; 8. argument1b.htm, retrieved 18/5/2015

11 Tuesday May 26, 2015 The Voice of the Maltese 11 Issir g all-ewwel darba l-festa ta San Ìor Preca fi NSW Fiç-Çentru ta' La Vallette fi Blaktown NSW giet iç-çelebrata g all-ewwel darba l-festa tal-ewwel qaddis Malti San Ìor Preca u ΩΩanΩnet l-istatwa li ç- Çentru kien g andu kemm ab minn Malta.. G al din il-festa s-sala taç-çentru kienet imballata bin-nies, filwaqt li g add ta g aqdiet kienu prωenti bl-istandardi tag hom. Iç-Çeremonja bdiet b'- film dokumentarju qasir imma nformattiv li ntlaqa ferm tajjeb, dwar il- ajja ta San Ìor. Wara saret il-quddiesa bil- Malti u bl-ingliz li kienet iççelebrata minn Fr.Noel Bianco u Fr Benedict Sant, it-tnejn tal-mssp. Il-qari sar minn tlett membri tal-museum, filwaqt li Fr. Sant li hu stess kien soçju tal-mu- SEUM qabel sar saçerdot, g amel l-omelija bil-malti. Fr Noel Bianco wkoll g amel diskors g all-okkaωjoni Waqt il-quddiesa iet ukoll imtella clip qasira dwar il-memorja tal-mikbi Superjur George Felice li g amel fuq tletin sena jg allem il-kelma t'alla fostna. Intqal li din il-festa u l-istatwa ta' San Ìor Preca kienu l- olma tieg u. Il-quddiesa tkompliet bl-akkumpanjament tal-kor ta' La Valette. Wara ar et il-purçissjoni bl-istatwa bl-akkumpanjament tal-banda OLQOP fil-preωenza wkoll, minbarra tal-la Ir-relikwa tasal fil-bit a ta' St Patrick's f'tas-sliema fejn kien hemm ukoll preωenti The Voice of the Maltese. Valette SC, tal-olqop Festa Committee, l-olqop Maltese Band, il-maltese Bowlers Assoc., is-santa Maria Festa Group, is-st John Assoc. Xewkija NSW, il-óamrun Assoc. NSW, iç-çittadini Theatrical Group u s-san Nicola Festa Committee F Malta festi li fakkru l-200 sena mill-mewt ta San Ìwann Bosco Fl-okkaΩjoni tal-mitejn sena mill-mewt ta San (Don) Gwann Bosco ( ) ew organizzati çelebrazzjonijiet xierqa ma' Malta u G awdex imsa a bil-wasla f'malta tal-urna (relikwa) ta' dan il-qaddis li tant hu venerat mhux biss f Malta imma mad-dinja kollha. Bejn il-óamis 14 u l-óadd 17 ta' Mejju r-relikwa Ωaret g add ta posijiet b all-isla, Ra al Ìdid, Óal-Luqa, ir-rabat, Óad-Dingli, il-mellie a, sintendi St Patrick's Tas-Sliema, u finalment f G awdex. Fil-parroçça ta' San Bastjan f Óal Qormi saret quddiesa solenni g all-familja Salesjana, li kienet imexxija mill-arçisqof Mons. Charles Scicluna. Din saret ta t il-patrocinju tal-et il-president ta' Malta ML Coleiro Preca. F Ta' Pinu G awdex saret ukoll quddiesa solenni mill-isqof Mario Grech.

12 12 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday May 26, 2015 Roundup of News About Malta IHI announce 400 m. 6-star complex at St George s Bay During a visit to the Corinthia Hotel in St George s Bay where he was given a presentation on the International Hotel Investments (IHI) Group s preliminary plans for the regeneration of the company s properties in the area, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat and the Group s chairman Alfred Pisani announced a 400 million injection in the Maltese economy with the creation of a six-star complex. IHI is planning to redevelop the combined site into a high-end mixed use destination anchored by two luxury hotels, one beachfront resort aimed at attracting high-net holiday makers and one lifestyle hotel aimed at corporate visitors. The development will also feature a series of residential apartment buildings to be serviced by the hotels, as well as a degree of commercial and retail activity. The existing hotels, sitting on a plot of 76,000 sq. metres will be knocked down to make way for two larger, and higher quality hotels to the level of the Corinthia London. The development includes residential apartment buildings and commercial and retail activity. According to IHI chairman Alfred Pisani, the development will develop a minimum of 1,000 jobs in the hotels, residential and commercial sectors. He yold the Prime Minister: Our objective is to recreate an oasis of excellence in St George s Bay. We want St George s Bay A bird s eye view of the sites of the three hotels (Radisson, Corinthia and Corinthia Marina that are to be developed into a six-star complex. Mr Alfred Pisani announcing the project in the presence of PM Joseph Muscat and Minister for Tourism Edward Zammit Lewis to become a premier address in Malta, a beacon for our national aspirations in tourism and lifestyle accommodation. Mr Pisani added: Today s presentation is an important step, but much work lies ahead. We will now be working with the political class across the national spectrum, with MEPA and consulting all interested parties in the coming period to ensure we have the nationwide support for what is an important project for Malta, requiring investment in excess of 400,000,000, and more importantly, the beginning of positioning Malta as a high-end destination. He said that the oproject is in line with the government s vision raising the quality to a higher level and believes the Prime Minister has the ability to lead the country to this level. Joseph Muscat thanked IHI for the company s confidence in Malta and for bringing its international expertise back to bear on its home country, where Corinthia started as a fine dining restaurant in Attard in What we have seen today augurs well. There will be much to discuss and debate with the local authorities but ultimately, we are confident that Corinthia and its professional team, as well as the company s collective 52 years of experience, will make us proud, much as they have made Malta proud in many cities across Europe. IHI has over 1 billion in property assets across Europe and the Mediterranean, as well as ownership of the Corinthia hotels brand and management company. In Malta, it currently owns the Corinthia and Marina hotels in St George's Bay and will soon acquire the Island Hotels Group, owner of the Radisson Hotel at St George's Bay. mbined site will be redeveloped into a high-end destination. t An artist s impression of the entrance to the new complex to be completed within four years at St George s Marina

13 Tuesday May 26, 2015 The Voice of the Maltese 13 Roundup of News About Malta Works to fix Mater Dei structural problems to cost 35m; Govt. will try to recoup costs from builders Works needed to fix structural problems in several areas of Mater Dei Hospital that surfaced last year when a multinational engineering firm, commissioned by the Ministry to conduct an independent structural assessment of the A&E building and audit of the concrete strength, would cost an estimated 35 million. Government is now considering legal action against the builders, Skanska The firm, Arup which was entrusted with taking an X-ray of the state hospital, that took 17 years to build at a cost of 600 million, concluded that the structure s durability is at risk due to the quality of concrete, and because of weak structures at the time it was being built advised against building two additional floors on the accident and emergency department. Tests revealed that the concrete structures were found to be so weak in certain areas that they could not withstand the weight of the two planned medical wards. Even though the wards were relocated, immediate intervention works needed to be carried out to reinforce the structure to ensure its safety. Nico Darmanin in finals of BBC opera contest Maltese Tenor Nico Darmanin (above) has made it to the finals of the prestigious BBC Cardiff Singer of the World competition that takes place every two years. The next competition runs from Sunday June 14 to Sunday June 21inclusive, when 20 of the finest classical singers at the start of their careers compete in the capital of Wales, hoping to win this prestigious singing competition. Nico is already in Cardiff accompanied by Maltese pianist Charlene Farrugia after recently performing at the Manoel Theatre in Valletta. Independent concrete core tests were undertaken and an analysis by a certified international test laboratory comprehensively concluded that the strength of the concrete in parts of the A&E building was significantly below the originally specified design. Although the authorities have taken shortterm measures to prop up dangerous structures and there is no imminent danger of collapse Arup recommends permanent remedial action. Remedial designs for the A&E building are currently being finalised by Arup and the requirements will shortly be issued for contractor/s to deliver the works. The government is reported to be exploring options to recoup the costs once a board of inquiry tasked with analysing the legal liability of parties involved submits its findings The hospital opened on June 29, 2007 The European Commissions Labour Force survey shows that between 2007 to 2013 Malta has made marked progress in the level of occupational health and safety (OHS). In 2013 only about 1.5% of employed persons reported an accident at work compared to about 3.5% in This is a decrease of 2% that is remarkably better than most countries often perceived as having higher standards of OHS than Malta. The survey also took into consideration time pressure or overload of work. Malta ranked 3rd amongst 28 countries. It also registered a marked decrease over the six years in review from nearly 25% to about 13%). This competition has launched the careers of some major stars including Bryn Terfel, Karita Mattila, Dmitri Hvorostovsky, Anja Harteros and Jamie Barton. Nico was born in Malta and studied in London at the Royal College of Music and the National Opera Studio. He is a Samling Artist and has participated in master classes with Juan Diego Flórez and Joyce DiDonato. He has also worked with Dame Kiri Te Kanawa and Sir Thomas Allen at the Georg Solti Accademia, and with Mirella Freni in Modena. UNBELIEVABLE: It has been learnt, that it is very difficult for the government to seek any compensation or to hold anyone responsible for negligence because under the previous government s watch, on February 19, 2009, the Foundation for Medical Services signed away any claims or disputes raised for faulty or defective works at the hospital, against the builders of the hospital, Swedish giant Skanska, as well as local and foreign architects and engineers, cement suppliers, and logistical service companies. Malta improves on OHS Historian Wettinger dies aged 85 Historian Godrey Wettinger, who together with Fr Mikiel Fsadni discovered Malta s oldest piece of literature, Il-Kantilena, in September 1966, died Friday, aged 85. Mosta-born Prof. Wettinger was a founding member and past editor of Melita Historica, and past president of the Malta Historical Society. Malta s Warrior loses her battle in Vienna Inspite of Amber s strong performance and rednition of her song, Warrior Malta s representative in the failed to get beyond the semi-final stage in the 60th edition of the Eurovision Song Contest in Vienna that was eventiually won by Sweden following Saturday s final. Maltese Eurovision Contest enthusiasts were greatly disappointed as Amber missed qualification with just one place. She faced tough competition from the participating countries, with the prevailing view being that many of the best songs in this year s contest such as Sweden, Slovenia and Norway s - all of which made it through - were coincidentally grouped in Amber s semi-final. Australia s Guy Sebastian placed 5th with a song whose lyrics appropriately described how Australia s wildcard entry must have been feeling.

14 14 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday May 26, 2015 Ma kienetx Universita`! Wara li fla ar kitbiet tieg i ddeddikajt afna spazju g all-politika, kont bil- sieb li kemm jista jkun f din il- ar a nevita li nikteb dwar dan is-su ett. IΩda, fl-ambjent Malti, fejn b xi mod jew ie or dejjem tiddeffes il-politika fin-nofs huwa diffiçli li wie ed jirnexxielu li f kitbitu jevita g al kollox dan issu ett. Attwalment is-su - ett li ddomina l-midja lokali l-a ar imag tejn jittratta l-edukazzjoni u l-ambjent, iωda spiçça b ala ballun politiku. Qed nirreferi g all-pro ett ta Universita` barranija f Malta, The American University of Malta. Bilkemm il-prim Ministru Dr Joseph Muscat abbar li l-gvern kien la aq ftehim inizjali biex f Malta titwaqqaf Universita` barranija, li mistennija tattira mal-4000 student, fil-ma oranza assoluta tag hom barranin, lejn Malta, li ma bdietx il-kritika. Il-promoturi ta dan il pro ett - Grupp Sadeen - offrew li jonfqu 120 miljun biex iwaqqfu din l-universita` li qed ji i kkalkulat li se ti enera madwar 70 miljun d ul fis-sena g all-ekonomija Maltija. Il-midja, li ma tantx tappo ja lill-gvern, mill-ewwel bdiet tikkritika l-pro ett fuq Ωew binarji: l-ambjent u l-g arfien tal- Universita`. Meta t abbar it-twaqqif tal-universita kien hemm l-impressjoni li din kienet se tkun xi ferg a tad- DePaul University, universita` Amerikana. IΩda wara li l-istess midja kkuntattjat lill-universita` nstab li attwalment, l-universita` li se ssir Malta ma kienetx ferg a tag ha, imma hi ejjiet ilprogrammi (il-kurrikulu) ta studju g aliha. Sintendi dan il-fatt ing ata prominenza kbira f çerti gazzetti li g amlu minn kollox biex idda lu çerti dubji dwar kemm din l- Universita` se tkun ta livell u li se ti i rikkonoxxuta. Imma l-akbar attakki li saru dwar il-pro ett kien dwar il-post li ie ndikat mill-gvern biex tinbena din l-universita`, art f Ûonqor Point ta Wied-il G ajn li attwalment hija barra mill-pjan tal-iωvilupp (Outside Development Zone ODZ). G alkemm teknikament dan jista jsir, billi fejn jid lu skejjel u sptarijiet, huwa permess li tintuωa art fl- ODZ. Tant li f dawn l-a ar snin inbnew diversi skejjel f Ωoni b al dawn. L-ewwel attakki dwar l-g aωla bdew minn xi g aqdiet ambjentali, biex malajr ing aqdu mag om xi g aqdiet o ra. Ma setax jonqos li l-partit Nazzjonalista jirkeb hu wkoll fuq il-karru u malajr feta attakk sfrenat jixli lill-gvern li ma kienx jimpurtah mill-ambjent. Sa ansitra l-arçisqof, Mons Charles Mercieca, fuq Twitter g adda l-messa : Please prevent this rape. Jidher biç-çar li l-mons g a el meta g amel il-messa, g ax malajr sab lil min ibidlu l-attenzjoni li messu qag ad attent fil-kliem uωat. Kien hemm min kien aktar goff u rrefera g al dak li ara fi dan il-kleru. Sa ansitra l-eks-ministru Laburista, Joe Grima, allega li l-arçisqof kien qed jag ti palata lin-nazzjonalisti. Il-kritika lill-arçisqof ma Ωammitx lill-kummissjoni Interdjoçesana Ambjent milli to ro stqarrija twila dwar il-pro ett fejn uriet t assib dwar diversi punti, fosthom li skont hi jidher li l-proçess ma kienx trasparenti, li ma ng atatx Quddiem dan kollu r-reazzjoni tal-prim Ministru kienet li stqarr: li dan il-pro ett kien se jsir Ωgur Li kellu jsir fin-nofsinhar ta Malta Li kien lest li jikkonsidra siti o ra sakemm dawn ikunu aççettabli. Dr Muscat ma naqasx li jsemmi li fil-fatt add ma kien tkellem meta l-knisja kienet qed titlob li jinbnew Ωew skejjel kbar fuq art li hi barra Ω-Ωona tal-iωvillupp. Min-na a tieg u, bi twe iba g all-offerta tal-prim Ministru l-mexxej tal-partit Nazzjonalista, Simon Busuttil malajr semma tliet postijiet, l-isptar San Luqa fi Gwardaman a, il-eks fabbrika tad-dowty fil- Marsa u l-post fejn qabel kien hemm il- aωna tal-fuel f BirΩebbu a. Sintendi, l-ewwel Ωew siti malajr ew skartati mhux biss g ax mhumiex fin-nofsinhar ta Malta, imma wkoll g aliex di a Il-proposta hi li l-universita` tinbena fejn hu mmarkat bl-isfar. Filparti mmarkata bla mar hemm propost Nature Park. attenzjoni lejn l-ambjent u g ad mhux çar x se jkun l-effett a ari. Il-Kummissjoni sa qet li dan il-pro ett iffoka wisq fuq l-impatt ekonomiku, li fl-a ar mill-a ar mhux bilfors jissarraf f titjib filkwalità tal- ajja tarresidenti tan-nofsinhar ta Malta. Da lu fiha wkoll il- ÌiΩwiti bil-provinçjal jg id li g alkemm jappo jaw investiment fledukazzjoni taω-zg a- Ωag Maltin u fil- olfqien ta opportunitajit sostenibbi ta xog ol g alissa u l-futur, staqsew min fil-fatt se jibbenefika minn din l-universita`. Óe ew lill gvern biex jalloka fondi g al ti ijiet edukattivi biex ji i Ωgurat li l-ebda tifel jew Ωag Ωug ma jibqa lura. G amlu sej a biex il-gvern jipprote i wesg at ver ni li huma vitali g all- enerazzjonijiet Maltin kemm t issa u wkoll tal-futur. Imma kif ja sibuha n-nies, dawk li l-ingliωi jsej ulhom the men in the street? ftit jimpurtahom fejn isir din l-universita. Il-Gvern sa ansitra ie kkritikat minn deputata tieg u stess, Marlene Farrugia li waslet tappella lill-president tar-repubblika, biex tintervjeni f din il-kwistjoni. Fil-midja lokali kellna dilluvju ta a barijiet, artikli u kummenti dwar dan is-su ett. Ma naqsux l-editorjali fil- urnali bl-ingliω li lkoll urew li kienu kontra l-pro ett isir filpost ippjanat. Ir-reazzjoni tal-prim Ministru hu deçiω li se jsiru pro etti o ra fihom. Dwar it-tielet sit kien je tie li jg addu s- snin qabel jitne ew it-tankijiet tal-fuel u ji i mnaddaf sewwa... u sintendi min se jifta l-universita` l- dida ma kienx lest li jistenna daqshekk Ωmien. Dan ab reazzjoni mill-kap tal-oppoωizzjoni li sostna li l-offerta tal-prim Ministru, li jikkunsidra siti o ra, kienet finta g ax attwalment kien di a ddeçieda li jωomm il-post ori inali. IΩda fil-fatt jidher li l-prim Ministru kien qed jg id il-verita tant li skont kif irrappurtat fil-gazzetti l-gvern kien qed ifittex sit fejn jag mel parti mill-universita`, biex b hekk minnflok 80,000 metru kwadru, jittie du biss 65,000 mill-art f Wied il- G ajn. *g al pa na 15

15 Tuesday May 26, 2015 The Voice of the Maltese 15 *minn pa na 14 Mix-xena tal- ajja Maltija 2 Il-Gvern determinat li l-pro ett isir fin-nofsinhar ta Malta Sa ansitra kien hemm min kiteb u qal çar u tond li l-partit Nazzjonalista da al f din il-kwestjoni biex jipprova jfixkel li jse dan il-pro ett. Min-na a l-o ra kien hemm min sostna li fir-realta l-iskop wara l- pro ett ma kienx wie ed edukattiv, iωda spekulattiv g ax sostna li l-kumpanija li kienet wara dan il-pro ett kienet tispeçjalizza fi pro etti ta bini ta lukandi u residenzi g at-turisti, eçç u ma kellha x taqsam xejn ma pro etti edukattivi. Sadanittant, id-depaul University li g andha s-sede tag ha f Chicago, l-istati Uniti, qalet li t ossha onorta li tista tg in lil din l- universita` tfassal il-kurrikulu tag ha. Ûiedet tg id f pubblikazzjoni tag a, li aktar minn 20 minn fost l-g alliema tag ha qattg u xhur ifasslu l-kurrikulu g all-universita privata l- dida li mistennija tibda tilqa l-ewwel studenti sa minn Settembru tal Id-De Paul fasslet kurrikulu g al 10 programmi li jistg u jwasslu g al degrees. Fost dawn hemm programmi li jistg u jwasslu g al ames degrees fil-baçellerat, wie ed fl-mba u erbg o ra g al dottorat Bla dubju li dan mhux se jag laq alq dawk li qed jikkritikaw l-g aωla tal-post, aktar u aktar ta dawk li qed jippruvaw jag mlu kapital politiku mis-sitwazzjoni. G ax wie ed ma jistax jiç ad, li filwaqt li hemm min qed jinkwieta tassew dwar l-ambjent, hemm dawk li qed ji bdu l-istess abel aktar bi skop politiku milli ambjentali. G ax kif sostnew xi kummentaturi, issuççess ta pro ett b al dan li mistenni jo loq afna mpjiegi u d ul ta flus, Ωgur li jkompli jag milha aktar diffiçli biex il-partit Nazzjonalista jirba l-elezzjoni li ejja. Óafna milli jikkummentaw fil- urnali, jitkellmu skont ma liema karru politiku huma marbuta. Jekk ni u g al dawk li joqog du fl-in awi, na seb li pjuttost li l-ma oranza huma favur il-pro ett g ax jistennew li dan iqajjem il-lokal ta Wied-il G ajn, li, wara l-g eluq tal- Jerma Hotel, a daqqa ta arta kbira l-aktar fejn jid ol in-negozju u l-valur tal-propjeta. Fejn se naslu? Diffiçli li wie ed jipprevedi x se jkun l- eωitu ta din l-istorja. Wie ed jistenna li l-gvern, li rnexxielu jikkonvinçi lill-promoturi ta din l-universita` biex jibnuha f Malta, u mhux kif kien se jsir, fi Spanja, mhux se jçedi l-pro ett u jara li jsir fin-na a t isfel ta Malta. Biss na seb li jsir xi tibdil fil-lokal li fuqu se tinbena l-universita`. Dan mhux billi jabbanduna g al kollox is-sit, imma billi parti mill-universita` tinbena fuq xi sit ie or, biex fin-na a taω-ûonqor tittie ed inqas art milli ppjanat ori inalment. Attwalment il- Prim Ministru nnifsu stqarr li qed ti i studjata l-possibilta li ma tinbeniex kollha kemm hi fuq sit wie ed. G ax qed na seb dan? G ax f din il-kwistjoni hemm il-periklu li jekk il-gvern jabbanduna g al kollox l-art mag Ωula, Ωgur li dawk li qed jopponu g all-pro ett politikament mhux se jo or u jfa ru l-gvern li sema l-g ajta tal-poplu, iωda se jkantaw vittorja u jg idu li l-gvern çeda, li g amel U-turn. u kien mertu tal- OppoΩizzjoni li ma sarx bini fuq din l-art. Barra hekk, jekk jabbanduna dan is-sit il- Gvern jidiωappunta lir-residenti u negozjanti ta Wied-il G ajn li qed iqisu li dan il-pro ett kien ser jag ti ajja dida lill-lokal. PROFESSIONAL FREIGHT SERVICES PTY. LTD. Melbourne: (03) Unit 6, 4-6 Commercial Crt, Tullamarine, Vic., Australia, 3043 SYDNEY, BRISBANE & ADELAIDE TEL: State of the Art!!?? S ewwa jg idu li kultant dak li jidher mhux bilfors huwa r-realta`. Iva xi drabi kif jg id il-malti l-apparenza tinganna. Dan jg odd sewwa g all-binja tal-isptar Mater Dei li fta arna li hu state of the art. Ng iduha, meta wie ed iωur l- isptar u jara l- miel tal-binja u l- apparat sotisfikat li fih Ωgur li ma jonqosx li jg id li dan veru sptar modern u attrezzat mill-a jar. IΩda, meta l-gvern preωenti ried jibni sular ie or fuq parti minnu l- periti sabu li l-binja preçenti ma kienetx tifla g al sular ie or. Hawn il-gvern sejja ditta barranija (biex Ωgur ma jing adx li kienet deçiωjoni politika) biex teωamina l-binja. Instab li veru din il-parti kellha difetti struturali billi fiha ntuωa konkors ta kwalita` inferjuri. L- istess ditta tqabbdet teωamina l- binja kollha. Ir-riΩultat kien li d-difetti kienu mxerrda mal-binja kollha, u li biex tissewwa l- sara me tie li jintefqu 35 miljun. Altru state of the art.issa naraw min se j allas g al dawn id-difetti. F kummenti, il-kap Nazzjonalista Simon Busuttil qal li huwa Konrad Mizzi -Ministru g as- Sa a tal-lum, li g andu jerfa' r- responsabbiltà g ax-xog ol difdettuω fil-mater Dei u jara jekk kienx hemm kuntratturi li g amlu xog ol aωin li ie ççertifikat b ala tajjeb. Ûied li l-isptar inbena ta t amministrazzjonijiet differenti u hu ma kienx involut. Huwa kkritika lill-ministru Mizzi li beωωa' lin-nies u tahom x jifhmu li l-isptar hu fi stat perikoluω u li jista jaqa'. Irrimarka li s issa l-isptar Mater Dei g adu ma waqax. Din id-darba n alli l-kummenti g alikom! (Ara wkoll Pa na 13) - PARCEL SERVICE TO MALTA - NO WEIGHT LIMIT - FULL CONTAINERS TO OR FROM MALTA AT COMPETITIVE RATES - AIRFREIGHT SERVICES ALSO AVAILABLE - NITKELLMU BIL-MALTI A$ A$ x 30 x 25cm 40 x 30 x 45cm 1 Carton A$120 2 Cartons A$180 3 Cartons A$ x 30 x 45cm *Prices quoted are from receival at our depot to arrival port Malta *Destination Port fees will apply. Storage or duties, if any, may also apply. FOR YOUR FREIGHT REQUIREMENTS FROM MALTA CONTACT AGENTS:- TRISTAR FREIGHT SERVICES LTD AIRWAYS HOUSE 22 TOWER STREET MSIDA MSD 06 MALTA TEL: FAX:

16 16 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday May 26, 2015 After the Budget poll The Abbott government has rallied from its dismal position in February to now be back with a shot at winning an election, a post-federal budget poll shows. The Galaxy poll of around 1600 voters revealed the majority of voters supported Treasurer Joe Hockey's small business tax cuts, but 42 per cent said the budget itself was unlikely to change anyone's vote. On a two-party preferred basis, the Coalition now trails Labor 48 to 52, the poll commissioned by News Corp Australia found. The result is a massive 10-point turnaround for the Abbott government, which was trailing at 43 to 57 in the last Galaxy survey. Labor's vote also dropped four points to 39 per cent as the Coalition's jumped five points to 41 per cent. THE ECONOMY - The 2015 bud-get deficit is $35.1 billion (below market expectation of around $41 billion) dropping to $25.8 billion in 2016, and then $14.4 billion in 2017 with expectation of a return to surplus by Unemployment peaking at 6.5 per cent in 2015 and then falling to 6.25 per cent in Inflation rising to 2.5 per cent this year - A quick glimpse at Australia Second Federal Budget seen as a make or break moment for the Abbott Government Treasurer Joe Hockey (below) has handed down his second federal budget, in what shapes as a make or break moment for the Abbott Government. This budget is the second submitted by the Abbott Government, since the Coalition's victory in the 2013 Australian federal election. Treasurer Joe Hockey presented the budget to the House of Representatives on 12 May AUSTRALIA S economic future will be packed with strong growth, rising employment, cashed-up workers resuming hefty spending, and an incredible shrinking deficit. That s the upbeat picture from the 2015 federal Budget that starkly contrasts with the bleakness of the Budget emergency statement of last year. Total revenue $405.4 billion, up from $384.1 billion and up to $433.4 billion in 2016/17 - Real GDP expected to rise to 2.75 per cent and then up to 3.25 per cent the following year - Net debt $285.8 billion rising to $313.4 billion in 2017/18 - Forecasts are underpinned by an expectation of an iron ore price of US$48 per tonne compared with the average spot price of US$96 per tonne over The components of the budget are yet to be passed by both the House of Representatives and the Senate. Subject to its passage, the budget takes place at the start of the 2015/16 financial year, July 1. TAX FBT loophole allowing some not-forprofit and public health workers to cut tax by salary sacrificing the cost of certain expenses will limit tightened From Jan 2016 multinational companies suspected of avoiding paying tax in Australia will be subject to a fine of double what they owe in tax, plus interest. Extend GST compliance programme to help the Australian Taxation Office to identify fraudulent GST refunds that should increase these tax revenues by $1.8 billion CUTS Foreign aid drops by $358 million to $3.479 billion including 40 per cent cut to aid to Indonesia to $323 million Stopping paid parental leave being claimed from employer and government at same time SMALL BUSINESS - $1.8 billion cut to company taxes over the next four years - Small business (companies with annual turnover of less than $2 million) tax cut to 28.5 per cent from 30 per cent - 5 per cent annual tax discount of up to $1,000 for unincorporated businesses - Immediate small business tax deduction for every item up to $20,000 a year (up from $1,000 a year) *continued on page 17

17 Tuesday May 26, 2015 The Voice of the Maltese 17 *from page 16 IMPORT TAX - Digital movies, TV, books and music delivered by overseas companies will cost 10 per cent more from July 2017 in a policy dubbed the Netflix tax to raise $350 million over the next four years. TRAVEL -Working holiday visitors will be taxed at 32.5 cents from the first dollar they earn, up from 19 cents in the dollar on taxable income above the tax-free threshold from July 2016 to generate around $540 million - Changes to passports fees and other charges to raise a further $17.1 million for the government. FAMILIES - $4.4 billion families package includes $3.5 billion investment in childcare over five years - Families earning around $65,000 or less will receive a subsidy of 85 per cent of their childcare fees (up to an hourly fee cap) - No annual cap for families earning around - Activity test will closely align hours of subsidised care with the amount of work, training, study or volunteering by parents. - $409 million to help families with additional needs to access childcare. - Trial to extend childcare subsidies to nannies will cost $250 million for subsidised care to about 10,000 children by 4,000 nan - $843 million over two years for preschool programmes EDUCATION - Extend National Collaborative Research Infrastructure funding for one more year at cost of $150 million - Cut $150 million from Sustainable Research Excellence grants funding to redirect to research infrastructure - Cut $131 million from Education Department, including abolishing the internal Office of Learning and Teaching and set it up at a university instead - Cut $26.7 million from co-operative research centres - Pursue HECS debts from people who move overseas, saving $26 million over four years - $4 million to establish Bjorn Lomborg s Australia Consensus Centre think-tank HEALTH - Prescription medicine to rise by $5 a script (80 cents for pensioners) from January next year - $1.3 billion to be spent on new cancer and eye medicines as well as new shingles - Government to cut price it pays for some medicines to save $252 million - Spending on Medical Research Future Fund down $1.3 billion to $3.487 billion A quick glimpse at Australia - $1 billion e-health record will get a further injection of funding and will switch to opt out PENSIONERS - $44 billion spend estimated in ,000 pensioners with modest assets to have $30 average increase in pension a fortnight provided they own their own home and have additional assets worth less than $250,000 (singles) and $374,000 (couples) - Tens of thousands of wealthy retirees will no longer receive the full pension, and many will also see a reduced part-pension as the government drops the eligibility threshold. - Single homeowner could hold assets up to around $800,000 and a couple could hold assets up to $1.2 million (down from $1.5 million) to still be eligible for a part pension - Pensioners living or travelling overseas will have their pension assessed after 6 weeks instead of 26 weeks. If they ve been in the workforce for less than 35 years the part-pension will tally on a sliding scale. The measures will save $168 million. SECURITY - $1.2 bn. new funding to counter terrorism - $450 m. boost to intelligence capabilities - $296 m. extra for spy agencies including $50 m. for overseas spies in ASIS - $131 m. to capture metadata - $22 m. to counter extremist propaganda Labor replies Opposition Labor Leader Bill Shorten has unveiled a science and technology push for schools and jobs as well as a call for bipartisan action to go further on small business tax cuts, in a budget reply speech he said offered political "cooperation". Every primary and high school would teach students computer coding, while student debts for science graduates would be written-off under policies announced by the Labor leader. In his speech Mr Shorten said a Labor government would introduce digital coding to the school curriculum and spend $25 m. in training teachers in programming. Labor's alternative plans Cut the small business tax rate to 25pc Devote 3 per cent of GDP to research and development by end of next decade $500 million smart investment fund to invest in early-stage companies Establish start-up scheme to provide capital to entrepreneurs Digital technology, computer science and coding to be taught in every school Boost skills of 25,000 teachers, train 25,000 new teachers who are science and technology graduates Write-off HECS debts of 100,000 science, technology, engineering and maths students Bill Shorten conclude by saying: So tonight I say let's go further. Let's give small businesses the sustainable boost to confidence that they deserve, he said. I invite you to work with me on a fair and fiscally responsible plan to reduce the tax rate for Australian small business from 30 to 25 per cent not a 1.5 per cent cut a 5 per cent cut. The $3.3 billion tax cut, coupled with a $1.8 billion small business asset write-off, is the bedrock of the Coalition's have a go budget. It may take longer than the life of one Parliament - that's why it must be bipartisan and it has to be fair," he said. The Labor leader said he was trying to "break the political mould" by asking the Coalition to work together. MICHELLE ROWLAND MP FEDERAL MEMBER FOR GREENWAY Proudly serving the areas of: Acacia Gardens, Blacktown*, Girraween, Glenwood, Kellyville Ridge, Kings Langley, Kings Park, Lalor Park, Parklea, Pendle Hill, Prospect*, Quakers Hill*, Riverstone, Rouse Hill*, Schofields, Seven Hills, Stanhope Gardens, The Ponds, Toongabbie*, Vineyard *Parts of 230 Prospect Hwy, Seven Hills 2147 Ph:

18 18 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday May 26, 2015 Dun Martin Micallef (xellug) jippreωenta l-ittra lill-arçisqof li fiha talab li jinfeta il-proçess g allkanonizzazzjoni tal-monsinjur Mikiel Azzopardi Jitnieda l-proçess tal-beatifikazzjoni tal-fundatur ta Dar il-providenza L-Arċisqof Charles Scicluna g adu kif nieda l-proçess li g andu jwassal g all-beatifikazzjoni tal-fundatur tad-dar tal-providenza, Mons. Mikiel Azzopardi. Dan sar mag ruf waqt l-inawgurazzjoni u t-tberik tal-misra San Ìiovanni fid-dar tal-providenza fis-si iewi meta l-arçisqof abbar li kien g adu kemm talab lid-direttur tad-dar, Dun Martin Micallef biex jitolbu formalment alli jibda x-xog ol li g andu jwassal g all-beatifikazzjoni tal-fundatur ta din id-dar li toffri kenn lil persuni b diωabilità, u li din is-sena qed tfakkar il-50 sena mill-ftuħ tag ha. Fil-fatt, ftit tal-jiem wara, Dun Martin ippreωenta t-talba li fiha fisser lil Dun Mikiel b ala l-appostlu tal-providenza u qssis mimli m abbau Ωelu patorali g all-poplu t Alla.. L-a bar iet ukoll milqug a bil-fer min-na a tal-gvern, bis- Segretarjat Parlamentari g ad-drittijiet ta Persuni b DiΩabilità u Anzjanità Attiva mmexxi minn Dr Justyn Caruana jg id li jilqa b sodisfazzjon l-a bar li ΩΩid turi g arfien g al idmet Dun Mikiel li jibqa mag ruf minn kull enerazzjoni b ala l- abib ta kul add. Malta s role as The Nurse of the Mediterranean highlighted in school visits in New South Wales As part of ANZAC s commemorations for the next four years, the Holroyd Municipality Council NSW s newly formed Anzac Committee has outlined a number of programmes to help celebrate Anzac s Legend. One of the programmes is to make schoolchildren in the area aware of the history of World War 1 ( ). As a member of this committee, Mr Emanuel Camilleri vice/president of the Maltese Community Council (MCC) of NSW was requested to prepare a presentation about the role Malta played during World War 1. During the next four years Mr Camilleri and his staff would be visiting 20 public schools in the municipality to talk about Malta Nurse of the Mediterranean So far as part of this programme visits have already been Mr. Emanuel Camilleri during his presentation in one of the NSW schools made to two schools, with Mr Camilleri describing the initiative as quite successful. He told The Voice of the Maltese that he was amazed at how well informed the children in these schools were about Malta s role as Nurse of the Mediterranean. He thanked the teachers for their support, as it was quite evident that they have researched the subject well and passed their information to their students. Mr Camilleri said it was his passion to educate the Australian children about Malta s history and to help keep Maltese Cultural alive in the state of NSW where the MCC takes an active role in promoting Malta and Maltese language through its funded Maltese language School of NSW and Maltese radio.

19 Tuesday May 26, 2015 The Voice of the Maltese 19 Taf xi jfissru dawn? G aslu Zokk o xon u b sa tu li wie ed jista jitwieωen fuqu jew ji ieled bih. Ìeneralment, l-aktar f - pajjiωi foqra, ix-xju juzaw l-g aslu b mod normali l- aktar b ala bastun biex iwieωnu lilhom infushom fil-mixi. Hemm ukoll min juωah biex jew jiddefendi ru i inkella biex isawwat bih. Min abba li eneralment ikun maghmul minn xi zokk ta si ra iebes kapaçi jkun ta arma. Gallozz G asfur li jg ix qrib l-g adajjar u jista ba qalb il-qasab u s-simar. F Malta jpassu mhux inqas minn ames speçi ta glalez. Meta ng idu li wie ed deffes rasu b al gallozz infissru li dan ma riedx ihabbel rasu dwar xi problema. Sassla (satla) Reçipjent eneralment talfidda li fih ikun hemm l-ilma mbierek li l-qassis juωa fittberik. Asper es Speci ta ballun imtaqqab fittarf ta stikk ( eneralment tal-fidda) li fih ikollu sponωa li meta l-qassis ipo ih fis-sasla jixrob l-ilma mbierek biex imbag ad iroxxu fuq il-fidili, fil-knisja jew fit-tberik. Ûerniq Bidu ta jum did, tlug ix-xemx jew tbexbix. Óafnq jqisuh b ala l-isba in tal- urnata g ax juri tassew issafa tal-jum. Fisqija Drapp li fih kienet titgeωwer it-tarbija biex tkun protetta mill-mard meta din tkun g adha taddirg ajn. Dan id-drapp kien ikun issikkat biex jg in lis-sinsla taddahar iωωomm dritta. Hekk fl- Evan elju naqraw li l-madonna fisqietu (ll Ìesu`) u medditu f maxtura (lq 2,7) L-ISTAÌUNI, ix-xhur u l-granet tal-ìimgóa Ir-rebbieg a Is-sajf Il- arifa Ix-xitwa Tg allem ikteb mied fsied Ωnied hena hekk heda hinn Qieg ed (g ) jew (h) fejn jonqos: D-ajsa, n-nar, de-ra, qlu-, -ali, -erra, -adu, ker-a, x-ud, de-eb, lo-ba, ibla-, -ada, -arqa, koll-a, -ar, -awn, koro-, x-ur, teb-a, Ω-ir, sa-ra, uçu-, Ωa-Ωu-, fi- It-twe ibiet fil- ar a li jmiss smid qbid did sehem dehen xehed deher Ωerrieg a semmieg a dolieg a dahar xahar rahan sahar g orfa g oqda g omma leh a dehx xehda fehma Ta ri dwar l-g u l-h

20 20 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday May 26, 2015 Community News G all-attenzjoni ta min irid jag mel uωu mis-servizz tal-magazine Trid tirreklama? Il-komunitajiet Maltin fl-awstralja li jkollhom il- sieb li jorganizzaw xi attivita` u jkunu jixtiequ li jg arrfu biha lill-qarrejja ta The Voice of the Maltese permezz ta reklam, huma m e a biex jibag tu t-tag rif dwarha lil: kmieni kemm jista jkun u mill-inqas img a qabel tkun se ssir l-attivita` alli jing ataw il-pubbliçita li jixtiequ fil- in u ma jo or ux diωappuntati La Valette Social Centre Lejla ta G ana 175, Walter Road Blacktown NSW Is-Sibt 30 ta Mejju: Lejla ta G ana fiç-çentru ma Saver u s abu. Il- in: 8.00 p.m. Kul add huwa mistieden jattendi. D ul ming ajr las. Çelebrazzjoni Annwali tas-sette Giugno (7 ta'gunju 1919) Fil-Centennial Monument Civik Park, Pendle Hill NSW il-óadd 7 ta Ìunju fil a.m. Kul add huwa m e e jing aqad mal-maltese Community Council ta NSW biex ti i mfakkra b solennita' u qima l- rajja storika Is-7 ta Ìunju hija Festa Nazzjonali f'malta. F'dan il-jum il- ens Malti jfakkar meta 96 sena ilu rvella kontra l-okkupazzjoni militari Ingliza, u erba eroj Maltin, Manwel Attard, Guze' Bajada, Lorenzo Dyer u Carmelo Abela sfaw maqtula b tiri tas-suldati IngliΩi: 50 o ra kienu sfaw midruba. L-Ghaqdiet Maltin qed ukoll ji u m e a j ibu mag hom l-istandardi tag hom. Se jitpo ew ukoll fjuri fuq il-monument Kull qalb trid o ra Biex tipproduçi magazine b al dan, li wara kollox hu frott talpassjoni li g andna biex inwasslu t-tag rif lill-maltin barra minn art twelidhom, ma jin tie x biss xog ol u in, imma wkoll spejjeω. Biex jittaffew u ud mill-ispejjeω nippruvaw insibu sponsors alli jg inuna. G ad m g andniex biωωejjed minnhom, imma bdejna, u ta min jag tihom ajr. Kull qalb trid o ra, g alhekk in e u lill-qarrejja biex i ibu dan quddiem g ajnejhom u kemm jista jkun juωaw is-servizzi u/jew jixtru l-prodotti ta dawk li qed jirreklamaw/jisponsorjaw fil-magazine. Follow The Voice of the Maltese online magazine every fortnight and also join us on our facebook page. Tinteressak il-kitba? Id-direzzjoni ta The Voice t e e lill-qarrejja li j ossu li jew g andhom talent g allkitba, l-aktar bl-ilsien Malti, imma mhux biss, inkella li ja sbu li bi ftit g ajnuna jistg u alli jekk u meta iridu, jew jitolbu l-g ajnuna tag na, inkella sempliçement jibag tu x-xog ol tag hom lil: The Voice of the Maltese biex narawh. address: Lesti nippublikaw il-kitbiet tag kom. Jekk ghandek xi bieb li g ad mhumiex jirçevu The Voice of the Maltese u ta seb li jkun jinteressahom, ibghatilna l- address tag hom alli nibag tuhulhom Fuq Radju Malta ( kull nhar ta Ìimg a fis-2.30 p.m. TippreΩenta Josephine Zammit Cordina MALTESE LANGUAGE SCHOOL OF NSW A Division of the Maltese Community Council of NSW Inc. Learn Maltese! Classes are available for students from 6 years to adults at all levels of ability in the Maltese language. We have trained and experienced teachers qualified in language teaching and with Maltese study credentials. Learn the Maltese language, the culture, lifestyle, cuisine, traditions and about the amazing history of the island. Classes at: HORSLEY PARK - SEVEN HILLS - LUDDENHAM For more information and enquiries Call Mary on Or Supported by the Minister of Education and Training and the NSW Community Languages Schools Programme. Member of the NSW Federation of Community Language Schools of NSW; Member of the Federation of Maltese Language Schools of Australia; Supported by 16 Maltese associations affiliated with the MCC of NSW. The Maltese Language School of NSW is a Not-For-Profit organisation.

21 Tuesday May 26, 2015 The Voice of the Maltese 21 Community News UTS Sydney - Free English classes As part of its Teachers Training for 2015, the University of Technology (UTS) Sydney - Insearch is offering free English classes designed to improve one s speaking and listening skills. Following is the programme for this year: Up till May 28 (6.00pm-8.00pm Tuesday & Thursday evening) July 6 - July 31 (1.30pm to 3.30 pm Monday to Friday) August 11 - October 15 (6.00p.m- 8.00pm Tuesday & Thursday evening) October 20 -December 23 (6.00pm- 8.00pm Tuesday & Thursday evening) If interested call , fax or Student Centre, Ground Floor, 187 Thomas Street Sydney NSW 2000 (corner Quay & Thomas Street Chinatown). Students must be at least 16 years old THE MALTESE GUILD OF SOUTH AUSTRALIA INC. Maltese Cultural Centre 6, Jeanes Street Beverley S A 5009 Phone Tuesday s only: AH: / BUS TRIP WITH A MURRAY RIVER CRUISE SUNDAY MAY 31 On the way we stop over at Murray Bridge next to the River for morning cuppa with the normal savories we normal provide. At around 12 noon we board the Captain Proud Paddle Steamer for our Cruise on the River. Trip takes around 4 hours. Lunch with Desert is served on the Boat Cruise. After the cruise and before we head for Adelaide refreshments to be provided (if time does not permit we can still provide the refreshments when we arrive at the Guild Halls. Price for the whole Trip (all inclusive) is $55 per person for all passengers of all ages. For any information and booking contact any of Joe Briffa; Rita Bornhoeft and Mary Craus. One can get their phone numbers from the newsletter, listen to the Blue Grotto Radio on 89.7 FM every Saturday from 10.30am to 12 noon or from Notice Board Website: SAINT NICHOLAS FESTA COMMITTEE Important dates for the remainder of 2015 Sunday July 5: Lejla fil-buskett ; Sunday October 18: Spring Fiera; Sunday December 6: Feast of St Nicholas For further information call Bill Schembri: GEORGE CROSS FALCONS CLUB Inc. (25-27 Lake Ave Cringila NSW 2502, (02) gcfc@ex Seniors Day Every Monday Home-made cooked two-course meal, tea and coffee Bingo and dancing lessons Computers available for usage. Cost only $5.00. Sponsored by MCCI Illawarra. Phone and leave a message FRIENDS OF PROVIDENCE HOUSE NSW (Formed in November 2011) ANNOUNCES: 18 Day Fly Cruise Stay Tour Commencing September 19, 2015 Visiting Perth Bali Thailand Malaysia Singapore. Fantastic Tour Great value All inclusive from $3650 p/p Proceeds to be donated to Id-Dar tal-providenza, Malta. For brochure or bookings call Jim Borg on (02) Note: Donations to Id-Dar tal-providenza can now be made in Australia at any Commonwealth Bank. A/C Name: Friends of Providence House NSW BSB: A/C No This will save you the normal bank fees. Please supply name and address so an acknowledgement can be issued. Proudly supported by: The Voice is not just a news portal; We comment,... We get your message across... We fight for your rights... We believe in freedom of expression... and we are read in the right places. St Helena Maltese/Aust. SC Full Programme for 2015 JUNE 20: (Saturday): Function at Albion JULY 18: (Saturday): Function at Albion AUGUST 21: (Friday): Feast Mass at Ardeer AUGUST 22: (Saturday): Feast dinner dance at Melrose AUGUST 23: (Sunday): 35th Anniversary feast at Ardeer SEPTEMBER 19: (Saturday): Functioin at Albion OCTOBER 24: (Saturday): Function at Parkville OCTOBER 25: (Sunday): AGM meet at Parkville NOVEMBER 14: (Saturday): Function at Holy Eucharist DECEMBER 19: (Saturday): Xmas function at Melrose. (For bookings or more information phone Victor: ) Cnr Main & Campbell Sts, Blacktown. Contact George Vella Tel (02)

22 22 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday May 26, 2015 Community News Maltese Radio Programmes MELBOURNE, on 3ZZZ 92.3FM or on Mondays 5pm, Fridays 5pm, Saturdays 10am.; Last Wednesday each month at 1pm. MELBOURNE on 98.9 North West FM, each Friday p.m. Presenter Emmanuel Brincat. MELBOURNE: STEREO 974 ( ): 97.4FM Wed (Maltese Magazine) & Thursday (Merhba): 6.00pm to 8.00 pm Co-ordinator Ray Anastasi In SYDNEY, listen to the MCC radio programme Sunday at 11am 2GLF FM 89.3, or on demand: In BRISBANE listen to the Maltese Program on 4EB on Tuesdays am; Sundays 4.15pm to 5.15pm UNCLE SAM DJ (Maltese Radio) tune in to link: Maltese Programmes on TV and Web The GDAY MALTAUSSIE SHOW on TVS is broadcast in Sydney Every Saturday at 2pm. Repeats on Mondays 5 pm and Tuesdays 7.30 am Watch direct via HYPERLINK: Tune In to Radio and Television Isma l-programm tar-radju bil-malti mill-kunsill Malti ta NSW minn fuq l-istazzjon 2GLF 89.3FM. Jista wkoll jinstema On Demand minn fuq l-internet (On Demand >Ethnic >Maltese Council 11am) Fi programm ta sieg a nhar ta Óadd fil ikun fih l-a ar a barijiet minn Malta, muωika, tag rif, kultura, avviωi u su etti ta interess g all- Maltin On SBS Radio - Day Time Analogue Digital Tuesday: 12:00-13:00 SBS Radio 3 Thursday: 12:00-13:00 SBS Radio 3 Friday: 12:00-13: fm SBS Radio 2 Saturday: 14:00-15:00: 97.7fm SBS Radio 2 To tune into digital radio you need receiver or device with a DAB+ chip. Tuning in is by station name not frequency. Digital radio can also be heard on digital TV. SBS Radio 2 is on Channel 38 and SBS. Radio 3 is on Channel 39. Analogue is the present FMwavelength. Digital radio can also be accessed by a smart phone and/or by going online at HYPERLINK: VIVA MALTA VIVA MALTA on Central Coast Radio: on June: 4th and 18th - from 6 pm -7 pm on COAST FM 96.3 Community Radio in Gosford NSW. Presenter: Nathalie Gatt. Web streaming on: L-A barijiet on SBS TV twice a week nationwide Sunday at The SBS MALTESE NEWS 8.00 am on SBS2 (Chan. 32); Thursdays at 8.05 am on SBS2 Malta Society of New Zealand We now have a Facebook page that former members are invited to join. It is: Mainly-Maltese-in-Auckland: /Mainly-Maltese-in-Auckland/ ?ref=hl. It is open to all who have an interest in the Maltese culture. The Maltese Language School of NSW The Maltese Language School of NSW invites applications for Maltese language classes at the Alfred Fenech Maltese Resource Centre located at 59b Franklin Street (corner with Young Street) Mays Hill (next to Parramatta West Public School). Both young and adult students may apply. For more information contact Mary Pace-Feraud on or L-ahbarijiet tal-pbs (Malta) G alkemm il-pbs ta Malta tforni lill- SBS fl-awstralja bis-servizz tag ha, ilqarrejja m e a li x in iridu jid lu fil-website: u jsegwu l- a barijiet ta Malta. Din tkun a ornata l- in kollu bi stejjer li jkunu qed ise u. Mhux biss, imma min irid isegwi dak li jkun g addej, kull filg odu in ta' Malta fuq il-website jittellg u wkoll l-a barijiet tal-jum ta' qabel. Meetings of Day Care Maltese Groups in NSW Fairfield Active Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Tuesday of the Month from10:00am to 12 noon. The group meets in the Parish Hall, cnr of Stella Street & The Boulevard, Fairfield Heights. Maltese Seniors Central Coast Group Meetings for Maltese living at the Central Coast: are held every second Monday of each month from 10 am to 12 at Wyong RSL, cnr Anzac & Margaret Street Wyong. For more information Tel: or Daceyville Maltese Seniors Meets on the last Wednesday of the month in the Meeting Room One, No. 3 General Bridges Crescent, Daceyville. Note: The Groups also arrange regular Bus Trips Come and join us and make new friends. Merrylands Social Maltese Seniors Meets every second Friday of the month; Miller Room, Memorial Avenue Merrylands from 10.30am to am Llandillo Maltese Seniors Meets on the first Wednesday of the month at the Llandilo Community Hall, Seventh Avenue, from 11am to 1pm. Greystanes Maltese Seniors Meets on the second Monday of the month n the George Preca Centre of OLQP Church, 198 Old Prospect Road, Greystanes from 10 am to 12 noon The Sutherland & St George Maltese Group Ongoing: We meet every First Wednesday of the Month from 10:00am-1:00pm Our Meetings/Get Togethers are interesting, informative & entertaining. Come Join us and make new Friends For more information contact our Coordinator: Charles Mifsud J.P.Phone (02) mobile *(All Groups are Sponsored by The Maltese Community Council of NSW). Please contact the MCC Welfare Officer: Marisa Previtera JP on The MCC offices are at 59b Franklin Street Mays Hill NSW (next to West Parramatta Primary School)

23 Tuesday May 26, 2015 The Voice of the Maltese 23 S p o r t s 1 Kevin Muscat s Melbourne Victory seal third A-League title with dominant performance A t the end of a great performance in front of a passionate home crowd in the Grand Final, Melbourne Victory became only the second team to claim a hat-trick of Australian titles in the 10 years of the A-League (after Brisbane Roar) with a deserved 3-0 win over Sydney FC. Victory monopolised territory and possession in a tempestuous opening to the match and they got their reward in the 34th minute from a Berisha goal. Then other goals by Kosta Barbarouses and Leigh Broxham in the last seven minutes sealed their win and reflected their dominance. It was also a great triumph for Kevin Muscat who became the most celebrated coach across any sport in Australia as he completed his first full season in charge with Melbourne Victory. Kevin Muscat, 41, born in Crawley, West Sussex, from Maltese descent, was given the Melbourne Victory job in October 2013 when his predecessor Ange Postecoglou took over the national team, The Socceroos. He was also named Coach of the Year Before this victory, this season, Victory first topped the table having scored more goals and conceded less than any other side. They managed 22,000 seasonticket holders, making them the country's biggest team. Left: Kevin Muscat poses with the Hyundai A- League Coach of the Year award, and (above) Melbourne Victory players celebrate their success Parramatta get much-needed win after disappointing two months Parramatta FC (formerly Melita Eagles) scored an all-important victory in Round 10 by downing in form side Rockdale City Suns at llinden Sports Centre by 1-0. But then last weekend s match at the Melita Stadium against Manly was washed out and postponed because of The tie against Rockdale was a must win match, probably Parramatta s most crucial thus far in the 2015 season, and helped them ease their position in the lower reaches of the league ladder. Had they lost they would have stayed at the bottom. They finally got the bit of luck they needed after it had eluded them in the past two months. It was their second victory since the start of the season. Now they have two sides beneath Parramatta s captain Patrick Gatt (red shorts) keeping a close eye on his opponent in the mach against Rockdale Football: PS4 NPL 1 NSW them, South Coast nd Marconi, all three from 10 matches. Much to the dismay of the Suns faithful, the goal that gave Parramatta coach Franco Consentino and his squad a much-needed three points was scored in the second half by Daniel Rezo. Blacktown City currently lead the standing on 25 points, a point ahead of APIA. They also have a game in hand. Sydney Olympic hold onthird place a point further away. Results Round 11 Parramatta FC v Manly U. Blacktown S v APIA Brownrigg v Rockdale CS Marconi S. v South Coast Sutherland S. v. Blacktown C Sydney U v Sydney O. Round 10 Rockdale CS FCv Parramatta FC Manly U v South Coast Blacktown C. v Blacktown S Marconi S v Sydney U APIA LT v Brownriggv Sydney O. v Sutherland S post post PS4N PL2 NSW Round 10 Hakoah Sydney City East FC 1-1 Round 9 Mounties W v Central Coast 1-1

24 24 The Voice of the Maltese Tuesday May 26, 2015 S p o r t s 2 B kara win Trophy to deny Hibs the double B kara win Trophy to deny Hibs the double Birkirkara defeated Hibernians 2-0 in the final of the FA Trophy, Maltese football s second most prestigious competition to deny the League champions the double they have been chasing since the 1981/82 season. It was the yellow and red stripes fifth Trophy victory in the competition s history. The competition rounded up the football season in Malta. It was some consolation for Birkirkara Birkirkara who finished the Premier League campaign in third place, but won the BOV Super Cup earlier in the season and now also the FA Trophy. Birkirkara obtained their deserved victory with a goal in each half of a match they dominated, particularly after taking the lead on 28 minutes through Mauricio Latini Mazzia who scored from a Rafael Ledesma freekick that caught the Hibs defence unawares. Hibernians were a great disappointment. Clubs vote for change in number of foreign players in Premier Two Maltese brothers very well known in football circles in Malta, Adrian, 33, and Robert Farrugia, are among 50 people being investigated by Italian police over alleged match fixing in the lower divisions of Italian football, Lega Pro and Serie D in an operation codenamed Dirty Soccer. Until a few days ago before he resigned, Adrian Farrugia, a former player, was team manager of local Premier League club Mosta FC, while Robert was president of Msida St Joseph FC, who have just been relegated to Division II. Two Italians, associated with As of next season, a minimum of 11 homegrown players (Maltese national or a foreign player who has played for four years in a nursery between the ages of 12 and 18) must be in the match-day squad for Premier League clubs, which is in line with European Union rules. The decision was taken by the MFA member clubs at an extraordinary general meeting. This means that a club could field up to seven foreign players in the starting line-up but then has to have seven Maltese players on the bench. There will be no changes in Divisions 1, 2 and 3 that is, three foreigners on the pitch for Division 1 clubs, and one foreigner for Division II and III clubs. Having conceded the lead they never looked like salvaging anything. Their feeble challenge fizzled out een more on 69 minutes when Birkirkara delivered the killer punch when the champions defence failed to clear and Rafael Ledesma scored the second goal. Maltese football, Arturo De Napoli and Felice Belini are also being investigated. The former coached Vittoriosa Stars during the season just ended, while Bellini, served as sporting director general of the same club. Bellini, who also served as director general of Gudja Utd, is currently marketing director of Lega Pro side Vigor Lamezia, Italian police made a number of arrests but have been reported saying that they could not find the Farrugia brothers. Malt Police was not involved in the investigation but it could get involved if, as expected, the Italian magistrate investigating the Mosta managed to keep their Premier League status after beating GΩira United with two late goals for a 2-0 win in the Relegation/Promotion play-off match. Mosta had finished the Premier League Championship in eighth place while GΩira finished third in Division I to earn the chance of playing for a place in the Premier. But as it turned out, and despite giving a most creditable performance, GΩira failed to last the distance and Mosta scored late, through Udo Fortune on 88 minutes, and Gary Roberts three minutes Maltese brothers investigated in Operation Dirty Soccer match-fixing case in Italy Birkirkara players and supporters celebrate vctory after the prsentation of the Trophy The victors came very near to adding a thrid a minute later but Paul Fenech s effort smashed against the upright. For the rest of the game Birkirkara kept a tight grip on the proceedings and Hibs challenge proved to be too feeble to give them any hope. Two late goals save the day for Mosta into added time. No wonder that feelings of joy and relief gripped the Mosta players. Therefore at the end of the league campaigns in both divisions, Hibernians won the Premier League title ahead of Valletta, while Birkirkara and Balzan finished in the next two slots to earn Europa Cup competition places. Pieta Hotspur and Ûebbu Rangers were relegated, to be replaced by Division I winners Pembroke Athleta and runners up St Andrews. match fixing seeks an extradition order for the brothers. Those arrested included players and d i r e c t o r s from around 30 clubs who were under suspicion of "conspiracy to commit sporting fraud". Investigators suspect 28 Lega Pro and Serie D matches from the season were rigged. Among those sought by police for bribing players and coaches were Serbs, Albanians and Mal- Brothers Adrian (left) and Robert Farrugia tese nationals. Police across Italy rounded up suspects in the early hours of May 19. They included 27 team presidents and managers, 17 players, five coaches, and one police officer - and raided club offices. The Maltese deny involvement.

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