axalgazrdobis monawileoba demokratiul procesebsi: kvlevis Sedegebi da axalgazrdul organizaciata cnobari

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1 nana sumbaze, maia maisuraze axalgazrdobis monawileoba demokratiul procesebsi: kvlevis Sedegebi da axalgazrdul organizaciata cnobari Nana Sumbadze, Maia Maisuradze Participation of Youth in Democratic Processes: Study Results and Directory of Youth Organizations sazogadoebrivi politikis instituti Institute for Policy Studies (IPS) Tbilisi 2010 Tbilisi

2 gamotqmuli mosazreba ar gamoxatavs fondis `Ria sazogadoeba _ saqartvelos~ pozicias. Sesabamisad, fondi ar aris pasuxismgebeli masalis Sinaarsze. The views, opinions and statements expressed by the authors are theirs only and do not necessarily reflect the position of Open Society Georgia Foundation. Therefore, the Open Society Georgia Foundation is not responsible for the content of the information material. proeqti ganxorcielda Ria sazogadoeba-saqartvelos mxardawerit Project is supported by Open Society Georgia Foundation ydis dizaini: m. sumbaze Cover design: M. Sumbadze Targmani: eteri sulaze Translation: Eteri Suladze inglisuri teqstis redaqtori: sandip Cakraborti Text editing:sandeep Chakraborty sazogadoebrivi politikis instituti, 2010 Institute for Policy Studies (IPS), 2010 ISBN


4 Contents 1. Introduction The objectives and methodology of the study Role of youth civil activities and overview of existing problems Major problems of the youth Youth participation level and types of activities Conditions of participation Desire to participate and availability of time Environment Invitation for participation Ways of increasing participation Organized forms of youth participation State structures Youth wings of political parties Trade Unions International organizations and foundations Student self-government Church Community based organizations Non-government organizations Conclusions and recommendations References Annex 1. List of consulted individuals Annex 2. List of focus groups and discussions Directory of youth organizations

5 axalgazrdobis monawileoba demokratiul procesebsi: kvlevis angarisi

6 1.Sesavali sazogadoebriv cxovrebisadmi interesi da massi Car- Tuloba demokratiis safuzvels warmoadgens. samoqalaqo monawileoba gulisxmobs saerto interesebis, miznebisa da Rirebulebebis garsemo moqalaqeta monawileobas koleqtiur moqmedebebsi. jgufebs ganixilaven, rogorc arcevnebis mirma arsebul monawileobis ZiriTadi mamo- Zravebeli Zalad (Maloney, 2008). monawileoba socialuri kapitalis nawils warmoadgens. patnami (Putnam, 2000) socialur kapitals ganixilavs, rogorc ertdroulad kerzo da sajaro siketes. igi saketildreoa ara mxolod misi mflobeli individisatvis, aramed aseve mcire socialuri kapitalis mflobeli individisatvisac moaqvs sargebeli Tu mocemul sazogadoebas zogadad didi socialuri kapitali gaacnia. socialur kapitals gansazrvraven, rogorc `socialuri organizaciis iset maxasiateblebs, rogoricaa ndoba, normebi da socialuri qselebi, romlebsac SeswevT Zala koordinirebuli moqmedebebis mxardaweris mesveobit gazardon sazogadoebis efeqtianoba~ (Putnam, gv.167). socialuri kapitalis didi odenoba demokratiis aucilebel pirobad aris micneuli. paqstoni (Paxton, 2002) ganixilavs or gzas, romlis mesveobitac socialuri kapitali zegavlenas axdens demokratiaze: igi xels uwyobs arademokratiul qveynebsi demokratiis Camoyalibebas imit, rom ar azlevs saxelmwifos sasualebas dacagros sakutari moqalaqeebi da meore, qmnis sivrces organizebuli oponirebisatvis. wevroba nebayoflobit organizaciebsi zrdis individis socialur kapitals, mis resursebsa da unarebs, axdens politikuri monawileobis stimulirebas. organizaciebi izlevian problemebis da motxovnebis formulirebis SesaZleblobas. es Zalze mnisvnelovania, radgan problemis gadawris aucilebeli pirobas warmoadgens is, rom igi iyos gagonili gadawyvetilebis mimrebebis mier, rac swored jgufur moqmedebas moitxovs (Rosenblum, 1998)

7 bolo wlebsi sazogadoebrivi politikis institutisa da sxva organizacebis mier Catarebul gamokvlevebsi gamoikveta axalgazrdebis samoqalaqo aqtiobis dabali done (sumbaze, 2010; saqartvelos axalgazrdobis erovnuli angarisi, 2009;). nihilisturi damokidebuleba politikur liderta mimart, da aseve sazogadoebriv saqmianobasi sakutari monawileobis mimart gansakutrebulad didia axalgazrdebs Soris, rac safrtxes uqmnis demokratiuli procesebis ganvitarebas. samoqalaqo sazogadoebis mobilizacias xels uslis informaciis nakleboba saqartvelosi arsebuli axalgazrda organizaciebis, mati miznebis, aqtiobebisa da wevrebis Sesaxeb. amdenad axalgazrduli organizaciebis identifikacia da mat Sesaxeb informaciis organizacia, aseve im mizezebis dadgena, romlebic ganapirobeben axalgazrdebis pasiurobas sazogadoebrivi movlenebis mimart aucilebel wina pirobas warmoadgens iseti politikis dagemvisa da ganxorcielebisatvis, romelic ganapirobebs axalgazrdebis metad CarTvas sazogadoebriv cxovrebasi. monawileobis funqcias warmoadgens erti mxriv zegavlenis moxdena gadawyvetilebebis mirebaze da meores mxriv socialuri kapitalis Seqmna damakvsirebeli ur- TierTobebis Seqmnis mesveobit. izleva ra sasualebas damyarebuli iqnes kavsirebi sxvadasxva ekonomikuri, socialuri, ganatlebis da profesiuli, asakobrivi da genderuli jgufebis warmoadgenlebtan nebayoflobit organizaciasi gaertianeba aseve warmoadgens tolerantuli damokidebulebis Camoyalibebis sawindars. cnobilia, rom monawileobis xarisxi cvalebadobs Taobebis mixedvit. moqalaqis sazogadoebriv saqmianobasi CarTvis prognozirebis sauketeso sasualebas warmoadgens misi monawileoba nebayoflobit organizaciebsi da moxaliseoba adreuli axalgazrdobis periodsi. amdenad demokratiuli praqtikisatvis gansakutrebul mnisvnelobas izens adamianebis SeZlebisamebr adreul periodsi CarTva sazogadoebriv saqmianobasi

8 2kvlevis mizani da metodologia kvlevis mizans warmoadgens saqartvelosi arsebuli axalgazrduli da axalgazrdobastan momusave organizaciebis identifikacia, mati miznebis, aqtiobebis da samizne jgufebis Sesaxeb informaciis cnobarsi warmodgena. aseve axalgazrdobisa da organizaciis warmomadgenlebis Sexedulebebisa dadgena im problemebis Taobaze, romlebic xels uslian axalgazrdebis samoqalaqo aqtiobas. gamokvleva moicavs samagido da empiriul xarisxobriv kvlevas. moxda ZiriTad dainteresebul pirebsa da eqspertebis identifikacia da matgan CaRrmavebuli interviuebis areba. axalgazrdul organizaciata xelmzrvanelebsa da wevrebtan Catarebuli iqna fokus jgufebi. diskusiebi Catardeba aseve im axalgazrdebtan, romlebic ar arian CarTuli axlagazrduli organizaciebis musaobasi. savele samusaoebi Catarda saqartvelos im qalaqebsi, sadac funqcionireben universitetebi, asetebia Tbilisi, qutaisi, batumi, Telavi, gori, zugdidi da axalcixe. axalqalaqsi, marneulsi da karaletsi diskusiebi Catarda samoqalaqo aqtiobis xelissemsleli faqtorebis dasadgenad somxur, azerbaijanul da devnil axalgazrdebtan da aseve kaxetisa da samegrelos soflebsi, soflis axalgazrdebis problemebis identifikaciisatvis. sul Catarebul iqna 14 fokus jgufi, 4 diskusia da 21 CaRrmavebuli interviu. jgufur diskusiebsi monawileoba 211 pirovnebam miiro (49.3 procenti qali, 50.7 procenti kaci). (ix. danarti 1 da 2). fokus jgufebi, saubrebi da CaRrmavebuli interviuebi exeboda Semdeg sakitxebs: axalgazrdobis monawileobis donis Sefaseba; axalgazrdobis aqtiobis sferoebi; axalgazrduli organizaciebis ZiriTadi problemebi; - 8 -

9 axalgazrdobis mcire monawileobis mizezebi; gzebi, romelta mesveobitac SesaZlebeli gaxdeba axalgazrdobis metad CarTva sazogadoebriv cxovrebasi. axalgazrduli organizaciebis identifikacia daiwyo veb-gverdebisa da cnobarebsi mati Ziebis mesveobit da gagrzelda `Tovlis gundas~ metodis mesveobit _ yovelma gamokitxulma organizaciam mogvawoda mistvis cnobil organizaciata nusxa. TviToeulma organizaciam Seavso kitxvari, romelic moicavda Semdeg ZiriTad sakitxebs: organizaciis dasaxeleba da misi samartlebrivi statusi; sakontaqto informacia; daarsebis TariRi; ZiriTad TanamSromelTa raodenoba; xelmzrvaneli; ZiriTadi miznebi da amocanebi; samizne jgufebi; aqtiobis sferoebi; aqtiobis saxeebi; dafinansebis wyaroebi ganxorcielebuli da mimdinare proeqtebi. Cvens mier dagzavnili 110 anketidan mxolod 55 organizaciisgan iqna droulad mirebuli pasuxebi. mati saanketo monacemebi Seyvanil iqna SPSS programasi da damusavda statistikurad. miuxedavad imisa, rom gamoki- Txul organizaciata odenoba ar izleva sando statistikuri daskvnebis gaketebis SesaZleblobas, vfiqrobt monacemebi mainc asaxeven arsebul tendenciebs

10 3. axalgazrdobis samoqalaqo aqtiobis mnisvneloba da mastan dakavsirebuli problemebis mimoxilva axalgazrdoba mosaxleobis did segments warmoadgens. 15-dan 30 wlamde asakis adamianebi saqartvelos mosaxleobis TiTqmis meotxeds (23.6 procents) Seadgenen. matgan 50.6 procento mamakacia da 49.4 procenti qali. magram axalgazrdobis qveynisatvis mnisvneloba mxolod misi raodenobit ar ganisazrvreba. isini is adamianebi arian, romlebic exla da momavalsi miireben qveynisatvis mnisvnelovan gadawyvetilebebs. amdenad saqartvelos exlandeli Tu momavali ketildreoba da warmateba mnisvnelovnad aris matze damokidebuli. axalgazrdoba, rogorc sasicocxlo cikli mozardobasa da zrdasrulobas Soris aris gantavsebuli. warmoadgens ra gardamaval stadias mozardobidan zrdasrulobasi, mas Tavis specifiur motxovnebsa da amocanebtan ertad am ori sasicocxlo periodisatvis damaxasiatebeli Tvisebebic axasiatebs. axalgazrdobis mtavar amocanas damoukidebeli cxovrebisatvis, musaobisa da ojaxis SeqmnisaTvis momzadeba warmoadgens. SeiZleba itqvas rom es adamianis cxovrebis ufro momavalze orientirebuli fazaa (Lefrancois, 1993). Sesabamisad Zalze mnisvnelovania am periodsi rogorc saqmiani aseve piradi cxovrebisa- Tvis aucilebeli resursebis dagroveba da unar-cvevebis SeZena. am periodsi xdeba ZiriTadad samoqalaqo cnobierebis Camoyalibebac da adamianebis CarTva sazogadoebriv da politikur aqtiobebsi. asaki, romlitac ganisazrvreba axalgazrdoba calsaxad fiqsirebuli ar aris. gaero asetad miicnevs wlis individebs, evrokavsiri zeda zrvars 30 welze afiqsirebs saqartvelosi ar arsebobs kanoni axalgazrdobis Sesaxeb. axalgazrduli organizaciebis Sesaxeb kanonis mixedvit axalgazrdad itvleba wlis asakis pirovneba. axalgazrdobastan mimartebasi SemuSavebis stadia- Si arsebuli saxelmwifo politikis dokumentis mixedvit

11 igi dagegmilia, rom ganisazrvros wlit. Cveni gamokitxvis monawileebi axalgazrdebad ufro xsirad miicneven asakis pirovnebebs, Tumca zogiertis azrit axalgazrdobis zeda asakobrivi zrvari 35 welia. monawileoba sazogadoebriv cxovrebasa da gadawyvetilebebis mirebasi demokratiis da samoqalaqo aqtiobis pirobas warmoadgens. is adamianis uflebaa da ganisazrvreba, rogorc `SesaZlebloba adamianebma moaxdinon monawileobis uflebis realizacia, miiron informacia im gadawyvetilebebis mirebis procesze, romlebic zegavlenas axdenen mat cxovrebaze~ (Youth participation in development,2010). msoflio bankis ganmartebis Tanaxmad monawileoba gulisxmobs informaciis gaziarebas, konsultirebas, gadawyvetilebebis mirebas da moqmedebebis wamowyebas. amastan aucilebelia, rom monawileoba iyos aqtiuri, nebayoflobiti da eyrdnobodes sakmao odenobis informacias. sociologma rojer hartma (Commonwealth Secretariat, 2005) Seqmna monawileobis modeli _ monawileobis kibe, romelic 8 safexurisagan Sedgeba: 1. manipulacia: ufrosebi martaven axalgazrdebs, ise rom axalgazrdebi ver xvdebian ra xdeba; 2. dekoracia: axalgazrdebi aqtiurad monawileoben (mag. mrerian, cekvaven), magram mat ar ician ristvis aketeben amas; 3. simbolizmi: axalgazrdebs stxoven gamotqvan azri, magram mat imis mcire arcevani aqvt, Tu rogor gaaketon es; 4. davalebis micema informacias gacemastan ertad: ufrosebi ireben gadawyvetilebas Tu ra unda gaaketon moxalise axalgazrdebma. ufrosebi axalgazrdebs awvdian sakmaris informacias da pativiscemit eqcevian mat Sexedulebebs; 5. konsultireba informaciis mirebastan ertad: dagegmva da ganxorcieleba xdeba ufrosebis mier, romlebic

12 axalgazrdebisagan ireben konsultacias. axalgazrdebs aqvt sruli codna procesze. mat Sexedulebebs seriozulad ekidebian; 6. ufrosebis mier inicirebuli, gadawyvetilebebis mireba xdeba axalgazrdebtan ertad: idea ufrosebs eku- TvniT, magram axalgazrdebi CarTuli arian dagegmvasa da ganxorcielebasi. axalgazrdebi aseve monawileoben gadawyvetilebis mirebis processi; 7. axalgazrdebis mier inicirebuli da ganxorcielebuli: idea, iseve rogorc misi ganxorcielebis dagegmva axalgazrdobas ekutvnis. ufrosebi ganxiluli arian konsultantebad; 8. axalgazrdobis mier inicirebuli, gadawyvetilebis mireba xdeba ufrosebtan ertad: idea ekutvnis axalgazrdebs, romlebic stavazoben ufrosebs mattan er- Tad miiron gadawyvetilebebi. modeli xazs usvavs axalgazrdebis monawileobisa- Tvis ufrosebtan partniorobis mnisvnelobas, radgan monawileobis umarlesi, merve done mesvidesgan mxolod ufrosebis monawileobis ufro didi odenobit gansxvavdeba. axalgazrdoba cxovrebis yvela sferosi aris warmodgenili da misi interesebis gatvaliswineba yvelgan aucilebeblia, magram ganatleba, sporti da reproduqciuli janmrteloba is sferoebi, romelebic gansakutrebul yuradrebas imsaxureben da sadac axalagazrdoba umravlesobas warmoadgens

13 4.axalgazrdobis ZiriTadi problemebi axalgazrdobis monawileoba simcire ar SeiZleba ganxilul iqnes izolirebulad, radgan igi mwidrod aris dakavsirebuli im sxva problemebtan, romelta winasec dres axalgazrdoba dgas. problemebi, romlebic axalgazrdebis mier iqna dasaxelebuli rasakvirvelia ar aris specifiuri da mxolod da mxolod axalgazrdobis asaktan dakavsirebuli. isini qveynis mtliani konteqstis ganuyofeli nawilia, Tumca umravles SemTxvevaSi axalgazrdebtan mimartebasi garkveuli specifikit xasiatdebian. axalgazrduli organizaciebis warmomadgenelta gamokitxvis monacemebi axalgazrdobis ZiriTadi problemebis Sesaxeb metyvelebs codnisa da dasaqmebis mnisvnelobaze. nax.1 axalgazrdobis problemebi wyaro: anketis monacemebi (N=55) diskusiebsa da interviuebsi aseve gamoikveta axalgazrdobis ori ZiriTadi problema, romeltanac yvela sxva metnaklebad aris dakavsirebuli. es problemebia dasaqmeba da ganatleba. axalgazrdobastan mimartebasi saxelmwifo politikis ar arseboba, xolo ganatlebis sferosi

14 saxelmwifo politikis mankieri xasiati danaxulia, rogorc problemebis warmoqmnis mnisvnelovani wyaro. dasaqmeba dasaqmeba qveyanasi rasakvirvelia ar warmoadgens specifiur axalgazrdul problemas, magram misi Sedegebi gansxvavebulia gansxvavebul asakis adamianebtan. amastan eqspertta SefasebiT umusevrobis yvelaze marali procenti, 37.0 procenti 2010 wels 19-dan 29 wlamde axalgazrdebze modis (interviu giorgi cimintiastan). Tanac axalgazrdebtan umusevroba ufro metad aris dakavsirebuli ganatlebis mirebis motivaciastan da profesiuli winsvlis perspeqtivastan. dausaqmeblobis gamo axalgazrdebs ar ezlevat TviT-realizaciis sasualeba. axalgazrdebi umusevrobas ukavsireben uperspeqtiobis gancdas, uimedobas da ewvs ganatlebis mirebis sawiroebasi. swavlob magram ristvis? umusevroba da Warb Tavisufali drostan aris dakav- Sirebuli `birjaoba~ _ qucasi Tu sofelsi biwebis uazro dgoma, lotoba, narkomania, azartul TamaSebiT gataceba da aseve kriminali. gansakutrebit arinisna lotobisa da narkomaniis gavrceleba axalgazrdebsi. dausaqmebloba, romelic xsirad siraribes da uperspeqtiobas grznobas ganapirobebs aseve iwvevs mtel rig fsiqologiur problemebs. usaxsroba zrudavs TanatolebTan urtiertobas. usaxsroba iwvevs Caketilobas biwebsi, megobrebtanac ar undat urtiertoba. usaxsrobis gamo axalgazrdoba ver axerxebs mravali motxovnilebis, TviT sasicocxlo sawiroebebis dakmayofilebasac ki. axalgazrdas dres, rogorc moxucs swirdeba pensia rom ikvebos, imitom rom imas samsaxurs aravin azlevs. axalgazrdas romelic umuse

15 varia, ufro Wirdeba me mgoni kveba da ufro metic kidev vidre im moxucs. im moxucisgan gansxavebit Zalian bevri rame swirdeba axalgazrdas. (interviu Teimuraz wiklaurtan) interviuebsi politikuri partiebis warmomadgenlebma aseve arnisnes umusevrobis uaryofiti zegavlena qveynis demografiul mdgomareobaze (interviu levan jafarizestan). axalgazrdebi ver qmnian ojaxs usaxsrobis gamo. umusevroba aseve iwvevs migracias da Sesabamisad aisaxeba demografiaze. dausaqmeblobis askara Sedegia migracia. jgufis wevrebi miutiteben, rom ekonomiurad SezRuduli SesaZleblobebis mqone ojaxis axalgazrdebi ucxoetsi, samegrelodan TurqeTSi, xolo javaxetidan sasomxetsa da rusetsi midian samusaod. ganatleba yvela garbis radgan arc samusaoa da arc gartoba. ganatleba yvela jgufis wevrs awuxebs. am problemas, dasaqmebis msgavsad mravali waxnagi aqvs. miutiteben upirveles yovlisa axalgazrdebis uwignurobaze, gana- Tlebis dabal doneze. dres axalgazrdobam dominos TamaSi ufro icis, vidre kitxva. ganatlebis dabali donis mizezad asaxeleben zogadad ganatlebis reformis xarvezebs, sasualo skolisa da umarles dawesebulebis umravlesobasi swavlebis dabal xarisxs, aseve ganatlebis xelmiuwvdomlobas gapirobebulis ekonomikuri mizezebit. diskusiis monawileebi arnisnavdnen skolasi maswavlebelta dabal dones da matsi xarisxianad swavlebis motivaciis simcires, aseve skolebis, gansakutrebit ki soflis skolebis cud arwurvilobas. usaxsrobis gamo bevri bavsvi skolasic ki ver dadis

16 umarlesi ganatlebis problemad miacniat marali donis umarles saswavleblebis simcire. saqartvelosi cotaa iseti umarlesi saswavlebeli, sadac SeiZleba xarisxiani ganatlebis mireba. xarisxze aranaklebi problemaa ganatlebastan dakavsirebuli xarjebis sidide. xarjebis sawiroebac gana- Tlebis yvela doneze icens Tavs. imis gamo, rom skola ar izleva sakmaris ganatlebas, ojaxis ekonomikuri mdgomareoba faqtiurad mtlianad gansazrvravs imas, SesZlebs Tu ara axalgazrda umarlesi ganatlebis mirebas. repetitori Tu ar gyavs erovnul gamocdebs ver Caabareb. mat, vinc mainc axerxebs erovnuli gamocdebis Cabarebas esawiroebat Tanxa swavlebis safasuris gadasaxadad. swavlebis safasuri Cvennairi qveynisatvis Zalian maralia. Zalze bevr ojaxs ar SeuZlia safasuris gadaxda da axalgazrdis motivaciis miuxedavad gaagrzelos swavla, igi amas ver axerxebs. swavlebis safasurs emateba cxovrebis xarjebi im SemTxvevaSi, rodesac axalgazrdas ojaxi ar cxovrobs im qalaqsi sadac umarles saswavlebelia. bevristvis aseve problemas warmoadgens yoveldriuri satransporto xarjebi. profesiuli saswavleblebis moswavleebma miutites, rom miuxedavad imisa, rom mattan swavlebis xangrzlioba erti da zogan ufro meti welia, isini sazogadoebriv transportze ar sargebloben studentta upiratesobit da 40 TeTrs ixdian. aseve ganatlebis xelissemslel pirobad danaxulia swavlis SesaZleblobebis Sesaxeb informaciis naklebad xelmisawvdomoba. gartoba gartobis SesaZleblobebis qona isetive kanonieri mo- Txovnilebaa, rogorc dasaqmebis an ganatlebis mirebis

17 umusevrobis pirobebsi is kidev ufro met datvirtvas izens Warbi Tavisufali drois arsebobis gamo. gartobis SesaZleblobebi dramatulad klebulobs dasaxlebis Tbilisidan dasorebastan ertad. bevr qalaqsi arc kinoteatri, arc Teatri da arc sportuli darbazia. stadionebi, rogorc wesi cud mdgomareobasia. ar aris axalgazrdobis TavSeyris an seirnobis adgilebi. mnisvnelovan problemad dasaxelda gartobis SesaZleblobebis Sesaxeb informaciis simcire da xelmiuwvdomloba. informacia im erteuli RonisZiebesa Tu SesaZleblobebze, romelic arsebobs umravlesobisatvis xelmiuwvdomelia. Tu sadme rame tardeba, Cven soflamde ver arwevs. ertaderti sadac SeiZleboda raimes gageba skola iyo, magram skolis damtavrebis Semdeg es SesaZleblobac gaqra. (saubari axalgazrdebtan samegrelosi) motivacia da mizandasaxuloba jgufebis bevrma monawilem arnisna, rom axalgazrdebs ar aqvt cxovrebis mizani, ar ician ra undat da Sesabamisad ar aqvt motivacia raime gaaketon. SesaZloa swored motivaciis simcire iyos yvelaze didi da sasisi problema, rac dres axalgazrdebis winase dgas, radgan nebismieri qmedebis wamowyebis aucilebel pirobas swored Sesabamisi motivaciis arseboba warmoadgens. axalgazrdebsi motivaciis naklebobaze da faseulobebis deficitze miutita interviusi aleqsandre silagazem. misi azrit ar xdeba samoqalaqo azrovnebis Camoyalibeba axalgazrdebsi. soflad mcxovrebi axalgazrdobis specifiuri problemebi sofelsi problemebi kidev ufro metia, vidre qalaqsi. metia izolacia da naklebia aqtiurad cxovrebis motivacia. sofelsi axalgazrdoba ert sivrcesia Caketilia, ar aqvs arc interesi da arc motivacia

18 bevri ver sargeblobs internetit, rac kidev ufro zrdis informaciul vakuumsa da izolacias. erovnuli umciresobebit kompaqturad dasaxlebul adgilebis axalgazrdobis specifiuri problemebi erovnul umciresobebit kompaqturad dasaxlebul adgilebsi qartulenovan mosaxleobastan integracia problemas warmoadgens, ris ertert ZiriTad mizezad qartuli enis ar codnas asaxeleben. mcirea qartvel TanatolebTan urtiertobis SesaZleblobebi. enis ar codna kidev ufro amcirebs samusaos Sovnis SesaZleblobas da xels uwyobs migracias. gogonebtan am problemebs emateba adre uli gatxoveba. CvenTan wlis gogonebs ukve atxoveben. magram ase yofnas, isev gatxoveba jobia, sxva ra unda aketo aq? anketis kitxvaze daesaxelebinat axalgazrduli problemebis dazlevis sasualebebi organizaciebis warmomadgenlebma ZiriTadad miutites ganatlebis donis da misi xelmisawvdomobis gazrdisa da axalgazrdebtan mimartebasi saxelmwifo politikis Camoyalibebis aucileblobaze. nax.2 axalgazrdobis problemebis mogvarebis gzebi wyaro: anketis monacemebi (N=55)

19 5.axalgazrdobis monawileobis done da saxeebi fokus jgufis ganxilvis monawileebma arnisnes is aqti obebi, romlebsic isini irebdnen an ireben monawileobas. es upirveles yovlisa aris sxvadasxva wreebi, Ziri- Tadad cekvis, simreris, gogonebtan qsovisa da qargvis, xolo biwebtan sportuli aqtiobebi. bevrma miutita, rom skolasi swavlis periodsi monawileobda garemos dasuftavebasi, dadioda Zeglebze eqskursiebze. umarlesi saswavleblis studentebma miu- TiTes, rom monawileobdnen Zeglebis ardgenasi da eklesiis mseneblobasi. ramodenime axalgazrdas qonda darguli xe patriarqis mowodebis sapasuxod. ramodenime iyo politikuri partiis wevri. samma monawilem arnisna, rom iyo arasamtavrobo organizacia `bilikis~ moxalise. bevri monawileobda studentur TviTmarTvelobaSi, rac garkveulwilad gapirobebuli iyo fokus jgufebis monawileta SerCevis taqtikit. magram zemotcamotvlili ar aris sakmarisi. sociologiuri gamokitxvebi, rogorc zemot avrnisnet sazogadoebrivi aqtiobisadmi da politikisadmi indiferentuli damokidebulebaze miutiteben. saqartvelos axalgazrdobis kvlevis erovnuli angarisis mixedvit (2009) saqar- Tvelos masstabit axalgazrdobis 79 procentma ganacxada rom ar irebs monawileobas sazogadoebriv aqtiobebsi. bolo wlebsi Catarebul arcevnebsi monawileoba mxolod 54 procentma miiro, xolo 88 procentma ganacxada, rom ar irebs monawileobas politikur aqtiobebsi. idev ufro SemaSfoTebelia is, rom gamokitxulta 44 procenti ar iziarebs demokratiis ZiriTd Rirebulebas, mas aucileblad ar miacnia sakutari mosazrebis Tavisuflad gamoxatva. monawileobis simcireze miutita anketuri gamoki- Txvis monawileta umravlesobam (63.6 procenti)

20 jgufuri ganxilvebis monawileta umravlesobam aseve aradamakmayofileblad Seafasa CarTulobis done. gamonaklis warmoadgenden studmozraobis zogierti liderebi da nacionaluri mozraobis axalgazrduli organizaciis warmomadgenlebi. amdenad axalgazrdobis aqtiobis Sefaseba mnisvnelovnad armocnda damokidebuli pirad gamocdilebaze. amastan aqtiuri axalgazrdebi sxvebis aqtiobis gamoxatulebad miicneven monawileobas studkavsiris saqmianobasi. axalgazrdebi aqtiurad ireben monawilobas studkavsiris RonisZiebebSi, arian iniciativiani, mowesrigebulni da sicocxlis moyvarulni (studentta TviTmmarTvelobis jgufis mamakaci monawile). monawileoba ertmnisvnelovnad dadebitad ar aris arqmuli. zogierti ar iwonebs axalgazrdobis politikasi aqtiur CarTvas. axalgazrdobam Tavis saqme unda aketos da ar aris mizansewonili mitingebze siaruli Tu politikuri partiebis davalebebis Sesruleba (kerzo umarlesi saswavleblis studenti gogona). fokus jgufebsi arinisna qalaqsa da regionebsi Soris arsebul axalgazrdobis aqtiobis gansxvavebuli donis arseboba. diskusis monawileta umravlesobam arnisna regionebtan SedarebiT axalgazrdobis aqtiobis ufro marali done dedaqalaqsi, Tumca sawinaarmdego azri iqna gamotqmuli ert-ert interviusi. mere TbilisSi piriqit wamovida, rom xalxs araraferi arar ainteresebs, principsi exla zustad es periodi gvaqvs, naklebad modis xalxi moxaliseebad. regionebsi piriqit, gaaqtiurda axalgazrdoba. ar vici ras davabralo, ra xdeba ar vici, exla zustad periodi gvaqvs, rom regionebsi ufro kargi axalgazrdebi modian, (interviu giorgi cimintiastan)

21 nax.3 axalgazrdobis monawileobis simciris mizezebi wyaro: anketis monacemebi (N=55) 6.monawileobis pirobebi kvlevis Sedegebis mixedvit axalgazrdobis monawileobis simciris ZiriTad faqtors motivaciis nakleboba warmoadgens. motivacia rtuli konstruqtia da igi pirobata mteli rigis gamertianebel cnebad SeiZleba iqnes ganxiluli. sazogadad cnobilia, rom CarTulobis, gansakutrebit politikur cxovrebasi CarTulobis pirobebs warmoadgens monawileobis survili da mistvis drois qona, monawileobis xelsemwyobi garemos arseboba, da miwveva monawileobisatvis. 6.1.survili da dro monawileobis survili da mistvis dro axalgazrdobas sakmarisze meti aqvs. Tumca mravali monawile monawileobis naklebobis ZiriTad mizezad motivaciis ar qonas asaxelebs. rasakvirvelia, survili motivaciis mxolod ert komponents warmoadgens da mis naklebobasi survilis qona ar qonis garda sxva mizezebic unda veziot. moxaliseoba adreul asaksi. cnobilia, rom survils da faqtiur monawileobas mnisvnelovanwilad gansazrvravs adreuli asakis gamocdileba. mnisvneloba ar aqvs es adreuli monawileoba aris savaldebulo (mag. skolis motxovna), Tu nebayoflobiti, formaluri Tu ara formaluri. mravali monawile, gansakutrebit regionebsi siamov

22 nebit ixsenebda skolasi swavlis dros sxvadasxva aqciebsi monawileobis gamocdilebas. axalcixesi milsadenis gayvanastan dakavsirebit `britis petroliumi~ afinansebda ekologiur programebs. monawileebi ixsenebdnen nakrzal- Si musaobas, teritoriebis dasauftavebas da sxva aqtiobebs. aseve skolebi axorcielebdnen eqskursiebs Zeglebze, eklesiebis dasuftavebasa da ardgenit samusaoebs. inertuloba monawilebma arnisnes axalgazrdebis inertuloba, motivaciis simcire. axalgazrdoba ar aris mondomebuli. ar unda ijde da ar unda elodo rodis dagizaxeben, TviTonac unda moifiqro rame da dagegmo. amistvis drevandeli axalgazrdoba ar aris mzad (jgufis monawile qali TelavSi). pasiurobis mizezad asaxeleben: qveyanasi da mat regionebsi arsebul mdgomareobas. axalgazrdoba moqceulia banaluri ertferovnebis burussi, araferia saintereso da arafers ar aketeben. amitomac, verafersi CaerTvebi (jgufis monawile qali batumsi). regionsi Zalian isviatad xorcieldeba raime sazogadoebistvis sasargeblo proeqti da Tu rame ketdeba SeiZlieba mxolod `virac~ 20 axalgazrda iyos CarTuli da sxvistvis iq ukve adgili arar aris (goris jgufis monawile). omis Semdeg axalgazrdobasi saertod gaqra raimes ketebis survili. unda arinisnos, rom am sasinelebis Semdeg axalgazrdobas mxarsi aravin ar amodgomia da matze aravis ufiqria (devnilta jgufis wevri gogona). drois arasworad gamoyenebas da drois simcires

23 studentebs dro ar rcebat, radgan paralelurad maralanazraurebad samusaos ezeben, rata moaxerxon swavlis safasuris dafarva. (mamakaci Telavis jgufsi). axalgazrdebi dros swored ver gegmaven. SeiZleba 2 saati gavides da arferi gaaketo, arada es Zalian cudia (profesiuli saswavleblis studenti gogona). ekonomiur mdgomarebas bevr monawiles siduxwire seriozul damabrkolebel pirobad miacnia. adamiani, rodesac TviTon gawirvebulia, arafris ketebis survili arar aqvs, sul imaze fiqrobs, rom sawmlis fuli isovnos (mamkaci devnili axalgazrdebis jgufidan). roca cota gaqvs fuli da problemebi gaqvs, Znelia. gartobaze ifiqro da ramesi CaerTo (studentta TviTmmarTvelobis jgufis monawile gogona). yvelaferi TanxebTan aris dakavsirebuli, ratom ar davdivart sportze, ratom ar davdivart cekvaze, imitom, rom magis saxsrebi ar aris, imitom rom Zalze mcire xelfasi aqvs dedas, mamas, romelic yofnit marto gamosakvebad, an cota Casacmelad, sportistvis iq ukve saxsrebi ar rcebat (profesiuli saswavleblis gogona). bavsvebze Zalian moqmedebs ojaxsi arsebuli mdgomareoba. me magalitad vici erti ojaxi, mas mere rac ojaxma Tavisi materialuri mdgomareoba gaiumjobesa _ bavsvebs ver icnobt, sul ga

24 moicvalnen, yvelaferi ainteresebt, yvlafersi ireben monawiloebas (mamakaci Telavis jgufsi). ganatlebis dones monawileebma arnisnes, rom gaunatlebloba xels uslis axalgazrdebs CaerTon sazogadoebriv cxovrebasi. is rom umetesoba arafersi ar irebs monawileobas, gamowveulia imit, rom mat ubralod rcxveniat warsdgenen isetebad, rogorebic arian. bevrma wesierad metyvelebac ar icis, araferi ar ician da sasinel CarCoebSi arian Caketilebi, CarCoebSi da dogmebsi da amas tradiciebs arqmeven (Telavis jgufis mamakaci monawile). kompiuters axalgazrdebis damokidebuleba kompiuteris mimart aracalsaxaa. yvela miutitebs mis mnisvnelobaze, magram aseve arnisnaven, rom kompiuteri iwvevs pasiurobas. exla TiTqmis arc erti axalgazrda arafrit ar aris dakavebuli, kompiuters uzian (profesiuli saswavlebli studenti gogona). imis magivrad, rom wavidnen da TviTon daukran, kompiutersi usmenen musikas, gazarmacebulia Taoba (profesiuli saswavlebli studenti biwi). Tu Sen 4-5 saatamde kompiutertan ijdebi, meore dristvis ararafristvis arar ivargeb da elementarulad Semdeg Ramis cxovrebis wesi iqceva Seni cxovrebis wesad (profesiuli saswavlebli studenti biwi)

25 6.2.garemo yvelaze TvalSisacem problemas monawileobis pirobebis nakleboba warmoadgens. ar aris adgili, sadac SeiZleba axalgazrdoba Seikribos, ar aris urtiertobis an jgufuri saqmianobis konteqsti. ar arsebobs adgilebi, sadac axalgazrebi SeiZleba wavidnen, Sexvdnen ertmanets, gacvalon azrebi da sxva (marneulis jgufis monawile mamakaci). axalgazrdebi ucivian ufaso wreebis ar arsebobas. interesebis dakmayofileba finansebtan aris dakavsirebuli, risi sasualebac umravlesobas ar aqvs. 6.3.miwveva monawileobaze monawileobis ertert pirobas monawileobaze mopati- Jeba anu saqmesi CarTvis winadadebis mireba warmoadgens, rac Tavismxriv, rogorc informaciis xelmisawvdomaze, aseve liderta efeqtur saqmianobazea damokidebuli. informaciis xelmisawvdomoba informaciis nakleboba mnisvnelovan xelissemslel pirobas warmoadgens. jgufis wevrebi miutitebdnen informaciis naklebobaze im isviat SesaZleblobebis Taobaze, romeltac SeeZloT mati mati monawileobas Tu dasaqmebas gapirobeba. saubari aseve Seexo studenturi mozraobebis mikerzoebas. bevrma monawilem arnisna, rom studenturi TviTmmarTveloba flobs garkveul informacias, magram isini am informacias an ar avrceleben Segnebulad, rom TviTon iyvenen mxolod CarTulebi an mxolod TavianT axloblebs awvdian am informacias da Sesabamisad, mat rtaven saqmianobasi

26 liderebis simcire araformaluri kavsirebi, piradi urtiertobebi gadamwyvet rols TamaSoben adamianebis sazogadoebisatvis sasargeblo saqmianobasi CarTvaSi. mobilizaciis iniciatorebad ki Cveulebriv formaluri Tu araformulari liderebi gvevlinebian. gansakutrebul yuradrebis Rirsia potenciur liderta identifikacia, mati liderebad Camoyalibeba da mxardawera. mravali axalgazrda Tavis pasiurobas imit xsnis, rom mat aravin ar ezaxis. damizaxon da mival-iyo bevris pasuxi kitxvaze, Tu ratom ar aris CarTuli sazogadoebriv cxovrebasi. aris liderebis simcire, romlebsac ZaluZT moaxdinon moxaliseta mobilizacia nebayoflobiti saqmianobs gansaxorcieleblad. problemas aseve warmoadgens liderebis mier monawileobis arsis swori gageba. studmozraobis liderebis saubarsi gamoikveta ufro paternalisturi, vidre monawileobiti damokidebuleba studmozraobis rigit wevrebis mimart, rac aisaxa iset gancxadebebsi, rogoricaa mag. ambobdnen diskoteka gvindao, Cven gavuketet, magram ar movidnen da isev davxuret (axalcixis jgufis monawile gogona) mowveva monawileobaze monawileni miutiteben, rom Tavs ugulvelyofilad grznoben. Cveni aqtiuroba aravis ar swirdeba da aba sad unda viaqtiurot, ra unda gavaketot? (devnili axalgazrdebis mamakaci jgufis wevri). siamovnebit mivirebdit monawileobas, magram araferi gagvigia, CvenTvis aravis ar moumartavs (devnili axalgazrdebis mamakaci jgufis wevri)

27 7.monawileobis gazrdis gzebi axalgazrdebi ufro mets da ufro Tavdajerebulad saubrobdnen monawileobis xelissemslel pirobebze, vidre CarTulobis gazrdis gzebze. miuxedavad amisa, mat mier monawileobis gazrdis mteli rigi sagulisxmo sasualebebi iqna dasaxelebuli. ganatleba axalgazrdebi ganatlebis mirebas miicneven monawileobis gazrdis mnisvnelovan pirobad, miutiteben ra skolasi ganatlebis donis amarlebis aucileblobaze, sxvadasxva TreningebSi da kursebze monawileobaze, aseve diskusiebis mowyobis aucileblobaze. axalgazrdobam ganatleba unda miiros da wigni unda Seiyvaros. (kerzo umarlesis studentebis jgufis mamakaci wevri). ganatlebis mirebasa da monawileobis swavlebasi gadamwyveti roli skolas eniweba. monawileta azrit, swored skolasi unda moxdes CarTvis Cvevebis Camoyalibeba da sasargeblo saqmis ketebis Rirebulebis damkvidreba. mati azrit ki es moitxovs swor saskolo politikas, maswavleeblta socialuri pirobebis gaumjobesebas da skolis materialuri bazis gazlierebas. informaciis xelmisawvdomoba monawileobis aucilebel pirobad monawileobis Sesa- Zleblobebis Sesaxeb informaciis qona warmoadgens. aucilebelia informaciis gavrceleba _ gancxadebebis gamokvra, auditoriebsi Camovla da informaciis miwodeba, proeqtebis Sesaxeb prezentaciebis mowyoba did auditoriebsi. (kerzo umarlesi saswavleblebis mamakaci monawile) informaciis gavrcelebisatvis kompiuteris farte gamoyeneba da ideebis Sekreba da am saxit warmodgenaa

28 micneuli. specialuri saitis Seqmna, sadac gantavsdeba informacia sxvadasxva saqmianobisa Tu aqciebis Sesaxeb (kerzo umarlesi saswavleblebis mamakaci monawile). sawiroa universitetebsi Seiqmnas jgufi, romelic daamusavebs ideebs, dawers proeqtebs da sxvebsac aqtiurad CarTavs am processi (kerzo umarlesi saswavleblebis qali monawile). monawileobis stimulireba da propaganda axalgazrdebi saubrobdnen monawileobis stimulirebis aucileblobaze, Tumca xsirad konkretulad ver asaxelebdnen, Tu ra formit unda moxdes stimulireba. sadao gaxda monawileobis materialuri ganmtkicebit gazrdis efeqturoba, zogi mas efeqturad miicnevda, zogi ki miureblad. gamoitqva azri monawileobis waxalisebis sistemis Seqmnis aucileblobaze. moxaliseobis ganviterebas xeli saxelmwifom unda Seuwyos. sasargeblo saqmis moxalised keteba jerjerobit ar aris kargad ganvitarebuli da axalgazrdobasi amis ketebis survilis Seqmnaa sawiro. TandaTan amas miecvevian da sxvistvis kargi saqmis ketebis survilic gaucndebat (kerzo umarlesi saswavleblebis mamakaci monawile). ert-ert sasualebad aseve miiceneven moxaliseobis sanacvlad gacdenili saatebis sapatiod CaTvlas, an pirad saqmesi moxaliseobis Taobaze Canaweris gaketebas. monawileta azrit moxaliseobas aucileblad swirdeba propaganda. sawiroa regularuli satelevizio gadacemebis, diskusiebis mowyoba

29 xelisuflebis gaaqtiureba monawileni miutitebdnen saxelmwifo politikis Camoyalibebis aucileblobas axalgazrdul sakitxebtan mimartebasi. aseve adgilobrivi xelisuflebis gaaqtiurebis aucileblobas. yvelaze efeqturi iqneboda gamgeobis Car Tva sxvadasxva RonisZiebebis organizaciasi. magram is saertod ar icens yuradrebasa da interess axlagazrduli sakitxebis mimart. (marneulis jgufis mamakaci monawile) politikuri partiebis axalgazrduli organizaciis warmomadgenlebma arnisnes xelisuflebis mxridan yuradrebis nakleboba. isini miutitebdnen axalgazrdobis Sesaxeb kanonis mirebis aucileblobaze. dres ukve prezidentidan dawyebuli, ministrebit damtavrebuli, yvela axalgazrdaa da vfiqrob, rom es rarac doneze kargia, magram rodesac es adamianebi Tanamdebobebze xvdebian, asakit ki axalgazrdebi arian, magram axalgazrdobis problemebi mat TiTqos aviwydebat (interviu levan jafarizestan). dadebiti magalitebi bevri saubrobda garemos mnisvnelobaze da dadebiti magalitebis popularizaciis aucileblobaze. Cemi azrit bevri aris damokidebuli im garemoze, ra garemosic cxovrobs adamiani, gansakutrebit gogoebis SemTxvevaSi. rodesac ojaxi dainaxavs, rom mezoblebis bavsvebic dadian aset organizaciebsi, isinic ar iqnebian winaarmdegi, rom matma Svilebmac iq iaron (marneulis jgufis qali monawile). Tu axalgazrda garsemortymulia mxolod pa

30 siuri axlagazrdebit, masac ar eqneba aqtriurobis survili da roca dainaxavs, rom misi tolebi, raracas aketeben, mat raracas mia Rwies, masac gaucndeba aqtiurobis survili (marneulis jgufis kaci monawile). sportuli RonisZiebebi unda tardebodes da axalagazrdebi miizidon, rom monawileoba miiron (marneulis jgufis kaci monawile). 8.axalgazrdobis monawileobis organizebis saxeebi monawileobis ert-ert pirobas monawileobis sa- Sualebebis, Sesatyvisi garemos arseboba warmoadgens. amgvari garemos Seqmnas da monawileobis stimulirebas upirveles yovlisa sxvadasxva organizaciebi: saxelmwifo struqturebi, arasamtavrobo organizaciebi, profesiuli kavsirebi, mozraobebi, eklesia da saertasoriso organizaciebi ganapirobeben. anketa, romelic exeboda organizaciis miznebs, ZiriTad saqmianobas da saqmianobis saxeebs, rogorc zemot avrnisnet mxolod 55 organizaciam Seavso. aqedan umravlesoba (75.0 procenti) TbilisSi funqcionirebs. gamokitxulta Soris 44 arasamtavrobo, 2 saxelmwifo organizacia, 3 studenturi TviTmmarTveloba, 2 partiis axalgazrduli frta da 4 saertasoriso organizaciis filialia. organizaciata samizne jgufebs ZiriTadad Seadgenen zogadad axalgazrdebi, studentebi da moswavleebi

31 nax. 4 samizne jgufebi wyaro: anketis monacemebi (N=118. respondentebi ramodenime samizne jgufs asaxelebdnen) gamokitxul organizaciebs SeeZloT daesaxelebinat 3 ZiriTadi mizani. miznebis yvelaze did nawils demokratiuli procesebis xelsewyoba warmoadgens (34.1 procenti). aseve bevri organizacia musaobs ganatlebis sferosi, adamianis uflebebis dacvaze da saqartvelos evrostruqturebsi integraciaze. cxrili 1 organizaciebis miznebi # mizani % N=135 demokratiis ganvitareba 1 demokratiis mxardawera samoqalaqo sazogadoebis Camoyalibeba monawileobis gazrda arcevnebis demokratiulad Catarebis xelsewyoba kanonis uzenaesobis damkvidreba tolerantobis gazrda moxaliseobis popularizacia 2.2 sxva

32 8 ganatleba adamianis uflebebis dacva evropul struqturebsi integraciis xelsewyoba ekologiuri problemebis mogvarebaze zrunva axalgazrduli organizaciebis ganvitareba Tavisufali drois, sportuli da kulturuli 3.8 RonisZiebebis organizacia 14 umciresobebis, SSmp-ebis integracia, profesiuli 3.8 integracia 15 konfliqtebis msvidobiani mogvareba dasaqmeba adamianuri resursebis Camoyalibeba da TviT-realizaciis 2.2 xelsewyoba 18 mdgradi ganvitarebis damkvidreba da cxovrebis 2.2 donis gaumjobeseba 19 axalgazrduli programebis SemuSaveba, seminarebisa 2.2 da konferenciebis mowyoba 20 devnilebis problemebi axalgazrduli politikis Camoyalibeba sauniversiteto procesebis monitoringi biznesgaremos gaumjobeseba axalgazrdobis damoukidebeli cxovrebistvis 0.7 momzadeba 25 partiis kursis mxardawera informaciis miwodeba saqartvelosi mimdinare 0.7 politikur procesebze 27 turizmis ganvitareba mediis mxardawera 0.7 sul 100 wyaro: anketis monacemebi anketirebis Tanaxmad axalgazrduli organizaciebis ZiriTad problemas dafinanseba warmoadgens. finansebis simcireze miutita gamokitxulta 45.3 procentma procentma arnisna kvalificirebuli kadrebis nakleboba

33 nax. 5 axalgazrduli organizaciebis ZiriTadi problemebi wyaro: anketis monacemebi (N=64. respondentebs SeeZloT daesaxelebinat samamde problema). arsebuli problemebis mogvarebis agentebad dasaxelebulia sakutriv organizaciebi, saxelmwifo, donorebi da sazogadoeba. cxrili 2 organizaciis problemebis mogvarebis agentebi # agenti % N=60 axalgazrduli organizaciebi 1 dafinansebis mopoveba musaobis gaaqtiureba kvalifikaciis amarleba menejmentis gaumjobeseba kontaqtebis gafartoeba axali wevrebis mozidva ekologiuri problemebis popularizacia sazogadoebasi qvelmoqmedebis Rirebulebis Camoyalibeba 1,6 saxelmwifo 9 dafiansebis gazrda zrunva samoqalaqo seqtoris ganvitarebaze axalgazrdobis Sesaxeb kanonis mireba moxaliseobis mxardawera efeqturi saganmanatleblo politikis gatareba efeqturi ekonomikuri politikis gatareba

34 15 biznesis saxelmwifo wnexisagan gantavisufleba qvelmoqmedebaze SeRavaTebis daweseba 1.6 donorebi 17 dafinansebis strategiis Secvla 6.3 sul wyaro: anketis monacemebi rogorc zemot avrnisnet axalgazrdobios organizebas sxvadasxva struqturebi emsaxureba. asetebia: saxelmwifo organizaciebi, politikuri partiebi, profesiuli kavsirebi, saertasoriso organizaciebi da fondebi, studenturi TviTmmarTveloba, eklesia, satemo da arasamtavrobo organizaciebi. 8.1.saxelmwifo struqturebi 2004 wels xelisuflebis cvlileba axalgazrdobis aqtiuri monawileobit moxda. qveyanas satavesi Caudga axalgazrda Taoba. saqartvelos drevandel mtavrobasi yvelaze axalgazrda ministri 29, xolo yvelaze ufrosi 52 wlisaa. ministrta asakis mediana 35 wels udris. ramodenime saxelmwifo struqtura mizanmimartulad axalgazrdobis sakitxebze musaobs. saqartvelos parlamenti saqartvelos parlamentsi arsebobs sportisa da axalgazrdul saqmeta komiteti. saqartvlos sportisa da axalgazrdobis saqmeta saministro miuxedavad imisa, rom samusaoze mirebis ertert mtavar kriteriumad axalgazrduli asaki iqca, axalgazrdobis problemebi, mati monawileoba sazogadoebriv cxovrebasi kvlav mwvave problemad rceba da amis erterti ZiriTadi mizezi axalgazrdobastan mimartebasi saxelmwifo politikis ar arseboba warmoadgens. acnobie rebs

35 ra axalgazrdobis mnisvnelobas da masze mimartuli politikis sawiroebas, 2010 wlis 1 ivlisidan calke iqna gamoyofili sportisa da axalgazrdobis saqmeta saministro. saministro aqtiurad Seudga axalgazrduli politikis gansazrvras uaxloesi 5 wlisatvis da misi Sesatyvisi samoqmedo gegmis SemuSavebas. saxelmwifo politikis dokumentis proeqtis monaxazis mixedvit igegmeba sakoordinacio sabwos Seqmna, romelsic Sevlen sxvadasxva, mag, janmrtelobis, ganatlebis, probaciis ministris moadgileebi, arasamtavrobo seqtoris warmomadgenlebi. saminstro gegmavs wliur angarisgebas sazogadoebastan wliuri moxsenebis warmodgenis saxit. saministro axalgazrduli politikis gatarebas varaudobs axalgazrdobis erovnuli centris (mis mtavar amocanas programebis SemuSaveba warmoadgens), bavsvta da axalgazrdobis fondisa (misi mtavari amocana grantebis gacemaa) da varcixis banakis bazaze Seqmnili saganmana- Tleblo centris (sadac moxdeba axalgazrdobis SesaZleblobebis gazrda saganmanatleblo programebit) mesveobit. saministros kompetenciasi darceba patriotta banakebis organizeba. yoveli regionis gamgeobasi iqneba axalgazrdul saqmeebze pasuxismgebeli piri. regionebsi axalgazrduli saqmeebis koordinacias ganaxorcielebs saminisitros regionaluri departamenti. saministrosi ukve Seqmnilia sainformacio baza. politikis prioritetul mimartulebas warmoadgens saqartevelos bavsvta da axalgazrdul organizaciata Sesaxeb kanonis mixedvit gansazrvruli iseti organizaciebis mxardawera, romelta 2/3 axalgazrdebi warmoadgenen. politikis strategiul dokumentis monaxazsi arnisnulia, rom strategiis mizans warmoadgens axalgazrdebsi samoqalaqo cnobierebisa, sxvebze zrunvis ganvitarebis xelsewyoba da TviT-realizaciis sasualebebis Seqmna (interviu aleqsandre silagazesa da irakli megrelisviltan)

36 meriebi da TviTmmarTvelobebi meriebtan funqcionirebs axalgazrdobis saqmeta ganyofilebebi. Tbilisis meriis axalgazrdobis ganyofilebis Ziri- Tad mizans warmoadgens axalgazrduli politikis Camoyalibeba da axalgazrdebisa da mati orgnaizaciebis xel- Sewyoba. mat samizne jgufs zogadad axalgazrdobastan ertad socialurad daucveli axalgazrdebi warmoadgenen. meriis saqmianoba mravalferovania. igi dakavebulia, rogorc axalgazrduli organizaciebis koordinaciit, aseve informaciis gavrcelebit da Tavisufali drois organizaciit. meriastan funqcionirebs axalgazrdobis sportsi CarTvis programa. am miznit 250 mrwvtnelia gamoyofili. aseve 20 laria gamoyofili 18 wlamde siraribis zrvars mirma myofi axalgazrdobis moswavleaxalgazrdobis raionul saxlebtan arsebul wreebsi monawileobisatvis (interviu maguli SavaSvilTan). qutaissi aqtiuria meriis axalgzardobis saqmeta saqalaqo samsaxuri, romelic axorcielebs programebs ramodenime mimartulebit-axalgzardobis sulieri procesebis ganvitarebis uzrunvelyofa, sportsa da turizmsi CarTvis programa da jansari cxovreba, patriotuli suliskveebis amarleba, Tavisufali drois organizeba, niwieri axalgzardebis xelsewyoba. asocialuri tenedenciebisadmi midrekili axalgzardobis qceis prevenciis programa fsiqologebis daxmarebit xorcieldeba 4 sajaro skolasi. 8.2.partiebis axalgazrduli ganyofilebebi ZiriTad politikur partiebs aqvt axalgazrduli frtebi. wevrebis asaki ar aris mkacrad gansazrvruli da aseve cvalebadobs partiebs Soris. qveda zrvari ufro mkafiod aris gansazrvruli da 16, ufro xsirad ki 18 welia (interviu levan jafarizestan da girsel bartaias- Tan), Tumca miutiteben, rom Tu ufro mcire asakis wevrma moisurva aqtioba mas uars ar etyvian (interviu Teimuraz

37 wiklaurtan). zeda zrvari zogan 24 welia (mag. nacmozraoba), zogan 25 weli (forumi), zogan 28 (leiboristuli partia), zogan ki 30 an meti weli (qristian-demokratebi). im partiebs, visac aqvs warmomadgenloba regioneb- Si, aseve aqvt axalgazrduli ganyofilebebi. nacionalur mozraobas da forums axalgazrduli ganyofilebebi Tbilisis raionebsic aqvt. axalgazrdul organizaciebis wevrebis zusti raodenoba ar aris cnobili. partiebi axalgazrduli organizaciebis sxvadasxva miznebs asaxeleben. `nacionaluri mozraobis~ warmomadgenelma daasaxela axalgazrdobisatvis kargi pirobebis Seqmna. partia Tavis axalgazrda wevrebs exmareba problemebis mogvarebasi, imit rom uweven mat Suamdgomlobas saxlemwifo struqturebtan, aseve usveben dasasveneblad. `aliansi saqartvelostvis~ mizans warmoadgens politikuri kulturis gazrda. leiboristuli partiis axalgazrduli organizaciis miznebi mtlianad emtxveva partiis miznebs, rac mdgomareobs arsebuli problemebis gaxmovanebasa da miusafarebis daxmarebasi, qristiandemokratebisatvis ki axalgazrdebis uflebebis dacvaa prioritetuli. erovnuli forumis mizans axalgazrdebis ganvitareba da ganatleba warmoadgens. saqmianobis mxriv partiebs Soris mcire gansxvavebaa, ZiriTadi orientacia arebulia arcevnebze. axalgazrdebi aqtiurad arian Cabmuli saarcevno agitaciasi, akraven plakatebs, azusteben siebs, arigeben brosurebs. Tumca zogiert partiis, mag. `qristian-demokratebis~ axalgazrduli organizaciebis ramodenime wevri iyo majoritari kandidati ukanasknel adgilobrivi TviTmmarTvelobis arcevnebsi. gansxvavebit sxva partiebisgan, `nacionaluri mozraobis~, rogorc mmartveli partiis wevrebi Cabmuli arian yvela saxelmwifo programis ganxorcieleba- Si. `erovnuli forumi~ wevrebs stavazobs regularul diskusiebs axalgazrdebis mier SerCeul Temebze. partiam aseve ganaxorciela proeqti `ekonomikuri skola~, romelic 6 Tve grzeldeboda. aqtiurad moqmedebs jgufi, romelic musaobs qartul-afxazur konfliqtze. amerikis SeerTebuli Statebis saertasoriso ganvitarebis saagentos dafinansebit xorcieldeba proeqti, romlis

38 monawilenic swavloben diskusiis xelovnebas. partiata umravlesoba miutitebs, rom mis aqtiobebsi CarTuli arian is axalgazrdebic, romlebic mati partiis wevrebi ar arian. yvela partia ZiriTad problemad asaxelebs finansur sizneleebs, romlebic axalgazrdul organizaciebs ufro metad aqvt, vidre partiis ZiriTad nawils. grantebi vrceldeba mxolod seminarebsa da Treningebze, ise rom organizaciebs ar aqvt raime aqtiobis dafinansebis sasualeba. aseve, rogorc arnisna `aliansi saqartvelos- Tvis~ warmomadgenelma regionis axalgazrdebis partiul saqmianobasi CarTva ufro rtulia, vidre dedaqalaqis macxovreblis, radgan regionebsi ufro mzime pirobebia da axalgazrdoba dakavebulia soflis produqciis warmoebit da mati am saqmianobidan usasyidlod mowyveta Znelia. Tumca Cvens mier axalgazrdobastan warmoebul diskusiebsi es sakitxi ase ar gamoikveta. axalgazrdoba, gansakutrebit regionebsi miutitebda Tavisufali drois siwarbesa da usaqmurobaze. Wirs axalgazrdobis daintereseba partiis saqmianobit. problemad iqna dasaxelebuli aseve saswavlo dawesebulebasi, iq sadac axalgazrdebis yvelaze didi koncentraciaa, Sesvla da agitacia. Tumca aseve gamoitqva survili, rom ar moxdes saswavleblebis politizacia. partiebis mier problemad dasaxelda qveyanasi axalgazrdobis Sesaxeb kanonis ar arseboba da zogadad axalgazrdobisadmi politikis ar arseboba. Zalian cotam icis ra aris axalgazrduli politika, ratom aris is sawiro, da saertod rogoria axalgazrdebis roli. ra dozit unda iyos axalgazrdoba CarTuli qveyanasi mimdinare procesebsi. (interviu Salva kiknaveli ZesTan) axalgazrduli forumis warmomadgenelma aseve arnisna partiebis mxridan axalgazrdebisadmi yuradrebis araregularuli xasiati. politikuri partiebsi mtavari problema is

39 aris, rom axalgazrdebi axsendebat marto ar Cevnebze da saprotesto aqciebze, mtavrdeba arcevnebi, ikargeba es bavsvebi, Tavdeba mitingebi, zogi gaubedurebuli mere aravs ar axsovs (interviu Salva kiknavelizestan). 8.3.profesiuli kavsirebi saqartvelos profesiul kavsiris gaertianebas aqvs axalgazrduli frta, romelic gaertianebulia evropul da msoflio axalgazrdul profesiul kavsirebis struqturebsi. QprofkavSirebs aqvs regionaluri ganyofilebebi. mat mizans warmoadgens axalgazrdobis CarTva profkavsiris saqmianobasi. profkavsirebi axalgazrdul asaks 14-dan 35 wlit gansazrvraven. axalgazrduli frtis wevrebi monawileobas ireben saprotesto aqciebsi, agroveben xelmowerebs sakanonmdeblo iniciativis Sesatanad. profkavsirebi ibrzvian axalgazrdobis problemebis mogvarebaze, studentebisa- Tvis transportis safasuris Taobaze, aseve universitetebsi xelmeored gamocdaze gasvlis gadasaxadis moxsnaze. profkavsirsi bevri axalgazrda stajirebas gadis iuridiul sakitxebze (interviu irakli petriasviltan). 8.4.saerTaSoriso organizaciebi da fondebi saqartvelosi moqmedi mteli rigi saertasoriso organizaciebi axorcieleben specialur proeqtebs axalgazrdebisatvis. msoflio banki mimdinare wels msoflio bankis samoqalaqo fondma, Ria sazogadoeba-saqartvelo da evraziis TanamSromlobis fondtan ertad daafinansa 10 axalgazrduli proeqti, romelta saerto biujeti 45,000 a.s.s. dolars Seadgens. fondi 1999 wels Seiqmna, bolo sami weli is

40 axalgazrdebzea fokusirebuli wlis konkursis ZiriTad Temas devnilta dasaqmeba warmoadgenda. msoflio bankis saqartvelos ofissi 2004 wlidan mimdinareobs proeqti axalgazrduli xmebi. es aris banktan moqmedi axalgazrduli sabwo, romlis wevri wlis axalgazrdebis konkursit SerCeva xdeba 5 wlit. sabwo monawileobas irebs samoqalaqo fondis konkursis gamarjvebulta gansazrvrasi, awyobs axalgazrdul RonisZiebebs (interviu inga paiwazestan). iunisefi iunisefis ZiriTad samizne jgufs bavsvebi warmoadgenen, Tumca igi aseve axorcielebs garkveul aqtiobebs axalgazrdobastan mimartebasic. axalgazrdobis ganatlebis sakitxebi asaxuli iqneba organizaciis wlis gegmasi. organizaciam 2009 wels ganaxorciela kvleva, romelic exeboda axalgazrdobis perspeqtivebs da Sexedulebebs ganatlebaze. kvlevis angarisi jer ar aris gamoqveynebuli. iunisfi musaobs 14-dan 18 wlamde probacionerebis resocializaciis sakitxebze. amastan dakavsirebit Segrovda informacia da iqmneba monacemta baza saqar- TveloSi arsebul resocializaciis resursebis, kerzod araformaluri ganatlebisa, profesiuli ganatlebis mi- Rebis SesaZleblobebze, rekreaciis sasualebebze, axalgazrdobastan momusave arasamtavrobo organizaciebze, cixesi Treningebis uzrunvelyofis SesaZleblobebze. iunisefi, saqartvelos parlamenttan da ganatlebisa da mecnierebis saministrostan ertad musaobs sportsa da fizikur arzrdasi erovnuli politikisa da strategiis Seqmnaze (interviu maia yufarazestan). evraziis TanamSromlobis fondi fondis axalgazrduli programa axorcielebs proeqts `axalgazrduli banki~. proeqtis mizania wlis axalgazrdebsi moxaliseobisa da samoqalaqo aqtiobis

41 Camoyalibeba da ganvitareba, axalgazrdebis socialuri, politikuri da ekonomikuri potencial;is realizaciis xelsewyoba. proeqtit dafinansebulia 8 organizacia svanetsi, kaxetsi, guriasi, qvemo qartlsa da samcxe-javaxetsi. proeqtis msvlelobasi misi monawileni swavloben finansebis martvas, Temis ganvitarebaze mimartuli mcire proeqtebis martvis mesveobit. Ria sazogadoeba _ saqartvelo fonds ar aqvs specialuri axalgazrduli programebi, Tumca fondis proeqtis beneficiarebi ufro xsirad axalgazrdebi arian. bolo wlebsi fondis mxardawerit ganxorcielda ramodenime axalgazrduli proeqti. esenia: wlebsi ganxorcielebuli axalgazrda devnilebis mxardaweris proeqti, 2009 wels ganxorcielebuli samoqalaqo integraciis sazafxulo banakebi axalgazrdebisatvis wels dafinansda axalgazrda devnilebis adaptaciisa da dasaqmebaze mimartuli ori proeqti. federacia gadaarcinet bavsvebi gadaarcinet bavsvebi saqartvelosi 1993 wlidan mu- Saobs. organizaciis samizne jgufebs warmoadgenen qucis bavsvebi, qalebi da devnilebi. proeqtebi janmrtelobaze, ganatlebaze, qalebisa da axalgazrdobis sawiroebebze aris fokusirebuli. organizaciis miznebsi mowyvladi mosaxleobis daxmarebis garda Sedis samoqalaqo sazogadoebis ganvitareba. hainrix biolis fondi saqartvelosi fondis ZiriTad miznebs samartliani da tolerantuli sazogadoebis Camoyalibeba, mdgradi ganvitarebis mxardawera da sajaro diskusiebis kulturis amarleba warmoadgens. mis samizne jgufebs samoqalaqo sazogadoeba, devnilebi, umciresobebis warmomadgenlebi da zogadad axalgazrdebi warmoadgenen. genderuli

42 programis farglebsi fondma 2010 wels Caatara axalgazrdebs Soris konkusi `genderi da sazogadoeba, romlis gamarjvebulebis eseebic iqna gamocemuli qartul da germanul enebze. veld vijen _ saqartvelo organizacia saqartvelosi musaobs ZiriTadad bavsvebze, Tumca aqvs axalgazrduli proeqtebic. asetia `axalgazrdobis samoqalaqo ganatlebisa da TemSi monawileobis~ proeqti, romelic ertdroulad mimdinareobs saqartvelosa da ruminetsi. misi mizania axalgazrdobisatvis demokratiuli sazogadoebis da samoqalaqo monawileobis principebis gacnoba. programa funqcionirebs sam qalaqsi _ TelavSi, batumsa da qutaissi. proeqtis monawileebi gadian Treningebs liderobis, debatebis warmartvis, samoqalaqo monawileobis, moxaliseobis da demokratiis mseneblobis sferoebsi. axalgazrdoba aseve CarTulia gacvlit programasi partnior organizacias- Tan ruminetsi. dagegmilia sami axalgazrduli centris amoqmedeba da axalgazrduli sabwoebis Seqmna (interviu nuci odisariastan). norvegiis ltolvilta sabwo (NRC) norvegiis ltolvilta sabwo partnior organizaciebtan ertad (`alternativa~ da ganatleba demokratiisatvis~) amjamad axorcielebs or proeqts mimartuls axalgazrdobaze. esenia: saxelobo swavleba da Tanatoli TanatolisaTvis. proeqtebi miznad isaxavs daexnmaros devnil axalgazrdobas TviT-realizaciaSi, adaptacia- Si da sabaziso ganatlebis mirebasi. saswavlo jgufebi ifunqcionireben Tbilisis, goris, axalcixis, samegrelos, imeretis da awaris profesiuli ganatlebis centrebsi. devnili da adgilobrivi axalgazrdobisatvis gaixsneba Svidi klubi saqartvelos sxvadasxav regionsi

43 a.s.s. saertasoriso ganvitarebis saagento (USAID ) USAID da PH International axorcielebs samwlian proeqts saxelwodebit: samoqalaqo ganatlebisa da pedagogta gadamzadebis programa (ACETT). proeqtis mizania axalgazrdebis aqtiuri CarTva demokratiul procesebsi da moqalaqeebis monawileobis gazrda Temis ganvitarebaze mimartul iniciativebsi. programa itvaliswinebs saskolo ganatlebis xarisxis gaumjobesebas da mirebuli codnis praqtikasi gamoyenebis swavlebas. germaniis teqnikuri TanamSromloba (GTZ) GTZ programis `kerzo seqtoris ganvitareba _ saqar- Tvelo~ ert-erti komponenti exeba Sromis bazarze orientirebuli profesiuli ganatlebis sistemis pirobebis gaumjobesebas. yuradreba gamaxvilebulia makro-doneze _ finansirebaze, ZiriTad momqmed pirta dialogsa da ganatlebis Sromis bazartan Sesatyvisobaze. axalgazrda devnilta profesiuli swavleba gorsi da zugdidsi ganxorcielda wlebis proeqtis pirvel etapze. 8.5.studenturi kavsirebi studenti axalgazrdobis organizebis ZiriTad forxalgazrdobis organizebis ZiriTad formas studentta TviTmmarTveloba warmoadgens. TviTmmarTvelobebi moqmedeben yvela umarles saswavlebelsi da aseve rig profesiul saswavlebleblebsa da skolebsi. isini xelmzrvaneloben ganatlebis Sesaxeb saqartvelos kanonis da konkretuli saswavlo dawesebulebis wesdebit. TviTmmarTvelobebis saqmianoba ZiriTadad mimartulia Tavisufali drois organizebaze, Tumca rigi universitetebis wesdebebsi studentta uflebebis dacvac aris arnisnuli. TviTmmarTvelobis dafinanseba universitetis biujetidan xdeba. zog SemTxvevaSi es aris erti wlistvis fiqsirebuli Tanxa, sxva SemTxvevebSi Semosavalis 1 pro

44 centidan 5 procentamde. patara universitetebsi ufro xsirad xdeba calkeuli RonisZiebebis dafinanseba administraciis Tanxmobis SemTxvevaSi. sawevro gadasaxadi arsad ar aris. TviTmmarTveloba arcevitia, ufro xsirad massi yvela fakultetis TiTo warmomadgeneli airceva, aseve arcevitia prezidenti. misi arceva zog dawesebulebasi xdeba pirdapiri wesit, zogan ki TviTmmarTvelobis wevrebis mier. TviTmmarTvelobis wevrebi CarTuli arian safakulteto da sauniversiteto samecniero sabwos musaobasi. isini fakultetis sabwos 1/3-s da universitetis akademiuri sabwos -1/4-s warmoadgenen da amgvarad floben mnisvnelovan zemoqmedebis berkets sauniversiteto gadawyvetilebebis mirebaze. rigi respondentebisa (interviu giorgi cimintiastan, jaba jiskariantan da Salva kiknavelizestan) miutiteben studenturi TviTmarTvelobis politizaciis, matze nacionaluri mozraobis did zegavlenaze da mati saqmianobis nakleb efeqturobaze. 8.6.eklesia eklesia ertert aqtiur maorganizebel Zalas warmoadgens. martlmadidebeli eklesiis mrevlis udides nawils axalgazrdoba warmoadgens. arsanisnavia, rom eklesiis aqtiobebsi xdeba TaobaTa Sexvedra da TanamSromloba. es aqtiobebi ki moicavs, rogorc saxelobo kursebs, aseve Zeglebze gasvlas da molocvebs. saqartvelos martlmadidebel eklesiastan arsebobs sxvadasxva saswavlebleblebi, mag. Tbilisis sasulieri akademia, seminaria da sarvtismetyvelo instituti, dekoratiuli mebareobisa da ekologiis instituti, mowyalebis debisa da socialuri medicinis instituti romlebic mowodebuli arian moamzadon saqartvelos eklesiistvis sawiro sasuliero, pedagogiuri da mecnieruli kadrebi. 4 wliani saswavlebeli gaxsnili aqvs katolikur eklesias valesi, sadac iswavleba ucxo enebi da religiatmcodneoba

45 8.7.saTemo organizaciebi gamokitxvam warmoacina satemo organizaciebis mnisvnelovani roli monawileobasi. strategiuli kvlevebisa da ganvitarebis centris mier ganxorcielebul proeqtsi Camoyalibebul iqna satemo organizaciebi, matma ertma nawilma gaiara registracia, rogorc kavsirma, didi nawili ar aris registrirebuli. proeqtma daafinansa kompiuteris da gasamravlebeli aparatis SeZena, internetis moxmarebis, telefonis, denisa da gatbobis gadasaxadebis dafarva. proeqti xelfas uxdis ert 18-dan 35 wlamde asakis koordinators. satemo organizaciebis mizania adgilobrivi problemebis identifikacia da mati mogvareba. msgavsi mizani aqvs javaxetis axalgazrdobis forumsac, romelic axalqalaqsi moqmedebs. aq axalgazrdebi sargebloben javaxetis samoqalaqo forumis fartit da sasualebebit. axalgazrdebi konkursis wesit SeirCevian da gadian Treningebs im unarebis SesaZened, rac aucilebeblia ofissi dasaqmebisatvis. metexis devnilta dasaxlebasi arsebuli centri arwurvilia internetis qselsi CarTuli kompiuterebit, aqve tardeba sxvadasxav wreebis mecadineoba. gorsi mdebare devnilta dasaxlebasi verxvebze moqmedebs bavsvta da axalgazrdobis ganvitarebis centri, sadac axalgazrdebs aswavlian proeqtebis weras. 8.8.arasamTavrobo oganizaciebi anketuri gamokitxvis mixedvit arasamtavrobo organizaciata Camoyalibeba 1993 wels daiwyo. musaobis 9-dan 17 wlamde gamocdileba aqvs gamikitxul organizaciata TiTqmis ert-mesameds wlebidan funqcionirebs organizaciata 35 procenti 1-dan 4 wlamde musaobis gamocdileba aqvs 32 procents. organizaciis xelmzrvanelebi umravles SemTxvevaSi (59.1 procenti) mamkacebi arian, Tumca wamyvan sam TanamSromelTa Soris ufro meti qali (56.0 procenti) iqna dasaxelebuli. arasamtavrobo organizacia- Ta TanamSromelTa raodenoba 2-dan 40-mdea, ufro xsirad ki xutia. organizaciata umravlesoba raime saxis saganmanatleblo aqtiobas eweva. aseve bevri organizacia aris da

46 kavebuli informaciis SegrovebiTa da gavrcelebit. nax.6 arasamtavrobo organizaciebis saqmianobis sferoebi wyaro: anketireba (N=44) samusao sferoebis Sesabamisad organizaciebis yvelaze metad gavrcelebul saqmianobas (90.7 procenti) Treningebisa da saswavlo kursebis, Semdeg ki kvleva da informaciis gavrceleba (76.7 procenti) warmoadgens. nax.7 arasamtavrobo organizaciebis saqmianobis saxeebi wyaro: anketireba (N=44)

47 gamokitxul organizaciata 86.4 procents wlebsi erti proeqti mainc qonda dafinansebuli. amjamad dafinanseba aqvs 78.0 procents. dafinansebis wyaros Ziri- Tadad ucxoetis fondebi (74.4 procenti), saelcoebi da saertasoriso organizaciei (62.8 procenti) Seadgenen. nax. 8 arasamtavrobo organizaciebis dafinansebis wyaroebi wyaro: anketireba (N=44) sxvadasxva profilis mqone arasamtavrobo organizaciebi musaoben axalgazrdobaze, mat Soris profesiuli ganvitarebis, saganmanatleblo, umciresobata da marginaluri jgufebis integraciaze mimartuli, uflebebis damcavi, ekologiuri organizaciebi da sainformacio da makoordinirebeli centrebi. garda amisa arseboben axalgazrduli organizaciebis gaertianebuli organoebi _ saqartvelos axalgazrdul organizaciata nacionaluri sabwo da axalgazrduli forumi. nacionaluri sabwo, romelic 1995 dafuznda amjamad 48 bavsvta da axalgazrdul organizacias aertianebs wlidan is evropis axalgazrdobis forumis wevria. sabwos mizania Ria, tolerantuli da demokratiuli sazogadoebis ganvitareba; axalgazrdobis gaaqtiureba samoqalaqo cxovrebasi Car- Tvis gzit. axalgazruli forumis mizans axlgazrduli organizaciebis koordinireba warmoadgens

48 profesiuli ganvitarebis saqartvelos axalgazrda iuristta asociacia calsaxad yvelaze cnobil da warmatebul arasamtavrobo organizacias warmoadgens. organizacia 1994 wels daarsda da mis ZiriTad miznebs kanonis uzenaesobis mxardawera, adamianis uflebebisa da Tavisuflebis dacva da mosaxleobis samartlebrivi cnobierebis amarleba warmoadgens. igi wevrobaze dafuznebuli oranizacia, romelic 600 wevrs aertianebs, romlebsac xels uwyobs profesiuli codnis daxvewasi. asociaciastan funqcionirebs samartlebrivi daxmarebis centri, romelic ufaso momsaxurebas uwevs moqalaqeebsa da organizaciebs. misi momsaxurebit dremde moqalaqem isargebla. organizacias aqvs filialebi saqartvelos sxvadasxva regionebsi. saqartvelos axalgazrdas iurustta asociaciis garda qveyanasi moqmedebs mteli rigi profesiuli nisnit gaertianebuli axalgazrduli organizaciebi. ert-ert warmatebul organizacias warmoadgens axalgazrda ekonomistta asociacia. asociaciis wevroba asakit ar aris gansazrvruli. mas aqvs filialebi saqartvelos sxvadasxva qalaqebsi. mat koordinacia Tbilisis ofisis mier xorcieldeba, Tumca isini centrisgan damoukidebel sakadro da finansur politikas awarmoeben. asociacia sami mimartulebit musaobs: biznes garemos gaumjobeseba qveyanasi, rac gulisxmobs mcire da sasulo biznestan musaobas sakanonmdeblo kutxit; biznesis regulireba da misi sawiroebebis advokatireba _ saxelmwifo ekonomikuri reformebis mxardawera, saxelmwifo ekonomikuri politikis SeqmnaSi monawileoba; axalgazrda ekonomistebtan musaoba. problemas profesiul organizaciebis SemTxvevaSic dafinansebis simcire da araregularuli xasiati warmoadgens. Wirs saxelmwifo struqturebtan musaoba. sakmaod rtuli aris saxelmwifo struqturebtan musaoba, mattan TiToeuli sakitxis ubralod ganxilva da SemdgomSi rarac SeTanxmebamde misvla, yoveltvis Zalian rtuli da

49 xangrzlivi procesia (interviu giorgi cimintiastan). aseve problemas warmoadgens moxaliseoba. moxaliseebis instituti ZiriTadad ufro ivseba igive mezobeli qveynebidan Camosuli moxaliseebit, vidre vtqvat Cveni qartvelebit (interviu giorgi cimintiastan). sagnamanatleblo organizaciebi axalgazrdul organizaciebs Soris bevris ZiriTad funqcias ganatlebis miwodeba warmoadgens. ganatlebis micema wamyvania aseve mtel rig satemo organizaciebsi. kompiuterze musaobas, inglisurs, ofissi musaobas da proeqtebis weras da martvas aswavlian mesx demokrat- Ta kavsiris mier organizebul kursebze. aseve marneulsi moqmed organizaciebsi, isetebsi rogoricaa `arasmatavrobo seqtoris ganvitarebis centri~ da `axalgazrdobis integraciis centri~. gorsi moqmedi organizacia `biliki~ aseve stavazobs axalgazrdobas kursebs. arsanisnavia, rom iq maswavleblebad axalgazrda moxaliseebi arian. amgvari kursebis gavlaze motxovnileba yvelgan didia, radgan ganatleba warmoadgens axalgazrdobis ZiriTad problemas da aseve dasaqmebastan aris dakav- Sirebuli. samoqalaqo ganatlebas emsaxureba saqartvelos gaeros asociacia, romelsac ofisebi aqvs gorsi da qutaissi. organizacia `rukebi _ kavkasia~ musaobs saqar- Tvelos rukis eleqtronul versiaze da axlagazrdobas aswavlis globalur pozicionirebis sistemis, GPS _ is gamoyenebas. `afxazetis~ zugdidis filiali devnilebs stavazobs saxelobo kursebs. axalgazrdebs aqvt SesaZlebloba daeuflon dalaqis, kosmetologis, mkeravis, kompiuteris, mobiluri telefonisa da avtomanqanis SemkeTeblis profesiebs

50 integraciaze mimartuli organizaciebi konfliqtis mimdebare zonebsi organizaciebi umtavresad devnili bavsvebisa da axalgazrdebis sazogadoebasi integraciis mimartulebit musaoben. integraciazea mimartuli aseve erovnul umciresobebit kompaqturad dasaxlebul adgilebsi moqmedi arasamtavrobo organizaciebi. mati mandati nawilobriv emtxveva satemo da saganmanatleblo organizaciebis mandatebs. evraziis fondis mier dafinansebuli axalgazrdobis ideis farglebsi xdeba ZiriTadad devnili bavsvebisa da axalgazrdobisa- Tvis Tavisufali drois organizeba. xelobis Seswavlas an daxmarebas umarlessi Casabareblad axalgazrdebs uwevs organizacia SOS bavsvta sofeli. organizacia `dea~ devnil axalgazrdebis garda aseve xels uwyobs SezRuduli SesaZleblobebis mqone pirta integracias. uflebebis damcavi organizaciebi bevri ar aris iseti organizacia, romlis ZiriTad saqmianobasac uflebebis dacva warmoadgens. marneulsi moqmedebs `azerbaijanel qalta kavsiri~, romlis ertert mtavar mizani qalta uflebebis dacvaa, gansakutrebit ojaxuri Zaladobis SemTxvevebSi. ekomozraobebi saqartvelosi moqmedebs ramodenime ekologiuri mo- Zraoba. ert-erti matgania saqartvelos axalgazrduli ekologiuri mozraoba, romlis ZiriTad mizans ekologiuri cnobierebis propaganda warmoadgens. regionaluri ekologiur organizaciebs (mag. CENN, REC) aqvt kargad ganvitarebuli sainformacio qselebi. sainformacio centrebi da makoordinirebeli organizaciebai qveyanasi arsebobs ramodenime sainformacio centri, romlis mizansac warmoadgens axalgazrdobis informireba sxvadasxva sakitxebze da aseve mati codnis garrmaveba. Tbilisis meriisa da axalgazrduli foru

51 mis iniciativit Seqmnilia saqartvelos axalgazrdobis sainformacio centri centris mizania axalgazrduli organizaciebis sainformacio mxardawera da konsultireba. veb gverdze ganlagebulia informacia sazrvargaret swavlebisa da stipendiebis mirebis SesasZleblobebze, damsaqmebel organizaciebze, formaluri da araformaluri ganatlebis mirebis SesaZleblobebze. internetsaitebi internetsaitebi sul ufro mzard rols TamaSoben axalgazrdobis saqmianobis organizebasi. saitis mesveobit, sadac nebismieri asakis axalgazrdas SeuZlia gawevriandes, ewyoba sxvadasxva lasqrobebi, qalaqgaret gasvlebi, eqskursiebi. eklesiuri forumi mesveobit ewyoba molocvebi. Facebook-i informaciis gacvlis mnisvnelovan wyaros warmoadgens, romelsac axalgazrdobis didi nawili iyenebs. 9. daskvnebi da rekomendaciebi monawileoba, romelic demokratiis safuzvels warmoadgens, adamianis ZiriTadi uflebis konteqstsi unda iqnes ganxiluli, radgan izleva sakutar cxovrebaze kontrolis grznobas, xels uwyobs socialuri kapitalis Seqmnas, zrdis TviT-Sefasebas. sazogadoebrivi azris arsebuli gamokitxveba da ar- Cevnebis monacemebi ertmnisvnelovnad miutiteben sazogadoebriv cxovrebasi axalgazrdobis CarTulobis simcireze. mcire gamonaklisit amasve ariareben axalgazrduli organizaciebis warmomadgenlebi. monawileobis mcire odenobis mizezad yvelaze xsirad axalgazrdebsi monawileobis motivaciis simcire saxeldeba. warmoadgens ra, rtul fsiqologiur konstruqts motivacia SeiZleba mravali faqtorit iyos gapirobebuli:

52 saxelmwifo politika qveyanasi axalgazrdobastan mimartebasi ar aris Camoyalibebuli saxelmwifo politika da Sesabamisad samoqmedo gegma. ar aris kanoni axalgazrdobis Sesaxeb, romelic mraval qveyanasi aregulirebs saxelmwifosa da axalgazrdobis urtiertobas. sportisa da axalgazrdobis saqmeta saministros calke gamoyofit Seiqmna axalgazrdobis saqmeebis uket martvis safuzveli. damusavebis processia strategiuli gegma, igegmeba axalgazrdobis Sesaxeb kanonis sawiroebis ganxilva. saministros xelmzrvaneloba da TanamSromlebi motivirebuli arian da aqvt axalgazrdul organizaciebsi musaobis gamocdileba. aucilebelia saxelmwifo politikis formirebis procesi warimartos axalgazrdobis aqtiuri monawileobit. sasurvelia Seiqmnas samusao jgufi, romelsic saministros TanamSromlebTan ertad Sevlen axalgazrduli da axalgazrdul sakitxebze momusave arasamtavrobo organizaciebis warmomadgenlebi, eqspertebi, saxelmwfo organizaciebis warmomadgenlebi da donorebi. politika unda gaxdes sazogadoebis ganxilvis sagani da mis saboloo variantsi unda aireklos yvela gamotqmuli Rirebuli mosazreba. sustia kavsiri saxelmwifosa da axlagazrdobas Soris. axalgazrdoba ver grznobs saxelmwifos zrunvas. axalgazrdul organizaciebi didi nawili ucivis interesis simcires da xelisuflebastan kontaqtis naklebobas, Tumca aseve dagrovilia zogierti raionis axalgazrdobis TviTmmarTvelobasTan urtiertobis dadebiti gamocdilebac. gamgeobastan kavsiri aucilebelia adgilobrivi problemebis mosagvareblad da zogadad gadawyvetilebis mirebaze zegavlenis gansaxorcieleblad. amdenad kargi iqneba iseti proeqtebis mxardawera, romelta aqtiobebic gamiznulia ganxorcieldes arasamtavrobo da samtavrobo seqtoris mwidro TanamSromlobiT

53 politikuri foni qveyanasi arsebuli politikuri foni mnisvnelovnad ganapirobebs axalgazrdobis pasiurobas. mosaxleoba undoblobas da indiferentul damokidebulebas gamoxatavs politikuri speqtris udidesi nawilis mimart. aseve ndobis didi deficiti arinisneba saxelmwifo institutebis mimart, rac cnobilia rom xels uslis socialuri kapitalis erterti komponentis, sxvebisadmi generalizebuli ndobis Camoyalibebas. partiebis mier inicirebuli, qveyanistvis mnisvnelovani problemebis da mat gadawyvetis gzebis ganxilvaze mimartuli aqtiobebi xels Seuwyobs monawileobis gazrdas, faqtebit operirebit kulturis damkvidrebas. amgvari diskusiebis Tu mrgvali magidebis mowyobis iniciatorebad SeiZleba aseve gamovidnen arasamtavrobo organizaciebi da media. amdenad sakitxze orientirebuli diskusiebis mxardawera gazrdis axalgazrdobis CarTulobas. politikuri kultura da samoqalaqo cnobiereba monawileoba sazogadoebis didi nawilisatvis ar warmoadgens Rirebulebas. Zalze sustad aris ganvitarebuli moxaliseobis instituti. saqartvelosi moxalised momusave axalgazrdebs Soris ZiriTad nawils ucxoelebi Seadgenen. aseve nakleb aris gavrcelebuli qvelmoqmedeba, Tumca didi gasawiris dros, mag wlis agvistos omis Semdeg Zalze didi iyo devnilebis daxmarebis SemTxvevebi, rogorc kerzo pirebis aseve sxvadasxva organizaciebis mxridan. samoqalaqo pasuxismgeblobis gageba bundovania da ufro xsirad arcevnebsi monawileobit amoiwureba, xolo misi Rirebuleba naklebad aris gaziarebuli. kvlevebi (mag. sumbaze 2009 da 2010) miutiteben, rom sazogadoebasi dabalia tolerantoba gansxvavebuli azrisa da mrwamsis mqone pirebis mimart. samoqalaqo cnobierebasa da tolerantobis gazrdaze

54 mimartuli aqtiobebi mnisvnelovnad Seuwyoben xels axalgazrdobis gaaqtiurebas. aset aqtiobebad SeiZleba iyos: 1. Treningebi an mokle vadiani kursebi martivi da mkvetrad gamoxatuli miznebit. 2. sazafxulo banakebi, sadac sxvadasxva regionis, etnikurobisa da religiuri mrwamsis mqone axalgazrdebs eqnebat gacnobis, gaziarebis da damegobrebis sasualeba. 3. disputebi, konkursebi da konferenciebi demokratiaze, tolerantobasa da socialur sakitxebze. erovnul umciresobebit dasaxlebul regionebsi xeli unda Seewyos qartuli enisa da kulturis swavlebas. UdRes am regionebsi arinisneba qartuli enis Seswavlis da qartvel axalgazrdebtan integraciis survili. unda moxdes am regionebis axalgazrdebistvis saqartvelos sxva kutxeebis da istoriuli Zeglebis gacnoba. kargi iqneba Tu momzaddeba dasuratebuli, martivi da gasagebi enit dawerili saxelmzrvanelo saqartvelos istoriasa da kulturaze somxur da azerbaijanul enebze. kulturuli interesis katalizatorad Sei- Zleba iqces axalqalaqsi arsebuli qartuli koleji, romlis 85 students Soris 35 somexia. kolejsi swavla qartulad mimdinareobs. kolejis maswavleblebs aqvt somxebistvis qartulis swavlebis xangrzlivi gamocdileba. kolejtan SeiZleba Seiqmnas mravalfunqciuri axalgazrduli centri, sadac qartulis swavlastan ertad msurvelebs SeeZlebaT somxuri enis dauflebac. integraciis miznit erovnul umciresobebit dasaxlebul regionebsi grantebis micemisas kargi iqneba Tu grantis gacemis piroba iqneba sxvadasxva erovnebis axalgazrdebis monawileoba

55 socialur-ekonomiuri foni qveyanasi arsebuli mzime ekonomiuri foni mnisvnelovnad ganapirobebs monawileobisadmi indiferentul damokidebulebas. ertis mxriv igi badebs imedgacruebas da meores mxriv ubizgebs axalgazrdobas mteli Tavis resursi moaxmaros saarsebod aucilebeli sasualebebis mopovebas. umusevroba ara mxolod mnisvnelovanwilad ganapirobebs siraribes, aramed aseve aferxebs axalgazrdis ganvitarebas, ar azlevs ra mas samusao gamocdilebis mirebis da Sesabamisad profesiuli zrdis SesaZleblobas. Sesabamisad ekonomikuri aqtioba xels uwyobs sazogadoebrivi cxovrebisadmi interesis gazrdas. arsebul vitarebasi efeqturi iqneba sakutari biznesis wamowyebis waxaliseba axalgazrdebsi. amis magalitebi arsebobs satemo organizaciebsi. biznesis safuzvlebis swavleba, biznes gegmis Camoyalibeba, finansuri arricxva da ZiriTadi sakanonmdeblo aqtebis codna sasualebas miscems axalgazrdebs ifiqron biznesis wamowyebaze. Cvenma kvlevam cxadyo biznesis wamowyebastan dakavsirebuli gaurkvevlobisa da xsirad SiSis arseboba, kanonmdeblobis ar codna. biznesis warmartvistvis sawiro unarebisa da codnis farte masstabiani swavleba, rasac mcire masstabit axorcieleben rigi arasamtavrobo da satemo organizaciebi xels Seuwyobs axalgazrdobis dasaqmebas. efeqturi iqneba konskursebis mowyoba mcire Tavdapirvel kapitalze agebul sauketeso biznes ideaze da gamarjvebuli biznes ideis dafinanseba. soflad mcxovrebi axalgazrdobis problemas Tanamedrove teqnologiebis ar codna da moweuli mosavalis realizacia warmoadgens. sawiroa axalgazrdobis ganatleba regionsi arsebuli sasoflo sameurneo kulturebis moyvanis Taobaze. iseti proeqtebis mxardawera, romlebic xels Seuwyobs produqciis realizacias

56 ganatleba ganatlebis dabali xarisxi amcirebs dasaqmebis SesaZleblobas da amdenad xsirad siraribes ganapirobebs, romelic rogorc zemot avrnisnet monawileobis xelissemslel pirobas warmoadgens. amastan ertad ganatlebis dabali done xels uslis axalgazrdas kargad gaacnobieros da gamoxatos sakutari survilebi Tu motxovnilebebi. kvlevis monawileebis mier sayoveltaod ariarebul iqna ganatlebis dabali done gapirobebuli sistemis araswori reformirebit, swavlebis dabali donit da ganatlebis xelmiuwvdomlobit. xelmiuwvdomloba Tavs icens ganatlebis mirebis yvela etapze, kerzod gamoixateba Tanxebis ar qonit, rata moxdes axalgazrdebis momzadeba erovnuli gamocdebisatvis (monawileni miuti- Tebdnen, rom skola ver azlevs mat gamocdis CabarebisaTvis sawiro codnas. aseve fiqrobs saqartvelos axalgazrdobis kvlevis erovnuli angarisis 2009 mixedvit axalgazrdobis 57 procenti). gamocdebis metnaklebad warmatebit Cabarebis SemTxvevaSi axalgazrdebis ojaxebis did nawils ar aqvs umarlessi gadasaxadis dafarvis saxsrebi. im SemTxvevaSic ki, rodesac es winaarmdegobac dazleulia, axalgazrdebs uwirt transportirebis da cxovrebis xarjebis dafarva, mitumetes Tu isini ar arian im qalaqis mkvidrni, sadac swavloben. axalgazrdebs unda miecet swavlis SesaZlebloba. unda arsebobdes grzelvadiani kreditebi swavlisa- Tvis, ojaxis SeqmnisaTvis da binis sayidlad. amastan kvlevis yvela monawilem arnisna profesiuli codnis mnisvneloba da ganatlebis mirebis survili. Sesabamisad nebismieri xarisxiani saganmanatleblo programa, iqneba is grzel Tu mokle vadiani, gansakutrebit ki im SemTxvevaSi, rodesac dakavsirebulia SromiT bazris motxovnebtan, xels Seuwyobs monawileobis gazrdas. miuxedavad imisa, rom misi zegavlena CarTulobaze SeiZleba ar iyos myisieri

57 sasargeblo iqneba iseti saswavlo, mat Soris profesiuli swavlebis kursebis mxardawera, romlebic mibmuli iqnebian mocemul adgilas arsebul SromiTi bazris motxovnaze. axalqalaqsi yarsi axalqalaqis rkinigzis reabilitaciastan dakavsirebit Cndeba rkinigzis reabilataciistvis sawiro profesionalta dasaqmebis SesaZlebloba. raionsi aseti specialistebi ar arian. axalgzrdobas aqvs survili daeuflos specialobas da adgilze dasaqmdes. kompiuterze mijawvam da zogadad ganatlebis donis dacemam, aseve wignebis sizvirem ganapiroba is, rom axalgazrdebi arar kitxuloben wignebs. sawiroa kitxvis stimulireba wignebis ganxilvis mesveobit, bibliotekebis axali wignebit SevsebiT da kompiuteruli bibliotekebis xelmisawvdomobis gazrdit, arsebul resursebze informaciis farted gavrcelebis mesveobit. warmatebuli studentebis nebayoflobit sawyisebze axalgazrdobis centrebsi maswavlebleblebad gamoyeneba ertis mxriv gazrdis ganatlebis xelmisawvdomobas da meores mxriv studentebs miscems SromiT gamocdilebas. monawileobis survili da dro axalgazrdobis umravlesobas aqvs monawileobis survili. bevrs, gansakutrebit soflebsi amis droc sakmarisze bevri aqvs. cxadia, rom survili monawileobis mzlavr resurs warmoadgens, Tumca igi ar aris sakmarisi motavaciis CamoyalibebisaTvis. imisatvis, rom is monawileobas daedos safuzvlad aseve sawiroa mowveva monawileobaze da monawileobis sivrce. mowveva monawileobaze mowveva monawileobaze xorcieldeba liderebis an organizaciebis mier axalgazrdebis mobilizaciit. mci

58 rea efeqturi liderobis magalitebi. am TvalsazrisiT aseve sustia arasamtavrobo organizaciebis potenciali. axalgazrduli organizaciebi martvis, finansuri, sakadro Tu infrastruqturastan dakavsirebuli problemebis gamo ver ganapirobeben axalgazrdobis satando odenobita da xarisxit CarTvas sazogadoebriv saqmianobasi. axalgazrduli organizaciebis mxardawera, gansaku- TrebiT ki iseti proeqtebis, sadac detalurad iqneba gawerili axalgazrdebis mobilizaciis strategia, monawileobis procedurebi da matze monitoringis ganxorcielebis meqanizmebi gazrdis monawileobas da xels Seuwyobs demokratiuli praqtikis danergvas. monawileobis pirobebi demokratiuli procedurebis da sivrcis nakleboba, romelic Sexvedrebis da koleqtiuri qmedebebisatvis adamianta mobilizaciis SesaZleblobas izleva monawileobis Zalze mnisvnelovan xelissemslel pirobas warmoadgens. kvlevam cxadyo, rom iq sadac arsebobs ur- TierTobis sivrce, mag. satemo organizaciebsi arsebuli centrebi, devnilta centrebi, javaxetis forumi Tu sxva arinisneba monawileobis garkveuli done. amdenad saerto aqtiobebisatvis fizikuri garemos Seqmna, Sexvedrebis adgilis mowyoba da aqtiobebis warmartva yvelaze metad Seuwyobs xels axalgazrdobis monawileobas. axalgazrduli centrebisa an klubebis Seqmna, sadac gapirobebul iqneba axalgazrdobis Sexvedrebi, ganatlebis da informaciis mireba mnisvnelovnad Seuwyobs xels monawileobis gazrdas da socialuri kapitalis dagrovebas. ar unda iqnes dakarguli samcxe-javaxetsi britis petrolumis~ mier stimulirebuli ekologiuri interesi. kargi iqneba regionebsi ekologiuri klubebis gaxsna. bevr qalaqsi arc kinoteatri, arc Teatri da arc

59 sportuli darbazia. stadionebi, rogorc wesi cud mdgomareobasia. socialuri kapitalis gazrdas xels uwyobs nebismieri jgufuri moqmedeba, iqneba es simreris gundi, cekvis ansambli, sxvadasxva kursebi, Tu gunduri sporti. kulturis centrebis gaxsna, Tu gind didi videoproeqtorit Searbilebda arsebul situacias minimaluri danaxarjebit. mxardawerili unda iqnes jgufuri aqtiobebi da gartobis SesaZleblobebis Seqmna. monawileobis arsebuli SesaZleblobebis Sesaxeb informaciis xelmisawvdomoba informacia, monawileobis arsebuli mcire SesaZleblobebis Sesaxebac ki ar aris umravlesobisatvis xelmisawvdomi. Uukanasknel xanebsi arinisneba sainformacio veb-gverdebis Seqmna (mag. sportisa da axalgazrdul saqmeta saministro gegmavs axalgazrdul organizaciata monacemta bazis Seqmnas, iunisefis TaosnobiT iqmneba baza axalgazrdobis dasaqmebis, sportsi Tu kulturul RonisZiebebSi CarTvis SesaZleblobebis Taobaze. magram es ar aris sakmarisi, amastan axalgazrdobis organizaciata did nawils da axalgazrdobis umravlesobas ar aqvs informacia arsebuli sainformacio sasualebebis arsebobis Sesaxeb. mxardaweril iqnes axalgazrduli sainformacio vebgverdebis Seqmna. sadac ganlagebuli iqneba saqartvelos masstabit ganxorcielebuli RonisZiebebi, moxaliseobis, dasaqmebisa da swavlis SesaZleblobebi, informacia koncertebisa da filmebis Sesaxeb da sxva. farted unda iqnes gavrcelebuli informacia am vebgverdebis Sesaxeb. mxardaweril unda iqnes axalgazrduli gazetis gamocema. unda Seiqmnas satelevizio gadacemebi axalgazrdobis problemebze, sxvadasxva mrwamsebis, erovnebis da asakis pirta monawileobit

60 monawileobis procedurebis danergva da stimulireba gadawyvetilebebis mireba monawileobis mesveobit isvia- Tad xorcieldeba. masinac ki, rodesac saxezea CarTuloba es xorcieldeba monawileobis ufro dabali safexuris, mag. rogorc konsultireba da ara misi marali safexuris, mag. gadawyvetilebis mirebasi pirdapiri monawileobis mesveobit. WeSmariti, marali safexuris monawileobis gazrdis ertert sasualebas warmoadgens misi grantebis mirebis pirobad fiqsireba. am SemTxvevaSi organizaciebi izulebuli iqnebian gadawyvetilebebis mireba monawileobas daafuznon da SeeCvion monawileta azris gatvaliswinebas. aseve aucilebelia monawileobiti metodebis swavleba da monawileobis procedurebze saxelmzrvanelos gamocema. axalgazrdobis koncentracia maralia saswavlo dawesebulebebsi. es SesaZlebloba efeqturad unda iqnes gamoyenebuli nebayoflobiti saqmianobis propagandisa da misi ganxorcielebisatvis. mxardaweril unda iqnes skolebsi TviTmmarTvelobis Seqmna. axalgazrdebi mondomebuli arian imusaon stajiorebad da moxaliseebad. amis motivacias sxvastan ertad, aseve warmoadgens reziumesi Canaweris gaketeba da aseve drois dakaveba. es SesaZlebloba gamoyenebul unda iqnes. kargi iqneba Tu donorebi grantebis gacemisas organizacias mostxoven garkveuli odenobis stajiorebisa da moxaliseebis ayvanas. TaobaTa wyveta bolo wlebsi sagrznoblad Semcirda axalgazrdobis da ufrosi Taobis ertoblivad monawileobis SesaZle

61 bloba, gaizarda TaobaTa Soris fsiqologiuri da RirebulebiTi manzili. arsebuli kvlevebis mixedvit ufrosi asakis adamianebtan dadebiti xasiatis mqone partnioroba mnisvnelovnad amcirebs axalgazrdebis riskian asocialur aqtiobebsi Cabmis sasisroebas. TaobaTa kavsiri aseve ganapirobebs codnisa da gamocdilebis uwyvet xasiats. sawiroa Seiqmnas iseti pirobebi, sadac sxvadasxva Taobis warmomadgenlebi ertad imusaveben problemaze. janmrteloba zogadad janmrteloba bevrad ufro nakleb problemas warmoadgens axalgazrdobasi, vidre romelime sxva asaksi. miuxedavad amisa aris garkveuli axalgazrdobisatvis specifiuri janmrtelobis problemebi da aseve problemebi, romelta warmoqmna axalgazrdobasi xdeba. kvlevam gamoavlina axalgazrdobis SeSfoTeba narkomaniisa da alkoholizmis gavrcelebis gamo. monawileni miutuitebdnen narkomaniis kavsirs dasaqmebastan da aucileblobas, rom narkomania ganxilul iqnes rogorc daavadeba da ar iyos dasjadi. amastan unda arsebobdes centrebi, sadac narkomanebi ufasod gaivlian mkurnalobas. unda ganxorcieldes narkomaniita da alkoholizmit daavadebul pirta Tanatolebis mier mxardawera, rata mat SeZlon gankurneba. unda moxdes cxovrebis jansari wesis propaganda da xelsewyoba. unda Seiqmnas axalgazrdobis sportit dakavebis pirobebi. sqesobrivi gzit gadamdebi daavadebebis, aseve Sidsis Sesaxeb informacia da konsultireba, reproduqciuli janmrtelobastan dakavsirebuli sakitxebi ZiriTadad axalgazrdobastan aris dakavsirebuli. amdenad samedicino Tu fsiqologiuri konsultaciis mireba ise, rom Tavidan iqnes acilebuli stigmatizacia did mnisvnelobas izens. es ki SeiZleba ganxorcieldes janmrtelobis saxlebsi. kargi iqneba janmrtelobis saxlebis an klubebis mx

62 ardawera, sadac axalgazrdebs eqnebat ertmanettan Sexvedris, informaciis mirebis da ertmanetisatvis gamocdilebis gaziarebis SesaZlebloba. avtoavariebi mravali axalgazrdis sikvdilisa da invalidobis mizezi xdeba. mxardawerili unda iqnes aqtiobebi, romlebic mimartuli iqneba mozraobis wesebis dacvis aucileblobis gacnobierebas, bavsvebistvis qucis gadakve- Tis wesebis swavlebaze

63 bibliografia sumbaze,n. (2009). saqartvelo agvistos omamde da omis Semdeg. Tbilisi. sazogadoebrivi politikis instituti sumbaze,n. (2010). monawileoba sazogadoebriv cxovrebasi: sasurveli da mirweuli. Tbilisi. sazogadoebrivi politikis instituti. saqartvelos axalgazrdobis kvlevis erovnuli angari- Sis mixedvit (2009). Commonwealth Secretariat - Participation in the Second Decade of Life (2005). Lefrancois, G.R. (1993). The Lifespan. 4 th ed. Belmont, CA - Wadsworth Publishing Company. Maloney, W.A. (2008). Interest Groups, Social Capital, and Democratic Politics. In D.Castiglione, J.W.Van Deth and G.Wolleb (Eds). The Handbook of Social Capital. Oxford University Press. Paxton, P. (2002). Social Capital and Democracy: An Interdependent Relationship. American Sociological review, 67/ Putnam, R.D. (1993). Making Democracy Work. Civic Traditions in Modern Italy. Princeton - Princeton University Press. Putnam, R.D. (2000). Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community. N.Y. - Simon & Schuster. Rosenblum, N.(1998). Membership and Morals: The Personal Use of Pluralism in America. Princeton - Princeton University Press. Youth Participation in Development (2010) - DFID

64 danarti 1. gamokitxulta sia saxeli da gvari 1 devi siraze saqartvelos sportisa da axalgazrdobis saqmeta departamentis axalgazrdobis sammartvelo 2 Sorena SiukaSvili organizacia Tanamdeboba TariRi saqartvelos sportisa da axalgazrdobis saqmeta departamentis axalgazrdobis sammartvelo 3 nino xazaraze bavsvta da axalgazrdobis fondis TanamSromeli 4 nino vasaze saqartvelos strategiuli kvlevebisa da ganvitarebis centri 5 mixeil komikidi sammartvelos ufrosi specialisti specialisti programis xelmzrvaneli javaxetis forumi Tavmjdomare jaba natenaze demokrat mesxta kavsiri axalgazrduli programis xelmzrvaneli 7 eka abasize demokrat mesxta kavsiri koordinatori girsel bartaia 9 levan jafarize nacionaluri mozraobis krwanisis raionis axlgazrduli organizaciis qristian-demokratiuli partiis axalgazrduli organizacia saqartvelos profkavsirebi 10 irakli petriasvili 11 SoTa Zagania aliansi saqartvelosatvis Tavmjdomare Tavmjdomare prezidenti wevri

65 12 Teimuraz wiklauri 13 giorgi cimintia saqartvelos leiboristta partiis axalgazrduli organizacia saqartvelos axalgazrda ekonomistta asociacia 14 Salva kiknavelize 15 irakli saqartevlos sportisa megrelisvili da axalgazrdul saqmeta saministro 16 aleqsandre silagaze Tavmjdomare ganvitarebis ganyofilebis menejeri axaldazrduli forumi Tavmjdomare saqartevlos sportisa da axalgazrdul saqmeta saministro regionaluri departamentis ufrosi axalgazrdobis saqmeta departamentis ufrosis moadgile maka yufaraze iunisefi proeqtis xelmzrvaneli maguli iunisefi konsultanti SavaSvili 19 inga paiwaze msoflio banki samoqalaqo sazogadoebis fondis xelmzrvaneli 20 jaba organizacia 7 noemberi Tavmjdomare jiskariani 21 nuci odisaria veld vijeni proeqtis koordinatori

66 danarti 2 fokus jgufebisa da saubrebis nusxa # jgufis tipi TariRi adgili damswreta raodenoba kacebi qalebi sul 1 profesiuli Tbilisi saswavleblebis studentebi 2 Tsu da stu studentebi Tbilisi kerzo universitetebis studentebi Tbilisi studentebi gori arasamtavrobo Tbilisi organizaciebi 6 studkavsirebi Tbilisi Sereuli zugdidi Sereuli batumi Sereuli qutaisi Sereuli axalcixe Sereuli axalqalaqi Sereuli Telavi Sereuli marneuli devnili karaleti axalgazrdoba 15 saubari karaleti saubari samcxejavaxeti sof.vale 17 saubari samegrelo sof. korcxeli 18 saubari kaxeti. sof kisisxevi sul

67 Participation of Youth in Democratic Processes: Report

68 1. Introduction Interest in public life and participation is the bases of democracy. Civic participation assumes citizens participation in collective actions around common interests and values. Groups are viewed as the main actors of participation beyond the voting (Maloney, 2008). Participation is an integral part of social capital. Putnam (2000) views social capital as simultaneously private and public good. It is not only beneficial for people who possess it, but in societies characterized by high social capital, even individuals with poor social capital can enjoy its benefits. Social capital is defined as Features of social organization, such as trust, norms and networks that can improve the efficacy of society by facilitating coordinated actions (Putnam, 1993, p.167). A large measure of social capital is considered as the necessary condition for democracy. Paxton (2002) considers two ways through which social capital can influence democracy: firstly, by facilitating the creation of democracy in non-democratic states through minimizing the ability of the state to directly oppress its citizens, and secondly, by providing scope for growth through organized opposition. Membership in voluntary organizations increases the social capital of an individual, enhancing his/her resources and skills, and stimulating political participation. Organizations provide the possibility to formulate problems and requirements, which is an essential precondition for solving the problem (Rosenblum, 1998). Low level of youth participation is evident in studies undertaken by Institute for Policy Studies as well as the other organizations in recent years (Sumbadze, 2010; National Report of Georgian Youth, 2009). Nihilistic attitude towards political leaders and indifference towards participation in public life is especially high among the youth, which evidently poses a threat to democratic processes. Furthermore, mobilization of civic society is hindered by the deficiency of information on youth organizations existing in the country, on their aims, activities and members. Therefore, identification of youth organizations and structuring the relevant information, as well as identification of the reasons hindering youth participation are preconditions for designing and implementing the policy aimed at ensuring added active participation of youth in public life. The function of participation is on one hand to influence decision making, and on the other hand to contribute towards the creation of social capital through establishing bridging ties. Providing the

69 possibility to establish connections with people of different economic, educational and professional backgrounds, age and gender groups, and membership in voluntary organizations also contributes towards tolerance. It is well known that the level of participation does varies not only with age, but also with generations. Participation in voluntary organizations and voluntarism in early years of life serve as the best indicator of participation in adulthood. Hence, involvement of youth in public life becomes essential for democracy. 2. The objectives and methodology of the study The goal of the study was to identify youth organizations and institutions working with youth in Georgia, as well as to present information on their goals, activities and target groups in the Youth Organizations Directory. Another goal was to determine the views of youth and youth organizations on the problems hindering civic activities of the youth. The survey involves both, desk research and empirical qualitative study. To this end, key stakeholders and experts were identified for conducting in-depth interviews (see Annex 1). Focus group discussions were carried out with leaders and members of youth organizations. Discussions were also held with the youth not involved in youth organizations activities. In addition, field activities were carried out in Georgian cities having universities, i.e. Tbilisi, Kutaisi, Batumi, Telavi, Gori, Zugdidi and Akhaltsikhe. In Akhalkalaki, Marneuli, Karaleti, and rural areas of Kakheti and Samegrelo, discussions were held with Armenian, Azeri, and IDP youth representatives for identifying factors obstructing civil activities. A total of 14 focus group discussions (FGD), 4 discussions and 21 in-depth interviews have been conducted. Overall, 211 people participated in group discussions, of which 49.3 percent were females and 50.7 percent - males (see Annex 2). The following issues have been discussed in focus groups, discussions and in-depth interviews: Assessment of youth participation level; Spheres of youth activities; Major problems of youth organizations; Reasons behind low participatory level of the youth; Ways of enabling greater involvement of the youth in public life

70 Identification of youth organizations was initiated by exploring various web-sites and directories. This process was continued by a snow-ball method, when every interviewed organization provided a list of other known organizations. Each organization completed a questionnaire which covered the following issues: Name of the organization and its legal status; Contact information; Number of basic staff members; Head of the organization; Fundamental goals and objectives; Target groups; Spheres of activities; Types of activities; Funding sources; Implemented and ongoing projects. Out of the 110 target organizations provided with questionnaires, only 55 provided timely feedback. The furnished data have been incorporated in the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and statistically processed. Even though the number of interviewed organizations did not allow drawing sound conclusions, we do believe that the obtained information nonetheless adequately reflects the existing trends. 3. Role of youth civil activities and overview of existing problems Youth represents a significant segment of the entire population. Almost a fourth of the population of Georgia belongs to the age group from 15 to 30 years (23.6 percent). Among them, 50.6 percent are males and 49.4 percent are females. However, the role of youth in the country is not solely determined by their numbers. This cohort represents the population who are and will be important decision-makers in the country. Hence, the current or future welfare and success of the country depends on them to a significant extent. In the life cycle, the youth occupies an intermediate position between adolescence and adulthood. In addition to its specific require

71 ments and objectives, the youth, as a transitory stage from adolescence to adulthood is characterized by features inherent to the above two stages of life. The major objective of the youth is the preparation for independent life, employment and marriage. It can be easily considered as a phase in life which is more oriented towards the future (Lefrancois, 1993). Therefore, it becomes crucial to accumulate relevant resources and acquire necessary skills required for both career and personal life. At this stage, civic consciousness develops and involvement in civil and political activities begins. The age defining the beginning of the youth is not precisely determined. UN defines youth as a period, which starts at 15 and ends at 24 years of age, whereas EU defines 31 years of age as the upper threshold of the youth period. In Georgia, there is no Law on Youth. In accordance with the Law on Youth Organizations, a person aged years falls under definition of youth. According to the State Policy document on youth, which is currently under development, the age bracket of youth is determined as18-29 years. However, the respondents of our survey consider youth as years old people, whereas a few believe that the upper age threshold for youth is 35 years. Participation in public life and decision-making is a prerequisite for democracy and civic activity. It is a human right and is defined as an opportunity for people to realize their right for participating and obtaining information on decision-making processes which impact their lives (Youth Participation in Development, 2010). According to the World Bank, the definition of participation implies information exchange, consultations, initiation of decision-making and relevant activities. At the same time, participation must be active, voluntary and based on a sufficient amount of information. A sociologist Roger Heart (Commonwealth Secretariat, 2005) developed the participation model a participatory ladder consisting of the following eight ranks: 1. Manipulation: adults lead the youth in accordance to a scheme known only to them, where the youth do not understand what is happening, and they are not free to explore or act on their own thinking. 2. Decoration: young people participate in events, e.g. by singing, dancing or wearing T-shirts with logos, but they do not really understand the issue or its objectives. 3. Tokenism: young people are asked to say what they think about an

72 issue, but have little or no choice on the way they express those views or the scope of ideas they can express. 4. Assigned but informed: adults decide on the project and young people volunteer for predetermined roles. In this case, adults inform them adequately and respect their views. 5. Consulted and informed: The project is designed and run by adults, but children/young people are consulted. They have a complete understanding of the process and their opinions are taken seriously. 6. Adult-initiated, but decisions are taken with young people: Adults have the initial idea, but young people are involved in every step of planning and implementation. Their views are considered seriously and they are involved in decision making. 7. Young people initiated and directed: Young people have the initial idea and decide how the project is carried out. Adults are available but do not take charge. 8. Young people initiated, although decisions are taken with adults: Young people have the ideas, set up the project, and invite adults to join them while making decisions. This model emphasizes the importance of youth partnership with adults, given that the highest 8 th level of participation differs from the 7 th level only by a greater degree of adult s participation. The youth is represented in all spheres of life, and taking their interests into consideration is necessary everywhere, but areas such as education, sports and reproductive health require special attention since these are the spheres of life where the youth is in majority. 4. Major problems of the youth Low level of youth participation cannot be considered separately as it is closely linked to other problems which the youth is facing today. The problems indicated by the youth are by no means specific and/or related to the youth only, but rather an integral part of the entire country context, although most of them acquire specific features related to the youth. Interviews related to basic problems of the youth with the representatives of the youth organization point towards the importance of education and employment

73 Fig.1. Youth problems Source: Survey data (N=55) Discussions and interviews similarly revealed employment and education as the two major youth problems which are more or less linked to all other problems. Absence of State policy in relation to youth and flawed education policy are perceived as significant sources of youth problems. Employment Undoubtedly, employment is not specifically a youth related problem in the country, but its outcomes are different for various age groups. By expert estimations, the highest level of unemployment (37.0 percent in 2010) is observed among the age group of (interview with Giorgi Tsimintia). Unemployment among the youth is associated more with the motivation of attaining higher education and prospects for professional career. Due to unemployment, the youth are deprived of the opportunity of self-realization, and they relate their unemployment to the sense of helplessness and reservations on the usefulness of education: I study, but for what? The so called hanging around, which is purposeless loitering of youth in the streets or in the villages, drinking, taking drugs, gambling and criminal actions are related with unemployment, as well as with abundance of idle time. High prevalence of alcoholism and drug abuse among the youth was particularly stressed. Unemployment, which often predetermines poverty and dearth of prospects, also triggers a number of psychological problems. In addition, lack of money limits interaction with peers:

74 Lack of money in boys makes them reserved, so much so that they do not even want to contact their friends. Due to lack of money, the youth fails to satisfy many needs, including the ones vitally important: Today, similar to the elderly, the youth need pension to be able to eat because there are no jobs. An unemployed youngster needs food, and this need is even more than that of an elderly. Unlike the elderly, the youth has much more needs (interview with Teimuraz Tsiklauri). In their interviews, representatives of political parties also stressed the negative impact of unemployment on the demographic situation in the country (interview with Levan Japaridze). The youth would not marry because they lack the financial means. Moreover, unemployment also causes migration, which is correspondingly reflected on the demographic situation. Migration is an obvious outcome of unemployment. Members of the group indicated that youth from economically backward families are migrating abroad to Turkey from Samegrelo, as well as to Armenia and Russia from Javakheti in the hope to find a job: Education Everybody is running away, because out here there is neither job nor entertainment. The issue of education concerns members of all groups, and this problem alike the problem of employment has many facets. The respondents first of all spoke on the low level of education: Today the youth are more skilful in playing domino than reading. The flaws in the school reform system and low quality of teaching in the majority of higher educational institutions, as well as unavailability of education due to economic constraints are mentioned as the causes of low educational level. The participants of the discussion also pointed towards the poor professional level of school teachers and lack of motivation for providing quality education. They mentioned about inadequate equipments in the schools as well, particularly schools in the villages. Moreover, due to the lack of financial means,

75 many children are not even able to attend schools. Scarcity of universities providing quality education was specified as a problem related to higher education: There are only a few higher educational institutions providing quality education. Expenditures related to education represent an additional serious problem. Outgoings at all stages of educational process pose as a problem in accessing education. Given that schools fail to provide sufficient education, the economic status of the family actually determines whether the youngster would be in a position to pursue higher education: If you cannot afford a tutor, you will not pass the national exams. Those who manage to succeed in the national exams, need funding to cover tuition costs: Tuition costs are too high for a country like ours. A lot of families are unable to cover those costs, and as a result the youngster fails to continue education irrespective of his/her motivation. Living expenses add to the tuition costs in instances where the student s family resides in a place different from the city with higher education institution. Daily transport expenses also pose as a problem for many students. The students of vocational schools indicated that even though the duration of their course is one or more years, they do not possess students transport privileges, and they have to pay 40 Tetri for commuting in municipal buses. Restricted accessibility to information pertaining education opportunities was also mentioned as a factor hindering attainment of education. Entertainment Availability of entertainment opportunities is as legitimate requirement as availability of employment or education. In the circumstances of unemployment, this requirement acquires even higher importance due to excessive free time. Entertainment opportunities dramatically decrease with increase in distance from Tbilisi. Many cities do not have movie houses, theatres or gymnasiums, and the stadiums in general are in a poor condition. In addition, there

76 are no places where the youth could get together or take a stroll. Scarcity of information on entertainment options was named as a significant problem, and information on existing one-time events or opportunities is not accessible for the majority: If there is some entertainment event, the information about it never reaches the village. The only place one could get some information was a school, but after completing school, even that opportunity disappeared. Motivation and purposefulness Several group participants indicated that young people do not have a goal in life, they do not know what they want and consequently they are not motivated to be engaged in anything. The lack of motivation could be the biggest and the most alarming problem facing the youth as the existence of corresponding motivation is a prerequisite for undertaking any action. Lack of motivation and values was indicated as the major problem (interview with Alexandre Silagadze). Specific problems of rural youth In comparison to urban, more problems are observed in rural areas, where isolation is stronger and motivation for active life is weaker: In villages, the youth find themselves confined, and they lack both interest and motivation. Many young people are unable to use internet, which further intensifies information vacuum and isolation. Specific youth problems of national minorities in areas they reside densely Integration with Georgian speaking population is a problem for national minorities residing densely in various locations. Being unacquainted with the State language was named as one of the major reasons of this problem. Opportunities for communicating and building relationships with Georgian speaking peers are negligible. Additionally, lack of Georgian language skills further diminishes prospects of finding jobs, which contributes to migration. Moreover, girls are additionally faced with the problem of early marriages: In our community years old girls are already mar

77 ried, but marriage is still better than staying at home, what else can one do here? During the course of answering the question related to the ways of overcoming youth problems, the representatives of youth organizations principally mentioned the necessity of increasing education level and its availability, as well as of developing relevant State youth policy. Fig. 2. The ways of overcoming youth problems Source: Survey data (N=55) 5. Youth participation level and types of activities The participants of focus group discussions (FGD) reported activities in which they were or are currently engaged. The various activities included mainly dancing, singing and for girls knitting and embroidery, as well as sports activities for boys. A significant number of FGD participants mentioned that at school they participated in cleaning the environment and visited various historical monuments. The high school students indicated that they took part in the restoration of historical monuments and construction of churches. Several young participants stated that they planted trees in response to the Patriarch s call. A few were members of a political party, and three participants noted that they served as volunteers of the Biliki NGO. In addition, several participated in student self-government, but this to a certain extent was determined by the tactics used for selecting FGD participants

78 However, all the above listed is not sufficient. As mentioned earlier, sociological surveys revealed an indifferent attitude towards public activities and politics. According to the National Report on Georgian Youth Study (2009), 79 percent of youth across Georgia reported that they did not participate in any public activity. Merely 54 percent of youth voted in recent years, and 88 percent stated that they did not participate in political activities. Even more alarming is the fact that 44 percent of the respondents did not adhere to one of the principal democratic values, which is, they do not consider it necessary to freely express their own opinions. The majority of the surveyed participants (63.6 percent) indicated towards their low level of participation. Similarly, the majority of FGD also negatively assessed the level of participation. However, some leaders of student self-government and a representative of youth wing of the National Movement were rare exceptions from the general trend. Consequently, the assessment of youth activity seems to depend on personal experience to a significant extent. At the same time, active young people believe that the activity of others shall be expressed through participation in the activities of student s self-government: Young people actively participate in the events organized by the students self-government; they show initiative, are well organized and love life (male participant of the students self-government group). Participation is not unanimously perceived positively, as some do not approve active involvement of the youth in politics: The youth must mind their own business, and it is not reasonable for them to attend rallies or engage in assignments of political parties (female student from the private higher education institution). The FGD demonstrated different levels of youth activities in urban and rural areas. The majority indicated towards higher level of activities in the capital city compared to the regions, although one respondent voiced different opinion: The situation has changed in Tbilisi. People have lost interest in everything, now we are living in a period where less people are responding to the call, and as a result the number of volunteers has decreased. While on the contrary, the youth have become more active in the regions. I

79 do not know why this has happened, but right now we are in a new period where there are more good young people in the regions (interview with Giorgi Tsimintia). Fig. 3. Reasons behind low level of youth participation Source: Survey data (N=55) 6. Conditions for participation According to the survey, the lack of motivation is one of the major factors leading to low level of youth participation. Motivation is a complex construct that entails a host of conditions. It is generally recognized that the desire to participate, availability of time, existence of favourable environment and invitation to participate are conditions which facilitate participation in general and particularly in politics Desire to participate and availability of time The desire in youth to participate is very high and they have more than enough time for participation. However, a significant number of participants mentioned the lack of motivation as the major reason for low level of participation. Indeed, the wish to participate is but one component of motivation, so when dealing with the lack of motivation, one has also to look for the reasons other than presence or absence of the desire to participate. Volunteering in the early years of life It is a well established fact that the desire to participate and actual participation are both significantly determined by the experience gained at the early stages of life, and it does not matter whether the participation is mandatory (e.g. school requirement) or voluntary, formal or informal in nature. Several participants, particularly those residing in the regions, recalled their experience of various events during school years with immense pleasure. During the course of laying pipe-line through the region, British Petroleum funded ecological programmes in Akhalt

80 sikhe. In addition, the participants recalled their work in the national park, cleaning surroundings and various other activities. The schools also arranged excursions to historical monuments, organized cleaning of churches and involved students in restoration works. Inertness The participants spoke about inertness and low motivation among the youth: The youth does not possess the determination to do something. One should not just sit and wait for someone to call; instead one should think and plan actions accordingly. Contemporary youth is not ready to act in such a manner (female participant of FGD in Telavi). The following were named as the causes of passive behaviour: General situation in the country, specifically in the regions: The youth is wrapped in the mist of banal monotony, nothing interesting happens and they stay idle. That is why it is impossible to get involved in anything (female participant of FGD in Batumi). The projects beneficial for the population and the society are extremely rare in our region, and even in those rare cases perhaps as few as 20 young people would be involved, for the rest there is no scope (participant of FGD in Gori). Following the war (August War, 2008), the youth totally lost the desire to do something. It should be noted that after these horrors, nobody came to support the youth and nobody cared about them (female member of IDP group). Inefficient use of time and time constraints: Students do not have the time because in parallel to studying, they are also looking for high salary jobs to cover their tuition costs (male participant of FGD in Telavi). Young people cannot plan their time correctly. One may stay idle for 2 hours, which is not good at all (female student of vocational college)

81 Economic condition Many participants considered poverty as a serious hindrance to participation: When a person is needy, he/she has no wish at all to do anything; all his/her thoughts are directed towards earning money to buy food (male IDP in the youth group). When one has little or no money and many problems, it is difficult to think about entertainment and involvement into something (female student - participant of self-governance members group). Everything is related to financial means, why does one not pursue sports or dancing? Because of lack of money, since the parents have very low salaries which can hardly cover food expenses or buying some clothes. There is no money left for sports or other activities (female student of vocational college). Children are strongly influenced by family situation. I know one family which managed to improve their economic condition. You cannot recognize the children, they have completely changed now they are interested in everything and try to participate in many activities (male in Telavi FGD). Educational level The participants stressed that the lack of adequate education prevented the youth from getting involved in social life: The fact that the majority of young people do not participate in any activities is because they are ashamed of what they actually are. Many of them even cannot speak correctly, they do not know a thing and are literally bound by limitations; they are confined within their limitations and dogmas which they call traditions (male participant in Telavi FGD). Computer The attitude of youth towards computer is not unequivocal. Everybody recognizes its importance, but at the same time they also admit

82 that computer leads to passivity: Nowadays, nearly all young people are doing nothing, so they spend their time chained to the computer (female student of a vocational college). Instead of playing music themselves, they prefer to listen to the music on computer; it is an extremely lazy generation (male student of a vocational college). If one is sitting in front of the computer till 4-5 a.m., he will be good for nothing the next day, and gradually he will change his life style to the night life style (male student of a vocational college) Environment The most striking problem hindering participation is the lack of appropriate environment. There is no place where the young people can assemble and communicate, as well as there is no context for interaction or group work: There are no places where the youth can go and meet each other, share their opinions etc. (male participant of Marneuli group). The youth complain about the absence of circles without charge. To satisfy one s interests, one has to have money, which the majority does not possess Invitation for participation One of the conditions for participation is invitation, or in other words an offer to participate which depends on access to information and effective leadership. Access to information Lack of information is a significant obstacle to participation. The group members stated that the lack of information on existing rare opportunities prevented them from participating in the events or getting employment. They also discussed the bias of student s self-governments. Many

83 participants indicated that the members of student self-governance possess certain information, but are unwilling to disseminate it on purpose, because they either want to be the only ones involved or provide the information only to their friends and relatives. Scarcity of leaders Informal connections and personal contacts play a crucial role in the involvement of people in activities having community value. Formal or informal leaders usually serve as initiators of mobilization. It is of particular importance to identify potential leaders, contribute towards the development of their leadership skills and subsequent support. Many young people explain their passive behaviour by the fact that nobody summons them. If anyone calls me I would go, such was the answer of a significant number of participants when asked about the reasons behind for not being involved in public life. There is an apparent lack of sufficient number of leaders, and of those with the capability of mobilizing volunteers for actions. Another problem is for leaders to correctly understand the concept of participation. Conversations held with the leaders of student self-government demonstrated paternalistic rather than participatory attitude towards fellow students. Such attitude was reflected in their statements: They said that they would like to have a discotheque, we did arrange one, but they did not come, so we closed it (female participant in Akhaltsikhe FGD). Invitation for participation The participants indicated that they felt ignored: Nobody needs our activity, so where shall we be active? What shall we do? (male participant in IDP group). We would gladly participate, but we are not informed about anything, nobody called us (male participant of IDP group). 7. Ways to increase participation The young people were more communicative and confident while discussing factors hindering participation than while dwelling on ways to increase participation. However, they did mention a number of noteworthy ways which would contribute towards increasing of participation

84 Education The young people consider education as an important prerequisite for increasing participation. They indicated the necessity of improving education level at schools, participating in various trainings and courses as well as organizing discussions: The youth should receive adequate education, and should like reading books (male member of FGD of private university students). The school is believed to play a decisive role in providing education and fostering participation. According to participants, school should develop participatory attitudes and habits in pupils, as well as it should establish the value of doing useful work for the benefit of the society. This requires formulating appropriate school policy, improving social conditions of school teachers and increasing material resources of schools. Accessibility of information Accessibility of information pertaining to participation possibilities is a mandatory prerequisite for participation: It is absolutely necessary to disseminate information, be it in the form of an announcement on notice-boards, or visiting classrooms and disseminating information thereby, or organizing presentations about the planned projects in large auditoriums (male participant of FGD of private university students). The participants also believed in the efficiency of using computers widely to collect, present and disseminate information: A special site should be developed where information on various activities or events would be presented (male participant of FGD of private university students). It is necessary to form a special group in the university, which will develop ideas, write project proposals and simultaneously involve others actively in these processes (female participant of FGD of private university students)

85 Stimulation and promotion of participation Young people often discussed the necessity to stimulate participation, though mostly failed to specify the form of stimulation. The issue of the effectiveness of material stimulation for participation caused disagreement among the participants, while some considered it effective, others regarded it as unacceptable. An opinion in relation to development of special stimulation system has been voiced: State should support the development of voluntarism. Doing useful work for the society on voluntary bases is not sufficiently developed yet, and it is necessary to create such desire in young people. Gradually young people will get accustomed to doing things beneficial for the society, and that will stir in them the desire to do good things for others (male participant of FGD of private university students). The students also suggested that volunteer work should be taken as a compensation for not attending lectures. Another way of stimulation is thought to be documenting volunteer activities in personal files at educational institutions. According to the participants, the notion of voluntary work needs promotion, and requires regular TV broadcasts, talk-shows and discussions on this issue. Active involvement of authorities The participants indicated the necessity to develop State policy on youth issues. They also pointed out to the necessity of stimulating local self-government bodies: Involvement of Gamgeoba (executive body of local selfgovernment) in the organization of various events would be most effective. But Gamgeoba does not show any interest towards youth issues (male participant in Marneuli group). The representatives of youth wings of political parties cited the lack of attention from the authorities. They claimed that it is necessary to adopt a law on youth: Nowadays everybody from the President to ministers are young, and I think to some degree it is good, but when these people attain high positions, they completely lose in

86 terest in youth issues, even though they are young people themselves, they seem to completely ignore the problems faced by the youth (interview with Levan Japaridze). Positive examples A significant number of participants spoke about the necessity to popularize positive examples: I believe that much depends on the environment which surrounds a person. This is particularly true for girls. When a family sees that the neighbours children attend such organizations, they will also allow their children to join their peers (female participant in Marneuli group). If a young person is surrounded only by passive peers, she also would be reluctant to become active, but when a young person sees that her peers have achieved something, she will also desire to be active (male participant in Marneuli group). More sports events and competitions should be conducted to attract young people and evoke in them the desire to participate (male participant in Marneuli group). 8. Organized forms of youth participation Existence of suitable environment is considered as one of the prerequisites for participation. Creation of such environment and stimulation of participation are the prerogatives of various institutions such as State structures, non-governmental organizations, trade unions, movements, church and international organizations. As aforementioned, the questionnaire which referred to the goals of organizations and their primary activities was completed by 55 organizations, of which, the majority (75.0 percent) are working in Tbilisi. Among the 55 organizations, 44 are non-governmental, 2 are State organizations, 3 are student s self-governance bodies, 2 are youth wings of political parties, and 4 are branches of international organizations. Youth in general, students and pupils are the primary target groups of the aforesaid institutions

87 Fig. 4. Target groups Source: Survey data (N=118. The respondents named several target groups) The interviewed organizations were allowed to name 3 major goals. The most often cited was the support to democratic processes (34.1 percent). It must be mentioned that quite a number of organizations work in the sphere of education, human rights and integration of Georgia into European structures. Table 1. Goals of organizations No. Goal Percentage N=135 Development of democracy 1 Supporting democracy Establishing civil society Increasing participation Contributing towards democratic elections Establishing superiority of the Law Increasing tolerance Popularization of voluntarism 2.2 Others 8 Education Protection of human rights Contributing towards integration into European structures Solving ecological problems Developing youth organizations Organizing leisure, sports and cultural events Integrating minorities, persons with disabilities, and professional integration Peaceful resolution of conflicts

88 16 Employment Developing human resources and supporting self-realization Establishing sustainable development and improving living standards Developing youth programmes, organizing seminars and conferences Dealing with the problems of IDPs Developing youth policy Monitoring university processes Improving business-environment Preparing youth for independent life Supporting party course Providing information on the ongoing political processes in Georgia Developing tourism Supporting media 0.7 Total 100 Source: Survey data Funding is considered as the major problem by organizations percent reported scarce funding, and 17.2 percent pointed towards the lack of qualified staff. Fig. 5. Major problems of youth organizations Source: Survey data: (N=64. Respondents could mention up to three problems) Organizations per se, State, donors and society were listed as agents for resolving existing problems

89 Table 2. Agents for resolving existing problems No Agent Percentage N=60 Youth organizations 1 Obtaining funding Activating work Improvement of professional skills Improvement of management Broadening contacts Attracting new members Popularizing ecological problems Establishing the value of charity in the society 1.6 State 9 Increasing funding Development of civil sector Adopting The Law on Youth Supporting voluntarism Implementing effective educational policy Implementing effective economic policy Liberating business from the State press Introducing privileges for charity 1.6 Donors 17 Changing the funding strategy 6.3 Total 100 Source: Survey data As mentioned above, various institutions, State structures, political parties, trade unions, international organizations and funds, student self-government, church, community groups and non-governmental organizations are engaged in supporting the youth State structures The change of government in 2004 took place with active participation of the youth. The country is since headed by a young generation. In the current Government of Georgia, the youngest minister is 29 and the oldest 52 years old. Median age of ministers is 35 years. Several State structures are focused on youth issues

90 Parliament of Georgia There is a Committee of Sports and Youth Affairs in the Parliament. Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs of Georgia Irrespective of the fact that young age very often serves as one of the main criteria for getting employment, nevertheless problems related to youth, employment, education and participation in public life remains acute. One of the major reasons for such a situation is the absence of State policy on youth. The Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs was established on July 1, 2010 as the sign of recognizing the importance of youth and the need for State policy. The Ministry actively started to define youth policy for the ensuing 5 years and to develop an appropriate action plan. In the draft of the State policy document, establishment of the Coordination Council with membering deputy Ministers of Labour, Health and Social Affairs, of Education, of Probation, and others as well as the representatives of the non-governmental sector is envisaged. The Ministry plans to publicize annual reports. The youth policy is planned to be implemented predominantly through the Educational Centre established on the basis of Youth National Centre - its major objective being development of programmes, Children and Youth Foundation its key objective being provision of grants, and the Educational Centre at Vartsikhe Camp, which will increase youth resources through educational programmes. Organization of Patriots Camps will remain within the competence of the Ministry. Additionally, every Gamgeoba in the regions will include a person responsible for youth affairs. In the regions, coordination of youth affairs will be performed by regional departments of the Ministry. The information base has already been created in the Ministry. The priority direction of the policy will be supporting organizations where 2/3 of its members are young people as envisaged by the Law of Georgia on Children and Youth Organizations. The outline of the policy strategy draft document states that the goal of the strategy is to contribute towards the development of civic consciousness, the need to care for others and providing opportunities for self-realization (interview with Alexandre Silagadze and Irakli Megrelishvili). Municipalities and self-governance bodies Departments of youth affairs function in municipalities. The primary objective of Youth Affairs Department at Tbilisi Municipality is devel

91 oping youth policy as well as supporting youth and their organizations. Its target groups are young people in general and in particular, socially vulnerable youth. The activities of the municipality are versatile. It is engaged in the coordination of youth organizations, dissemination of information and organization of leisure activitiesthe programme of youth involvement in sports activities provides 250 coaches for every youth interested in sports. In addition, the municipality allotted 20 GEL for each person under the age of 18 who is below the poverty line for participating in activities at District Pupils Houses (interview with Maguli Shavishvili). Moreover, Municipal Service for Youth Affairs in Kutaisi is actively involved in implementing programmes in various spheres such as: ensuring development of spiritual processes in youth; involvement of youth in sports and tourism; promoting healthy life style; arousing patriotic aspirations; organising leisure activities; supporting gifted people. Furthermore, preventive programme for youth prone to antisocial behaviour is being implemented in 4 public schools with the assistance of psychologists Youth wings of political parties The main political parties have youth wings. However, the age of its members are not strictly determined and varies between parties. The lower age threshold is more clearly defined at 16, but more often is 18 years (interview with Levan Japaridze and Girshel Bartaia), though the parties state that if a younger member expresses the wish to be active, they would not object (interview with Teimraz Tsiklauri). The upper age threshold in some parties is 24 years (e.g. National Movement), while in others it is 25 years (National Forum), or 28 years (Labour Party), or even over 30 years (Christian-Democrats). Parties with representative offices in the regions also have youth departments. National Movement and Forum have their youth offices in the districts of Tbilisi. The exact number of youth organizations members is not known. The parties mention various goals of their youth organizations. The representative of National Movement defined their goal as creating favourable conditions for the youth. The Party assists its young members in resolving their problems by acting as mediator between youth and State structures, and it also organizes holidays for youth. The goal of Alliance for Georgia is to raise the level of political culture. The goals of the Labour Party Youth Organization fully coincide with the Party goals, which are: voicing the existing problems and

92 rendering assistance to the needy. As for Christian-Democrats, the priority is the protection of youth rights. The goal of National Forum is development and education of the young people. With regards to activities, there is little difference between the parties, they are mainly elections oriented. Young people are actively involved in election campaigning, which include putting up party posters, working on voters list and disseminating booklets. Although members of the youth organizations of some parties (e.g. Christian Democrats) were candidates for majoritarian deputies in the last selfgovernance elections. Unlike other parties, the members of the ruling National Movement are involved in the implementation of State programmes. The National Forum offers its members regular discussions on the topics selected by youth. The party has already implemented the 6 months duration project The School of Economics. In addition, within the framework of USAID funded project Youth Learn the Skills of Discussions, the group on the resolution of Georgian-Abkhazian conflict is actively working. The majority of the parties indicate that young people, who are not their members, are also involved in activities. All parties mentioned financial constraints as their principal problem. This problem is more pronounced in youth organizations compared to parental parties. Grants only cover seminars and training expenses, and these organizations are deprived of any funding for other types of activities. The representative of Alliance for Georgia indicated that involving youth from the regions in party activities is more difficult than involving residents of the capital city, since the conditions in the regions are comparatively unfavourable. In the regions, youth are engaged in agriculture, and it is difficult to draw them away from this activity on volunteer basis. However, in our discussions with youth, this issue was not apparent. The youth in general, particularly from the regions, complained about excessive free time and unemployment. It must be mentioned that it is relatively difficult to generate interest among the youth for political activities. Gaining access to educational institutions with the highest concentration of young people and campaigning there was also mentioned as a serious problem. At the same time, many participants objected to the politicization of educational institutions. Moreover, the parties considered the absence of the Law on the Youth and youth policy in general as a problem: Very few people know what the youth policy is, why is it necessary, and in general, what is the role of the youth. Nobody knows to what extent youth should be involved

93 in the ongoing processes in the country (interview with Shalva Kiknavelidze). The representatives of the Youth Forum also indicated the irregular nature of attention paid by the parties towards young people: The main problem of the political parties lies in the fact that they remember the youth only during elections or protest actions. After elections and manifestations end, nobody remembers them (interview with Shalva Kiknavelidze) Trade unions Trade unions of Georgia have youth wings, which is integrated into European and World Trade Unions Structures. Trade Unions have their regional departments, and their goal is to involve the youth in the unions activities. Trade unions define the youth as people aged years. The members of the youth wing participate in protest actions and signature campaigns for legislation initiatives. Trade Unions struggles include resolution of youth problems, introduction of transport privileges for students, and abolishment of fees for repeated attempts to clear exams at universities. Trade unions provide probationary work on legal issues for many young people (interview with Irakli Petriashvili) International organizations and foundations A number of active international organizations in Georgia are implementing dedicated projects beneficial for the youth. World Bank In the current fiscal year, Civic Foundation of the World Bank, in cooperation with Open Society Georgia Foundation and Eurasia Partnership Foundation, funded 10 youth projects with total budget of 45,000 USD. The foundation was created in 1999, and for the past three years it has focused its efforts on the youth. The major topic of 2010 call for applications was IDPs employment. The Georgian Office of the World Bank has been implementing the Youth Voices project for three years. The Youth Council with members aged between 15 and 24 functions at the World Bank, and its members are selected

94 based on competition for a term of 5 years. The Council participates in defining the winners of the Civic Foundation competition, and organizes various youth events (interview with Inga Paichadze). UNICEF The principal target group of UNICEF are children, though it also implements certain activities focused on the youth. The issues of youth education will be reflected in its plans. In 2009, the organization implemented the study on youth prospects and their perspectives on education. The report on the results of the survey has not been published yet. UNICEF works on the problems of re-socialization of years old probationers. Relevant information has been collected and database is currently in the process of creating. This database will contain information on the re-socialization resources existing in Georgia, which is on the opportunities for receiving informal education, recreational possibilities, and non-governmental organizations working with youth, as well as possibilities of trainings in prisons for inmates. UNICEF in cooperation with the Parliament of Georgia and the Ministry of Education and Science has formulated national policy and strategy in the sphere of sports and physical upbringing of the youth (interview with Maya Kuparadze). Eurasia Partnership Foundation Youth programme of the Foundation implements the Youth Bank Project. The goal of the project is to develop the spirit of voluntarism, to support civic activities of year olds, as well as to realize social, political and economic potentials of the youth. The project has already funded 8 organizations in Svaneti, Kakheti, Guria, Kvemo Kartli and Samtskhe-Javakheti. In the course of the project, participants learn financial management through managing small projects directed towards community development. Open Society Georgia Foundation The Foundation does not have any dedicated youth programmes, though more often than not, young people are the main beneficiaries of its projects, and it has implemented several youth projects in the recent years. These include: Young IDP Support Project implemented in ; Civil Integration Youth Summer Camps implemented

95 in 2009; two projects on adaptation and employment of young IDPs implemented in Save the Children Federation Save the Children has been working in Georgia since The target groups of the organization are street children, women and IDPs. The projects are focused on health, education, women and youth needs. Besides assisting the vulnerable population, the objectives of the organization include development of civil society. Heinrich Böll Foundation The major goal of the Foundation in Georgia is establishment of just and tolerant society, support sustainable development, and improving the culture of public discussions. Its target groups are: civil society, IDPs, minorities and youth in general. Within the framework of the gender programme, the Foundation carried out a Gender and Society competition among the youth in The winning essays of the competition have been published in Georgian and German languages. World Vision Georgia In Georgia, this organization is primarily working on children, though it has youth projects as well, such as Civil Education of the Youth and Community Participation project, which is being simultaneously implemented in Georgia and Romania. The goal of this project is to familiarize the youth with the principles of democratic society and civic participation. In Georgia, the programme serves three cities Telavi, Batumi and Kutaisi. Participants of the project receive trainings in leadership, debates, civic participation, voluntarism and democracy building. The youth is also involved in an exchange programme with a partner organization in Romania. World Vision plans to open three Youth Centres and create Youth Councils (interview with Nutsi Odisharia). Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) NRC currently implements two projects targeted at youth through partner organizations Alternativa and Education for Democracy. These are: vocational trainings and peer to peer projects. The aims of the projects are to assist young displaced people in self-realization, adaptation and attainment of basic education. The study groups will function in vocational training centres of Tbilisi, Gori, Akhaltsikhe,

96 Samegrelo, Imereti and Ajara. Moreover, clubs for IDP and local youth will be opened in 6 locations (information provided by NRC). USAID USAID and PH International implement a 3 year project: Applied Civic Education and Teacher Training Program (ACETT) aimed at increasing youth involvement in democratic processes, and more effective citizen participation in community development. The programme is targeted towards improving the quality and the scope of schoolbased civic education. The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ) GmbH (German Technical Cooperation) One component of the GTZ programme Private Sector Development Georgia is connected with improving general conditions for the development of a labour market-oriented VET system, and focuses on macro-level of financing, stakeholder dialogue and matching on the labour market. IDP on-job trainings in Gori and trainings in tourism industry in Zugdidi were included early during the initial stages of the 2009 to 2011 project Student self-government Students self-government is a basic form of students youth organization. Self-governance bodies are functioning in all higher education institutions, as well as in a number of vocational colleges and schools. They are acting in accordance with the Law of Georgia and Bylaw of every given educational facility. Self-governance activities are fundamentally directed towards organization of leisure time, though the Bylaws of some universities selfgovernance also envisage protection of students rights. Self-governance is funded by the university budget. In some cases, a fixed sum is allotted for one year, and in other cases the funding varies from 1 to 5 percent of educational facility income. In small sized universities, funding is provided after the approval of one time event by university administration. There are no membership fees. Self-governance is an elective body headed by an elected president. Most often, one representative from each faculty is elected. In some universities the president is elected directly, whereas in other facilities, the president is elected by the members of the self-governance

97 Members of self-governance are involved in the work of Department Council and University Council. They comprise a third of the department and a fourth of the University Council, thus they have a powerful leverage to influence university decision-making. A number of respondents (interview with Giorgi Tsimintia, Jaba Jishkariani and Shalva Kiknavelidze) pointed out to the politicization of student self-governance as a result of the pressure exerted by National Movement and the lack of efficiency in their activities Church Church is one of active organizing force. The overwhelming majority of Orthodox Church congregation are young people. It is noteworthy that the Church activities contribute towards inter-generation meetings and cooperation. These activities include art courses, visiting historical monuments and pilgrimages. There are various educational facilities functioning at the Orthodox Church, such as Tbilisi Clerical Academy, Seminary and Theological Institute, Institute of Decorative Gardening and Ecology, and Nursing and Social Medicine Institute. The goal of these educational facilities is the preparation of clerical, pedagogical and scientific personnel for the Georgian Church. A four year educational facility is opened by a Catholic Church in Vale. This institution teaches foreign languages and religion science Community based organizations The survey revealed an important role of community based organizations (CBOs) in encouraging participation. CBOs have been established in the course of implementing the project undertaken by the Centre for Strategic Studies and Development. A part of those CBOs are registered as unions, while a large majority is not registered at all. The project funded the procurement of computers and copiers, as well as covered the costs of internet, telephone, electricity and heating. The project pays salary to one coordinator aged between 18 and 35. The goal of the CBOs is to identify and resolve local problems. Javakheti Youth Forum functioning in Akhalkalaki has similar goals, where young people can use its office space and technical resources. The young applicants are selected based on competition and receive trainings to acquire skills required for working in the office. The Centre located in Metekhi IDP settlement is equipped with computers linked to the internet, where young people can attend classes in various circles. The Centre for Children and Youth Development is functioning

98 in Verkhvebi - IDP settlement in Gori, where the young people are taught how to write projects Non-governmental organizations According to the survey data, establishment of the non-governmental organizations (NGOs) started in Nearly a third of the surveyed organizations have 9-17 years working experience. 35 percent of organizations are functioning since , and 32 percent possess 1 to 4 years working experience. The majority (59.1 percent) of the managers in those organizations are males, whereas females prevail among the three leading staff members (56.6 percent). The average number of personnel in non-governmental organizations varies from 2 to 40. More often than not, the number of staff stands at 5. Majority of NGOs are engaged in some type of educational activities. However, several NGOs are also engaged in information collection and dissemination. Fig.6. Spheres of activities of non-governmental organizations Source: Survey data (N=44) In accordance with the spheres of activities, the overwhelming majority (90.7 percent) of NGOs are engaged in providing trainings and educational courses, followed by research and information dissemination (76.7percent)

99 Fig. 7. Types of NGO activities Source: Survey data (N=44) Based on the interviews, 86.4 percent of interviewed NGOs had at least one funded project in Currently, the funding is available for 78.0 percent of NGOs. Foreign Foundations serve as the major source of funding (74.4percent), followed by embassies and international organizations (62.8percent). Fig. 8.Funding sources for NGOs Source: Survey data (N=44) NGOs of various profile work with the youth. They focus on professional development, education, minorities and marginal group s integration, human rights, ecology. In addition, there are information and coordinating centres and umbrella youth organizations, such as National Council of Youth Organizations of Georgia and Youth Forum. The National Council, which was founded in 1995, currently unites 48 children and youth organizations. The goal of the Council is development of open, democratic and tolerant society and stimulation of youth through their involvement in civic life. The goal of the Youth Forum is coordination of youth organizations

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