15. Of the following five countries, the highest TRF would be found in: a. China b. Columbia c. Denmark d. Rwanda e. Japan

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1 1. Which of the following best describes a push factor that would cause rural people in the Less Developed World to leave their farms and migrate away from their home community? a. Guest worker policies in Developed Countries. b. Civil war or armed conflict in the countryside. c. Job opportunities in manufacturing in the urban centers. d. access to services and education opportunities in cities. e. decreasing land costs for farmers. 2. The term ecumene means area inhabited by people. The above map shows ecumene in three classes. Which area shown would have the lowest ecumene? a. Eastern North America b. Western Europe c. Southern South America d. North Africa e. South Asia 3. The world s largest concentration of people (in terms of total numbers) is located in a. East Asia b. South America c. Southeast Asia d. Western Europe e. Northeastern North America 4. Which of the following is the result of chain migration? a. the African slave trade b. French colonial rule c. The formation of Israel d. San Francisco s Chinatown e. Colonization of the American frontier 5. 10% of Haiti s GNP comes from money sent by Haitians living in the United States? This is called a. Tax payments. b. income disparity. c. reconstitution. d. cash funneling. e. remittance. 6. The type of movement that involves journeys that begin at and brings us back to our home base is called a. Internal migration b. immigration. c. migratory. d. cyclic. e. transnational. 7. In a country where the rate of natural increase is a negative number, an expected secondary effect of this population situation would be a. a decrease in the per capita gross national product b. fewer women entering management, scientific and political position c. a repeal of open border policies d. decreased government protection of natural environments e. an increase in foreign guest workers immigrating to fill jobs 8. A population agglomeration is today emerging in Africa focused on a. Eastern coastal region b. South Africa c. Nigeria and coastal West Africa d. North Africa e. Central Africa

2 9. Physiological density is expressed as the number of a. acres of farmland per city b. farmers per acre of land c. people per area of land d. people per acre of arable land e. people per farmer 10. If the physiological density is much higher than the arithmetic density, then a country probably has: a. inefficient farmers b. a large number of farmers c. a large percentage of arable land d. a greater challenge producing food e. a very large population overall 11. in Washington, DC may travel up to 100 miles each way to work daily. Evidence that American activity spaces are some of the biggest in the world. a. commuters b. lawyers c. Senators d. drivers e. Lobbyists 12. The annual global population growth rate increased approximately ten thousand years ago because of a. an agricultural revolution b. demographic transition c. the Industrial Revolution d. medical improvements e. ecumene enhancement period 13. In studying population growth and attempting to predict future patterns of growth, geographers most frequently refer to the a. dependency ratio b. crude death rate c. infant mortality rate d. historical rates of natural increase e. total fertility rate 14. If the world s population is currently approximately 6.7 billion and is expected to reach 12 billion in approximately 50 years. The period of 50 years is known as a. doubling time b. life expectancy c. natural increase rate d. overpopulation period e. zero population growth attainment 15. Of the following five countries, the highest TRF would be found in: a. China b. Columbia c. Denmark d. Rwanda e. Japan 16. Of the following four countries, the lowest crude birth rate (CBR) would be found in a. Mexico b. Argentina c. Denmark d. Ethiopia e. India 17. In general, as the gross domestic product (GDP) of a country rises, its birthrate (CBR) will: a. also rise b. fall c. stabilize and remain constant d. move to zero e. it is impossible to tell, the two statistics are uncorrelated 18. The highest rates of ALL BUT WHICH of the following are typically found in the developing world (less developed countries)? a. crude birth rates b. crude death rates c. infant mortality rates d. natural increase rates e. total fertility rates

3 19. During the first decades of the twentieth century, African American families in the United States migrated primarily to a. the northern urban centers. b. the western rural areas. c. the Pacific Northwest. d. other southern states farther west. e. back to Africa. 20. A decline in a country s crude birth rate would result in an increase in the country s a. total fertility rate b. life expectancy c. crude death rate d. doubling time e. infant mortality rate 21. Life expectancy is lowest in a. Sub Saharan Africa b. East Asia c. North America d. Western Europe e. South America 22. The total number of live births per year per people in a society is the crude birth rate. a. 100 people b. 1,000 women c. 1,000 people d. 10,000 women e. total population 23. The highest natural increase rates are found in countries in which stage of the demographic transition? a. Stage 1 b. Stage 2 c. Stage 3 d. Stage 4 e. Stage The lowest crude birth rates are found in countries in which stage of the demographic transition? a. Stage 1 b. Stage 2 c. Stage 3 d. Stage 4 e. Stage For every 1,000 babies born in Mozambique this year, nearly 150 of them will die before they reach their first birthday. The rate of 150 deaths per 1,000 births is known as the a. crude death rate b. infant mortality rate c. life expectancy d. total fertility rate e. dependency rate 26. In the United States during the late twentieth century and early twentyfirst century, internal migration streams were moving people from a. west to east and south to north. b. west to east and north to south. c. east to west and south to north. d. east to west and north to south. e. west to north and south to east. 27. Relatively developed countries moved from Stage 1 to Stage 2 of the demographic transition 200 years ago in part because of a. the second agricultural revolution b. revolution in medical technology c. the Industrial Revolution d. women choosing to enter the labor force e. a medical revolution 28. The percentage of people who are too young or too old to work in a society is known as the a. dependency ratio b. population pyramid c. sex ratio d. reproductive cohort e. peripheral cohort 29. Irish migration to North America in the mid-1800s is an example of a. forced migration. b. aspects of both forced and voluntary migration. c. voluntary migration. d. cyclical migration. e. cyclical migration and periodic migration together.

4 30. The country listed here with the narrowest (most columnar) population pyramid is a. Nigeria b. Chile c. The Netherlands d. The United States e. Mexico 31. In contrast to the experience of relatively developed countries, developing countries entered Stage 2 of the demographic transition through a. creation of higher levels of wealth b. gradual diffusion of the industrial revolution c. sudden injection of medical technology from developed nations d. changes in their economic and social systems e. the Industrial Revolution SINGAPORE According to the graphed information above, in which stage of the demographic transition was Singapore in 2003? a. stage 1 b. early 2 c. later 2 d. early 3 e. later Today, Singapore s government has adopted a policy to slow growth which is considered in that it. a. anti-natalist/taxes second births heavily CBR CDR b. anti-natalist/forces emigration of families after a second birth c. pro-natalist/offers cash incentives for second births d. pro-natalist/offers free contraceptives and family planning e. natalist-neutral/makes little or no attempt to control population growth 34. Population density in the United States since the 1940s has a. shifted toward the northern and eastern states b. decreased overall c. remained high in the agricultural Midwest d. rapidly increased in downtown urban areas e. shifted toward the southern and western states 35. Thomas Malthus concluded that a. population increased arithmetically while food production increased geometrically b. the world s rate of population increase was higher than the development of food supplies c. moral restraint was producing lower birth rates among most nations d. population growth had been outpacing available resources for centuries e. populations with the highest levels of development had the lowest total fertility rates 36. The map above is being used to depict total population by country. This type of map is called a a. demographic display b. cartogram c. proportional area map d. graded status map e. distributive population graph

5 37. China s One Child policy has resulted in a substantial decline in all but which of the following? a. crude birth rate b. doubling time c. crude death rate d. natural increase rate e. total fertility rate 38. India s most controversial family planning program has been to a. allocate housing on the basis of one child per family b. advocate a national program of sterilization c. legalize abortions d. prohibit marriage until age 27 for men and age 25 for women e. nationalize social programs 39. Ravenstein, in his study of migration, suggested that there is an inverse relationship between the volume of migration and the distance between the source and destination. That is, the number of migrants as the distance they know they must travel increases. a. increases b. decreases c. remains the same d. decreases and then rises e. increases then falls rapidly 40. Which of the following national policies would be indicative of a pronatalist philosophy or program within that country? a. paternity leave b. national day care coverage c. payments for second children d. child based tax credits e. all of the above 41. The intervention of in the civil war in Afghanistan during the late 1970s and early 1980s caused great numbers of refugees to leave the country to nearby Pakistan a. India b. Great Britain c. the Soviet Union d. Nato e. Uzbekistan 42. Neo-Malthusians have revived the grim scenarios first postulated by Malthus in the 19th century with what additional concern? a. mass starvation b. nuclear fears c. environmental devastation d. racial inequality e. the AIDS epidemic 43. In the period from , in addition to quota style laws, the United States Congress passed exclusionary immigration laws designed to keep out of the immigrant stream. a. Irish b. Mexicans c. Chinese d. Norse e. Polish 44. Family planning has been advocated as a method for influencing population growth in many countries. Which of the following phrases is NOT an important part of family planning? a. contraception is usually the most important element b. education and information are crucial c. it is most needed in developing nations d. women play a more part than men e. it is the a euphemistic term for pronatalism 45. In the highest age-cohort of the United States population pyramid, the women typically outnumber the men. This indicates a difference in for men and women. a. the crude birth rate b. life expectancies c. the crude death rate d. the total fertility rate e. the dependency ratio

6 46. What is the model which states that spatial interaction between places (e.g. migration) is directly related to the population size of receiving and sending places and inversely related to the distance between them? a. gravity model b. model of emigration c. distance decay model d. intervening opportunity model e. size and fit model 47. Zero population growth is attained when a. a country reaches the end of Stage 3 of the demographic transition b. a countries crude birth rate and total fertility rate reach zero c. a county s natural increase rate drops to 1.0% d. a country s crude birth rate and crude death rate are the same e. a country s doubling time is 100 years 48. Replacement fertility is indicated with a. a crude birth rate of 1.0 b. a crude death rate and crude birth rate are the same c. a life expectancy is high and infant mortality is low d. a total fertility rate of 2.1 e. a total fertility rate of O 49. In terms of total number of refugees, is the geographic realm most severely affected by refugee problems. a. Russia b. Central America c. South America d) Southern Mexico e. tropical Africa 50. A country with an age distribution like that shown above, is most likely a country that a. is experiencing rapid growth b. is experiencing slow or no population growth c. is experiencing a high death rate d. has 40% of the population under 15 e. is a less-developed country 51. A country at the end of the demographic transition usually has which of the following? a. high birth and low death rates b. high infant mortality rate c. high crude birth rate d. low birth and death rates e. high population density 52. The ability of a resource base to sustain a population is known as its a. support ratio b. carrying capacity c. subsistence limit d. basic employment e. population pressure 53. Which of the following is a distinctive aspect of population policy emphasized for the first time by the international community in the 1990 s? a. One-child policy b. Economic development c. Women s empowerment d. Green Revolution e. Cultural homogeneity

7 54. In the nineteenth and twentieth early twentieth century, the demographic transition in Europe was best characterized by a. a shift in the composition of national populations toward greater ethnic balance b. a net population decline resulting from and excess of deaths of births c. migration between European countries d. large-scale population movements following periods of war or widespread civil unrest e. urbanization and falling birth rates 55. The LARGEST number of slaves involved in the Atlantic slave trade was sent to a. British Caribbean. b. Brazil. c. French Caribbean. d. British North America. e. Canada. 56. The sex ratio represented in the age-sex graph shown here is most likely the result of a. high infant mortality b. undercounting of females c. a period of war d. an epidemic with high mortality e. a large guestworker population 57. Gender studies of migration indicate that men than women. All are true EXCEPT a. are more intelligent b. are more mobile c. migrate farther d. have more employment choices and income e. are seen as heads of households 58. One recent refugee crisis in Southwest Asia took place in 1991, when, in the aftermath of the Gulf War, the population of northern Iraq was forced to leave their villages and flee across the Turkish and Iranian borders. a. Christian b. Kurdish c. Indian d. Jewish e. Mongolian 59. One of the laws of migration as derived by Ravenstein states that a. urban residents are more migratory than rural. b. rural residents are more migratory than urban. c. urban residents are less migratory than rural. d. rural inhabitants hardly ever migrate. e. urban migrants must leave because of pull factors 60. Since September 2001, there has been a greater concern about immigration control to a. illegal immigrations impact on unemployment rates. b. the spread of infectious diseases. c. interrupt drug trafficking. d. prevent terrorism. e. create feelings of animosity around the world. 61. Total fertility rate would be LEAST correlated with which of the following? a. Industrial output b. Gender empowerment c. Education d. Economic development e. Literacy

8 62. In the 1930s, thousands of people fled the Dust Bowl of the Great Plains and moved to the fertile agricultural regions of California to start a new life. This is an example of what push factor? a. Cultural issues b. Communication c. Political instability d. New Transportation routes e. Environmental factors 63. Which of the following countries would you expect to have the densest population? a. China b. Ukraine c. Mexico d. Mongolia e. Switzerland 64. Many nations have experienced a baby boom. The baby boom a. occurred following the first world war b. was a result of free love during the late 1960s c. was fostered by economic prosperity and relative peace d. was limited to California and the western US e. is a perceptual occurrence in the minds of human geographers 66. The population pyramid shown above most likely represents. a. Angola b. Saudi Arabia c. Peru d. Canada e. Thailand

2. In what stage of the demographic transition model are most LDC? a. First b. Second c. Third d. Fourth e. Fifth

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