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1 R9 موضوع متن اصلی Main Topic Abolhassan Tajfar Page 1 of 21

2 موضوع اصلی متن چیست آنچه متن بیشتر از هر چیز دیگری بدان میپردازد یا آنچه بیش از هر چیز دیگری تکرار میشود Abolhassan Tajfar Page 2 of 21

3 چرا باید موضوع اصلی متن را یافت تقریبا همهی متنها با یک پرسش موضوع اصلی متن )یا نوعی دیگر از پرسشهای عام( همراه هستند. همچنین پاسخگویی به همهی پرسشها تا حد زیادی به درک ما از موضوع اصلی متن وابسته است. Abolhassan Tajfar Page 3 of 21

4 1( از )4 موضوع اصلی متن کجاست Abolhassan Tajfar Page 4 of 21

5 2( از )4 موضوع اصلی متن کجاست Abolhassan Tajfar Page 5 of 21

6 3( از )4 موضوع اصلی متن کجاست Abolhassan Tajfar Page 6 of 21

7 4( از )4 موضوع اصلی متن کجاست Abolhassan Tajfar Page 7 of 21

8 موضوع اصلی متن را چگونه بیابیم روش یافتن Main Topic به سرعت خواندن ما بستگی دارد. ولی به طور کل ی باید تکتک پاراگرافها را تا جایی که اطمینان حاصل کنیم موضوع هر پاراگراف را یافتهایم بخوانیم. نکتهی بسیار مهم : استفاده از واژگان نشانه کمک زیادی میکند. Abolhassan Tajfar Page 8 of 21

9 واژگان نشانه )1 از 5( Although modern strategies have proved successful, traditional methods are still quite widespread. ادامهی این پاراگراف دربارهی چیست یا Abolhassan Tajfar Page 9 of 21

10 واژگان نشانه )2 از 5( Although modern strategies have proved successful, traditional methods are still quite widespread. ادامهی این پاراگراف دربارهی چیست یا although بر سر clause قیدی میآید. clause اصلی clause دیگر است. Abolhassan Tajfar Page 10 of 21

11 واژگان نشانه )3 از 5( Reptiles are of great significance in tropical countries. For instance, New Guineans use snakes to make food, clothes and tools. ادامهی این پاراگراف دربارهی چیست یا Abolhassan Tajfar Page 11 of 21

12 واژگان نشانه )4 از 5( Reptiles are of great significance in tropical countries. For instance, New Guineans use snakes to make food, clothes and tools. ادامهی این پاراگراف دربارهی چیست یا for instance نشانهی مثال است و مثال معموال برای»بسط موضوعی مهم«به کار میرود. Abolhassan Tajfar Page 12 of 21

13 واژگان نشانه )5 از 5( واژگان نشانه همان ادوات پیوند هستند: A Connectors 1 Coordinating Conjunctions so but 2 Paired Conjunctions both and either or 3 Adverb Clause Connectors because although 4 Adjective Clause Connectors who that 5 Noun Clause Connectors who that B Non-Connectors 6 Transition Adverbs therefore however 7 Transition Prepositions because of despite دو مثال برای هر دسته از ادوات پیوند Abolhassan Tajfar Page 13 of 21

14 پاسخهای نادرست )distractors( در پرسشهای موضوع اصلی خیلی جزیی خیلی کل ی غیرواقع اشاره به بخشی از متن اشاره به متنی که متن آزمون زیرمجموعهی آن است متفاوت با یا ناقض آنچه در متن آمده است Abolhassan Tajfar Page 14 of 21

15 نوبت شما! برگهی پرسش Abolhassan Tajfar Page 15 of 21

16 Passage 1/3 1/1 The modern, industrial societies created by the Industrial Revolution have come at some cost. The nature of work became worse for many people, and industrialization placed great pressures on traditional family structures as work moved outside the home. The economic and social distances between groups within industrial societies are often very wide, as is the disparity between rich industrial nations and poorer neighboring countries. The natural environment has also suffered from the effects of the Industrial Revolution. Pollution, deforestation, and the destruction of animal and plant habitats continue to increase as industrialization spreads. Perhaps the greatest benefits of industrialization are increased material well-being and improved healthcare for many people in industrial societies. Modern industrial life also provides a constantly changing flood of new goods and services, giving consumers more choices. With both its negative aspects and its benefits, the Industrial Revolution has been one of the most influential and far-reaching movements in human history. 1 What is the main topic of this passage? a The disadvantages of the Industrial Revolution b How much the Industrial Revolution cost c Industrial Revolution has benefited the world d The impact of the Industrial Revolution Abolhassan Tajfar Page 16 of 21

17 Passage 1/3 1/1 The modern, industrial societies created by the Industrial Revolution have come at some cost. The nature of work became worse for many people, and industrialization placed great pressures on traditional family structures as work moved outside the home. The economic and social distances between groups within industrial societies are often very wide, as is the disparity between rich industrial nations and poorer neighboring countries. The natural environment has also suffered from the effects of the Industrial Revolution. Pollution, deforestation, and the destruction of animal and plant habitats continue to increase as industrialization spreads. Perhaps the greatest benefits of industrialization are increased material well-being and improved healthcare for many people in industrial societies. Modern industrial life also provides a constantly changing flood of new goods and services, giving consumers more choices. With both its negative aspects and its benefits, the Industrial Revolution has been one of the most influential and far-reaching movements in human history. 1 What is the main topic of this passage? a The disadvantages of the Industrial Revolution b How much the Industrial Revolution cost c Industrial Revolution has benefited the world D The impact of the Industrial Revolution Abolhassan Tajfar Page 17 of 21

18 Passage 2/3 1/1 The economic successes of the British soon led other nations to try to follow the same path. In northern Europe, mechanics and investors in France, Belgium, Holland, and some of the German states set out to imitate Britain s successful example. In the young United States, Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton called for an Industrial Revolution in his Report on Manufactures (1791). Many Americans felt that the United States had to become economically strong in order to maintain its recently won independence from Great Britain. In cities up and down the Atlantic Coast, leading citizens organized associations devoted to the encouragement of manufactures. The Industrial Revolution unfolded in the United States even more vigorously than it had in Great Britain. The young nation began as a weak, loose association of former colonies with a traditional economy. More than threequarters of the labor force worked in agriculture in Americans soon enjoyed striking success in mechanization, however. This was clear in 1851 when producers from many nations gathered to display their industrial triumphs at the first World s Fair, at the Crystal Palace in London. There, it was the work of Americans that attracted the most attention. Shortly after that, the British government dispatched a special committee to the United States to study the manufacturing accomplishments of its former colonies. By the end of the century, the United States was the world leader in manufacturing, unfolding what became known as the Second Industrial Revolution. The American economy had emerged as the largest and most productive on the globe. 2 This passage primarily discusses a the Industrial Revolution in the United States b how Britain started the Industrial Revolution c the Industrial Revolution in Europe and in the United States d the fact that several countries followed Britain s model of the Industrial Revolution Abolhassan Tajfar Page 18 of 21

19 Passage 2/3 1/1 The economic successes of the British soon led other nations to try to follow the same path. In northern Europe, mechanics and investors in France, Belgium, Holland, and some of the German states set out to imitate Britain s successful example. In the young United States, Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton called for an Industrial Revolution in his Report on Manufactures (1791). Many Americans felt that the United States had to become economically strong in order to maintain its recently won independence from Great Britain. In cities up and down the Atlantic Coast, leading citizens organized associations devoted to the encouragement of manufactures. The Industrial Revolution unfolded in the United States even more vigorously than it had in Great Britain. The young nation began as a weak, loose association of former colonies with a traditional economy. More than threequarters of the labor force worked in agriculture in Americans soon enjoyed striking success in mechanization, however. This was clear in 1851 when producers from many nations gathered to display their industrial triumphs at the first World s Fair, at the Crystal Palace in London. There, it was the work of Americans that attracted the most attention. Shortly after that, the British government dispatched a special committee to the United States to study the manufacturing accomplishments of its former colonies. By the end of the century, the United States was the world leader in manufacturing, unfolding what became known as the Second Industrial Revolution. The American economy had emerged as the largest and most productive on the globe. 2 This passage primarily discusses A the Industrial Revolution in the United States b how Britain started the Industrial Revolution c the Industrial Revolution in Europe and in the United States d the fact that several countries followed Britain s model of the Industrial Revolution Abolhassan Tajfar Page 19 of 21

20 Passage 3/3 1/1 Political scientists are divided on the extent to which their discipline should follow methods used by traditional sciences. Some argue that political science should follow the research model of natural sciences such as physics and chemistry, which use quantitative analysis and repeated observation to establish scientific laws. These political scientists aim to discover general laws of politics, although few such laws have been discovered. One such law is Duverger s law, which asserts that countries that conduct elections through proportional representation (such as Germany and the Netherlands) will have many political parties, while countries that decide elections on the basis of a simple plurality of votes (such as Britain and the United States) will have only two primary parties. But Duverger s law is itself faced with a need to explain many contradictory real-world cases for example, why India does not have a two-party system. Political scientists who attempt to develop scientific laws favor quantitative methods or explanations of politics that are derived from deductions based upon simple assumptions about human behavior. All else is regarded as transient, unfounded, and unreliable. Political scientists who oppose this scientific emphasis argue that politics is highly complex and variable, continually changing as new events unfold, and driven by unpredictable human actions. They argue that any rigidly scientific approach can only yield trivial results. They point out that their more scientific colleagues have not had much success in developing general laws of political science, let alone making predictions based on such laws. For example, not one political scientist predicted the breakup of the Soviet bloc in 1989 and end of the Soviet Union. Political scientists who favor less scientific approaches tend to pursue single-case studies for example, a study of the presidency of Ronald W. Reagan or examine specific social problems. 3 Which would be the best title for this passage? a The Quantitative Method in Political Science b Political Science c Two Different Approaches to Political Science d The early History of Political Science Abolhassan Tajfar Page 20 of 21

21 Passage 3/3 1/1 Political scientists are divided on the extent to which their discipline should follow methods used by traditional sciences. Some argue that political science should follow the research model of natural sciences such as physics and chemistry, which use quantitative analysis and repeated observation to establish scientific laws. These political scientists aim to discover general laws of politics, although few such laws have been discovered. One such law is Duverger s law, which asserts that countries that conduct elections through proportional representation (such as Germany and the Netherlands) will have many political parties, while countries that decide elections on the basis of a simple plurality of votes (such as Britain and the United States) will have only two primary parties. But Duverger s law is itself faced with a need to explain many contradictory real-world cases for example, why India does not have a two-party system. Political scientists who attempt to develop scientific laws favor quantitative methods or explanations of politics that are derived from deductions based upon simple assumptions about human behavior. All else is regarded as transient, unfounded, and unreliable. Political scientists who oppose this scientific emphasis argue that politics is highly complex and variable, continually changing as new events unfold, and driven by unpredictable human actions. They argue that any rigidly scientific approach can only yield trivial results. They point out that their more scientific colleagues have not had much success in developing general laws of political science, let alone making predictions based on such laws. For example, not one political scientist predicted the breakup of the Soviet bloc in 1989 and end of the Soviet Union. Political scientists who favor less scientific approaches tend to pursue single-case studies for example, a study of the presidency of Ronald W. Reagan or examine specific social problems. 3 Which would be the best title for this passage? a The Quantitative Method in Political Science b Political Science C Two Different Approaches to Political Science d The early History of Political Science Abolhassan Tajfar Page 21 of 21


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