AP History Disciplinary Practice & Reasoning Skills Objectives

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1 TAVERNIA American Heritage School AP AP WORLD HISTORY Course Objectives AP History Disciplinary Practice & Reasoning Skills Objectives and AP Course Thematic Objectives

2 AP Objectives AP Historical Disciplinary Practices & Reasoning Skills Disciplinary Practices 1. Analyzing Historical Evidence Primary Sources Secondary Sources 2. Argument Development Thesis Evidence Reasoning Skills 1. Contextualization 2. Comparison 3. Causation 4. Continuity and Change Over Time AP Student Objectives in AP World History At the conclusion of this course: Analyzing Historical Evidence Primary Sources PS-1 TSWBAT describe historically relevant information and/or arguments within a source. PS-2 TSWBAT explain how a source provides information about the broader historical setting within which it was created. PS-3 TSWBAT explain how a source s point of view, purpose, historical situation, and/or audience might affect its meaning. PS-4 TSWBAT explain the relative historical significance of a source s point of view, purpose, historical situation, and/or audience. PS-5 TSWBAT evaluate a source s credibility and/or limitations. Secondary Sources SS-1 TSWBAT describe the claim or argument of a secondary source, as well as the evidence used. SS-2 TSWBAT describe a pattern or trend in quantitative data in non-text based sources. SS-3 TSWBAT explain how a historian s claim or argument is supported within evidence. SS-4 TSWBAT explain how a historian s context influences the claim or argument. SS-5 TSWBAT analyze patterns and trends in quantitative data in non-text based sources. SS-6 TSWBAT evaluate the effectiveness of a historical claim or argument. Argument Development AD-1 TSWBAT make a historically defensible claim in the form of an evaluative thesis. AD-2 TSWBAT support an argument using specific and relevant evidence. AD-3 TSWBAT use historical reasoning to explain relationships among pieces of historical evidence. AD-4 TSWBAT consider ways that diverse or alternative evidence could be used to qualify or modify an argument. Contextualization CONT-1 TSWBAT describe an accurate historical context for a specific historical development or process. CONT-2 TSWBAT explain how a relevant context influenced a specific historical development or process. CONT-3 TSWBAT use context to explain the relative significance of a specific historical development or process. Comparison COMP-1 TSWBAT describe similarities and/or differences between different historical developments or processes. COMP-2 TSWBAT explain relevant similarities and/or differences between specific historical developments and processes. COMP-3 TSWBAT explain the relative historical significance of similarities and/or differences between different historical developments or processes. Causation CAUS-1 TSWBAT describe causes or effects of a specific development or process. CAUS-2 TSWBAT explain the relationship between causes and effects of a specific historical developments and processes. CAUS-3 TSWBAT explain the difference between primary and secondary causes and between short and long term effects. CAUS-4 TSWBAT explain the relative significance of different causes and/or effects. Continuity and Change Over Time CCOT-1 TSWBAT describe patterns of continuity and/or change over time. CCOT-2 TSWBAT explain patterns of continuity and/or change over time. CCOT-3 TSWBAT explain the relative historical significance of specific historical developments in relation to a larger pattern of continuity and/or change.

3 INTERACTION AP World History Thematic Topics Theme 1: INTERACTION Between Humans and the Environment [ENV] Demography and disease Migration Patterns of settlement Technology I The interaction between humans and the environment is a fundamental theme for world history, as the environment shaped human societies, but, increasingly, human societies also affected the environment. During prehistory, humans interacted with the environment as hunters, fishers and foragers, and human migrations led to the peopling of the earth. As the Neolithic revolution began, humans affected their environments more directly, either as farmers or pastoralists. Environmental factors such as rainfall patterns, climate, and available flora and fauna shaped human interactions in different regions. Human impact on the environment intensified as populations grew and as people migrated into new regions. As people migrated to cities or established trade networks, new diseases emerged and spread, sometimes devastating an entire region. Beginning with the Industrial Revolution, human effects on the environment increased exponentially. In recent centuries, human effects on the environment and the ability to master and exploit it increased with the development of more sophisticated technologies, the utilization of new energy sources and a rapid increase in human populations. Thematic Learning Objectives: Interaction At the conclusion of this course: ENV-1 ENV-2 ENV-3 ENV-4 ENV-5 TSWBAT explain how different types of societies have adapted to and affected their environments. [12 Topic Workshops: ] TSWBAT explain how environmental factors, disease, and technology affected patterns of human migration and settlement over time. [26 Topic Workshops: ] TSWBAT evaluate the extent to which migration, population, and urbanization affected the environment over time. [22 Topic Workshops: ] TSWBAT explain how environmental factors have shaped the development of diverse technologies, industrialization, transportation methods, and exchange and communication networks. [8 Topic Workshops: ] TSWBAT evaluate the extent to which the development of diverse technologies, industrialization, transportation methods, and exchange and communication networks have affected the environment over time. [19 Topic Workshops: ]

4 I Interaction RELEVANT TOPICS BY PERIOD Period 1 human migration Neolithic revolution farming and irrigation agriculture and pastoralism civilizations formed in a variety of environmental settings states emerged within civilizations iron use weapons and modes of transportation first states big geography transportation and warfare agricultural diversity and abundance Period 2 architecture Daoism Shamanism walls and roads mobilization of resources emerging trade routes shaped by climate and geography long-distance trade and communication expansion of empires farming and irrigation imperial governments environmental damage establishment of interregional land and water routes exchange of disease pathogens urban and imperial decline Period 3 interregional trade migration disease bubonic plague fate of cities expansion of long-distance trade routes effects of migration crop diffusion increasing agricultural productivity urban decline technological innovations intensification of trade Period 4 maritime technology mixing of cultures little ice age imperial expansion intensification and expansion of maritime trade routes colonization Columbian Exchange spread of cultures increased agricultural production and forced labor regimes Period 5 railroads urbanization global migration unsanitary cities changes in food production rise of industrialization natural resource extraction and shifts in commodity production effects of the industrial revolution transoceanic empires increased production imperialism demographic change and migration Period 6 deforestation and desertification communication and transport consequences of globalization Green Revolution global pollution diseases associated with poverty and increased lifespan global governance location of labor and natural resources the 20th century environment new epidemics

5 CULTURAL AP World History Thematic Topics Theme 2: Development and Interaction of CULTURES Religions Belief systems, philosophies, and ideologies Science and technology The arts and architecture C This theme explores the origins, uses, dissemination, and adaptation of ideas, beliefs, and knowledge within and between societies and how the processes of adopting or adapting new belief and knowledge systems are complex and often lead to syncretic cultural forms and practices. Studying the dominant belief system(s) or religions, philosophical interests, and technical and artistic approaches can reveal how major groups in society view themselves and others, and how they respond to multiple challenges. When people of different societies interact, they often share components of their cultures, deliberately or not. A society s culture may be investigated and compared with other societies cultures as a way to reveal both what is unique to a culture and what it shares with other cultures. It is also possible to analyze, compare, and trace particular cultural trends or ideas across human societies and over time. Thematic Learning Objectives: Cultural At the conclusion of this course: CUL-1 CUL-2 CUL-3 CUL-4 CUL-5 CUL-6 TSWBAT explain how religions, belief systems, philosophies, and ideologies originated, developed, and spread as a result of expanding communication and exchange networks. [21 Topic Workshops: ] TSWBAT explain how religions, belief systems, philosophies, & ideologies affected political, economic, & social developments over time. [18 Topic Workshops: ] TSWBAT explain how cross-cultural interactions resulted in the diffusion of culture, technologies, and scientific knowledge. [10 Topic Workshops: ] TSWBAT explain how technological and scientific innovations affected religions, belief systems, philosophies, and ideologies over time. [6 Topic Workshops: ] TSWBAT explain how the arts are shaped by and reflect innovation, adaptation, and creativity of specific societies over time. [9 Topic Workshops: ] TSWBAT explain how expanding exchange networks shaped the emergence of various forms of transregional culture, including music, literature, and visual art. [8 Topic Workshops: ]

6 C Cultural RELEVANT TOPICS BY PERIOD Period 1 new religious beliefs early civilizations human migration and spread of technology expanding trade routes (local to regional) monumental architecture role of art unifying early urban cultures Period 2 early codification of religious beliefs development of monotheistic Judaism assertion of universal truths religious practice and gender roles; Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism, Christianity cultures changed when spread; Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism Vedic, Confucian, Daoist, Christian, and Greco-Roman influenced institutions rise of Buddhism, Christianity, and Confucianism new technology facilitated long-distance trade technologies and other ideas spread along trade routes art and architecture reflected religious beliefs art and religious systems imperial cities and public performance Period 3 Islam collapse of empires spread of trade, religions, and diasporic communities influence of belief systems on new forms of governance traditional sources of power and legitimacy changes in gender and family structures; Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, and Neoconfucianism growth of existing and new trade routes spread of language and technology by Bantu and Polynesian migrations intensification of trade networks technological transfer cross-cultural exchange transportation technologies facilitated cultural diffusion diffusion of artistic traditions Period 4 Reformation syncretic belief systems and practices spread of syncretic belief systems development of and responses to globalization cartography and navigation transoceanic voyages spread of literacy funding and expansion of the arts courtly literature educated rulers Period 5 new financial philosophies responses to globalization imperialism social Darwinism Enlightenment reform movements spread of Enlightenment ideas state formation political rulers nationalism religious and political rebellions transnational ideologies increased productivity from new technologies migrants spread culture Period 6 state responses to academic challenges increasing personal independence rights-based discourses anti-imperialism global conflict movements against conflict religious and political conflicts new ideas about race, class, gender, and religions new cultural identities medical innovations scientific innovations

7 POLITICAL AP World History Thematic Topics Theme 3: State-Building, Expansion, and Conflict [POLITICAL] Political structures and forms of governance Empires Nations and nationalism Revolts and revolutions Regional, transregional, and global structures & organizations P This theme explores how hierarchical systems of rule have been constructed and maintained over time and the impact of these processes. This theme encourages the comparative study of different state forms (for example, kingdoms, empires, nation-states) across time and space, and the interactions among them. Continuity and change are also embedded in this theme through attention to the organizational and cultural foundations of long-term stability as well as the internal and external causes of conflict. The theme leads to an examination and comparison of various forms of state development and expansion in the context of various productive strategies (for example; agrarian, pastoral, mercantile), various cultural and ideological foundations (for example, religions, philosophies, ideas of nationalism), various social and gender structures, and in different environmental contexts. This theme also discusses different types of states, such as autocracies and constitutional democracies. Finally, in this theme students explore interstate relations, including warfare, diplomacy, commercial and cultural exchange, and the formation of international organizations. Thematic Learning Objectives: Political At the conclusion of this course: POL-1 POL-2 POL-3 POL-4 POL-5 POL-6 TSWBAT explain how different forms of governance have been constructed and maintained over time. [17 Topic Workshops: ] TSWBAT explain how and why different functions and institutions of governance have changed over time. [24 Topic Workshops: ] TSWBAT explain how and why economic, social, cultural, and geographic factors have influenced the processes of state building, expansion, and dissolution. [45 Topic Workshops: ] TSWBAT explain how and why internal and external political factors have influenced the process of state building, expansion, and dissolution. [29 Topic Workshops: ] TSWBAT explain how societies with states and state-less societies interacted over time. [24 Topic Workshops: ] TSWBAT explain the political and economic interactions between state and non-state actors over time. [20 Topic Workshops: ]

8 P Political RELEVANT TOPICS BY PERIOD Period 1 development of elites first states emerge legal codes developed characteristics of first states favorable environmental factors early state and imperial expansion monumental architecture accumulation of wealth competition over land and resources regional trade transformation of warfare Period 2 imperial governments labor organization and food production role of religion in the state first major empires belief systems and empire city-states techniques of administration urbanization gender roles cities as growing commercial and administrative centers imperial decline and collapse exchange of disease pathogens conquests of Jewish states roads and currencies rise of cities as centers of trade mobilization of resources consequences of expanding states and empires diplomacy role of the military Xiongnu and Huns Period 3 state involvement in economic activity synthesized, borrowed, and new state structures emerged new trading cities state sponsored commerce and expansion reconstituted and new forms of governance fate of cities women rulers cultural and environmental impacts of migration cross-cultural exchanges city-states continuities and innovations in state forms Dar al-islam, khanates, and feudalism urban decline and renewal globalizing networks state practices that facilitated trade collapse and reconstitution of empires rise and fall of cities peasant revolts empire expansion Arab and Mongol expansion conquests and tribute empires Aztec/Mexica interregional conflicts technologucal and cultural transfers POW/slaves military obligations Period 4 taxation rulers legitimized power trading-post empires gunpowder empires state rivalries changes and continuities in social structures and religions African, American, and European interactions mercantilism joint-stock companies effects of globalizing peasant labor colonial empires new social and political elites and hierarchies monumental architecture and urban design state consolidation and imperial expansion land-based and maritime empires economic and political rivalries globalizing networks and their political and economic effects spread of cultures among states differential treatment of groups competition for overland trade routes and local resistance rulers consolidated power over groups and populations Period 5 Qing and Ottoman empires transoceanic empires Meiji Japan revolutions impact of industrialization alternate visions of society/government imperialism and state formation reformist and revolutionary movements causes and effects of migration capitalism export economies industrial production alternate visions of capitalist societies state sponsored industrialization new social classes and communities industrialization and imperialism imperialism and new states social Darwinism Enlightenment nationalism decline of empires transnationalism improved military technology spread of European social and political thought responses to global capitalism imperial discontent and revolution 18th & 19th century revolutions new states on edges of empires movements against imperialism global economies, merchants, and companies Period 6 colonial independence total wars communism and Marxism state-controlled economies end of European dominance independence movements transnationalism global conflicts intensified conflicts governments and economic control global governance global migration competition over environmental resources anti-imperialist movements restructuring of states ideologies of expansion: total war, cold war, neocolonial dominance new conceptualization of global society and culture improved military technologies collapses due to internal issues anti-imperialism ethnic violence responses to global capitalism global governance global interdependency

9 ECONOMIC AP World History Thematic Topics Theme 4: Creation, Expansion, and Interaction of ECONOMIC Systems Agricultural and pastoral production Trade and commerce Labor systems Industrialization Capitalism and socialism E This theme surveys the diverse patterns and systems that human societies have developed to produce, distribute, and consume desired goods and services across time and place. It explores how these interactions influence cultural and technological diffusion, migration, state formation, social classes, and human interaction with the environment. This theme analyzes and compares major transitions in human economic activity, such as the growth and spread of agricultural, pastoral, and industrial production; the development of various labor systems associated with these economic systems (including different forms of household management and the use of coerced or free labor); and the ideologies, values, and institutions (such as capitalism and socialism) that sustained them. This theme also calls attention to patterns of trade and commerce between various societies, with particular attention to the relationship between regional and global networks of communication and exchange, and their effects on economic growth and decline. These webs of interaction strongly influence cultural and technological diffusion, migration, state formation, social classes, and human interaction with the environment. Thematic Learning Objectives: Economic At the conclusion of this course: ECON-1 TSWBAT explain how technology shaped economic production and globalization over time. [15 Topic Workshops: ] ECON-2 TSWBAT explain the causes and effects of economic strategies of different types of communities, states, and empires. [30 Topic Workshops: ] ECON-3 TSWBAT explain how different modes and locations of production and commerce have developed and changed over time. [29 Topic Workshops: ] ECON-4 TSWBAT explain the causes and effects of labor reform movements. [5 Topic Workshops: ] ECON-5 TSWBAT explain how and why labor systems have developed and changed over time. [14 Topic Workshops: ] ECON-6 TSWBAT explain how economic systems and the development of ideologies, values, and institutions have influenced each other. [14 Topic Workshops: ] ECON-7 TSWBAT explain how local, regional, and global economic systems and exchange networks have influenced and impacted each other over time. [28 Topic Workshops: ]

10 E Economic RELEVANT TOPICS BY PERIOD Period 1 weapons and transportation Neolithic revolution development of pastoralism and agriculture first states record keeping regional trade artisans specialization labor regimes in first states development of pastoralism diffusion of domesticated plants and animals technology associated with pastoralism and agriculture pastoralists as disseminators of technology Period 2 new and maritime technologies roads currency administrative cities social hierarchies trade route exchanges patriarchy imperial economies slavery and corvée labor Buddhism and Christianity spread through merchants religions spread along trade routes mobilization of resources technological innovations development of trade routes new trade networks in Afro-Eurasia Period 3 transportation and commercial technology imperial innovations imperial support for production and trade caravan organization artisans expand production urban decline and revival labor organization family life military and household slaves mit a serfdom Islam ship design coins, paper money, checks, and banking improved technology and commercial practices affected trade networks in Afro-Eurasia and the Americas diffusion of scientific ideas and technology cross-cultural exchanges spread of crops and diseases in Afro-Eurasia Eastern Hemisphere diffusion changing imperial rule affected trade technology transfer Afro-Eurasian exchanges of crops demand for luxury goods changing urbanization safe and reliable transport Period 4 cartographic and navigational technology global economy state support for maritime voyages and trade mercantilism joint-stock companies Columbian Exchange new political and economic elites Little Ice Age shifting hierarchy techniques of imperial administration imperial expansion interstate rivalry labor regimes in the Atlantic system Atlantic world coerced labor slavery in Africa elite s ability to control labor spread of religions and religious syncretism in regional and newly global trade networks economic role in the consolidation of imperial power changing and intensification of existing trade routes new maritime routes maritime technology technological innovations royal-chartered companies transoceanic shipping effects on regional markets plantation crops gunpowder empires and trade Period 5 new patterns of global trade transnational businesses transportation land-based empire expansion national reactions to industrialization increasing global migration industrialization capitalism financial institutions resisting or sponsoring industrialization imperialism new machines and methods of industrial production financial instruments global conflict transnational movements land-based empire expansion national reactions to industrialization government reform socialism Enlightenment attitudes abolition of serfdom and slavery reform, rebellion, slave resistance, anti-colonial movements transnational ideologies liberalism, socialism, and communism industrial production labor migration coerced and semi-coerced migrant labor legal protection of global capitalism socialism Marxism transformation of social organization Social Darwinism justified imperialism raw materials markets led to new global trade patterns financial institutions transnational banks railroads, steamships, canals, and the telegraph Period 6 global problems global conflicts transnational movements global economics and institutions new technologies an spread of ideas global popular culture new machines and methods of industrial production rapid spread of innovation Fascism Non-Aligned movement state-controlled economies new economic institutions increasing global migration land redistribution religious challenges to imperialism Cold War free-market economies regional trade agreements protest movements oil and nuclear power changing economic institutions

11 SOCIAL AP World History Thematic Topics Theme 5: Development and Transformation of SOCIAL Structures Gender roles and relations Family and kinship Racial and ethnic constructions Social and economic classes S This theme is about relations among human beings, how human societies develop ways of grouping their members, and norms that govern interactions between individuals and social groups. Additionally this theme explores the processes through which social categories, roles, and practices are created, maintained, and transformed. Social stratification comprises distinctions based on kinship systems, ethnic associations, and hierarchies of gender, race, wealth, and class. The study of world history includes thoughtful consideration of the way that social hierarchies developed and changed over time and the various factors that contributed to these changes. It also involves analysis of the connections between changes in social structures and other historical shifts, especially trends in political economy, cultural expression, and human interaction with the environment. Thematic Learning Objectives: Social At the conclusion of this course: SOC-1 SOC-2 SOC-3 SOC-4 SOC-5 SOC-6 TSWBAT explain how distinctions based on kinship, ethnicity, class, gender, and race influenced the development and transformations of social hierarchies. [25 Topic Workshops: ] TSWBAT evaluate the extent to which different ideologies, philosophies, and religions affected social hierarchies. [15 Topic Workshops: ] TSWBAT evaluate the extent to which legal systems, colonialism, nationalism, and independence movements have sustained or challenged class, gender, and racial hierarchies over time. [21 Topic Workshops: ] TSWBAT explain how the development of specialized labor systems interacted with the development of social hierarchies. [13 Topic Workshops: ] TSWBAT explain how social categories, roles, and practices have been maintained or challenged over time. [25 Topic Workshops: ] TSWBAT explain how political, economic, cultural, and demographic factors have affected social structures over time. [17 Topic Workshops: ]

12 S Social Period 1 gender hierarchies, including patriarchy labor specialization first states patriarchy and social hierarchies intensification of social hierarchies increasingly unified states Period 2 Confucian and Christian ideologies belief systems and gender roles patriarchy and gender in imperial society labor regimes in imperial society imperial social structures legitimizing imperial rule caste Greco-Roman legal systems and philosophy imperial societies Judaism Buddhism Monasticism Period 3 patriarchy and power continuities of patriarchy religious influence on gender diversification of labor organization new labor coercion cross-cultural exchanges of social systems Islam and conquest sources of power and legitimacy postclassical legal systems postclassical social organization changes and continuities in the wake of economic growth diasporic communities changes to labor structures Period 4 Atlantic world increased demand for labor elites changing political and economic structures affected gender hierarchies legitimizing and consolidation of imperial rule merchants Columbian Exchange elite control of labor in colonies restructuring of hierarchies Confucian rituals free and unfree labor mixing of cultures and peoples changes in Atlantic societies affected by slavery Period 5 industrialization industrial specialization industrialization affected gender roles middle class and industrial working class anarchism utopian socialism suffrage feminism challenges to social hierarchies including gender Enlightenment ideals global migrations male migrants-females left in home society new social classes and gender roles private property settler colonies anti-imperial resistance independence movements nationalism anticolonial movements abolition of slavery and end of serfdom global migration Social Darwinism demographic changes Period 6 redistribution of land migrants in metropoles nonviolence changing ideas about rights-based discourse new conceptualization of society and culture postcolonial independence global migration popular protests protesting inequalities demographic shifts, including birth control global conflict challenges to old assumptions about religion

13 LINKING OBJEECTIVES TO ACTIVITIES AP World History Activity Objectives Each of the Dyad, Group, and Map Activities links to two or more of the Course Objectives as identified below. Dyad Group Map Primary Source Objectives PS-1 Activities: B1-C4-D8-F1-F4-G4 PS-2 Activities: A3-B2-C6-C10-F4-F11 PS-3 Activities: A5-A6-D7-E7-E9 PS-4 Activities: A6-D3-D5-E7-F5-F8-G9 PS-5 Activities: B5-C6-D3-E6-E9 Secondary Source Objectives SS-1 Activities: B6-C7-E2-E8 SS-2 Activities: A7-B3-C9-D4-D9-E3-F12 SS-3 Activities: A2-C8-E5-F1 SS-4 Activities: C2-D2-E1-E8-G9 SS-5 Activities: A7-B3-C9-D4-D9-E3-F12 SS-6 Activities: A3-D2-D5-E5 Argument Development Objectives AD-1 Activities: A5-E5-G2-G7 AD-2 Activities: A2-B5-E6-G2-G5 AD-3 Activities: A4-C3-D1-F2-G4 AD-4 Activities: A4-C4-F7-G7 Contextualization Objectives CONT-1 Activities: D8-F3-F10 CONT-2 Activities: D7-E4-G5 CONT-3 Activities: D9-F3-G1-G8 Comparison Objectives COMP-1 Activities: B1-C1-F6-G8 COMP-2 Activities: B2-C5-F2 COMP-3 Activities: B6-D1-G6 Causation Objectives CAUS-1 Activities: C1-C10-D6-F7 CAUS-2 Activities: C3-C8-D6 CAUS-3 Activities: C5-C7-F5-F9 CAUS-4 Activities: C2-C8-F9 CCOT Objectives CCOT-1 Activities: E1-F6-F11 CCOT-2 Activities: E1-F6-G1-G6 CCOT-3 Activities: E2-E4-F8-F10

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