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1 FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 2, 1977 HUA KUO-FENG AND TITO FALSIFY HISTORY I am reading the reports of foreign news agencies which say that the talks between Tito and Hua Kuo-feng are continuing with great warmth and cordiality. Moreover, now they are saying openly that «Hua Kuo-feng, the Chairman of the Communist Party of China, is continuing the talks with Tito, the Chairman of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia», a thing which has not been said up till now. This means, apart from anything else, that the talks resulted in party relations. This is very clear to us. The Yugoslav news agency Tanjug gives a general outline of the matters discussed with the Chinese. The Chinese are in agreement over almost everything that Tito says. What is said? Not a word against American imperialism, not a word against Soviet social-imperialism, not a word against imperialists of other developed capitalist countries, hence, nothing against these three big groupings which exploit the peoples to the bone. They say only that there is a crisis in Africa, that there are disagreements between various states of this continent, but without mentioning concretely who has caused these quarrels, these disagreements and hot wars, without mentioning that they have reached agreement, that these states should solve their disagreements between themselves in a peaceful way. On the other hand, they say that the Middle East, likewise, is in crisis and that this must be resolved in a peace in which the Palestinians are given their rights. That is all in regard to international 608

2 policy. Had there been anything else Tanjug would certainly have said so. Hence, the whole problem has been reduced to two crises and thus the situation is «excellent», according to Tanjug, which stresses that the «non-aligned countries» (without mentioning the countries of the «third world» at all) will play a major role in this issue. It seems as if the Hsinhua news agency is not speaking against American imperialism or Soviet social-imperialism because the feelings of the friend of the Chinese, Tito, must not be hurt. But what does this show? This speaks of the complete unity of the Chinese leaders with this «fine» friend whom they welcome with such great pomp. This is not a matter of simply pleasing their guest but this stand is a reflection of the Chinese line, which is pro-american, and which up till now is anti-soviet in words, but which could be softened tomorrow and become likewise pro-soviet, and as a result China could take the same position as Tito has at present in the world and in the international communist movement. Tito represents revisionism in the international communist movement and is the sworn enemy of this movement. China, which is showing itself to be in unity with Tito, has taken this position, too. Therefore the international communist movement is one thing, while Titoite, Chinese, Soviet and other modern revisionism is something else. They are on opposite sides of the barricade, in stern and irreconcilable struggle with each other. These two, Tito and Hua Kuo-feng, falsifiers of history, falsifiers and distorters of the international situation, friends of imperialism and social-imperialism, who are well-wishers of world capitalism and assist it, have nothing at all to say about the great, insoluble and continuous contradictions which exist amongst the imperialists themselves, between the imperialists and the oppressed peoples, between the oppressed peoples and the regimes oppressing them, and between imperialist countries and other developed countries. In one word, for this pair of 609

3 leaders of the same type who are holding talks in Peking, antagonistic contradictions do not exist in the world. For a long time now China has not been talking about the great strikes of the proletariat or about the great crisis which has world capitalism in its grip. There is a reason for this. If it were to speak about these things, in that case it would hurt the feelings of imperialism, the regimes of the developed capitalist countries, and those of the so-called third world, with which China is in agreement. It does not want to hurt the feelings of the leaders of the «third world», regardless of the fact that many of them are in great opposition to the peoples whom they oppress, are in great opposition to the proletariat, and hence there is the irreconcilable contradiction in those countries between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. In general, the Chinese do not speak about these things because they consider the state the pivot around which the revisionist parties, revolutionary and democratic elements and the proletariat should rally, and by means of votes turn this state of capitalism, which, according to them, need not be altered, against the capitalist monopolies, trusts and concerns. Hence, they are to go to socialism through reforms, by means of this capitalist state which they must infiltrate into and support! With this ideology that China has, it cannot speak about, cannot incite and encourage the proletariat to turn the big strikes which it is organizing against its age-old oppressors into a great force against capital. How can China, Yugoslavia and the Soviet revisionists speak against the kings and emirs of Arabia and other countries of the Middle East where the main resources of oil are centered? Tito and Hua Kuo-feng laid stress on the oil crisis but did not explain it properly, because they are not with the true interests of the proletariat. This oil crisis, naturally, represents a weakening of imperialism and social-imperialism and a strengthening of capitalism in those countries where reactionary regimes exist, which have large resources of oil under their domination and exploitation. Part of the profits from raising the price of oil went into the treasuries of the feudal monarchs of Iran and 610

4 Saudi Arabia and the emirs of the Persian Gulf. What did this cause? It caused a great crisis, both in the United States of America and in Europe, hence it sharpened the contradictions between imperialists, social-imperialists and other capitalists of the developed countries; it also sharpened the contradictions between the proletariat and the working masses of these countries, on the one hand, and the capitalist state and the capitalist bourgeoisie, on the other hand. In such a situation, the capitalist state was obliged to increase taxes, unemployment and inflation. The monetary crisis resulted from this, and hence this state, which represents state monopoly capitalism, launched itself into the struggle against the interests of the proletariat and the working people. It could not have acted differently because it is a capitalist state, which must be fought with all one's might and must be overthrown with violence, and there must be no thought that it can be captured through «reforms of the structure and the superstructure», as the revisionists preach. According to the revisionists, the state in the capitalist countries today has allegedly become the centre-point of the socialization of the productive forces to such a degree that these states have been transformed into essential factors of social production! 611

5 SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 4, 1977 HUA KUO-FENG, ALSO, KNEELING BEFORE TITO Tito, Hua Kuo-feng, Teng Hsiao-ping and others have ended their political talks in Peking. Together with Li Hsiennien, the inveterate traitor to Marxism-Leninism, Tito, left by special aircraft for Hangchow where he was welcomed by hundreds of thousands of people with flowers and cymbals. It emerged as a conclusion from the talks that the unity of the Chinese with the Yugoslav revisionists in thought and deed is virtually complete. This is stressed by almost all the news agencies and especially by the Tanjug agency which speaks in detail about all the successes which were achieved in the talks. If full agreement was not reached on something, «this is because of the different conditions of the two countries». The French news agency calls this meeting «historic» and «positive». Hence, according to what we hear and read, their agreement is complete on state relations, economic relations, political relations and cultural relations. Party relations have been established, also, because now in the final communiques which Hsinhua is transmitting, Tito's title in the party is given first, «Chairman of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia» and then «President of the Federal Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia». This means that the Hua Kuo-fengs have recognized Tito as a communist and have made common cause with the League of Communists of Yugoslavia. The thesis of our Party that China is now a country headed by a revisionist party, in the leadership of which are renegades from Marxism-Leninism, has been confirmed. 612

6 One surprising thing! We heard that Tito criticized Hua Kuo-feng because the matters under discussion between them immediately spread abroad, a thing which shows a lack of a serious attitude! Hua Kuo-feng, however, replied that it was necessary to consult the party over some matters they were discussing. We heard later what had occurred. Tito had raised the question that the League of Communists of Yugoslavia should be recognized by the Communist Party of China, because as he put it, it would be an absurdity if it were not recognized. And the hypocritical Chinese leaders were in agreement on this matter, but in order to avoid bearing the responsibility themselves, the chiefs played an unpleasant game. They issued an order that the party organizations of Peking should be gathered together for the whole night, and the Yugoslav request put to them. After they had put the question, «What do you think?», the discussion began. This is not the first such farce that these Chinese traitors have engaged in. They organized a similar farce over the rehabilitation of Teng Hsiao-ping. They had rehabilitated Teng but said that, first, meetings were allegedly held here and there, and thus they gave this activity the appearance as if it were the masses, the party and the army, which had insisted on the rehabilitation of Teng Hsiaoping. The Chinese leaders are very bad, very hypocritical, they are branded revisionists. Thus the things we said fourteen years ago against Khrushchev, in the article, «The Results of Khrushchev's Visit to Yugoslavia» or the article «Khrushchev Kneeling Before Tito», have been confirmed point by point in China, too. Hua Kuo-feng fell on his knees before Tito and everything which was written in that article fourteen years ago has been confirmed tale quale* in Peking, too, even down to the failure to publish a communique. They did not issue a communique because they had reasons not to issue it. However, the correspondents of Tanjug, with great skill and clarity, stres- * Exactly (Italian in the original). 613

7 sed the achievements, one by one, and in every branch, from the economy down to policy, from the «non-aligned world», which the Chinese adopted, to the recognition of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia and Tito as its chairman. Of course, China had recognized the League of Communists of Yugoslavia earlier but now it has recognized officially that «socialism is being built in Yugoslavia». We sought to prove this whole slide of the Chinese into revisionism, but they have confirmed it themselves in the talks which they held with Tito. All the Marxist-Leninists in the world, all progressives, will see that China has altered its ideological and political line, will see that it has lined up with the anti-marxists, with the agents of American imperialism, and is pursuing a pro-american policy, that is, is relying on the United States of America to combat the Soviet Union and to incite a world war. The disagreement or opposition in words, which allegedly appeared between Tito and Hua Kuo-feng, as if Tito was of the view that war could be avoided, while Hua Kuo-feng with his «authority» and «his great wisdom» affirmed that war was imminent, are of no importance. These statements gave the press the possibility to find «a contradiction» between these two revisionist states with the aim of giving a little «authority» to China, too, in this slipping and sliding into the mire of revisionist treachery. During these talks there was no mention either of American imperialism or Soviet social-imperialism, but the only discussion was about Africa, where disturbances are occurring, which must be settled by the African peoples themselves; the Middle East was talked about, and they said that the Palestinian people must be given their rights and nothing else. So What does this amount to? Nothing at all! These were the main issues. China also accepted the thesis defended by Tito, Ceausescu and others about a «new world economic order». Hence, both for us and for the Western news agencies, although we look at the matter from different viewpoints, this visit was positive. For us it was good because it exposed Hua 614

8 Kuo-feng and Tito; for them it was good because China united with Titoite Yugoslavia and the United States of America. The contradictions between us and all these are deepened. We are on the opposite course to them, are in struggle with them, and naturally, they are in struggle with us. We shall continue the struggle without hesitation, unceasingly against the two superpowers and the third superpower which is rising, which is pseudo-socialist China. 615

9 TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 6, 1977 TITO TIGHTENS THE BOLTS OF THE SINO-AMERICAN BRIDGE Tito is continuing his triumphal tour of China. In Hangchow and especially in Shanghai, he received a majestic welcome from hundreds of thousands of people, including the acrobats who gave performances in the streets at the time he was passing. Just like Khrushchev, Hua Kuo-feng was in complete a- greement with the line of Tito, with his political, ideological and organizational line. They did not speak openly about the organizational line, but in reality they reached agreement. Thus, Hua Kuo-feng proved that he, with his group and Teng Hsiaoping have deviated completely from Marxism-Leninism, are on the revisionist road, are in alliance with American imperialism and are trying to gather all the parties dissenting from the Soviet revisionist party under their revisionist leadership. Hence, the revisionist Communist Party of China, in alliance with Tito, will establish links with all the other revisionist parties of the world, besides the links it has established with its hangers-on which exist or which it has created itself in Europe and other continents. These hangers-on are small groups of 20, 30, or 100 people, which perform certain services for China, whose duty it is to send telegrams of congratulation on its congress or on some other event, which China will publish, one by one, in the newspaper «Renmin Ribao», to create the effect among internal Chinese opinion and international opinion that China is allegedly a Marxist-Leninist country, a socialist country and the leader of the whole world communist move- 616

10 ment, with the exception, of course, of the revisionist and socialimperialist Soviet Union, on the one hand, and socialist Albania, on the other. China does not count the Party of Labour of Albania as part of the world communist movement, and according to the Chinese, it is also «revisionist and Trotskyite»! They have begun to talk about our article, «Khrushchev Kneeling Before Tito» in diplomatic circles. Likewise, the world press has taken it up, published it and is commenting on it favourably, has discovered the aim of the article, and is making correct comparisons between Hua Kuo-feng and Khrushchev. Hua Kuo-feng reached agreement with Tito that they should not publish a communique, just as at the time when Khrushchev and Tito reached agreement and we originally published our article, but the Tanjug news agency let the cat out of the bag. It reported in detail all the decisions which were taken in the joint talks and on their identity of outlook on the major world problems and on relations between them. Thus, the «Zëri i popullit» article, «Khrushchev Kneeling Before Tito», fits Hua Kuo-feng, who also fell on his knees to Tito, as neatly as a glove. Of course, this article has infuriated the Chinese and the Yugoslavs, because it burst upon them like a bombshell they did not expect such a thing. However, so far we have seen no reaction either from the Chinese or from the Yugoslavs. The reaction which comes only from the diplomats and from the newspapers of different countries of the world, is in favour of the Party of Labour of Albania and the People's Socialist Republic of Albania. The genuine Marxist- Leninists of the world and their parties fully approve this article, which exposes a new betrayal, which, in fact, is causing colossal damage to the world revolution and international communism as well as to the peoples' liberation struggle. As always, this time, too, Tito, an agent of American imperialism, is continuing the work of Nixon and Kissinger and tightening the bolts of the bridge between China and the United States of America. 617



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