Constitution Day Essay. Supreme Court Project

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1 United States History Curriculum Map Wyalusing Valley Jr-Sr High School US History II Vocabulary Themes & Essential Questions Standards-based Essential Skills/Concepts to be Targeted & Instructional Strategies Formative/Summative Assessments Learning Objective Resources 1. Amendment (Constitutional) 2. Authority 3. Bill of Rights: 4. Checks and balances: 5. Citizenship: 6. Civic responsibilities: 7. Civil disobedience: : 9. Trial by jury: 10. Separation of powers: 11. Rule of Law: 12. Right to counsel: 13. Right of appeal: 14. Right against selfincrimination: 15. Republic: 16. Privacy: 17. Presumption of innocence: First Marking Period- Unit 1- A New Nation Government Review- and President # 1- Washington 1. Why are the underlining principles of the U.S. Constitution so important? 2. How has the Constitution evolved since its writing and ratification? 3. What were the precedents and their impact of Washington's presidency? G- Government's impact on individual rights C- Importance of the principlesand ideals of civic life E- Compare principles that shaped U.S. with documents of government- U.S. Constitution D- Identify and explain conflict and organizations in Pennsylvania history- Whiskey Rebellion A- Difference between past present and future B-Analyze and interpret historical sources C -Evaluate the importance of the principles & ideals of civic life B. -Compare the responsibilities and powers of the three branches within the national government D. Explain how independent government agencies create, amend and enforce regulatory policies. National (e.g., Federal Communications Commission) C. Analyze skills used to resolve conflicts in society and government J. Explain how law protects (Writing Assignments, Projects, Performances) Power of the Government too much, too little, just enough? Essay What principle is most important? Essay Constitutional Metaphor Project Sculpting the three branches of government? Constitution Quiz Constitution Day Essay Agency /Cabinet Quiz Washington Presidency-DBQ 6 Illustrate meaning of governmental using Farewell Address: indicate terms through the use of a metaphor two major ideas and written analysis Presidential Hat Project Vocabulary Quiz Supreme Court Project Unit 1 Exam Presentation of Historical event newspaper 1. Analyze the relationship among maintaining order under the rule of law, protecting individual rights, and providing for the common good 2. Identify the goals and purpose of the articles of the constitution 3 Describe the underlying principles of the Constitution: six 4 Identify the members, terms of office, and power of the leg. exec. and judicial branches of government 5 Identify the names of the current office holders in the three branches of government 7 Draw parallels between students own History Channel need for rights and the founders desire for a bill of rights Presidents Movie/Washington 8 Identify the rights provided for in the first 10 amendments 9 Analyze the evolution of the U.S. bill of rights 10Explore Constitution through a webquest for Constitution Day! 11 Categorize jobs of the president into six broad hats 12 Identify the cabinet functions and the current secretary History Alive! Textbook Chapter 9, 10 & 11 to page 152 Poster-board- Metaphor Project Washington's Farewell Address Constitution Obama State of the Union speech Constitutional Scavenger Hunt WebQuest Supreme Court Risers Supreme Court Cases Resource material

2 18. Popular sovereignty: 19. Political party: 20. Majority rule: 21. Limited government: 22. Judicial Review: 23. Government: 24. Federalism: 25. Enumerated powers: 26. Due process of law: 27. Double jeopardy: 28. Democracy: individual rights and the common good GRADE 9 B. Explain the role of the United States in world affairs. 13 Identify and apply the correct agency to the governmental situations 14 Decipher governmental policies as either regulations or de-regulations and foreign or domestic 15 Describe the precedent that Washington established as the 1 st President of the United States 16 Examine the nations first political parties & the evolution of the two party system 17 Evaluate the Balance of power of the 3 branches of government 18 Contrast Hamilton s and Jefferson s ideas 19 Analyze Washington's farewell address 20 Identify the components of Hamilton's financial program 1. Diplomacy 2. Foreign Policy 3. nation-state 4. Impressment 5. Patriotism 6. State 7. Treaty 8. United Nations 9. Memorial 10. Judicial Review 11. War 12. Cash Crop 13. Botanist 2nd Marking Period Jefferson Period Unit 2 Presidents John Adams - Monroe- # How significant were the efforts of Lewis & Clark? 3. What were the causes of War of 1812? 4. In what ways are the north & South regions similar and different? D. Identify and explain conflict and organizations in United States history from Beginnings to 1824 *Immigration and Migration (e.g., western settlements, Louisiana Purchase, European immigration) Military Conflicts -War of 1812)Battle of Lake Erie 1. How did Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, & Monroe C. Explain how continuity and affect domestic and foreign policy? change has influenced United States history from Beginnings to Commerce and Industry -development of railroads cash crops Innovations -e.g., cotton gin *Politics-Marbury v. Madison Social Organization -(e.g., community structure on the frontier, cultural and Lewis & Clark Project Lewis & Clark Quiz Lewis & Clark Journal Unit 2 Exam Epitaph Project On map show the Purchase and U.S. states in 1803 MAP Work- early American maps of Indians, road, & Vocabulary Quiz Alien & Sedition Essay- could it happen again Use a map to show the protected areas of the Monroe Doctrine 21. Demonstrate how Presidents 2-6 asserted federal power & interpreted the Constitution. using events, actions or laws 22. Describe the origins and PBS Lewis & Clark Documentary provisions of the Monroe Doctrine and the important steps Composition Bookstaken on foreign affairs Journals 23. Explain the foundation to the conflict of federal power verses states rights-marbury v madison & mcc. v maryland and as it applies to the Alien & Sedition Act/ va. And ky compromise 24. Explain the causes, course and effects of the War of Survey the travels of Lewis and Clark 26. Evaluate whether or not the alien & sedition act could happen today 27. Compare and contrast the foreign policy of Wash, Adams, Jefferson, Madison,Monroe and Computer Lab U.S. Maps Grave Stones- paper machee History Alive! Textbook Rest of chapter 11, 12, & 13 Copy of Monroe Doctrine Poster Board for Lewis & Clark Game boards Copy of original version of Star Spangled Banner

3 14. Zoologist 15. Cartogropher 16. Region 17. Domestic Policy 18. Frontier 19. Charter 20. Contract 21. Capitalism 22. Interstate commerce 23. Ceded 24. Aliens 25. Sedition language barriers) C. Analyze how continuity and change has influenced United States history Belief Systems and Religions (e.g., 19th century trends and movements) B. Identify and analyze primary documents, material artifacts and historic sites important in United States history *Key s Star Spangled Banner GRADE 9 A. Explain how the United States is affected by policies of nation-states, governmental and non-governmental organizations. B. Explain the role of the United States in world affairs. C. Explain the effects United States political ideas have had on other nations. D. Contrast how the three branches of federal government function in foreign policy GRADE 9 J.Analyze the importance of freedom of the press. Presentation of Historical event newspaper John Q. Adams 28. Explain how geography of each region affected the development of its economy, transportation, and society 29. Analyze changes of land and water transportation, including a network of roads, and canals and their impact on the economy and settlement patterns 30. Geographically identify the details included in the Missouri Compromise 31. Reflect on the hardships that were faced during the Lewis & Clark expedition 32. Analyze the effect of curiosity in the unknown on American Society 33. Identify major accomplishments in the areas of zoology, botany, and cartography of the Lewis & Clark Expedition 34. List the major Native American Tribes encountered by the Lewis & Clark expedition 35. Identify the purpose of the Lewis & Clark expedition and evaluate its success and failures 36. Evaluate the importance of Primary Sources as a tool to learn and understand History- Lewis & Clark Journals Worksheets Hub graphic organizer of both north & south GRADE 9 C. Analyze skills used to resolve conflicts in society and government. 37. Analyze the Battle of ft McHenry and the importance of the Star Spangled Banner 38. Define and explain the importance of isolationism and how foreign policy decisions from 1789 to 1823 set the tone for future U.S. foreign policy 39. Identify the important people and battles during the War of Compare and contrast the regions of north & south in the 1800 s

4 1. Suffrage 2. Manifest Destiny 3. Immigration 4. Rural 5. Social reformers 6. Sectionalism 7. Abolitionist 8. Nativism 9. Know-nothings 10. Canals 11. Kitchen Cabinet 12. Spoils system 13. Nullification 14. Manufacturer 15. Tariffs 16. Industrial revolution 17. Factory system 18. Transcendentalism 19. Individualism 20. Annex 21. Steam engine 22. Common man 23. Textiles 24. Levy 25. Compromise 3 rd Marking Period Unit 3 -John Q Adams - Pierce # How would you describe the age of Jackson? 2. Why was the concept of Manifest Destiny so instrumental in the westward growth of the United States? 3. How does expansion facilitate innovation, reform, & agression? GRADE 9 A. Analyze the political and cultural contributions of individuals and groups to Pennsylvania history Ιnnovators and Reformers (e.g., George Westinghouse, Edwin Drake, Lucretia Mott) C. Identify and analyze how continuity and change have influenced Pennsylvania history from the 1787 to What were the reasons for success and failure in regards to the compromises proposed on the issue Belief Systems and Religions of slavery? (e.g., Ephrata Cloister, Harmonists, Amish, immigrant influences) Commerce and Industry (e.g., mining coal, producing iron, harvesting timber) Innovations (e.g., John Roebling s steel cable, steel-tipped plow, improved techniques for making iron, steel and glass) Politics (e.g., Fugitive Slave Act reaction, canal system legislation, The Free School Act of 1834) Settlement Patterns (e.g., farms and growth of urban centers) Transportation (e.g., canals, National Road, Thompson s Horseshoe Curve) Women s Movement (e.g., work of the Equal Rights League of Pennsylvania) D. Identify and analyze conflict and organizations in Pennsylvania history Immigration (e.g., Anti-Irish Riot of Immigration Bill Writing Grievance Letter Jackson- villain or hero create a new $20 bill for Jackson, showing four positive steps he Cultural and Commercial Leaders (e.g., took as president on the face side John J. Audubon, Rebecca Webb Lukens, and four negative steps on the Stephen Foster) reverse side Test on concepts of how a bank works, the purpose and effect of tariffs, the meaning of recession and depression Map test to identify new roads, canals and rail expansion Compare /contrast Slater Mill and Lowell Mills Map show westward expansion by purchase, war, and payment for each section of our country. Multiple choice quiz on causes and course of Mexican War Vocabulary Quiz Unit 3 exam Presentation of Historical event newspaper Midterm 41. Compare & Contrast the TexasHistory Alive Textbook- Revolution to an American Chapter 14, 15, 16, & 18 War 42. List the reasons why people Read from Loom and traveled west and describe the Spindle, case study of mill hardships they encountered by life group: Californios, mountain men, missionaries, pioneerplay Oregon Trail women, Mormons, fortyniners, and Chinese computer game 43. Describe the legacy thatread journals of those explorers left to the West and the entire nation 44. Identify important reform movements of the midnineteenth century. 45. Describe the role of reform leaders in particular the role of women in those movements 46. Identify the purpose of the Seneca Falls convention and key grievances outlined in the Declaration of Sentiments. 47. Analyze the Congressional attempts to both broaden and limit immigration to the U.S. 48. Design an effective immigration policy to address the current immigration situation in the U.S. 49. Compare the influence on public policy of issues as slavery, tariff policy, states rights, and nullification 50. Analyze the United States relations with Native Americans, including treaty relations, land acquisition, and the policy of Indian removal 51. Define Manifest Destiny, explain its significance in promoting U.S. territorial relations, land acquisition, and the policy of Indian removal 52. Summarize the causes and effects of the Texas revolution and the Mexican- American War, taking into account these key terms: Sam Houston, Battle of the Alamo 53. Explain the importance of Jacksonian Democracy and how it represented a change in American social, political, and economic life 54. Explain how the United States made five key territorial moving west for gold and land Use PBS internet site on Gold Rush

5 1844, new waves of immigrants) Immigration (e.g., Anti-Irish Riot of 1844, new waves of immigrants) Military Conflicts (e.g., Tthe Mexican War) GRADE 9 A. Identify and analyze the political and cultural contributions of individuals and groups to United States history from 1787 to 1914 Political Leaders (e.g., Daniel Webster) Military Leaders (e.g., Andrew Jackson) Cultural and Commercial Leaders (e.g., Jane Addams, Jacob Riis, Booker T. Washington) acquisitions from 1803 to Describe the pros and cons of Jackson s policies on the bank, tariffs, Spoils system, the Court, and Indian Removal 56. Analyze various groups positions on related issues and how their difference of opinion influenced politics and sectionalism 57. Define sectionalism and evaluate whether it still exist today 58. Explain the importance of building and using canals, roads, steamboats, and railroads to the market economy 59. List important inventors and their effect, such as the Cotton Gin, sewing machine, reaper, and interchangeable parts 60. Match cultural and commercial leaders in the 1800 s with their accomplishment Innovators and Reformers (e.g., Alexander G. Bell, Frances E. Willard, Frederick Douglass) B. Identify and analyze primary documents, material artifacts and historic sites important in United States history Documents (e.g., Fugitive Slave Law, Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo) Historic Places (e.g., The Alamo, Underground Railroad sites, Erie Canal) C. Analyze how continuity and change has influenced United States history from 1787 to Belief Systems and Religions (e.g., 19 th century trends and movements) Innovations (e.g., Brooklyn Bridge, refrigerated shipping, telephone) Settlement Patterns and Expansion (e.g., Manifest Destiny, successive waves of immigrants, purchase of Alaska and Hawaii)

6 Social Organization (e.g., social class differences, women s rights and antislavery movement, education reforms) Transportation and Trade (e.g., Pony Express, telegraph, Transcontinental Railroad) Women s Movement (e.g., roles in the Civil War, medical college for women, Seneca Falls Conference) D. Identify and analyze conflict and organizations in United States history Ethnic and Racial Relations (e.g., Cherokee Trail of Tears, slavery and the Underground Railroad) Immigration and Migration (e.g., Manifest Destiny, eastern and southern European immigration, Chinese Exclusion Act) Military Conflicts (e.g., Native American opposition to expansion and settlement) GRADE 9 L. Interpret Pennsylvania and United States court decisions that have impacted the principles and ideals of government.- (cherrokee indian case) M. Interpret the impact of famous speeches and writings on civic life (e.g., Declaration of Sentiments). 1. Radical Republicans 2. Compromise 3. Civil rights 4. Discrimination 5. Slavery 6. Literacy test 7. Emancipation 8. Segregation 4 th Marking Period Unit 4- Buchananon- Hayes- # How did economies, culture and politics lead to the Civil War 2. How was Lincoln's handeling of the war both nobel and cowardice? C. Analyze skills used to resolve conflicts in society and government GRADE 9 B. Analyze the fundamentals of historical interpretation. Fact versus opinion Reasons/causes for multiple points of view Test on failed compromises Journal entry- in character of northerner, southerner, or slave. Glory Essay Unit 4 exam Vocab. Quiz Compromise Letters of blame Questions on reading Uncle Tom s Cabin. 61. Give examples of social, political, intellectual, religion, and economic effects of the Civil War 62. Describe Key battles in the Civil War 63. Analyze the policies of the military leaders in the North & South 64. Analyze the conditions at Civil War Prison Camps 65. Explain the political struggle, accomplishments, and failures of Reconstruction in the years following the Civil War 66. Evaluate the effectiveness of History Alive Textbook- Chapter 20, 21, & 22 Read Emanicipation Proclamation Gettysburg Address Second Inaugural Address Watch Glory Uncle Tom s Cabin Copy of Mississippi Literacy Tes

7 9. Jim Crow Laws 10. Calvilry 11. Union 12. Confederate 13. Antibellum America 14. Scalawags 15. Carpetbaggers 16. Reconstruction 17. Total War 18. Ironclad 19. Draft 20. Habeas corpus 21. Secession 22. Fugitives 23. Union 24. Poll tax 25. Ku Klux Klan 3. What were the roles of Ulysses S. Grant, Robert E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, William T. Sherman, and Jefferson Davis? 4. Why were the battles of Fort Sumter, Antietam, Vicksburg, Gettysburg, and Atlanta considered important battles during the Civil War? 5.What were the long-range effects of the civil war during the period of Reconstruction GRADE 9 A. Analyze the political and cultural contributions of individuals and groups to Pennsylvania history from 1787 to Political Leaders (e.g., James Buchanan, Thaddeus Stevens, Andrew Curtin) Military Leaders (e.g., George Meade, George McClellan, John Hartranft) B. Identify and analyze primary documents, material artifacts and historic sites important in Pennsylvania history Documents, Writings and Oral Traditions (e.g., The Gettysburg Address ) Artifacts, Architecture and Historic Places (e.g., Gettysburg) GRADE 9 A. Identify and analyze the political and cultural contributions of individuals and groups to United States history Political Leaders (e.g., Daniel Webster, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson) Military Leaders (e.g., Andrew Jackson, Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant) Cultural and Commercial Leaders (e.g., Jane Addams, Jacob Riis, Booker T. Washington) Innovators and Reformers (e.g., Alexander G. Bell, Frances E. Willard, Frederick Douglass) B. Identify and analyze primary Presentation of Historical event newspaper separation of powers during Reconstruction 67. Create an Illustrated Road that depicts African Americans struggle for full citizenship rights during Reconstruction 68. Analyze the basic provisions and impact of the 13 th, 14 th, and 15 th Amendments of the U.S. Constitution 69. Compare and contrast the amendments meaning of words to actions 70. Explain the problems facing the nation after the Civil War, and the opposing approaches to Reconstruction 71. Identify the role of African American soldiers in the Civil War, including the 54 th regiment of Massachusetts 72. List the key military strategies for both the North & the South and acknowledge if they were a success or failure 73. Identify the roll of technological advances in the Civil War including iron clad ships and rifles 74. Compare the Strengths and Weaknesses of the North & South during the Civil War 75. Reflect on the difficulty of reaching compromises on the issues leading to the Civil War 76. Explain the steps to war from Wilmot Proviso(1846),Compromise of 1850, Kansa-Nebraska Act of 1854, Fugitive Slave Act (1850), Frederick Douglas Rhetoric,Dred Scott v. Sanford (1856) John Brown s raid on Harper s Ferry Evaluate the impact of Harriet Beecher Stowe s Uncle Tom s Cabin on the Northern perception of slavery 78. Identify key aspects of slave life, such as living conditions and religious life 79. Explain how economic and social forces contributed to the survival and growth of slaver for nearly 250 yrs. 80. List the scandals that plagued

8 documents, material artifacts and historic sites important in United States history the Grant Administration Documents (e.g., Fugitive Slave Law, Emancipation Proclamation) 19 th Century Writings and Communications (e.g., Stowe s Uncle Tom s Cabin) C. Analyze how continuity and change has influenced United States history Politics (e.g., election of 1860, impeachment of Andrew Johnson, Jim Crow laws) Women s Movement (e.g., roles in the Civil War) D. Identify and analyze conflict and organizations in United States history Domestic Instability (e.g., wartime confiscation of private property, abolitionist movement, Reconstruction) Ethnic and Racial Relations Military Conflicts -Civil War GRADE 9 L. Interpret Pennsylvania and United States court decisions that have impacted the principles and ideals of government-dred Scott 1. Yellow jurnalism 2. Super Power 3. Industrialism 4. Strike 5. Union 6. Monopoly 7. Corporations 5 th Marking Period Unit 5 - Presidents # Garfield- McKinley 1. What impact do labor unions have on industry in the United states? 2. Does money always lead to GRADE 9 B. Explain the role of the United States in world affairs. C. Explain the effects United States political ideas have had on other nations GRADE 9 A. Identify and analyze the political and cultural contributions of individuals Unit 5 Exam Multiple choice quiz on Show down with Native Americans Participation of Assembly line work. Dialogue between worker and employer Multiple choice on inventors and inventions World Power prompt- essay 81. Identify events that stimulate settlement of the West 82. Describe life on the prairie 83. Evaluate the importance of the Cattle Industry 84. Trace the development of the Cattle Industry 85. Identify Indian tribes and aspects of their culture 86. Chronologically follow the steps that cause the Indians to lose their independence. 87. Explain the factors producing rapid urbanization in the late 19 th century and describe the History Alive Textbookchapter 23, 24, 26, & 27 Native American Quotes News Papers- Star, New York Times, Rocket Movie Morning Star

9 8. Trust 9. Transcontinental Railroad 10. Reservation 11. Labor Laws 12. Xenophobia: 13. Opinion: 14. Expansionists 15. Regulation 16. Social Darwinism 17. Progressive Movement 18. Urbanization 19. Homesteader 20. Textile 21. Merchant 22. Manufacturer 23. Turnpike 24. Steam engine 25. Corruption corruption? 3. How does technology affect manufacturing and other jobs? 4. What role did Pennsylvania play in this industrial revolution? and groups to United States history Innovators and Reformers (e.g., Alexander G. Bell, Frances E. Willard, Frederick Douglass) C. Analyze how continuity and change has influenced United States history Commerce and Industry (e.g., growth of manufacturing industries, economic nationalism) Innovations (e.g., Brooklyn Bridge, refrigerated shipping, telephone) Transportation and Trade (Transcontinental Railroad) D. Identify and analyze conflict and organizations in United States history Labor Relations (e.g., female and child labor, trade unionism, strike breakers) Immigration and Migration (e.g., Eastern and southern European immigration, Chinese Exclusion Act) Military Conflicts (e.g., Native American opposition to expansion and settlement,& Spanish-American War) GRADE 9 A. Analyze the political and cultural contributions of individuals and groups to Pennsylvania history from 1787 to Innovators and Reformers (e.g., George Westinghouse, Edwin Drake) B. Identify and analyze primary documents, material artifacts and historic sites important in Pennsylvania history The Pittsburgh Survey" News Paper analysis- fact or fiction? Vocab Quiz Show on map the major railroad routes Complete map of Pennsylvania of natural resources that facilitate industrial growth Native American prompt response Presentation of Historical event newspaper major features and urban life 88. Analyze the contemporary consequences of U.S. Native American policy in the 20 th and 21 st century 89. Explain how the discovery of gold and silver influence the settlement pattern of the west 90. Dissect the making of the Transcontinental Railroad, the reasons for its making and its impact 91. Describe the rise of big business as a major force in the U.S. and its impact on economic and political practices 92. Identify the factors that led to the rise of the labor movement 93. Analyze the influence of the media on westward movement 94. Evaluate significance of George Custer in American History 95. List the three major gold rushes in the United States and describe how gold rushes led to the settlement in the sparsely populated American West. 96. Describe how and why people migrate and analyze consequences of migration 97. Explain The Native Americans responses to the encroachment by settlers into their territory 98. Analyze the impact of ingenuity to America s Success 99. Identify the groups that came west following the Civil War, the reasons they came, and their roles in developing the West 100. Identify factors leading to the rise of industrialism and urbanization 101. Experience assembly-line work and describe the conditions for assembly-line workers 102. Explain why labor unions emerged to protect workers interests Describe the benefits to

10 Artifacts, Architecture and Historic Places (e.g., Eckley Miners Village, Drake s Well) D. Identify and analyze conflict and organizations in Pennsylvania history immigrant workers 104. Analyze the role of worker verses employer in the 1800 s 105. Examine the role of Pennsylvania with their industry, resources, and immigration Domestic Instability (e.g., impact of war, 1889 Johnstown Flood) Ethnic and Racial Relations-Carlisle Indian School Labor Relations (e.g., National Trade Union, the Molly Maguires, Homestead steel strike) 1. Primary Source 2. Secondary Source 3. Writing Process 4. End notes 5. Foot notes 6. Bibliography 7. Annotated Bibliography 8. Research 9. Hypothesis 10. Introduction 11. Body 12. Conclusion 6 th Marking Period Review of all material Write a research paper. Essential Questions 1. How did the power, size and policies of government change over the 1800 s? 2. How did the social structure of society change over the 1800 s? 3. How did the method for manufacturing, trade, and transportation change over the 1800 s? 4. How did the settlement patterns and the size of the country change over the 1800 s? 5. How did the role of women change during the 1800 s? Immigration (e.g., Anti-Irish Riot of 1844, new waves of immigrants) Grade 9 C. Analyze how continuity and change has influenced United States history from 1787 to Belief Systems and Religions (e.g., 19 th century trends and movements) Commerce and Industry (e.g., growth of manufacturing industries, economic nationalism) Innovations (e.g., Brooklyn Bridge, refrigerated shipping, telephone) Politics (e.g., election of 1860, impeachment of Andrew Johnson, Jim Crow laws) Settlement Patterns and Expansion (e.g., Manifest Destiny, successive waves of immigrants, purchase of Alaska and Hawaii) Social Organization (e.g., social class differences, women s rights and antislavery movement, education reforms) Transportation and Trade (e.g., Pony Express, telegraph, Transcontinental Railroad) Women s Movement (e.g., roles in the Civil War, medical college for women, Seneca Falls Conference) GRADE 9 A. Analyze chronological thinking. Difference between past, present and future Sequential order of historical narrative and data presented in time lines Presentation of Historical event newspaper Research Paper Final Exam Introduction Presentations Newspaper review Vocab. Quiz Name first 25 presidents 106. Analyze the progress made in the 19 th Century in the areas of science, invention, culture, & government 107. Evaluate the importance of Primary Sources as a tool to learn and understand History 108. Define Political, Social, & Economic problems and give an example 109. Analyze problems drawn from social studies and evaluate information related to the problem 110. Compare the impact of war on the History of the United States Library for research Note cards Computer Lab for typing research paper


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