vasil xizanisvili ekonomikisa da etikis dialeqtika globalizebul msofliosi

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1 iakob gogebasvilis saxelobis Telavis saxelmwifo universiteti xelnaweris uflebit vasil xizanisvili ekonomikisa da etikis dialeqtika globalizebul msofliosi specialoba: _ ekonomikis Teoria socialur mecnierebata doqtoris akademiuri xarisxis mosapoveblad ekonomikasi warmodgenili disertaciis a v t o r e f e r a t i Telavi 2011

2 disertacia Sesrulebulia iakob gogebasvilis saxelobis Telavis saxelmwifo universitetsi samecniero xelmzrvaneli: elguja meqvabisvili _ ekonomikur mecnierebata doqtori, profesori Semfaseblebi: 1. mixeil ToqmaziSvili _ ekonomikur mecnierebata doqtori, profesori 2. nana oqruasvili _ ekonomikur mecnierebata doqtori, profesori disertaciis dacva Sedgeba 2012 wlis 7 Tebervals 12 saatze iakob gogebasvilis saxelobis Telavis saxelmwifo universitetis socialur mecnierebata, biznesisa da samartlis fakultetis sadisertacio sabwos sxdomaze. misamarti: 2200, q. Telavi, qartuli universitetis q. # 1. disertaciis gacnoba SesaZlebelia Telavis iakob gogebasvilis saxelobis saxelmwifo universitetis bibliotekasi. misamarti: 2200, q. Telavi, qartuli universitetis q. # 1. avtoreferati daigzavna 2011 wlis 29 dekembers sadisertacio sabwos mdivani: ekonomikur mecnierebata doqtori nana rinkiasvili

3 I. sadisertacio nasromis zogadi daxasiateba Temis aqtualoba. sadoqtoro disertacia,,ekonomikisa da etikis dialeqtika globalizebul msofliosi aris siaxle qartul samecniero sivrcesi, gamomdinare iqidan, rom msgavsi saxis nasromi saqartvelosi ar Sesrulebula da misi am formit warmocineba dremde ar momxdara. disertaciis Tema warmoadgens ekonomikisa da etikis konvergencias da gaiazreba postmodernis, axali msoflio etosis WrilSi. etikis sakitxebi ase Tu ise exeba ekonomikur urtiertobata praqtikulad yvela sferos. gabatonebuli etikuri faseulobebis sistema kacobriobis mteli istoriis ganmavlobasi gansazrvravda da momavalsic uciloblad gansazrvravs ekonomikuri ganvitarebis ara mxolod tempebs, aramed mimartulebebsac. esa Tu is pozicia gansazrvrul etikur sakitxebtan mimartebasi gavlenas axdens ekonomikuri ganvitarebis mimartulebis veqtorsa da arceuli mimartulebis mozraobis siswrafeze. dres ukve cxadi gaxda, rom sazogadoebrivi koordinaciisatvis mxolod wminda ekonomikuri urtiertobani ar aris sakmarisi da rom ekonomikis sferosi aucilebelia etikur sawyisebtan dabruneba. Cven vimyofebit globalizaciis epoqasi, sadac saxezea erti ekonomikuri tipis meoreti Canacvlebis procesi, e.i. sabazro ekonomikuri urtiertobebis adgils ikavebs axali, etikur principebsa da faseulobebze dafuznebuli humanuri ekonomikuri urtiertobebi. ukanasknel xans ekonomikisa da etikis kavsirurtiertobata sakitxebi izens met aqtualobas. sagrznobia religiis, moralis, kulturis mnisvnelovani gavlena adamianis da mtlianad sazogadoebis ekonomikur qcevebze. aseve mnisvnelovani da sayuradreboa sabazro ekonomikis eko-socialuri aspeqtebi, romlebmac bolo atwleulebsi gansakutrebuli simwvave SeiZines. amastan ertad unda arinisnos isic, rom ekonomikisa da saertod sazogadoebis humanizacia warmoadgens movlenas, rac kacobriobas aizulebs arsebuli normebisa da faseulobebis axleburad gaazrebas, da masasadame axlebur midgomas, romelta pozitiuri gadawyvetac pirdapir kavsirisia globalur socialur-ekonomikur politikastan. zemot arnisnuli sakitxebi warmoadgens kvlevis problemur mxareebs, romlebic axdenen Temis aqtualobis warmocenas. kvlevis ZiriTadi mizani da amocanebi. sadisertacio nasromis kvlevis ZiriTadi mizania warmoacinos ekonomikisa da etikis, rogorc ori sruliad gansxvavebuli fenomenis kooperaciis SesaZleblobebi globalizebul msofliosi, rac bolo

4 periodamde SeuZleblad iyo micneuli da ganixileboda saerto defeqciis konteqstsi. disertaciasi dasmuli ZiriTadi miznis realizaciisatvis gatvaliswinebulia kvlevis Semdegi amocanebis gadawyveta: - ekonomikisa da etikis urtiertobebtan dakavsirebul sirtuleta Cveneba. - politikuri ekonomiisa da etikuri ekonomikis ert konteqstsi formulireba. - ekonomikisa da etikis urtiertdamokidebulebastan mimartebasi etikuri ekonomikis, rogorc ekonomikur da etikur TeoriaTa sintezis gasuqeba. - etikuri faseulobebis mnisvnelobis dadgena da etikis rolis gansazrvra, rogorc zogadad ekonomikasi, ise konkretulad mis sakvanzo wertilsi bazarze. - etikuri kriteriumebis samartlianobis, Tanasworobis, Tavisuflebisa da socialuri pasuxismgeblobis funqciata gasla ganvrcoba ekonomikur faseulebebtan SeTanazomebiT. - globalizaciis, mat Soris upirvelesad ekonomikuri globalizaciis arsis gansazrvra da gamovlenis formata dadgena. - etikuri ekonomikis axali paradigmis SemuSaveba socialur ekonomikuri globalizaciis pirobebsi. - Tanamedrove sabazro ekonomikur sistemasi eko-socialuri aspeqtebis gamoyofa ekonomikis dematerializaciisa da humanizaciis konteqstsi. - etikis struqturuli elementebis, religiisa da kulturis faqtorta dadgena ekonomikaze. kvlevis Teoriuli da metodologiuri safuzvlebi. sadoqtoro disertaciasi ganxiluli problemebis mecnieruli kvlevis Teoriul da metodologiur safuzvels warmoadgens ertis mxriv ekonomikuri da sxva fundamenturi mecnierebis klasikosta gamokvlevebi, xolo meores mxriv Tanamedrove gamocenil mecnierta nasromebi. klasikosta nasromebidan kvlevis processi gamoyenebuli iqna a. smitis, k. karqsis, m. veberis, g. Smoleris da sxvata fundamenturi gamokvlevebi. disertaciaze musaobis processi avtoris mier agretve iqna gamoyenebuli: arevaze nanulis, banzelaze giorgis, burduli vaxtangis, benfildi e., ToqmaziSvili mixeilis, kuratasvili alfredis, kuratasvili anzoris, kozlovski peteris, kiungi hansis, kraikebaumis h., lomakinis v., meqvabisvili elgujas, nutcingeri hansis, oqruasvili nanas, smitienkos b., Sengelia revazis, homani karlis, fridmani miltonis, robertsoni r., fediakinas l. da sxva cnobil mecnierta nasromebi, sadac

5 ganxilulia socialur-ekonomikuri, finansuri, etikuri, kulturul-religiuri, ekologiuri da sxva sakitxebi. nasromis ZiriTadi Sedegebi da mecnieruli siaxle. sadisertacio kvlevis miznebisa da amocanebis realizaciis processi mirebuli ZiriTadi Sedgebidan SeiZleba gamoiyos Semdegi: - gaanalizebulia ekonomikisa da etikis urtiertobata ZiriTadi aspeqtebi. - gansazrvrulia ekonomikisa da etikis konceptualuri sakitxi, romelic exeba etikuri normebisa da faseulobebis arsebobas ekonomikasi. - gansazrvrulia globalizaciis arsi da ganvitrebis tendenciebi, mat Soris ekonomikuri globalizaciis samomavlo perspeqtivebi. - dadgenilia globaluri ekonomikuri cvlilebebis negatiuri efeqti ekosocialur garemoze. - gaanalizebulia religisaa da kulturis gavlenis mnisvneloba ekonomikaze. mecnieruli siaxle. sadoqtoro disertaciis kvlevis mecnierul siaxles warmoadgens: - ekonomikisa da etikis urtiertsepirispireba da mat Soris arsebul kavsirurtiertobata sirrmiseuli analizi qartul samecniero sivrcesi. - axali etikuri ekonomikis paradigma, romelic ekonomikur urtiertobebsi efuzneba etikur faseulobebs. - dasabutebulia etikis sawiroeba ekonomikur sistemasa da sabazro urtiertobebsi, rac vlindeba saxelsekrulebo valdebulebata Sesrulebasa da transaqciuli xarjebis SemcirebaSi. - formulirebulia etikuri ekonomikis arsi da buneba. - formulirebulia etikuri ekonomikis nisnebi mikro, mezo da makro doneze. - dadgenilia ekonomikis, politikisa da etikis ertianobis gardauvaloba. - ariarebulia,,reantrofomorfizaciis procesis mnisvneloba mecnierebasi da gamovlenilia adamianis faqtoris gadamwyveti roli da funqcia ekonomikur urtiertobebsi. - sirrmiseuladaa warmodgenili globalizaciis buneba da mis safuzvelze nacvenebia msoflio ekonomikis ganvitarebis dinamika, romelic xasiatdeba fuladi nakadebis aqtivizaciit warmoebis sferos sazianod. - dazustebulia axali socialur-ekonomikuri mowyobis forma, romlis konstelacias warmoadgens eko-socialuri sabazro ekonomika da warmogvidgeba humanuri ekonomikis saxit.

6 - gamovlenilia calkeuli religiuri konfesiebis gavlenis xarisxi ekonomikaze. - dasabutebulia kulturis gavlenis Tviseba ekonomikaze, ZiriTadi humanuri faseulobebis dagrovebita da gadacemit. - ekonomikasa da kulturas Soris arsebuli urtiertobebis safuzvelze dadgenilia globaluri ekonomikuri cvlilebebisa da sazogadoebriv transformacias Soris pirdapiri kavsiris arsebobis SesaZlebloba. - dazustebulia religiuri da kulturuli faqtorebis, rogorc qcevata regulatoris funqciebi ekonomikur urtiertobebsi, SromiT saqmianobasa da zogadad samoqalaqo sivrcesi. - gamorkveulia religiisa da kulturis ambivalenturi damokidebuleba ekonomikastan mimartebasi. nasromis praqtikuli mnisvneloba. warmoadgenili sadoqtoro disertaciis praqtikuli mnisvneloba SesaZloa gamoixatos sauniversiteto doneze misi rogorc axali, postmodernuli mimartulebis interdisciplinaruli saleqcio sagnad wakitxvasi, romelsac ukve hqonda adgili 2005 wels, roca zemot arnisnuli Sromis garkveuli sakitxebi saleqcio kursis saxit,,etikuri ekonomika da saxelmwifos ekonomikuri politika saqartvelosi pirvelad, Telavis saxelmwifo universitetsi magistrebtan Cems mier iqna wakitxuli. nasromsi motanili sxvadasxva paragrafebsi ganxiluli debulebebi savsebit SesaZlebelia gatvaliswinebuli da gamoyenebuli iqnas rogorc saxelmwifo ise kerzo seqtorsi. nasromis aprobacia. sadoqtoro disertaciis ZiriTadi debulebebi da daskvnebi asaxulia avtoris mier saertasoriso samecniero recenzirebad da referirebad JurnalebSi gamoqveynebul samecniero statiebsi da saertasoriso samecniero da sauniversiteto konferenciebze gaketebul moxsenebebsi (Telavi 2011, Tbilisi 2011 w.w.) publikaciebi. sadisertacio kvlevis ZiriTadi Sedegebi asaxulia disertantis mier gamoqveynebul xut samecniero nasromsi, romlebic gamoqveynda saertasoriso recenzirebad da referirebad samecniero JurnalebSi da saertasorios samecniero konferenciis masalebsi. disertaciis moculoba da struqtura. sadisertacio nasromi Seicavs 134 gverds da Sedgeba Sesavlis, sami Tavisa da daskvnisagan. sadisertacio nasroms Tan ertvis gamoyenebuli literaturis sia.

7 kvlevis dasaxulma mizanma, amocanebma da problemebis gadawyvetis logikam ganapiroba disertaciis Semdegi struqtura: Sesavali Tavi I. etikuri ekonomikis arsi da nisnebi 1.1. ekonomikisa da etikis urtiertdamokidebuleba 1.2. samartlianoba da Tanasworoba, Tavisufleba da socialuri pasuxismgebloba _ ekonomikuri aspeqtebi Tavi II. ekonomikis, sazogadoebrivi cxovrebis globalizacia da etikuri ekonomikis axali paradigma 2.1. ekonomikis globalizaciis arsi da gamovlenis formebi 2.2. eko-socialuri sabazro ekonomika anu,,humanuri ekonomika Tavi III. etikis struqturuli elementebis zemoqmedeba Tanamedrove ekonomikaze 3.1. religia da Tanamedrove ekonomika 3.2. kultura da Tanamedrove ekonomika daskvna gamoyenebuli literature II. sadisertacio nasromis mokle Sinaarsi SesavalSi dasabutebulia sakvlevi Temis aqtualoba, dasaxulia kvlevis ZiriTadi mizani da amocanebi, gamoyofilia kvlevis Teoriuli da metodologiuri safuzvlebi, Camoyalibebulia sadisertacio nasromis ZiriTadi Sedegebi da mecnieruli siaxle, gansazrvrulia samceniero nasromis praqtikuli mnisvneloba. mocemulia zogadi informacia nasromis aprobaciis, mastan dakavsirebuli publikaciebis, agretve disertaciis struqturisa da moculobis Sesaxeb. pirvel TavSi _,,etikuri ekonomikis arsi da nisnebi, ganxilulia ekonomikasa da etikas Soris arsebuli kavsirurtiertobebi da axali mocemuloba, romelsac Cven etikuri ekonomikis saxit warmovadgent. nacvenebia etikuri ekonomikis sinergizmi politikur ekonomiastan, rogorc ekonomikur da etikur TeoriaTa gaertianeba da politikuri ekonomiis Sevseba. gaanalizebulia etikuri ekonomikis arsi ekonomikur, kulturul, etikur sakitxebtan mimartebasi. mnisvnelovania adamianis faqtori da saertod,,reantrofomorfizaciis procesi, romelic socialur-ekonomikur sivrcesi met aqtualobas izens. ekonomikisa da etikis sintezi ganixileba ara rogorc oqsimoroni, urtiertgamomricxavi sityvebis Sexameba, aramed rogorc ekonomikur urtiertobata,,samartliani forma ekonomikur, finansur da socialur sivrcesi, determinirebuli zneobrivi normebita da idialebit qcevata regulaciebisatvis.

8 qronologiuradaa nacvenebi etikuri problemebis genezisi ekonomikur urtiertobebsi istoriis xangrzlivi periodis ganmavlobasi sxvadasxva civilizaciisa da kulturul sivrcesi, ritac vacvenebt, rom calke arebul, gamocalkevebul ekonomikas ar ZaluZs yvela sistemur-imanentur sakitxta da problemata damusaveba. etikuri ekonomikis nisnebi dayofilia sam ganstoebad: 1. makro anu sazogadoebrivi done, sadac moraluri aspeqtebi da problemebi danaxulia ekonomikuri sistemis konteqstsi, rac moicavs ekonomikuri mdgomareobis, sakutrebisa da ekonomikuri politikis sakitxebis urtiertdamokidebulebebs sazogadoebas, saxelmwifosa da ekonomikas Soris. 2. mezo anu sawarmoo done, sadac warmoebis etikis Teoriuli da praqtikuli sakitxebi nacvenebia mecnierebisa da praqtikis konteqstsi, romelic exmareba etikur normebsa da faseulobebs ekonomikasi da aseve dakavebulia socialuri pasuxismgeblobis sakitxebit. 3. mikro anu individualur qmedebata, anu individualuri done socialur-ekonomikur konteqstsi, rac dakavsirebulia calkeuli ekonomikuri subieqtebis pirad faseulobebtan, SexedulebebTan da qcevebtan. meore TavSi _,,ekonomikis, sazogadoebrivi cxovrebis globalizacia da etikuri ekonomikis axali paradigma, ganxilulia rogorc zogadad globalizaciis arsi, misi warmosobisa da ganvitarebis periodebi, ise Tavad ekonomikuri globalizaciis buneba da misi gamovlenis formebi ertis mxriv, da etikuri ekonomikis axali paradigma warmodgenili eko-socialuri, anu,,humanuri ekonomikis saxit, meores mxriv. pirvel nawilsi Zalzed mnisvnelovania globalizaciis cnebis zusti da drevandelobisatvis misarebi definiciis povna, gamomdinare iqidan, rom igi sakmaod Rrma da yovlismomcveli datvirtvis matarebelia. massi SesaZlebelia gaazrebuli iqnas,,msoflios SekumSviT dawyebuli da,,msoflio bazris batonobis neoliberaluri ideologit damtavrebuli Tanamedrove mecnierebasi dominirebuli konceptebi Tu koncefciebi. migvacnia, rom globalizaciis, rogorc rtuli da mravalwaxnagovani kategoriis gavlenis efeqti imdenad didia, rom igi zemoqmedebs cxovrebis TiTqmis yvela sferoze da axdens ekonomikur, politikur, kulturul, religiur da a.s. integraciasa da unifikacias, romelic vlindeba mteli planetis masstabit Sromis sayoveltao danawilebasi, kapitalis, adamianuri da sawarmoo resursebis migraciebsi, kanonmdeblobis standartizaciasi, ekonomikuri da teqnologiuri procesebis, aseve sxvadasxva kulturata daaxloebasa da SerwymaSi. rac Seexeba Tavad ekonomikur globalizacias da misi gamovlenis formebs. ekonomikis globalizacia aris zogadi globalizaciis Semadgeneli nawili, safuzveli da mtavari ganmsazrvreli momenti, rac asaxvas poulobs saxelmwifo

9 sazrvrebis gavlit saqonlis, momsaxurebis, teqnologiebisa da kapitalis mozraobis siswrafis zrdasi. es aris qveynebs Soris ekonomikuri integraciis gazlierebuli procesi, romelic iwvevs calkeuli erovnuli bazrebis Serwymas ert msoflio bazarsi. ekonomikis globalizaciis gamovlenis formebidan Cven gamovyoft finansur globalizacias, saertasoriso vawrobis liberalizacias da axal ekonomikas anu,,neo ekonomikas. finansuri globalizaciisatvis nisandoblivia kapitalis mzardi mobiluroba transtasoris sivrcesi, saertasoriso (savaluto, sakredito, safondo) bazrebis rolis gazliereba, saertasoriso kapitalis mier damoukidebeli da TviTkmari mnisvnelobis mopoveba. aset pirobebsi is xdeba ekonomikuri globalizaciis procesis ert-erti ganmsazrvreli maxasaitebeli. saertasoriso vawrobis liberalizaciisatvis damaxasaiatebelia msoflios qveynebisa da meurneobis yvela subieqtis ertian saertasoriso ekonomikur sistemasi dakavsireba satarifo da arasatarifo barierebis gzit. axali ekonomika anu,,neo ekonomika warmoadgens kapitalisturi sazogadoebis funqcionirebis ekonomikur models postindustriul epoqasi, romelic xasaitdeba finansuri seqtoris swrafi ganvitarebit, realuri, warmoebis seqtoris sazianod, uaxlesi mecnierul-teqnikuri mirwevebis socializaciis pirobebsi. meore nawilsi nacvenebi gvaqvs postmodernis ekonomikis anu etikuri ekonomikis axali paradigma, dafuznebuli axal msoflio ekonomikur etosze, romelic warmoadgens msoflios axal socialur-ekonomikur konstelacias da romelsac SeiZleba vuwodot eko-socialuri sabazro ekonomika, anu,,humanuri ekonomika ekologiuri, socialuri da sabazro ekonomikuri aspeqtebit, romelta Soris wonasworobis dacva da misi SenarCuneba kacobriobis prioritetuli amocanaa. eko-socialuri sabazro ekonomika aris holistikuri modeli da misi koncefcia mimartulia Tavisufali sabazro ekonomikis dabalansebisaken, eswrafvis socialur samartlianobas, bunebrivi resursebis xangrzliv gamoyenebasa da dacvas. mesame TavSi _,,etikis struqturuli elementebis zemoqmedeba Tanamedrove ekonomikaze, ganxilulia religiisa da kulturis rogorc rtuli humanuri fenomenebis damokidebuleba da gavlenis xarisxi ekonomikur urtiertobebsa da saertod ekonomikaze. religias da kulturas gaacnia ambivalenturi buneba, rac iwvevs pozitiur da negatiur zemoqmedebebs ekonomikebze da arsebul mocemulobata gatvaliswinebit warmoadgens ekonomikis ganvitarebis an mis Semaferxebel faqtors. orive faqtori Tavisi faseulobebita da normebit gvevlineba adamianis ekonomikuri qcevisa da SromiTi saqmianobis regulatorad. religias gansakutrebuli adgili ukavia sazogadoebasa da adamianis cxovrebasi. igi warmoadgens cxovrebis

10 warmartvel Zalas. rac ufro TvalSisacemia modernizaciis procesisatvis Tanamdevi patologiebi, mit ufro aqtiurdebian Zlieri religiuri tradiciebi. globalizacia da religiuri cvlilebebi sazogadoebas ayenebs mkacri alternativis winase: an msoflio bazrebis racionalitettan adaptireba, an mzardi marginalizirebuli sabazro poziciis aqceptireba. globalizaciis processi religia ar kargavs Tavis mnisvnelobas, aramed ekonomikuri pirobebis zewolit igi ganicdis formata cvlilebas da miuxedavad amisa is mainc rceba Tanamedrove ekonomikaze zemoqmedebis mzlavr faqtorad. kultura da misi organulad Semadgeneli elementebi _ tradiciebi da Cveulebebi damaxasiatebeli calkeuli etnosebisatvis, konfesiasatvis da mosaxleobis jgufebisatvis seriozul gavlenas axdens mat ekonomikur mirwevebze. kultura da ekonomika warmoadgens Tanamedrove sazogadoebis ganvitarebis or sabaziso kategorias, sadac pirvels meorestan mimartebasi usualo gavlenis Tviseba gaacnia. kultura akumulirebs da translirebs sazogadoebis gansazrvrul sabazo faseulobebs, romlebsac eyrdnoba rogorc komerciuli ise saxelmwifo ekonomikuri institutebi. Tanamedrove sazogadoebis ganvitarebasa da sazogadoebriv cnobierebasi ukanaskneli atwleulis ganmavlobasi momxdarma kardinalurma cvlilebebma ekonomikur da kulturul kavsirurtiertobebs SesZina globaluri xasaiti. am ormxriv urtiertobebsi ganuzomlad gaizarda kulturuli kapitalis, rogorc adamianur qmedebata ganmsazrvreli faqtoris roli ekonomikasi. kulturuli da religiuri faqtorebi ar aris ertaderti faqtori, romelic gansazrvravs ekonomikur qcevebs da ar gaacnia eqskluziuri gavlena calkeuli qveynisa Tu romelime regionis ekonomikur macveneblebze. sadisertacio Temaze avtoris mier gamoqveynebulia Semdegi samecniero nasromebi: 1. xizanisvili v. etikuri ekonomikis Sesaxeb. saertasoriso samecnieropraqtikuli Jurnali ekonomika da biznesi, 2009, #6. Tb., 2009, gv (qartul enaze). 2. xizanisvili v. swirdeba Tu ara ekonomikas etika? saertasoriso referirebadi da recenzirebadi samecniero praqtikuli Jurnali,,axali ekonomisti, 2010, #4. Tb., 2010, gv (qartul enaze). 3. xizanisvili v. etikuri ekonomika: ekonomikur da etikur TeoriaTa sintezi. saertasoriso samecniero analitikuri Jurnali,,ekonomisti, 2010, #6. Tb., gv (qartul enaze).

11 4. xizanisvili v. etikuri ekonomikis sabazro, socialuri da ekologiuri aspeqtebi. saertasoriso samecniero-analitikuri Jurnali,,ekonomisti, 2011, #2. Tb., 2011, gv (qartul enaze). 5. xizanisvili v. religiis faqtori ekonomikasi. iv. javaxisvilis sax. Tsu-is paata gugusvilis ekonomikis institutis saertasoriso samecniero-praqtikuli konferenciis masalebis krebuli: ekonomikis aqtualuri problebebi globalizaciis pirobebsi (21-22 oqtomberi, 2011). Tb., 2011, gv (qartul enaze). Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University With the right of manuscript Vasil Khizanishvili Dialectics of Economics and Ethics in Globalized World Specialty: Economics Theory A b s t r a c t of the dissertation submitted to gain the Social Sciences Doctor s academic degree in Economics

12 Telavi 2011 The dissertation is done at Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University Academic Supervisor: Elguja Mekvabishvili - Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences Reviewers: 1. Mikheil Tokmazishvili Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences 2. Nana Okruashvili Professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences The defense of the dissertation will take place on 7 February 2012 at 12 o clock at the meeting of the Dissertation Committee at the faculty of Social Sciences, Business and Law, Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University Address: #1 Georgian University Street, Telavi, 2200 The dissertation is available at the library of Iakob Gogebashvili State University Address: #1 Georgian University Street, Telavi, 2200

13 The abstract has sent on 29 December 2011 Secretary of the Dissertation Council: Doctor of Economic Sciences Nana Rinkiashvili I. General Characterization of Dissertation Thesis Relevance of the topic. PhD thesis Dialectics of Economics and Ethics and a Globalized World is a novelty in Georgian scientific sphere as such kind of thesis has not been implemented in Georgian and has not been represented in that way until today. Topic of the dissertation represents convergence of economics and ethics and is considered in the context of postmodern, a new world ethos. Ethical issues are more or less dealt with practically all spheres of economic affairs. Prevailing system of ethical values has been determining not only rates of economical development, but directions as well during the whole history of mankind and will determine in future too. This or that position on ethical issues has influence on a direction vector of economical development and on a speed of chosen direction movement. It has become obvious at present time, that only net economic relations are not enough for public coordination and return to ethic basis is necessary in the sphere of economics. We are in the epoch of globalization, where we see substitution process of one economic type with another, i.e. place of market relations are occupied by new humane economic relations based on ethic principles and values. In recent period issues of economics and ethics gains more relevance. We feel an important influence of religion, moral, culture on the economic behaviors of a person and generally of the society. Eco-social aspects of market economy are also important and significant, which has gained special severity in recent decades. Herewith we should mention that humanization of economics and generally of the society represents the event that makes mankind to understand existed norms and values in a new way, and therefore a new way of approach and their positive solution is in direct relation with global social economic policy. Afore mentioned issues are the problematical sides of the research, and they represent the relevance of the topic. The basic goal and key of the research. The basic goal of the dissertation thesis is to represent the cooperation possibilities of economics and ethics as two entirely different phenomena in a globalized

14 world; it was considered to be impossible until the last period and discussed in the context of a general defection. The following keys of the research are foreseen for realization of a basic goal set in the dissertation: - Showing difficulties related with the relations of economics and ethics; - Formulation of political economy and ethical economics in one context; - Highlighting ethical economics to the direction of economy and ethics interrelation as synthesis of the theories of economics and ethics; - Establishing ethical values and determining the role of ethics in economy generally as well as in its key point specifically on the market; - Broadening of ethical criteria fairness, equality, freedom and the functions of social responsibilities with the relations with economic values; - Determining the concept of globalization, including economical globalization first of all and establishing the form of revealing; - Working out a new paradigm for ethical economics in the conditions of social economic globalization; - Choosing eco-social aspects in modern market economical system in the context of economics dematerialization and humanization; - Establishing structural elements for ethics, factors of religion and culture on economy. Theoretic and methodological bases of the research. Theoretic and methodological bases for the scientific research of the problems discussed in the doctoral dissertation are economic researches and other classics of fundamental science from the one side, and from the other, works of modern famous scientists. From the works of classic scientists we used in the process of the research fundamental researches of A. Smith, K. Marx, M. Weber, G. Shmoler and et al. In the process of working on the dissertation the author also used the works of famous scientists: Arevadze Nanuli, Bandzeladze Giorgi, Burduli Vakhtangi, Benfild E., Tokmazishvili Mikheil, Kuratashvili Alfred, Kuratashvili Anzor, Kozlovski Peter, Keung Hans, Kraikebaum H., Lomakini V., Mekvabishvili Elguja, Nutzinger Hans, Okruashvili Nana, Smitienko B., Shengelia Revaz, Homan Karl, Friedman Milton, Robertson R., Fediakina L. and et al; in these works social economic, financial, ethical, cultural religious, ecological and other issues are discusses.

15 Basic result of the thesis and scientific innovation. We can distinguish the following from the basic results received in the process of purposes and keys realization of the dissertation research: - Basic aspects of the relations of economics and ethics are analyzed; - Conceptual issue of economics and ethics is determined, which deals with existence of ethical norms and values in economics; - Concept of globalization and development tendencies are determined, including future perspectives of economical globalization; - Negative effect of global economic changes on eco-social environment are established; - Importance of the influence of religion and culture in economics is analyzed. Scientific innovation. The scientific innovations of the research of the dissertation are: - Inter confrontation of economics and ethics and analysis of relations between them in Georgian scientific sphere; - A new paradigm for ethical economics, which is based on ethical values in economical relations; - Ethics need in economic system and market relations are substantiated; it is revealed in implementation of contractual obligation and reduce of transaction expenses; - Concept and nature of ethical economics is formulated; - Signs of ethical economics are formulated on micro, mezzo and macro levels; - Inevitability of the unity of economics, policy and ethics is established; - Importance of reantrofomorfization process in the science in recognized and decisive role of human s factor and function in economic relations are revealed; - The nature of globalization is deeply presented and on its basis dynamic for world economy development is showed, which is characterized with cash flow activation as harmful for the sphere of manufacture; - A new social economic arrangement form is specified; its constellation is eco-social market economy and represented in the form of humane economics; - Influence quality of separated religious confessions on economics are revealed; - Character of culture influence on economy is substantiated with gathering basic human values and their transmission; - On the basis of the relations existed between economics and culture possibility to exist direct connection between economic changes and society transformation are established;

16 - Religious and cultural factors as functions of behavior regulator in economic relations, labor activity and civic sphere generally are specified; - Ambivalent dependence of religion and culture towards economics is cleared out. Practical importance of the thesis. Practical importance of the presented doctoral dissertation may be expressed on university level in the form of its reading as a new, postmodern direction interdisciplinary lecture subject; it happened already in 2005 when some issues of afore mentioned thesis was read with master students for the first time in Georgia in Telavi State University in the form of lecture course Ethical economics and State Economic Policy by me. It is quite possible to foresee and use regulations discussed in different paragraphs of the thesis in state as well as in private sector. Thesis approbation. Basic regulations and conclusion of the dissertation thesis are reflected by the author in scientific articles published in international scientific reviewing magazines and in the reports on international scientific and university conferences (Telavi 2011, Tbilisi 2011). Publications. Basic results of the dissertation research are reflected in five scientific work published by the author; they were published in international scientific reviewing magazines and in the materials of international scientific conferences. Volume and structure of the dissertation. The dissertation thesis includes 134 pages and consists of an introduction, three chapters and conclusion. List of used literature is submitted to the dissertation thesis. The research goal, keys and logic of problem solution have conditioned the following structure of the dissertation: Introduction Chapter I. Concept and signs of ethical economics 1.1. Interrelation of economics and ethics; 1.2. Fairness and equality, freedom and social responsibility economical aspects. Chapter II. Globalization of economics, public life and a new paradigm of ethical economics 2.1. Concept of the globalization of economics and the forms of reveal; 2.2. Eco-social market economy or Humane economics. Chapter III. Influence of structural elements of ethics on modern economics 3.1. Religion and modern economics; 3.2. Culture and modern economics. Conclusion

17 Bibliography II. A short content of the dissertation thesis Relevance of the research topic is substantiated in the introduction, basic goals and keys of the research are set, theoretic and methodological bases of the research are distinguished, basic results and scientific innovation of the dissertation thesis are formed, practical importance of the scientific work is determined, general information on thesis approbation, publications related with it, also on structure and volume of the dissertation is given. The first chapter Concept and signs of ethical economics, connections and relations existed between economics and ethics are discussed, which we are representing in the form of ethical economics. Synergism of ethical economics to political economy as the unification of economic and ethical theories and filling of political economy are shown in this chapter. Concept of ethical economics towards economic, cultural and ethical issues is analyzed. Human s factor and generally reantrofomorfization process are important, which gains more actuality in social-economic sphere. Synthesis of economics and ethics are discussed not as oxymoron, contradictory combination of words, but as fair form of economic relations in economic, financial and social spheres for behavior regulation with determined moral norms and ideals. Genesis of ethical problems in economic relations during a long-termed period of history is chronologically shown in different civilization and cultural spheres; by it we show that separates economics cannot treatment all system-immanent issues and problems. Signs of ethical economics are divided into three parts: 1. macro or public level, where moral aspects and problems are seen in the context of economic system and include economic situation, interrelations of property and economic policy issues between society, state and economics; 2. mezzo or industrial level, where theoretic and practical issues of industrial ethics are shown in the context of science and practice, which assists ethic norms and values in economics and also deals with social responsibility issues; 3. micro or individual actions level, or individual level in social-economic context that is related with separated economic subjects personal values, points of views and behaviors. The second chapter Globalization of economics, public life and a new paradigm of ethical economics, discussed as the concept of globalization in general, periods of their origin and development, as nature of economic globalization and the forms of its revealing from the one side, and a new paradigm of ethical economics represented in the form of eco-social or humane economics from the other side. In the first part the most important is to find the exact and correct definition of the concept of globalization for present time as it bears quite deep and comprehensive meaning. It is possible to understand dominated conceptions from the beginning of world press and neoliberal

18 ideology of world market supremacy to modern science. We consider that effect of influence of globalization as difficult and polyhedral category is so great, that influence almost on all spheres of life and makes economic, political, cultural, religious and etc. integration and unification, which reveals on the whole planet in labor distribution, migration of capital, human and industrial resources, legislation standardization, making economic and technological processes and other cultures closer and their merge. As for economic globalization and the forms of its detection; globalization of economics is a part of general globalization, basis and man determining moment, and it finds detection in increasing the speed of goods, services, technologies and capital movement through passing state borders. This is a strengthened process of economic integration between the countries, which causes combination of different national markets in one world market. From the forms of detection of economy globalization we distinguish financial globalization, liberalization of international purchase and a new economics or neo economics. Financial globalization is characterized with growing mobility of capital in inter trans sphere, strengthening of the role of international (currency, credit, fund) markets, gaining independent and self-sufficient importance by the international capital. In such conditions it becomes one of the determinative characteristic of the process of economic globalization. For liberalization of international purchase an important characteristic is to connect all subjects of the economics and the world countries in the united international economic system with tariff and non tariff barriers. New economics or neo economics represents an economic model for the functioning of capitalist society in post industrial epoch, which is characterized with a fast development of financial sector, as the harm for real industrial sector in the conditions of the newest scientific-technical achievements socialization. In the second part we ve showed a new paradigm of postmodern economics or ethical economics, based on a new world economic ethos, which represents a new social-economic constellation of the world and we may call it eco-social market economy, or humane economics with ecologic, social and market economic aspects, and keeping and preserving balance between them in a priority key for the mankind. Eco-social market economy is a holistic model and its conception is directed towards balancing a free market economy, seeks social justice, prolong usage of natural resources and their protection. The third chapter Influence of structural elements of ethics on modern economics. Dependence of religion and culture as difficult humane phenomena and influence quality on economic relations and economics in general are discussed. Religion and culture have ambivalent nature, and it causes positive and negative influences on economies and considering the existed situation, represents a factor for economic development or a factor for economics impede. Both of the factors with their

19 values and norms are represented as regulator for human s economic behavior and lobar activity. Religion has a special place in society and in human s life. It represents the life leading force. The more obvious are pathologies accompanying with modernization process, the more powerful become strong religious traditions. Globalization and religious changes face society to a strict alternative: or adaptation of the world markets to rationality, or acceptation of growing marginalized market position. In the process of globalization religion does not lose its importance, but with the pressure of economic conditions it changes the forms; however, it still remains as a strong factor for influencing on modern economics. Culture and its organic component elements traditions and customs characterized to separated ethnos, confession and population groups, has a serious influence on their economic achievements. Culture and economics represent the two basic categories for modern society development, where the first one towards the direction for the second one has direct influence character. Culture accumulates and broadcasts determined basic values of society, on which are grounded commercial as well as state economic institutions. In modern society development and public consciousness cardinal changes in the last decades, has made economic and cultural relations global character. In these bilateral relations role of cultural capital as determining factor of human actions in economics has grown immensely. Cultural and religious factors are not the only factors which determine economic behaviors and have no exclusive influence on economic indicators of separate country or any region. The following scientific works are published on the dissertation thesis by the author: 1. Khizanishvili V. About an Ethical Economics. International Scientific-Practical Magazine Economics and Business, 2009, #6. Tbilisi, 2009, pages (in the Georgian Language). 2. Khizanishvili V. Does the Economics Need Ethics? International Precised And Reviewed Scientific-Practical Magazine, Akhali Ekonomisti, 2010, #4. Tbilisi, 2010, pages (in the Georgian Language). 3. Khizanishvili V. Ethical Economics: Synthesis of Economical and Ethical Theories. International Scientific Analytical Journal Ekonomisti, 2010, #6. Tbilisi, 2010, pages (in the Georgian Language). 4. Khizanishvili V. Market, Social and Ecological Aspects of Ethical Economics. International Scientific-Analytical Journal Ekonomisti, 2011, #2. Tbilisi, 2011, pages (in the Georgian Language).

20 5. Khizanishvili V. Factor of Religion in Economy. Materials of International Scientific-Practical Conference of Paata Gugushvili Institute of Economics of Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University: Actual Economic Problems Under Globalization (21-22 October, 2011). Tbilisi, 2011, pages (in the Georgian Language). vasil xizanisvili ekonomikisa da etikis dialeqtika globalizebul msofliosi specialoba: ekonomikis Teoria socialur mecnierebata doqtoris akademiuri xarisxis mosapoveblad ekonomikasi warmodgenili disertaciis a v t o r e f e r a t i Telavi 2011 Vasil Khizanishvili Dialectics of Economics and Ethics in Globalized World Specialty: Theory of Economy A b s t r a c t of the dissertation submitted to gain

21 the Social Sciences Doctor s academic degree in Economics Telavi 2011

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