US History & Government: Vocabulary List

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1 US History & Government: Vocabulary List 1. Proclamation of 1763 Line created by British that colonists could not cross. Created to prevent conflicts between colonists and Native Americans. 2. French & Indian War Colonists fought with Britain against France and its Indian allies Britain took control of Ohio River Valley 3. Mercantilism Colonies exist for the benefit of the mother country Colonies provide natural resources Britain did not want colonies manufacturing their own goods Salutary neglect 4. New England Colonies Trading and fishing Rocky soil no plantations or slaves 5. Southern Colonies Plantations & slaves 6. Common Sense Pamphlet written by Thomas Paine Kings are bad colonies need independence 7. Natural Rights Rights that all people are born with (John Locke s Enlightenment Idea) Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness Included in the Declaration of Independence 8. Self Government Mayflower Compact Virginia House of Burgesses Early forms of democracy or republics 9. Declaration of Independence Written by Thomas Jefferson Declared colonies independence from Britain Included colonial grievances and natural rights 10. Revolutionary War War between Britain and the colonists Taxation without Representation America won its Independence from Britain

2 11. Articles of Confederation First plan for government (Shay s Rebellion) failed and replaced by Constitution National government too weak & State governments too powerful National government couldn t collect taxes Only 1 branch of government Legislative (Congress) No President or Supreme Court 1 success was government had a way to allow new states to bet admitted 12. Land Ordinances Land Ordinance of 1785 & Northwest Ordinance Set a pattern of development of new territories Provided guidelines for new states to be admitted 13. Constitution A written plan for government Replaced the Articles of Confederation Gave more power to the national government 14. Ratify To approve Constitution had to be ratified (approved) before it could be used 15. Federalist/Antifederalist First political parties Federalists favored a strong national (federal) government *Supported the Constitution *Wrote the Federalist Papers to gain support for the Constitution *Led by Hamilton Antifederalists favored strong state governments *Wanted a Bill of Rights added to the Constitution *Led by Jefferson 16. Alexander Hamilton Wanted a National Bank Had a plan to get rid of the National Debt Wanted to strengthen America s economy 17. Cabinet President s advisors Chosen by the President Example of Unwritten Constitution Head of national departments (Ex. Secretary of State)

3 18. Federalism Power is shared between the states and the national government Reserved Powers = State Powers Delegated Powers = National powers Concurrent Powers = Shared powers 19. Checks & Balances Ways that each branch of government can control (check) the other 2 branches. Examples: veto, impeach, appoint justices, approve appointments, approve treaties, laws ruled unconstitutional 20. Separation of Powers National government power separated into 3 branches o Legislative Branch Congress o Executive Branch President Commander & Chief o Judicial Branch Supreme Court 21. Great Compromise Compromise between New Jersey and Virginia Plans Created a bicameral (2 house) legislative branch (Congress) o Senate 2 for each state o House of Representatives based on a state s population 22. Unwritten Constitution Parts of our government that are needed but not actually found in the Constitution Examples: President s Cabinet, Political Parties, Judicial Review 23. Amendment An addition or change to the Constitution Flexibility 24. Elastic Clause Part of the Constitution that allowed for change synonym of amendment Allows government to make laws to fit a changing society Necessary & Proper Clause Implied Powers Examples: Louisiana Purchase, FCC, minimum wage, ect. 25. Electoral College Each state gets electoral votes, same as number of total representatives Popular vote in each state determines the electoral votes Criticized because electoral vote doesn t always reflect popular vote

4 26. Bill of Rights 1 st 10 amendments Antifederalists wanted it added Protects our rights from the government Examples: Freedom of speech, religion, due process fair trial 27. Washington s Farewell Washington wanted the country to stay neutral Proclamation of neutrality US was not strong enough to get involved with other countries, might lose new independence 28. Laissez Faire Government should leave businesses alone, keep their nose out of businesses 29. Lobbying Special interest groups that influence legislatures to get laws passed Example of unwritten constitution Lobbyists are criticized for having too much influence on legislatures 30. John Marshall Court Supreme Court Justice, all decisions led to the power of the national government increasing 31. Marbury v. Madison Supreme Court case that established judicial review 32. Judicial Review Power of the Supreme Court to declare laws unconstitutional Established by Marbury v. Madison Example of unwritten constitution 33. Louisiana Purchase Doubled the size of the US Bought by Jefferson US farmers gained control of the Mississippi River and New Orleans 34. Embargo Act Jefferson passed a law that banned trade with all other countries Helped keep the US neutral Hurt the US, was intended to hurt Britain and France 35. War of 1812 War between Britain and the US Britain was impressing US sailors and arming Native Americans Francis Scott Key wrote Star Spangled Banner about battle of Fort Mchenry

5 36. Monroe Doctrine US foreign policy that warned Europe to leave Latin America alone Made the US in control of the Western Hemisphere 37. Andrew Jackson Used the spoils system gave government jobs to political supporters Passed Indian Removal Act Trail of Tears Nicknamed King Andrew (remember the cartoon) *powerful President 38. Manifest Destiny Americans had the right to settle westward all the way to the Pacific Ocean 39. Abolitionist Movement Goal was to end slavery Organized the Underground Railroad (Harriet Tubman) Frederick Douglas (North Star Newspaper) William Lloyd Garrison (Liberator Newspaper) 40. Women s Rights Movement (Women s Suffrage) Goal was to get equal rights and suffrage for women Organized the Seneca Falls Convention and wrote Declaration of Sentiments Leaders were Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, and Lucretia Mott 41. Uncle Tom s Cabin A book written to show how evil slavery was Used to spread the Abolitionist Movement Written by Harriet Beecher Stowe 42. Missouri Compromise Settled a conflict over new states kept balance between number of free and slave states Missouri entered the Union as a slave state Maine entered as a free state 43. Compromise of 1850 Settled a conflict over new states kept balance between number of free and slave states Created the Fugitive Slave Law 44. Fugitive Slave Law Law that allowed slave owners to catch slaves that escaped to the North Forced slaves to head to Canada for freedom Angered Northerners who were now forced to be a part of slavery 45. Kansas-Nebraska Act Allowed new states to use popular sovereignty to decide slavery issue Bleeding Kansas (John Brown)

6 46. Popular Sovereignty New states could vote to decide whether or not they would be a free or a slave state 47. Sectionalism Loyalty to a part of the country rather than the country as a whole North vs. South vs. West Slavery issue increased sectionalism 48. Causes of Civil War Lincoln was elected South knew he was against slavery Sectionalism North and South were very different places State s Rights Southern states wanted states rights (Nullification) Secession Lincoln and the North was fighting to preserve the Union 49. The North s Strengths During the Civil War More railroads than the South More factories than the South Factory production increased 50. Dred Scott v. Sanford Slaves are property not citizens Missouri Compromise voided government can t prohibit slavery in territories 51. Emancipation Proclamation Lincoln freed slaves in the Confederacy Civil War became a fight over ending slavery 52. Reconstruction Plan to fix south after the Civil War Lincoln s plan was too lenient on the South 13 th, 14 th, & 15 th Amendments passed Freedmen s Bureau helped former slaves 53. Black Codes Southern laws to limit rights of African Americans Poll taxes, grandfather clause, literacy tests (prevent African Americans from voting) 54. Jim Crow Laws Segregation laws in the South Limited rights of African Americans 55. Plessy v. Ferguson Supreme court ruled that segregation was legal Public facilities had to be separate but equal.

7 56. Gilded Age Name created by Mark Twain for the end of the 19 th Century Large gaps between the rich and poor 57. Transcontinental Railroad Federal government gave railroad companies land to build it Helped in the settlement of the west Made transportation cheaper and faster Led to the downfall of the buffalo and the Plains Indians 58. Monopoly/Trust/Pool A company that controls or dominates an industry Worked to eliminate competition to increase profits 59. Social Darwinism The belief that stronger businesses should be allowed to eliminate weaker businesses Supporters of social Darwinism also believed in laissez faire and the formation of monopolies 60. Robber Barons Carnegie, Rockefeller, Morgan, Ford, Vanderbilt Used ruthless business tactics to eliminate competitors and form monopolies Philanthropists donated money 61. Sherman Antitrust Act/Interstate Commerce Act Laws passed to eliminate trusts/monopolies Laws showed that the government could regulate/control businesses Promoted competition in business 62. Labor Union American Federation of Labor Samuel Gompers Organized workers to improve working conditions and increase wages Easier for skilled workers to unionize Government used force to stop early unions (Pullman Strike & Haymarket Riot) 63. Dawe s Act Government program to force Native Americans to assimilate Helped settle the West and achieve manifest destiny 64. Homestead Act Government program that gave land to white settlers Helped settle the Great Plains 65. Granger Movement Organization of farmers to help fight against high railroad costs

8 66. Populist Party Political party made up of farmers and factory workers Hoped to achieve an 8 hour work day Were responsible for direct election of senators and graduated income taxes Wanted to reform our currency and use a silver standard 67. Pendleton Civil Service Act This law ended the spoils system People have to take a civil service test to get government jobs 68. Old Immigrants Came to America for economic reasons and settled in northern cities Immigrants from Ireland and Germany Irish immigrants discriminated against because they were Catholics 69. New Immigrants Came to America for economic reasons and settled in northern cities Immigrants from Russia, China, and Japan Chinese immigrants discriminated against more than other groups 70. Melting Pot Theory The belief that immigrant cultures blend together to make a new American culture Immigrants assimilate into American culture 71. Nativists People that did not want immigrants in America Formed the Know-Nothing Party to stop immigration Chinese Exclusion Act and Gentlemen s Agreement are nativist laws 72. Muckrakers Journalists that used the press to expose the problems in American society. Jacob Riis How the Other Half Lives (Photos of tenements) Upton Sinclair- The Jungle (Meat Packing Plants) Ida Tarbell The History of the Standard Oil Company (Corrupt Monopolies) 73. Imperialism When one country takes over another country Examples: Spanish American War, Buying Alaska, Taking over Hawaii, Panama Canal 74. Imperialism Policies Monroe Doctrine US protects Latin America Roosevelt Corollary US is the Police of Latin America Big Stick Policy Speak softly and carry a big stick Dollar Diplomacy Use money to control Latin America

9 75. Spanish American War Caused by yellow journalism and sinking of the Maine US helped Cuba gain independence from Spain US won Puerto Rico, Guam, and Philippines 76. Yellow Journalism When journalists exaggerate stories to influence readers opinions Was used to make Americans want war with Spain after the sinking of the Maine 77. Theodore Roosevelt President that built the Panama Canal and the national parks Passed Meat Inspection Law Nicknamed the Trust Buster ended bad trusts/kept good trusts (Bear Cartoon) A Progressive that ran for President for the Bull Moose Party 78. Panama Canal Built by President Roosevelt Connected the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans to speed up trade Example of imperialism 79. Progressive Era Reform period where laws were passed to give people more control of government Social welfare programs were passed Examples: Meat Inspection Law, Direct Election of Senators, Referendum. 80. Federal Reserve A national bank in charge of controlling the supply of money It also controls the interest rates th Amendment Law that gave women the right to vote (Women s Suffrage) Started with the Seneca Falls Convention Movement started by Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton 82. World War I The first modern war (The Great War) Fought in Europe, started by MAIN causes Militarism Alliances Imperialism Nationalism 83. US Joins World War I Sinking of the Lusitania by German U-Boats Zimmerman Telegram from Germany asking Mexico to fight the US

10 84. Sedition Act Law passed during WWI that took away Constitutional rights Made it illegal to say or print anything negative about the government 85. Wilson s 14 Points President Wilson s plan to prevent further wars in Europe One of the 14 points was to end the alliance systems 86. League of Nations President Wilson s idea for a national peacekeeping organization Failed because the US refused to join 87. Treaty of Versailles Treaty that ended WWI and led to the start of WWII Blamed Germany for the war and made the pay war reparations 88. Roaring 20s US economy was great in the 1920s People can afford to buy more but are saving less than they were before Flappers, Harlem Renaissance, Red Scare 89. Open Door Policy Policy that allowed equal trade with China US was afraid that Europe would have an unfair trade advantage with China 90. Great Migration African Americans migrated to northern cities Competition for jobs created racial tension and sometimes race riots 91. Teapot Dome Scandal President Harding s administration was very corrupt Oil officials gave bribes to use government land for oil (Teapot Dome, Wyoming) 92. Scopes Trial A trial against a science teacher that broke a Tennessee law by teaching evolution It was a conflict between traditional and modern values 93. Red Scare US fear of communism Led to the violation of Constitutional rights 94. Sacco and Vanzetti Trial 2 immigrants wrongly accused and executed for murder Convicted because of racists and nativists

11 95. Temperance Movement Reform movement to make alcohol illegal Blamed alcohol for many problems in America Led to the passage of the 18 th Amendment and prohibition th Amendment (Prohibition) Made alcohol illegal in the US Created organized crime Bootleggers made and sold illegal alcohol Speakeasy secret illegal bars st Amendment Made alcohol legal again Repealed the 18 th Amendment 98. Flappers Women of the 1920s who wanted to be independent and outgoing Had short bobbed hair, drank alcohol, and smoked 99. Harlem Renaissance African Americans artists in Harlem that influenced American culture Langston Hughes- Poetry Duke Ellington Jazz Music 100. Ford s Assembly Line Henry ford produced cars faster and cheaper using an assembly line Allowed the mass production of products Soon almost all produced were made using an assembly line 101. Schenck v. United States Supreme Court ruled Espionage Act constitutional Clear and present danger doctrine Civil rights can be limited for reasons of national security 102. The Great Depression The day the stock market crashed was called Black Tuesday Caused by speculation and buying stocks on margin/credit Caused by overproduction and underconsumption 103. The Dust Bowl Giant dust storms in the Great Plains area Caused by poor farming techniques and drought Farmers moved west to escape the Dust Bowl

12 104. President Hoover He was blamed for the Great Depression Hoovervilles and Hoover Blankets are proof he was blamed He believed in trickledown economics and giving businesses money He did not believe in directly helping the people 105. FDR Created the New Deal to help end the Great Depression Believed in directly helping the people 106. The New Deal Programs are alphabet soup (TVA, FDIC, CCC, PWA) Government gained more power and debt increased Helped unions passed Wagner Act Government created jobs and controlled businesses 107. Good Neighbor Policy FDR passed this law to improve relations with Latin America US would no longer intervene in Latin American affairs 108. WWII Ended the Great Depression US joined after attack on Pearl Harbor The country mobilized for war Citizens bought war bonds and planted victory gardens 109. Lend Lease Act FDR promised to give money to European countries fighting against Germany in WWII US helped the Allies without joining the war 110. Pearl Harbor Japan secretly attacked US navy base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii Caused the US to join WWII 111. Japanese Internment Japanese Americans were held out of fear after Pearl Harbor They lost their homes and jobs Violated the rights of citizens to protect national security 112. Korematsu v. United States Court ruled that Japanese Internment was constitutional Civil liberties may be limited to protect national security 113. Rosie the Riveter Women that worked in factories during WWII

13 114. Nuremberg Trials Nazi leaders were put on trial for war crimes during the Holocaust It showed that leaders could be held accountable for their actions 115. The Manhattan Project The secret development of the atomic bomb President Truman decided to bomb Japan to end WWII US dropped bombs on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki 116. Baby Boom Large increase in births after the end of WWII Baby boomers will put strain on the social security system as they retire 117. Suburbs & Interstate Highways The automobile allowed Americans to live in suburbs The Interstate Highway Act built better roads and allowed more suburbanization 118. Fair Deal Truman s plan to continue FDR s reforms of the New Deal Programs that increased government commitment to helping the people 119. The Cold War The competition and tension between the US (Democracy) and the Soviet Union (Communism) Led to a nuclear arms race and the space race Korean War and Vietnam War are part of the Cold War Cold War ends with the fall of the Berlin Wall 120. Containment US policy to stop the spread of communism Korean War and Vietnam War are fought to contain communism 121. Domino Theory The belief that if one country falls to communism others will follow The reason the US fought the Vietnam War was to stop the domino theory from happening 122. Truman Doctrine US policy to limit the spread of communism and the Soviet Union US would support countries in need against the spread of communism (containment) 123. Marshall Plan US policy to limit the spread of communism and the Soviet Union US would help the economies of Europe recover after WWII 124. Berlin Airlift The US flew supplies into East Berlin Helped stop the spread of communism and Soviet expansion

14 125. NATO An alliance between the US and other countries to stop Soviet expansion Provided collective security against the Soviet Union 126. Korean War Fought to protect South Korea from communist North Korea Fought because of containment Korea remained divided (38 th parallel) at the end of the war 127. McCarthyism The witch hunt created by Senator McCarthy for the search of communists in the US Trials ruined the reputations of many innocent Americans Encouraged nativism and violated the rights of citizens because of a fear of communism 128. Rosenberg Case Couple convicted and executed for being communists and Soviet spies Showed nativist fears of foreigners 129. Civil Rights Movement African Americans working to end segregation and get equal rights Led by Martin Luther King Jr. ( I have a dream speech) Rosa Parks treatment led to the Montgomery bus boycott 130. Brown v. Board of Education Supreme court s ruling ended segregation in public schools Reversed the earlier court decision in Plessy v Ferguson Showed that the national government could overrule state laws Little Rock 9 were escorted to school by the military 131. Martin Luther King Jr. Leader of the Civil Rights Movement Used nonviolent protest and civil disobedience Led Montgomery bus boycott and march on Washington Gave famous I have a dream speech and was assassinated 132. Communism in Cuba Led by the dictator Fidel Castro Cuban Missile Crisis because of Soviets putting missiles in Cuba Bay of Pigs invasion was Kennedy s FAILED secret plan to remove Castro 133. Vietnam Many Americans protested and called it an unjust war US starts war after they are attacked in the Gulf of Tonkin Fought because of containment to stop the spread of communism

15 134. Great Society President Johnson s programs to help people and end poverty Programs to improve the general welfare (Medicare & Medicaid) Programs were abandoned because of the Vietnam War 135. President Nixon Created the policy of détente to ease tensions with the Soviets Resigned as President because of the Watergate Affair New President Gerald Ford pardoned Nixon for any crimes 136. Miranda v. Arizona Supreme Court case that protected the rights of the accused You have the right to remain silent 137. Roe v. Wade Supreme Court case that made abortion legal Protected women s right to privacy Controversial case that has been challenged many times 138. President Carter Major achievement was the Camp David peace accords Tried to bring peace to the Middle East Iranian hostage situation made people believe Carter was weak 139. President Clinton Economy prospered during his presidency giving him high approval ratings Helped prevent human rights violations in Bosnia Was impeached for perjury but remained in office 140. President Bush Defining moment of his presidency was the attack on September 11th Department of Homeland Security was created because of terrorist attacks War in Afghanistan against the Taliban started during Bush s presidency War in Iraq to remove Saddam Hussein from power

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